Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Aug 1902, p. 2

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ism a ' TER DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20. experiment on the Baby. Give it Nestlé's Food upon which the H1hird generation is now thriving. M samples {sufficlefit far eight meals) free. LEEMINC MILES &CO., MONTREAL. 'Every purchaser of Carpets, whether for the smallest room or the largest hotel wants his mind satisfied on three points, namely, price--quality--style. It is because we convince our customers as to every ome of these requirements that we confidently expect your patronage. an se ---- . McFaul Kiongstoa Carpet Warchouse. SOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine nN L.A or 7 3 ittle Liver Filis ust Boar Signawure af on pe ' a " 3 ten nt . stm . Sia a See Pacatdiniis Wrvpper Below. Very small sad as say 20 2X0 28 Unu YF DR ZLALACHY, CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. 28 TTL FOR BILIOUSHESS. 3 %. |For Tear LIVER. FOR CCHSTIPATION. FOR SALLGW SKIX. FOR VRE COMPLEXICH . GRIT Must AVE HCRATURL, ase | Puraty Vegetadio, Cheriimet CURE SICK HZADACHE. Carriages Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires .on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy . your drives. » JAMES LATURNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St. « Kingstom: Milk and Butter Guaranteed good. © Al- ways in plenty. Prompt- ly .delivered. WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK ? Don't waste™ time look- ing for the best; it's here always, all you Clarified Milk Co. Corner Bagot and Brock Streets. RUBBISH Well not tan turn it lectaig it all card to the Co. *3%0 pavs highest cash prices for =ll the stuff yourdon't want and have no use for. ' Z exactly: at into whit together IN Ninegston ¢ Mat Princess strect. is WAS FOUND DEAD IF BE TED BY GAS. In Life Ended in a Napanee Hotel -- Leit Note to His Wife Bidding Her Good Bye -- Was a Good 'Citizen. ? About hali-past three' o'clock Tues- day afternoon Chief of Police Baillie received a telephone message from. Na- panes informing him that a man who had registered at the Paisléy house William Cofiey, Kingston, had b found dead in his room; it' was a case of' suicide, apparently, as a gas jet was turned on and the man had been asphyxiated; the" (niet was asked 10 notify the man's family, who resided at 121 Stuart street. : : A "despatch from Napanee: brought these particulars of the sad aifair: "WW. Cofiey, a man about sixty-five or seventy years of age. was: found dead in his room in the Paisley house, i Vv. a case of suicide by gas, was IRrageasion to use the gas, there being an electric ligh in the room which had been going all night. The man is..a. traveller, = but it not as yet known what firm he, represented. In five or six places in & book and on the side of a news- paper he wrote "121 Stuart str ot, Kingston, is my home," which® showed that he had » premeditated the rad! act. When found he was lving on his side in bed with his arms folddd and hetore being disturbed looked { was asleep. Deceased came" tot the Paisley house last Friday and ~went away but came back Saturday and had been there since. He had no bag- gage or crip, only a bottle with some- thing ir. «He had been dead a loay time when found, as he was quite stiff. © He was last seen by Mr. Pratt, the proprietor of the hotel, is on his way: to his room." From a special correspondent at Napance the Whig. received these fur ther particulars : : . "About 3.30 o'clock this afternoon a waiter at the Paisley House re marked to the proprietor that. the gen- tleman occupying a room on the top tint had not appeared for either break- fast or dinner. Immediately an i vestigation was made, when it found that the electric light in the room was still burning, the key-hole of the door stopped up, the window closed and a gas jet opened, The door was forced open, when it was found that the occupant, William Coffey, 121 Stuart street, Kingston, was cold in death. His addresses. was written on a' piece of paper and left upon 'the dress- er in the room, and a short note was found in his pocket, addressed to his wife, bidding her good-bye and ex- ywessing a wish to meet her in heav- en. Mayor Ruttan and Coroner Hufi- man, were called in and' the last nam- ed, upon investigating the case, #ided not to hold an inquest. Friends of the deceased were telephoned the startling 'news, and the body was re- to undertaker Carscallen's to await the arrival of the relatives from Kingston. Nothing known here of the dead man's motive for sich a sash act." x The deceased was well known in Kingston, having resided here almost all his life time. He was for over twenty years employed as stoker in the Kingston penitentiary, but