Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1902, p. 1

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Y BRIT - 69TH YEAR. NO. 184. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1902 mnie LAST EDITION, S---- 3 Specials 3 For Saturday. Children's Straw Sailors, 1 8c. Men's $1.50, $2, 225g Straw Hats; | : 1h i Mert nen, S0C. E oe S JENKINS 3 114 PRINCESS STREET. ' Pecsssstsassasaassssasay TRVLVUVNVL TTT TTL NS LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. rat Campbell Bros. The sun rises Saturdar vaudeville' performance, Lake Ontario park, 8:15 p.m. thers are a hundred who are Spectacles at low prices. advertisement without a. point vour resihonce 'and make rn present- : rirht kind of advertising. bend in attendance, stitched with white, ----Lawton Thimble Berries ----Fine Raspberries ----PFlorida Watérmelons - Jamaica Oranges. ~----All kinds of fruit --~ Can be bought --~ Cheapest at A. J. REES', Princess St. RRR RRRER REAR RR RER = : We Have Some Speci Trouserings: BRE @ eC B 2 : : To Show You. 9 " CRANFORD & WALSH, = Tailors and Importers, g 5 Cor Princess & Bagot Sts. 2 wrRRERRRRE SERRRERRRER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Owing to prospective retirement from business the old established PHOTOGRAPH BUSINESS of SHELDON & DAVIS is for sale. Apply on the premises. LOST A LARGE BLACK LEATHER CARD CA containing a number of tickets, valuable to the owner. A reward will be ven to ally ohe neturnig 'same to this othee, TO LET. HOUSE 191 BROCK STREET, 9 ROOMS. All .modern improvements. Apply to C. Lavingston & Bro. + GOOD» BLAC SHOP AND DW ny kine "business logality, and trade. Cause of sale, ill-health. terms. For particulars apply to S. Guild, Mallorytown, Ont. THE SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING Street, between Wade's Drug "store © and Congress llotel. In excellent condition. Second floor leased for a long term. Ap dy to DD. A. Cays, real estate agent, ing street: PROPEKTY SITUATED NORTH WEST COR- ner of Portsmouth, contains 'nine acres, near town and cars. . It has new up-to date house, good' cellar, two wells, good young orchard, and good outbuildings. suitable for market gardeser, Apply tc 8 No Watts, jr "Box 54: WANTED. wr EXPERIENCED ous MAID. Apply 10 Mrs. Nickle, 130 Earl strect. A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. HORA; 43 King street, in the evening . A FEW SMART BOYS. FOR STEADY work. Apply Kingstom Hosiery Co A__ FURNISHED HOUSE IN SEPTEMBER, October or November, for the winte months. Apply at 51 Brock Street." MEN TO LEARN RARBER TRADE: NEW fed for our. graduates. eicht weeks pre- pares von for §15 weekly job: best trade in existence - for poor men. Catalogue mailad free. Molar Barber College, Chi caro, UI WALL'S BARBER SCHOOLS. 243 YONGE streat, Toronto, Ont, also St. Lawrence | street, Montreal, PQ. and 16 Fast «Sen- | aca. street, Buffalo. Flecantly equipped Waces Satgrdays. Terms moderate. Tools "trial. lodgings, railroad ticket 'and cata logue. free By our "SPECIAL CO- OPERATIVE PLAN" course is civen ab- _monevy at vour home, bv workiné for us "Write for particulars to-dav. Aldis O%en Hall peanristor { sclutaly free. Also opportunity to i Hanged For Highway Robbery. Birmi ngham, Ala. Auge. S.---Will Dorsey. colored, was Hanged here tp dav for highway robbery Hig was the 'first in the history. of th state that the death penalty 'was im posed for: this "offence though itt has been a capital cri nanny. vears '50¢. Straws For 15¢c. 'he Bibby Co In a spit in the New York supreme comnrt. it was alleged by Thomas FE. Flliott that the woman whom he? married _on January 21<t, 1869, bas : ince wedded six other husbanc Is, some of whom are still alive, in ghe world's history: NINTON'S JARDINIERE: We have a hansome line made by this celebrated maker just opened. Not expensive, exquisite shapes and odd patterns. ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE ONTARIO X| PARK ) |! ALL THIS WEEK DANE'S Sv FRIDAY, carpRE: SATU oa ot el fit of Church of the Good lc. BACK WAY. MADE A BIG HAUL. About $100,000 Taken in Green- back Packages. Adams Express Col, timated batween 82.060 and $20,000, out {OO GOO in round figures, state secretary of Tran here, vest er Kanzeler. He said _that everything nearly thee English news; should be denied. He added not heaten by British soldier abject misery. "We will have war again in 'three-or four vears. Nearly all the voung Boers will emigrate rather. than subnfit to. British rule. My brother and | and many other Boers are go- ing to Madaga a Rioters Held For His Death: tal juries in the riot here last arnged A up and other arrests will follow. Posse's Shots Prove Fatal. S.--Samuel Bur- five miles from here! made a murderous. assault um "W. was surrounded Ad -a-posse; He resisted captu reed hh Pelee A Negro es -------------------------- Ritchie's Negative Virtwes Win. * bability that Teonstruct "the it because he is suspected of bei great fi stock on "hand. A REFUSAL 10 PARADE Trouble With Bandsmen at Gailes Camp, Ayrshire WERE PUT UNDER ARREST AND LATER WERE DRUMMED .OUT OF CAMP. The Bandsmen Did Not Believe Phey Were Receiving an Ade- quate Allowance--Remarks. of Lieut.-Col. Smith in Dismiss- ing Them. London, Aug. S.--A painful incident occurred recently at the Gailes Camp, Ayrshire, containing between seven and eight thousand Scottish volun- teers. In the morning. the band of the 4th Lanark and Glasgow corps, © re- fused twice, when 'ordered to accom-, panv the regiment to the scene of the day's manocuvres, and about twenty- five were placed under arrest in their tents. The act of insubordination was: due to a belief on the part of the bandsmen that they were receiving an inadequate allowance. On the return of the regiment from manoeuvres at lunch 'time thé bands- men were drummed out of the camp and disinissed the service by Lieut. Col. Smith, the officer commanding, in the presence of the whole "brigade. In a scathing speech Col. Smith re marked that the band refused to par- ade because they seemed to have dis covered that bands in other regiments were receiving more remuneration for their services in camp. The band joined as "volunteers, and were. not entitled to be paid "any more than any othev.anember of the battalion. As he had intimated inthe morning, he intended now to dismiss them with J ignominy. Such 'a thing had never happened before in the annals of the regiment, but he could not show any clemency. Bandmaster Jarvis having called out the names of the offenders, the men's facings were cut off, and the colonel dismissed them "as a disgrace to the regiment and to the uniform they wore." SUBSIDY FOR FAST LINE. British. Subsidy May be Half Canada Gives. London, Aug. 8.--It is understood Mr. Chamberlain has agreed to urge the British cabinet to contribute one- half whatever Canada' contributes to- wards. the new fast mail service, which in case of the acceptance of the Can- adian Pacilic service, means a British subsidy of £85,000 and a Canadian subsidy of £177,000. In case the Al-. lans and Elder-Dempster ofier is ac- cepted, the proportions will be British £100,000 and Canadian £200,000. The statements being put about in inter- ested quarters that Mr. Chamberlain declared he would never assent to one penny British subsidy for a Canadian Pacific service are absolutely untrue. Mr. Chamberlain's only desire is to see efficicney secured on lines acceptable to the Canadian ministers. A GREAT CONCERN. British and Canadian Interests to be Merged. London, Aug. S.--The Birmingham correspondent: of the: Times conlirms the report, from' Montreal, of the formation of -an Anglo-Canadian steel combination. Tt includes Guest, Keane & Co., Bolekow, Vaughan & Co., Sir Christopher Furness and the Domin- ion Steel and Iron Co. Arrangements are completed with the Canadian Paci- fie and Grand Trunk railways and the new British Canadian steamship ser- vice. The new combination represents a capital of $250,000,000. It is un- certain vet whether a single com- pany or a pooling arrangement will be ehrected. CAN GO TO MADAGASCAR! This is Where Some Boers Will Locate. Naples, 'Aug. S.