THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 19 Men's EY hings We have devoted consid-- erable care to providing the best stock 6f Suits and Fur- _nishings for men of taste. There are here the exclu- sive ideas of the fashion "centres. . You'll be able to select all or any item of ap- parel you need to present a becoming appearance on all social or business occa- sions. ' JOS, SILVER, ' Berciot to B. Sliver & Co.,) 102 PRINCESS" STREET. | 3 BUY 'BAILEY BRAND CUTLERY. In every style and finish. Prices to meet all buyers. Ev one Hand-Forged and Hand.Ground.. Special attention paid to the tem- ring and steel. None Put experts work on these goods. Made from best English . Double-Shear Steel, hand- forged, highly polished, -- specially tempered. Standard patterns and correct prices. : Special Shear Steel used. Hand. Forged RAZORS Hand.Forged BUTCHER KNIVES Lo T b xperts, em 'experts, SHEARS & high isi and thor- SCISSORS oughly tested. All Fully Warranted § Sold Only by W. A. MITCHELL,' 68 Princess Street, Kingston. REAL ESTATE. @EO0. CLIFF IS. OFFERING GREAT BAR- gains in this line. 115 Brook St We Are THE 5 1. EDITION SECOND EDITION. NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. ---- What is Going on in the Business World--The Market News. Germany * reports cold rains for two weeks past and crop damage iu consequence. Business failures in Canada last week to- talld twenty-two, ss compared with twenty- eight a wear ago. The Elgin, 111, Creamery company. which operages 135 creameries' throughout Tilifiois aud Wisconsin, has failed.' The lowa state crop report makes a eorn crop of 383,000 bushely, against' 332,000, 000 bushels the previous record crop. Cheese sales : Belleville, 98c. to 9 11-16c.: Cowansville, Que., 9 7-1Cc. to 93c.: Water town, N.Y., 9c. to 9 15-16c; Canton, N.Y, 9ic.; Cornwall, 9 11-16 The exports of cheese from Mav 1st to from Montreal has =otalled 10 not as much as im 1900, but 2 time in date boxes, : 1901 system has is boxes more than for the same The Grand Trunk sued the following Week emding August cormsponding week, 816.926. The small at =almon pack bei. prepared for the 'market. has been diminishing for some visible railway earning 611,846: incre statement of 14th, 1902, 1901, $594,920; record hae The years, on volume Hut supply is an prs nt contribution to the The result of the and marine with excendingly small. will mean in the Canadian fire incr ase price article. Al new insurance is beim organized a copital two-thirds of which ill be twenty-five per the company of $3,000,000, and issued at This is in subiseritnad for order tat cent. per annum. company may begin business with a. reserve fund of half a mflion dollars. The Stock Market. Toronto Workd. 3 it : FoR Coe local representative of W.-P Dover #& Co., in speaking of the Wall street situation, said: "We will have a quiet mar ket for some time, but the outlook is very pright for a big boom in prices in the fall The money market is not in as bask shape us bank statement to Standard Oil party and other large ts control the banks aml trust York, the would seem indicate. The t ies 'of New in- compan: and they are simply mani pulating these concerns with: the object gf putting a cinck on the operations of Gates and lis clique. The large im ts. recognize t that the time is not ripe for a bull but" whew funds cory dis gn in wecurities, to return from the sgricultural mence iets we will sev a big market in New York." now located at Scott and but have in the new hotel at which thiy will Co. streets, a or ok Weilington ranged for space Vigtoria as the ar: ar- King occupy Toronto, and Streets, as som building operations are com- pleted. Offering Some EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. Fancy Checked Silks, Black and White Checked Silks, Scctch Tartan Plaids, Shepherd's Plaids, in extra quality Taffeta Silk, firm, strong make, full width Regular values 8oc., goc., $1 yard. Special for 75¢. yard. Striped English Wash Silks, Both light and dark grounds, warranted to we:r. Only s50c. yard. SOME NEW ~~" all Suitings. English Covert Cloths, All pure wool, 54 in. skirts or long coats, Only $1.50 yard. wide, correct weight for suits, Oey 5; Ete, Browns, Fawans, Scotch Two-Toned Suitings, Heavy qualities, pu newest shades $1 a é ie wool, 56 in. wide, all tke nd $1.25 yord, Grey and White Homespun, Made of the best quality yarn, reversible, very sty- lish for suits or coats.' Golf Suites. -Plaid back, 54 in. wide, correct weight for skirts, "$1.50 yard. Grey Homespuns, $1, $1 25 yard. » Dark and light shades, some very special values, at 75¢, $1, $1.10, $1.25, $1.50. 