Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Aug 1902, p. 4

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, & - "brick roto por THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 13 Scale For 53 Corbett's Hardware. or Qn Lt Keeping Up The Home)? Working for Yourself ? Are: vou keeping your own lawn in order or are you caring for that of some landlord? Just as easy to care for vour own. Just as ensy to pay rt to voursell. We have the properties, give you terms that eetisfy, and are as careful of vour. interests as you could desire. D. A. CAYS, 346 King Street. THE HEIGHT OF ELEGANCE and comfort is attained in the suit. We a bLeautiful suit for little, more than vou pay for the beat readv-made, but Fashion sailor made Nothing eqmals (it. can produce there ia style. a workl of difference in the wear and et INO. R. JOHNSTON, TAILOR. POT RiFRRrERERERRRERRR 8 5 We Have 'Some Special Trouserings To Show You. CRANFORD & WALSH, Tailors and Importers, Cor. Princess & Bagot Sts. | PlRRRRRERE IEERRRREREER IRE WOOD JUST RECEIVED. A fine lot of hard Maple, cut last winter. Good long lengths. S. ANGLIN & CO. Foot of Wellington Street. 7 DIRE RIE BEER nice sound, 0 s0oc0anor0OOCERORGS eeececccee BINDER WINE Sisal, 500 feet to the pound, 11c., sold elsewhere for 12%. Manilla, 600 feet, 12}c., elsewhere for 15c. Qtrachan's | sold Hardware. To prove to you that DS Chase's Ointment 18 a certai® ana absolute cure for each and every form of itching Piles bleeding and prot: e manufacturers have guaran i monials in the daily press and ask yourn =s what they think ofit, You can use it fet your money back if not eured. 60c a box, u 'dealers or EDM ANSON, BATES & Co, T3ronta Dr. Chase's O'ntment Auction Sales * Save Money & by Employing * ALLEN & BROWN, ? , Auctioneers. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. - prospective retirement - Owing to > from business the old established PHOTOGRAPH BUSINESS of SHELDON «& DAVIS is for sale. Apply on the prenrises. TO-LET. INCE, 201 BROCK STREE%, woderp improvements, also 244 Brock strest, 10 rooms . Anny Oak Hall, BRICK RESU 11 rooms modern improvement WD. Bibby Co. Toronto, of an |THE WHIG -- 68TH . YEAR. THE 'DAILY BRITISH WHIG is pub- lished, every evening at 806-308-810 King street, Kingston, Ont., at six dok lars per year, payable in advance. Advertisements, per line, five lines over--First insertion, 15c¢.; eac consecutive insertion, Bc. Aleasurements by a solid scale, twelve lines to the: inch. . Births, Marriages or Deaths; one ia- sertion, 50c.: two insertions, 75c. Wants, - Lost sand Found,» Personals, Articles for sale, etc.. lc. per word in daily issue; minimum charge, 25c.; seriions.. 506. All charges for subscriptigns are advance. « All advertisements are ® the approval the pubdisher. Officers of unineurporated associations or societies will be beld personally re- sponsible for orders they give. . - Contracts for a special space are made for long terms for mercantile announce: ments, but notices of help wanted, for sale, to-let, partnerships. tenders or any- thing bevond actual announcement goods or manufactures for sale are ex- cinded. ; The publisher will not be responsible for misunderstanding of verbal orders. Written directions should be paced on all copy for insertion. All advertisements are subject to the approval of the publisher. F In case an advertiser becomes in- solvent hefore expirv of a contract the advertising, shall cease and that ner formed hecome .due immediately at the rate charged per line for casu adver tisements.' In case of errors or omissions in legal or any other advertisements, the publisher does not hold himself liable for damage further than the amount receiv by him for such advertisement. advertisements and due ard payable in ubject to THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG., 13 pages, 84 columns, is published every Thursday morning at $1 a year, if paid in advance : otherwise $1. Attached to the paper is hest Job Offices in Canada : lish' and cheap work ; nine rinting presses. printing EDW. J. B. PENSE, JOIN OFFORD. Proprietor. Asrsistant Rusiness Wanager. I'HE DAILY 'WHIG. Opier per Orbem Dicor.