Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1902, p. 1

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ISH KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15. Mg 1902, LAST EDITION. GOOD NEWS For The Careful Buyer At Our SUMMER SALE. Any Colored Shirt the "tore 75¢C. "STRAW HATS $1 and $1.25 qualities, 50c. $2 and $2.50 qualities, $1. ale. % JENKINS v! 1 14 PRINCESS STREET. aR estan Baglish B rigg French Natural v Wool Underwear Regular $1 Line : - i j REELS IIIT WHY IS IT THAT : Buttermilk Solr re ey : Clarified Milk Co. *PHONE 567. 3 BEE 0000 00054844040 and is delivered in GR sterilized bottles. _ You can drink it or use it for cook- aA Well Dressed Customer Is the best recommenaation TRY _ CRAWFORD & WALSH, © Tailors and Importers, Cor. Princess & Bagot Sts. ERERERERRR RRR RRSRIRR in clean and fresh, thorouchly clean, mg. It takes sive fooda. the place of more expen- PERRRERRRREDRRIRR »399906994903999990900% t Just Stop sand Think : For next few days only s you can buy a whole cord of @ nice DRY MILLWOOD, de- ® livered in your yard For $3. $ THE RATHBUN COMPANY. A POPULAR MEAT SHOP. ON SATURDAY NEXT, 16TH INST., MeFederidge will re-open his popular: meat shop at 210° Bagot street, near Johnston street, whers will always be found in stock a complete supply of fresh and salt meats. Telephone No. 564. Orders promptly at- tended to. WELL, WELL! WHAT IS WANTED NOW? WHY MORE customers. of course at Myers' Pork Market 56 Brock street, where vou will obtain the Lest cooked and amoksd meats in the city. 3 Ibs. dripping- for a quarter. 'Phone 570. Ww. FOR SALE. THE SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING Strent, between Wade's Drug stores and Congress Hotel. In excellent condition. Second floor leased for a long term. Ap- fis to, D. A. Cays, real estate agent, ing thet. Spe WANTED. & A COOK:y APPLY"TQ MKS. HORA, 15 King street, in_:the evening. A GENERAL *SERVANT. requind. Apply 307 RE RE NC ES Alfred street. ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK. NO or--cooking. -- Apply at 195 Earl GIRL TO washing street. A WILLING TO References required Hunter Ogilvie, 134 Earl street. HOUSENAID childrem G. HELP WITH OF Po- ofhice. FOR SIX MONTHS. FROM October, sition BEGINNING a furnished house in central No children. Apply this FOR MANITOBA, 50 TEAMSTERS, LABOR- ers and farm hands Wages sveraie £30 per month and board, or £1.75 to £2 per dav. Apply at 51 Brock street, corner King strect. wo AN ASSISTANT SCIENCE the' Kincston Collegiate plications revived by Soeretary ot, Fducatica up wo Monday, State salary x. MEN-OUR T _ MASTER Institute of 25th IN * Ap and 4 inst ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE" explains how we teach the Barber trade | in eight weeks, mailed free Learn how to prepare vourself 'for better wages and hiohter: work. Write' to-day. -* Moler Bar. ber College, Chicago, lil PERSONS OF UNDOUBTED good move, and plemy of mn a -great apintual work entirely qrizinat and the posable retn tem to (wy dollars weeklv THE CEN TURY CHRISTIAN CO, LTD, -Toron'ta 1 UMARACTER, | push to help Our plan is MALL'S RARBER SCHOOLS. 246 street," Toronto. Ont., also St street, Montreal, PQ. and 16 eca stnet, RBaffale. FElacantly Wages Saturdave Terms moderate trial, lodyings, railroad ticket and ecata- logme [ree Ry our SPECIAL CoO- OPERATIVE PLAN" course is given ab- solatoly free Also gpportanity to earn mooey at vour home, by workine for us Write for particulars todav. Hall. proprietor. FONGE | Lawrence East Sen: Tool © Apply Mrs.) | be thoronghiv | clor equipped. | Aldia Owen | LOCAL MEMORANDA. The' Daily Note Book For . Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. This is Assumption Day. ; The sun rises Saturday at 5:03 a.m., and sets at 7:03 p.m. : Athletics vs. Orientals, Saturday, 3:30 p.m. - A speaking countenance is more expressive when the mouth is shut. High cfass vaudeville 'Omario Park, 8830 p.m. Cotton mill employees' picnic to Long Isl- and Park, Saturday afternoon: If you would know a young lady's Toulls get chummy with her girl friend. It never rains on the unjust if he can get bold of au umbrella belonging to the just. It is hard to believe that the good die voung when you order lamb in a cheap res- Lake Ontario Park, performance, Lake taurant. One man can speak for