--Mr. Reitz, formerly | vaal, arrived rman stean- rday, on the apers said "We were , but by 'ar. Mont Pelee Dust In Europe. Geneva, Aug. S.--A curious -pheno- menon, which has been noticed in many places, is, attracting general at: tention in Switserland" A laminous haze has "attended the sunset lately, and scientists attribute this to the presence cof fine dust or ashes in the upper currents of air. and are of the opinjons that' this dust "has been car ross the Atlantic from Mont v air currents. * eM Shot His Wife. Seneca Falls, N.¥Y., Aug. 8.--Charles Shandley shot. his wifé apd himself sarly vesterdav, and. as a result his wife lies ina eritical condition" and wandley is dead. The shooting was *ithe ut cause, except that he was in =. nely jealous ®f his wife, who! so far as 'can be legrned, never gave him ary cause. Mr ers to support the family, Shandley loing little or n thing for them. Hev kegt board Shan London. Ane S--The kino } teased thn Baliour will re- at once Hon. te can- | | juer, 1 remains the favo of the exe T. Rite idate for chancel ainlv bv the pro- | s of v other rival be- pronounced unfit, 5 i or. hut xemson, es contest are not favoral teach log, three thnes are THE TIME FIXED. For The Coronation of The King and Queen London, Aug. S.--The Prince of Wales privately visited Westindnster Abbey vesterday, remaining an hour. It is understood that the king will inspe. t the Abbey to-day. Late yes- terday afternoon a portion of the coronation reg alia was removed from St. James Palace to the Abbey. The St. James Gazette sates that the crown will be placed on the king's head at 12:05 p.m., Saturday. Queen Alexandra will be erowned at 12:15 p.m. Their majestics will leave West- minster Abbey. at 12:55 and will ar- rive at Buckingham palace at 1:40. The coronation route is in the final stage of decoration fc upon Green Park, ' Picadillay, from irished cost, the municipal decora- conflicting color killing one another. rémain at Waterloo Place and flag: Horse Guar handsome and highly effective. King Speaks To His People. is made' public : To my people : in mv life of such imminent danger. patience and temper. The. pravers of mv. people for mv re- given me strength to fulfill the im as sovereign of this great empire. (Signed) EDWARD, R. and I. Buckingham Palace, August-7th. tary, C. T. Ritchie. - Indian Princes' Wish. Drowned At Old Orchard. Walter Basham, of th& Grand Trunk ence J. Thomas. Montreal," were drowned while bathing at" Ocean Park been recovered. The three persons were the only bathers on the beach at the: time. hotel danchter. of Mr. Ford, who had been in' bathing with the others and had left them on a raft some distance out in the suri. She induced other hotel guests ta go te the heach and Mr. Basham's body "was seén in the surf. Later Miss Thomas' lv was also found. The belief is that all three were | washed from j the raft, Mr. Basham was an expert swimmer. Mr. Ford was wife, and granddaughter. Miss thomas was an elocugionist and was to have been' married this fall. May Be No Race. Dorval, Aug: S=At this honr +10 ctx for a race are not 1. but" the #4 v the pro bright. There no wir the steam' vessels is going straight up into 14 2x Point Claire, Ang. S=The weather conditions for the: second Seawanh: fram ails on Lake a triangular one and Greatly Reduced Prices. On summer hats at Campbell Pros. Ploek suits. Tre Oak Hall: The'H D. Bibby Co. 5 , STOLE "Fo? "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll to-morrow's fete. Constitution Hill is flanked "with a continuous line, of stands, fronting. Hyde Park corner to St. James street, is lined oneach side with red poles, tipped with