Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Aug 1902, p. 1

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a Sa 69TH YEAR., NO. 193. L ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1902, gh LAST EDITION. nm -- Just. Arrived, t 1 OF THE BEST MAKE. Regular price $1. August Price 75c.|. Upholstered in Leather $1.50. Robt. J. Reid. Leading Undertaker and Furniture Dealer. 2 Doors Above Opera House. Tke Daily Note Bay, Wedn:sdav night. Novel and entertaining performance. only get a without severing smith, er first shot Lachine rapids, 1810; Ole Bull, LOCAL MEMORANDA. \ Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Hat sale at Jenkins'. The sun rises Wednesday at 5:09 a.m., smd --CN sets at 6:35 p.m. Don't forget the moonlight to Alexandria Baseball at Lake Ontario Park, Ponies vs. Ganauwoque, Wednesday, 4° p.m. Lake Ontario Park 8:30 o'clock to-night. Self- made men and home-made shirts 'may Le useful, but they are seldom ornamental. Politics is uncertain. To<dwy a man is on he stump and to-morrow he may- be up a ree. : Shirt--Jeunkins' sale. 'Any colored shirt in the store for 75c. I England gentlemen often ride to hounds; on this country they frequently go to the dogs. If some people did nothing but mind their ywn business they would soqn become rather arrow inde, Many a man would be happy if he could divorce from his mother-in-law his other domestic ties. in the world's history: Harri- Boers surrendered, 1900; This day 684 Rteam- died, 1880; River St. Lawrence dis- coversd, 1535. violinist, Telephone No. 877. "Kingston ™ gy" A SET OF NEW Souvenir Post Cards POS(TIVELY THE BEST EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sold in Sets or Singly. Kirk patrick's Art Store Megaware DIUG Store Square Having purchased the Drug business lately carried on by KE. C. Mitchell on the Market Square, formerly the Roche Drug Store, will endeavor to merit a fair share of your patronage, by polite service and personal ar- tention, by keeping a full stock of every- thing usually sold in a drug store, and. by giving my patrons just what they ask for. 1 have had a long experience as a drugrist, most of which was speat in Hooper's, of To- ronto, and Hudmut's, of New York. Soliciting your patronage. E. L. EBBELS. Market Square Prug Store, Kingston. ! EREEREREREAURNCERNBRICEERN -- . CA Well Dressed; Customer © Is the best recemmensation Eg TRY - 6 CRAWFORD - & WALSH, & Tailors and Importers, £ Cor. Princess & Bagot Sts. 5 PR EERE RE SR RRR THE MAN IN LOVE With our Suitings is not hard to find. . This is found not.a matter for surprise 'when the goods are inspected See the sea- sonable things. we are offer- ing. JNO. R. JOHNSTON, MINTONS ARDINIERE We have a hansome line made by this celebrated maker. just opened. Not expensive, exquisite shapes and odd patterns. - ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE ONTARIO X| PARK ) ALL THIS WEEK Evenings at 8:30. Matinecs Wednesday and Friday, 3:30. for Hugh V. and Bessie Lee Nepeity, A ROMAN SYBIL"S DREAM. THEax FALARDO T8508; Imitator this world has ever known. : MYSTERIOUS ONEIDA MYS CERTES. Illustrated Songs, Funny Stories, Electrical Effects, Recitations, Beautiful Historical Tableaux. Baseball Wed'y. Aug. 20th, 4 p.m. Gananoque vs. Ponies. % MUSIC = MRS. €LERIHEW WILL -RE-OPEN-- HER classes in Flecher Music Method on Septem- ber ---tst: For terms and particulars apply at 211 University Avenue PIANO LESSONS # Miss C. M. Clerihew, unde aduate Teron- to College of Music," 211 University Avenues NOTICE " --_n Applications for privileges and booth space at the Kingston Dis- trict Fair, to be held August 25th to 29th, should be made at once to the Secretary, 67 Princess street, next to Sears' hardware. WELL, WELL! WHAT 1S WANTED NOW? WHY.MORE customers of course at Myers' Pork Market, 56 Brock street, where you will obtain the best cooked and smoked meats in the city: 3 lbs. dripping for a quarter. . Phone igh LOST ~ TAILOR, v A-LEATHER DRESS SUIT CASE ON MON- WANTED. aay nivht, between Kingston and Syden- ee = ham. A reward will bo givem to the find- GIRLS AT THE GARDINER BISCUIT FAC- er on .returning to John Switzer, "Syden- TORY. be ham. po N AUGUST 18th A GOLI M v go