another, but ore woman can't talk for anpther with any de gree of satisfaceion. n Many a man who appears to be a decp thinker merel: has a new kind of pain and is wondering what caused it. Don't forget: the Dominion Cotton Mills' employees' picnic at Brophv's Point to-mor- row afternoon. Boat leaves Folger's wharl at 1:30 p.m., returning at 7 and 9 p.m. This in the world's history : Li Hung Chiang pleads with powers for clem- ency, 1900; legations at Pekin relieved, 1900; British gmccupy New York, 1776; Na- poleon, 1 born, 1760; Sir Walter Scott born, 1771; Jesuit Order organized, 1534. HINTONS | JARDINIERE} We have a hansome line made by this celebrated maker just opened. Not expensive, exquisite shapes and odd patterns. ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE {ONTARIO 1 PARK ) ALL THIS WEEK HIGH Matine CLASS Wednesday Bvéning & Friday Vaudeville | day Bvery At 8:30. at 3:30. THE THREE DRAGONS ODGINS and LEITH Illustrated Songs, Sketches, Singiag, Dancing TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE andersigned up to noon ; of the. 19th inst. for the Mason and Bricklayers; Carpermters and Joiners, and Painting and Glazing works required in the erection of Stores on Brock street for Messrs. Mchelvey & Birch and Messrs. James Richardson jt Sons. Low- est' or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen at our office. Power & Son, Architects, Merchants Bank Chambers. LOST. AHOLD AND BLUE ENAMEL BROOCH, with British cat of arms and stamped sterling. Finder will be rewardsd on re- turning to 89 York street HEART ON COAT, SLEEVE. In Love With Every Pretty Girl He Meets. Aug. 14.--The Berlin c¢or- respondent of the Telegraph recounts some of the characteristics of the crown prince, whos: name has been linked with that of Miss Gladys Dea- con, a young American. He says that the crown prince known to bé very chivalrous ward young ladies, just as his great- grandfather, Kaiser Wilhem I, was in his younger days. The crown prince plays lawn tennis with them. He is also said to be extremely sps- ceptible' in the. presence of a pretty face. It is said of hiin that he falls deeply in love with nearly every good- looking girl he talks to. He then be- tomes very sentimental. It is said that he is always falling _in.love, but at the same time the old adage about there being safety in numbers was ap- olied to him. An amusing scene took Diave upon his return from England-when it was discovered hy the empress that he had given away a ri he wsed to wear, whie h was a present from her on the occasion of his confirmation. Londan, is to- Mgr. Farley To Succeed Corrigan. New York, Aug. 15. Private advices received here make it appear a prac-' tical certainty that the Right Rev. John M. Farley to succeed to. the archbishopric of New York, niade va cant- by the death of the late Arch- bishop Corrigan. It is stated on the best of authority that the nomina- tion has [been confirmed "at Rome and the 4ormal announcement of the ap-. pointment may be expected any day. Bishop Farley was nominated for the honor by sufiragans of the archdiocese; his name, it is said, being the first on the list. © He has been for many vears" closely identified with the awork of the diocese, and his élevation has | been expected. It is said that he will satisfactory to both the laity: of the section of the will' be under his jm is and which church Hisdiction. | Died Of Fright. , Ont. Aug. 15.-- Mrs, Percy died suddenly. under un- usnal circumstances Fhe saof of har house caught fire and this <o vetlod Mrs. Strickland that she <hootly af { terwards died of heart failure, st A Cool Head. Wears a straw hat buvs at at Jenkins', and $3 and and a wise head 1 and 1.25 hats Y for 30¢ $2.50 hats for 81. | guns that would be useless in modern tlreland was denounced and the tof Lparty inf Steel | mended {onstration Fspeeches" wore made HAS REFUSED. APPROVAL Arrangements IN SETTLING THE DISPUTE. TOUCHING THE AMOY-FOO CHOW RAILWAY. Ministers Are Not Inclined to Ac- cede to Chinese Proposals -- Will Try And Get Foreigners to Develop Mines -- Russians Are in Opposition, Pekin, Aug. 14.