| z rapid, styv- improved SYMPATHY NOT IN ORDER. - The shooting of two policemen burglars in Chicago shows the of the Canadian government in refusing to commute the death sen- tence upon the convicted murderer at Ricg. Sympathy with burg- by wis- dom They go about for when lars is never in order. with murder in their heart, capture is threatened they rarely fail to shoot. A policeman's life, or that inmate of the house attacked, compared with their' mere liberty. hanging were more often meted out to them, their calling would not be so tempting or sufe. counts as nothing eee CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS. The question of ways and means for ue essfully meating competition is to be exhaustively dis- at the annual, meeting of the Manufacturers' Association, at Halifax to-day. The con- e assembly of busi- over-growing cussed Canadian 0} ened vention is a notabl ness, men, representing all branches of commercial activity of the dominion. \ anconver, Winnipeg, Montreal, Ham: Kingston, Toronto, and other cities of the country are ilton, leading re- presented and the importance of the indicated by the promin- scheduled for the the nuniber gathering is cnve of the speakers, annual banquet, among heing several leading statesmen, finan- ciers and heads of large industrial en- terprises. Reports of 'the various -offi- cers show that the association is mak- It is doing urge on the their ing encouraging progress. to a pride in everything possible prople-of Canada manufacturers, and is endeavoring to legislation which, it is be Canadian secure lieved, will materially assist in- dustry. en LABOR AND GOLDEN RULE. In 1853, Mr. Sargent says, the aver- age wages paid to locomotive firemen now it is ®62. The Firemen was X32 a month; of Locomotive Mr. Sargent's Brotherhood prospered under His theory | employers are interdepen- hus leadership. em- that is ployees sand dent, and that both will prosper bet- wr if they are guided in their dealings by the Golden 'Rule. The Golden Rule is imderstood principhe Civilization -are sup: and do, a tolerably well As a race men hers 'of Christian posed to take it into acqounts But in business--it-- 1s In. some ways. sO frequently neglected 'that its very opposite the horse trader's maxim ol "doing the other fellok as he would tie to do-vou-and-doing it_fust," is often applauded. And in the relations em- i Lover and employee the Rule in the past almost putirely Post- between Golden has been the Syracuse of abandoned, says Stgndard. he Which: declared that these affairs he ~t:11 maint considered practical. school economy are to alone reoulated by sellishness ains its 'hold in some minds For in- operators that -are stance, the anthracite coal rather than ity 1 fe importation of the "Rurope, whose condition has hetter,opportun- the from grant the a in to miners began workmen Southern been a curse to the, labor problem in the since. The min ers "Rave retaliated in Kind. the' to forge recognition hy the oper: coal regions ever In affort their union they have allow- be flooded so that of them are utterly ruined. It atorstor ed many collieries to was an act of profitless revenge. When Mr. Sargents wea more generally aceppted there hecomis be and will less starvation on (the one less unnecessary loss on the other. er ee ------ A Duluth man, born a Canadian, who is studving the atimates that at Feast 100,000 movement at close range, A\merean farmers will take np Cana land within the next vears. eee Han Hive Writs were issued against, thirty two Detroit saloon Keepers tor keeping their 1 i bars of wn Sunday. As has heerfre- as else quently remarked in Kingston, where, "there are always othets,"' ~ three in: OUTLOOK FOR TRADE. It is interesting to contrast the op- inions 'of commercial men upon the prospect or } Canadian steel combine. Mr. Whitney, a member of the United States trust, which' is 'netting a profit of over ofie hundred and twenty-five millions, is quite sanguine that the new trust can make money, and without considering itself a 'competitor of the billion dol- lar concern, - which is managed by Schwab. Mr. De Sola, the Canadian representative. of the Belgian syndi cate, is" persuaded that "all any Cana- dian (Canadian trade, and it is limited , of course#in its field and. operation. Opinion agrees upon one point-- that the Sydney syndicate will never reap the full profits of the new busi- ness until it produces the finished ar- ticle, which it. does not do at |pres- ent. So far it has made only billets and pig iron. It figures on making steel rails, and steel for bridging and iron work of every kind. Can it do this ? It has the iron and coal hand; contiguous and in inexhaustible quantities. It has all the labour it can desire. The Belgian agent says this labour is éxpensive, because