DAILY WHIG, MONDAY. AUGUST 11. PATRIOTIC ADDRESSES BY REV. DR. ANTLIFF. - 4 A Bright And Earnest Service in Queen Street Methodist Church --How to Honor the King. ; The coronation service in Queen street Methodist church. on Sunday morning was bright and carnest. The * hvmuas, in addition to ithe doxology and the national anthem were those commencing "Swell the 'Anthem, Raise ' the Seng," and 0 King of Kings Thy Blessing Shed, on Our Anointed Sov- ercign's Head." The ture lessons were Psalm xxi, and Romans xiii, 1-8, Jefore the reading of the psalm, which was, read responsively, the preacher called attention to the singular ap propriateness of the first part of the psalm to the occasion. "After the ser mon Miss Tandy sang very effectively Ripling's "Recessional."" Rev. Pr. Antlilf, who took ax his text 1 Peter ii-17, "Honor -the King," o <aid : In this epistle we<have a direc tory of duty, for we are taught to shun evil tempers," 9 keep the pas sions in subjection, to behave right- 2 cously and kindly to our fellows and to be in submission to. our superiors. In the verse which ends with our text < we have four very brief but pregnant " - : ; yhortation, "Honor all men, love the The selection of = proyer food : bigtherhood, fear God, honor the fore tat poe fs ing: One cannot read the text and must be nourishing, easily as- , 1 OCOUTIIZ IND , a, Tai ay the context without recognizing the Must 1IEver vary in quality. fact that Christianity not only con Nestlé $ Fo i all these re-. cerns itself with man's future, but al- quisites, is made from cow's = ith: his pse i Site aTLin tags Tio saws o with:hi present, and that it : has substances--and requires only the to do with him not only as a citizen Slyion of water to be ready of heaven, but also as a citizen of or use : > : Samples (sufficient for eight cairth, and that it is intended not only meals) free. to make good saints but also good Leeming MiLes & Co. MONTREAL. subjects. It is to be noted that while it does not prescribe any special form of civil cgovernment, it teaches such principles as wiil tend to make both good ralers-and good subjects: In not setting forth any one form of gévern ment, we may admire the silence of THE COSMOPOLITAN CHAR- scripture, which in this inste ance well deserves * ng » of go ww whe ACTER OF THE VISITORS [Jewry then ie piel, io wi eve or aa presented, we may TO THE MAGI CALEDONIA be sure it would have given offence to SPRINGS DEMONSTRATES some' nation or people. Wherever THE WIDE-SPREAD REPU- Dheinianins prevails we find the high TATION OF THESE GrzAv [oi declepment Boao bys une 2 H - : " . = i A & 1 nations were ris CURATIVE BATHS AND' tianitv mo=t fully obtains, arn for WATERS most In art, science, alth and enter- prize. Find me the most Christian na tion and T will show vou the . one hivhest in civilization, broadest in freedom, most wealthy © in fesouree and most devoted in loyalty: and no woniler when we find such principles z =} inculeated as are found in our text G00 FURN HE Wi TH Ou Honor thd king. without board, 101 Queen "street. ri ath Ae By "The King must be understood POUR GOOD FURNISHED © tions, wits J the chief magistrate, whether called board, with all thodern oonveniencss, at { cmperor, kine, president or other ----- 190 University s Averniel a 4] august title. The title is immaterial. HOUSES AND STORES. NOS. zo ihe office is the important matter. Tt and 208 = Wellington street. of | 1% to he observed the apostle, recogi- Mra. Allen, 297 Division stre «cs dilierent grades © in societv-- there EY Jee os always has been variety of rank and WELLING, 14 EARL STREET! ilwavs wi sy for - neither ature ten rooms; Hot Water Heating: Also Pvny will be ton ; néither aubire, other dwellings, stores and offices, J. 8. | race nor providence favors those who I. McCann, 51 Brock St, ground floor. would reduce all men to the same - = CA = 4 level hitellectnally, physically; so Ft IN AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE-§ cially and morally there are and will mse on the corner Bagot and | } i litter streets, near the park. Medern jn j Pe great "dilierences. (ne purpose to every way. Daisy hot Water heatit | be served by these differences is that Tis" Bako order. . Apply to Felix Shaw, t there mav he varvietey of serviee for 15 1 got street. we are members one of another, and i in the ho wlitic in the hody MONEY AND BUSINESS. har Ll sh Ee : 1 5 ne ' cessarily many TR members ying its and . 