gilt and connected up and down. and across the roadway with festoons, lags and streamers of all colors... The private residences, ho- els and shops' are decorated © with crimson, blue and purple hangings, bordered "with 'gold. The colors do not harmonize at the sides, baCToF a hastily improvised scheme; at a dim- clos tions are not inefiective. Solid white columns, wreathed with green crna- ments in tissue paper' and surmounted with gilt crowns, are the chief decor- ative features of St. James street. There will#be green wreathing over head and a medley of strongly con- trasted colors on the fronts of build- ings, on each side. Red poles and many colored streamers are continued through club land and White Hall to the timber yards surroungling the Abbey. Pall Mall is lavishly but not artistically decorated, heavy masses of The war office is ingeniously, and tastefully trimmed, but several, of the club houses are most wantonly - dis figured at a high expense. "Fhe stands Square. but there is little "de- coration in White Hall. Below = the . the old banqueting hall of Inigo Jones is aflame with red, and the Duke of Buccleuch's stand and other platiorms above White Hall Gardens are decorated with blue and gold. The Canadian arch is the best decorative feature of the route, and with its new French trimming and the use of a fresh supply of grains it is London, Aug. 8S. --The following mes- sage from King Fdward to his people On the eve of my coronation, an ev- vent which I look upon-as one of the most solemn and important of mv lifes, I am anxious to express to my people at home and in the colonies and in, India my heartfelt apprecia- tion of the deep sympathy they have manifested toward me during a time The postponment of the coronation ceremony, owing to my illness, har caused, | fear, much inconvenience and trouble to all who-intended to cele brate it. But their disappointment has been borne by them with admirable covery were heard, and I now offer up mv deepest 'gratitude to Divine Provi- dence, for having preserved my life and portant duties which devolve upon nie King Edward's proclamation is a personal and spontaneous expression of hiz maijesty's feelings. It was con- ceived and written by himself in an autograph letter to the home secre- London, Aug. 7.-=The Times pub- lishes an -article onthe coming covon- | ation by 4 "special correapondent, who suggests that the'reason for the pre: cipitate performance of the ceremony is in order that the Indian princes mav be able to say they have wen King Edward when they return home. Old Orchard, - Me., Aug: S.---Georoe ford, a former alderman' of Cttawa : railway at Montreal, and Miss Flor: on Thursday: Mr. Basham's body has Their prolongel absence from the | \eorrind Miss Hazel Ford. orangd- | I declined to--hold the miners' | that 'the movement involving -a violation of the working contracts, hut d vice to the miners was Honest | spending the summer here with his | | have been loft. The mine is worked by the Enion Coal ( rain has ceased falling. The smoke tine Blakelv. fitted out nine months | avo and left hen den treasure on hundred miles « no trace of tredsure of anv kind Sami IN OF IT and Mr. Hyde" MAN LIVES DUAL UE HIS DISCOVERY HAS CAUSED A SENSATION. Rich and - Prominent Farmer Caught Robbing' Mill Says He Has Pursued Role of. Burglar for Fifteen Years Simply for Amusement. Ghester, Vt., Aug. S.