liv- ing in Canada is high and bound to remain high. It is mo higher than Un- ited States labour, and so it is in apo- and foreign demand combine can do is control the on sition of equality upon which the expansive policy of the Canadian syndicate depends. Canada is enjoying a period of un- exampled prosperity, and it is. but natural that the capitalists should fig- ure the control of Canadian trade and the successful competition for some of that in Kurope and South It is to be expected that they and upon Africa. will be discouraged by opposition, that failure will be predicted by busi- ness foes, but the Sydney people and the people whom Mr. Clergue repres- ents, are farseeing, and they are not capital into steel mak- the fun of the thing. They have canvassed the situation thor- oughly, and they know what thev are doing. Canadians must have faith in the penetration of their manufacturers, wisdom of their proceed- putting their ing for and in the ings. --en EDITORIAL NOTES. A contemporary aptly remarks that John Mitchell betrays unmistakable symptoms of being the ablest, the san- est. and the most honorable labor lead- or that has made his appearance in the United States. ---- 14 is said by British papers that the feeling. against the Education Bill is daily gaining in volume and intensity, 1 will unquestionably prove to be a factor, if the dominating in the next elections. -- The cost per pupil in the on the basis of monthly attendance was 811.02 1901-2. This was for general classes. The kindergartens cost 21 per pupil oh the basis of total enrolment. Free text books required an expendi ture oi $2,108.53. ei an main not factor, Toronto schoc ls average for The- Globe rises to remark thet the whole purpose of our canal systenr is to afford cheaper transportation than give and remarks : of £3,000,000 French Riv- the railways can Would the expenditure on the canalization of the er reduce thecost of 'transporting western products even a fraction of a cent a bushel ? We do not believe it and that is why we oppose the on would, expenditure of any public money the enterprise. ----m-- John R. Lattin, of Logansport, In- diana, dropped dead upon hearing that he had been This dread fatality has not happened sued for damages. of the machinists involved in the action the They must be of cood spirit to to any of Jocomotive com- pany. look the action in the face so smiling- 07 cebv : ly. However, neither the winner - nor loser in a big law suit can be happy over the worry and cost. * ------ PRESS PICK-UPS. Will Hear New Music. Toronto Glebe. "It will interest Mr. {o know that he was in the choir at Westminster Abbey® on Saturday. They will hear some of the new music during the bye elections. Ross' opponents Doesn't Bother Him. Hamilton Spectator. It is said that uneasy lies she 'head that wears a crown; but Edward VIL takes his ofl before retiring. A Liar's View Point. Syracuse Post-Standard. | A good many- people lie is perfectly moral so other person doesn't know think that a long as - the the truth. Kept Out The Microbes. Toronto Star. By walking from onto a new spaper circulation. has cured himself of consumption. was simply a case of helping his California to Tor- agent It circulation. Bad Habit And Chronic. London' Advertiser. Mr. Whitney has of reckless. and defamatory It has ironic that ceased to make any dmpression on the public... . contracted a habit utterance. become so Graham's Fear. Vind the potato crop of 140 was a Then the oatmeal took a jump, and stayed. jumped. Now coal 1s soaring _shvward. Added to all this corn and potatoes are rotting in the field. We fear that our financial 'health next winter will call for diet "of wangel wurtzels Oshawa stor Figt failure. a possibility of a 'British- own it has | CHEMICALS HAS CAUSED IT' THE FATHER IS FRENZIED OVER HIS MISTAKE. Girl Gradually Turning To Stone --Horrible Result of an Ohio Chemist's Experiments In Acids. Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 13.