/ x THE UAILY WwHiG THURSDAY. AUGUST 7 VACATION TIME. ai You want Fishing Tackle, Lines, Poles, . Spoons. We have some lovely $1 up.. COAL OIL STOVES and REFRIGERATORS. All the cheapest in Ww. A. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. Here's a Bargain Owing to having an over supply of nice dry MILLWOOD, and in 4 order to introduce it to new con- sumers, we will sell for one week only our MILLWOOD delivered for $3 per cord. -- THE RATHBUN CO. Dairy Products The choice of too good for you. Your cash entitles you to the best. Our aim is for excellence, we insure you satisfaction. We stake our reputation on 'the excellence of our Butter, Milk, Cream and Buttermilk. " HAMMOCKS, from the 'dairy isn't and CLARIFIED MILK CO. A GREAT SALE OF COOKED MEATS AT MYERS' Market, 56 Brock Street, viz. cooked tongue, corn beef, (our own make) feet, (plain pickled and jellied), chipped dried el, pork bologna, and summer sausage Also pork sausages, tenderloin, bacon and hams. Phone B70: PORK ham, COMMERCIAL, MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Maatreal, Aug. 7.--Flour receipts 400 bbls, patcot winter, $3.5U0 to 34; patent spring, $4 to $4.10; straight roller, $3.60 to $3.70; strong bakers, $3.70 to $3.90; Un wario bags, $1.70 to $1.80; wheat, No. 2 Manitoba, hard, 78¢. to 80c.; corn, 70c. tw Te. 48¢c. to 4Yc. barley, 58c. to 6uc.; rye, 6bc. to -670.: buck wheat, 66c. to 6ic.; oatmeal, $2.30 to $2.40; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.60, pork $24 to $15 lard, 90. to 10c.; bacon, 14c. to 15c.; hams, 136. to l4c.: cheese, 90. to 10c.; butter townships, 19c. to 20c., Western, 16c. to 170.; eggs, 120. to lde. NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Aug. Open. Union Paatic C1083 St Paul Lo. Munhwtian B. R. Transit Sugar . . People's Gas U. SN. Steel asses 18S. Suxl, (Pref) Teun. Coal & Iron Miss: Pad Southern tht. & Wostern Erie <n Riawhing Pac Western Union Gon & Nash Island Thnois Lows Atchisom Southern Col. « F American Loco, Amal. Copper MONTREAL STOCKS Pacific Pacific, Co Canadian Canadian Duluth, 8.8 Toko Loo PP. Montreal St. Ry. Joromto Street Ry, Ihalifax Street 1h Detroit Leited St. John's Twn City Twin Ciy Rich. & nt Commercial tell Telephom Telegraph Hox Steel" J New) Co. Montreal Montreal L Nova Scotia Donnnion Stes Dominion Stel, Montreal Cotton Dominion Cotton Can. Colomsd Cotton Dominion Coal Merchants Us Montreal Bank Molsons Bank Toronto Bank hunts. Bank Bank wnts Baok of Halifax P. Nag. dref.) tou graesesacis 233998 "E ¥. BOYS' That style and J pigs" ON PAGE FIVE. THE 5 ¢ M. EDITION SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO COMMERCIAL MATTERS. World--The Market News. New York r. The honey in state likely 'be short this ve The of French capital China excesds . $100,000,000. The times as great fuel, will be usd extensively crop amount mvested as those a vear! ago. Peat, as 1902, $1,160,000, 1901, $U56,000; $204.000, Last profit » year the French government made of over £14,000,000 a of its of the sale tobaced, cigars, matohes. of Pineapples - grow so plentiful in Natal oartain seasons that it is not worth carting trm to market, aad they are given to the pigs in consequence. Most of the principal products of coffe, sugar, including tovacco, Coton, gules, that them. sometimes it does not pay to Bristol, Englind, that more the figured out Inspectors of have 0 miles of wend out weekly givom th district machine made ef tes cts sand. gic: Russel; T-lbeg to 9 Woodstock, Madoc, 9c. Cheese sali to 9 Picton, Wi S100; refused; Tweadd, 9-164: Pe terboro, 9 0-1te ing, Ye te refused. The Sunrise Mining compans capital 8514 Om), has mining, tario governownt to carry on development. Marie. ing. peduction ad Sisto be at Sault Ste at" Britain's the, has increased | considerably, while show «a sensible decline here been i agricultural has imports the imports thiz been the increase in The over 30 x Unitad States the a considerable of var and some shigh the ifac increased of mar tunsd gods, exports Germany wr cent imports from th lary increase while exports to airy | exhabat decline, An Important Visit. De. M. Mecklenburg, MALD.OS., evesight specialist, of Montreal, again be at Mcleod's drug ston, and 9th amined inst. the eves thoroughly by shadow test and reliable method. No no mistakes, tells