was <uperannuated "about three years ago to make way for a younger mau. He was a steady upricht man, a good citizen and a trusted friend. Shortly after leaving the peaitenti- ary he made a trip to British Colume bia, hit did not remain away any Tewoth of tines he had since tokd--his friends that he lost a lot of monty hy veason of that trip. Whether or not this preved on his mind, unsettling his geason, is not known. lle was a man of few and only to a few iriends did he ever converse on per- <onal 'affairs. He held the respect of all citizens who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and his untimely death is deeply regretted. He was in- dustriously inclined and was always employed. He canvassed the city --re- peatedly selling useful household nov- eltivs, and seemed.to be doing a fairs lv 'thriving 'business. : ed was born in County Down, wd, about sixty-seven vears ago, ana came to Canada when voung. He married a Miss Brown, who. with ten' children, survive. Nr. Colfey an attendant at the Preshyterian chur The remains arrived by the GL.R. {rain at 0:10 in- was de- moved 1s words was Of Benelit to (irowing-Girls. it- Makes the Pale, Bloodless and Anacmic Strong, Henlthy and Vigorous. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. -- "In the life of nearly every girl there comes a time , when her system de- mand¥ Just such assistance as can best be supplied hy Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. The physiolog cal chanves which take place put wu strain on the system. which is likely to leave pale weakness and a run-down sys- stem. "This great. food = cure health and color to the pale and an- wl frequently relieves parents len of anxiety regarding their growing girls. Mrs. Goodson, 104 Sebastopol str Que, states: wughter was i to have no bad, and bloodless. Nince k Dr. ness, restores acmic, X of a bn very stren she Chase's Nerve marked She i firm | think that it a splendid treatment for ¢ i 2» Dr. Chase's hox, # boxes for 22.50, at all dealers, or Ldwanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. rowing after sup-f per last night, when he seemed to be] o'clock this morning, and were taken to the family home on Stuart street. Think It Accidental. The sons of the late Mr. Cofiey, who went to apanee to secure the remains are of opinion that the death was ac cidental and was in nowise premeditat- od. From enquiry they learned that the electric' light on Monday night was poor and persons had tq resort to gus. This Mr. -Cofiey may have done. The' hole in the door was not a key hole, but a hole left by the removal of a Yale lock. Naturally any occupent of the roomr to secure privacy would cover the hole or stuff paper or cloth in it. This Mr. Coficy may have done, or the hole may have been filled a month ago by other parties. The evidence doés not establish that Mr. Cofiey had clesetl it. The er... _he leit for his wife was an unfinished one: he wrote of going away and that she. would hear from him again. His name and address was written on a copy of a War (Cr) The sons from all they could learn arg quite satisfied that his life. was lost in all probability by his blowing out' the gas before retiring. PERSONAL MENTION. Re Movemexts of The People--What- They Are Saying: And Doing. Jeli Chrysler, Ottawa, is in the city. Me. and Mrs. Homer Bluck, Kings- ton, are visiting friends at Smith's Falls. . = Miss A. Beyette, Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. Gearge H. Ruttan, Pie: ton. y John A. Makay, a New York pub- lisher, is visiting his father," Capt. D. H. Mckay. Miss Mav ¢Purdy, Kingston, the ouest of M Farley, Ottawa, has re- turned home. hr Wo B: visiting his parents" Mr. and" Mrs. D. "Thompson. . Albert and siterh > Rea New York, are in the city visiting their parents, Division "street. . : K. V. Greene, Walter & Sons; Walkerton, is in Thompson, New York, is representing Hiram the city on a vacation. , Miss Ella Baxter is in Ottawa, the guest of her er, Mrs (Rev.) T. Lailey, Motcalie strect. Mrs. McLaren, wife of the proprietor of the Iroquois hotel, slipped while at work breaking a rib. 'Mr. and Mrs. Felix Shaw. Bagot street, left to-day on a trip to Mus koka and cities across the border. Percy Murray, late of Chown's drug store, -has gone to Westport to take over the drug business he purchased. Miss Mary Gourdier has returned "to Kingston after a two weeks visit with her cousins, the Misses Backus, Belle: ville. P. Purcell, who formerly conducted a barber shop on Clarence street, now in the ¢stablishment of J. Jones, James L&lie, manager of the Can- adian Express Co., ha® gone on a vis- it to London, Ont., to recuperate his health. ! James veilson, City Delivery, Kingston affection. William si 1s H. proprietor of "the Smith's Falls, in consuit regarding an car to Marshall. a Kingston "old boy," is in the city renewing acquain- tances. He is now manager of a large dry goods store in Galt. { Mr. and | Mrs. PP. Rattray, Desmonies Towa, after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. 