--Miss Daro- thy Stiles, daughter of a retired che- © mist, formerly of Columbus, Ohio, but now living seven miles from Bay City, is gradually turning to marble or a substance resembling it. Her father is nearly frenzied with grief, as he de- clares he fis in part responsible for her present condition, Ww hich must Joon result in death. The young woman had been .troubl- od with a stiffness in her limbs for several days, when she discovered that portions of her heels were hard as «tone and almost snow white. Scream- ing in fright, she ran.to het parents, who made. the discovery that not only her heels, but her shoulder blades and cheek bones were in the same condi- tion. Since that time the affection has spread until now the victim can only move her head slightly. She suffers no pain. The father says that he left some chemicals, with which he was expeti- menting, in the bath tub where the girl bathed, and he ascribes his daugh- ter's condition to the solution he pre- pared. He has threatened suicide in his grief. REEF IS LONGER. Syndicate Buys 35 Miles Hoping it Contains Gold. * London, Aug. 13.=1t is hoped, save the Times correspondent at Johannes burg, that it will be indubitably tablished that there is a contintiation of the main reef of the Witwatersrand gold" field for a distance of thirty-five miles on a line south hy east of the Nigel mine to a point near Greyling- stad. > A syndicate kiown as -the Corona- tion syndicate has secured the area in question. At several places the reef, when tested, was found from fifteen to eighteen inches wide at a depth of 100 feet. Prospecting parties are. now en- gaged at different points; afterward the work is to be concentrated. If the svndicate proves the value of the reef by development the properties will be floated as separate mines. The 'syndicate' capital 'is £150,000 in £100 shares, of which 1,250 has al- ready been issued. . ---------- v Warm Rifle Contest The papers received by English mail agree that the Canadian team emerg- ed from the Bisley meeting with fly- ing colors. According to Lord Strath- cona's statement at Colonel Burland's "At Home," their shooting this sum- mer has attained a higher average than ever before; while they put a fin- ishing touch to their good work by winning the Mackinnon Cup.. But Ca- nadians have a warm contest still in prospect. Last year they carried away from the United States the Palma Trophy, and a strong effort will be made this month from that side to re- Jaim it. And a British team has left to contest for the same prize. They are thoroughly representative of the United Kingdom, and a most in- teresting three-cornered match may be expected. The Britishers are: Commandant--Majort Freemantle. Adjutant.--Major W. F. Bell. Col.-Sergt. Davies, Hed (Jamorgan R. V.: Ir. Master-Sergt. Finser, lst Banfi: Lieut. "Col. Lamb, South Lan cashire: Araoury-Sergt. Martin. Ith VB HLT Lient.-- Miller, 20d _V.1. Derby: Corpl. Ommundsan, Queen's Ed- inburgh: Maj. Richardson, Northum- herlands: Armoury at. Scott, | Ist Roxburgh and Selkirk: Qr. Master- SQergt. Comery.. 3rd H.L Pre. A. B. Kydd, Black Watch; Col.- Law- rence. 1st Dumbarton; 1'te. Tiprins L3rd V.B. Essex. 0s- en Picnic At Mississippi. A very successful picnic under the management of Court Palmerston, 1. 0.F., was held at James Izatt's Grove, Mississippi, an' ideal spot, on Friday, Aug. Sth. The platform. stands, ete., were tastefully decorated with flags and colors of the order. The weather, save for a slight shower. was fine. Excellent. speeches were deliver: ed by Rev. A. McGillivray. PH.C.R. and G. M. Elliott, D.S.C.R., Toronto; Rev. ..James Binnie, of McDonald's Corners and W. Wood, student, Shar- hot Lake. The Lanark brass band, under ('. De Long, played during the day. The baseball match, TLanark Sharhot Lake, resulted ina brilliant victory for the latter, 14: ta There were races and sports with prizes. The large crowd of yisitors from ather courts. included delegations from Court Little John and Companion | Court Sharbot, 'from Sharbot Lake, | and Court Lanark from Lanark. Din- | ner. tea and refreshments were gerved | on the grounds, to five or six hundred people, the representative committees | being. tested to their utmost capaci tv. The proceeds of the picnic am- the members of coneratulate heir first VS. | ounted to nearly R300; | Court, Palmerston can | th#®nselves on the success of t | effort in this line. | -- ' [ Purchased At Gananoque. | Watertown, N.Y., Standard. George (1. Boldt has purchased fine team of blacks for on fatbm on Wellesley island. The { was bought in Gananoqhe and taken to Alexandria Bav bv the | steamer - New Island Wandergr. On Saturday there came bv the -same | boat a fine saddle horse also purchas- wd in Canada. The three horses Mr. Boldt in the neighborhood of 1.8600. Dr. J. A. Bell, Watertown, Un ited States inspector of live Stock for this district inspected the animals a his team was use cost -- een Died To Save. Child. Guelph, Onts Aug. 13.