4 Mercerized Sateen, Looks like silk, od fast colors yard, lwShannon, the HAVING SPECIAL SESSION. COUNTY COUNCIL CONSIDER- ING SEVERAL MATTERS. Kirkpatrick Fountain --Wolfe Island Equalization Must Stand--Sheriff"s Claim Will be Settled. A special session of the county coun- cil was held on {'uesday morning with Warden Spoor and Councillors Woo Mozier, Pillar, © Avery, Campbell, Pringle, Toner, Ruttan and Sproule in attendance. Anticipating a warm time caretaker Grant placed a pitcher of iced-water upon the war den's desk. | Warden Spoor intimated that he had | begn served with a Division Court writ at the instance of Sheriff Daw- son, who claimed 838.350 for station- ery, which bill the council had reject ed at its last meeting. Other nmatters of importance were on the slate, and it was advisable that a special meet- ing be held. 3 Mr. Pense addressed the council, re- porting progress on the Kirkpatrick fountain, which had not advanced as fast as he would have liked, but as he was almost alone in the matter, the delay was 'mavoidable. He found it impossible to raise an extra 300 for the proposed stone steps, and, there- fore, asked the conntil to change its S50 condi- Grant to former resolution 'giving tional, to R300 straight. This would be a saving to the county, and the granolithic * steps being built "around the fountain 'basin would look very well. ~ Mr. Pense, also~stated that he was having an engineer to lay out a new road. around the fountain, and suggested that the council place a few benches under the trees so that people would have a pleasant place to sit. On motion of Councillor Avery, onded by Councillor Wood, the council agreed to prant the $0 as requested hy Mr: Pense. '¢ communications were read : m J .S. Gallagher, resigning trustee of Sydenham hich school. see as From . James , Mills, ofthe Ontario Auticultural Colege stating that there was a vacancy for the nomina tion of a _ student by the county of Frontenac. From N. H. Walker, Cataraqui, ask- ing that the clause in the toll gate lease, éxempti ministers, from pay ing toll, be struck out, as he claimed the preachers were taking unfair advant ange of it. J. 8. Gallagher's resionation as trustee was accepted, and Councillor Avery moved that George Smith, Ha vowsmith, be appointed to fill the va cancy. Councillor Pillar: moved in amendment that Charles Stewart, Har- The rowsmith, be was carried. appointed. motion | should travel free, whether on church business or not. ministers D. M. Mcintyre addressed the coun- cil as their representative upon the Wolie Fsland equalization matter. He stated that no action had been taken because the appeal must be heard by the judge on or before 'August Ist. This was the provision of the statute, and as the time of appeal had lapsed, the equalization must stand. The court of appeal had decided on a similar case that the law was imperative. Therétore, Mr. Melntyre held that the matter was closed. Mre Macdonnell, K.C., stated that he would advise the Wolie Island council that the equaliza- tion was not binding till thé appeal had heen disposed of, Warden Spoor asked Mr. Melntyre for ai opinion upon Sheriff Dawson's claim. The solicitor alter - dealing careiufly with the matter gave it as his opinion that the county would have to pay, unless it was shown that there was fraud. The statute seemed oclock in the afternoon. Want' Him Dismissed. "At this afternoon's session the coun- cil passed a resolution calling upon the Ontario government to oraer the removal from 'office ok Sherili Dawson, on the ground extravagance, dis- courtesy, ete. of ONTARIO LIVE STOCK. The Latest Returns Show Large Increases. Toronto, Aung. 19.