Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Aug 1902, p. 1

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69TH YEAR. NO. 188. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13. 1902, LAST ELITIOD. - Nome . a a - > T-- Ges cesoevscececccocone LOCAL MEMORANDA: D Y PITH OF THE NEWS. EMANDING TH THE CROP ESTIMATE. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. The Daily Note Book For 'Whig ¢ UKE BOUND 10 UIT The Very Latest News Culled D E RING Sent By Correspondents to Agri- Taronto, Ont., (10 --, Aue. 13.--Fine JENKINS SUMMER SALE Any Colored Sh'rt in the house Straw Hats $1°'and under for 50c. $1.50, $2 ang $2.50 for $1. 75c 000 00000000000000000000000000 ummer Underwear Natura) Wool, * 0 J C. ilk Mercerized, . Ra pri Summer Suits $ AT COST. oe e Have alook at our windows a . :3 JENKINS 3: S' 114 PRINCESS STREET. : Weooeoeoecenece ooow PROCLAMATION EYES THOROUGHLY TESTED M. Mecklenburg, M.A., D.0.S., Of Montreal. Eye and Epr 'Specialist and president of the CanadianhODptometrical College, formerly ol- New 'York City. . At Huffman's Drug Store, Nap- anee, Aug. 11th to 16th. At McLeod's Drug Store; King- ston, Aug. 21st, 22nd, 23rd. The doctor carries with him his own dark room, which is absolutely essential to fit eycs properly aud correctly. In fact it is impossible to examine eyes intelligently with- out it. Do not deloy this opportunity of consulting him. > His charges are very reasonable and if he fails to do you more good, or benefit your oyes alter others have fajled, will charge you nothing. His fees are very moderate con- sidering what you got, bwsides that he fur- nishes glasses at wholesale prices, a fdving ol 50 to 75 per cent. Solid gold frames or mickel mountings from $2. Solid silver © or rold filled, warranted, + Nickel, German silver or Alumina 50c. You pay more than double for the goods elsewhere. No better gods - can be had - anywhere at any price. Making and fitting artificial eyes, both in shell and full block, a specialty. Ear 'trumpets, invisible ear telephones, and best aids for the deaf. + Satislaction guaranteed. GLASSES when fitted properly will last five years. Makes regulay visits. FOR SALE. A STEAM THRESHING MACIIINE, twulve horse-power, for wale cheap. Ap- ply to James Colling, Sydenham, Ont. THE SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING. ON KING Street, between Wade's. Drug store and Congress Hotel. In excellent condition. Second flpor leasid for a long" term. Ap- oly to. D. A. Cays, real ostate agent, ling street. PROPEKTY SITUATED NORTH WEST COR- ner of "Porterouth, contains nine acres, mear town and cars. It has new up-to- date honse, good cellar, two wells. good young orchard, and good outbuildings, enitable for market » Apply to 8. N. Watts, jr., Box 54. WANTED. re Al COOK. APPLY TO MRS. HORA, 43 King street, in the evening. GIRL TO ASSIST WITIL HOUSEWORK. NO Readers to Post Themselves By. Frontenac cheese board, 1:30 [LE s The sun "rikes Thureday at 5:03 am, and sets at 7:05 p.m. 5 ; : Matinee, Lake Ontario Patk,. Wednesday afternoon, 3:30 o'clock. ' Street railway employees' picnic, Lake On- "ario Park, Thursday afternoon and evening. It's up to a man to declare that appear- when they are against Thursday, ances are deceitful him. . It sometimes happens. that the man who dubs his house his castle has the moat in his eve. When an American heiress is divorced from a foreign nobleman, she gets a rebate instead of alimony. A man wastes 'more time during months' courtship than does in for street cars all the rest of his life. 1f thére heaven perhaps the city girls who formerly spent the summer in wer them. and because them a six waiting he are fonces in the country may be able to ly When a fellow about to propose the girl is nervous, it she is afraid some one will before be gets it out. THis , day in the world's history : Rescuing force .of allies reaches Pekin, 1900; Quebec captured by British under Wolfe, 1759; Sir John Millins, painter, died, 1806: Manila surrendered 'to Dewey, 1898; Nansen return- td from Arctic, 1896; earthquake