z= 69TH YEAR. NO. 186. C-- ¢ KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1902, LAST EDITION. So : SUMMER sevvessesssecssssevens] $JENKINY ALS Sh'rt in the house 7sc. Straw Hats $1 and under for 50c. $1.50, $2 and $2.50 for $1. Summer Underwear $ Natural Weel, ° 00¢. Be Silk Mercerized LA o nts 0 Summer Suits AT COST. Werth Have alook at our windows s JENKINS ¥ 114 PRINCESS STREET. DO0000000C0COPOPOROOOOONS Keeping Up Working for Yourself? Are vou keeping your own lawn in order or are you caring for that of some landlord? Just as easy to care for vour own. Just as easy to pay rent to voursell We have the properties, give you terms. that satisly, and -are 'as careful of vour interests as you could desire. D. A. CAYS, 346 King Street. rs LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. It takes a wise young man not to write a love lepter. : The sun rises Tuesday at 5:01 a.m., and sets "at 7:08 p.m. Lake Ontario Park, vaudeville performance and one act comedy, §:135 p.m. | Economy as practiced by the average man seldom saves him any money. There's always room at the 'top: people will not live in attics if they can help it. kvery man may have his price, but it fan't every man who has his market. It in the kind of folly for a man to expecy the world to grow better until he sine ndtice improvements in himself. ler In the weather rankest to forecast to do is predict anything vou dom't expect. This day in the d Emmanuel proclaimed King of Battle of Lake Champlain, George TV visits Ireland, 1821; world's Ttaly, 1814; railroad 1597; Frarce, NIFTY JARDINERES M. Sadi Carnot, late born, 1837. and odd patterns. - with a reasonable degree of accuracy all vou have historv--Vietor 1900; King first steam train. 1830: goid rush tol Kkmdyke, president of We have a hansome line made by this celebrated maker just opened. Not expensive, exquisite shapes ROBERTSON = BROS. 10 RELEVE FAMINE Which Is Prevailing In Sze- Chuan. LARGE GIFT FROM THRONE. MUCH HOWEVER MAY NOT REACH SUFFERERS. A Strong Progressive Appointed to the Viceroyship of a Chi- nese Province--A Coronation Service in Pekin Attended by Chinese. Pekin, August 10.--The throne has given -300,000 taels ($62,000) from the privy purse to askist in relieving the famine in the province of Sze-Chuan, and to arrest the discontent there ar- xing from the scarcity of food. Prob- ably not more than half of the money will reach the sufierers, 'the remaind- er being appropriated by officials through whose hands it will pass. The opposition between the French ing of concessions for mines and rail- ways 'to Sze-Chuen has been aggravat- ed by the appointment of Tseng, a strong - progressive to the viceroyship of sthat province. His appointment is an advantage p, the English. . A service in honor of the coronation of King Edward was held, vesterday, at the chapel of the British legation, which became famous during the siege of Pekin. It was attended by Prince Ching, the members of the Wai-Wu-Pi, the officials of the legation guards. There was an illumination and fete, last night, in *honor of the occasion. ------ NO CLOTHES WHILE IN DEBT. McManus Would Not Clothe His Family. Connellsville, Pa., Aug. 11.--To pay offi a mortgage on his farm James McManus, a farmer of Laurelville, near ALL T IS WEEK HIGH CLASS | & Friday Vaudeville |= 5: THE THREE DRAGONS: HODGINS and LEITH Illustrated Sengs, Sketches, Hvery Matinees Bvening At 8:30. ONLY 3 MORE I CENT DAY> STREET RAILWAY RR RREMRRRECRERERRNR ; We Have Some Speci Trouserings ] To Show You. CRAWFORD & WALSH, ¢ Tailors and Importers, Cor. Princess & Bagot Sts. « r E g 8 [= oh TO LET. HOUSE 191 BROCK All "modern improvements. Apply Livingston & bro. STREET, 9 ROOMS. to C. CEERRRRRRPEE THURSDAY. AUG. 14th. (CLARE (ONTARIO 1 PARE) W ednesday Singlag, Dancing. EMPLOYEES PICNIC the Westmoreland county line, re to buy clothing for his eleven child- ren. When neighbors complained about the manner in which the family livéd, Stewart Samuel Newcombe of the Fa- vette county home found almost all the children without apparel. Their state bordered on-the animals, said the stetvard. The childien hid themselves in one-roomed . shack, which served as a home for the thirtecn members of the family, when the officers approached. McManus wax surly when questioned