-~The plans for an international settlement of the Amoy- Foo Chow railway dispute, recently approved by the ministers have not been approved by the throne, which wishes_to have two representatives on the government board instéad of one as provided for by the plans prepared by the foreign consuls to which the ministers agreed. Some of the minis- ters are not inclined to accede to the wishes of 'the! Chinese. Instructions have been sent to the viceroys, Liu Kun Yi and Chang Chi Tung, ordering them to.report means to encourage foreigners to develop mines. This is held to be an acknowl- edgment by the throne of the inefti- ciency of the rales it lately approved in regard to mining which the minis- ters condemn. The restoration of the Pekin-Shan- Hai-Kwan railway is being delayed by the Russians, who refuse to relinquish the New Chwang-Shan-Kwan section unless they are allowed to retain the machine shops, and round houses at J Shan-Hai-Kwan. The Russians algo object to foreign officials participating in the management of line. FACE SLAPPED AT SARATOGA. Youth Publicly Rebuked By An Angry Woman. Saratoga, "Aug. 15.--Some ment was occasioned at one of large hotels the other evening by 'a face-slapping episode; in which a New York woman inflicted the punish- ment and a young man from Boston received it. Both are stopping at the same hotel. In the morning the young man, who had only recently presented to the young woman, pre- sumed to send to her a rather ardent note. They happened to leave the dining room after dinner at the same time. Just outside the young man stepped up to her and remarked : "1 hope you -were not offended my note." For answer the young woman turn- ed like a flash and slapped the youth two or three times squarely in the face. He was not in evidence for the rest of the evening. excite- the at WATTERSON OUT OF IT. Doesn't Want An Office That Can Be Bought. Louisville," 'Aug. 15.--Henry Watter- son, who has been spoken of ag a de- mocratic candidate -for governor of Kentucky and for president of the Un- ited States, caused a sensation in the political circles of the state, by addressing a letter to the democrats of the state, in which he says he will not be a candidate for the governnor- ship. He declares that he has alwavs stood for honesty in politics, that he has never handled an unclean dollar in his life and would not hold an of- fice that money could buy. His stand is believed to leave a clear field for Gov. JB3eckham, Mr. Wattersoh having been regarded as his strongest oppon- ent. FLEAS INFEST TOWNS. Pests Thrive on Insect Powder, Sulphur and Carbolic Acid. Topeka, Aug. 15.--A dozen Kansas towns report an epidemic of fleas. Mil- lions of these insects infest the lawns and homes of Topeka, and people cry for relief in vain. 'Rush ordérs ior chemicals that will exterminate fleas have been sent eastern houses by To- peka druggists. The Kansas brand of fleas seem to thrive on insect powder, and really prefer it as a steady diet to any other-kind of provender. Sul- phur, . carbolic acid and turpentine do nat affect them. May Be Last Re-union. Ind.. Aug. 15.--Survivors Indiana. regiment. which hélonged to the famous "Wilder Bri- gade," to-day celebrated «the fortieth anniversary of the regiment's. muster into service by going into camp at Columbian Park, this city. There is an attendance of vegerans and their friends from several counties, but it ix noticeable that the friends are more numerous than the veterans, death having played havoc in the ranks dur- ing the last few vears, and it seems not improbable that this will be the last reunion of the regiment. ' Lafayette, of the 72nd Refused To Give Up Guns Madrid, Aug. ~The Spanish ficers who were sent to Cuba to tain possession -of pieces of ordnance Toit there after the war did not sue ceed in their mission, the United Sta- government objecting to handing them the large puns: it was to give up only the small of ob tes over to willing Wash bad of the created action has warfare. The {ington authorities impression. here, a Irish Denounce England. Chicago, 1l.. Aug. 15.--Coercion in policy | the Trish British at parhamentary house. of commons the ann®al national of the United Irish Chicago. held at Runnyside Col. John © F. Finertv, CONCTess, boand ested, promi com- | dem Socie the of to-day of ties Park ex-menmber pr bv several nent Irish orators. | y Chinese Throne Wants Other. Mo represent the grand lod i manager, before to™ stock. re-elected | little, [just | per THE GATHERING OVER. the Oddfellows Toronto. Toronto, Aug. 15.