Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Aug 1902, p. 3

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' ' bois, West or- South-west or North-west TRAVELLING. TRAVELLING. tn & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. 20,000 Harvesters Wanted IN MANITOBA AND CANADIAN NURTH=-WEST FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS will be run from wall stations on Kingston & Pem- broke railway, August 20th, to Winnipeg, for $10. One-way tickets to Winnipeg only will be gold, but each person purchasing will be fur- nished with a coupon. on which, afier such person has been hired at Winnipeg to work as a farm laborer, but not later than Au- gust, 31st, 1902, free transportation will 'be given to holder from Winnipeg to any Can- adian Pacific station in Manitoba or Jssinis Winnipeg, but.not beyond Moose Jaw, Eate- van or Yorkton. On complying with condition: which will be given purchasers of one-way $10 tickets, passengers will be returned to 'starting point by same route on or before November 30th, 1902, on payment of $18. TICKETS ARE SECOND CLASS and ARE NOT GOOD ON "IMPERIAL LIMITED" and will not entitle holder to purchasé accomo- dation on Tourist Cars. . . Full particulars- at K. & P. end C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario 3 F. CONWAY, . A. FOLGER, JR., Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen.' Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR of certificates Tweed, Napanss, Deseronto and all local points. leaves City Rell Depot at 4 pm. R. > "WILNON, C.P.R. Telegraph Of fics, Clarcupe sireet. . DOMINION LINE. HALL STEAMOHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE "*Norseman ... .. . he wa Aug. 29rd *Turcomal "Aur, 30th Colonian ...Sept. 6th *Irishman . Sept. 13th Californian prs 0 20th *Norseman .. Sept? 27th Steamers mar kod * do not carry passengers RATES OF_ PASSAGE--Saloon. $65 and upwards, single according to steamer and service, Second Saloon, $37.50 and 'up- wards, single, according to steamer and ser vioe. Third class, $26. FROM MONTREAL. *Manxman Aug. 23rd "Ottoman... Sept. 6th FROM BOSTON. . Merion ooo enn ...Aug, 20th New England .. Aug, 27th NEW SERVICE Sass fe ap Vancouver, Sept., 6th; Camliroman, Sept. 27th Midship, Saloon, Electric light, Spacious promenade decks. gy 2. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, gt. G.T.R. Station, 42 Clarence St. D. A TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Agts Montreal ad Portland ITEC ES Excursions L270 CENTRAL CANADA EXHIBITION ~ OTTAWA Going dat August 22m 23nd, . 24th, 25th, 27th and 30th. $4.15. SPECIAL DAYS Good going Aucust 26th, 28th 'and 20th, $3.05. AN tickets valid returning on or before September 2nd. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. PID" DAILY R 1 1 LINE Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, | = Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. cues Kingston and Toront sew. Kingston and Toronto LBAVE KINGSTON: GOING EAST--Daily, except Monday, at 6 a.m., Monday, 5:30 a.m. GOING WEST, daily, except Mondav, at 65 p.m.,- reaching Charlotte same evening at 10:10, and" Toronto following morning at 7:00. Homilton, Toconto, Fay of Quinte and Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON: GOING EAST, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4:30 p.m. GOING WEST; Saturdays, 11:30 J. P. HANLEY, + Ticket Agent. The Only Direct Line to Quebec Without Change THE FAVORITE Leaves Craig's wharl every Friday, at 12, midnight, for Charlotte, N.Y., Olcott Beach, N.Y., and Buffalo, N.Y.; via. Bay of Quinte and Murray Canal, and every Mondav at 6:30 p.m, for Montreal and Quebec, (direct without change). Through 1,000 Islands and St. Lawrence River Rapids. Low passenger and freight rates. Passenger accommodation unsurpassed. W. G. CRAIG & CO. A. W. HEPBURN, Agents. Kingston. " Manager. Picton. Tuesdays, 'Thursdays and p.m. J. SWI oie ER Liverpool mand Lendonderry Allan Lire Royal Mail Steamers. From Mbntreal. From Quebec. Numidian; Auz- 2, 5 am Aug. 2, 3 pm. Parisian, Aug. ,. 