--A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in real lite has been re- vealed by a spring gun, set one night receritly. for robbers. Clarence 5, a prosperous and hitherto re- farmer, now appears in the do role, his double éxistence dis- ed by a charge of No. 8 buckshot which struck him in the legs. Adams is accused of scores of burglaries and admits them. In explanation he says the story of Jekyll and Hyde fascin- ated him. "1 never robbed because I needed money; but simply because robbing and afterward listening to the com- plaints of the people amused me. *1 was never amused by the recrea- tions that pleased most men. 1 al ways sought pleasure in some unusual way and robbing for the fun of it was unusual." Adams began when he was thirty, he says but will not tell which was his first robbery or where it was commit- ted. He is now about forty-five years old. Adams was caught by the discharge of a spring gun a few days ago at Washbunn's mill. Chester has been ter- vorized for fifteen vears by robberies. The postoffice. railroad station and various busisess houses were entered. In -his home has been found much of the plunder. Adams'. arrest hasggaused a sensa- tion, because of his prominence in church and political life. He has been assessor, selectman and legislator. He is still in bed, peing treated for his cunshot wounds, but is cuawded hy constables day and night. . ---- WOULD LIKE TO SEE IT. Farmers Form a Political Or- ganization. Toronto, Aug. S--Mr. Whitney was asked what he. thought of the i tion which is showing itseli to re a farmers' organization in the pro- vinge, the proposition heing to hold a convention in Toronto auring the In- dustrial Exposition. "Well," he said, "1" have always maintained that an organization of farmers_could = be made to have im- mense benefit--in a hundrea ways. There is no reason why it couldn't do good: just the same as organizations of other classes. Of course, there are organizations' and organizations," het added. It is hard to say- what was wrong with the Grange and the Pa trons of Industry. They are merely matters of history now." BELIEVES SON IS LOST. Brooklyn Man Starts on a Search for Youth. Thousand Island Park, N.Y., Aug. "Theodore L.. Peverelly, of DBrook- lyn, is at the Murray Hill hotel "in search of his son, Theodore L., Jr who came to the islands three we ago and has not been heard oi since. It has been learned that --- young Pevereliy © hired a SkWf- at Murray Hill. His father will not believe he is drowned, but thinks he has become lost. among - the islands. Yesterday and to-day he chartered a steamyacht and 'spent the whole of the. time <earching along the river, but with- out succee Trees For Transplanting. Ottawa. Aug. S.--Baron Watt First- enberg, of Germany, has been in Ot- tava for a few days on a mission from German government. He is study- ing "Canadian forest. life with a view to ascertaining what trees would be profitable for transplanting. He has already decided that the white pine, red cher spruce and black walnut trees would flourish' in Germany. He visited the .experimeirtal farm and Booths lumber vards, vesterday,. and | 1688 for Teronto last night. oe . Win For Trades' Unions. London, Aug. S.--The trades' unions have won a decisive' victory in the Weish colliery case! Justice Tas tion liable for pecuniary losses from the stoppage of work ordered by the shidin committee. He admitted Teration controlled the Te ded that ns ad Land without malice. ~ Pueblo, Col, Aug. S.---A special fron Trinidad, save: A disastrous explosion acenrred 'at 6:30 o'clock, last night, Fat No. '3 mine at Bowen, a small camp about ten: miles north of this place. Thirteen lives are known to of "Denver. Found No Treasure. oria. B.C. Aug. S.=The Brigan 3 rch for . hid land, a few has returnea Enterin®. The Corotry. <The immicrant i | ed Thirteen Killed By Explosion. | 1 | | | | [s | | I | | | Cedar Mount STRIP BANDIT KING'S BODY. Ghastly Scene. through Davenport hundreds" of per Morgue. the str from 'Three shouts for. Lincoln' county." and then trouble bed wanted a relic and in a short time no- thing was Tracy to keep from bleeding to death. places his h into smaller pic gs CEAIMS ESTATE: By Hill. Los Angeles, Varney, No. 1 Round Pr IN510 Her father, Mrs. Varney St Black, deserting her mother. description of him. A STRIKE DECLARED. Power Company. Haiffilton, Ont., Aug, SN. tee of the Electrical ~ Works went back after being out ahout on a third. CUBA TO RETALIATE. American Products. antes the pr CONgT incregse naval stations. American canned gooc cent., and on rice 100 per cont. Atlantic "City's Floral Trade. its 'close that it was the miost magni 'ing far beyond their utmost expecta gant profusion of buntin cheers. After the parade was finis there was a distFibution of prizes anl a floral dance concluded the festivities. Will Grapplé, With Matter. London, Aug. N.