--The grand lodge, concluded its annual met' adjourning to Meeting of in 1.0.O.F., ing here last night; meet in. Hamilton next vear. A. 1 Lewis, junior past grand master, Chatham, was elected by acclamation in the sovereign grand lodge which meets in annual session at Desmoines, lowa, next month. Mr. Lewis was authori- zed' to endeavor to &ecure the passage of an amendment to the sovereign con- stitution of the order that will thange the age of admission to the subordin- ate lodges from twenty-one to cigh- teen vears. The sum of 81,000 was voted towards the projected Oddfel- lows' Home. The - full amount requir- King To Visit Ireland. Liverpool, Aug. 15.--Ac- cording to the Daily Post of this city, King Edward has promised the chief sec- retary of Ireland, Rt. Hon. George Wyndham, to, visit Dublin, Cork' and Belfast in February at the latest, possibly in November. oo sfocfe coco choco so chosfe check le fe oe ofe cfecfe fe ofe fo ofe fe cfoofoofe | namely, $20,000, being now on hand, it was decided to commence operations at once and a committee was appointed to select a sife for the home. The new officers were installed as follows : Grand master, R. - K. Cow- an, K.€., London; deputy grand. mas- ter, J. B. Turney. B.A., Hamiltoy grand warden, E. R. Butterwith, Ot- tawa; grand secretary, J. B. King, Toronto; grand treasurer, W. J. Mec- Cormack, Toronto; grand auditor, Charles Packert, Stratford; grand marshall, D. B. Brown, Orang»ville; grand conductor, R. R. Brett, Essex; grand guardian, B. H. James, Os- hawa; "rand herald. W. Gi. Graham, Guelph; grand chaplain, Rev. C. R. Morrow, Bartonville, auditor, Abner Fraser. SUSTAINED EXECUTIVE. ed, Endowing a Cot in a Toronto Hospital. - Winnipeg, - Aug. 15.--The Sons of England supreme lodge 'devoted its morning's sion yesterday to the consideration of reports of sub-com- mittees. Several appeals from lodge members were dismissed, the action of the executive in such cases being sus- tained. The sum of $250 was set apart towards endowing a tot in the Sick Childrens' hospital, Toronto, as a memorial to the founders of the or- der, the remainder of the sum required to be raised by appeal to lodges throughout the dominion." The decis- ion to disiranchise past supreme pre- sidents was reversed, and past su- preme presidents consequently will continue to be members of the supreme lodge. Yesterday the members of the su- preme lodge and two hundred friends proceed by steamer to St. Andrew's Rapids, on the Red River, and visited St, Paul's Indian industrial school. 8 Biggest Elevator On Lakes. Port Arthur, Ont., Aug. 15. The new grain elevator -in--course of con- struction here will have a capacity of 2,225,000 bushels and will be the lar- gest on the lakes. When completed it will contain eighty tanks, and sixty- ive intermediate storage places. 'The tanks are 25,000 bushels capacity, and make up a 2,000,000 bushel house while the intermediate spaces will hold an additional 225,000 bushels. . Work is proceeding rapidly and it is planned to have the clevator ready for open- ing by the first of the coming year if possible. Has Reached The Other Side. Falmouth, Aug. 15.- Capt. Newman and his sixteen-year-old son arrived here at nine o'clock; last night, on board the launch Abiel Abbot Low thirty-seven days Out from College Point, New York. The boat in which the daring nav igators made the trans- Atlantic passage is thirty-eight feet long, nine feet wide and three and one: half feet draught. Her engines are workel with kerosene oil. No trouble was experienced with the exception that once the tanks lpaked. The cap- tain says that lack of 7 reduced his weisht thirty pounds. Steps Down And Out. Monctén, N.B.,, Aug. 15.--The gov- ernment organ here announces 'that-E. G. Russell, manager. of the Intercolo- nial railway, has retired. David Pot- tinger, the general manager, will take over the duties of Mr: Ruseil, whose office-- that of manager-has been ab- olished. The office of the assistant filled by E. 71. Horm, brought from an Awerican road by Mr. Russell, 'has alse-heen abolished and Mr. Horn's servic s (dispensed with. .Spoo Now In Bismarck. Bismarck, N.D., Aug. 15.