at a" the nature the defect catisfaction guaranteed. ate, "spectacles ana eve olass to suit the most difficult gold frames or = filled fra nickel. Ge HOSS glance in eve Fees mode of NS eyes, or up. wan silver at any price. Hours 10 to p.m. a.m. Retaining Legal Advice. What is Going on in the Business will in © P. R. land sales for July were three ) in western New York during the coming winter. Canadian Pacific Railway company return of traflic *earnipgs from July 21st to July 3lst. increase a monopoly cigarettes and at while often Brazil, man- have meeently fallen so much in value gather factory than 35,2 are afore: ode J Stirl 5-16c¢., » ained a charter from the On- mdll head imports from Framce have exports a pro bal mports to I'hy show a very that the will store, Princess street. corner Montreal, King Ont.. Friday and Saturday, Sth ex (=kia scopy) which is the only absolute safe work, what made Solid Solid gold : Solid or--alunin, Sc. No better goods oan be had-anywhere 1 The striking machinists will secure lecal advice to defend them in the brought by the Locomotive Works company against them. One of the tive workers among the strikers to-day visited a tiem of lawyers with a view ¢o retaining. them as his coun- «ol. He radvised that the strikers: act in unison, and decide to engage one firm to represent them all. It likely that THE advice will be acted upon. The lawyer above referred to declined make anv statement. Some of the strikers prefer & Kingston fiifm. others are inclined to the belief that. EF. Gus Porter, of Belleville, <hould "be engaged counsel, while "till others want to retain a Toronto firm of lawyers » case to as Parley-Vous-Francais ? There s fOr OU SUCCess, heeause by the LCS. me thod are positive and permanent. Ask tor circular on French, German r Spanish. J. Po Heals representa 115 Brock street. FE Organizer, Doig, of the hich court. Canadian Order of Foresters."is in the city. Last night he addressed "a speci- al meeting 'of Court Stanley, No. 199, giving interesting - account of. his recent through British Col umbia- and the Canadian Northwest! Dr. M. Mecklenburg about vow no mistakes, pe tiresome long ost will, tell vou at a glance what the. nature sof the trouble is. Satisfac tion enarantded Pri reasonable. Ir. Mecklenburg Mel. store. The vacht It reason results a is ree tive, an journey Ne at oats drug Orpha, from Napanee, with 'Mr. and: Mrs.' I. Hufiman, of that town. and Dr. and 'Mrs. Hull- man, of Falton Falls. NM: YX. on hoard, was 'in port this morning, en route down the river on a erpise. William McLaughlin, of { oving Lis Lockett's holidays <hoe drt down the river The Boys Must Not Be 'Neglected They enjoy the summer days as well as men, and to help them ve have laid in a stock of SUMMER " suit the romping, rollicking boy. Prices 4 CE ARICEE EES | | ] i | i | CLOTHING is first-class in make, matgrial. Just what will AL om BEE IFSC EEE EEE IIIING I IEEEEEE EEEEE iC. $ LIVINGSTON v5, 77 and 79 Brock Street. | ssseseeses 6833 333EEE III IIIIIICEE £E6333333339303¢F ' & BRO. 2VVCGEECEEFEE V9 VI EEEEHE EEE EEE FEE 6 rn Be | Snelling, yo S12.000, [pelling, { take the steamer for Liverpgol DEATH OF WAR VEIERAN| CAPT. JOHN LONERGAN PASS- ES AWAY IN MONTREAL: -------- Jesuits Coming to Canada--Mei- bers of Order in France are Looking For New Homes. Montreal, Aug. 7.--Owing to the en- forcement of the law of associations throughout France, the members of the Jesuit order gre now seeking new homes, and already quite a few have accepted the invitation to take up work 'in and around Montreal. Six members of the order, all of whom have been ordained to the priesthood, are now .on their way to the city, and will be stationed in Montreal. It is reported here that Mr. Pot- of the. Intercolonial, will short- ly be appointed deputy minister of railways and canals, and that Col lingwood Schreiber, will become con- sulting engineer of the department. Montreal, Aug. 7.