in Scotland, 1816; powder magmzine at Halifax exploded, 1857; battle of Blenheim, 1704. MINORS JRDINERES We have a hansome line made by this celebrated maker just opened. Not expensive, exquisite shapes and odd patterns. is is generally interrupt ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE ){ ONTARi0 PARK ) MHiGH | Matinees oe CLASS | Tiusstey At 8:30, Vaudaville i riday THE THREE DRAGONS HOBGINS and LEITH Illustrated Songs, Sketches, $ Singiag, Dancing ONLY 3 MORE 1 CENT DAYS ari way EMPLOYEES PICNIC RAILWAY THURSDAY. AUG. 14th. By John H. Mills Auction Sale of Household Fur= niture TO-MORRO W, THURS- DAY, at 10 O'clock at Mills' Auction Rooms. ALMOST *NEW SINGER chine, Bed = Room Sots, Table, Contre and other Tu Stove, 0il Stove, Pictures, Chairs, Couch, Iron Bid, and many All mst be oid as owner is og ing away same, day. Terms cash. Sale 'at 10 o'clock. ~~ JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. LONGSHOREMEN'S UNION, 229 . Cook Gas rors, Carpets, Beds, Sideboard, other articles. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LONG- shoremen's Uric J), 'will be held on THURSI Ev A August 14th, at eight o'clock p.m., sharp. All members must be present. By order of the Presi- dent. WM. Kingsgon, August 13th, 4902. A POPULAR MEAT SHOP. ON SATURDAY "NEXT. 16TH INST., Ww. washing or cooking. © Apply at 195 Earl McFederdge "will re open his popular meat street, : shop at 210 Bagot street, near Johnston mm street, where will always be found in stock EXPERIENCED COOK APPLY IN THE | a complete supply of fresh and salt meats evening to Mrs* Octavius Yates, 64 Wil- | Telephone No. 564. Orders promptly at. liam street. tended Yto! FURNISHED HOUSE, FROM SEPTEMBER TO LET. Lot, Stunll (mile: we obit: { yoysts-191-- BROCK ~STRENT--9ROONS- e * - ey All modern improvements. Apply to C. Livingston & Bro. FOR SIX MONTHS, FROM BEGINNING OF October, a furnished house-in central po- sition. No ohildren. Apply this office. A SITUATION 'BY EXPERIENCED GAR- ener. Good references. pebciress F Scott, "Isle Aux Cerfs, St. Hilaire Sta- tion, Que. » A° GOOD GENERAL. SERVANT. REFER ences required. Apply between seven and nine in the evéning to Mrs, J. M. Fae- reli, 174 Barrie street BY A YOUNG LADY OF REFINED FAM- ily, position as daily governess or tutor. Duties to commence anv time after Sep- tember lst. A. Box 211, Deseranto. LORD DUNDONALD'S TRIP. Will Be To Inspect: The Quebec Garrison. Ottawa, Aug. 13.--Lord Dundonald will make his first' oflicial trip out of Ottawa this week, when he will go to Quebec to inspect the garrison at that place. A private letter received in the city states that Sir Frederick Borden, min- ister of militia, will visit Switzer- or will Follow Od Associates Into Retirement OPINION OF THE CABINET SAID TO BE ARTIFICIAL AND TEMPORARY. Some Think Chamberlain Will be Premier Within Three Years-- a, The Colonial Assemblage At Hotel Cecil is Breaking Up. London, Aug. 13.--The resignation of the Duke of Devonsaire, from the cabinet council, has not yet bien an- nounced, but it is expe:ted with con- fidence by well-informed politicians be- fore October. The king may have urg- ed him to. retain' office at the special audience previous to the meeting of bent upon following Lord Salisbury and Hicks-Beach into retirement. If this resignation occurs Myr. Balfour's cabinet will lose, with the exception o#¥ Joseph. Chamberlain, almost the only member possessing great influ- ence in the country. 