--The lay- ing of steel on the Bismarck extension pf thes Boo-road-was -practicallv-com pleted to-day, and by the first of next week evervthing will be in readi for the running of trains. It is planned to run freight trains over the lines for ten days or 'two weeks inangurating passenger service, in ordersto. test the roadbed, and pas. senger trains therefore proba ly. will not be runnine into the North Dakota capital until September Ist. ness new Will Dé&uble Capacity. Aug. 15.-- The Hamilton company. has decided capacity of its Hamilton, and Iron double the plant and may expend Senator A. T. president, steel Wood and UC. E The comp chviden has been Doo vice-president v has annual 3 has paid its, cent. and amount transfery rest umd. to the tantial |S. NEWS OF THE WORLD what Comes To Us From Au © Quarters. CONDENSED PARACRAPHS, TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. The cabinet consider the contract. The woman franchise bill has passed both houses of the New South Wales législature. I'he striking . Hamilton workers have agreed to re-open arbitration negotiations. Stocks of anthracite coal all over Eastern Canada and the United States arc pretty well exhausted. The Port Huron Ferry company is being proceeded against criminally for running excursions on Sunday. Archbishop Corrigan"s estate has been declared exempt from 'the inheri- tance tax, because left to the church. President Russell, of the Winnipeg board of trade, has invited the Manu. facturers' Association to visit that city. Kruger present and refuses there. 2 5. 'M. Hays, second vice-president and general manager of the Grand Trunk RRe, is at present in Paris with his family. Newgate prison in London is being demolished. It will not be rebuilt; the site probably will be leased for com- mercial buildings. It is not vet known whether the Prince of Wales or the Duke of Con- naught will attend the coronation dur- bar in India. Several anarchists of Madrid have been arrested, charged with plotting to assassinate M. Delcasse, French minister of foreign affairs. It is understood that Sir Edmund Barton has in view the creation of a high commissionership in London for the Australian commonwealth. A recent Prussian army order for- bids the use of American lard in army kitchens, and directs that hams niust be bought of domestic slaughter hous- es. At Knoxville, on Thursday to Afiica steamship met South electrical the does not acquiesce in the condition in "South Africa, to ask leave to rqturn bo Tenn., Jerry Logan, the - aged negro janitor of the state supreme court, has sold himself to Jerald Stuart, clerk of the court, for 1,000 Admiral Sir Charles Hotham has is- sued: orders indicating a modification in the plan for illuminating the war- ships" at Portsmouth, on Saturday night, following the great naval re- view. > WHITE'S STATEMENT. To the Youth- Who Left Toronto With Him. Toronto, Aug. 15.--A moriting pap: er, says that William Ridley, the boy who = went away with Arnott White, the missing semployee of Evans & Sens! drug warchoute, and who re- tured home vesterday, alone, told one of its reporters that White made this statement to him: "Some trouble going on at the warehouse. I won't tell on my friends! I won't make more trouble for the boys, but I'll never go back to Toronto. I don't know what I will do, but I-will get as far away from these parts as can." Ridley says is I he went away with White with the intention of looking for work. He did not know where they were going. The route was pick- ed out by White. Ridley declared that when he .saw White's picture in the paper and his name in big black tvpe he got scared and asked White what was wrong. Then, when White grew moody and finally in a burst of confidence made the statement above quoted. PLAGUE IN ALASKA. Well . Natives Flee, Leaving the Sick Among Dead. Ottawa, Aug. 15.--Word has been re- "ceived from a m n_ station in Alas: ka, known as Koserefskv, saving that devastating plague has carried off more than one-half of the native po pulation of that district. The letter I'he well ones fled from shelter, from food and home, abandoning the sick to their fate, amidst the unburied remains of the dead, and exposing themselves the horrors starva- tion." Y An appeal is made for help. to of An Event For Cobourg. Ont.,. Aug. 135.