THE DAIL y WHit, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 13 VACATION TIME. You want Fishing Tackle, Spoons. - "We have some lovely HAMMOCKS, from $ Lines, Poles, 1 up. OOAL OIL STOVES and REFRIGERATORS. W. A MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. WHAT HE SAID "Just eee the cream on these bottles milk," was the expression of a man who stopped our wagoon on the street a hw days ago to arrange for a revular supply of milk. It, is a fart that the milk of our dairy carries re cream than milk of aoy other dairy Al, Sy We intend to have every battle as good as possible. CLARIFIED MILK CO. of a Y Flower Stands. Office Railings, Wire Guards, Ornamental Fencing, Arches, Gardem and Cemetery Seats, and all kinds of work man- ufactured by F. PARTRIDGE, Crescent Wire Works, 275 FING IT PAID ME ALL RIGHT. Stuff that was laying around and of no use to me I sorted it all up in a box and sent a card to the Kingston Rag and Metal company, 389 Princess street, and 1 received 81.50 gooa pocket money that came in very handy and besides 1 was rid of 4 lot of what 1. deemed rubbish. THE 5 PM. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. -- What is Going on in the Business World--The Market News. A pew lobster hatchery will be erected in Glouesster County, N.B. * . The apple shippers' York state will meet next. vear at Niagara. They report that (the appl crop this year will be. the largest on record. Fraser river canners have cancelled . all quo- association' of New. tations, in so far as salmon are' concerned. that the Fraser river this vear. the year bank loa in the United £265,000,000. There increas¢ of banking The message means salmon will De Within States have has ben an enormous scarce increased but there was an.increase in specie of £33.000,000 in only and a small legal tenders; showing a low .} eondition of reserves. New York, Portdamd since May Ist am- Trade Bulletin, to 1,087,- of 88,481 over the correse ponding period of last vear. butter from the same ports for the 3, an The exports of chese from Montreal, and ounts, the 398, an jncrease says The exports of same period amounted wo 206.5 increase of 16,209. The total of salt in valued at world's production 1900 was 12,551,043 short tons, &41,396,093, of which total the United States produced 2,921,093 tons, and Great Britain produced 2.084,709 short fons. Aus trine Hungary produced 572,642 tons, but this product was valued at $19,267,216, nearly three times the value of the salt pro- duct of Great Britain. short -------- Police Court To-day. Edward O'Neill, C. McMahon and M. McMahon, three drunks, were each fined ®5 and costs by the magistrate this morning. or given the option of going to jail for one month. An Ontar ed with selling liquor alter hours on Saturday night last, was fined- §50 and costs. ---- A Reforming Tour. Rev. R. 0. Miller, field sceretary of the International Reform Bureau, hav- ing headquarters at Washington, i to spend September in Canada, lowing up the work inaugurated the superintendent, Rev. Wilby EF. Crate. He will speak in Kingston September 11th. He will advocate prohibition, Sunday obser vance and personal purity. eet Mrs. (Dro) W. Henderson, of Qu'Ap- pelle, and Mrs. W. H. Hoyle, Canning- ton, are visiting Mrs. WW. R. Sills, Mack street. suger 18 fol last spring hy 'NO MATTER What it may be you requ're, if it is Dry Goods we have it, and moreover we always have the best that can be is what you want, the price is as | than elsewhere. For Reliable, cbtained, which especially when ow if not lower v Up-to-Date DRY GOODS TRY WALDRON'S. Table Padding Or Silent Cloth, ver pure white, only 65 French Flanne In fancy designs, Kimorios, a special y soft quality, good width, c. yard. lettes for Blouses, Wrappers and lot, comprising goods worth 12%4c¢., 15¢., 18c, 20C,, all 10c. yard. 'Sideboard Scarfs, : Open work designs, both medium and long lengths, excellent values, 4oc., 48c., 6oc., 75¢. New French Broadcloths. f They a ever. colors, right in pr $1.50 yard, That this quality again, light medium and skirts. re going to be used more extensively than We have them right in values, right in ices, ~ 7s¢., 9oc., $1, '$1.25; Black Cheviot At'$1 is going very rapidly. hewy weight, for coats and io strect hotel man, charg-| 1 You may obtain la: but not at this price, 54" inches wide, all pure wool, best English make, 1. win THE ODDFELLOWS MEET. THEY ARE NOW IN COMVEN- TION IN TORONTO. Grand Master Lymar Made An Address and Reviewed the Work of the Year--Finances and Membership Considered. Toronto, Aug: 13.