hy Steward Newcomb, and said that he owed money on his farm and that he would buy no clothes for his fami- ly until the land was paid for. The family have enough" to eat, and the the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. PHOTOGRAPH BUSINESS SHELDON &. DAVIS is for - sale. Apply on the premises. RAN ON A SHOAL. New York 'In Dowm The River. On Saturday night about hali past eleven o'clock, the steamer New York ran on g shoal off Fine View, just be- low the Thousand Island Park. She was returning from Ogdensburg to Clayton with 800 Syracuse excursion- ists. The night was very dark, and Steamer Trouble DENTAL CARD. DALY HAS RESUMED HIS DENTAL practace at 129 Princess St., four doors below former office. FOR SALE. DR. THE . SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING Street, between Wade's Drug store Congress Hotel. In excellent condition. Second floor leased for a long term. Ap- lv_to D. A. Cays, real estate agent, ing street. PROPERTY SITUATED NORTH WEST COR- ner Portsmouth, - contains nine acres, mear town and cars. It has mew up-to: date house, good cellar, two wells, good young orchard, and good outbuildings, suitable for market gardener, Apply S. N. Watts, jr., Box 54. WANTED. A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. HORA, 45 King street, in the .evening. "A FEW "SMART BOYS, work. Apply Kingston FOR "STEADY Hosiery Co. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK. NO washing or cooking. Apply at 195 Earl wirevt, A GENERAL SERVANT, TWO IN FAMILY No washing. Apply 1: the evening at 9 Wellington strevt - A SOPRANO SOLOIST FOR SYDENHAM street Mothodist church. Sed applica- tions to 44 Barrie street, city FURNISHED Isat 10 Mav dren. Apply HOUSE Ist. *G, FROM SEPTEMBER mall family. no chil 1g offic: A FURNISHED HOUSE IN SEPTEMBER, October or November, for the winter months. Apply at 31 Brock Street. BY A NOUNG LADY OF iv. position as daily Duties to commence tember lst B. REFINED - FAM- COVeTIWSSs or tutor anv time after Sep Box 211, Dwseranfo MEN----OUR ILLUSTRATED "CATALOGUE explains how we teach the Barber trade in eight weeks, mailed froe Learn how to Pippa yourself for" Better wages and hohe? work. Write"to-day. Moler Bar ber College, Chicago, 11 PERSONS OF iin UNDOUBTED good sase, and plenty of mm Ja great apiritual work entirely original and sthe tn to twenty dollars week! FURY CHRISTIAN CQ, LID CHARACTER push to help Our plan 1s possible retdms THE CEN Toronte HALL'S BARBER SCHOOLS. 246 YONGE street, Toronto, Ont, alse St, Lawrence street, Montreal. P.Q.. and | 3 eca atrvet, Buffalo. Flegait! Wages Saturdave. Terms moderate trial, lodgings, railroad ticket add cata- logue * free. Ry our "SPECIAL CO OPFRATIVE PLAN" course is given ab- solutely free. Also opportunity to earn money at vour heme, bv workine for ua. Write lor particulars to-day. - Aldis Owen Hall nennviatar = i of melical health officer for Belleville, and - ---- mp-- Mr. MéRestvn has declined the office there were none of the usual lights on Fine View wharf. Capt. Miller, one of the" best river 'mariners, mistook a small island reef for the wharf. Sud- denly the 'New York quivered, as it ran on the shoal, about 150 yards off shore. It was running under half steam at the time, as the water at that part of the river is shallow, The New York was raised fully a foot in running on. There was no pa- nic. among the passengers, the officers assuring them that there was no cause for alarm, and explaining . exactly what had occurred. The night indeed must have heen pitch dark, else none of the experienced captains of "White Squadron" steamers would have met with such a misfortune: Three hours later the passengers were all taken offi and landed at Clayton by the steamers Islander, Island Belle and a naphtha launch. On Sunday afternoon the sftamers America and Donnelly succeeded in pulling the New York off the' shoal, and" the latter immediately. came to JKingston, arriving last night. She entered the government dry « dock, where it was found that the damage to the bottom was very slight. Re- pairs weie at once begun. and the steamer will be ont to-night, in thor. oughly sound condition. Pupil Shot By His Master. Paris, Aug. 1L.