3 " The more closely the new cabinet is studied the more artificial and tem- porary appears the series' of political country. There is little in the sugges- tion that Mr. Balfour is riding for a fall. The new prime minister is not likely to attempt to break, off his ea- reer before it has fairly begun. There is no ground whatever for sus- picion that Mr. Chamberlain is dis- loyal to- Mr. Balfour; and seeking to take his)place when the reputation of the present unstable cabinet is hausted. A shrewder forecast, which is made by one of the most promising and best informed men in parliament, of the fittest, and the education bill, with which he is not identified, may perial conference, but it is an open se- cret that he has exerted a decisive in- fluence in keepiag the colonies out of what he calls the vortex of Europeay armaments. There is, without a doubt, vigorous effort. on the part of Mr. Chamberlain to concentrate attention on this subject as the most available ground | for common action, but there has been a complete failure to commit the colonies to a costly policy of the military and naval defence of the emi- oire. This question, apart from the plans for a fast mail service on the Atlantic and Pacilic. . Preferential trade is virtually remanded to the serious consideration of the British and colo- nial governments and - taxpayers. [t has been recommended cautiously and tentatively within the 'bounds of ex- has From All Over the World. Ww. The court, Gray, who resigned on account of ill- health. hibit. J. decided" Allan from Liverpool, for Lelle Isle at 8 a.m. on Wednesday. Queen Alexandra presented medals to in to line The yellow fever A November session to to visit England. Six The Ludwig Ebert, wanted at Cleveland, a charge of embezzling R1,- 700 from Miss Dora Schatziger, also on a charge of being concerned in other transactions, \ he was leaving New York by steamer. Ohio, hundred Toronto on on institute, of marine hospital service in Vera Cruz, Mexico, has discovered the cause yellow feyer. ; special of the United States senate will probably be held in ratify a. reciprocity treaty with Cubg H. Conley, a s recovery Biscuit was stant shipper lady - school under. the control of the Roman tholic committee of public instruction are attending a convention at Quebec. The Loval Orange Association cabled congratulations arrested Injuring Woman. Colleen, 111.) 13.--I land. and " Earl Cadogan has formally retired from the lord-lietenancy of Ire Weeks, Jamestown, N.Y., cided by taking carbolic acid. He had been sick a long time. the Allan line from Glasgow, dat 8 a.m. on Wednesday. Arnott White, ass the Evans' avarchouse, Toronto, has mysteriously disappeared. = ° The Toronto Junction school board abolikh the vertical system of writing in the schools. 1 steamer steamer Laurentian, docked at New York- - Tunisian, Montreal, passed council, 'but it has been understood in The secretary of the Wisconsin state the inner circles of government sup- | po "ao notified the commission that porters, for a fortnight, that he was there is ao space for the Canadian ex- Sposedly insane man erals, Botha, Dewet and Delarey not teachers, co ers who have been examining condi- is that Mr. Chamberlain will be {sire in South Africa. savs all trade primé minister within three years by | 1} ara is hampered by trusts and com- virtue of the principle of the survival bines. and Confec- tionery company's establishment, on LIGHTNING"S QUEER PRANKS. Melts Jewelry Without Seriously rings ran together into one piece. - In her hand was an umbrella with a'steel rod and the rod was twisted out shape. Her left shoe was torn off. She was rendered unconscious for an hour, but has fully recovéred. Mr. and Mrs. Neller had stepped into a church, and 0 sui- at the of Ca- and as isting tariff arrangements. Edmund Barton changed his place. Hon. W. don, but Hon. William -Mulock and the other dian ministers: are preparing: to Mr.. Seddon will not accompany Sir ito Canada, having 3. Field- ing will remain a week longer in Lon- Mr: Paterson and Sir Cana- running down, the 'holt stunned Mrs. Neller. Neller was also severely shock- ed. BALLOON BROUGHT HUSBAND. Tiny Airship Carried Girl's Mis- re- of his acceptance, that he shall be giv- turn. The review of the. colonial troops in the grounds of Buckingham Palace, vesterday, was a private function, but there was an effective street parade to Victoria station. The king and gneen, the Prince of Wales and Lord Kiioh- ener were present during the evel: tions on the lawn and the subsequent listribution of coronation medals. s€ « DR. PARKIN'S POSITION. Organizer Of the Rhodes' Scholar- ships Scheme. Toronto, Aug. 13.