--About 500 mem- bers of the 1.0.0.F., gathered, to-day; at Victoria Hall for the forty-eighth annual "session of the Grand Lodge of Ontario. Grand Master Lyman pre- sided. Grand Master John N. Kellar, of the New York jurisdiction, was In- troduced, and 300 new representatives: were piven the grand lodge degree. An imitation' was received from Hamilton to meet there next year. Aldermen Warde and Oliver extended a welcome on the part of the city of Toronto. The grand master reported a credit- able increase in menibership during the year. There were started five subor- dinate and three Rebekkali = degree lodges." During the term just ended there were initiated <1,195, while the suspensions for' non-payment of dues were 519. (After deducting losses. from withdrawals and deaths it showed a net increase for the six months of 386 and the total membership in the 30th of June, 1902, was 26,252. This not include the membership' of the. two new lod; instituted during July. The assets over and above liabilities, on December 31st, 1901, amount to about $1,091,060 During the"vear of 1901 there was disposed in financial velief the sum of $85,414.61. The grand master was of opinion that a transfer of lodges in New Ontario to the Manitoba jurisdiction could not be legally made, 'owing to the present in- surance law in force in Ontario. He had declined to comply with the re- quest of the National Oddfellows' Sanitarium of Florida, for permission to solicit aid in Ontario jurisdictions in view of the efforts to establish an Oddfellows' home and - orphanage in Ontario. does ARE MANY VISITORS. Both At The Hotel And Private Places. Battersea, Aug. 12.--The following are some af the guests who have been stopping at the Granite during the past two weeks: B. Brooks, DI. Sayer, New York; W. H. Dorrance, Camden, N.Y.; S. B. Thomson, B. B. Dunn, Paterson, N.J.; E. N. Neff, 0. J. Beyer and wife, H. , C. H. God- watt, W. H. Famsam, Duffalo, N.Y; H. H. Foster, Peoria, 111; E. Coope Montreal: A. E. Lambert, Toronto; F. R. Phillips, Ottawa; (. Livingston, Hs Wade, T. Boon, R. Stevenson, J. S. Henderson, Miss Henderson, W. H. Dalby, Mr. and Mrs. C. DeCarteret, Mrs. Nicolle, Miss Ada Nicolle," F. R. Nicolle, George R. and N. Armstrong, Kingston: A. Mc Carthy, Yarker. : The following young men have been camping on Garden Island and Me. Lean's Pot during the past. week . W. Urage, Walter Yarrow, FE. R. Dering, H. Y. Scott, Percy Redney, Thomas Dyke. Syracuse; James Rob- inson, James McGall, Robert Bennett, T. J. "Boon and R. H. Stovehsgn, Kingston, W. Anglin, Kingston panied by the Me .. Reid and some friends of the city also spent a few days on the lake last week. Other vis- in the vicinity have heen: Or- rock Scars, Napanee, at J. L. Sears'. . Elgin, and Misses M. and . Inverary, at W. Merrimanis, James Elmer and wile, city, at L. Vanluven's. Misses Fannie, and Eda Anglin; Pr. W. and Mrs. Anglin, King- ston and Dr. and Mrs. James Anglin, Montreal. at WW. J. Anglin's. Mr Bowerman, lawyer, Toronto, among friends. Dr: Daniel and Mrs. Lake, Fulton, 'N.Y., -at' Dr. Lake's~Misy Mary Anglin, Smith's Falls, with her sister, Mrs. Eliza Vanluven; Rev. J. (. Cornell at thé parsonage. CC. Hart ley "and wife, Seeley's Bay, at J. Mil- ler's. . Quarterly service was held in the Methodist church on Sunday morning. A large congregation was present. The cervice in the evening conducted by. James Keeler, medical missionary student. of New York, who gave a very, edifying discourse. George Sutherland lately returned from a trip through Prince Edward county. They speak in "elowing terms of the grand sights they saw. Mrs. W._ Sutherland also visited friends in Prince. Edward. WW. Sutherland. has been elected delegate from. here to the LO.F. hich court at Picton this month. "The lawn' social at C.