--At a bn! lant reception' given vesterday aftr noon by Mrs. Nellie GG. Sartoris, at the residence of her mother, Mrs. t: Grant, .the annonne ement was mada of "the marriage of * Mrs. Sartore' daughter, 'Miss Vivian Sartoris, to Frederick Roosevelt" Scovell, of Cobourg, son [velt. | Peter's church, SKANK an the | ! Areh} rishop of Rupert's Land. Chevalier and Madame Edouard Seo vell, nee Marcia Roosevelt. Mr. vell js a" cousin of President Roose The wedding takes 'place in St. Cobourg, on Saturday, Neo August 23rd: To Be Consecratedr Winnipeg. Aur. 15:-Ven. Archdeacon' Lofthouse will te consecrated hish of the new Anclican .didfese of vatin, on Sundav-next. The cere mony will he performed at Holy Trini ty church, Winnipeg, by: the hishop of Athabasca, who takes the of the D op K place at pre- Among pre will be ill in land. at the. of (Cal Machen iver dist t 1wOny Saskatch and, KJLLED BY AUTOMOBILE. The Machine Crashed Into a Big . Tree. i: Evreun, France. Aug. 15.--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fair, Americans, "who were 'related to Mrs. W. K. Vander- bilt, ir. (Miss Virginia Fair), were returning to Paris from Trouville, ves- terday, when their automobile swerved and crashed into a tree fiteen miles from here." Both were killed. The chauffeur became insane as a conse: quence of the shock. The Fairs have been living lately in Paris at the Hotel Ritz, and kept their apartments there while they were staying at Trouville. Charles L. Fair was a son of the late Senator James G. Fair and a brother of Mrs. Herman Oelrichs and Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt. Under his fa- 'ther's will he received only £500,000 of the $30,000,000 estate, and he got that only at the expiration of five years of total. abstinence. Later he succeeded in breaking the will and secured his share of the immense fortune. Mrs: Fair was born in Jersey City and spent the early vears of her life in New York She said at the altar that she married her hushand to re- form him. FIRED TO SAVE MOTHER. -- Son Intervenes to Save Trouble Between Parents. Ottumwa, Towa, Aug. 15.--To pre- vent his mother being murdered hy her drunken husband, attacking her with a kpife, John Sims shot and kill- ed his ffither, H. Sims, on his farm near Fussey, forty miles north-west of this city, vesterday. Sms was a wealthy stock raiser and well-known throughout the country. The killing was the culmination of a condition of aliairs which has existed in the fam- ilv for many years. Sims had always been a kind and thoughtful. hushand and father when sober, hut when un- der the influence of liquor almost in- variably displayed a homicidal mania, his violence being directed against members of his own family. SUBSIDY FOR OCEAN LINERS. J. Canada Will Give $150,000 and Britain $75,000. London, Aug. 13.--In i this morning the Daily serts that Canada will subsidize to the extent" of $150,000 and Great Britain to the extent of $75,000 a year the new line of steamships to be establish- ed between Canada and South Africa, which is the first portion of the great plan elaborated hy Colonial Secretary Chamberlain to make the British em- pire independent of American and for- | eign supplies of. food, ete. of Whipped Into Insanity. Cincinnati, Aug. 15.--Dr. L. Logan, Main strest, bi the statement in police court, that his fourtecn-year-old son Harry is partially demented on account of repeated trouncings that he received in the Cincinnati public schools. He said the boy had receiv- el so many beatings from teachers that: his mind became affected and he was compelled to bandage the wounds. Dr. Logan said that the boy has be- come incorrigible on account of this mental weakness and asked that he be committed to the House of Reiuge. This was done. Lived na Church Steeple. Wilmington, Del., Aug. 15. Carpen- ters examining Calvary Baptist church preparatory to changing it into a candy warehouse, were astonished on looking. through the ladderway to see the head of a man in the steeple. On investigating they. discovered a man living in the tower far above the street. His bed was of newspapers and' the walls were papered with high- lv colored supplements of Sunday newspapers. The man is a local char- acter, known as "Billv Baldwin." Buffalo Man Over Falls. Niagara Falls; N.Y., Aug. 15.