----A special cable to the Globe from London says : The, trustees of the Rhodes scholar- ships have honored Canada by select- ing. G. R. Parkin, C.M.G., headmaster of Upper Canada college, to organize the scheme and to visit the countries to be benefited by this pasdional ine quest, under? which two "hundred phk- ed" mea are annually to receive a Brit- ish education. Dr. Parkin has made it a condition « a' laced under the protection of Japan: | cor » In sive to Responsive Man. Myersdale mie Zercr nt the up a lett finder, should er she matrimonially. Rockport, Hoffman, visit where The two did not get along gether, and frequently there have been and Pa., Aug. 13.--Miss Ma- ss, Dorchester courty, Md. daughter of a farmer, on July 4th, toy ballogn, tained her paotogcreph »plained that Fwould Jike to communicate with the |" he be a man unincum- | V which con- a letter Ralph Messick, City, Md., found the balloon : wrote to Miss Zercross, and this led to their marriage. Money. Ind., Aug. a German farmer, years of 'age, committed suicide terday, but: before doing sa he Lurn- ed between £5,000 and 26.000 in mone that his widow migh§ not enjoy benefits. 13. has BURNS $5,008; KILLS HIMSELF His Widow Cannot ° Enjoy His - Julius xty-five Vos its Hoffman five years axo - pail to he r ho a his old married nme in O's Laan youns, woman. We to 1 sne Emperer William Sent Mcss- enger to the Lady. THE DREAM OF MISS DEACON < THAT SHE SHOULD MARRY A Jn GERMAN PRINCE. The Duchess of Marlhorough in Entire Sympathy With Her ®rotege--The Emperor Not at All of the Opinion of the Wo- men. the nurses, doctors and men of the Sa § "won a Imperial - Yeomanry hospital service. Paris, Aug. Deilhe Magis con- Oliver Wendell Holmes has been ap- Unuing to publish detai s of the love poirited to the United States supreme Sia ig the fon n Prince of succession to Vice-Justice | e¥many and Miss Gladys Deacon, says. that the Duchess of Marlborough is in entire sympathy with Miss Dea- con in her dreams of becoming an em- press. The duchess, the paper says, argues that she married a duke, and why, then, should not her protege marry a prince of the German empire? The Matin says that the Duke of Marlborough was at first ironical, but afterwards fell in with the dreams of Miss Deacon and the duchess, but em- peror William, viewing the affair in a different light, sent a messenger to Miss Deacon demanding the return of the ring given to her by the crown prince, and saying that the ring was compromises effected. It may succeed has been terrorizing ~ La Crescent, Not the propests ofthe coc ies in carrying the education bill in Oc- Minn., committing robberies and but o. I ht 4) the PE BENS tober by a reduced majority, but it flourishing firearms. ; erick to Al Corti wm) big Mice lacks the political authority required Mr. Kruger and his party are en- Deacon, backed by the esd tor retaining the confidence of = the deavoring to persuade the Boer gen-. Marlborough, indignantly refused to part with the precious love token. Messenger succeeded messenger, each of higher rank . and each more diplo- ring in the emperor's re presentative's face. i r: Meantime the crown prince was onation of 'King Edward and received closely confined to his rooms and his eX-'I reply : * "The king thanks you sin-| ype' Prince Henry of Prussia, was cerely." s sent to represent Emperor William at One of the British trade commission- | the coronation of King Edward. A Sketch Of The Lady. New York, Aug. 13.--Miss Marie Gladys Deacon, credited with having won the affections of the young prince, bring about this® result at even aw Front street east, was damaged hy |is the eldest daughter of the late Fe earlier period." fire on Tuesday night to the extent | ward Parker Deacon who, on Feb. The c¢vlonial assemblage at Hotel of 260,000 or $70,000. 