0 LOAN IN TATGY oh SwArL, Domherseneh Yup ing ite own aid sums, at low rages of interest on city | COTSOrY function. Chere are, therefore, and farm property Loans granted on | special duties Belonging to every co city, and county debentures. to! cial position: hother x . ! 1 v tot cil position; whether we be rich <u 8. 0 MeGILL 3 of tenet of" "hether we he co ners Loan and Office op: y ! he. geno A | govern I. the dutv-wf those who are _ et subjects is to honor the kine TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN| This duty implies submi<s ti on ms, from one 1 ten «i thoriiv. {op 0 ea a on : lars DIY \ i thority, i the ed no honor i there GODWIN'S EMPORIUM, | 1s rebellion. Honor is due the Ling not over Express Office, 'Market Souare { merely for the personal qualties, hut rE Ny - |, her + for the official prerogatives LIVERPCOR, LONDON. AND. GLOBE" FIRE which" attach to the office, /I'ne kin " oa Conpany Avaitalile . i . : ; = n he | Yepresents an idea--that is lawfal an -{ thority. He embodies the idea of cov- i Loran, In our empire we find the roper IT 5 : : Bot 2 : i r | oval coat of arms over the seat «f Liv new busine ' nj the judge in the courts of justice, Le STRANGE & STRANGE, Agunts. {ual wrils are in the name of the mon- Fs . arch. In state trials he siands ps.othe ARCHITECTS. plaintifi, - and is supposed tobe the fount of jqustice. We are therefore POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MERCH bouwid as individuals to bow to this ants' Bank Ruilding, corner Brock and ithe, e ie hie nar Wellington streets. Phone 212 authority, « the EWING wa have anar hv Sn libdsiiug {and evil confusion, nav, the fabric of ARTHUR FLLIS. ARCHITECT, OkREICE { the constituiion will fall into ruins. i site of New Drill Hall, near corner obi the individual citizen exalt himself Queen and Montreal Streets - and his interests above the general "HENRY. I. SMITH. ARCHITECT, FE well being the end will be the disint Aiehor Building, Market Square, "Phe ration of the state. No submission i 315 a vital dutv. But we speak of submis ig J re = eh sion to lawful tanthority: Tn our na NEWLANDS, RCT ( 01 { : 3 v . vl ot he arp- ld hor over Miho. Dene. Hiam.y tort this is expressed not a the sa A and Bagot streets hitrary wets of the monarely, but in trance on Bagot street enactnients promulgated by the feo = = ple in conjunction with the reigning monarch owe --honer--the--king by === nhedicnet: to:'the-law. Fverv breach of SS. CORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 281 J the law is; gecording to our consti : Princess Street, Kingston, Successor tof tution, an offence against the majesty W. M. Drennan z _ 7 of the king. What an important thing -- re SRS ' yoker, that great: and elo REID. THE LEADING UNDERTSK. {1% law Hooker, } ls rotith or. 25 ne Stret Telepl quent divine ofthe . eariy netis 117 night church, has said, "Oflaw no-lest can ns ----een ts ne § he acknotledoeds than that her seat T UNDERTAKE is in the bosom of God: her voice the Srreet . Quality I harmony of the world; that all: thingy t Five low beng » o vaven, and ®arth do her" homag ! + very deast as feeling hed care : oreat are not exédmpt from hor i wor, hoth ancels and men, and ere 2 fatares of what kind soever, though TE HILL 2 33h sn different sortand manner, vet All Gith one uniformed consent, ad ACADEMY, KINGSTON, mirinee her as the mother of their 'A RESIDENTIAL and DAY [ewe and jov.' While thus: insist ; . . Taw we dé nol sav. SCHOOL FOR BOYS. | a on CrRcns oi st arrive when Ideal Grounds of "Twelve Acres, i at 2 at : a iy 2 nt thi ! ww shoul ¢ re ol y X Qpens Sept. 