--A mysterious affair is engaging the attention of the police authorities of Aix, near Marseilles. Yesterday morning some anglers found on the bank of the Arc the body of a young man, axed eighteen, named Lu- cien -Cerntti--Peath had . evidently re sulted from 'three revolver shots in the head. © Ler He was the pup of a professor of mechanics, namedZ.Carmine, "aged thir- ty; who, it seems wad so4@istressed at the idea that hix pupil was about to quit him that he shot Cerutti dead, and then, it is supposed, committed suicide. Pupil and teacher had left for an excursion on bicveles, and the pro fessor has not since been heard of. Crushed His Wiie To Death. Williamsport. Pa., Aug. 11. Follog ing her husband to the barn before davlicht. Mrs. W. & Updegrafi, who was blind and dvaf, w crushed death under a hav wagon, which Mr Updegrafi ran ont of the barn. # He | knew 'nothing of the accident unti | he led hi$ horses to the waggon, when | he found his wife's body at the wheel. was If vou want pure drugs we can sup" plv that 'want. HB. Tayloy, : cessor to E. C. Mitchell, suc Owing to prospective retirement from business the, old established of the | to husband and father has heen making regular payments on his land. AVOIDED .THE TRAPS, The Question Settled By The Fish Themselves. B.C., Aug. 11.--Canners here declare that the salmon them- celves' have settled the vexed ques- jon of the Yankee traps catching- fish before they could reach Canadian gill nets on the Fraser river by ignoring the traps and making straight for the Fraser through Plumpers Pass. That the fish have passed in a northeaster- ly direction, east of the traps is true, for while the run on the Fra: been heavy, very few or no fish been reported in the Sound. The can- neries believe the fish avoided the traps because they could not help it, as a north-east wind had been blow- ing all season, driving them off the traps into Plumpers Pass. Vancouver, CLAIMED BY DEATH. James McMillan, Passes Away at Summer Home. Washington, Aug. 11.--A despatch announces the death of Senator James McMillan, Michigan, at an early hour on Sunday, at his summer home at Manchester-by-the:Sea, Mass. Death was the result -- of heart failure fol- lowing congestion, after an illness of a very few hours. The senator leaves a widow, three cone hind a daughter. Senator McMillan was a native ~of Ontario, having been born in Hamil- ton, May 12th. 1838, but in eanly life removed to Michigan and for many vears-- hart heen prominently--identitied with the business interests and poli- tical life of that state. He had been a member. of the United States sen- ate since 'March 4th, 1559. Bryan Tells a Joke on Bryan. Washington, Aug. 10.--William Jen nings Bryan made a flying visit to Washington = recently. - The leader of the Western democracy was in a buoy- ant and witty frame of mind, and told mahy good stories "on himself. He said that not long ago in a western toarn he had occasion to get shaved. The barber, a colored man, felt high- ly. complimented by the opportunity of shaving a man who had been a candi- date for the presidency, and when the operation was over Mr. Bryan gave him a silver dollar. Some weeks ai- terward, travelling that way, he met an old friend in the same town, who told him he had got the barber in trouble. "How's that?" said °~ Mr. Brvan. "Why he has been' up before barbers' union, haa charges preferred against him, and was then put on trial Tor shaving von." "I don't un- derstand that," replied Mr. Bryan. "1 paid Him all right. "Oh, yom paid him" all richt, but, the other bar bers said that he cutting under, 'and should have charged 85 for shav- ling a dead' man NOS), Was Worsts Rival By a Writ. Janesville, Wis... Augy 11.-John B. Gallup, a carpenter at Milton, has | taken an injunction hefore a court | commissioner forbidding Thomas Bec- | kel having anything to,do with com- 'plainant's wife. This is said to be'the weond case of the kind in the history of 'the legal profession. and English arising from the grant-| COL. GIROUARD'S NEW POST, Greatest Authority On Railway Construction. London, Aug. 11.