--Capt. John Lon- Burlington, Vt., for many years United States deputy collector of cus toms in this city, diel yesterday, aged sixty-four. He possessed a medal pre «ented him by congress for meritor- at Gettysburg, when with men of the 13th Vermont he climbed a hill and cap rebel sharp-shoot- tinger, ergan, jous service sixty-seven Regiment. tured eichty-three ers. This morning's trading in the stock was brisk, Dominion Steel absorbing the, bulk of Mmterest moresactive than some time past. 69, a point up and advanced veachea to 110 and rose market again with Dominion coal it has been for Reel opened up at from vesterday's close, ¢ higher after which it Gal. Coal opened at jour points, closing at noon at 1424. The buying i attributed to people who plaee, confidence in the reports of a reorganization of the two companies on a different stock basis. Hon Robert Mackay, a director of the--b@minion Steel Coo, stated, to- that he knew nothi of the 1. of amalgamation o: company with some British in- terests. The town of Brantford, Ont., will be on the main line of the Grand Trunk within four months. For a grant of about £60,000 from the manufacturing town. the railway agreed to deviate route" and run express | trains through the place, which has hitherto heen a -branch line. The work, w hich commenced this week; only means a fraction over four miles' of new line, but requires construction of two expensive britlees. Three months, it expected, will complete the work. 1s its on eee eee FINED FOR INTIMIDATION: The Lesson Read by Police Magis- trate. , Aug. 7.--A lesson was read hy Police Magistrate Denison, this morning. to strikers who endeavored to intimidate employees who are awill- ing to work. Florence Hamilton, ex-employee the Toronto Carpet Toronto, of company, where g strike was on," was | fined 83 for hissing at two girls, who remained at work white Edward Wright, a svmpathizers who was hang- ing around, was fined $1 because he would not move on when ordered by the police to do so. Magistrate Deni- son said 'that these light fines were imposed merely as a warning, but that in any future cases brought be fore him the fines imposed would be nearer one hundred dollars, Five hundred excursionists, members of the: Toronto Milk Dealers' Associa- tion, their famijies and friends, who left Toronto yvesteraay morning for Wilson. N.Y., intending to return last "nicht r reached the city at seven-o'clock this morning. pretty tired but others the wo for their experi- ence. of having' to stay on the steamer night. The on the lake, lat night, was so wild that the cap- tain of . the steamer Argyle wis afraid to venture across, he re mained tied ap at the whart at Wilson all nighte 3 The Dominion metereological de partment, in' its 'monthly report, states that in all parts of Ontario cast of Lake Superior last month; the rain fall was largely above the aver- age amount, especially from the Geor- gian Bay and. south to Lake Erie, where in nearly all localities the av- erage was exceeded by from three to five inches and over. North of Lake Ontario. also some excessive plus de- wise none ai ah storm SO partures were recorded, noticeably of | inches rain 39 and Port. Hope, x. The fall in Alberta, was also" generally above the ranuine from two-tenths of an inch in the northern portion over two: inches in the southern por- tion. The rain fall at Calgary was five inches; making --in--alk forthe three months of May. June and July, 'no less than 23.7 inches.- This is phenome nal. as the average mean annual pre cipitation for. this station is only [if teen inches: : Peterboro, 5.7 inches. NWT. average, INHERITED $12,000. Henry Snelling Suddenly Rafsed | From Poverty to Affluence. Burlington, "Vt., Aug. T-~Henrv employed in a humble posi tion at Howard Park. near here, has received word that he has fallen heir who iz now twen- ty years but has been in' America' ever he was five. having at that wnt ta. Toronto to an uncle of When twelve ob he ran away from his uncle, and made his wav" to Sherbrooke, Que. whore he worked un- til this sprig, when he came here. He at and since time heen his. years will leave once for Quebec, <avs He would like to hearffrony his Toronto cousins, wo have anv word with-his uncle. FRENCH LINE TO NING-PO. Will be Aided,by Subsidy From Indo-Chinese Government. London, Xue..7.