9th, 1002 i | i abl, whet God" law is REV. T.1. GLOVER, B. A. Peincipat. "0 Justiining | whan ) : ti . ntrayencd or a free pecpie 13 expo ALBERT COLL LEGE, « Betterins! oi to despotism. The apostle. Pan! : : - yon "let every s sul be subject to PHENOMENAL RECORD OF Grow Ti powers: a had governnient students entolled last year, 172 you s 1 : Tt | and 130 vounz men, new pipe eT . ! thin none, and for the on ti Inne x 3 | art oailery r ly vl it becomes us at tunes Lo alll Two " "hip : - STEER GIL } % F Viendre what we may deem injust 1 rounds, one of vy. WNT <. When, however. the ciel ruler Oniario i teated by nites with } offic anthoritv lighted by eleetricity Will re-op 2 al i 1¥ } 1 rl For illustrative circulars ana the h cipal Dyer : an a °} KINGSTON "COLLEGE po 3 a : | rth BUSINESS te : xt furth i person KINGSTON. veh = not Tomavto Co COLLEGE [i ok BUSINESS he ' y I TORONPO. : Lognitoas ni Loa Largest and bist equipment 8) p's A ier nae = tro h oy "®' Unequailed" facilities for sec « (not on that acconut 3 So he 921 Queen wt, Kineston | We avre Ny how ye 1Ph ac) SEND FOR CATALOGUF } ative ie not Sustieientiv esttemarany 1 ' } 0 Confederation Life Buildings. Toromto. cultivated. It springs, from the 1 cognition of the fact that there ° 'is something higher than ourselves: and is. closely allied .to humility. Unless a man has 'this quality he is low and oTOvE e i and reckon no « than "low-thoughted'" and It is. well line. To more worthy ien of a red man. one has given. us grad ions in if only for the eunltivation of tue. { As to the manner. in whicl ce should honor the k we reg prayer should be offered for his being. So we are taught hy St. Paul, who exhorts that supplication, pray- ers, intercessipins be made fowkings, and for all that are in authority Those. in high places have many trials of which the common people Bho ! but little--"'Uneasy is the head the crown." Lord Bacon ih well- 'wears a savs: 'Princes are like heavenly bod- jos which - cause good or evil tinies: and which have much veneration but no rest." They have peculiar tempta- tiond, to which they are exposed ty their position, power and wealth. There are many to flatter: but should he do wrong, where can be found a faithful reprover such as Nathan was to David. Men in lower positions will find honest counsellors. and reprovers, but Sh will rebuke a king? We are further taught to refrain from disai- fection: and sedition; and to judge | charitably of the conduct of those who govern us: they cannot alwavs on account of their very position defen: themselves against the lving tongue of scandal. In conclusion the preacher re- ferred to the fact that the British monarch was not a despot, but a con- stitutional ruler, and that his min ters were responsible for his politic acts, he could do no political wron: at the same time his position as the a monarch of the mightiest empire in the world, he had vast social influen e and his ex: np! s far-reaching for weal or. wee, "Phe fi nowledgment cof God's providence in the proclamation. issued last Friday by the King wos averted to and the congreg: ation was asked to give thanks that the prayer offered hy many millions for the re covery of the king from what at one time ~ seenied likely to prove a fatal sickness, had been so graciously ans- wered, and that, on Saturday, in spite of evil prophecies to the contrary tic coronation had taken place in West- minster Abbey, a coronation + which was all the more solemn and affecting because of the experiences of anxiety and prayer during the past few weel 1 Let prayer also be off | that wh his majesty had to lay down his ea thly crown he may: be called to a «till higher coronation and place hv the King of Kings and Lord of Lords | TO MARINERS. /Explanation About the Prevailing Winds in August. Canadian Meteorological Report. « * |.the men "Who had heen robbed with him. The yobbors abandoned their jaded horse and started atross a field to The prevailing winds in August are we-terly, and in the lower St. Law rence aml Gulf they