--Colonel Sir P. Girouard,. R.E., whose genius for rail- way cofistruction in Egypt and South Africa has so often been of assistance to Lord Kitchener, has been offered and accepted the post of commission- er of railways in Soutk Africa. The new commissioner has a large task before him, as new lines. are to be constructed in the new: colonies costing nearly £3,000,000 sterling, and the old ones are to be largely altered. The colonel is looked on in the ar- my as its greatest authority on rail- way construction. SELLS WIFE FOR 30 CENTS, Consummated The Deal Five Weeks Ago. Elkhart, Ind., Aug. 1l.--Harvey Tal- lerday has not seen his wife since he sold her for thirty cents: to Morgan Gordon, five weeks ago. They had been married twenty-two years and have 'three children. Recently, Mrs. Tallerday has shown a marked prefer- ence for the company of Morgan Gor- don. Five weeks ago Tallerday de- clared that. he would sell his wife for thirty cents. She said she was willing. Gordon paid over the cash and took Mrs. Tallerday away.' ---- Large Class Of Middies. Washington, D.C Aug. 11. --FKver since the Spanish war there has been a dearth of young officers in the navy, owing to the many new warships that have heen commissioned. During the past .two years it has been found me- cessary to graduate the classes from the naval academy 3 of the usual time. It is hoped, however, that this will be unnecessary in the future as it is also undesirable. Tq-day three hundred principals and alternates appear before the examin- ing boards of the civil service com- mission for midshipman entrances at the academy to-fill the vacancies crea- ted by the' last annual appropriation bill, allowing senators the privilege of appointment. This is the largest class examined in the history of the school, and if the usual percentage of candidates pass. this will give Anna- polis more midshipmen under instruc- tion than ever before. Temporary quarters are now being erected at the academy for the accommodation © the increased number of cadets. ------ Died From Confinement. Sault St. Marie, Ont., Aug. 11.-- Magliorie Vaillancourt, the French- Canadian, who has been under arrest here, seharged with the murder of Pei- tro Gasparati, in February last, died on Saturday in the General Hospital. to which he had been removed on Fri- day, immediately upon receipt of Jus- the Falconbridge's order, made upon bail on Vaillancourt's own bond of 8500. At the spring assizes the grand jury brought in "no bill." The judge, however, held him over till the next assizes. In the meantime the confine- ment had broken down Vaillancourt's health. ---------- Celebrates 104th Birthday. New York, Aug. 11.--Ralph Bullock, "} a familiar character of the Fort Ham- ilton section of Brooklyn, celebrated his 104th birthday to-day. In addi- tion to the congratulations of numer- ous friends and acquaintances the old man received personal visits from his ten children, sixty-seven grandchildren and one . hundred. and seventy-cight great-grandchildren. He has used li- quor and tobacco nearly alt his life and attributes his good health to outdoor exercise. Arrival Of Vessels. Montreal, Moville at Steamer Numidian, from for Liverpool, arrived at 8:50 a.m. on Monday. The Allan Line Steamship Cartha- gian, from New York, for Glasgow, arrived out on Saturday afternoon and landed all her live stock without loss. The Allan Line. Steamer Siberian, from Philadelphia, for Glasgow, ar rived . out Saturday afternoon and landed all her live stock without, loss. Death Of A Lad. Toronto, 'Aug. 11.=Goldman Mec- Farlane. a twelve?vear-old lad, who fell while at. play, from the top of the Bathurst street: bridge, receiving a shock by grabbing a live wire, Le- sides" sustaining concussion = of the brain by falling to the oor of , the bridge, is dead at the Emergency hos pital. He was the youngest of a fami- 11y of six children. A Violent Interview. Paris, Aug. 11.---The Matin declares that the crown prince of Germany, ai- ter an escapade at Boon, where he is attending the university, had a vio- Jent. interview with Emperor William. It is said that he expressed to his futher his desire to renounce his rank and claimzto the throne. A lgdy-- i supposed '18 be concerned in the fair. 1S al- Made A Fine Score. Hamilton, Ont... Ang. 11.