TRAVELLING. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian 20,000 Hamvisters ™ Wanted IN MANITOBA AND CANADIAN NORIfH-WEST FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS will be run from ull on hingsion & Pem- broke railway, oth, to Winnipeg, for $io. One-way tickets to Winnipeg only will © be sold, but each person purchasing will be far nishixd with a coupon on which, after such person has been hired at Winmpeg to work as 'a farm laborer, but not later than Au- must Bist, 1902, free transportation will be Riven to "hohdr froth Winnipeg . to any Can- adian Pacific station fa Manitoba or Assini- 'boia, West or South-west or North-west of Winnipeg. but not beyond Moose Jaw, Rate- van or Yorkton. On complying with conditions of gertifiountes which will be given purchasers of one-way 810 tickets, passengers will be returned to starting point by same route on or before November 30th, 1% pavment of $18. TICKETS ARE on 5 "OND CLASS and ARE NOT GOOD ON "IMPERIAL, LIMITED" . and will not entitle holder Mo purchase accomo- dation. on Tourist Cars. Full particulars at K. & P. C.P.R, Tickes Office, Ontario St. 5 Supt end F. 'CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, Gen. Pass. Gen. [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Descronto and all local pointe" Train leaves City Hall Depot at '4 p.m... R., J. WILSON, C.P.R. Telegraph Of- fics, Clarence sireet. 51 AND TRUNK § BRANCH LINE TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 15th, 1902. Trains will leave City Depot, Foot of Johnston street. GOING EAST. Agt. er Imernational, 3 Mail...... No. 15 Loc: er 1, 2, 3 and '4 run d . run daily, exocpt Monday. Nos. 6, 12, 15, and 18 daily, except Suutay. Direct route to Toronto, Hamilton, Buf falo, Loudon, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Moritreal, Ottaws, Quebec, Port land, St. Johm, Halifax, Boston, and New rk. Lo LABORERS' toba and As:iniboia. date - August 20th, For full particul es apply "to J.P, NLEY, Agent, Corner Jon mston = and Ontario Sts. DOMINION LINE. MATA, STEAMSHIPS, VERPOOL SERVICE Californian ... Aug. 16th . Aug. 23rd . Auv. 30th Colenian ...... .... pt. 6th ™irishman ...... . opt. 13th Californian - i 20th Steaners marked * d Ot Carry passengers RATES OF PASSAG Saloon, $65 and upwards, single according to steamer and i Second. Saloon, $37.50 and wards, single, according to steamvr and. ser- vice. Third class, 8$2¢ «S28, FROM MONTREAL. Ang. > 8 oy FROM 'POSTON. Commonwealth. Merion ..... oston to the NEW SERVIC CF 3 Mediterranean 16th--Vanconuver, Sept. 6th Flectrio licht, Spacious EXCURSION to Fare 810. Mani- Going 23rd 13th ...Aug. Aug, 20th Cambroman, Ang. Midship, Salion, promenade decks J. P.. Hanley, Act. G.T.R. D. TORRANCE J. P. Gildersleeve, Station, 42 Clarence St. & Co., Gen. Agts Montreal a Portland. Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockyllle, Prescott-and Mentreal. - rai Kingston and Toronfo Steamers LEAVE KINGSTON: GOING EAST- Dail Iv, except Maondav® a.m.," Monday, 5:30 am GOING WEST, daily, Spm, reachine Charlot 10:10, and Toronto at 7:00 at 6 gxcopt Mondav, same. evening wing mi at at l rning fulle Hamlliton, Toronto, Bay'of Quinte and Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON! EAST, Wednesdays ands, Fridavs at # GOING 4.30 p.m. GOING ~ WEST, Tnesdavs, Saturdays, 11:30 p.m. J. P. HANLEY, Ticket Agent. The Only Direct Line to Quebec Without Change "THE FAVORITE STR, ALEXANDRIA 12, Thursdays and J. SWIFT & CO Freight Agents. at Beach, Quinte dav at (direet Friday, N.Y., Dicott via. Bay of Leaves Craig's wharl® every mideight, for Charlotte, N.Y., "amd Buffalo, N.Y. apd Murray . Canal, and every Moy 6.30 p.m... for Montreal and. Quebe without change). Through 1,000 I up- | 13th | Ng TRAVE LLING . Allan Line Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From'Quebec. Numidian, Aug.2, 5 am. Aug. 2 3 p.m. Parisian, Aug. 9, 5 a.m. Aug. 9, 3 p.m. Mongolian, Aug. 16, 9 a.m. Aug' 16, 7 p.m. First cabin, $5 and upwards; Second ca- bin, $37.50 . $42.50; London - $1.50 extra: Third c~,_ $25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, B-lfast, Ciasgow, London. New York to Glasgow & Londonderry. Carthagenian.... July 30th Sardinian... eno Aul, 13th Montreal to Glasgow Direct. Sicilian, 6,284 tons, July '30th, Sept.. 3rd, Oct. 8th. First _cabin $50, second éabin $35, cluss Liverpool and Londonderry third De- P. P. Hanley, Agent, City Passenger hot, Johnston and Ontario streets, J. Gildersieeve. ence" street. LIMITED. Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 8S. " Campana," with k lights, electric comfort SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON at 2 pm, llth and 25th August; 22ud September for Pictou, N.S. Quiehe Father Point Gasve, Pearce, Liver, Summerside, PEL, town, PEL ¥ Fhe 4 finest trip of the season for health and comlior: ARTHUR ATIERN, Seacretarv, Quebec. For t ts and staterooms apply to J.D. HANLEY, or J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kineston, MONDAYS Steamboat Co., Limited. Steamer leaves .daily (except Monday) at 6 p.m, for Rochester, N.Y., calling at Bav of Quinte ports. 1000 1SLANDS RAMBLE Steamer leaves deily (except Monday), at 10.17 a.m., for tour of 1,000 Islauds, cali- ing at Alexandria Bay, Roekpony 'and Gana- noque. , STEAMER ALETHA Leaves Mondays at 5 p.m., for Ploton and thtermediate Bav Ports. For full information J. P: HANLEY 7 J. P. GILDE SLEEVE, § James Swift & Co.. apply to Ticket Awents. Freight Agents. "RYRIE" WATGH. Not.for a year, but for a lifetime, Watches that may be handed from father to son--heirlooms. The movement of a "Ryrie" Watch is as. nearly 'perfect as possible, and yet, it's not expensive. That is why it has brought to our store so many buyers who are particular about accurate time. Let us send vou our Catalogu showing the many styles of soli gold, fine old filled, silver aT un metal "* Ryrie' Watches in oth [ladies and gentlemen's sizes, The "Ryrie" are particularly attractive: RYRIE BROS., Yonge and Adelaide Sts., TORONTO. DIAMOND HALL, Established 1884. Monogram Watches The Dandy Shiner NICKEL PLATED HOLDS SHOE RIGID. FITS ANY SHOE. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY River and Guif of St. Lawrence bells and all modern 8th and calling at Grand and Charlotte- Ont. Lake Ontario, & Bay of Quinte Strs. North King, & Caspian Bay of Quinte & Rochester Route . DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 [ALL HAD. MN HOLIDAY TIE NAPANEE ENJOYED Ts cIvic HOLIDAY ON WEDNESDAY. The Several Excursions Were Well Patronized--Marriage of Miss Lund to Mr. Paul--Death of G. H. Sicker. - = 11,--7The town was vesterday. It | being Civie holiday two excursions clainied the pleasure-loving citizens and car- vied them out of towdt where they could for a day forget the cares and tioubles of a business' occupation. On the Presbyterian Sunday. school exeur- sion, per steamer Ella Ross, to Mas- sassaca Park, about 250 took in this delightful water trip' and enjoyed the bracing breezes of the Bay oi Quinte for about ten hours. The Gddicllows excursion to Sydenham, via the Bay oi Quinte railway; claimed a large number who rusticated for . the day at that delightful summer resort, Sydenham Lake: The evening saw a lot of tired and weap but thoroughly satistied pleasure-seekersy wending their way empty lunch baskets to their The weather most favorable for an outing on water or land yesterday. At Svdenham yesterday afternoon a" very exciting game of baseball was played between a Napanee team and the Leseronto Boyes, resulting in a victory of six to eighteen in favor of Deseronto. ¢ Yesterday afternoon; at two o'clock, thi narriage ~ of Miss" Martha Lud and M. H. Paul was solemnized by the Rev, W.-W. Peck, at the residence of the bride's wnts, Mr. and Mrs T. BB. Lund, Fredericksburg. 'The bride well and favorably. known in the county, havin taught school for seve- ral yeark in the district. Mrs. W. J. Mehim and ila, and son; Rubie, leit on' for Pasco, Wash., to join Mr. McKim. who has been west since April. Wal- Boyd left Tuesday for Winnipeg. Van-Every, BA of the te institute stafi, left on Satur- to spend a month in the prairie Belle: Pollard has San { months' visit with western Nev Napanee, Aug, quite = deserted also was abodes. was either daughter, Tuesday col: oy iy jrovince, from a couple of friends in Tiverton and other towns. Miss Bessie MceRossie, York, spending her holidays with her parents, Me. and. Mrs. A.D: Me- itossie. Mrs. Stevens has received the intelligence that her brother, George H: Sicker, had just died at the General Hgspit d, Bufialo, where he went a cofble of weeks for treatment for brain trouble, which proved to be spinal meningitis. wife and two children to mourn loss of a loving and tender parent, sides his sister, Mrs. Stevens, aved mother in: Napance. The Pan-American eirens on broucht atdarge crowd to town, cod day's trade was enjoyed by merchants. I he well tronized in the and in is sad Deceased the he and Tuesday and a the pa- even cirens was atternoon Sharbot Lake Jots. Sharbot Lake, Aug. 13.