frequently reach the force of a strong breeze. The lat ter part of the month is the height oi the hurricane season in the West Iu dies, and not infrequently these storms afiect out Atlantic coast: pas directly over, or so near to the mari that the full force of (thers, again, lo not approach the coast so closely: ant then these great gales, although te rilic at sea, are perhaps not experien «l on our any extent, if at all. In the some time provinces the storm is felt. coasts to lake region, during the twen tyv-eight vears, INT3 to 1901, incl Sve, irrespective of thunder ls attained-the:forfe of a m twenty the wind Sop the wit derate gale on In seventeen ca and in the remaining six they hrvekee-t- at some places and vee red at oth In the lower St. Lgwrence vallev and | the - Gulf. during July, there were one occasto; veere., | twentv-eight gales, nine 'heavy ¢ ahd nineteen moderate gales. The hea vy eales were caused almost with exception hy West India hurricanes In seventéen cases the veore k, and in Kleven they backed. : In the maritime provinces in Jul there were twenty-one gales, ¢leven be and ten moderate. Of the heavy gales the whol number caused by West India hurricanes. Ii and in wind ing heavy WT twelve cases the winds backed, nine they veered. eee Kepler Clippings. the Kepler, Aug. S.--The funeral of : late rank Leeman took place Thu t dav. to the Wilton cemetery. Pept wmpathy is extended to the family. Farmers are -nearly throug th Tus in | como having their barley and futi wheat harvested... News has heen 1 | Mr. ands Mrs parents, marriage of ceived hy his (i. Lawson, of the 91 degrees; "Hamilton, On ham. Ont, 92 degrees; 2 Toronto. Unt. Ower ( grees New Wes G. | tmt.. Win n aid and John Sears left to dav, on }iaed back lake: lishing Frontenac trip tC | Kelby TAKES LIFE TRACY STYLE, WOUNDED IN A RUNNING FIGHT WITH POSSE. He Turns stel On Himself--His Companion Surrenders--Con- duct a Series of Highway Rob- beries Near San Jose, Cal. San Jose, Cal, Aug. 11.--A series of daring highway Fh ies which re- sulted in the sensational death of one of the robbers and the wounding of a cidizen occurred on the Monterara road last night. Iwo young men, apparently Titel more than boys, comple I an old lady 'who was driving along the high- way near Edenvale to deliver her and biig颥 to them. Thev then drove to LE. I. Heple's store pat Cae vote, where they purchased cartride- es for a 32-calibre pistol. This they loaded: and immediately proceeded to hold-up the propr ietors and several by- standers. : From Heple's store thev continued toward Gilroy. Within a quarter of a mile. of this town they met W. W. McKee and-when he failed to stop on their order they fired at him, inflicting } trifling wound. McKee lashed his horse into a_run and was not. further molested. T he robbers continued sonth to Ste horse vens' store, a. mile and a hali from Heple's," robbing . two or. 'three tean- sters 'on the road of small amounts. They were just entering Stevens' store when they saw five or six armed men p riding rapidly toward them. This was a posse consisting of EE. F. Heple and ward the foothills. A running ficht en- sued in which one of the robbersavas shot through the stomach. In emulation of Convict Tracy he placed his pistol to his head and blew out- his brains, and died almost in- stantly, The other threw up his hands and was taken into custody. ' Of Perth Miser. one of the residing in week at his six miles from Perth. man worth from Slo, but he lived a life of Death John Willis, characters try, died last Port Elmsley, le eased was a (00 to $15,000, strangest this coun home at ever an 'almost solitary recluse, and = ate barely enough to - sustain lide. He married manv vears ago, and owned but disposed Elmsley, and son a farm in Leeds county, of it and moved to Fort separated from his wile, and daughter. At times he would lock up his dittle red frame house on the banks of the Tay River 4nd go away for days at a time, and no one would be the wiser. On one Occasion he hail remem sum of wrote