--A bulletin, is- sued to-day by the Ontario depart- ment of 'agriculture, and based «on re- turns received up to August 15th, oives the following statistics of farm live stock ©: Horses, 626,106, an in- ] ly ) last year: 262.551, an increase of 55.000 last © wear, their increase being gely in milch cows; sheep, 1.715, a- decrease of 40.000; hogs, 1,683, an increase of 192,750 over last bees, > Given A Good' Reception. at the warn ception. The their ill Go To South No action was taken on the toll] gate-keeper's application. The coun- cillors seemed: to consider that all to be clear upon the matter that the county was liable. . Warden Spoor and Counciilor Avery pointed out that this- was the first time_such a bill had come to the coun- cil from the sherifi's office. The latter | stated that the "sherifi seemed to he master of the situation. and intended to take every dollar the law allowed him, although the former sherifi never did so. The council adjourned - till two The Hague, Aug. 19.--A public re ception win cordea to the Boer gen: | erals on their arrival here to-day from Rotterdam. Gen. Exter, in a wech, paid a tribute to their heroic Adecds Gen. Botha replied, expressing the appreciation of t oer officers tittawa; > Aug Fr =Miss-- Annie 1: Briggs, « i Su N.B.y has x | the ition stant schoc tre ) cand wi in Neptembe She will aot eith to Pretoria cor Jobaiinesbury ¥ WILES OI A*WIDOW. Got Priest to Change Forged Note | by Remarkable Deception. Buenos * Ayres, "Aug. 19.--A remark- able piece of deception has come to light. A poor widow told the priest of a church in the south of this city that she had been robbed of a purse of £20 while 'at * the service. The priest, greatly shocked, announced the theft next day from the pulpit. | and promised absolution if the money were returned. After service a thickly-veiled man came to the priest in the vestry and, confessed "with tears that she was the penitent thief. She: returned the | purse dnd was duly absolved. 4 The widow was overjoyed at the re- covery; she burst into tears, and, tak- ing the £20 note from the purse asked the priest whether he would accept £2 wWO- for candles sor the 'saints' altar as a thank-offering, This was gladly ac- cepted, and the priest gave the poor Tone widow £18 change for her bank- note. She hurried away, profuse in her thanks. ; Next day, when the priest went to change the note, he found that it was a forgery. . UNMARRIED MEN NUMEROUS. Every State Contains More Bach- elors Than Spinsters. London, Aug. 19.--The American cen- sus returns show an astonishing sur plus of unmarricd men. = There is not a state in the whole union that does not contain more bachelors than spin- ste In the entire country there are 6,726,779 men of an age to marry, and only 4,195,446 spinsters to marry | them. # The disparity is not confined to the western states. Maine has 17,000 more bachelors than spinsters, New Hampshire 8,000, Vermont near- I lv '10,000, and Ccnnecticut all but 20,- "1000. In the west it is hard to see {how any girl can escaps marriage and live to be twenty. In California there are 150,000 bachelors who threaten to hedaid permanently on the shelf. In { Idaho there are only 3,556 spinsters to supply wives among 23,121 unmar- ried men. The"state of Washington contains six bachelors for every spin- ster, 'and the difference greater every vear. Evidently in the United States, as South « Africa, govern- | ment will establish ma- trimonial rows in have to agency. a ARISTOCRATS IN PRISON. Noblemen Paying the Penalty for Various Crimes. Vienna, "Aug. 19.--The Morgan Zei- tung has collected statistics which | show a large number of the aristo- {erats of Europe now serving terms in |'the various prisons of the continent. According to the statistics there are 12,000 titled noblemen in servitude in Russia. 5,400 in dtaly, 985 in France and . 350 in Belgium. These includé two Italian Dukes of Notarbartolo, who are in prison for the murder of an officer; the Duke of Caracoiola, held for the poisoning of his wile; the Belgian Marquis Varela, for * the murder 'of . his mother, and Prince Charlés Deloczecoswarem, for several violent crimes. > | \ When His Collar Button Broke. Woodstock, "Aug. 19.--Rev. W. L. Rutledge suddenly leit the pulpit Sun- day morning before the sermon. He re-appearcd in a few minutes, 1 hope," said he, when he arose to give out the next hymn, "that none of vou were alarmed by my sudden de- parture from the pulpit. A collar button is, a very little matter, but it assumes great importance when it hap- pens to break when one is in the pul pit. TheBeonaregation tittered audibly. rr r---------- Journalists In Toronto. Toronto, Aug. 19.