THE . DAILY WHIG,. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13. PURE, FRAGRANT, CLEANSING. ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mras. MONTREAL. 1-2 Best Qualifies Small Profits Far Dealing and Aenlion. Can any store give you more? Come to our store any day and if you don't find it the most cconomical, most satisfactory place to trade we will not De so un- reasonable as to expect your trade. SHOE STORE McDematis TILE COSMOPOLITAN CHAR- ACTER OF THE 'VISITORS TO THE MAGI CALEDONIA SPRINGS DEMONSTRATES THE ~" WIDE-SPREAD REPU- TATION OF THESE GREAT CURATIVE BATHS AND WATERS. A GREAT SALE OF COOKED MEATS AT MYERS PORR Market, 56 Brotk Street, viz, cooked ham, tongue, corn beei, (our" own y feet, (plain pickled and jellied), beef, pork bologna, and summ ag Allo "pork sau tenderloin, bacon and bom "Phony B57 ROOMS TO LET. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET Al Mra. Yates, 0% William street, with board it desired. DENTAL CARD. DR DALY HAS RESUMED HIS DENTAL practice at 129 Princess St, four doors asprin St. Paul below former office COMMERCIAL, MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Montreal, Aug 1 Flour. receipts, Si bbis.,, patent winter, $3.50 to $4. $4 to $4.10; strajghs roller; strong bakers, $3.70 to $3. OU; s, $1.70 to #1.80; N 8c. to to 86c.; oats, to 6uc.; rye, 85c. to 657 oatmeal $1.00 wo $1.uu, , Yel to 10e7 bacon, 1 to ldc. cheese, Yo. butter townships, 1%. to 20¢., westeri,, lig. to 1ic.; wig. 12e. to ldc . ----n. NEW YORK STOCK MARKELS Au Open. Union Pacific LOT city. At mid: terested to clean out their portion of | mo-MclFarlane, left with" Mr. to scttle. R lev, collector, lecting amount on roll and twenty per paid rates, One appl Mills and Mitchell Tisdale, sition of caretaker of town hall, mov- was pad late us on wire fence, 89.75: Mrs. M. Brooks, do., $3.06; lambew, § pairing culverts, $ tage, NX =3.50, and bonus wire fenee, 3 Whyte, on account, stone and work, 82.25: Alexander I' tract, 100.0 Py la tax was passed on motion of Mr. Al len. Another by-law to-apply l from this tax was passed, len. Melean, lane and Darling. wasp RIG IAT Lean-Allen, that a by-law be passe the next meeting to repeal by-i 3 fespesting line between Pittsburch, ar thi crowds ta Lake ' Ontario' Park, Liat splend pleasure gronnd THE CONSULATE IS SACKED VENEZUELAN REVOLUTION- ISTS CARRY ON FILLAGE. Women Are Maltreated--Foreign Consuls Appeal For Warships to Protect Life and Property. port. of 'Spain;--sland of Trinidad, Aug. 12.--Details of the fizhting at ii Venezuela, #received by boat show that a terrible battle start- ed on Sunday, August, 3rd, and that oii the following Wednesiay the re- volutionists entered the. city. They ke pt. up a continuous firing day and night, destroying houses one by one to r *h the centre of the ght, on Thursday. two- thirds of the city, in their power. On Iriday the government strono- holds -were carried and the survivors of the goverament officers tried to bs- cape by the river to the sea. Failing: in this, they made one last stand. ai- ter which, at noon Friday, they sur reridered to the revolutionist comman- des, Generals Francisco -Monacas and Platero. Among those taken prisoner are Martin Marcano, president of the state of Barcelona, aud commander of the zovernment troops: eight pe rals and twenty-three colonels, Thre dead on both sides numbered 167. All houses in the city were sacked and in some instances inoffensive wo- men 'and children were maltreated and killed. All stores were pillaced, especially those belonging to foreigners, and the French cable office was rohhed. The American, [Italian and Dutch consilates were pillaged, and the con- suls have. asked for men-of-war to pro- tect and property. United States Minister Rowen at £ vening. wetting, Later a gasoline CAPE VINCENT NEWS. Electric Light : . . A Drowning. : Cape Vincent, Aug. Bailey, who has been seriously ill, her late husband, W. C. Horton. CG fice of the Lodge Record N.Y. Mr. and Mis H. daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mis. F. Glenn ill at the he Caroline organist at the Presbterian church: Miss Maggie Stumpf, who has beer Guile's mother. Mrs GG. W, Mrs here. At the held. Tuesday evening, T. and Mrs. F..N. Potter, t Thousand Islands, retyrned Master Tunneclifi, York, is visiting his orandmother. Mrs. H. L. Fox, this village. Two vor Warren and Sundav, w ton Island boat capsized thes climbed on her and waited for help. Several boats from this place and the them and they were brought back "home, after a thorough scare and launch pick- ed up their boat and towed it ashore. adv. while out osed ad- a new elected ction about the pro Caracas has cabled to. the United States cruiser Cincinnati to co to visions. The Topeka is anchored at Porto noco, the German warship Falke is at vanuni Bausan and the British cruiser Pallas are at La Guaira. r | Will Watch Interests. Washinzton, Aug. 12.