° M. Vanluven's on Saturday night, under the auspices oi the ,Ep- worth League, was quite well attend- ed and a very enjovable time spent ull 11" p.m.. about thirty dollars were realized for church purposes. \ Robértson, H. Mills, accom- itors was and 1), York, ARE FREE MEN. Judge Caron 'Has Given His Judgment. Quebec: Ang. 13. Jhistice Caron has delivered "his judgment in the matter | of Gréen and Gavnor and, in conse quence of his jndument, the two pri- | soners are now free men, « rT Oats being arg "of unusually acing about thirty-six pounds to the bushel, as against thirty-two pounds last season. The only 'drawback that tells against them is their or they are exceptionally dark. Barrie in his 'new ® i tle White Bird!" in X duces two curious minor character c¢lub-waiter n ws what Ban ator s "whimsical oli-co and ideas." into the being vo doorwavs leading at 'the office with up-to-d however, this hut Og corridor fitted are ta swinging doors, was not written ston denshure. on instructor an has ign » enter the em Cartney, con we Acres, presented. had 200 rural drama. wil The fteamer NN \ eHpstoRists from. y day TherLteamer cay America reton out of ix n out ol | F . . . harvested! in this district | fine quality. aver: | nurse girl, This tale | + himself calls the | PITH OF TIE NEWS, -- The Very Latest News Culled From . All Over The World. A big strike and a consequent stam- pede are reported at Forty Mile Creek, Yukon. " A slight frost was observed at sun- rise near the lowlands this morning at Ballston, N.Y. ' Rey. M. Carroll, Brooklyn, who had his right leg amputated, following an accident, is dead of heart failure. » The British war office has on foot a scheme for the encouragement of horse-hreeding, = suitable for war, in Canada." 7 As. the ,outgrowth of the + tobacco trust a pipe trust to control the manufacture and sale of all kinds of pipes in Europe is now projected. Orders 'are now being sent. out from (Osgoode Hall, Toronto, for the par- ties: to the various 'election petitions tor produce their documents before the courts. Bright and warm weather Still pre vails all over the west. Wheat cutting is in progress at several points in Manitoba and likely will be in full blast in about a 'week. At Rochester, N.Y., Charles H Scranton, a retired harne "maker, of Brockport, N.Y., shot himself through the head at the Homeopathic hospi- tal and died shortly afterward. The Australian cricketers were all out for-121 runs to-day in their se- cond: innings of the last test match with the English team. The English team won the match by one wicket. The Illinois auxiliary of the' McKin- lev Memorial Association reports that the fund of $50,000 asked of the peo- ple of Hlinois has been raised. The fund consists of over 50,000 subscrip- tions. W. H. Horswell, Rochester, N.Y. was killed by a fast train and body tossed almost at the feet of an hun- dred persons, yet they knew nothing of it until a woman on her way to the stations stumbled over the body and gave the alarm. The 'provost guard of two com- panies, kept on constant duty since the troops were called to Shenan- doah, Pa., was reduced to one com- pany to-day. The soldiers at the Pennsylvania station have been with- drawn. . Since the arrival at Wellington, New Zealand, from Cape Town, of the Transport Britannic, 'the over-crowdled condition on which has caused a scan- dal, ten of the troopers, who came aboard her, have died. Many are still ill. Public opinion is hot against the authorities. : At Mount Washington, N.H., at 3 a. m., to-day, the thermometer registered twentv-eight degrees. The summit was thickly coated with sleet and ice, while on the long wooden walk about the hotel, the ice forma- tion was such that it had to be sho- velled away this morning. ' rir a-------- Collins Bay Items. Collins Bay, Aug. 13.--Rev. Nr. Craig preached in the C. M. church on Sunday evening. After an illness; ex- tending over the past year, death re- leased a weary sufierer, "Mrs. Henry Woodcock. She was seventy-seven vears of age, and of a kind and lov- able Misposition. 