STRONG, YOUNG GIRLS AS OPERATORS | UN [ALLIES th. A SOLD MOUNTED on ironing machines. Imperial Lairdry: PHOTO BROOCH. Finder please return to this office. WASHING TAKEN IN, OR WILL GO OUT i by Jay. Best "Work guaranteed. Apply FOR SALE. this office. ----x--------a 1 - 8300 WILL BUY A TWI Y-ONE-FOOT GOOD PLAIN COOK: ALSO A HOUSE- Gasoline Launch, hull six' vears old, cush- maid. Apply between seven and eight in fons, carpet and awning, with new 4 evening, at 30 Claygyv street. ALP. motor. Davis & Son. THREE BOYS, 14 to 16 YEARS OLD. Ap- | TWO $ ONE "110° FEET ply to J. A. Gould & Co, Smith street, long, 2 the other 97 't opposite 730 Princess. street. long, 16 feet beam, both in good run- ps ning order BS. W. Marchment, 133 "Vie- AN EXPERIESCED COOK: NO WASHING toria Street, Toronto. or ironing. Good wages. Apoly in even dion a ing ta Mes BW. Folger, Kine street. $60,000 WORTH OF STEEL. LADIES COPY "LETTERS AT HOME, $10 : : per 1,000. Send stamped envelope for Divers After Armor Plate in the applifition. Manarch Novelty Co., Dept. Raw. 108, "Chicago. pr a , : 3 zo St. John's, Nfld., Aug. 19.--Divers FURNITURE FOR STORAGE. $1 PER] have gone irom here to try to recover month and insurance 90c. per $100 per | the cargo of the British steamer Dal- annum. 5 | McCann, 51 Broek ir or for i > ar Ros. a ano, from Rott rdam, for Baltimore, : which ran ashore August lit at T0 GO. TO PHILADELPHIA FOR THE | winter, a competent ,nursemaid, willing to assist with light housework Applv wo Nrs. G. A. Robihson, 167 Allred stre-t. LADIES, ALSO ME TO COPY TESTI] 'monial letters at home and return to us. Good: pay. Strictly genuine. Address Fixcelsior Manufacturing Co., B. Cleveland, Ohio. BY LADY AND GG sm of 15 vears 'NTLEMAN AND . ONE bodrd for the winter in Seal Cove, near Cape Race. Besideg 'a cargo of general freight the steamer had 4.000 tons of steel billeis used in making armor plates and valued at 815 a ton. It is expected that the greater part of this will ultimately be recovered. ~ : Great Game To-Morrow. Baseball, Lake Ontario Park, Wed- nesday, August 20th, 4 pm., Ganan- a central location, within five Inu tye 3 : NIH walk tn Pont Of "Address <E Whe | 0que vs. Ponies. Moriarty and Elliott Oflice . battery for Ponies, Duquette and Me- = - --+t-- | Carthy for Gananoque. Admission 15 YOUNG LADY, AS MOTHER'S HELP, TO | cents: ladies free : assist with three" children from two to : i seven vears of ace Must be willing to Juve the gre Apply bv letter to J. G Excursion Bulletin. X ; . ee ; -} Thursday. August 2lst GALL'S BARBER! SCHOOLS. 246 wONGE | mons 1.00 Ishands 3 street, Toronto, Ont., also St. Lawrence day, 22nd, street, Montreal, P.Q., and 16 East Sen- eca street, Buffalo. Elécantly equipped. Waves Saturdavs. Terms moderate Tools. trial, lodyings, railroad ticket' and eata- logue free. vy our "SPECIALy CO- OPERATIVE PLAN" course is given ab- wolut ly (ree. Also opportunity to earn at vour home, by workine for us. a.m Ogdensburg, 3 for river points, Brockville and ho, 5 x Laugh And Grow Fat. : See the fat men, Kingston vs. Wa- tertown, play baseball at Lake On- © ew Writ 'or particulars to-day. Aldis Owen Hall, roprietc-. tario Park Thursday at 3 p.m. GIVE BIG RECEPTION Botha Had To. Raisc Hat In Acknowledgement GOOD ADVAE TO LEADERS WARNED NOT TO FORCE BRIT- AIN TO PITILESS ACTION. ) ---- . | Belgian Paper's View--Demonstra- tion in Behalf of Generals Will be Limited in Holland. London, Aug. 19.--The newspapers are still perplexed at the reticence of the Boer leaders. They say that the sudden' departure of the generals for Holland, and their avoidance of dis play, which the ipcessant rains have helped, was not wholly successful. Crowds of young business men sur- rounded them and cheered at Fen- church depot and again at Blackwall, where they boarded the steamship Ba- tavier. The cheering was so enthusias- tic that Gen. Botha was constrained to take his pipe from his mouth and raise his hat again and again. . Despatches from Holland describe the country as already. wild with enthusi- asm, . over the visit of the generals. Money-is pouring in for the fund for which they are collecting. Their route will be from | Rotterdam to The Hague, to Utrecht, where they will cen Mr. Kruger. Afterwards they will probably go to Hetloo, where Queen Wilhelmina has expressed a desire to meet them. How It Was Done. London, Aug. 19.