away, and while absent that he had secreted a in a barrel of ashes. He cone I ered nioney to a friend residing near his home and informed His found a him of the circumstan vi-ited the ash barrel $1,000, and During his I friend wad of he was waited upon \ w, who is a'resident of the BE States, and. she did everything in her power to nurse h father back was frail proper care bit the of food to health, body through -want and and- her task was a hopeless one. be coped never made a friend of anyone but hi whole life's interest seemed to Le centred in his gold, most of v h wag hidden in ~his "house. The ows of hisThouse were always. kept woarded np and the "doors were Joel ed with pad-lod . Glenburnie Gleanings. Glonburnie, Aue. 11 are about throughs hayvine, and have bh cun harvesting. 'lhe crops are- un usally good. Charles Stokes Ix bhrgnchos for arrived a team of haby hreaking in Mr. Fowler. "A new has tor brichten tha home of John H. Clarice: R: Crawtord; Vinpipes pending his * vacation at €. Havas has returned home. Asrangements ppd | ete =made for a -prome in connection with the "Methodist Sabbath sthool The public and separate schools = will re oper next Monday with the sane teachers, Mi- Mabel © spooner ha been visiting © frie in Gananoque. The milk supply is keeping up remark ably weil. © Me. Marshall, Chicago, i the guest of C.. N. Bpooner. John horse killed by lichtning had during a recent storm. Island Transfers Ral=ton, president of the well Car and Linprovement Co, has purchased drom 8. Ad Gananoque, Cherry Island, 1 couple of hundred, vards from <h J.-8. 1 ( Lu hn a main nélnsion: of hiv enthedral ov ay a was sung in honor wronation and a special 1 God 16 Iloss Fhe eathicdral i rang ou wth, ol 1 t chops w ( i ur 1, hig | { » 0 n tery h 1 Tf ¥ ' i ok, J.B ( Y inel- 'a Hn t "about hati tl Rey 1 oceupind tiv pulpit hut at both ervices ve terday af five wee vacation, How It Was Celebrated 1838---Full Report as It Was «When Queen Victoria's celebrated in not outgrown the partisan recent rebellion, ¢ of society p ich a 'spontaneous and unan- lebration as occurred on lat- of had hitterness of the unsetticd imous ¢ demonstrations in honor The thirteen thousand people vears re- moved from its still deserved title of contained many sympa- and still Toronto; v York, the Canada manding , province." restrain who rebellion, Jesides of aflairs terness prevailing, eflicicncy in adjectives ip contents. A record of the celebration is pre- Friday, 20, 1838, somewhat Patriot, Dalton, heading. bottom of a formed asen part esterday ior neral , Consit s of notice by wridhiane. wotld have Hecauss ~o happy procession numerous gratifying * was a which afiord numerous women and children, 9 o'clock till in motion, VICTORIA'S CORONATION. in Toronto in The Patriot, Toronto, state then but four with the "patriots,'"' apprehended further trouble. Within a hundred yards' Church street centre of stoqd, -~ of hotel which but a couple of the Peter Lount and had been hanged, in the of a large crowd and guarded military in fear of an at rescue. The newspaper report %of the Loron- celebration much more by the + Licutenant-Ceneral of Major-General forces calling on the people against was eclipsed lengthy Governor, Sir and Her. Majesty's demonstrations had been connected and unmolested to showing the and their the earn for use of to the the referring Patriot of an ultra-loyval sheet, which restrictéd in The had and column on an The firemen referred to had at the time of a. military in the out an account, n called The firemen wines the hridgge e their er throug and in the lighting opposing foree kets red to thy i seene of nr of the enmine being taken for cannon disappearcd before the rived Iie report of The Phatriot is as fol= being the day the i's Corot ilh tion tools intr the enipable « Maver, notice the With due the emulous to their all were and dis an ecca Ladder with their banners. appearance play sion and rich at the corner ol rich beholders, The the glowing near 12, parading a most exhilirating coup