-A the Thanes has ben Shanchgi to ports, with y' the Indo-Chinese of the from a French projected, to Ning Po ane amfual sub despatch Shang hal 1é suvs steamsnip line run fr and } any <jedy "il Ise govern capital i¥ being of to the Chines this enor k 1 Oo twin, In Stratford: the Woodstde sale PITH OF I'dE NEWS, ' -- --- , The Very Latest News Culled From .. All Over The World. It is considered probable that the Earl of Dudley will succeed Earl Ca- dogan as lord lieutenant of Ireland. In good sailing weather, Sybarita, Meteor 111 and Tutty started to-day in the race for the Cowes town cup over the Queen's course. A young woman dressmaker of Wil- liamsport, Pa., gave a gypsy 3103 "in money -and- $50 worth of jewelery to have her fortune told. The chief of police recovered the money. » The Baroness \on Amegepan, a no- table Australian philanthropist, was ceived with a fit while bathing in the Bangor swimming baths, at Liverpool, Eng., to-day, and was drowned. A twelve-year-old nephew of An- drew Carnegie, is' the leader of the strike of the special delivery boys at the Pittshirg post-office. The strikew was crushed and the boy is out of a job. F. L. Ikeler, proprietor of:the Eagle hotel, Pike, N.Y., committed suicide by shooting himself, because of grief over the suicide of his wife, who, last Sunday, took a large dose of lauda- num. In Shenandoah region, five coflieries, which have an estimated value of $1, 500,000 have been rendered useless by reason of having been flooded, and have been permanently abandoned by the companies owning them. David B. Hill has found candidates for the democratic nominations for governor. His ticket is said to be John B. Stanchfield, Elmira, for gov- ernor and Randolph Guggenheimer, of New York, for lieutenant-governor. It learned, says a Lisbon de- spatch, that 200 Canadian volunteers, at the conclusion of the Boer war, offered their services to Portugal to engage in operations against the Bzrue rebels. Their offer has been declined. ominion | an, Stoning the troops was * repeated early this. morning, at Shenandoah, Pa. This time the attack was not up- on the camp, but upon the provost guard stationed at the Pennsylvania railway station, which is near one of the foreign colonies in the southern part af the town. The offenders escap- ed. . The large summer residence on An- emic Lake, near Burke-Falls, 'Ont. of John Kirpatrick, president of the Leechburg Iron Works, of Pittsbure, Pa.. was burned to the ground at an early hour this morning. The inmates barely escaped in their night dresses, Nothing whatever was saved. The loss is about $2,200. -------- RUNS FOR CUP. It Was Sailed on Lake St. Louis To-Day. Montreal, Aug. 7.--The first race of the series for the Seawanhaka cup will he sailed this afternoon on Lake Qt. Louis, between the Tecumseh, of the Bridgeport Yacht Club, challeng- + or. and Trident, of the Royal Cana- dian Yacht Club, defender. To-day's races will be two miles to windward and return, three timeg around, mak- ing the course twelve miles. The wind is favorable for a good test: blowing fifteen knots from South west. How The Race Went. Nuns Point, Aug. 7.-- Race started 1:30 p.m. Trident crossing two min- utes ahead of Tecumseh. Trident. turns the two mile st 2.04. Tecumseh at 2:07. Trident turns four mile stake 2:17; Tecumsch at 2:25. Trident rounds six 2.144: Tecumseh, three-quarter hind. Tecumseh turned at 2:53. Trident turns eight mile mark at 3 ym. one and one-eighth miles ahead of Pecumseh. Trident aréund 3:21 p.m. Trident ake at mile buoy at mile be- I t 3 v " " - ten mile stake at wins, -- QUEER FOREST SAVAGES. A Family Specially Caught For Explorers Aug, T.--The French Aco tcwmy reports from the noted Celebs explogers--Drs. Paul and Fritz Sarasin, brothers--who write that the rajah of the district of * Lamontjong caused to be caught for them a wild family, i of a. man, two women, and a child. These people belong: to a now {inet race of Celehes that fled into the mountains and: forests many hundreds Paris, has received vonsisting ox- to | olil=t==a native of England, - but he doesndttwant | or. perhaps, a thokana, years: ago. They are partially covered with tar not knowing the use of vlothes. They know not the meaning of work: they don't even hunt, but live on vegetable | matter. insects, carrion, everything {hey find. They have no idea of nus hers, and are so backward in all hu- wan. achievements that' they don't oven know enouch: to Tie, says the ras jah. . The persons caught followed the =o! Qiers meekly, but many of the "fe | hen" #8 hemselves against traders throwing. stones. aetend hy A Wonderful Chicken. Cookstown, "Ont; Aug. T=Ro +k | of this place. possesses a phenomenal hen, w hich certainly ought to he revived with-a good stout pen sion. About one month ago this maor- vel of the feathered race hatched out fourteen chickens, and since then has has laid nineteen pros, | Coleman, in all Last | week, however, possibly to make upior | the time lost pearing her brood, = she | managed to lay three egos in a. dav | and y half The hen is a Barred Rock, | and only one vear old. These are ac- [tual facts, as Mr. Colemany informs us | that 'the hen has not been out of the { coop. since she hrought out her- chick- | ens. andZit ig also impossible for any | other fowl to enter the coop. > | P---- George Stansbury, driver for Fisher | Bros., brewers: injured hy a runway. | | team last evening, in a condition. He vendered unconsci- | aus when, knocked down by the-hors { : removed to his home i= serious | was v< and 'had to he | in an ambulance jured [internally = : On Tuesday next the market garden will have their annual fishing out on Loughboro Lake. Thev will go ont Tuesday and remain. over Wednes day Information has br vol man in the | | taking from a loca f<atchel Its feared he is-in- | Fre 1 againss a | »eity, for xpress office a that was not his. property | "Mavor Shaw left at neon to-day for 1 bu.iness In oun a port this afternoon bv dy Grove rheumatic pains and stifines named Sutclifie, [0 SUCCEED HICKS-BEACH BELIEVES T. C. RITCHIE'S AP- POINTMENT IS SETTLED. - At Present is Home Secretary-- Born at Bungee, He Will Reach . His Sixty-Fourth Year in No- vember. London, Aug. 7.--The Daily Tele- graph says it. believes it has been de- finitely settled that the Right Hon. C. I. Ritchie, secretary of state for home affairs, will succeed Sir Michael Hicks-Beach as chancellor of the -ex- chequer. . ? J The Right . Hon. Charles Thomson Ritchie, at has been ome of the chief working members of Lord Salisbury's adminis- tration since 15885. Sound, but not brilliant, would probably be the gen- eral estimate in which he is held in British political circles. His business qualities, however, are so highly valu- ed that he was a trusted adviser of Queen Victoria, especially since the death of Lord Sydney. He is a.Scotsman by birth, having been born in Dundee in. 1838, and reaches his sixty-fourth year in Nov- ember. Both he and 'his brother are prominent in City of London financial circles, and as the minister responsi- ble for the drafting and carrying through parliament of the act creat- ihg the: London county "council when he' was president '6f the local govern- ment board he is closely identified with London's special interests. He entered the house of commons in 1874 and was first given office as secretary to the admiralty in 1885. He was pre- sident of the board of trade from 1895 to 1900, and was transferred to the home office at the beginning of the Present parliament. . When The Beard Grows. Philadelphia "The beard when you are asleep," "How do you know ?"' asked man in the operating chair. "Oh, by experiment. I always used to shave myself in the morning, the first thing after getting up; but 1 hated to do it, because it was so apt to make me late for breakfast. One nicht I shaved myself at eleven o'clock, and went straight to bed and to sleep. My face was almost clean when I got up? You would have sworn, unless you examined me close: ly, that 1 was fresh from the razor. Ever since then 1 have shaved before going to bed, and have been given cre- dit. for shaving in the morning. The growth of the beard is practically imperceptible during the eight or nine hours of sleep. . "Rut if you should stay awake those eight or nine hours, the growth would be as fast as usual. One night, aiter 1 had shaved. 1 had to stay up with my sick daughter, and IT almost «ded a second shaving in the morun- ing. The beard grows, in my opinior three times as fast when ypu are awake as it does when you ave as- leep."' Times. hardly grows at all said the barber. the ned re------ The Biggest Excursion Yet. The 'biggest excursion [to reach city this summer was 'brought the steamer New York. The reliable steamer had over 700 people on board. 