--Capt. O'Donnell. who served throughout the war on Dewet's staff, stated, yesterday. that there was not a word of truth in the report that the famous guerilla leader had broken Lord Kitchener's wire fences by, a cattle rush. Questioned further, he remarked: "We brought up a pom-pom, engaged the block houses and cut the wires." Capt. O'Donnell left last night for America, where he expects to be 'joined after a short time By the Boer generals. Gives The Leaders Advice ~~ Lonaon, Aug. 19.--The Independence Belge, in an article quoted by the Times correspondent at Brussels, thinks much good will result from the Boer generals' visit to King Edward. It deprecates the idea that either the generals or Kruger favor the creation of a party in the Transvaal hostile to (ireat Britain, and trusts the Boer leaders understand that their worst enemies are those who would compel Great Britain to adopt a pitiless line of action. Owing to. the death of Lucas Meyer, public manifestations in connection with the reception of Botha, Dewet, and De la Rey in Hollana will be avoided as far 'as possible. The warmth of England's greeting to. the cenerals is not unfavorably noticed by "the Dutch press, which interprots their absence from _ the naval review as a natural mark of respect for the memory of their late colleague. The Cause For Refusal. London, Aug. 19.--Montague White, the ex-consul-gencral in London of the Transvaal, has issued a statement authorized by the Boer generals; as follows : "The generals are proceeding to the continent for the purpose of greeting Mr. Kruger and Mr. Steyn and attend- ing the funeral of Gen. Lucas Meyer. "The report that the decision of the generals not to visit the 'haval review | was due to the influence of Mr. Fischer is not--trne. Their real reason for de- cling invitation Saturday was that they did not consider their attire quite suitable for a: ceremonious visit, and the necessarily short notice conveyed to them did not give them the time for necessary preparations." WIPED OUT BY VOLCANO. Inhabitants of Island of Torishima Probably Dead. Yokohama, Aug. 19.--The little isl- and of Torishima was overwhelmed by a volcanic eruption between August 13th and August 15th, and all the in- habitants, numbering 150 persons, were All undoubtedly killed: ~The island is covered with volcanic debris and all the houses on it have disappeared. The eruption is still proceeding and is accompanied by 'submarine eruptions in the vicinity, whith make it danger- ous, for vess 3 to approach the i Torishima is one of a chain of, extending between the Bonin Islands and Hondo, the biggest island of Ja- pan. Bie Former Official Dead. Montreal, Aug. 19.--E. P. Hanna- ford, formerly ehief engineer of the Grand Trunk railway system, died suddénly on Monday, the immediate cause of death being heart failure. Mr. Hannaford. who was born in England in 1534, came to. Canaca in 1857 and joined the Grand Trunk in 18SX. Sub- ¢euently 'he wae appointed chief engi neer of the system, but resigned' his office in 1504. Had a Serious Fall. Buffalo, "N.Y., Aug. 19.--Barney Flynn, a well-known comedian, who is >with William H. West's minstrel shows at the Lyceum theatre; narrow: ly escaped death in a fall from the second storey window at the Washing- ten hotel shortly o.ter twelve o'clock last: night. He now: at-the Emer gency hospital in a «critical condition. = Moonlight Excursion To Alexandria Bav, Wednes Fav Au- gust -20th, one hour at Gananoque. Full=11th band in attendance. Leave Folger's wharf, 3 o'clock sharp. Tick- ets, 25¢. Hats--Jenkins'---Sale. For this week, 1,50 and 32 hats for $1, and $2:50 and $3 hats for §1.50. / KILLED CHILD WITH SCYTHE. Terrible Accident on a New Bruns- wick Farm. Qt. John, N.B., July 19.