--Mrs Merlihan, formerly of this city, James "was Per, REACHED MADEIRA. The Boer Generals 'Are Nearing England. London, Aug. 13.--The. Steamer Sax- on on which Gens. Botha, Delarey and Dewet are coming to England, "from Cape 'Town, arrived at Maderia yes- terday. Gen Botha 'wand. Delarey, went ashore t-secing. They asked many questions regarding what they saw. Gen. Dewet remained on board the steamer, continuing his work on the book he is writing, detailing his iencps during the war. A spatch irom The Hague, on the occasion of the arrival of the Boer generals at Maderia, denies that they are merely visiting Furope to colléct money for Boer widows and orphans. 1t is stated that their main object is to discuss the status of the late: re- publics with British statesmen. The party is expected to arrive at South- ampton on Saturday: morning. * VICTIMS OF BILL-RAISEE. a Several Persons In Towms Belle- ville Way Taken In. Belleville, Ont., Aug. 13.--The sharp- who victimized a Deséronto wo- man with a 81 bill raised to a 810, unsuccessiuliy, tried the same game in Shannonville, but succeeded in pass- ing one off on the wife of a Foxboro grocer named A¥ C. Dafoe, on Thurs- day last. he/ grocer did not know the hill was bad till he called with it at the bank in this city to-day. The swindler in , the' case received come small articles and nearly 39 in change for his raised &1 bill. A MIGHTY FLEET Has Assembled For the British Naval Review. Portsmouth, Aug. 13.--The arrival of the battleship Dreadnought and the gunboat Raven has complgted the British coronation fleet. at Spithead. There are now 103 vessels ofi that place. = They are moored in four lines from Brembridge to Cowes Roads. This fleet includes twenty battleships, twenty-four cruisers, six- teen torpedo boats, thirty-two torpe- do boat destroyers and ten training ves-els. ------ Young Astor Not Engaged. London, Aug. 13.--Society at first was disinclined to take any stock in the rumor of _ an engagement between voung Waldorf Astor and Lady Edith Villiers, daughter of the Earl of Clarendon, but the. fact that neither family will deny the report and 'the further fact that the young people continue to spend much time in another's company has led many to the conclusion that after all there may be something in the storm Young As- tor has become interested in politics and is a follower of Lord Rosebery. Upon the death of his father he will inherit the greater part of an estate valued at more than $200,000,000. Lady, Villiers is mot a great beauty, but she is clever and 'brilliant with a great dignity of bearing. Her father, who is lord chamberlain' of England, has held many political offices and ix a great favorite with King Edward as he was also of the late queen. teh eeet-- British Still: Hold" Railway. London, Aug. 13.--Arrangements have been completed, says a Pekin cor- respondent, for the formal rendition of, Tien Tsin city to the Viceroy of Pe- Chi-Li. Yuan Shi-Kai, and the pro vincial officials next Friday. The Chi- nese railway from Pekin to Tien Tsin, however, remains in possession of the British military administration, though the chief work of the railway is done by a civil staff, who months ago were prepared to assume full charge. The viceroy, in proceeding to Tien Tsin to resume the administra tion of the chief of his province, will be compelled to travel on a railway under fogeign military charge. No Huatless Women In Chureh. Wilmington, Del, - Aug. 13.--Speak- ing at All Souls' church, Rehoboth, Yishop Coleman alluded to women ap- pearing at church without their hats and condemned it as being nnserip- tural and unchurchly. He asked What women would think if men came to chnreh and sat with their hats on. He said it was just as bad for the women to come with hats off, and added : "We have no such custom in the.church_in_ Delaware." 