=Mr. Bethan ington, who had the misfortune to dislocate his shoulder, TE The Willing Workers held an ice cream social on W. Y. Cannon's lawn. The nicht was rather vet a large number gathered there. Mr. Lawlor, of Swvdenham, is ready to begin duty here as teacher. A voune has arrived | at the home off R. I lakely. Visitors Mrs. Marion = and . Montreal, at R. Gilbert's; t Kings ton at Dr. Kilborn' : rd Mra. hy- win, Ottawa, at J. Edgar Iy win. ut his father's: Mr, Stanley, Rochester, N.Y, 1 Meiohe Mrs. Hutcheson, at J. Ned 'onnell's; Mrs. J. Mountain Grove. Miss hell and Mrs. Long from Havelock. is cool; SOH Irwin's; at Mrs, " Kingston. Baste: il at ie Camp- have -- Mountain Grove Locals." Nountain Grove, Aung. 13.-Miss FE. Dickson, Kingston, has returned to her Miss Tillie Coulter leit on to take "charge-of a ~chrool near Plevna. Miss Maud San is. spending the holidays in Mrs. C. G. Fox has returned | after visiting friends in Port Hope. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. Wellstood, Kin- mounts, at Rev. Mr. Clarke's; C. Newburgh, at SN. Abbott's; Anwwerp: N.Y., and Col., at. has secured traveller M. school. Saturday derson '| Ww ced. tes, Paldick, White, Holyoke, JW Laidley ymimercial "Fox's position ~ {$7 a as eq Joyceville Lines. Joy Ane. I3.--Sand ~<chool_gnd Christian" Endeavor so cicty will Send deleg to the vention at Peseronto- on-September 1st. Miss Mago McCarey, coville, Hill Sun day (tes con ie "A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. It holds any sized shoe. Three lasts (man's, woman's, aud child's) go with each shiner, IT PREVENTS BACKACHES. If not ebtalnable from your shee or hardware oealer it will be fo de eipt of $1.00 L. H. PACKARD & CO. MonTRreAL. | C--O i So She omnes | IT PAID ME ALL RIGHT. Stuff that was. laying around and of I sorted y Use ls asd St. Lawrenes River Rapids. ci Low passenger i freight Passenger accor ati W. G. CRAIG & (0, = BE Du) Biagaton. rates, unsurpasend W. HEPBURN, ror. Picton les. u Auction Sa Save Money by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, | Auctioneers, to me it all up-in a hox and sent a card to the Kingston Rap and Metal company, 359 Princess street, and T received 81.50 poba poet et money" that came' in Very handy and besides T was rid of 5 lot of what I deinen rubhish. o - W. Murray. Jr, Auctioneer and Commission Mer- chant, Market Square. STRAIGHT BUSINESS felons cisarewi ping her-hsabh Ar Jovee, quite ill, is improving. Mis Kate McCarey returned home, af Visiting friends inthe states. Visi Mi A. Blake, Belleville, at fathers: Mrs. JJ. Conley, . Fulla N.Y. Albert Demalidson, their father's, Has ie tars her ville and at Advertising Is Educational. Philad = That has. been of the men whe nw. thi market \ Iphia a < the Hew demon atid 1A artich put ui ha he ort bustin vaicating such vow telligent SST - 1s with com : pills. ( entitelv un- (ne trial Mist not mon cathartje r's Lith « them are mn wet, their @ eLCrY rosy | uperfority Ware leaves a | and Mys. | : | I'he king is popular. ill with | J Avetiane nS shes. hero ol the=hattlefields. ar- § 'FEED TO THE HOGS. What Shall We Do With Potatoes This Year ? Toronto Sun. There appear to be rather more po- tatoes in: the country this year than usual. Along the line of the C.P.R. from Owen Sound to Toronto, the number of large potato fields, par- 'ticularly. noticeable, the prices vear having evidently served incentive to wide planting vear, As already intimated in Sun, there is a prospect of an usually large crop of potatoes in the United States, and consequently little hope of a demand from that country [for the products . of the Canadian fields. = This leing so--and_ our own prospects 'of vield being good--the price will probably rule flow in On- tario this year. Speaking on this point, Andrew Elliott sa "There are few feeds on which pigs will make better gains ethan on bran #gnd pota- but the potatoes require to be boiled to give the results hoped for. lH potatoes rule as low as expected through the coming winter, producers cannot them to better purpose than applying them to the making of bacon." is of as this the un hig | last an use ------. Enterprise Briefs. Enterprise, Aug. I13.