Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Aug 1902, p. 1

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-- 89TH YEAR. NO. 194. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY » AUGUST 20, 1902, rem. LAST EDITION. Crem 900060000000000000000¢ | pecials BATS All cur. fine Felt Hats Deibys and Fedoras, $1 50 and $2 $1. Regular $2.50 Si $3 qualities, $1.50, > Any Colored Shirt the store 5c, sin . regular = - <Q £ > 5 o -- n Sf Ce = 2 rl bof Zz | 7 of 114 PRINCESS STRERT. 0000000000 000000000% 000 PROCLAMATION. EYES THOROUGHLY TESTED --BY-- M. Mecklenburg, M.A, D.0.S., " Of Montreal. Eye and Eqr--8pecialist .and president of the Ounadian Optometrical College, formerly of New 'York- City. At Huffman's Drug Store, Nap- anee, Aug. 11th to 16th. At McLeod's Drug Store, King- ston, Aug. 21st, 22nd, 23rd. The doctor carries with him his own dark room, which is absolutely essential to fit eyes properly and correctly. In fact it is impossible tw examine oye. intelligently with- out it. Do not delay this opportunity of consulting him. His charges are very reasonable and if he fails to do you more good, or benefit your eyes after others have failed, will charge you nothing. His fees are very moderate oon- sidering what you got, besides that he fur pishes glasses at wholesale prices, a saving of 50 to 75 por cent. Solid gold frames or nickel mountings from $2. Solid silver or roid filled, warranted, $1. Nickel, German silver or Alumina 50c. You pay more than double for the goods elsewhere. No better goods can be had anywhere at any price. Making end fitting artificial eves, both in shell and full block, a specialty. Ear wumpets, invisible ear telephones, best aide for the deal. Satisfaction guaranteed. GLASSES fitted properly will last five vears. regular visits. NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I HAVE MADE application for the transive of 'my -he + for the Collins Bay Hotl to Joseph A. McCon- nell and that a meeting of License Commis- swoners willbe held © at the Windsor Hotel, Kingston, on THURSDAY, the 28th inst, at 10 o'clock am, to consider the sume ALEX. DARRAG iT, 20th, 1902. and when Makes Collins Bav, August TO CONTRACTORS. SEPARATE OR BULK TENDERS WILL be received by the widersigmed wp to 3.p.an., of SATURDAY, August 23rd, for 'all trades required in the erection and completion of a houss on Pine street. Plans now ready at my office. A : E. M. STOREY, Architect. MOTHER HENDY'S All Healing Ointment Cure Burns, Frozem Limbs, Cuts, Salt Broken Breasts, Cracked Nipples, Sore Heads, Bolis and. Bealing PRICE--25¢. y : WANTED. rT rer ------------ GIRLS AT THE GARDINER BISCUIT FAC: TORY, w Will Rheum, Chikiren's Finjers. STRONG, YOUNG on ironing GIRLS AS OPERATORS machines. Imperial Laundry. THREE. BOYS, plv to J. A, opposite 730 14 to 16 YEARS OLD. Gould & Co., Smith Princess street. AP- street, AN EXPERIENCED or ironing. Good ' mg to Mrs. BW COOK: NO. WASHING wages. Apoly in evens Folger, Kine street. «LAPHES COPY LETTERS AT HOME, $10 per 1,000. Send stamped envelope for application." Munarch Novelty Co., Dept. 108, Chicago. FURNITURE = FOR STORAGE, $1 month and Invirarice Sc. per $100 annum. J 7 McCann, 51 sfreet, next Wade's PER per Brick T0 ¢O To PHILADELPHIA 'FOR THE wWintr. a competent mursemaid, willing to assist with licht hous work Applv to Mrs. G. A. Rohinson, 167 Alfred stew t LADIES, ALSO MEN, TO COPY TESTI monial letters at home and return to Jot Foc pav. Strictly genuine. Add: Excelsior Manufacturing Co:, B. Cleveland. Ohio. BY LADY AXD GENTLEMAN AND ONE * som of 15 wears. 'board for the winter in location, within five minutes Post Office. Address "FE." Whig a ontral walk to Office MALL'S BARBER 248 street, Toronto. rest, Montreal. Q.. eca' street, Riffalo Wacea Sntundavs trial lodgings, railroad logve free By our SPECIAL Co. | OPERATIVE PLAN" course is ab- solut lv free. Also opportunity to earn moo-+ at vour home, bv workine for ux Writ: 'or particulars to-dav AlMis Owen Hal onwiots sCnoot | also YONGE Flecantly eq Terms moderate ticket and cata- riven and 81. 