5 am. Aug. 9, 8 pm. Mongolian, Aug. 16, 9 am. Aug. 16, 7 p.m. First in," $65 and upwards: Second ca bin, $37.50 to $42.50: Loodom. $1.50 extra: Third class. 325 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Mast, (.iusgow, Lomdop. Ne Vork to Glasgow & Lemdonderry. Cartbayenian. uly 30th Sardinian... Aug. 13th Montreal to Glasgow Direct. olin, 6,284 tons, July 30th, Sept. 3rd, ct oe $6 $50, second cabin $35, third class Hanley, Agent, City Passenger | De- ty Johnston Ontario streets, il Gildersleeve, had, Oninsio QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. River and Gulfof St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Irom SS. "Campana," with shotely lights, eleétric bells and all modern comfor SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS at 2 p.m., 11th 'and 25th August; 8th and 22nd September for Pictou, N.S.. calling at Quebec, Father Point, Gaspe, Perce, . Grand River, Summerside, P.E.L, and Charlotte: town, P.E.k Tie 8 finest trip of the season for health and comfo ARTHUR AHERN, Sccretarv, For tickets and stateroo HANLEY, or J. P. CRs Ere Ticket Agents, Kincston, Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Strs. North King & Caspian Bay of Quinte & Rochester Route Steamer leaves daily (except Monday) S$ p.m. for Rochester, N.Y., calling at of Quinte ports. 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE Steamer leaves daily (except Monday), at' 10.17 .a.m., for tour of 1,000 Islands, call- ing at Alexandria' Bay, Rockport and Gana- vogue. STEAMER ALETHA Leaves Mondays at 5 p.m., lor Piotom and intermediate Bay Ports. 1 {oll julormarion ay apply to 7. P. GILDERSLEEVE, § Ticket Amenta. James Swift & Co.. Freixrht Agents. Ont. at Bay TO LEE. a ROOM WITH 0B Qucen etreat. 400D FURNISHED without board, 101 HOUSE 191 BROCK STREET, 9 ROOMS. Ail modern improvements. Apply to C Livingston & Bro. FOUR GOOB FURNISHED KuOMS. WITH board. with all modern oonvenisnces, at 191 University Avenue. BRICK DWELLJNG, 193 EARL STREET, ten rooms; Hot Water Moating: Also other' dwellings, stores and offices. J. S. R. McCann, 51 'Brock St., ground fioor. POSSESSION AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE- sirable house on the corner of Bagot and jore streets, near the, park. Modern © in Daisy hot water heating and every wav. Apply to Felix Shaw, in perfect order. 115 Bagot street. ARCHITECTS. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MERCH- ants' Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets, Phone 212. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE site of New Drill Hall, near corner of Queen and Montreal Streets. ARCHITECT, Market Square. ETC., "Phor 2 HENRY P, Anchor 345. SMITH, Building, W. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE second floc over 'Mahood's Drug S corner Princess and Bagot streets. trance on Bagot street. EDUCATIONAL. ALBERT COLLEGE. PHENOMENAL RECORD OF GROWTH, 302 students enrolled last year, 172 young ladies and 130 young men, new pipe organ, domes- tic science rooms, and art callery recently added. Two matriculation scholarships won in--1901. Splendid gymnasium, large athletic grounds, commercial hall, one oi the finest in Ontario: Buildice heated by steam an lighted" by electricity. Will re-open September 9th. For illustrative circulars address ,prin- KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. Toronto 5 COLLEGE BUSINESS TORONTO. Largest and best equipment in Canada Unequalled facilities for securing positions 821 Queen Street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Baildinown. Toronto. Belleville, Ont. UNDERTAKERS. 8S. S. CORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 281 Princess Street, Kingston, Successor to W. M. Drennan. T HARRISON CO., UNDERTAKERS,, 235 Princess Street. Quafity and ofliciency. the best. Prices the lowest. *Phones--Wi wrerooms, - 90. Night Calls-- T. F. Harrison. 