--Miss Lettie Black, Atherly, is spending a few days 'renewing old acquaintances. Mrs. | Hambly, Napanee, and Miss May Davey spent Saturday and Sunday the cuests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Davey. Mes. G. B. Card is, very low: with ap- fondieiti Miss May Weatherill has scarlet fever. Rev. Mr. H. Tamworth. occupied the pulit in the. C. MN. church gn Sunday, Rev. Mr. Weather- ill 'not being able to preach owing to sickness in his family.' On August 12th, Mrs. G. B. Card, of this place, passed quietly away Sunday evening, after a short illness of four days. The bereaved have the sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. J. F. Lockhead, Kingston, is 'spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. W. 1 Walker! A few from here attended the Pan-American _ circus at Monday. Farmers' have commenced | threshing. Scarlet - fever has. made its | appearance in the village. Several liave it. Small boys with long pants I! seem to be the order of the day in | this little town. J. Switzer and famni- lv. Miss Rachael Jackson, Mrs. S. Raymond @&nd Mr. Alfred A. Jackson "Jackson's on Sunday. ones | were at 0. C. | | | Australian Drought. It is difficult for people in this coun- [try to realize the terrible efie of ihe Australian® drought. Here, for in- | stance, is the description of some | noted beauty spots in - New Soush | Wales as they appeared to the pepres- | entatives touring in search of a -fede- | ral capital site: "The tra throngh the paddocks were ankle deep, and almost axle deep, in fine red dust that in clouds with every passing wheel or puffi of wind; and the pulverized earth swept over the sleepy little "back blocks townships until every house, fence and tree was" of a color that perfectly matched the eternal dust of the roads, "Here and there the grazing pud- | docks were dotted with thé bleaching hones of sheep. At other places, pad fae which still retained a little gas- herbage were stocked vo threa and | four times their - earbving ¢ beeause: of the general deso surroiinding country, and to support even a hoof." rose | | | | | 1 the ability Brain Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad Po heen branded by the most competent authorities, correct diet will 'not | only nourish a particular part of the [ body, but it will sustain every other | part. Yet, however good your food | may be, its nutriment is destroyed by | indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or pre- | vont their. coming by taking regular | doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy mil- lions." A few doses aids digestion; sti- | mulates the liver to healthy action, { purities the blood, and makes vou feel | buoyant and vigorous. You can get this .reliable remedy at Wade's drug | store. | | "King"Edward. | Albanv Journal. showed weltare sincere by He Leacer solicitude the his people afd expressed a over the lasses sustained the men on account of the post: ponement of hid coronation. There was something quite noble in his conduct [ 'throngh the trying days of his illness. He bore the pain and danger bravely. The herp on the sickbed: particularly when he was. the rider | elicits quite as much sviepathy and af an for of | re- | wret 1 business 1 Sovereign has been tested chionitieg and traits have the people. | Edward's character Mnnd shown to be servions, appreciative, Fhese tor him the recard of, won Horrible. clphia Times. © | Canadian firm. recently the Montreal and Torontg news- papers an advertisement a new | nm hottle had patdnted and | Was about to place on the market, Af giving directions for use, the ad." ended in ! "When the bhabiy A placed with vil ter thi * in a con] baby should Le drinking id is i and eo Ii th h milk, it be wed {lace under not thrive | beled." must a does on re tap Kingston And Ottawa. Lakes Navigation Co's steamers leave Kingston every Mon- Jay and Thursday, at 7 a.m., every | Tuesday 'and Friday at 1 p.m. James Rideau | Swift & Co., agents. Napance;' 4h NOT A GOOD THING TO USE A WARNING TO FARMERS AGAINST TRAP-LANTERNS. 