--Stafi- Sergt. Hayhurst, the weli-known shot, made, a great score in the annual cup matches of the 13th Regiment on Sa-? turday. He won the y cup for the highest individual score. In the Wal- ker Challenge Cup match with sixteen shots, 500 and 600. vans, he made Gif teen bulls eves and one inner. . Several Days Behind. Winnijeg, Aug. 11-Th weather cool and damp, with no signs of frost. Wheat cutting has started at Emer | «on and will be general on Wednesday. The crop generally is several days behind last season. ------------ is "The barracks at -the United States' t "dis- | with Mr. West ¢contained alo Dr | military post at Haines, near the puted Yukon, Alaska ferrjtory. | being extended, (to accommodate 300 are a I men. application at Osgoode Hall, granting. Montreal; Aug. 11.--The Allan Line: Henels Mr Wests | recovered. What Comes To Us From All Quarters. CONDENSED PARAGRAPHS. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dea: Public." . Ir. 8. 0. Hopkins, Port Colyorne, dropped dead. : A by-law to bonus a~furniture fac- tory was carried at Cornwall The Saratoga Special was won Whitney: and Duryea's 'Irish Lad. The new vity hall at Hull will be ready for occupation on November Ist: George Davy, 'Baneroft, has a pig four: months old, which weighs 200. pounds. The Marine Review and Marine Re- cord, of Cleveland, have been con- solidated. At San Angelo, Texas, fire destroyed the Landon hotel, burning seven peo- ple to death. : A little daughter of W. Maley, of Smith's Falls, fell from a swing and broke her leg. The buildings occupied Guelph Rolling Mills Co. stroyed by fire on Saturday. The remains of Miss. Ruby Adams, drowned near Tonawanda, N.Y., were found below the Canadian falls. To-day will 'be celebrated through- out Great Britain as a day of thanks: giving for 'the king's recovery. An important manufactory of forged notes of the Bank of Portugal and-of false coin has been uncarthed in Mid- land. Patrick Loque, Altoone, Pa. is to he proceeded against for having kept a refractory horse in a stable for four by the de- by were formerly com- of the Orange at Lucas Meyer, manding the troops Free State, died -of heart disease' . Afrikander bond is supporting the British government in its refusal to suspend the constitution in Cape Colony. Two Parisians perished from expos- ure on Mont Blane and their = two guides were killed while descending for assistance. " Two Ottawa boys, named George Greaves and William Mullin, were ar- rested at Watertown, N.Y., for steal ing money. Over 300 people were thrown- into the river at Isle Gros Bois, near Mon- treal, by the collapse of a wharf. All were rescued. : Miss Florrie McLean, formerly, Vankleek Hill, was drowned in aqueduct of th Montreal® water- warks, while batiyng. Sir Alexander \Mackenzie has heen engaged by Charles Harriss, of Otta- wa, to conduct a series of musical fes- tivals in Canada next April. J At Chester, Pa., Leonard Hinkle, fourteen vears old, = was whirled around a shaft with lightning -like rapidity, and lives to tell the tale. It is said that San Fernando, a city of 22,000 pepulation in Nicaragua, is in danger' from the eruption of the Santiago cone of the Masaya vol- cano. George Gregg, of the Ontario Smelt- ing works, Copper Cliff, was badly burned. by molten metal. The furnace burst and covered him with the boil- ing fluid. It is said in Montreal that the vacht Trident lost the second race for the Seawanhaka cup through a seam in her how opening in the third beat to windward. King Edward held a privy council at noon to swear the newly appointed ministers. At one o'clock he exchanc- od seats and held an investiture of the Victorian Order. Rev. Father Fleming has started to build a new church at Kearnev, mea- surement to be seventy by thirtv-sev- en and a half feet. The spire will be eighty feet high: Father Fleming is his=own: architect. i At Thurmond, Va., U.S. marshals prevented Rev. George W. Underwood from conducting burial on ground covered by injunction over the body of John Kenmead, a union min- er. who died of fever. It ix said the king of triguing to seck proteetion from Ja- pan or entry into the Anglo-Japanese alliance. France says she, has ample military forces in the far east to maké her rights respected. At the ceneral offices of the Grand Trunk it is denied that the company has made a contract for a large per- .nanent delivery of coal from | ozansport Coal company, on the Alleghany Vallev. railroad. - Facts have 'heen laid before the Un- ited States secretary of the treasury