--The party { British journalists who are | Canada, under the guidance R. Preston, arrived in town am., and left. for p.m. Their stay of touring of W T at Owen Sound at here was absolutely informal. An attempt was made to i have a test call of the fire brigade, for their benefit, but it fell through as the party dispersed after breakfast and preferred to see the city in their own way. Will Go In Crowds. Toronto, Aug. 19.--The harvester ex- cursions will commence to-morrow morning and it is expected that from ten to twelve special trains will ke [ needed to-morrow to accommodate the excursionists from Northern and Eastern Ontario. Most of- these will leave Toyonto. The prospects for a l'zood crowd have improved during the | last week. Other excursions will leave on Monday and Friday. 1 Off On A Tour. Thursday, Dr. and Mrs. { Ald. and Mrs. Behan leave of the maritime provinces, business with pleasme. Dr. Ryan, and for a tour combining Ryan: and Ald. Behan will attend a meeting of the board of trustees of the C. M.D A. at Halifax, N.S., after which they | will visit all the principal towns and cities of. the maritime provinces in be | half of this steadily growing order. | Who Died First ? A but a decrease of NT.000 before | Paris; Aug. 10-7; Derricunt.: the the figures of 1900; poultry, 9.762.508, physician who was called to attend THE US rtie u shout PL Mr. and: Mrs. Charles LL. Fair, after I'he net increase of horses, sheep, the aceideft: to their automobile; an hogs and cattle Js over 200,000. The" joances -that the death of the man L horses sold du ne the year werd a ET sae iH he Yl moment. The law will Feesume dont Phi: wan! olin this var is 500.073 the man diel first, because he ars Younas. There are. 202.529: colonies 'of lv would shield: his wife, say the Paris | : erie to lawyers | . { American Missionaries Accused. | 1 Lisbon, Aug. 19.--The Portuguese nthoryties in A vo say they ob- | tained sutlicient mee in their re cent victory over the Dative rebels to prove the compaicity of eknglish and American Prot? nt missionaries in starfing the insurrection. Their aim, it is asserted, was to re place Portu CHesE a uthority! vith their own. Died For Others. detiek, © Aug. 19-- Full: of drowning of ( oka show that he gave | fo ) When the canoe up- ! set thier were left clinging to ite Craic saw it would not bear the go. | weight and let . ---------------------- | 'Don't forget the moonlight to Alex- Landria Ray, Wedntsday night. THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. | TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE. EARTH. Matters That Interest "Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Charles' Denby, jr., has been appoint- ed chief. foreign advisor of China. General Chafiee recommends an tive campaign against the Moros Mindanao. At Ber lin, ac- 'in ot three young men werd sent to jail for tampening with a fire. alarm box. Sir Frederick Borden, minister of militia, and. Lady Borden will sail for Canada on September 11th. It quite likely "that 'M J. Young, Rochester, drowned, committed suicide. Fire this morning did $5,000 dam- age to a block on Wellington street, Ottawa, owned by ex-Mayor Morris. Masked men held up Mrs. J. A. Allen at Jamestown, N.Y., and rob- bed here of $600 in: jewelry and money. The 'Elder Dempster Peaver=line Lake Simeoe, from Liverpool, passed Fame Point at elever o'clock to-day. She is due in Quebec, Wednesday morning. Commandant Leroy "Raduric f 'the 19th Infantry, who refused to obey. an order to aid in closing unauthorized schools, in France, has been placed un- der arrest. At Stratiord, Ont., John Barker and Ernest Burns, convicted of bur- glary, were sentenced to two years each ig Kingston penitentiary. Jack Root, the pugilist, defeated on Monday night, at Salt Lake City, Utah, by George Gardiner, has died from the effects of the injuries received during the fight. Andrew , found is S. MA, Rev. A. W. Crawford, Ph.D., Galt, Ont., has accepted a call to the professorship of philosophy and psvehology at Ursinus college, Col- legeville, Pa., near Philadelphia. Edith Koehler, Syracuse, N.Y. was struck in the abdomen by a stray bul- let, and is in a gritic 'al condition. Harry Hargius was arrested for the deed. He had been practising with a small rifle in his cellar. News has been received there of the Norde nskjold Antarctic e xpedition. The vessel is imprisoned in the ice and preparations had been begun to pro- ceed in dag sledgeg, The health of the