50, Our 'hats have all the "dash" the season, 81. 81. D. Ribby Co. of 25, The H. "oo Oak Hall. | 'oo ; LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Dance at yacht club house, 8 p.m. Reputyiion rests on the red-rock of homest dealing. Frontenac chwese day. = The sun rises 'Thursday at 5:10 am, and sets at 6:54 p.m. Moonlight excursion among ferry wharf, 7.30 p.m. Wouidn't it be a sad old world if there were no ridiculous people in it?' Do women with splendid necks wear waits cut low, just to keep cool ? Tenders for house on Pine street, close at oifice of E. Sterey, 5 p.m, Saturday. Lake Onterio Park 8:30 o'clock' tonight. Novel and entertaining performance. Fai men play baschall, Kingston Watertown, « Lake Outaric Park, 3 Thursday. = There is a 'certain degree of individuality in all, good advertising that cludes the grasp of imitators. The chief news from the summer resorts is to the effect that summer hasn't resorted there to any serious extent this year. This dav in the world's historv--British svized Suez canal, 1882; St. Bernard died, 1153; treaty of Washington 1842; battle of Saragona, 1710. There was a voung girl named Deacon, Who hada crown prince for & beacon, But Cupid's distraucht, For it's millions to naught: That the emperor never will weaken. Don't forget the moonlight to Alexandria Bay, Wednsdav nicht. NINTON'S JARDINIERE We have a hansome line made by this celebrated maker just opened. Not expensive, exquisite shapes and odd patterns. ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE ONTARIO Y PARK ) ALL THIS WEEK Evenings at 8:30. Matinece Wednesday and Friday, 8:30. Hugh V.and Bessie Lee Mepeitvy A ROMAN SYBIL'S DREAM. THE _ FALARDQ THE most GREAT ORIGINAL Imitator this worid has oe known. UNEIDA RVSTHRIOU 0 RIES. Ilinstrated Sones, Far kh Electrical Effects, Recitations, Béautiful Historical Tableaux. cnil; DREN'S DAY FRIDAY, wv ic. BALW WAY, ic. BASEBALL. August 22nd, 4p.m., Aiitwerp vs, NOTICE. Applications for pfivileges and booth space at the Kingston Dis- trict Fair, to be held August 25th to 29th, should be made at once to .the "Secretary, 67 \ Princess street, next to Sears' hardware. WELL, WELL! WHAT IS WANTED NOW? WHY MORE customers of coursd at Mwers' Pork Market, 56 Brock street, wheres you will obtain the best cooked and smoked meats in the city. 3 Ibs. dripping for a quarter." "Phome 570. board, 1:30 p.m., Thurs leave islands; their vs. p.m. signed, F fn y Ponies. FOR SALE. J s3ve. WILL BUY A TWENTY-ONE-FOOT Gasoline Launch, hull six vears old, cush- tons, carpet and awning, with new 4 H.P. motor. Davis & Son. 110. FEET the other 97 fect 16 feet beam, both in good run- S. W. Marchment, 133 Vie Torunto. N LOST TWO ST ONE long, long, ming order. tori Street, MBARGES, feet team; A- LEATHER DRESS SUIT CASE ON MON- nivhé, between Kingston and Svden- A reward will be given to the find- returning to John Switzer, Swden * Gay ' ham. er on ham. OFF FOR THE WEST. Movements of People in And About Napanee. Napance, Aug. 2.--Mrs. H. R. Sherwood, Misses Leah and Bessie, leit vesterday tor Vermont to visit rel; tives. Mrs. Jo NU McCreary 'left tercay- for - Winnipeg, Man. "where will resiae. Miss Lizzie McKenty re- turned yesterday 'from a month's vis- it with her sister and brother in Win- nijeg. i J. A. Cathro returned homie week feeling much improved aiter illness. Mrs. JB CL Allen ar- home. Monday, aft a year's absence, spent in' London, Eng., and other European points. Miss Ste phaine Harshaw returned this week from a six months' visit 'with Mrs. James Richardson (nee Myrtle Lake), in London. Ene. Stanley Wales, last his sorious. rived son of Robert Wales, had the misfortune to break his richt arm just above 'the wrist, vesterday. Hg