7 She died at the Alexander Woodcock, @ening. The remains home of her sot on Satfirday wore taken to her own home at Dege- ronto, where the funeral sermon was preached on Monday. Burial took place at Mount Pleasant. Deceased Jenves six children to mourn her loss: Alexander: Woodcock, of this place; Mrs. (. Crist, of Michigan; Mrs. "John Dougherty, Ottawa; Mrs. L. Markle, of Sault Ste. Marie: Marsh Woodcock, Russellton, and Sim Woodcock, = of Kingston, who is very ill at present. Karl Smith, of Parrott's Bay, met with an accident while returning. home from church in this village on Sunday' evening, hix horse taking fright at a train and upset the buguy, breaking oné of the shafts. The cupants in"the buggy were not hurt. Farmers in this vicinity have finished haying. Schuyler Smith and family, of Parrott's Bay. visited at. William Clements" on Friday, - Miss: Emma Rankin has returned home from Bath. oce- Dairying In South Africa. The bulk of the dairy products quired for consumption in South Af- rica have heretofore béen imported from abroad, the farmers of Cape Col- ony confining themselves to the pro- duction of gattle for beef and work. Lately, however, some attention has been given to dairying. In East Griqu- aland a number of farmers started a co-operative company for the making of cheese, which they were able to sell at twenty to twéntyiour cents per pound in_the local market. This prov- ed exceedingly profitable' and other farmers in the same district purpose -going--into the same line. Eventually. South Africa may not only supply her own home demands, but become a oreat exporter as well. A Beautiful Complexion, | As a substitute for a [ plexion, some women resort to paint and powder. But the - more sensible Wade's Iron Tonic Pills, which produce a natural, healthy complex- jon, make new blood and a robust I constitution. Each box contains wventeen days' treatment. Price 2 lat Wade's drug store, ~ » use i What Is In "Prospect. | When © Lieut. from the 11th regiment at the end of | the year; the command will devolve luporsMajor Kent. Capt. Cunningham | will then' become senior major and either Capt. Skinner or Capt. Hughes | junior major. eet Col: Skinner retires | treasurer isoadvertising | |. The county the annual sale of lands for taxes, for Tuesday, Nov. 11. There are offered 10 lots «in Barrie, 1+ in Bedford, 3 in Clarendon, 1 dn Miller, Olden, ~ in Oso, 2 Pitts burg. including q parsonage, Tin 5 mc Palmerston, = in and Storrington. 4 Work: has i "begun on, a Jgrano Lithic #alk around the Kirkpatrick fountain. cand 'on a flight of steps therets ! Three applications of Peck"s Corn Salve will cure bard or soft corns. In bie boxes, 15c.. at Wade's drug store. Masked men held up a stage lan, Me killed "th senred JE OR, R. Nesbit wen Thea d \ e driver ¢ :, Nergt | ving a | tew holidays. ki | and kidney troubles keep her in misery, when such ease, comfort, | freedom from pain and.invigoration | using Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kid- SERGT. LAWRENCE IN-LUCK THE KING PINNED ON HIS MEDAL. Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Official Analyst - to the Dominiow Government, reports that Sunlight. Soap contains '"'no wn- saponified fat,"--that means no waste. The Prince of Wales Concluded the Worki--King Edward Reviews Troops on Grounds of Buck- ingham Palace. . London, Aug. 13.--Two thousand colonial troops here to attend the cor- | onation, including the Canatlian con- tingent, were reviewed by King Ed- ward on the grounds of Buckingham Palace. The Prince of Wales, on be- half of his majesty, distributed cor- | onation medals to those 'entitled to them. : The king inspected the troops from the terrace where he was accompanied by Queen Alexandra, Prince and Prin: cess Henry of Prussia and other royal personages, Earl Roberts, the comman- der-in-chief; 'Gen. Lord Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, several colonial premiers and King Lewarnika of Barotseland, all of om showed keen interest in the ficturesque body of men arrayed - in vari-colored -uni- forms as they marched past in single file. . The king personally fastened the Vie- toria Cross on. the breast of Sergeant Lawrence, the first man in line, after which he retired to the shade of, 'an awning and left the distribution of medals to the Prince of Wales. The members of the royal family were much amused at the unconven- tionality of the colonials, who after they had received medals seated them- selves comiortably on the grass "and smoked as they watched the. decora- tion of their comrades. When all had received their medals, the troops-- ad- vanced and presented arms, while the massed bands' played the National Anthem... The King stepped forward and delivered an animated 'address, which. was greeted