5 Catch Friends As Well As Ene- mies--The Matter As Viewed By The Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa. Trap-lanterns as destroyers of insect have. beer recently mich dis- cussed in the northern and western portions of Canada as well as in 'the United States, and by the most per- sistent and, often unscrupulous adver- tising a certain "moth catcher" has been foreed into undo prominence; so that thousands of fruit-growers and farmers have been induced to buy in fpite of the protest of those who have thoroughly and scientifically tested such devices So. important. has this matter become that the Entomological Division of Cornell University has" stied the result of experiments carried out with trap-lanterns during three years, containing in substance the fol- lowing points. Many, Kinds of inscets are most ac- tive at nicht and are then often at- tracted, to any light, but there are hosts of insects that fly mostly'. in the daytime. Most of the grasshop- pers, many of thy true bugs (like the pests is- the very destructive cabbage butter- flv), many of the moths (like the peach tree borer moth), many of the beetles (like the Colorado potato bee- tle), most of the flies (like the house liv) andk many of the. hymenoptera (like the saw-flies), are day fliers or are not attracted to lights; and these include a large proportion .of gur com- mon While a trap lantern or "moth cher™ may attract and kill ten or twenty thousand insects in a season, most of the dhousehold pests, of the fruit:growers' insect ene mics, and nearly all the serious pests of the gardener or grower of general field crops will fail to be trapped. On- lv winged adult insects. are 'caught, the more destructive nymphs and lat vae are never 'taken' Usually moths will conslitute about half of the in- ects caught in "trap. lanterns and inost of these are not pests, only ten per cent. of those that ave injurious are females, and these have nearly all aid their ¢ Often as many friends as among the beetles will he | taken. Nearly one-third of all the insects caught in three months in two "moth catchers," run in Canada. were heneficial, and nearly as many friends were caught in the trap-lan As one of these parasitic in- friends is capable of killing sev- eral injurious insects, the pros capturing many bene sects hécomes a serious factor in, con- sidering the "advisability of usi trap-lanterns. Tt not much a question of 'how many insects as of what kind of insects will be captured. Experience shows an orchardist or a of small fruits hag no use for a trap-lantern or a "moth catcher," because they will not catch 'enough of the injurious fruit pests to pay one-tenth of the trouble and expense of running them. Tent-catevpillar moths are the only common fruit insects that are caught in economic numbers, aid nine tenths of these will he males. Codling-moths are not attracted by lichts and anly ravely one accidently falls a victim. The highest record iy the Cornell -experintents ~ thus far has been eight codling-moths in fifteen nights. The wingless female canker- worm. moths will _not crawl into "moth-catchers," and the lights do not attract the two kinds of apple-hor- er heetles; the peach=horer moth, plum curcalios or. the saw-flics of the "cur rant worm or pear flug. As trap-lanterns can have no efiect upon fungous diseases thew can never take the place of the spray pump and Bordeaux mixture, has shown that. several trap-lanterns set very near every tree in an orchard will not noticeably reduce the crop of wormy apples, or diminish' the num- of hunory caterpillars feeding on the budé and Teaves. . There are instances in which lanterns may prove useful, where some light-loving sect becomes a pest in greprdhouses, or in the of Tome local pest whose period flicht is sharply defined and of duration. But no has vet chusively demonstrated that anv sect pest can not much, more tectively and Cheaply combatad some other wav than hv the moth-catchers™ or trap-lanterns. The of all the experiments made "evervyhere renders it doubtinl it these help "enough in our in warfare to pav for the trouble and expense of using them, 'while they certainly do not warrant anvone in recommending their Or even pas YE permitting it withont protest. pests, most ees, toes as foes terns. sect is 0 grower more trap such as case of short con in oft in one be nse of outcome aids sect use, And Another Ore. of "the women who went as to the front in South Africa has been appointed to thé staff of the English war: office: © She 'has a pri vate office and a separate (little sub department of her having charge the al vrs of the army. nur raff. his_is the firet time awe has held any position on the staff the Une nurse own, of war othee. The New Fedora Hat. "Fedora" hats them, only to Bibby Co. Wo fall be showing R].50, new D. they ' ar sh had pes irom the Why do for be pr uceessor wo E. (. The irom New York oup soda 2 Beeause mhie'hetter can ured anywhere, H. B.. Tavior, Mitchedl : wn of Fortv-Mi Yukon, vedestroved by ry the Zealand COM has caused te Ii hv a spark from ste ner squash-bug), all of the butterflies (like ENTERPRISE Experience | . years and has never failed to give Usc LEA & PERRINS that palate-pleasitg relish game, meats, gravy, salads, etc SAUCE to give to all soups, fish, Lea & Perrins' Sauce is used the world over and is indeed the most deligious sauce in the world. If you have been using other sauces, just try one bottle ot Lea & Perrins'.