17th 1892, at Cannes, Franco shot Cecil is breaking up. Sir Wilfrid Laur- | "pp Falk Co.. of = Milwaukee, will | and killed Emile Abeille, a wealthy ier starts with Sir Gilbert Parker to- build the Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., street | French clubman, whom he 'suspected of day for the Channel Islands and Par- railway line. About eight miles of | being his wife's lover. Deaton was im- is, and will visit Rome before re- | the system. is to he completed this prisoned at the time, tried at Nice turning to London in September. He vear and cars to be running by Octo | convicted and sentenced to one cenit' will not discuss the work of the im- ber. imprisonment. In September of the same year he was pardoned by Presi- dent Carnot 'and released. Mrs. Deacon is a daughter of the late Admiral Charles H. Baldwin, U. S.N., and was a New York belle at the time of her marriage to Deacon in 1879. Shortly after their marriage the Deacons moved to Paris. where they continued to live until the time of the scandal that Iroke up their family life. They moved in the best society and Mrs. Deacon was a favor- Aug. INE 8 | ita avervwhin increase of the Australian naval con- thunderstorm here vesterday, light- Na ie was retiring by na- tributions, remains where it. was, and ning struck Mrs. Frank Neller, St. | ture and of a Taha ee steamship subsidies. have not been | Louis, melted ga gold watch chain [yhind but their marriage seemed to taken out.of the hands of the coloni- | which was about her neck, and algo be happy Four hikes Wore barn al ministers interested in working out | four gold rings on her left hand, The |, them. : all daugrhters and Wate named Marie Gladys, Tda Audrey, Do- rothy Evelyn and Edith Florence. As soon as Deacon had been releas- ed from prison he went to Paris to bring suit for divorce and for the cus- tody of his children, who till then had remained with the mother. He also brought a similar suit. in New York. 'Mrs. Deacon tried to head him off by a counter suit, but failed. He secured a divorce and the custody of all the children, but a settlement wag shortly afterward effected by which the two eldest girls were left with Mrs. Deacon. In 1896 Deacon returned to this country with Dorothy and Edith. Mrs. Deacon stayed 'in Paris. and for some time there was much talk of a marri- age between her and the Count Louis Turenne-~a union that seemed véry irable -to--that nobleman, because Mrs, Deacon was credited with having a personal income of more than 810,- 000. a vear. Deacon developed symptoms of men- tal disease shortly. after his return and had finally to be confined in an asylum 'at Somerville, Mass. Preyious to that, Mre. Deacon and' the other i two danghters had also returned here. | Tt was said at the time that they had | come at the request of Deacon, and. soon the world was told of a complete reconciliation between husband and fwife. Mrs. Deacon went to live with | her brother, Charles Baldwin, at San | Francisco. { Deacon died in the asylum on July 16th, 1901. By his will his estate, va { Tued at R120.000. was equally divided between his daughters, . f de | | | | S-- land, and. other places on the contin: | oy time in which to put Upper Canada disagreements, which Jaail'v fed MHoli- | GREETED THE VISITORS. FOR MANITOBA} 50 TEAMSTERS, LABOR: | ent before returning to Canada. He will [College on the best working basis be- | nan to comniitt suicide, ¢ | 1. A Turse To Tt the © crs amd firm hinds, Way o_gvirage 830) not likely. reach here before the end fore. undertaking his new work. He be. : oo A lamieson, who built the Cana per month "and board, or to perl la a: . : The Canadian Manufacturers | = Northern. elevator at Port Ay dav. Apply at 31 Brodk street, corner | Of September. 2 a Vi lieves that he will be able to benefit A ESTED AT PRISON 'GATE. ! Reach Halifax. thur,- "ecured iMerim injunctio Kipy strect. H. F. Wyatt will visit Canada in the [the college greatly in his new sphere. R | > J nur, M po an « Mir Junction early autumn in behalf of the' Navv Dr. Parkin will sail to-morrow for . .._ | Halifax, N.S., Aug. 13.