was shoeing a horse, when it be: came fractious and threw itself, fall- | for Joserh Loyst, Mg ing upon him. and causing the acti- ydent above mentioned The an who to departun the a "fewof th we vesterddy Un arlane, irle province : 1. €. W. Card, F. MeF Farlane 0. Vancott. Gib&on, F. Smith, ho Ww ! J. A Russe! i rvan--Frhel Afinsde n, Willard Huit, Madden. \ | Himes, iy ker Perry Don't forget the moonlight to: Alex: andria Bay, Wednesday night. i ; ' . a pigantic turd | persons THE ASER'S SPEECH Visibly Touched Many An Eng- lish Heart AS HE SPOKE OF HIS MOTHER WHEN HE UNVEILED MONU- MENT TO HER MEMORY. T Admiration of Emperor William Heightened Among All Eng- lishmen--The. Persian Monarch is Having a Fine Time in London. London, Aug. 20.--Fnglish hearts are touched by the kaiser's eloquent speech at Hamburg, yesterday, when unveiling the statue in memory of his mother. . The references which he made to the sanctity of her married life, to her careful tending of her hus- band durin his fatal and protracted illness, to the dignity with which she endured her grievous loss and to the patient fortitude under her own sui- ferings, all bore witness to the deep affection that existed between mother and son. The Daily Chronicle says that all Englishmen admire the kaiser, and their admiration will be heighten- ea by -the tribute which he has just paid to the memory of the Empress Frederick. The Reckenham newspaper published Kent, contains 'the tisement in' large type: "In aid of the cottage hospital. By desire, Lady Raglan wears her coronation robes ana coronet on the 20th August, when she will be pleased to receive any one wishing. to see them at Coper's. Cope house, South End road, on the presentation of a cara, for Avhich the.sum..of. three pence must be paid." The barone husband, Lord Raglan, was last. week appointea gov- ernor of the Isle of Man. Sir Edmund Barton, who leaves for the United States and Canada to day, will ga from Washington to Toronto, and will make several halts in Can- ada. It will be mainly a journey of pleasure. The Persian monarch's entertain- ment in England is an oriental blend Journal, a weekly at Beckenham, following adver- °l of royal functions and variety shows. Last night he watthed the coronation ballet at the Empire theatre, and after receiving 'the garter on the king's vacht to-day, he will visit the hippo- drome and will still have in reserve the fireworks at the Crystal Palace. VIBWED.BY U. S. EYES. What Will Be the Result in South Africa. New York, Aug. 20.--The Tribune's London cable says: *"The arrival of Boer generals in Holland is described, [with a subdued and chastened - spirit, by the Kuglish press. No fault can be found with the evidences of Dutch hero-worship, which London have set th¢ example of honoring, the Boer commanders, and Dr. Clark, also, as though they had been fight- ing" on the British side. The generals, evidently, were under less restraint at Rotterdani 'and The Hague, than they had been in England and were not casting about for excuses for reticence and reserve. "Whatever may be the opinion of the Boer negotiators, which conducted a safe campaign in Europe and the United States, they are not prepared to act independently oi Messrs Krug- er and Steyn, or without holding a prolonged conference with Messrs. rischer, Wolmarans, Wessels and other leadets. Mr. Fischer is 'the strongest and most influential Boer in Holland, Mr. Kruger alone excepted, and the generals are likely' to follow him ra: ther than Mr. Leyds. "From information which comes to me from pro-Boer sources here. I am convinced that' they will neither court favor nor excite resentment, but will go about their business quietly, make contracts with the publishers for books and sail for the United States late in the autumn. They will neither join in premature machinations against Mr. Chamberlain, nor con- sent to be smothered