- J J : : People never stop with one bottle. J.M DOUGLAS & CO., Canadian Agents, Montreal, Que FOOD SALAS CHOPPER Chops 2 Ibs. of meat per minute. The bearing is of Phosphor-Bronze which enhances the value and pro- longs the life of this machine There are four plates with this machine so that it will cut coarse vege- tables or the finest meat McKELVEY & BIRCH 69 and 71 Brock Street. 20 Per Cont, Discount 20 We Will Sell for the Balance of the Season the Following Goods at 20 Per Cent. Discount for Cash Only: REFRIGERATORS ICE CREAM FREEZERS SCREEN DNORS WINDOW SCREENS WIRE NETTING GARDEN HOSE AND COAL OIL STOVES. ELLIOTT BROS. 77 PRINCESS STREET. PIOUS POLOEPOO CE EEE EVID ABSOLUTE SATISF ACTION 3 sticking of the iron --the ecorching of tlfe linen and the froables and wouries of washiog day ara things of the past if yo! use BEE STARCH ¢ 2 No.worry--littte work and! absolute satisfaction. Try it. ® 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE. SAVE THE COUPONS. ® SNOWDON, FOBBEB & CO., Agts., 449 St. Paul tt, Moutreal. POOR CODICES POOCHIO® OEOW® UN RIPE FRUIT CHANGE OF WATER, COLDS, IMPROPER DIET, | CAUSE l Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colle, Cramps, | | | s e® TO LET. 9 | C0OD 'FURNISHED ROOMS, With ON, without board, 101 Queen sireat. FOUR ROOMS non FURNISHED with. all" modern conveniences, a Po Avenue. 193 EARL STREET, ten rooms; Hot Water Heating: Also other dwellings, stores and ofiices. J. 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock St.. ground floor, BRICK DWELLING, Painin the Stomach, Cholera, Summer Complaint, ete., WHICH CAN BE CURED BY POSSESSION AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE- sirable house on the cOFner of Bagot and Gore streets, near the park. Modern in every way. 'Daisy hot water heating and in perfect order. Apply to Felix Shaw, Jo Bagot street. | |= MONEY AND BUSINESS. § ~~ a ee ----= | MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL | sums, at low radés of interest om. city ! and farm property. Loans granted om | and county debentures. Apply to | McGILL, manager of Frontenas | Loan _and lnvestment Society. fice op- | posite the Post Oflice. city 5. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sums. from one thousand to ten thous and dollars. For partieulars apply dN GODWEN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM, . over Expries® Off Market Souare. JYnror, LONDON AND GLOBE 'Available a addition to which the » for security he un- the stockholders. ured at lowest Before renewing old "or business get mts from A STRANGE, Agents TO COIN COLLECTORS. A CABINET OF US. SILVER COINS KOR sale. Address gf Whig Offios. Harmless, Rapid, Reliable and Effect aal in its action. Has been used in thousands of homes for nearly 60 FIRE saets, satisfaction. Price.35 cents, at all druggists. The T. Milburn Co.,.Limited, Toroats, Ont : i all operty if qiving new STRANGE DENTAL CARD. oii! HAS RESUMED H!S DENTAL at 129 Prine four former oiler DALY pract telow DR. ss St doors Cg gi Wheat Malt Cereal that Tickles Testo and Stoadies Nerve 7 "FORCE" FOOD CO. Buffalo, N.Y. Dear Sirs :--I have used number of packages of *' FORCE" since it was first introduced®era i use so much of it | would like to buy it in large quantities, if possible, My husband and | use a package every two days. Every spoonful is i aggravation for More; since it gives us both more strength and fat My husband 15 an enginecr, and he takes a wh his_engine and eats it wit one quart of ilk. him feel like a * 'young coft child--and I find it gives nou myself and baby. We eat it 4 the w wholesale. ~ Canastota, N. Y, March 20, 1902, ole bowlful to He says-it makes | have a nypsing baby -- my first rishment «in abundance for both holesal, and I would fike to buy it by the MIs. me cn a tek CECROOOE® o wire ©