in coninnction with heart of every true coronation the was the Ceronation celebration, mnths gallows on Which the reh- Sanne official proclama George to perinit them to homes unsettled condi the partisan bit proclamation its writer. a diploma abusive referred fo celebration which was published by © situated at the rebel company skirmish, to help repel © of rebels about to enter Don : red to tal fires the to me ropes and hrdinen apfipoint- ion, was been perfectly splendid, taste The Fire and Companies walked engines and and made Church street display of fireworts ! much enfoyvinent to the crowds in holiday present- the glor event which had set the ma could not fail to produce lover son. Herbert,»of Ran Francisco. ! ., ananeg le, A he amount "paid country, the most gratifying ré SH a Tl ant ratier, il =3.000, Mrs. Ralston is. a sister actions on the permanency of have wrned home af a Mrs. Do WIENS IGnanogue. Ww power and the ethicacy of Brit: have 1 on. vl Sampson pi {.from (. R protection for life and property, ee EAE RC Lsbeldono Auburn. Ne YL island twenty withstanding 'our vicinity to a faith J. H. Johnston: .also +1 even, known 2 lati 1s savage and barbarous people." and wife at-their danghta land, JUSt =O Forysthe, J. MéBride Mrs. PP. W, Trons-¢ Io RES00; fs heen In oe ale and. children, Rochester, N.X., | Proved i am 9 are at oA Townsend: Tox, allay svsiogm hough Er Sydenham. Mi heock an li Barcelona Captured. é ohn W. Gates has Wn wil ton, are at 'Mr. Lemthan's: al-] "Port of in, L 900,000" profit on his stock desea. batertown. Missi Up Wj ' Il 3 -- oa chridee, Belleville, Tare at il. here from Venezuela that aiter Mh and Mrs h-dovners dave of "very severe fichting in 'a Z . Cre nt Ss, Pata, Mis rareents of Rasectong, 1 the state oi | SC VIGRY | Pov lev. and lit widdaught i Permudez, the resol Mists un the Ina. have returned alto H. I. command Cen. jitured DIFFERENT Johnstown, Myrtle Douslav, Gan: jhe town the ocoverniment forces _anoque, ac nick. by her brother The covernment lost sixty men anc Some people condemn afd WM A Toronto. are at (jen. Ruperto Bravo. our advertising, because it Dou lay Cranston, ill for sonic! isso very different from time, is convalescent | Mecleod's Compound Blackberry other advertising. SE Cordial. ny . . an ople praise our Highest, Temperatures. | A safe and pleasant' remedy for Meany peo ple ore it is According to the meteorological res! diarrhoea, cholera morbus, "dysentery, so very different from port, these places in Canada were the nj all sumnier comp laings. 25c. per other Medicines. hottest in July Point Clark, Ont. ttle. Mcleod's ug "Hore, corner 95 deg : Kamloops, B.C, 98 dv prifcois and Mohbtreal streets. The difference in each grees; Rocklvn, Ont. and Agassiz, B case is intentional. Co. 95 ~degrves; Stony Ureek, On IRON-OX TABLETS ARE AN INVALVABLE NERVE TONIC, A GENTLE BUT EFFECT. IVE LAXATIVE Try Them Jour health will be so very | different. The best and most economical on the market. For sale by all the principal dealers. Use days Toilet Papers. Kingston Agency, No. 75 Princess Street. J. A. HENDRY, agent, Full of [ .ondon Tw The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S Porter the Virtue of Malt and Hops. | Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Deticate - Palate. JAS. "icPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. ABBIT For all wark, AI grades. L Tom mr Imperial, Metallic, Hercules, Star They are the best. THE CANADA METAL Co, "TORONTO, ONT. THE "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE never made an enemy or lost a friend. Has FOR SALE BY McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. "EVERY DAY ABER ioots, ARGAIN DAY . : me AT =THY'S. Shoes, Trunks and ._Valises. Mid =summer BALE i Fancy Velour Couch, Heavily Fringed all round, only $5.50. Regular price "$7.50 . Tarpest Fancy ' only $4.50. Backs, £6. JAMES REID, With Carved Regular price Everything Reduced. window display next setts will be our See our week. Parlor specialty. THE LEADING UNDE RTAKER KINGSTON.