with magnani- mity and kindness. "*Pro-Boers when they become pro- phetic, forecast in South Africa a po- licy- of constitutional agitation, op- ening "to-day with a Dutch coalition against the loyalists in the parliament of Cape Colony, which Sir Gordon Sprigge, trimmer as he cannot control and leading up by easy stag- under confederation, to a self-gov- erning_ Dutch commonwealth under the British crown. Men like Mr. Fischer are too discreet to talk about ulteri- or Boer politics, but they already ad- vocate confederation as the iretvitable result of the conditions of peace." is, e8, FAST INLAND SERVICE. A Concern is Promoting" This Good Scheme. Toronto, Aug. 20.--The to-day: Toronto citizens; in concert with' a - number of other prominent' promoters, are forming a company handle a fast freight inland service on scale. William Mackenzie, and a number of other Toronto men are interested in the movement. F. R. McCarthy, Montreal, an active factor in the organiza- tion. He has been in the city since Sa- and with Mr Petersen, of Pet- , Tate' & Co., who has had some experience in fast- Atlantic steamship yusiness has "been in repeatéd. confer- with the local agents. Several from. Bufialo and Cleveland connectel with the efiort to ex- i concern. World says to Senator (Cox 1s en #laggh And Grow Fat: - the fat nlen, Kingstoh tertown, play baschall at 1 tarto Park Thursday at 3pm: . Wa- On- | | ake , Seventeen of "the Ontario election protests are against conservatives and thirteen against liberals. Beckenham, | crowds . PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest News Culled From . Al Over The World. - The value of building permits issued in Winnipeg, this year, was $2,500, 000. . Hanson, a well-known re- died on' Sunday Charles sident of London, 'might. Confracts have been let. for a $20,- 000 addition to St. Joseph's hospital, London, Cnt. It has suddenly been decided to hold the German manoeuvres in Russia in- stead 'of Poland. : : Colonel Arthur Lynch, M.P., await- ing trial for high treason, is brgaking down in prison. Invitations are out for a ball to be given by Lady Minto, in the Citadel, Quebec, on the 27th inst. + A settler's wife and three children were killed in. a tornado that swept over North Dakota on Sunday. The Canadians in Paris greeted Pre- mier Laurier in 'an enthuiastic manner at a reception on Tuesday night. The British Columbia Fruit Grow- ers' Association is sending five . tons of fruit to the Winnipeg horticultural show. ' A general strike of the stevedores, lightermen and wharimen was declared at Havana and 2,000 men will go out to-day. Premier Ross says- that within a vear Australian and Canadian steam- ship lines will be working under a co- operative system. An order-in-council has been passed confirming the appointment of Maj- or Wood as acting commissioner of the Yukon territory. The total income 'of the German empire, in 1901, decreased 27,000,000 marks, while the expenditures increas- ed 21,000,000 marks. C. W. Lawton, editor of the Paris Review has disposed of his business to Mr. Pelton of Attwood, who will take charge on September lst. The Daily Mail states that Mr. Kru- ger will retire from his position as Afrikander chief. A conflict between Botha and Dewet is expected. The Hamilton city council will re quire a $5,000 guarantee irom the Modern Telephone Co.. and has order- ed a new by-law to be prepared. R. W. Bro. Lindsay Mackersy, Edinburgh, - - representative from the Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada, to the Grand Lodge of Scotland, is dead. Gustav Grunwald, New York, was struck behind the left ear by a sinner and killed. A ¥isherman® had swung Lis line swiftly, and the sinker struck the boy. Dr. Hersey, the Montreal analyst, has examined eighteen samples of home-made catsup in that city, and reports that they are quite unfit for food. . The Canadian Railway Conductors