--A terrible accident occurred at Centreton, in the Milkish | district, recently. While John Miller was cutting hay in front of his house his little daughter, Lena, aged three years, toddled . beside him, whilimg the time with her baby prat- tle. Suddenly she cated in front of the swinging scythe. Before her action noticed by her father, the baby's were rightfully cut, one being al- most severed. Medical aid was not available at Milkish, and Capt. White, of thes Maggie Miller, placed. his boat at the disposal of the distracted par ents to bring the little sufferer to the city.. She was taken to the General public hospital and amputation of the limb was decided upon. The baby aid not survive the shock and died short- ly after the operation. THE TENANTS TRIUMPHED. Put in-a Member to Succeed Mr. Johnston. Belfast, Aug. 19.--The first election in Ireland since Mr. Baliour assumed the premiership took place yesterday and resulted in the 'defeat of the land- lord party. = Two candidates cont ed the seat of William Johnstone, for- <mer Protestant conservative member, south division of Beliast and leader of the Plster Orangemen. The candidates were both Orangemen. They were Mr. Sloan, representative of the tenants, and Mr. Fuller, who stood for: the landlords. The eléction resulted in Mr. Sloan receiving 3,795 votes and Mr. Buller 2,969. The announcement of the result was received with- great good humor and cheering. There was no disorder. "PORTE PRODDED UP. Non-Execution of Old Agreements Constantinople, Aug. 19.--The.non- execution by the Turkish government of the agreements reached long ago on several questions affecting th: inter ests of American citizens has led to somewhat strained relations between the United States legation and the For the porte. The United States minister, John, G. A. Leishman, has informed the latter that he will not discass other matters until the terms of the settlements already agreed upon are carried out. Diplomatic circles anti- cipate further undue delay. and that this may possibly lead to a sharp re- minder from the United States. LOOKING FOR LAND. United States Capitalists Willing to Buy. Winnipeg, Aug. 19.--Judge Fisher and Idding" Bros., of Columbus, Ohio, are in the city with a view of pur- chasing 1,000,000 acres in western Ca- nada, on which to settle the best class of Ohio farmers. They will go through Alberta and the -Saskatche- wan as {ar as Lesser Slave Lake. The Saskatchewan Valley Land company has" already sold 300,000 acre tract be- tween Regina and Prince Albert ac- quired only a few weeks ago. The Ca- nadian American Land company has also disposed of all of its huge block along the "Soo" line. Quits Stage To Wed. Boston, Mass., Aug. 19.--The wed- ding of Miss Marion C.<Cullen, the well known : actre and Percival Jones, son of Mayor Samael T. Jones, Toledo, 0., took: place to-day, at Dor- chester, the home of the bride. The ceremony was performed at noon in St. Patrick's church, the Rev. Peter Ronan officiating. Miss Sadie Cullen, a sister_of the bride, acted as brides- maid, and the best man and ushers were selected from the West Point classmates of the bridegroom. The wedding was attended only by mem- bers of the two families and a few intimate friends. After a short : wed- ding trip Mr. and Mrs. Jones will take up their dence in Toledo." pr EEE Another Co-operative Railway. Trenton, N.J., Aug., 19.--The appli- cation for a receiver for the North Branch Farmers' - Alliance Co-Oper- ative Assheiation eame up for hearing to-day bdfore Vice-Chancellor Reed. Phe concern was organized by the far- mers. living, near North Branch, Som- erset county, to operate a country «tore on the co-operative basis. The affairs of the association have been in a tangled condition for some time, arid the application for a receiver was recently fyvled by several of the mem- bers. « Monument Unveiled. Berlin, Aug. 19.--The 'monwment ecte]l at Homburg, in memory of the late Empress Frederick, was. unveiled to-day, the ceremonies being attended by the kaiser - and the members of the imperial family. From Hom- burg the kaiser ."to Cronberg, where a monument to the late Emper- "Frederick .is to be dedicated to: er- COPS or row. 01d Couple Burned To Death. St. . John, N.B., Gough. of Harvey, Albert county, and his wife. hoth seventy vears of ase, were burned to death' in "their hon The ola man; arose, lighted the "and went ont. Seeing the house flames he rushed in to save his and both perished. h in wife It is feared hat a son, also was burned to death. as nee the fire. 7 Seized A Vessel. has not been seen s he Caneo, N Aug. 19. Special cus- | oms offic Bourinot and Collector Cullen, to-day seized the American | fishing = schooner Howard Holbrook, { for landing one cask of «il at' Clark's Harbor and seven pairs {rubber boots and .a box of tobacco at paving the duties: Shirt--Jenkins'--Sale. Anv colored shirt in the store for 75 cents. v Ang. 19.