indicating" frauds in the importation of pottery into the United States. bv which the customs have heen robbed of between $20,000,000 and $30,000, 000. The Miowra reached Victoria, B.C., three dave late from Australia, having broken down as . a result of trouble with her condensers, after leaving Suva. Among her passengers was Tord Hopetoun, ex-governor general of Australia. "Frolley jolt." is a new disease and is said to have caused the death of Motorman John White, Wilmington. Del, The disease is supposed to afiect and is cansed of the services Siam is in- principally the stomach. {bv the iolting and jarring : - while on trolley cars, - constant Drowned In Skaneatelles. * Syracuse; N.Y.. Aug. 11 "William K. West. manager, of the Raker & Dow- man company of this citv, was drown ed at nooh. vesterdav, Shaneatefes Lake. A which = tipped over | 'S| in sailboat Snow 3 this city, why was res Hoody has not beent NEWS OF THE WORLD| the jes 'News' AN OLD MAN'S CRIME. Killed a Neopolitan With Whom He Quarrelled. New York, Aug. ll.--Pietro Guar- dina, 'a Neapolitan fish dealer of Brooklyn, wgs murdered by a Sicilian, Antonio Zirotoli, in Mulberry Bend, yesterday. Zirvotoli vighty-two, vears of age, but he wielded a hnife which his wife handed to him with deadly precision. The Neapolitan's wife and two children, his brother and several other relatives were with him when he was 'murdered, . and" in" a frenzy of grief they knelt beside the body and bathed their faces with the blood that flowed from the wound. The stabbing was the outcome of a street altercation. The old man be- came enraged and suddenly plynged a kni'e into Guardina's neck. Within a very few minutes a thousand Italians were rioting amongst themselves and the reserves oft two police stations were called out. Before the arrest of Zirotoli was made andthe' riot quell- ed, two detectives and several uni- formed men were severely handled. ELOPE WHILE FATHER PRAY 1s Daughters And Suitors Would Not Wait For Consent. Evansiille, Ind., Aug. 11.--The mar- viaze of Mises Maud and Myrtle Brown, at- Boonville, Ind., took place last night under romantic circumstan- ces. The father of the girls is a minister in the Church ofthe Latter. Day Sainte,\ at Reed's Station, Ky." There the girl met two brothers, H. K. and Ned Ashby, to whom they became be- trothed. Nast night' the young. 'men went to Bdonville to marry the girls but their: f\ther objected. He finally decided to pay over the matter, and said he would\give his consent pro- vided "the Lord\did. Rev. Mr. called his daughters and the members\ of his church to- gether, and while dg his knees offer- ing up a petition, theNgentucky lovers slipped in and stole tResgirls away, and they were married. The fa p- fused to forgive his daughters. Strikers In Good Shape. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 11.----The four- teenth week of the anthracite miners' strike began to-day. President Mit chell is authority for the statement that the strikers are in good shape. Contributions to the relief fund are coming in from many quarters. There is a well authenticated report in circulation that the Lehigh and Wilkesharre Coal company may start up work at its Wanamie colliery some dav this week. A general review of the whole strike region shows thiat unless the opera- tors can break the ranks of the strik- ers by starting un a colliery here and there the men will be inclined -to re- main out for gome time vet. Money Or Lives. Ithaca, N. Aug. 11.--For jthreat- ening the lives of two of the richest men in Tompkins county unless 812,- 000 was paid them Harlaw Casar and John Collins, two farm laborers = of Groton, are now in the Tompkins county jail in this city. The men who were threatened dre Hon. Ben. Conger, of Groton, for two terms member of ger. Has Escaped The Guillotine: Paris, Aug. 11.--Bidaud, the murder: er lately sentenced to death, has ob- tained a commutation of the sentence to imprisonment for life, because. the executioner icoild find no place * to erect a. guilotine smee . the Requette prison has been demolished: Jesuit Father Dead. Montreal, Aug. 11.