51. - STRAIGHT BUSINESS - W. Murray, Jr., SOIL CLIMATE AND MINERAL RESQURCES. n and Mines Partially Promoted mR NORTHWESTERN CANADA. Msg Th ft 5 a ses, but from thence the lant to 1,150 feet at Brandon and to 725 feet at "Soo the The Wheat Fields, Cattle Ranches | j the railroad skirts the northern Winnipeg is only the rises 1,- Moose Jaw where the Road" comes up through Min- esota and North' Dakota and joins (Canadian Pacific. West of Moose about 400 miles from Winnipeg, base bout: 700 feet above the level of aw, by American Enterprise. of the Cypress Hills which- gradually s | rise toward the west until they reach Hon. Frank P. Bennett, publisher of | an altitude of 3.800 feet. Banit in the the "United States Investor," has|(gpadian Rockies is 4,500 feet above been making an extended, trip through | the level of the sca. We spent a' fow north-western Canada, and avrites m- days here and found that this most terestingly © popular summer resort is patronized I "have been up in the north-wes by "more than . three times as many. America, and my. expectations so far that 1 must say, as a distinguished Amgrican re I cently remarked "of another locality, that vou can't+li¢ about-itunless-you | lie the other way. Returning from t this seven-thousand mile journey of B surpassed territories what 1 saw proving ana through the Dominion of Canada, an surrounding founder's name is Card, in-law of Bricham Young, and his vil- people from the United States as from all other quarters of the world. At' Lethbridge, in southern Alb erta, met the Mormon gentleman who-es- tablished the colony of Cardston with irrigation enterprises in some years ago. The he is a- hat province son- attempt to ge 'neralize suggests the lage now has a population of 1,200. query whethér- there is scientific basis Lethbridge 4s. on a branch railroad for the growing popular belief that | },aut 800 miles west of Winnipeg * and' the climate of the higher temperate is located in 'the grazing district of latitudes 61 the earth is growin which Calgary is the centre. Calgary milder. In the historic stables ad- Torii B50 is the headquarters of ** Paddy Burns," joining the royal palace at. Versailles, |p 0p ible king of Alberta, who is 'rance, : + visit iss show i Bh > Ya s France the OF _ 4 hn he: rated anywhere from one million to sleighs of> Louis XIV, Marie Antoin- thizty million dollars cette and others with the information x ratlrond {other of 150 los : a sit 'to es) Jo } ! miles that SNOW and | cighing were more yu ht us to Kootenay lake which is common in Paris in the days of the . % Grand Monarque and even in the car- ly part of the nincteenth century. "In a broadening of well-equipped maintained for fifty-three miles on this Kootenay river. . A steamboat service is New England many adults conlidently lake h So : ; exp ss the Duition that winter he: ake, and the surrounding forest-clad gins later and is far less severe than a mountains, beautifully topped in many instances w snow ice re 1 \ few generations age And in Winni- an Heh Show an ice, are inde peg, "the average rh fs Gortahy) Setbably respi, Ihe steamer, seemed that the mercury does not fall as low AR bom he haunts of men, but as when what is now a bustling city suddenly at" a bend inthe lake De Ban hhihieos wwe out Tot came upon a beautiful 'and * bustling Garry, of thé Hudsen Bay compaily. little city upon the side of a hill at It is not necessary, however, for the which a carnival and boat races were wayfaring man to believe that the cli- being held with accompaniments - of brass band, flying flags, and a great The sharp northward trend of isother- milder, to account latitudes into which ing successfully car- morth-western territories. mate has grown ried in the mal lines = after leaving the Atlantic coast has been famitiar to the popular |! concourse of as though had caused the mountain to open. It was of a magician men and women. the wand Nelson has a population of 5,200, with large business connections in sur- rounding mining centres. The Kootes mind since the days of Jay Cooke's | MaY and Columbia rivers rise in the Campaign of "education respecting the | Same Tocality, but after separating and then uncompleted Northern Pacific flowing" in opposite directions --they railroad. in 1870, come together at