-- Oliver | Wravton's | Harbor, without de daring 'the same or | THE FLEET IN ACTION GONE WITH CATTLE. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. ) ------ It is Said the Lads Are Enticed Toronto, (10 am.), Aug. 19 --Moderate "| north-west to north winds, fair today amd . 4 to go. on Wednesday and comparatively cool, An Impressive Sight off Isle Joronte, Aug. 19.--Eddie Hinde, No. 6 Ontario street, a fifteen-year-old of Wight lad, who mysteriously disappeared 7 s . from his home several days ago, . has i J written his parents from Moutreal | S NC DIFFERENCE OF THE SCENES that he was just sailing for Europe oy ' with a cargo of cattle. The boy said : > he had leit Toronto as helper to © a y THE LARGEST AGGREGATION shipment of cattle. This summer there . Was [6eSes t EVER TOGETHER. have been many complaints of boys v ? being saticed from home on ips with . --- r cattle. In many cases, it is said, d& The King Had a View of « the | liberate fraud is perpetrated on boys To ne wirls Ste 13 yea Manoeuvres--The Ships Fired a young en who desire to make ol age, * __ | the trip without expense. : Salutes as They Passed by Un Ee 23rd wig while a young a . . The Fleet Has Dispersed. son of William Fair, Oakville, © was Choice Half Price Portsmouth, Aug. 19.--The fleet-'hathing mn Thirteen Mile Creek, near . which, on Saturday, formed a brilliant Oakville, he gat begxond his depth and > picture when it was reviewed by King | was about to sink for thé last time, See thers on circular coun- Edward dispersed yesterday after per fwhen Arthur' Noble, of this city, Se forming some manoeuvres which [camping near by, saw him. Noble at ter, ground floor. brought the official coronation celebra- | once rowed out to, the lad and jump- tions to a close. From a technical {ing into the water, seized him just in . point of view y sterday's display far, gime. Noble, with some difficulty, exceeded in interest the review of Sati swam with the inanimate body to the PAR SOL : . = urday. The fleet then formed a strik- | shore where, after an -hour's work he . ing scene, bright with flags and |gyceeeded in bringing the hoy around. bunting, suggestive namerically, of | This is the fifth time that this young the strength of>the British navy but, Iman has been instrumental in saving yesterday, showed the fleet in action. life and the investigating governors of To naval experts this was most im-|the Royal Canadian Humane Associa- iy. 4 a: pressive. Probably it was the largest | jon, of which H. P. Wwight is chair While it "is true that there aggregation of ships ever assembled to | man, have just presented the brave are plenty of hot, sunny exceute such movements. The fleet | young fellow with a bronze medal. , numbered seventy-six 'vessels in all, ---- dass to come, yet we are comprising the channel, home and] A BIG TIMBER DEAL. SRRToNS ¥o "dispose of all'we cruiser squadrons, the whole under the ' : command of Vice-Admiral. Sir A. . | Ottawa Firm Purchases Limit for have IF PRICE will do it. Wilson. : The king leit Cowes at 10:45 o'clock $300,000. See them on counter foot of on board the royal yacht Victoria and Ottawa, Aug. 19.