with cheers and waving of hats by the troops. The king said : "It has afforded me great pleasure to see you here and to have the opportunity of expressing my high appreciation of your patriotism and the' way vou distingushed . your- selves in South Africa. The service you have rendered the mother country will mever be forgotten by me and they will, IT am sure, cement more firmly than ever the union of our distant colonies with the other parts of my great empire. Your stay in England hag been longer than originally in- tended owing. to my illness, but I hope vou have enjoyed it and derived plea- sure from visits to various parts of the land of your ancestors. God bless vou all. 1 wish you a safe and. plea- sant return to your own countries." REDUCES EXPENSE ny, 3 Special Sale Fe MUSLINS To-morrow, Thursday and Friday. We have decided to hold a Special Sale TO- MORROW and FRIDAY and will sell the balance of our SUMMER MUSLINS, PRINTED LAWNS and FANCY COTTON MATERIALS. We will offer the lot at remaskable prices, and although the loss is a heavy one we make it rather than hold over one yard of summer goods. Forfar Facts. Forfar, Aug. 12.--Miss néy, Luther, Mich., is Miss Maude Ackland. here took in the excursion to Thou- sand lsland Park on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Hales who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T Hales, left for their home in Toronto on Thursday last. W. A. Berney, of the Canada Carriage company, ;Brock- ville, and sister, Miss Jonnie! and Mi s° Maude Ackland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ber: ney, Lyndhurst. A few tok in the 12th at Westport on Tuesdad last. Jennie Ber- the guest: of A number from Your Choice To-morrow and Friday for 1215¢. Muslins 15¢. Muslins 18c. Muslins 20c. Muslins " 25¢. Muslins | 9c. Yard 9 yard for your choice of all C. Muslins up to 25c. yard. "clock. All Sales for Cash. First Load Of Barley. The first load of new barley of the season was delivered in the city this morning by a township of Kingston farmer. who was paid forty-five cents. a bushel for the product. The grain is of fine quality, 'superior 'to last year's growth from a standpoint of quality, but it is dark in color, which de- tracts from its' value. Marine Notes. wharf : Steamer : Sale Opens at 9 O Craig's Persia, v down. : The small carrying vessels in port are being repaired for the fall trade. Swift's wharf : Steamers Kingston down and. up; North King, from Char- lotte; Rideau Queen, from Ottawa; Hamilton, irom Hamilton. Good Day. For black currants will he Thursday 300 quarts fancy fruit, 12ic. a quart at the Carnovsky fruit stores. ALL THIS WEEK THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE Sale of ODDS and ENDS Continues. We shall make this an attractive week with Dressmaker's + Backache.. Women -engaged im thewarduous work of dressmaking frequently have trouble Y with their | back and kid- } neys. Run- ningasewing machine, plying the needle in the never ceasing stitch, stitch, stitch, pressing seams--constant bending over--soon tells on the back, makes it ache and pain® No wonder these women often find their health fail. The kidneys get out of order, the 'back pains, and the whole system gets full of poisons which the sick dneys are unable to eliminate. No dressmaker should allow her health to slip away, and backache of the system can be obtained by ney Tablets. ACTED SPLENDIDLY. Metallic, Hercules, Star For all wark. All grads. - They are the best. THE CANADA METAL CO. TORONTO, ONT. things at tempting prices. Shoes are cheap at the Miss A. Schwartz, 42 Water 'Street. k tt Sh Store a . Locket oe Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets as | follows: **I suffered from backache and | . think was due to sitting so closeand bend. ing over at my work. The trouble' at | of Dr¥® Bitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets | at Roos' drug store, They certainly acted the first bottle until I got complete relief." Price 50c. a box, at all rage or by wail, Tus De Zsa Frrcaza Co., Toronto The window, the tables, the shelves are full of good Berlin, Ont., states her experiences with | kidney trouble' for some years, which I | = aaa . | Imperial, timesywas quite severe, so I got a bottle . . ) splendidly with me, for I had not®finished | --