Robson, twenty-eight In the cities upon the eastern coast miles from Nelson. We travelled this sof North America we think of the twenty-eight miles on the railroad and rural districts of Maine 'with a shud- then took a steamer Jor another de- der in winter, while Cape Breton Isl lightiul journey of 124° miles through and. is ice-embargoed, and a residence the Arrow lakes. These lakes are in Labrador.is unsupposadle. But merely a broadening of the Columbia nearly 1,000 miles further north than , and the scenery is beautiful. An- Portland, Me.. 00 miles higher in la- her railroad journey of twenty-eight titude, thay Cape Breton, and seven miles from the steamboat landing wy degrees higher than. the . southern | Arrowhead brought us back to the wt. of Labrador, is the Peace River | line of the Canadian Pacific, at Re- rict. to which immigration is now velstroke, from which place a night attracted because of its: desiv- [ride of 379 miles upon the railway ity as a wheat-growving country. brought us to Vancouver. DAILY 'BRITISH WHO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 40. : PRODUCE AND PRICES. The Standard Rates -- Governing ++ ~The Local Markets. ie Kingston, Aug. 19.--The prevailing prices in the local produce markets this week are: Fish--=White fish, mon and Seattle salinon, salt 'salmon, salt trout, salt macker 10e. a Ib; salt codtish, to 13c. 1b; kippered herring; 30c. a dozen; perch, 20¢. a dozen; Spanish mackerel, 15¢c. a Ib.; pike, Tc. a lb.; halibut, 15¢. a lb; bloaters, 30c. a dozen; finnan haddie, le. a Ib.; salmon trout, 12c. a 1h. blue fish, ¢. a lb.; frogs' , Sue. a lb.; oysters, Slc. a quart. : Poultry--Chickens, 5Ve. to 73c. a pair; fowl, 6lc.-to Tic. a pair; ducks, 60c. to Toc. a pair; turkeys $l to $1.25 each. Meat--Beef, hindquarters, 6c. to 8c. a lb.; forequarters, 4c. to Ge. a 1b.; choice cuts, 12}c. to 13c. lb.; west- ern beef, 7¢. to 15c. lb.; mutton, 6c. to 7c. a Ib. fpring lamb, 10c. to 124c 1b; yearling lamb; by' the carcase, Sc. to 9c. a lb; forequarter 1c. a Ib.: hindidarters; lie. to 13e. a Ib; ho live weight, 5c. a. 1b. dressed, 7c. to Sc. a lb; veal, by ? the carcase, 6c. a lb.; 'tongues, 33c. each. Fruit--Plums, 6c. to 73c. a' basket; peaches, 30c. to T5¢. a basket: Law- ton blackberries, 2 boxes for 25¢.: rad rasphberriesT< 0c. "a hox: pineapples, Ae. to 25¢. each: lemons, 20c. a doz- en: Jamaica oranges, 35¢. up dozen: bananas. 13c. do 25¢. a aozen. Vegetables--Green corn, 124c. a doz.; potatoes, 63c. to 75¢..a bag: cabbage, 5c. a 'head; carrots, beets, ete., Bc. a hunch. ' Grain--Wheat, S0c. to 83c. a bushel; and Canadian spring, 65¢. to bushel; local soft wheat, 70c. el; Northern. No. 1, 75¢c. to sca sal a tb 12¢. a bh: 4C. leg ie 5 No. 1, winter 72. a a bush- Tic u Manitoba, white bushel; buckwheat, 50c. a bushel: bar- ley, 50c. to 55c. a bushel: peas, 72c. a bushel: oats, 30. a bushel; rye, 55¢. a bushel. Flour and feed--Bakers' strong and farmers' flour, 82 to $2.10, a cwt.; Hungarian patent, $2.20 to $2.30 a cwt.; oatmeal and rollea oats, $4 to 85.50 a bbl; corn meal, 41.40 to $1.60 a cwt.; bran, $22 a ton; shorts, 923 to 825 a ton; hay, $9 to $10 a ton: straw, 85 to $7 a ton. Hides--These prices are given by John McKay, Brock street: Dekin skins, 50c. to 6c. each; beef hides, : a lb.; lamb skins, 40c. cach: horse hides, 82 to $2.25 each; rendered tallow, 54c, a lb.; unwashed wool, Ge. to Tc. a lb.; washed wool, 1lc. a Ib.: washed wool in traae, 15¢. a' 1b. . Dairy Wholesale. Butter.--Creamery, 22 to.23c. a 1b: farmers' in prints, 18c. to 20c. a Ih; in roll 18¢. a 1b. Cheese--93c. a Ib. Moreover, excellent samples of wheat Perhaps the best manher to 'sum- . £4 - have been shown, produced at Hudson | marize the growth of Canada is to Dairy Retail. posts above latitude sixty-five, | state that the Canadian Pacific rail-| Butter.