Association, at Montreal, passed a re- solution refusing to work for any organization which used coal mined by non-union men. Walter H. McFartane, who conauct- ed a' jobbing business . at 112 Yorge street, Toronto, Ont., is missing, and bis creditors know nothing of his present location. . His business is in bad shape. M. Jacques Stern, a well-known Par- it banker on Monday succumbed to an attack of paralysis, caused 'hy the shock of learning of a fatal accident to his son while riding in a steeple chase at Elbeug. Sir Mackenzie Bowell presented Stanley Newton, son of Chief of Police Newton, Belleville, with a gun metal watch for rescuing his grand-daughter, Miss Enxelyn McCarthy, trom the stoke hole of a steamer. Henry Carscallen: M.P.P., Hamilton, Ont., has received a telegram from Morviaus, Muskoka, saying that Jane Shaw. a nurse girl in his family, had been drowned: there. The girl's par- ents live in Hamilton. a The Ontario License Holders' Asso- ciation has appointed W. F. Summer- hayes to organize the anti-prohibi- tion vote in the referendum cam- paign. Mr. Summerhayes organized the anti-vote in Winnipeg in April. An assize trial at Leeds, Eng., on March 17th last, settled the vexed question of the vague terms "All wool,' and "woollen." We know that "all wool" means all wool, but "woollen" means anything that is compose! of shoddy, ,mungo; andl cot- ton. Voting at inks avi Ont, on by-laws tq raise [20,000 for good roaas, 814.- 000 {or a public school building, and 32.000 to purchasd a site for the Car- negie library building, resulted in the snowing under of all # three proposi- tions, a large adverse vote being cast against each by-law. Paul De Cassagnac, referring to critical crisis in France, savs nal Rampolla, the papal secretary of state, is to blame for the silence of the pope on the religious question. He declares that the future of the Ca- tholic church in France depends on energetic action at Rome. of the Cardi- Cavalry Gallops Into River, London, Aug. 20.--In a dispatch irom St. - Petersburg; the correspond- ent there of the Daily Express says: "During the manoeuvres near here a squadron of cavalry was ordered sud- denly to charge, it galloped into a river and fifty men ave reported to have been drowned. Details of the af- fair are difficult to obtain." -------- * A Canadian Killed, Paris. Ont., "Aug. 20.--A 'message from Detroit' announces that Henry Rufus Stewart, aged twenty, a son of Robert Stewart; baker of this town, was accidentally killed there. Stewart had been in Detroit for one vear, em- ployed in an antomobile manufactory! Killed In A Fall. Aug. 20.--Romouland Du- montais, } Richelieu street, was kitled in St. Henri this morning. He fell from. the waggon which he was driving. the wheels of the vehicle pass- he Montreal, over his os Oak Hall. "'Bibby's. for Jen _are da ig f14, 8 suits Our new xR, S12, RW, £10, [1 1 The H. i Bibby Co 1 At ARE FEW DIFFICULTIES Engineer Reports On. The Te- miscamingue Routes. THE CANADIAN HARD FLOUR : vo IS SELLING WELL IN AUSTRA- LIA SAYS MR. LARKE. o Supt. Howe, of the Mdunted Po- lice, Dead Will Construct a Railway in the Kootenay Dis- trict--General Capital Notes. Ottawa, Aug. 20.--G. A. Mountain, chief engineer of the Canada Atlantic, railway, who was commissioned by' the Ontario government to make a re- port on the feasibility of two routes from North Bav to Temiscamingue, re- turned to the city yestefday. having completed his work. Mr. Mountain went over the two proposed- lines for forty-five miles at a distance of five miles apart. Until his" report is sent to the government, however, his find- ing will not be* made public. Mr. Mountain says he was much surprised with the country and does not antici- pate any engineering ditliculties in the construction of the line, at least in the part of it which he went over. There, is much 'Jess elevation, he says, than in the western