'They came from Utica, and other points in Northern New York. Many of them were enquiring concerning the taking up of land in the North-West; they would make good settlers. The ex- cursionists engaged all the cabs avail able, and then hired truck waggons in which to' tour the city. Half a dozen street cars were crowded. ---------- Bee Stings For Rheumatism. the into Baltimore American. Chambersburg, "Pa., July 28.--Wil- liam Snively, an aged residént of Sha- has been a sufferer with rheumatism for a long time and lost the use of his arms. When in the gar- den' some men were hiving 'a swarm of bees and they settled on the old man and stung him sorely. When the swell- ared,. the also left, and the old gentleman can now do as ing from the stihgs disapp much work as before afilicted with the malady. . PR----------_ May End Fatally.. Madoc. Ont., Aug. 7.--A young man lately arrived from England and employed on C. W. Ba- con's farm, accidentally shot himself in the stomach Jdast evening. - As the accident occurred "about seven aniles from town, some time elapsed before medical aid could. be procured. It is not vet known whether it will result fatally. The voung man has relatives in Tweed, Ont. ------ Looks Suspicious. Chicago Post. | The skidl of a man has been found Kansas, and scientists say be must have diel: about 35.000 years ago. It understood that the coroner of Kansas City suspects foul play and will 'held an inquest. Co ------ A young man nained DBovee, a far tvmer hailing from the neighborhood of Rvilenham is in~ the general hospital ior treatment to one. of his arms, broken some time agp, but not pro perly healed. Tt is feared "he may lose it. : Toronto Mail and Fmpire : E R. Doward, who has been offe munerative positions outside the city has decided to remain here, and will resume the practice of his profession on September 1st - The men of the 3nd, 1th. 5th and 6th regiments; © MR. have retained counsel and will endeavor to collect a year's pav from the war office Thev have contributed 35 ead h towards, ex sar re prnses. Some of the have been served. hope to wet E. Gus Porter, M.I%. of Belleville, to defend their Strikers working Col ] Bay were served. strikers on whom writs cans=ey at readar weekly dance at the t chub house took plac when hundred over one vonng [ people enjoved the evening = entertain ( ment "Jack Crag: «din the city. miple of vears at Greenwood, About, bali "of the Scotch have lit Channel Grove and are now hoarding the city Onlv fourteen of thew are lit on the itland . Alder arriv past B.( ma hinists Graigo Ea, of Ontario street, has He spent the son man in present home secretary, ' last -exvepe, fact that so mcny lawyers, writers, preachers and thinkers are "devoted to coffee has caused it to be called: "the intellectual beverage." 'Coffee of high grade is unquestionably a great stim- ulant to brain-workers, and Chase & San- born's Coffee is especially valuable. If you would be a\brilliant thinker, drink it. A pourd of such coffee is worth two peunds of ordinary coffec | Why not give it a trial the , next time you buy coffee 2 'Sear Brann in 1-Ib. and 3-db. Tin Cans (air tight). Other Sih grades In ( Do You Need ~ Another WHITE Shirt, Waist? No matter how many Colored Cotton Dresses you have the WHITE SHIRT WAIST is the one constantly needed. 8 . We Have and all Much Under Prod. : Attractive Styles Fine White Lawn Waists, 5c. and 49c. White Lawn Waists; 99¢. and $1.23. White India Lawn Woaists, $1.49 and $1.69. White Muslin Waists, $1.25 and $2.39. White Lawn Waists at. 49c. Special Values in WOMEN' PRINT WRAP- PERS, 75c., $1, $1.25. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON VTE VVVRRLTRN BBB DBT BRR ---- Our Odds and Ends Sale & Has Proved a Great Success. J : 0 : ' ¢ ! : : : : | ; : ¢ ns Read over these prices then you'll know why. All Ladies' $1.50 Walking Shoes Saturday only $1.20 All Ladies' $1.50 Oxford Shoes now............. -$1.20 A lot of size 3, 3%, 4 Ladies' $1.50 Shoes down to... $1 : A lot Ladies' Free Sample Shoes, Good Year Welt Soles, all size, 4 at' about. innova HalE Price $4 Ladies' Patent Leather Lace Boots, OWe.. : i - $2.50 $3 Ladies' Patent Leather Low Shoes, now. cerns $2.00 $2.50 Patent Leather Lace Boots, now..... i) . -$1.50 Ladies Patent Leather One Strap Shoes?with Bows You know the early buyer has the best of it so come soon and cone often, ! : The BARGAIN TABLES are full of good things at speaking prices, but they're going fast. F. G. L.ockett.