--Creamery, 25c. a 1b.; farm- north of Great Slave lake, and road reports a surplus of $3,063,074 | ers' in prints, 20c. to a 1h; in very close to the Arctic circle. Ali | after dividends for the past fiseal | rolls, 20c. 4 Ib. this, of course, is in that great table- | year. This is an increase of $1,948,- land east of the Rocky mountains and 615. During July 252 'homestead Eggs: west of Hudson bay. But west of the | tries were made at the town of I Wholesale--11c. to-l5c. a dozen. Rocky mountains, in the vieinity of | monton alone. Retail--17¢. a dozen. Dawson, agricultural experiments are being made hecause™of climatic Bishop's Mills Notes. Market Quotations rement important enough to Bishop's Mills, Aue. 18.--The hary- m BW: 5 attract the serious attentions of the |, } baci : : Toronto, Aug. 15.--Wheat, white, wet est home festival, held in connection Yo. a } Dominion Board of Agvriculture. ; 1 " . 4 per bush., Ste; wheat, red, per ol a | u the Presbyterian church at Pat- I'he pursuit of gold first opened that h's Cornas, was Splendid'. St SOc; wheat, red, new, per bush., : : § 8, $ sple suc- 1 : far northern region to the settlement s I A 0% a 8 ' Cl wheat, spring, per bush., x ! Sha ! cess. The day was fine and the crowd " of man, just as -a' similar quest for the lar : » . wheat, goose, per bush., recious metals: } 1 th '| large. Dinner was served from twelve t ¥7 bush. Ase to 0c.: wious metals s opene he Wav is J : , ats sw bush. 50c. oe he en Ai oj nes ra till two o'clock, after which an excel- oa le me . h Loy old. per ton. ne occupation af warmer ati | jag mogranune was carried out After | svn Vet op : 1 tides. But transportation facilities tod topo remarks hy the pastor. Rev. D 816 to SIS; Re ew, per ton, $0 to and from older communities being once | 4 Molin iL § i Lil OE ee - | 812.50; straw, per ton, $10.50 to SII: ; : . : > 4A. Mehenz e follc a gentlemen : 20.5 310): . assured, families ant homes 0) £5 tn b hoos, - 80.50 ta S10; butter. : ralily followed. th WY = hire gave addresses : Rev. J. Chisholm, B per lb., 13¢ to 15 'butter S} 3 ie y L Al, Kemptville; Rev. J. MacDougall ; , 'hic former cmbargoed character of the lo- | . S 3 gall, creamory, per lb., Ixe. to 21c.: chick- nok, ¥ 3.A., Spencerville; James Gill, B. A. 100 hick Ww cality in extremes of heat or cold has \ 1 eit: jens, per pair, G0c. 'to 5c; ducks, per to heir tr Tale S&T Hamilton; J. R. Lavell, M.P., Smith's pair,5: lo 7 : per dozen aceH WT'To he due to ack of arti-fjn.jje. Fixcellent music was given by | 17 to It 2 - but : ficial means' of communication with LE . DY 1 1%e. to 18c.; potatoes. per bush., 40e Phe vutter workl rather than ty climate James Melees and the Sherrard fami- | {, 45¢.: Deer. forequarters, $5 to diflicultics. However, Pawson = a ly. The proceeds amounted to $162. 50; beef, hindquarters, 89 to S10; be thersand niles oFlh of the va ot Miss Jennie Wilkie, Billing's Bridee, {| «dium. carcase £6 to 8&7: - beef: 18 = ) re. . » laps p+ . { . . , gions of British Columbia WY 2000 is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. | choice, $8 to, § lamb, $9 to Slo; Ey ® iia and =, M1 James Gif nd children, Hami XW ioe. $7.50 miles from the wheat fields of Winni: en i Tot i \ on Hamlitoh, mutton, 86 to $7; veal, choice, $7.50 : : siting Rev. D. A. McKenzie, at the QR 5 peg, so that its agricultural resources i Ihave > r a 28.50, = ave only important -a¥ an: extreme il mante, ~ and have gone' to hing Montreal, Aug. 18.--There were ab sin te an<extre . ] Aug. 18 3 . lustration of the ppssibilities of-= they 10 visit friends. Miss Pearl Brown | out 900 head of butchers' cattle, 150 entire Northgvest > "| is visiting Richmond. Mis. and Miss | cattle and 1,500 sheep and lambs of Unloss | ol mistaken the, Canadian Cochrane are visiting friends in Pleas- | fered at the East End abattoir to- Pacific is the only railroad upon' the ant Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bis- | (jay. The butchers were out strong. Ameriean continent which runs hoy have moved into_ the home of J. Land bought freely, but the prices' con through trains from Atlantic to Paci Bishop's. George Lucas, "wife and faz I tinue Very low, aid unsatisfactory to fic ports: without change of-cars. The mily purpess moving to Manitoba. the drovers. A few of the best cattle transcontinental waing of the Unit A Miss Lottie Alexander, visiting in | were sold at from 4c. to 4c. per Ib.. ans u = C i ' . 