--The special | azainst Mackenzie & Minn, restrain ISIS Op : ) » r k P I fr h » h AN SNaTane coer MASTER Ws League. His plan is to confer with | Canada ' . Convict Who Broke arole Dis- | train of eleven coaches, bearing the | ne Lie Lid making ¢ a in 0 ¢ » inusto lew ~ te 4 . : 3 . . a s » : i : 4 ajov x - TR OF Plonitons rey tht fil of Honid all Canadians in whose hands lie the A svecial cable frdm Liverpool to covered Through System. - | members: of thee Canadian Manufactur- Ca hh By his Rr - of Fducation pp to Mondav, 25th inst. power to further the attainment of | (he Globe, dated yesterday, savs : Michiggn City, Ind, Aug. 13. | ers' Association, with their ladies. Te ooh Yada F er hrc State ! : ; ; he . BY , , Arey a the elevator. Judoe Falconbridge State salary the real conimand of the sea by the Among the passengers sailing for | Frank Canfield. who completed serv. | nearly two hundred strong, arrived at {ng it lh urned. he i til n iy 4 ¥ > oe . : 3 : he wronto, ) caring MEN--OUR 11 LUSTRATED CATALOGUE British people, and to address meet- | Canada. today, on board the Beaver [ing a three vear sentence in the prison | 6:30 o'clock last nicht. Rain had la turdav., 3 ¢ erpinine how we tench. . trade | ings for 'the purpose on every suitable liner Lake Simcoe, are*Hon. G. H. |here on Tuesday, was arfestad as he {heen failing all day and when the | Sa ay. : . plaimy how we teach the Barber trade ast purj i : Of : : H 1 : ; At Bowmanville, Ont., one hundred in eight - wwks, mailed free. Learn how | occasion. Muirayv, premier of Nova Scotia; Hon. stepped: thyouch the prison gates. Se- | train pulled into the station a warm | oe thittv-five membre. of the local ¢ a ir Jortef Nor od s L. J: Tweedie, premier of New Bruns- | veral vears ag Canfield was releaged | hist overhung the city and- harbor. {vos n of el a ated Woodworkers ' vhto « e today. Moler r- : y ae. a 4 : . : . . . aon of A gamate rs * ber College, Chicago, INI : sha Man Cut To Pieces. wick: Hon. Edward Blake, M.P.. Col. | from Mllinois prison on parole. He vio- | Presilent pe 8. Campbell, of the | Bate decidid te gor on stiffer Aha] } ' : Rothwell. Dnt tiv 13 An uh J. M. Gibson, MPP... W, 8. Cah ert, lated his parole, and it was while an | Poard of Trade; Joserh N R. Hende | are emploved hy "the Dominion Piano | ¢ PERSONS OF UNboum ED__CHARACTER. known man was found ent to pisces P. and Alexander Johnston 1 ~{inmate at the Indiana. prison, that it Ny bred ot of 4 : hii tia | and Orsan--Cet Fhe ten demand ro ' good sas, und plenty of push to help J as 1oand ; The Biitish rifle team to cdinpete Bt Lhecame known through: the Rertitlon Thranch--of the Canadian Wanufarta | Bre | 0 in a great spiritual work, © (Our <i bv a train gn the G.T.R. track about oF } : y g } . n Age t and na us mem- | cognition of the unfon and a twenty entirely original and the | posible me] (vo miies ~~ i Bothwell carly: this | Ottawa for the Palma trophy iis "01 system that he was wanted "in IHl- io So DRSOCIRLION, BOE | anmerols on | per cent. increase in wage : tem to twenty dollars weeks TIPE CEN. | : i rr | on bogrd. | noi vis of aint orgghizations et dq } | C} h por RA 3 Aig rnin Suppose 1 hat + . : 8 varged an i that the TURY CHRISTIAN "CO, LTD. Toronto | morning. He upio 0 have | : iitors at the station aud saw that || Jt is charged in Chicago thy ' been about forty-five years of. ace | i -- ' firtal Wl | frilure of the ndlice to get trace of | ¢ = -- 3 5 ny : : thev were comfortably. aciommoddated a i HALL'S BARBER SCIIOOLS. 246 YONGE and was of « ely complexion : I'he Denies The Stories. | Wrecked By Hard Study. Jl nt hntelse hrowheleainrivewres ye Willian Bartholin, dec nse of the mur | ' strect, Toronto, Ont. also Stu anyenie loft hand had been amputated at' "Marwilles, Aug. 13M. Klobukow New York. Aug. 13.