members of the party was excellent. The rain which fell on Sunday and Monday delayed harvesting operations in some places in Manitoba for a short time, oe sthis morning the weather is again bright and it will only be a day or so 'before the binders are busy. Several telegrams have been exchang- ed between the Portuguese home gov- ernment and Gen. Gorjao, governor of Mozambique, Portuguese, Fast Africa, relative to a visit of Lord Milner to Delagoa Bay and also relative to the concessions which may be made to the British government in South Africa. Robert R. Remington, New York, Sajeded by shooting at Newport, R. "He had been engaged to May Van La eorand-daughter of Mrs. Willi- am Astor, but their engagement had been broken by the young lady's fyth- er. Bitter disappointment led Reming- ton to take his life. Nelson, the cycle wonder, supported is title at the Coliseum, in Syracuse, ".. by breaking the world's. record twenty miles; and beating . Froe- i Nelson's Time for beating His for man and McFarland. the twenty miles was 27.18, the world's record of 27.34 2-5, time for five miles was 6. a1; ten miles, 13.3%: fifteen miles, 20.25 His fourth mile was the fastest, being made in 0.183. READY TO LYNCH HIM. Brutal Attack of Negro on Aged Women. Ohio, Aug. 19.--John broke into the home of Sabina Hopkiss, last Jefferson, Rooms, negro, Harrietta and night, and terribly assaulted both wo- men. The women, who live alone, are cach about eighty vears old. They are feeble and poor. Both are mangled and the. injuries and shock are likely to kill both. The negro was arrested and is now jin the jail which is sur' rounded by a big mob ready te lynch him. Both the Hopkiss women are bitten and chewed as if by a wild beast, and present a horrible appear- ance. High Court Of Foresters. J. S. R. McCann has forwarded the reports of the officers of the : Hirh { Court oY Eastern Ontario, Independ: ent Order of Foresters, which were presented to-day to . the high court meeting in Picton. Fifteen, new courts have been added and two suspended, the membership totalling 11,51, a net increase for the vear of 454. Some 1.- 500 new: applications were accepted, The deaths were 76: rejected applica- tions, 129; lapses, 634; removals, 209 The high secretary in his report says: "Bro. McCann as high treasurer con- tinues to display the same care and preciseness in the details of hig office, which he so ably fills Four -leaths occurred in Kingston courts. Tim Healey's Remarks. London, Aug. F19.--A telegram from Dublin says that Timothy M. Healey. MP. speaking at Dundalk, at the op- ening of the Irish National Foresters' hall, nigra to, the fact that the Ir ish Foresters had severed themselves from the English organization and de- ! clared that never again would the Un | ion Jack or Lion and Unicorn stain | their own immortal green. Nothing' To Do. Cincinnati Post. iH we were asked to describe the most miserable man in the world we { would point to one with plenty of {money and nothing to do: no place to | fin, no mission to serve: his only ob | ject to gratify his own selfishness. | Hats--Jenkins'--Sale. | 'All the new shapes in felt hate, hard fr. R1.50 and § ities Ri and | and ®3 hats i err eee m-- Mr Mrs. Hicks. Detroit, are Serttests Jo Po Hanley. Mr, Hicks was lg 1 eonnected with the GTR. Company. Mr. and Mrs. D. Fellner and chil aren. of Buffalo. N.Y... are visiting at Lher uncle's, W. Jenkins, Quebec. street, Absolutely reliable as ever and with an excellence of detail that has never been appro- ached elsewhere. The Complete Naw St.ock of eptember Patterns _ Are now all ready and for sale, ELINEATOR For September FREE! To all customers purchasing goods to the value of $2 or over we will give a SEPTEMBER DELINEATOR. This offer holds good for the next TEN DAYS ONLY. THE DELINEATOR for Septemper. con- tains many points 'in regard to Autumn dress materials and. dress-making it will pay you to know RE -- err ee SHOE BARGAINS AT THE ODDS AND ENDS SALE AT THE LOCKETT SHOF STORE. s A large new stock of TRUNKS AND VALISES At very reasonable prices. PF. G. Lockett. -- -------------------------------- ESTABLISHED 1890. "PHONE MAIN 4303. W. F.DEVER & CO.,- STOCK & BOND BROKERS. i COAL 2nd DIMNIN STEEL k Exchanve, © 19 Wellington St. Tt. Toronto, ver our Private wird, fox cash? Yor maryin. Wicit accounts for the pute i ree listed stocks and bon