--Reév. Chancoux, a well-known Jesuit fath- er, for many years connected with Froham college, New York, died in St. Mary's college here; yesterday. He was born in 1830 and came from France. Fathor Missouri Watermelons. Large, ripe black seed melons. Your choice of any in the Carnovsky fruit stores. for 25c. This offer good until Friday night only. i ---- 1f vou hav ¢ a camera, we have the supplies, if not, we have cameras from {1 upwards, H. B. Taylor, successor to KE. C. Mitchell. Election to the Legislative As- sembly for. the Electoral Dis- trict of the County of Fronte- nac. Held 22nd May, 1902. The following is an abstract of the State ment fyld with the Returning Officer in pur «arance of Scction 201 of "The Ontario Flee tion Att" of all ) jon expensen ingurrd in connection with said * Election by or on behalf --of John 8. Gallagher, a candi date, 'including payments in respect of bis personal expenses, viz. : Cash paid $ 71 00 >.31L15 LAG DO of <pgakers 1000 1H) . 75 00 for printir--- for, prinving office imes" office For use of town halls Kor expenses and time For candidate's expenses .. £313 75 statement Total : 1, George Smith, certify to this being correct, (Signed) John S. Gallagher DAWSON of aad THOMAS Kingston, Ont, August 11th, Election to the Legislative As- sembly for the Electoral Dis- trict of the County of Fronte- nac. Held 22nd .and 29th May, 1902. The following ix ment fyvhd with the stance of the State Officer mm pur Ontario Fle incurred or enivh of hi an abstract Returning of Tw tion Aa" ection exp nses in comme tion aad Fle bv behalf of Wellington J. Shiblev, a date, including pavients in? niet personal expenses, vis Livery Clerical Stationery, Printing Bill posting Rent of hall Personal expanses The " 8 33 60 35 0 35 i") EXPOS 26 telegrams, telephone 6h 12 +0) hstributm Iiteratare ~0 7 1 £342 (Sirmed CLOW of * Suid Wallington J THOMAS DAWSON Returning Officer JHN Alent Shibd August 11h 1902 assembly, and his brother, Jay Con- WEATEER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, Ont. (10 a.m.), Aug. 11.--Fresh, south, shifting to west and north-west winds; showery at first. clearme and cooler by nicht. ~ Tuesdav, fine and cool. AT STEAGY'S. Open All Day Saturday. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS --In Fancy, Navy Blue and Black - and White; Worth 'f from 75¢. to 90c. i \ REDUCED 10 ~ 50c. each. CHILDREN'S PRINT DRESSES -- To fit girls from .4:to 14 years of age; w5c., $1, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.75. 200 Off THE ABOVE PRICES. LADIES' BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS--With Ac-- Corded from $1 cordion, Pleated, and Tucked Frills to $4.50. W.B, P.D, & ¥.P, STRAIGHT FRONT CORS- ETS, from $1 up 239 Alired August Sch, 1902, Wallace King, a don. HINCH--At 48 arl street, Kingston, August 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. N. KE. Hinch, & daughter. Kingston, and Mrs, KING--AtL sirect, to Mr. on Ww. MARRIED. MOULDEY-HARKER--At the parsonage, Al- fhert street; on August 9th, bv Rev. Thomas Brown, B.A... Benjamin -Mouldey to Miss Jonnie Hackew second deughter of the late John. Harker, both of the township of Rineston. DIED. COSGROVE-At Oates, on August Bridget Hogan, relict of the late Cosgrove, aged sixty-four vears. Funeral from her lute residonee, Tuesday, at nine o'clock sharp Friends and ac quaintances are respectfully invited touts tend. i Your Children Drink Milk ? If they do why not give them the best that can be had, when it costs no more than milk of doubtful quality and' purity. For pure, rich, wholesome, finé flavored, drinkable milk, there is none equal to 2 Clarified Milk. + Just Stop sand Think Fér next few days only you can buy a whole cord of- nice DRY MILLWOOD, de- livered in your yard > For $3. s THE RATHBUN CUNPANY. A GREAT SALE OF COOKED MEATS AT MYERS' Market, 56 Brock cet, viz., cook haw, tongue, corn besf, (our, own make) Pira tout, (plain pickled. and jellied), chipped dried l«ef, pork bologna, and summer sausage. Also pork "sauxaces, tenderloin, bacom and hams. 'Phone' 870, 10th, James a d2oooc0veee CO00000000COOIOOOOOOY PORK Enamelled Belt Buckles, Brooches, Hat Pins, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Pocket Knives, cle. wir | 56-00 | BOTTA RURN i @svvyes de poans-from 75¢.10 $3.50 Largest Selection in Ontario. A C. JOHNSTON & BRO, JEWELERS, $ Cor. Princess'and Welltagton Ss >eveveseesf EEE Se Te Ny Te See i ee 1] ech nd | Sy | specials |