division of the U. R., and not a great deal of bride- ing work will be necessary. The total length of line to Temiscaming will be about 110 miles. The Canadian' government -agent in Australia, J. S. Larke, writes to the department of trade and commerce that Canadian hard flours are selling well there. He adds that a good trade might be worked up. in the inferior qualities, which are not affected by the duty. th Australia, Victoria, and "part of New South Wales have had rain, but the remainder of the island is suf- fering from dronght. Mr. Larke cau- tions manufacturers against loading up the traveller with too many lines, as he is certain to neglect some of them. The mounted police department is informed of the death at McLeod, of Supcringendent Howe, who served in the 1st. C.M.R. in South Africa. He was a nephew, of the Hon. "Joe." Howe, and brother-in-law "of Lady Bourinot, Ottawa. Norman Macl.ean, of Macl.ean Bros. Vancouver, is in the city.. The Mac- Lean Bros, have a contract with the legislature of British Columbia to construct a railway from the Koote- nay district to the coast. The Soveriegn Great Priory, Knights Templar of Canada, opened its annu- al session in the Masonic Temple here this morning. The brethren marched from the Russell House to the Tem- ple escorted by the Pipers' band of Ottawa and Montreal After Supreme Grand Master Carley had called the lodge to order, Mayor Cook, who is a prominent Mason, delivered -an ad- dress of welcome, which was replied to by Mr. Carley. The reports of officers were considered at the balance of the morning The order now has 2.263 members in Canada, and the treasury richer by $1,000 than it was a year ago. This afternoon the brethren spent in merry-making, tak- ing a jaunt by electric car. to Vic- toria Park, Aylmer. Before going there was a street car parade in the follow- of procession: Band of the G.G.F.G.; Ottawa Preceptory; No. 32: Godirev De Bouillon, No. 3, Hamil- ton; Richard Coeur De Lion, Nol 30, London, Band 5th Royal Scots Mon treal; Richard Coeur De Liop: No. 7, Montreal; Band, Duke of Yotk's Own, Ottawa; Sussex Preceptoryy- No. 9, Stanstead, Que.; Goudemar Precept- ory, No. 16, Brockville; carriages with Sovereign Grand Master DD. L. Carlev, Hon. John V. Ellis, past grand mas- ter, and other great priory officers and Sir Knight John B. Keating, British vice- consul at Portland, Me, ete. The brethren with their gorgeous un- iforms created quite an imposing ap- pearance. A number of delegates ar- rived by the morning trains swelling to about 230. The oifiests will be elect- ed to-morrow: James Booth, sag of iJ. R. Booth the lumber king, injured vesterday died early this morning in St. Luke's hospital. STILL GATHERING EVIDENCE. session, 18 ing order Quirk Inquest Has Been Further Adjourned. Brantiord, Opt., Aug. quest into the death of the "FRotel-keeper, found apparently, murdered in his barn on March 2ith last, was resumed at the police court last night, but no evidence was taken. the request of Crown Attorney Wilkes a further adjournment until December 2nd" was granted. The local police are very reticent on the matter but it is believed they are steadily at work gathering evidence. 20.--The in- James Quirk, HOUSES DESTROYED. 4 Result Of Forest Fires In British Columbia. B.C., Aug. 20.--Disastrous forest fires are raging around here, Prony, the Cyanide works of the Ymir company to the Foghorn mine, a distance of five miles, every buiiding has been destroyed. The Cyanide fila was saved only by sup erhunian forts of the employees. The buiiad 12 ot the Wilcox & Black Rock mines, al- were obliterated. Many square timber have been destroyed. Yniir, "0. writes of : Moonlight Excursion To Alexandria Bav, Wednesdav Au- gust 20ti one hour at Gananoque. Full 11th band in attendance. Leave S Folger's whari, o'clock sharp, Tick- 250 7 Hat Sale. 21.50 and 22 felt hats for R81. R250 and 83 felt hats for 81.50, Jenkins'. } upset ang the | his PAYS TO GET DIVORCE. vy Suit Reveals Peculiar Contract Between Couple. St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 19.