-One of the U. 8S. warships at Porto Cohella, has ben ordered to Barcelona. It will wo either the Topeka or Cincinnati. | The i which remains will be pre- ! pared to land blue jackets at Porto | | i Cabello in case of Nocessity. Commander McCrea of the gunboat Machias, at Cape Haitien, August ! Pittsburgh Township Council. August H.--All present. Moved, Max- well: Melarlane, and resolved, that the leek natify the council of Front of Leeds to cause all parties in Leeds in- | Mud Creek ditch, and he also notify parties in Pittsburg to have their por- tion cleaned out by 15th October. The. on motion, Darl- Maxwell | wolved, that J. R. Med- " » : he allowed 8100. for col- aim of 'Barclay, : : \ ent. for collecting pefeentages on un- | tions oi Mrs. fo, for ghe po- «ls MeFarlane-Maxwell, that Mr. Fistale he appointed" at same rate as caretaker Carried. Ac- Janes liteheoek, bon ounts passed: Joseph Edgar] re | Rathbun compana, I. Maxwell, re M. A. Ryan. pos-? rovalta:- on | Colquhoun, avel, > airing . bride 11%: T. W. tone, SG.80: sk Spence, royalty on stone, 85.10, and S10: GG... Millions, work. Ser W. Woes, Flvnn, . work. . on account con- JooGareetts wor to restore dog Maxwell; nay v-law to levy taves 1 at thirteen' mills on yh It purposes." Movel: Me Leads that the be notifed to ti On motion, Alle li nted for repaies to this lim i diourned till second Monday ! ember, | ---------------- Street Railway Employees' Picnic, The prizes for the street raihway em | plovies picnic are. on view an Aber nethy's. window on Princess stroet, and | am. a= Line exhibit. The emplove *] t least' 2,000 peeple-to att dary they have arran the weather continue fine Il have a busy time in carryi Licht Weight Coats and Vests. Preve st, of 'the New York clothing Tirock Street, has a splendid as- pent of licht-weight coats. and the proper garments for sum- er wear. Ris summer coats at 81 n are. rr ial v ue, KE | ! the X toon Sher i « . . : i ADpPears ; : 2s me Kingston *, ok : og ata Nee ad vi | Halifax im Kingston, were n London fo the | Upon Baik . 190 oou A Coronation, j room for 'the such rooms sar Cabello, the Marietta is on the Ori- | day picni¢ parties ave taken to Wil son's Bay for the dav. The great at Curacoa, and the Italian cruiser Gio- | traction "is. sand beach for bath Ying. The lawn ' cven tives and Irvine, olace. Charles Varlev, railroad section foreman, ~ has been transferred to Carthage week. Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mrs. R. Peo. tv was civen Miss Prudence {lev, Buffalo, is at this pla 12¢h, reports that the attempted blockade of © the port by the revolu- |S tionists is ineffective, and has been abandoned. } and Ralph Se I are guests' in the family of J. A, Scobell.. A dancing bv » Master Lelter Masson, ! Ola Hineklev, of Wolfe Island, is visit- ine relatives and friends here. born ! reach the engine broke down, and they were compelled to land. Worl was sent here and a vacht : Son. was sent to their regeue, which took thie party on hoard and started } one the -trip.. When near Lindsav's: ls land the steer and the party was landed and drove home. Mondav the party started a and the~dav-was uneventiul,- at least as far Fred, Dunn, of Watertown, is Visitiig at this place. Miss Lillian Wilson, of Watertown, who has been very: ill with typhoid fever, 18 now recove vine. Little Rock, Ax latives in this. vicinity. the Uxth te : : ele trie licht plant shall be put in on not. Eletions were held in (1900 and Lund: for sthe same In 1900 it was propose 000" to put in the plant. tell whether Phat tie sun was raised 10 noo was' evident that electric plant -were onhe--fichting tof ret the plant part: of the village: g ol vote more tax tor the system. = This year heen set as the cost and no one #1n cide the corporation TE pute this has been de since the voting to build, it shard {to tell what will he done. The trustees Barcelona without delay and take pro- favill he compelled hy w to furmsh Scholars and to make itary. Almost every festival