4 o + 2 States change cars at Chicago, St Spencerville, kas returned howe. and from that down to 3ic. i pret . s £2. ohiy " $0. Dt. "oe oh in Louis or News Orleans; but the. Cann: > ty good stock: common cattle were dian Pacific runs through trains from | # Cataraqu Echoes. verv hard to sell, and prices rangea Montreal daily to Vanceuver, a 'dis- Cataraqui, Aug. 18.---R. Ww. Alcom- 4 irom 2fc. to _3jc. per Ib., with the tance of 2,906 miles The "Imperial brack, B.A., is home from New York ) lean canners at from lle: to 2c. per Limited" A alos this run in ninety- for a.short vacation. G.-W. Gibsgn is | 1h. A considerable number will have to seven. hours ji 7 back irom Kemptvill® Eight or ten | be held over for another market. Mr. The Canadian Northern, which runs} Young men eave the village for the] Ritchot bought a very fing veal calf, trot Pore ATT oi Lake Superior hortr ost next Wednosaay, "Miss weivhing 241 1hs., for 12, or almost northwesterly. throuch Winnipeg ta May Purdy returned to-day from Ot- | 5c. per 1b.: the other ealves sold at M ster) ng Lg The course of FE 3 ; a from-82 to S10 each, or ir 3c. Erwood. near the Great Saskatchewan awa. The Cour = Epwor th Leagtr: tic Fl Bho " } OT Te to river, is to be extended through the lessons, interrupted for some time, ic. per lb. Sheep sold at 'trom Se. Peace Rivér Vallov to the. Pacific will be renewed in the Methoaist | to 3ic, per lb; and lambs at from Const. West of Winnipeg had the church, Wednesday evening. Two ol die. to die. per Ib., "the general price aoad fortune to travel hondreds of | Cataraqui's young people have passed | of good Ie was about dc. per 1b. > Tir at Sa : 3 i I i Ce mar oF hogs sol Ix CL or miles with the Episcopal Bishop of As- with great credit the recent depart Fat hog sold at from Tc. to. Tic. per siniboia, who has been located. in the | 2% ntal examinations. Miss Nellis] Ib, for good lots, weighed off the : « * . . s S ars Northwest 'for thirty. voars. Some Riley took a high stand in senior ma- | cars. the 'stories which he aH of ® ericilation, and Thomas Fegg, in the tinctiverss--6L--Maritoha. wire 26 field junior." The public school resumed Worry And Late Hours." SF My 2 ds f- > 3 EL : T 7 work to-aay under Miss Gordor d ore: rs. REEIOUS needed the testimony of a bishop to ) 2 ; 1 an orry and late hours seriously af- confirm previous statements of other Miss Mil Owmy to the Westbrook | fect the system causing 1austion, parties. Fittw bushels of wheat or camp-me@ling, services in thé Free | nervousness, general debility 'and 195 Fachuls of hts to the acre ave Methodist church have heen withdrawn sleeplessness. Tron Tonic Pills are not "uncommon. . Of "my return trip 1 pro tem, Visitors ; Miss Nan Mu wie. | great blood makers. They strengthen was equally fortunate in. having the New York, at 'Mrs. Frederick Knight's: | the nerves, invigorate the svstem, re- i : = Mrs.- A: Knight, Jr. at Archibald} storeé wasting vitality and cure all companionship of a well-known minini "Knight's: iss Marion Grant at constitutional irregularities. Fach box A HEAVY IRONING can be dose with less labor and worry when you use BEE STARCH Try it and prove for all {ime our assert'on. The iren cannot stick to the Lived --nor will the latter crack wien BEE STARCH is used. 10 Cents Per Package. SAVE THE COUPONS. SNOWDON, FORBEB & C)., Agts, 449 Bt. Paul. &t , Montreal, The Ideal Beverage " + JOHN LABATT'S J_ondon Porter Full ofthe Virtue of Malt and Hops. Perfectly Agreeable-to the Most Delicate Palate. Fv cad J AS. TIcPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. PARLOR SET THIS WEEK. | SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. JAMES REI THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, KINGSTON. Oaeriages Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them on' and enjoy your drives. JAMES LATURNEY, 'CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St. « Kiagston. ua a 7 pa : NT Is without a doubt the safest and most reliable remedy in existence for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Pain" in the Stomach, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Sea Sickness, and all Summer Complaints. It has been a household remedy "for nearly sixty years: Its effects are instantaneous and it does not leave the bowels con- stipated. Don't accept substitutes. They're dangerous. 