--In the imperia parfinment, vestepday, rephipge to J lward Neely (consertative), wha de © the lack of modera war ap I precat I diances hv the British apeys= and | navy and who urged the establishment of a department responsible for the Ladonption of every invention nelessary {to the army and navy, the premier, A. Lb. Balfour, denied that Great Bri ain was behind © other nations said the government world ¢ with the urgent = question of a trategieal "department to the best their ability. In Memory Of Heroes. Culpeper, Va., Aug. SN The magnifi ¢ent monument erected in the Nation al cemetery, to the memory of the sol dicrs of the 25th New York Vdlunteer Infantrs who anpveied. todas sin the presec with itpesi ener of an immense thre 1 f sument came fram itochester to take part in the cere moenies-anid the number of participants was inéreasel hy the presence 'of a large numper of Confederate veterans: . Hundreds of People Participate in 'Spokane. Wash... Aug. S.--~When the sherifi with the body of Tracy drove sons crowded about the waggon: By the time the waggon reached Stone's is were crowded and ry corner could be heard Warm Weather Goods The town was wild: The morgue dbors had to be closed and the crowd asked to stand back: Several persons were allowed to sce the boay, wm. Fveryvone eft. but the body. Some one even picked up the blood stained handkerebiet which had been used by Many locks of the desperaao's hair were carried away, and in some ¢ wd had been made 'bald. His trowsers were ent info strips and before they wert divided they were cut Boston Woman Seeks Wealth Left Boston, Aug." 8.=-A new claimant to the estate of RN12,000 in cash left by the man known as Charles Hill, at is Mrs. Enima .E. St: Botoph street; Boston. She claimed to have con- clusive evidence that the deceased mis- er was her father, Lorenzo 'Dow Sher-" man. who went to California from ities, Broom county, Ill., in 's, eloped with a woman named Marian "Up to the time that my mother died, about, twenty-one years ago," says Mrs. Varney, "1 was made te he- lieve my father déad. My aunt, Mrs. Susan Robinson, of Locke, N.Y., at that time told me the whole history. "My father was born at Summer Hill, Cayuga county. N.Y., in "1823. That would make him akout asinety, so that his age closely answers the Among Workers With the Cataract comit- Union had several conferences, yesterday, with General Manager Hawkins, of the Cataract Power Co., but no set tlement of the trouble over wages was arrivigl at and, at six o'clock a strike was declared. About fifty men are affected here. In addition the electrical workers at Depew's Falls, where the company gets its power, have been ealled out. The workers struck about two months ago, but WEATHER PROBABILITIES. s---- Toronto, Ont., Aug. 8, (11 a.m)--Moderate iresh, south west to morth west, winds, scattered showers to-dav. but, mostly r , Saturday. fine and moderately warm. Special values in Ladies' and Children's Vests, at 5c. 7¢., 0c. - 12ic., 15¢., 20e., 25¢. Ladies' Lisle Thread Vests at 35¢., 40c., 50¢, Ladies' Silk Vests, extra, value, $1. HOSE See Steacy's special line of Open Work, Fast Black Cot- ton Hose, at 15¢. Open Work Lisle Thread, Beautiful Fine Quality, at 30c., 35c., 40c., 50c. per pair. Received this morning; the Latest Style in Ladies' Lin- en Collars, very narrow; on- ly one inch and 1} inches deep. The ' most sensible _and correet thing for warm weather. A New Taffeta. Ribbons for Neck Wear and Sashes. Moire Ribbons, Black and