held by the P Foal vterian church society. Saturday ww was well patronived. Charles friends here. Dr. Cedroe Detroit, is visiting at this cand will leaxe for there this Bechert, Wash incton, D.C... are the guests of Mr. A masquerade par Gibson, aturd evening. Miss Mary Hinck- Albert bell, Rochester, N. Y. partv was civen Thursday. The members of the Episcopal church choir had an excursion last Thursdav Ito Alexandria Bay, or at least thev { started for that place. on R. W. Wen vacht. When. they Carleton Island, s vasoline the foot of Peo & helongin ze to we apparatus broke as -hreakdowns were concerned. formerly of this village, S, VIsHIng re i The village wilt hold an determine whether an election on purpose, without question of electric fight aly dppoted hy a majority Jd our taxpavers. for al reasons. to raise When inquiry gaiding the cost, not a mote of the scheme could amount or ten times weess. The te 1s Stro SN amount would do it. In 1901 the | S10.000, and - still tell what it w 2 ost. In both of the past Ah those in favor of an | vas able to and afterwards, | lictent to © let thout lights i the sum w¢ SL0000 has knows whether whole x1 1 pub is sullicient to light the are or note Instead of calling meeting and having a thorough Hiseussion of the subject and ako hay trician to give. the n no the promoters -of-an eh SURLEm propose too carry stherwise than 1 tactics, an orstmate "fram some one ocured by themselves. If the villag an-electricoplant every hould know the cost and tas a plant, but the people in tl thein now. her, the | any proposition npayer He expenses toon roth + he te { pub and ve tH TP is 1 TiN or ti \ main Ww ii ( = ' ) ' Ya t vould | the '1 vha t rey th ! iH od t h } or ia { Cy <I two } to} ' kness : 1 1 sb 41 A 5 } i lies to the fa 0% ins Yacht Club, with a viev tot for another woman s sphee g vd at FE ward would never be crowned hus - away bach-and sat down for a spell / Question--Almost 13.--Miss Bessie better. Mrs. Clarisa Horton has har appointed executor of the estate. of Phillips, is now employed in the of- Watertown, Stoddard and Waterto wn, were the guests Pluche, last week, New York, is seriously we of her parents, Me. and Mrs. H..Clark, this village. Miss iraun, has been engaged as cenvention will close to-night. A de- putation from the United Irish Leg ague received a cordial welcome and sup- port was: pledged 10 the Home Rule for Ireland. address said : standing in this province to be in a sound and crodse- in membership has been such as to give every reason for congratul- ation, more especially upon the quali- tv of the Irishmen affiliated with us' dur quite seriousiy ill for several weeks, is much better.~Dr. Bind Mrs. G. A. Guile and son, of Fulton, are visiging Mrs, Warren. John B. Weaver and daughters, of Canastota, are visiting relatives annual school meeting™ Brady and H: Bailey were elected trustees. Mr. who have been 'man who "had done much for the cause of Ireland and his fellow coun- | = trymen in ter, refined in scholarly strong: in faith, strong in love for his| View of Prof. Geldwia Smith en the Ob- people, his whole life was , devoted to ireland till God's finger touched him and he left. late Patrick Rovle, of president suggested the advisabilitv "of retaining by memorial of some + form spending the past. week among! the Saturday of New men by the name of sailing, capsized between Carle- | anid this place. When the d Lv the . island put out to {'V the late Mr. rate from $200: to S300, solemn hich mass of requiem celebrated for Nothing has heen heard since the last §'). : dinal Ledochowski, one of the Lichest school e ditions to the school house. +hoard of trusters has' been Hev. Canon Ut Pouillon, De Lima, as deacons of honor. The choir rendered a musical mass of fit ing solemnity. In the sanctuarv. be sides the clergy of the ] Palace, were: Rev, Father Pellanaer, Jurnham and daughter, of Washington, D.C., are visiting rela- Ontario Park last tirevaude, Mlle some of the atudeville stage | with thy intention of havine a good | lege, e pot disappointed. The pei if classical education. issance founder anvh w forma nny Coat," constricted for lauching pur poss only. Next to appear was. a Lover little ciel, Miss Gracie Deagon, and Grace Ju paral courtship of and" his little dang tJever imi Fdwin Ho and 'Kathzy novel specialty, consis md ilasteated sont of mt of the he iHustrated faultlessly ha LHIeS are numerous very. sentence in the sc ance {ws a whole TVeS patronag struction of the new 36.000-ton battle for the cradle on truction of the ne hipbuildine plant at the van. a completion of | ciort will bé" made by those concern trict es ehorr tuesday morning 'I'n EIGERMIAN CONVENTION" | TIE ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT LYNCH OF KINGSTON. Congratulations on the Quality of Irishmen Who Have Be- come AfBliated With Order--A Requiem Mass. J - Ottawa, Aug. 13.