--It now pretty certain that the man who committed suicide by going over * the American falls was Adam Witzell, Sr. No. 437 Elin street, Buffalo. Witzell was seventy-cight vears old and has been despondent for some time owing to failing evesight. He has been miss- ing, since Wednesday. On that morn ing he asked where he could get a car for the falls and the description of. the suicide tallies with that of Wit zell exactly. is ---------- -Killed By "A Train. Tonawanda, N. Y., Aug. 13 Capt. Frank Dubay; a well-known lak: cap tain, was struck by an Erie vain at North Tonawanda. and died vasterdav afternoon from an internal injury. He fifty-four vears old and has a son who is also a lake captain. was Excursion Bulletin. August 16th, "America," islands, 3 p.m. One how Thousand Island Park. Saturday, among 1,000 snl a hali at BETA A Cool Head. Wears a straw hat and a wive head buys it at Jenkins', ®1 and £1.25 hate for-5te--ant 22 and 32:50 hats for. 81 Our Snappy Neckwear. Will be ready in watch for our display hy Co. two D. Bib or H. a day The The new issue of eapital stock the Nova Seotia Stal company, for purpose of opening and continuing necessary work at the mine, where No 3 will be opened and the hv is up the slope thias, completion of work on sme' ting furnace, under construction it had also been decideil by the divectors to t operations Trarev B. Bangs, Grand D.. for the past two vears vice chancellor of thee Knichts has heen exalted to the chanecellorship Cor:s- for presen ie; per dozen. presen \ Forks, of Py sapireme nll erry pIUrpOses, Mcleod 's ng ! store. erect a modern steel plant in addition | to supreme WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Ant in, Toronto, Ont., (10 a.m.), ate winds, fair to-dav and on Saturday. do change in temberature, SOME SPECIALS Uday Shoppers Ladies' Colored Shirt Waists, 50c., 60c., ?5¢c.; your choice for 40 cents each. Aug. 15.--Moder- No - White Shirt Waists, odd lines, at one-half regular prices. One only, White Organdy Dress, slightly soiled, $8, for $4.50. Children's Ready-to-Wear Dresses, latest New York styles, at 'half price, to fit girls 9 to 15 years. Extra values in Ladies' Embroidered Hose. Inspection invited. MARTIN--In Kingston, August 14th, 1902, Erelyn Gertrwde M., second daughter of Capt. Janws F. Martin, 259 Johnston gtreet), aged eleven years. Funcral wiil leave the Tamily residence, Sa- turday, August 16th, ior St. Mary's Ca- thedral, where a. solemn requiem mnwe will be sung. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. WILLIAMSON--At Picton, on August 7th, Fdith Williamson, daughter of Arthur Williamson, aged twenty-five years. LESLIE--At 265 University avenue, on Au- goer. 14th, Helen Dorothy infant daugh- ter of James Leslie, amd thirty days. Funeral private. CUNNINGHAM In \ Kinueton, - August 15th, James Cumin-+h aged 61 wears Funeral from i residence, stregt west ~ Saturda Friends and acquaintances fully invited --to--attend 21 King afternoon. are respects Conveniences. Cleanliness, Brilliance, Economy. The the best you can at all about its being want it-- no fumbling in the dark for matohes, Turn the key, it's light; turn the key, dark. Simple, easy, safe. BRECK & HALLIDAY, Electricians, Princess Street, Electric Light is No daub there when you have. it's BOARD. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with modern conveniences, oen- tral," not far Irom City and Macdonald parks. Suitable for a party of from three to five, 195 Earl street. The New omcers. N.S., Aug. -At ion of the Cari Manu facturers' Association the election of officers was proceeded with; the prin: cipal ones being © President, Cyrus A, Birge, Hamilton ; vice | ident; Ceorge E. 'Drammond, Montre trea surer, J. R. Booth, (fttawa. Halifax, the closing ses Destroyed By Fire. Napanee, Ont.. Aug. 15.-The Lons- dale woollen mills, owned by A. J. Lazier, and among the finest in, East ern Ontario, were burned yesterday. The cause of the*fire ix not known. i.oss about £10000; no insurance. cote -- of new H..D. neckwear Sibby. Co. showing Big Morrow at. a :Souvenirs EBuamelled Belt Buckles, Brooches, Hat Pins, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Pocket Knives, etc. Spoons from 75¢.10 $3.50 Largest Selection in Ontario. A G.JOHNSTON & BRO, JEWELERS, Cor. Prince nd Welllagton Sts, caces 'ade rasesecscsecsl ! i {| =| of) renee Bevsas -sssssacssssssasse

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