2 - . entre svo-- This morning the steamer North King cartied a Picton excursion to the Thousand Islands. A number remained off in the city. Have vou seen the new shifts 2--"The H. D. Bibby Co. * Both Thorough and Effective. -- This is What the People of Canada? fay About the Action of 9 Dr. Chase's . ) * : ° : Kidney - Liver Pills. ---- Hosts of- people are in the habit of trying, new-fangled medicines, which are ofiered to the public from time to time. but when these fail they return to, Dr. Chase's Kidneyv-Liver Pills, knowing that in: this tried and tested remedy they have a treatment that will of a certainty cure them. Some way or other vou can alwavs depend on Dr. Chase's remedies. . Mre. F. Henthorn, whose husband i~ of the ' firm of Mark & Henthorn, founders and _ machinists, and who at Ann street, Belleville, states : 'Sonie years ago 1 was tak en with g pain across the small of my back. caused no doubt from deranged kidnevs, 'and my. system generally was very much run down I began using Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills,- and 1 must say | jound relief irom my trou hie They proved thorough lives 256 at once. in-tantlx killed in Chicago in saving her daughter (Genevieve | from down by scorching antomobile, | being knocked down by 'a runaway horse and her brains dashed ont by hoots Murray Herman and Rav | Mann. the orrnpants of the bugoy | which horse was atta hed. arrested. Mrs. Merlihan ity vears: old. fiity years-old being | run oa. its the was about to | Dr. Chase's were Lnill a dose, J Toronto. ana efective in acton, and soon brourht about a complete cure have also nseq Dr. Chase's XA Food and 'Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine in our family and found them very helpful." Kidney Liver Pills, one 25. cents a box, denlers. or Edmanson, Bates & Ca., - one'! | | | i | | at all i t Servant in he Wardrobe Unquestionably is a Serge Suit. It answers the purpose on more occasions ard will lock ell longer than almost any other kind of a suit. $6.50, $8.50, $10.00, $13.00, $14.00, We Have Them At $750, $9.60, - $12.00, $13.50, $15. You can't go wrong in-any grade, as nothiag is overlooked or neglected Serge Suits. in making our There should ke no question about where to go for the best satisfaction. H. D. BIBBY CO'Y., ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL. AUGUST SALE RN n TURE PARLOR SUITES--2 Suites, as 3 Sofa, Arm-Chair and small Chair; handsome covers, assorted colors, only $12.- 50, for Apgust. Parlor Suite, 5 pivoes, only $14.50, for August. " Here are shown, pieces, some pieces . elizchtly 'used or damaged, that we prefer to sell ot a sacri | fice to make room for new gueds. These are all extra good value for the nrice. and are genuine snaps il you have them. Desk and Book-Shelves combined, price $4. Augua price £2 - Sofa, covered in Raw Silk, wegular anv use for regular $20. August peice $6. » ----OF---- AND CARPETS EVERYTHING REDUCED. . Leal Table, Tardwood, regular 83. Au 'ust price $1.25. v Extension Table, regular 813. © Aurust price $4.50. Iron Folding price $10. 3 White Tables, August price 30c. Rattan price $5. Rattan $6.25. Parlor Cabinet, £9.50. August price $6. Parlor Cabinet, Mahogany £12. August price $7. Parlor Sofa, Gold Leal finish regular 830. August price $15. Darlor Arm-Chair, Gold: Leaf finish, remular £22. © August price $12. C Shades, Ruvs, the jeneral Bed, regular $21. August enameled, regular $1.50. Arm-Chair, regular 89. August Sofa, regular 89.50. August 'price Mahogany finish, regular finish, regular Curtains, Squares, all share in arpets, etc. sale re- ductions. ete, PRE T, F. HARRISON CO. Phone go and gt. UST FOR THE IN OF | (ee deanl eas d lake a Look at Our Are Passing, You'll Windows When You This is What Find : SPP t HOPS : ' Women's $3.00 Patent Women's $2.50 Patent . Women's $2.50 Patent Oxford Shoes Men's $4, $4 50, $5 Oxford Shoes Men's $3.50 Packard Patent Ox Kid Laced Boots now $2.25 Leather Laced Boots ** $2 00 " $2.00 $3.50 ford Shoes *¢ $2 50 '" These goods are all the best Ameri- can make and ori ed on soles. ginal prices are brand- You can depend upaen such bargains being genuine. Sots $400 00 00 SUTHERL Sidi dORR DOI Everything Reduced. $ 8 Faucy Velour, fringe all round, $6.50. Regu'ar prica $8.50 2 Kancy Golden Oak, carved frame*, -in tapestry, 5.50. Regular $7.50: JAMES REID, Rebukes a Paper. 3. ~The 4 cial a Londo: dav, -rehtikes for publ picture vaitPg to Ki of Kissing a, "Fhe suplam that rl f Dei as the king's to ope. As persona Iv stow but thie vy de witl as sjecial e a cout Cathol the AND'S sHOE STORE Find, . -- Mid-summer SALE Only a.Few Couches Let, Also Faney Odd Chairs in mahog- any and silk remnants, $6.50. Regular $9.60. : ( Bee our wind w display, Parlor Buits our specialty next week, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, KINGSTON. > entative Ie Was ass Pres sovereign he of a ined tod rd cereiony o£ Ji | formed. ee ------ New Hats To-day. hat late bh. Bibby Co Vw a fret wed bla he Fr x1.50 H Arthraritescont show X0_a<ton Now Yurk. }

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