Colors, for Sashes. New Lisle and Silk Gloves and Lace Mittens. week, on condition that the wages and hours' question: would be settled by arbitration. Each side appointed ORR--In Tw a man, but the two could not agree : Congress Decides on Increase on RODGERS Havana, Aug. si--In order to guar- jected loss of $35,000,000 has decided to impose dn on American coal and other comniGdities, not excepting coal which the United States might dump at the i £5 and M Svery os) ingand protradi piles the Baraat ISeds guaranteed it. jjimoniale in thy daily press and ask The increase on coal will be twenty- five' cents per ton; that on corn 333 per cent; on ham, 150 per cent.; on bacon, butter, Hour, potatoes, poultry, cheese, eondensed milk, vegetables, canned beef, ete, 100 per cent; on BORN. DOYLE--In Hungerford, on Aug. lst, 'tp Mr. and Mrs, Jangs Doyle, a4 danvhter, 1. on Julv 25th, to Mr. Mrs. Thos. Orr; a son. LEAL--In Twesl, on Aug. lst, to Mr. Mrs. Fred Leal, a son. QUINN--In Twewd, on July 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, James Quinn, a son. NIADS=In Tweed, on July 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Hinds, a dawehter BRADSHAW--In Tweed, on Aug. Gth, to Mr. and Mrs. Bin' Bradshaw, a som In Twid, on Aur. Gth, to and Mrs Wesley Rodgers, a daughter ALLAN=--In_ Mar bank. on July 26th. to ged] Mrs. MH. A. Allan. a dauvhter. z prove to you that Dg Ole a 18 a certait ana absolute cure, 1 for eacl and n your n what they think ofit.. You can use it t your money back if nokeured. 60c a box, fl W deal ealers or a iy Co. oroata, | Or. Chase's Ointment beer, lard and Porto Rican coffee, fiity per cent. On Spanish products, seventy to 100 per Atlantic City, N.J., Aug. 8.--The entire day, from the assembling. of the floral hosts in the morning until the close of the festivities this afternoon, was a grand success. Those who re- viewed the great procession said at prietor, ficent spectacle they had ever seen, go tions. The festivities of floral fete day. were viewed by mores than 50,000 visitors. This great cosmopolitan re sort was _resplendant with tons of flowers, floral designs, and an extrava The parade took 'place 'on the famous hoardwalk and afforded 'a picture that never has been equalled elsewhere. It was, com- posed of gover two thousand whee] chairs; 'all' tastefully decorated with flowers sand . blossoms of innumerable Ivarieties. AH along the line the part-- [cipants were grected. with wave aftér bwave ofo enthusiastic 'applause and sixty houses, causi en . Margaret Mel nthe battle of SL Mth LX "Ir * More than 200 ILLICIT, STILLS. Habitants Prefer the Home-Made Spirits. Quebec, Ang. N.--An illicit still has" been caprured in the parish of St. Methode, Peauce, and its supposed pros who was found superintending the working of it, has heen taken jail. There is believed to be a large number of such stills in operation the wodds of Beauce, and merchants attribute to this fact the large falling of late in the demand for spiritu- ous liquors from the district in gues. fion. A Disastrous Fire. Port An Prince, Hayti, Aug. R, down at midnight here burne ov damages estima at %200 000. The people remain calm during the progress of the P| eer. Joseih Herberger,- Chan" N.Y., was assaulted by a thug who struck him witht a steel vshplate as he was ariv- home from Rochester: Fhe thug venrod" 815 and fled, Herbercer may hlin, of Phil vlelp hin, accused of stealing, is xe- enty vears old and committed her offence. She was not prosecut. Souvenirs! Enameclled Belt Buckles, Brooches, Hat Pins, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Pocket Knives, etc. Spoons from 75¢.10 $3. 50 Largest Selection in Ontario. AG. JOHNSTON & BRO, JEWELERS, Cor. Princess and Welllagton Str, SMALL Ld avil J. Hill, asfistant secretary of tate, 'Weshington, it is thought, will weeed Andrew DL. White, as "amba ador to Germany ?

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