--The Hibernian cause "of Provincial IJ r ident Lynch in his I'he orts show our healthy condition. Our in- who have become - the past. two There is one face we will never gain in our halls, the face of a Canada. noble in charac attainments, 'ak of is the nto."". The The man | vivid impression of the work done Boyle. It was decided go increase the death At the Basilica, this morninr, a the soul of the late C lates of the Holy Roman see, who a few days ago. Archbishop Dn nel was the celebrant, assisted by npean and. Re , deacons of offi " neourt, Montre Father Charlebois, Ste. Rose Rev. 1 College, Nantel, Chicago: Rev. Father Iither. Da Father Charta Rigaud: Rev. H. Father Valique Vaudeville At Ontario Park. There was a large andience at Lake ven hy we who attend dd opened with an : absurdly etch, entitled, "Who Stole the ihn one-act comedy, Courtin' depicting o | In a bashful old jover Stth Haskins sweeth * quaint and art cir sheteh was decidedly funny. Din the sketch they introduced thei r, Maric, who did some ionsTof diffrent aintionali =. Last on the progr une were De: of comedy ventleman eon, in a ue that i leseriptive of lif tmental store. the team has a monol a New Yeorl me The pic IN _SeCH a. to illustrated. Mrs. De . a: pre OSSeSKIN x lady, helps to romd off ct of especial merit. The perform the 1.1 le and de is credit Preparing To Build Battleship. New York, Aug. 13. Active prepara ww York navy. vard for the con p Connectient. Immense piles are driven to forin the foundation h the vessel will built. The othe CIIOrts] 108 upon the speed LR clievcliveness con nd in asgreat the establish vo prospects Every 2 thay battleships may Iv and a toprivate shipyards the be pros f ip wl. 9 | : mereas ed and mad 4 ck Accident Near Cape' Vincent. P What came near wing a drowning Gideon Toecurivt ned TiobetS Licht BLL thee see Lo Otis and fr sman, capsized the light 1h three men clung © boa to Signal tor § 2-H ! but. 1 vain. The first) '¥ jes in my liie here, don t sav . aft wait, started io another word, Mr Forbes,' in th the aliconce of the 1 understand perfectly Each I t amd found the oceapant suggests a complete idea which i i Sai story fails to carry ont I under- han twen in the | [or d Fi civ--T can trace my in 3 oti scent rol lilton, How' th t} I for a descent? Miss Milly S . ' I Lr {rss Sure eno l iy Coli Town and Country Jquinal : y to EC Much piercer Wilcox. in liza) 1 t tol NA ail, tried the jailer teed : ng was doing him: a favor. The has restored t tax was fo 2 versity? exclusive. ledge, of the mind. are mutually exclusive are or mechanical knowledge cultivation of the taste. The original . Canon | ity entific sought, rule of life. Fournierville: ud, of Avimer, | Padus cue. -~f the C lucrative Trivinm and Knows ste The statutes of Corpus Christi Col- Oxrord, founded by Ilishop Fox, comprised But to a Rena- the ancient languages would present themselves as the key to all the knowledge worth having. The cunlture theory has a history, artists of the | 1 th The characters |r tically portrayed: | were termed vere dendered | the still necessary for ministerial educa- ground, though at Cambridge Newton's influ- came gave a special Utility having hitful, tion, ence when it footing to mathematics departed, culture w object of the univer: the be and no douht w the case of the, 3 itot tions 'already are under wav at the | mea = in charge ap J the treciate the fact that much depends YET HI 30 wars de ood o she achinery dent Tl Gy out, tM stand perfectly.' home and burned every one of Then 1 sat: down and wrote the first of -the 'Dierre' series, .whiwh was the beginning e ever hud."' a month. J + 0 v iH INSIDE COLD AIR SUPPLY Ge TIAN 3 tT Makers of the 'Famous Active" Range and "Cornwall" Steel Range. = SUNSHINE | [8 p38 FURNACE ! a f M "Clarys London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N. B. LEMMON, CLAXTON & LA WRENSON, AGENTS. KNOWLEDGE OR CULTURE. ject of Universities: Mr. Goldwin Smith, writing in The London Daily News oni the object of Universities, says: Knowledge or indeed, be so called, of Athens, students like Cicero and his not mere cultivation of mind or ol the taste, but a practical a € Knowledge was the ob- Archbishop's ject of the mediaeval universities, even of those of which the staple was Scholastic Philosophy, since it was then imagined that mental introspec- Chatelain, Thur | tion was the key to objective truth still more plainly of universities like or Bologna, whose staple was vil or Canon Law, then a most profession; or of Solerno, whose staple was Medicine. y Quadrivinm were WiLness Engi study in all departments of as the end. the Renaissance, who sang and danced herself into the | and rather a mournful history, hearts of her audience: she has a | "onnection with tie Euglish univers- voice of good range, and. is racefu! | ities. In the Middle Ages the daneer. a The t was Burt oath leges were all clerical, the Fellows being required to take orders. Middle Ages a clerk was wstranged by his tonsure from, secul- callings students were "clerks," in opposition the townsmen, who were laics came' the Reformation and dre sharp line. between "those who levoted to the ministry and who were not. happened that the colleges ; cal restrictions absorbed the uni- versity. The consequence wa science and secular studies goenciilly ame atrophied or were banished ; All intellectual clerical, All studies, ancient languages, which alohe holding = their mass of the students set up ty cours case of the "clas 5 "pass men,' read for honors, but only classits enough to never opened the hoot "pall me universities "were almost as far as knowledge or mental train- ing was concerned. Thus, in making knowledge of a university, we are reverting original ideal. Tigh know- government | iadge no doubt it ought to be. iniversity is not intended to hanic's shop. TI heard-a hig Yah, . : mae cd in the direction of the construction versity officer tell his audience ris ¥ ™ u x ¥ the battleshing wo the manu the institution would offer to 1c th ing 'more s ueenlent - I'arker's First Stories. Gilbert Darker said of his firs it at autl orship: "I. went Forbes, with whoin 1 inte, to have hiny give ne the Macemil in I want whether vo. would not a book of short stories for read the stories, and tho me arourd to dine, md 7d must say this of them=-1I have never seen sucha fine collection Thereupon -T whatever ------ What Did She Mean, culture, which of these is the proper object of the uni- The two are ndt mutually Culture of a certain kind goes with all high knowledge. tal exercise, developing the faculties, goes with all acquisition of with all worthy The two things which urely sci- ohject of the Wiifvers- was knowledge. This was the : | object even of the university, if it al, and], lge looking to the profession- ATI WASH SILKS silks of particular folks. lutely fast colors. needlefulsinajiffy. No tangling, kinking or knotting possible. Put your faith in Corticelli B. & A. Wash Silk and be safe, made of a fine Scotch C in great demand. intended to enticcly cover the dress, others are'in a three-quarter coat length and much worn in the large Any color or size not in stock will At the same time it with their centres of fashion. be made to order on short notice. men'" it might , a reality. who did squeeze through a very lhwited examination and ward, it was a sham. Tho the "'pass men," ory they were called, the lives of as at Cambridge Wom en' ainproof Coats WOMEN'S RAIN OR DUST PROOF COATS Cloth are at present an ulster and ravenette Some are Cravenctte Cloth in Oxford, Brown, Green, Black fmnd-Navy by the'yard at. ....--....:. * 50¢. 10 5.00. If you want to keep dry at a moderate cost call on CRUMLEY BROS. Umbreilas for rain or sun, large varie- wy, iol... the oh- Ws, roots of turnip and ma gel-wurzel Not for this are univers well at the | ities made. to give letter of introduction and inion of the stories. iF have vr sketches," he said, after dinner, EVE --AT-- ABERNETHY' Boot =, Shoes, Trunks and Vali ises. successes unded by the assassin's kuite WE SELL McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. are ' the embroidery * Colored and tinted by Asiatic dyes -- abso- Exquisite true art shades; stronger to the number than any other work silk in existence; mounted in eur patent holders, which provide * for single or double long lil ERY DAY BARGAIN DA PY THOUGHT" RANGE Will have an equal when ~ perfection meets its match "and not till then IT. BE ee rete ait