--John Finneran, eniitz of Halifax at a naval and | der of his mother and fian ee, Miniie ' geet, ones and, 14] Zax Sos some time at the wrist I'he Man WAS Feki, the French niinistér to Sigm. ar- eighteen vears oll. of No. 135 Avenue ni Stare touviament the. interests | Mit che H. is attributed to the efforts of ' Wages Saturdave Terms moderate. Tools, | Cf aps fd and hud 2 change of un rived here He denies the storieg re | A; taken to Bellevue hospital last | 4i the 63rd Halifax Rifles. last night { a rat rial society, 1 w hich the miss 4 trial, lodeings, railroad tickst and cn taster lot hine--in-a- sack. - Frentd a npture--ot--plomatic rest ioh 7 ois tilt he insane ORE ie} oi Be {In man was a member ' v rel 1 rently of a ropture--ot--hy a might raving, 1 amt sane It. had" been intended to give the ae | 8 : ATIVE DA ur SPECIAL on { lations between the two countries be- ward. It is said, that 'his mind was | 4, lation a hah pr exenrsion to-day, | Alexander Fulton was killed at * 2 ' . " Q 6 > : : | a | 3 2 3 ! 4 | 1 § ad Yotey solntoly free. - Also 'opportunity to earn We Will Have Something [ cause Siam seemed to favor the Anglo | unbalanced by hard study and _ the | ft no veessl seine. obtainable! the. pm. at the corner of Front and. | i : money at. vour dome, by workine for ns, To «av about new-neckwear in a | Japanese alliance or wanted to bef practice of hvpnotism as tansht bya | oxeursion has been postponed until to; | streets. Torgnto, where he was worl Nrite for particulsrs to-day, ~Aldis Owen dav or two, The H. D. Bibby Co. In respondence school. L morrow. . mg. po i matic and caressing in his manner un- til at last Miss Deacon, in a fit of anger and wounded love, threw the' cultural Department. Toronto, Aug. 13.--A bulletin has just been prepared by the Ontario de- partment of agriculture, based on the reports of its regular correspondents, which gives the following as the crops estimated for 1992, us judged from ap- pearances on August Ist: Fall wieat, 715,592 acres, yield 19,- 336:057 bushels or 25.9 bushels an acre. In 1901 the yield from 911,598 acies was 15,943,229 bushels or 17.5 bushels an acre. . Spring wheat, 303,115 acres and 5, 993,695 bushels or 19.5 an acre. In 1901, 355,048 acres, yielded 5,498,751 bushes, or 15.4 an acre. Barly, 661,622 acres and 21,281,108 bushels or 32.2 an acre. In 1901, 637,- 201 acres, yielded 16,761,076. bushels or 26.3. an acre. Oats, 2,500,758 acres and 105,540,510 . bushels or 42.2 an acre." In 1901, 2,- 408,261 acres' yielded 78,334,490 bush- els, or 32.5 an acre. \ : Rye, 1x84 3 acres and 3,686,476 bus- hels or 19.5. In 1901: 158 acres vielded 2,515,268 bushels or 16.1 an acre. : Peas, 537,639 acres and 11.363 345 bushels or 21.3 an acre. In 1901, 602,- 724 acres vielded 10,089,173 bushels or 16.7 an acre. . Beans, 53.964 acres and 639,099 bus- hels, or. 11.7 an.acre. In 1901, 53.688 acres vielded 824,122 bushels, or 15.4 an acre. Hay and clover, 2.646,202 acres and 1,955,438 tons or 1.87 an acre as com- pared with 1.81 in 1901. The apple crop is estimated at 41,- 174,552 bushels. Reports received from nearlv every section of Ontarie show that the pre- sent season has been one of the best in many' vears for honey. Present pro- spects are, that prices will be much lower than for several seasons. THEY FOILED CUPID'S PLANS. Family Wouldn't Let Eighty-six Marry Twenty. Wheeling, W. Va: Aug. 13.--When William Schoonover, aged eighty-six and wealthy; of Sardis, 0., promised to wed Sadie Gibson, aged twenty, of Des Moines, he reckoned without the aid or consent of his numerous progeny. Schoonover became © ac- quainted with the young girl through an advertisement in a matrimonial pa- per. He sent her money to. come to Sardis and matrimony. She came and conquered the old gentleman, but when the heirs-at-law saw her they decided she would not do. ~All = the world supposed the couple had wedded as soon as Sadie reached Sardis, hut [developments indicate tht~contrary is true. > Seven Sons-in-law and eighteen grandchildren trooped into the Cun- ningham hotel where the bride-to-be was awaiting the clergyman, and af- ter scrutinizing her decided she was not satisfactory, although the hotel proprietor said she was enough to and slightly warmer, Thursday becoming un- settled and showery, HARRIS--At > Thursday ° - Special Sale OF « - Dress Muslins 2 Per Cent. > count, of our stock utiful French Organdies a » Em- broidered Silk: Swiss Novel- ties. This is a chance to secure a handsome Dress, Length, suitable for afternoon 'or the handsomest materials evening wear, of some of that have ever been import- 3 into Kingston. Also about 200 Remnants of Muslin and Sateen to be sold at exactly one HALF- PRICE. DIED. Brockviile, on = August John Harris, aged ecightyv-two vears. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 11th, DESIRABLE BRICK HOUSE ON THE EAST west. The clan is rejoicing. make any man happy. The pleadings fite 1 Yonis ot, Jormerly owed , + a . od ; . rs. Me L. of Mr. Schoonover and the sighs of &£ Smythe, era ot et » Sadie failed: to: melt the hearts of = the . Schoonover clan. This morning the [VALUABLE . SUBURBAN RESIDENCE, old gentléman gave Sadie £35, took Hust be sod to wind un Vote, 'ha id : ' ire hes of : ottage, the residence of the late George her to the train and saw her off to the Fenwick" The houses: built of brick 1 35x40 feet. There ure The property is hich, fomr full sized City Lots. two stories lumbia Shingles. on + EXPELLED BY FORCE. streets aml oxerborn. Viceatin "Hark on price and terms apply. to Smythe & Schools Defended By Crowd With Biivihe, Solicitors, Kingston, June' 26th, 902. Cudgels And Stones. ee pre Paris, Aug. 13.--The commissary at ®00000000000COOOOOOOS Lesneven, Finistere, accompanied by a|® ° strat body of gendarmes, Jlogeeded Just Stop s vesterday to the village of Gouezec to o ° expel the sisters from schools there. ° and Think ° The schools were defended by a crowd ® » armed with cudg and stones, ® For next few _days only *® One gendarme was unhorsed and the | @ you can buy a whole cord of ® commissary was compelled to - retreat, nice DRY MILLWOOD, de- ° but Iater he returned with a company : li di d ? s of soldiers, who protected him while . ivered In your yar » he closed the schools amid shouts of | ¢ F 3 ® "Long live liberty." . or . . ---------- ! * r---- ° ® o WANT TO RETALIATE. o THE RATHBUN CUNPANY. ® eo Ta Try And Shut Out British Co- > ® cecccccseccccsscenes shingles into the United States. It is claimed that of "800,000,000 shingles a y v rr . 3 [9 Pe pabconer, BC, Aue 13-1 | TO CONTRACTORS. i nes FO ye ounce 8 Pe + | . . ohtin go brinai SV AAU pps DERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE politicians are nngine pressure maler ed up to noon of the 19th inst, to bear, through members of congress, | jor the Mascn and Bricklayers, Carpenters to retaliate against British Columbia [ind J Hrs hud Painting mad, Glazing Ae hit a3 a ae - | works required in "the ere of Stores on for prohibiting the export of cedar | Jor raved Missrs. McKelvey o Birch logs to tne. States by prohibiting the Land Messrs James--Richaredson Soma, Low- importation of British Columbia's [xt or anv tender not neceswarily acoepted. Plans, amd specifications may be seen at our - office Bank Chambers, Power & Son, Architects, Merchants vear manufactured in British Colum bus only 200,000,000 are consumed in the province the remainder finding their way toe the United States. This Week At Mullin's> Six pounls of pearl tapioca for 25. reven pounds: of hest rice for 2c. corner Johnston and Divigion: streets, |, Just Think. WEST FARM FOR SALE. HALF OF 16, IN 7TH CON., TOWN- ship of Loboro, 136 acres mon ro less, will be wold by auction on ond8y, the Mh September, ext, at noon, at. Swit 7er's Tot], in the Vilinge: of Sydenham. There is a storey, amd a" half frame dwelling, with bana and stable on the firm, aml 37 is well watdnst Further terms, and conditions at. time of sale. Jos ph Ore, "Svilkenhiiin, Vendor. Dated, F2th August, 1902 eleven and containing 35c., Baskets peaches for 30c the CarnovsKy fruit stores, quarts 20c., | at MOTHER HENDY'S All Healing Ointment Will Cure Burow, Frozen Limbs, Cuts, Salt (thevim. - Broken Breasts, Children's Cracked Nipples, Bore Heads, Boils and Bealing Fingers. PRICT 2%, Souvenirs Brooches, Enamclled Belt Buckles, Hat Pinas, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Pecket Knives, etc. Spoons from 75c. fo $3.50 Cor. Princess and Welliugton Sts, : | Largest Selection in Ontario. ¢ A G. JOHNSTON & BRO, JEWELERS, i

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