--Details of the most pec uliar' contract ever made in Minnesota are divulged in a "docu- ment fyled with the clerk of the dis- trict court. Some time ago Mrs. Em- ern McAllan began suit against Fred. A. Hodge and his wife to recover da- mages for alienation of her hushand's affections. The husband sought to en- join her from prosecuting the suit, and himself began suit to that. end. He made affidavit to the existence of 'a contract 'which he urged as an estop- pel of his wife's action. Mrs. McAllen in turn fyled an answer in which she explains the contract. Mrs McAllen ad- mits that in 1594 she married the man who is now suing her. They were di- vorced last year. She says that she had' threatened to sue for divorce, namin Mrs. Hodge corespondent. McAllen induced her to refrain, she says, promising to reform. Later he told her he had his property in Such shape that she could not collec a. cent of alimony. However, says hy McAllen, he was still anxious to keep Mrs. Hodge's name out of the matter, and proposed to his wife that she begin suit on grounds of crueh and inhuman treatment. He agreed to aid her and to pay her $7.000 for the benelit of their children. This was put into a formal contract and signed. McAllen procured testiniony resulting in the divorce being granted, says the defendant's ~~ answer in the suit in hand. Seven thousand dollars was paid and, in addition, McAllen, Hodge and a third man gave to Mrs. McAl- len a bond for £3,000, to be paid at the end of two years, provided she did not begin any 'suit to recover for However, she has begun alienation. and, the bond is now of no the suit, effect. KILLED BY ROBBERS. Staggers Into Hotel and Fa'ls Dead On Floor. "Rochester, N.Y., Aug. 20.--George Hickey, No. $2 Genesee street, stag- gered' into the South Park hotel, at Plymonth, and Brooks avenues, last, 'nicht and fell dead on the floor with' a deep knife cut in the back of his neck. It is helieved that Hickey was held up by three men who had been buying heer in a pail and who assaulted him for the purpose of robbing him. As Hickev entered the Dar "room by a rear oor he cried out, "Oh, Gus!" to the bartender and. falling to the floor, ex- pired almost instantly. There were no eve-witnesses to the assault, so far as can be learned. CONFLICT AT CONGRESS. Former President Accused of Tak- " ing Funds. Vi fons, Ang. 205-The correspondent of the Neues Wiener Tagblatt at Sofia, Bulgari, describes in a despatch the violent conflict which occurred during tite recent congress there of the Mace- donian committee. M. Sarafolfi. the notorious ex-presi- dent of the committee, was accused of misappropriating $30,000. and of being the chief agent in the kidnapping last vear of Miss Ellen M. Stone, the Am- rican missionary. He was also accus- ed, according to the correspondent, of paying $10,000 to a friend "named Deltscheff, who planned the kidnap- png. FATHER KILLS CHILDREN. Joseph Anderson, -of Salina, Kans., Drowns Four. RQalina. Kan., Aug. 20.--Joseph An- aerson, a farmer living east of Salina, in a fit of -despondency, vesterday, drowned his four children, three girls and a boy. in yn cistern, and then shot himseli with 5 revolver. Anderson is still alive, but probably will die. Financial matters had afiect- ed his mind. 'The crime. was commit ted during the absence of the mether. The oldest child was six years of age and the voungest a baby oi four months. Anderson left a note on a table notifving the mother that the children could be found in the cistern. Reached Rimouski. Rimouski wharf, Que., Aug. Phe S.S. Lake Simcoe, Capt. W. D. Jones, from Liveruool, reported in- ward, at 2.15 a.m. The saloon pass: engers include Hon. Edward Blake, M.P., and Mrs. Blake, W. S. Calvert, M.P., Col. J. M. Gibson and Mrs, Gibson, Hon. G. H. Murray and Mrs Murray, Hon. L. J. Tweedie and Mrs. Tweedic and the British rifle team. Seriously Injured. Mont., Aug. 20.