--One of the larg- stairway. Albert, accompanied by forty torpedo est transactions in timber limits that boats. The royal yachts Osborne and has taken place 'in Ottawa in recent Alberta ands other yachts, with flags | years was quietly concluded recently, and bunting bedraggled by rain, fired when the: W. C. Edward Co. purchas- a roval salute. Following the-Vie- jed from the Arthur Hill Co., of Mich- | toria and Albert, the fleet undressed § 1zan, a big limit in the "Temiscaming i ships and flying only masthead flags | region. I'he region is said to contain ! weivhed anchor and moved toward the [some of the best timber in Canada. Nab lightship, off the eastern end of | I'he purchase pricé 1s in the neighbor: CRAYON PORTRAIT . the Isle of Wight to go through man- {hood of £300,000. The Edwards com- OOUVIOS. The . Victoria and Albert ; pany will at once start to use the steamed to a position about two miles | limit, and an agent is already" ap- > or PHOTO BUTTON from the Nab, where his majesty could { pointed to go up and take charge of clearly view the evolutions. sm the it. : Copied to your order roval vacht had anchored, the fleet -- - from any distinct photo= passed "it in two column formation, HEART IN CRYSTAL URN. Soa Y our gg firing a salute. Other movements hav- : . - $A ing been executed the fleet dispersed. Dead Cardinal's Wish Conformed for particulars. WV Several ve s "returned to Ports- With. 3 mouth harbor among thenX the Por- Rome, Aug. 19.--Cardinal Ledocho- tuguese cruiser Don Carlos whith came wski, prefect of the Propaganda, who ---- i in' to bury an officer who died sudden- died tveently, had often expressed the ly on board at Spit Head. he body | wish that his body should be interred was buried with naval honors in the fin Rome, but that his heart shoull be Royal naval cemetery at Haslar. sent to his native town of Gorki, in ------ Poland. FRACTURED HIS SKULL. After embalming the remains, Dr. . Pelagallo extracted the cardinal's By a Fall From a Scaffold in Ot- | heart, which was found to be of ab- . - tawa. normal size. It will be forwarded to MARRIED. , Ottawa, Aug. 19.--James Booth, of Gorki in.a.crystal urn. MOLON -PHILLILS--On August 19th, 1902, Bell street, cousin of John R. Booth, as hey % was seriously and probably fatally in- Drowned.In The St. Lawrence. Martha Phillips, daughter of John George jured to-day. He is a fireman for J. Ogdensburg; N.Y., Aug. 19.---While Phillips, Pine street, R. Booth and was working on a scaf- fishing in the St. Lawrence, opposite IE fold on a deep excavation, where wat- the lighthouse on the Canadianshore, i D D. er power is being developed. He wads "a skiff was overturned and the three BL RN ty 11h, 1902, . Angus overseeing the carrying on-wheel -bar- occupants, Frederick Streeter, William | Funeral from hiv. il idence, Cataraqui, rows of small stone used in concrete Gamble and Louis Casten, thrown in- on Wednesday, at 2.30 o'clock. Friends work when the big derrick struck him | to the water. Strecter was drowned. sind Sf usintanoe ry. vospueriully-toviond and hurled him over the edge of the !Casten and Gamble after clinging to to Se Chicago Papers - conv.) scaffold. He fell thirty-five feet into the boat for over an hour were res- DIED > the concrete power hole below. His | cued by Peter Pommerville, a Fourth COOPER=1n Ringeton, August 19th, Dennis head struck a stone and when picked Warder, who has. a boathouse on he Cele Yours, son of the up he was unconscious, At St. Luke | Point Airy. Casten was in an exhaust- | Funeral from his mothe rs residence, 60 Bav hospital it was found that his skull ed condition and it required the skill sires, Tray soning. LW, nine o'clock was fractured and that there was a of three doctors of the hospital staff Bs le ant ne concussion of the brain. Recovery is | to bring him around. attend: ¢ extremely unlikely. . -- Capt. Hatch Fined. LOST SAVINGS IN BATHING. | (Ogdensburg, N.Y., Aug. 19.--Capt. . John Hatch, owner of the steamer .M. Gerome and Sorrowing Model | (resco, was fined R100 by Collector of Recovered Them. the Port Charles A. Kellog for not Paris, Aug. 18.--M. Gerome has just complying with the pilot regulations, d told a curious. story of. Dubose, a fa- [ which provide that two copies of the mous model. of the Academic des | pilot Taw shall be exposed under gluss - Beaux Arts on every vessel. Capt. Hatch contend- . 3 M. Gerome asked him down to his ed that both copies were in the same country place, and one day 'both went | frame, "one under the other, but the bathing. Dubose carried the savings | collector deemed that the law had not of a lite time, 50,000 francs, in a tin | been complied with and levied the fine box, which he did not remove, Koti] as above. \ his neck. When -he came out of the s----------------" | water the box was gone. Canadians Are Champions. M. Gerome and he dived repéttedly, Chatham, Mass. Aug. 19.