000000000000 00000000800 HRE WOOD A fine ot of nice Son hard Maple, cut loss winter, Good long lengths. S. ANGLIN & CO, Foot of Wellington Street. EROVOPovYBRIESTSE oo Seber iteeteaas 9000000000000 000000000 SHEEP ELE EY WHY IS IT THAT Buttermilk IS SO POPULAR ? Simply because it is clean and fresh, and is delivered in thoroughly clean, sterilized bottles. : You can drink it or use it for cook: . ng. It takes sive foods. Clarified Milk Co.,: 'PHONE 567. EHP EEH 4440050500004 Write us a Letter. Yate If you have any need in the the place of more expen- jewelry line, however small, just write us about it. Our Catalogue contains photographs of many hundreds of our cheicest pieces, and will be sent you free. BINDER TWiNE Sisal, 500 feet to the pound, 11lc., sold elsewhere for 12}. Manilla, 600 feet, 12ic., elsewhere for 15c. §trachan's We guarantee safe delivery --prepay charges and cheer. fully refund money if you so 20d desire. DIAMOND HALL, Established 1854 Ryrie Bros., Yenge and Adelaide Sts, Fiardware, RUBBISH Well not exactly; at any ean--turn it into white money hy col- lecting it all together hd dropping a 3 issi _ | engineer, formerly of Montana, but] ra Mlced' | x ctio S les iio? wae Sensis 28 Mer now of British Columbia, who was Huorge Nieel gontains seventeen dave' treaivent, T card hal the Kingston Rag and Metal £ Au n a = ant, ar quare, equally enthusiastic about the mincral Fix Th Price 25c., for sale at Wade's drug ORONTO. Co., 339 Princess street. This firm Save Hoty Sr liete Gent prosticte-whidh -wive Jie ix e Date. . store, pays highest cash prices for all the to you that D§ to =o many orowing towns and cities In your cye, August 2|st to-23rd, % stuff you don't want and have no use by Employing ; uly Sc Ointment 1a a certaid * among the beautiful mountains * and j for the visit of Dr. M. Mecklenburg, Hats--Jenkins'--Sale. for. ALLEN & BROWN re every form of itching valleys of that delightful province, at McLeod s drug store, specialist in For this week $1.30 and $2 hats for jz ~~ J : ih | Auctiones gre PEs ohh huelfngl™ Be (hontai wad talent of oe |, ad 8030 wd 85 ce foe $1.5 roe. ron suLz. uctioneers. cuiala in tho daily press and AXk your hei BO a on Aa pte > -- i Prise oils : : ARICK RESIDANCE, 201 BROCK STREET, | THE SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING rs what they think of it, You can use it mium list aguresgtir $1 000 was. of . -- ! 'The priblishers of the Quincey, IIL, round, modun. imbrevements, gis Sel babvecn Weddin: Drow si TO COIN COLLECTORS ck hg if n Dus ured. oon fered. Brandon, 133 miles west ol Shirt--Jenkins'--Sale. Whig, has installed a Duplex web per- brick resicimce 244 Brock street, 10 rooms Congress 1lotel. In exeollent condition. "A CABINET OF US. SILVER COINS FOB salef3 of EDM 430K, Winnipeg, has eight grain eclevaters | Any colored shirt in the store for | festing press just like that of its Ineders an) Kovemwnte,_. Avly Mo Sond for Josknd for 4 lone tarm, Ap. sale. 4 at. Office. Or. Chase's Ointment and is one of the-largest grain mar-175 cents. namesake here. etroet. " " sid Re rete ys, ag . Be ---- ws .. - -- 3 L gi ith | ti et - | J i HHH ih. | IY f | i BT 1M | 1 Te pl | i i l Hi Hl on TH A i i Il LI i LL Ti nn [LU ETL OTT ACU I i B- 4 "ny fit] Hit ai il i ii Jil I # B - Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C ° In' so far as actual noprshment 15 concerned, the very cheapest and best that can be secured 1s presented by the cereals, which supply the waste of the body and the energy and 'heat necessary to all animal functions and hard labor. . : PROF. HARVEY W WiLey, Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry,

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