--Rose Coch actress, was severely injured she. mistook a bottle of car- a face lotion. She ap her fdee, in a dark room and barely escaped aestréying her evesicht. Her face was badly burned before she discovered her error. 20.-- Helena, lan, the because bolic acid for plied the acid to WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, Out., Aug. 20.--Light to moderate winds, fine to-day and on Thursday: station ary or 'a Lig tle higher - temperature. A Few Short Words 'With You. T0- MORROW THURSDAY, WE HOLD A BARGAIN SALE From 8:30 to 11:30 in the morning. Colored Dress Muslins, 15C to 3oc. | White Fancy Muslins, I5c., 200, 25¢. Embroidered All-overs (colored), 75c., $1. Your Pick For | 0c. Yard, COOPER--In Kingston, Soop, aged twelve August 19th, Peanis years, son of the Fuperul from his mother's: residence, strovt, Thursday morning, at nine' o'clock to St. Mary's cathedral. Friends aad ac- quuintanos are respeotfully invited to attend. , CLAYTON--In Kingston, August 20th, Mary Constance, infunt danghter Henry. Clayton, . Montreal, aged months. Funeral private. (Mca real papers 1902, of" nine please copy.) FARDRUM BROKEN BY KISS. Grandmother Follows Child's Caress. N.Y. Aug. 19.--The kiss of her little» granddaughter on her cap fractured the eardrum of Mrs. Martha Allen, of New York, and she will be taken to a New York hospital for treatment. At the time of the oec- curretice she had the child in her arms, and though she at once. experienced strange rumbling sounds that provel very annoying and nearly drove. her crazy, she did not entirely lose the use of the ear. An examindtion of tho organ shows -a scar on the eardrum that experts say is a puncture about the size of the head of a pin and and which was caused by the violent , concussion in close proximity to the drum by the child's lips. Injury to Binghamton, LOOK FOR GOOD RESULTS. To Follow the Appointment of Col." Kitson. 20.--The Times, in an article on the appointment of - Col. Kitson, formerly military attache to the British embassy at Washington, as' governor of Sandhurst Military Col- lege, 'where there has been éonsiderablo trouble with the cadets recently, ex- presses the hope, that much good will result from his observation of Ameri- can methods at West Point. The Times recalls the evidence given by Col. Kit: son before the recent enquiry commis. sion into British military education in which he strongly urged thé adop- sion at Sandhurst a system of train'ng similar to West Point. lL.ondon, Aug. of that at Hat Sale. 50 and 82 felt hats for $1. 83 felt hats for $1.50, | £2.50 and Jenkins' at ""Pibby"s."" Oak Hall. "Bibby's.'"' Mite Dies From Shock. Sprincthield, TL, Aug. 20.--Twelve dave-ola Freddie Benning, son of Mr and Mi Benning, of this city, ana ane of the smallest babies ever born, is dead as the result of an electrie storm. The child weighed less than one pound at the time of birth. | | | Ticks, Mid- Bibby Co. wear, Florado, Ln 3 eww esvee sscecsescalll RR uvotirs Legs Burned To A Crisp. Schenectady, N.Y., Aug. 20:--Casper Tomazewdki attempted. tojack up a thre ton mold Yin the Locomotive works iron foundry vesterdav, when it tal poured on them to a molten me and lees, burning He will die, . frat crisp. Oak Hall. {cameras | ! cessor irhnort ' od. al! woo £1.50, § Giving Them Away ? + not, hut we w cost. H. RB. so C, Mitchell, +. are salling | Taylor, No, we sue to ' t Le ¢ ' ¢ ' ¢ | ¢ 0 ELE Enamelled Belt Buckles, Brooches, Hat Pins, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Pecket Knives, etc. . Spaoas from 75¢. 10 $3.50 Largest Selection in Ontario. : A. JOKNSTON & BRO, JEWELERS, Prin and Welfayton Sts. Co 60 Bay

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