--The and .at the end of hali an hour the | Grand « Trunk Boat Club, Montreal, box was found. The contents were vanquished the Americans in the war "badly = soaked by the water, _but--hé | canoe race, 'the leading event of ves ee __ spread them out in the Sen on the | terday's programme of pi Anericai A Definite ank Jd managed to dry them. canoe association, at Pleasant Bay. viv bask and # $ --- The race was for the championship of Proposition. America, and the positions at the fin- SLAP a HE, igh were: Grand Trunk; first; Medford |, We make roa a, detail sporusition entire Affair Leads to a Tragedy in Boat Club, second, and Wabewawa, | ol you any of YR Rirrte or etd 'e : of New London, third. We offer vou two distinet kinds of property Binghamton. a a Jes: prion opportunity in a neivhborboold, 2 ha NY y. 19.--Flni : wood but waiting to. be made fashionable pllgicn, BY ime ce lL Bey Bang eted ind wtiracti, aid another eet [ a charge® of shooting and kilhng Pa- Montreal, Ang 1X cablegrom "ves J erty fury Pavients ate tie trick JJ. Ryan It is claimed that the vito Yo ogy Jom Aliswider Meher, 2 poe > ap s resident of he Montreal boare of shouting . or result of Crapmes yl op who is, at present, in Fnaland J. S. R. McCANN., | ER hin A f P" intimates that ah Edleeind Barton, 51 Brock Street. Hstabliched 1888. LO ene, Tau? J the premier of the Australian common A ' Iapser adnite firing a rovalely hut | rh, has accepted an invitation to DENTAL CARD. z [risins that e fire in the air fn f-a-banguet in this city on September DR.. DALY HAS RESUMED HIS DENTAL that the gum was loaded only with Lath. practice at 129 Princess' St., four doors | blank cartridges. He says that he | * al below former office. 5 [Reed v0 seule he, a a0 slabs tha | . _ Going To Manitoba. Annie Cooper, of Collingwood, hus {at used insulting language, Montreal, A 10 ~The first har |issued a writ against Da Adv, | Coroner Smith is investigating. | vesters' eacurs for the northwest, plasterer, of the same place, for 21 ,- : {from the mar provinces, passed | 000 dan for breach of promise : | through Mongreal to-day. They . were! Samuel Sloan, JA. of Goderich, is | The Answer To Hand. | made up of 1,500 from New Brins dead. 'a I Ottawa, Aug. 19.--City clerk Hen: [w ick, .600 from Nova Scotia and 570 = SE | erson, vesterday afternoon, receneld Lirom Prince Edward Island. It is said | Jeweeeswesssassasssscsesll | from Maj. Mawde, at Quebec, the re- | another excursion from the same dis 7 . | ply of King Edward VII, to thi mes i trict will go forward later on. : ° | sage of congratulation of the people - | of Ottawa, sént through the govt Killed By Live Wire, ' ouve nNrs gonoral to his fajerty on the asian | Bufialo, Aug. 19.- Jaunies Patrick ¢ : of his coronation. It reads: ease | Woods, the fifteen-venr-old son of Pat- Enamelled Belt Buckles, convey to the cline of Otuawn. Bis | pick J. Woods, "No. 919 Brooches, Hat Pins, Cuff é Baty © rs 8 rere ni lg : . . Lo iid it A bi j greet, wag Jotind detd on 1) Links, Stick Pins, Pocket he YS s by - | Shore ore dock. A live electric wire Knives, etc : wishes. | was found - hanging near the bow. 4 ' s . ' | More. than 2.000 volts are supposed to S f 15 { Striker Slain By A Deputy. {have passed throngh hs body. $ 000s cm C. {0 $3.50 Nesquehonting, © Pe 9. In a | stem {ah I 5 Tn . pa 0! | Inn Pelow Cost. { ' Largest Selection in { hore last night Patrick Sharp, a | We are selling cameras below co<t | ¢ Ontario. iker, "was. shot and killed almost f to clegr them out. £19 camera at X10, | nstantly by a _ deputy. The shooung | others, gon ec per still. H. B. Ta; ' . A cause | idorable excitement, ~ but | lor, successor to KE. C Mitchell, | $ A 0 JOHNSTON & BRO order oon restored. A deputy | --- . SE i] i . ¥ Y | named Harrv McElmovle was arrest ! A party of nineteen English head JEWELERS, } "ofl." charged with the killing of Sharp, i masters, touring « anada, gpent Mon: ¢ Cor. Prin:ess and|Welllngton Ste, land was taken to the county jail at dav at Fort William and reached Win . | Mauch Chunk. den I nipeg to-day. [rveneare oy v

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