8, Rourhton, University avenue, have returned home., Mrs. (Prof) Clarke, and two of Chicago, her mot! and ster, Miss Bessie Fralick, visitors in Kingston on Tuesday and renewed many old acquaintances: Fhey leit on the steamer Caspian for Picton. Allen Baker, a prominent mem- of the. London, Ene. county coun- accompanied by his son and two ters, are making a tour of Can- and the United: States. Mr. Baker was formerly a resident of Frontena John F. Baker, Alwington avenue, a cousin of the Lowapner. sons, were -~ INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. By the way, did vou ever hear corns-talk * What will the oysters-tew, now that September is drawing near ? The magistrate enjoyed a regt-from his labors this morning. There was a blank docket at the police court. Leger's Y.Z(Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better 'than other soap powders, a8 it also acts as a disinfectant. 24 Sunday night during the absence of the family at churchya thief entered a Colborne street residence and carried off $10. Three dwelline of St. Lawrence ave- nue, owned by Ald. Graham, have been purchased by George Clarke, Glen- burnie. + Repairs to the old engine in the wa- ter works pumping station have been completed and the engine 'is in parfect working order. Alderman Graham has "disposed of two brick dwellings on Bagot street to Major Massie and James Norris, who occupy the houses. In reply to a question superintendent Hewitt stated that fairs at the water works pumpi: tion were now running smoothly Stéamers North King and Caspian leave Kingston, daily (except Mon- day). at 10:17 am., for 1,000 islands, and at 5 p.m., for Rochester, Ny. commencing 20th June. An apple tree on the Gateskel farm, lath Road, still bearing fruit the Ald. Sears, o OE is thonoh 110 vears of age. It was plant" =) ed in 1722, the sapling bring brought feam the United States by Mr. Rose in a handkerchief. Temperance workers in the city have debided" that it will not be convenient to hold a prohibition convention here at an. early date as proposed by the Ontario campaigners. A convention may be held later. The workers pro- | i eastern poliut. S. | Nerve Food, -30 cents a mised co-operation to make a conven- tion a if called at another SUCeess Gave Fred A Giit. r the street radlway com: presented | trical superintendent, water pitcher and tr in con- *roders rederic of Oak Hall. Fnelish worsted Yecks and ids, & 1. D. Bibby Co. a a al-4 pha Ee ik ASK FOR. HIS DISMISSAL ASK FOR- HIS DISMISSAL. COUNTY COUNCIL ARE AFTER SHERIFF DAWSON. Petition to Ontario Legislature -- To Find Out if the Jail Fiis- oness May Not Work on the Court House Grounds. »The county council were in fighting fettle at their Tuesday afternoon ses- sion, and twok ocdéasion to expres sthemselves upon the doings of Sherili Dawson, who they claim has not been acting fairly in the discharge of his office. . This motion was motion by Council- lor Shannon, and seconded by Council lor Campbell: : "That whereas, since the appoint- ment of Thomas Dawson to the posi- tion as sherifi of Frontenac, this coun- ty has been put to great expense be- cause of said othcial ordering furii- ture, ete; withowt consulting the coun, cil, and which furniture has been paid for by the order of the council in their, desire to avoid iriction; and whereas this county has been put' to unnecessary expense be- of said oflicial's injudicious or- g of stationery and other office supplies; and whereas this council has been put to great trouble and incon- venience in trying to obtain the u of prisoners conlined in "the county jail to work, to improve: and beautify the court house grounds, because of the unfriendly and arbitrary attitude of -the sheriti; and whereas the said Sheriff Dawson has seen fit to make uso of expressions derogatory to mem- bers of this council, and dther officials in the county buildings, which we con- sider grossly discourteous and out of keeping with the dignity of the high position entrusted to him; therefore, the menibers of this council hereby pe- tition the Ontario legislature to dis- wniss the said Thomas Dawson from the position of sheriff, and to_appoint in his place some one wh Gill dis- charge the duties of thdt high office with becoming dignity, and in a man- ner not prejudicial to the harmony and financial interests of the county of Frontenac." The matter wag carried unanimously. Warden Spoor stated that the pres- ent special meeting was necessary be- cause of the actions of the sheriff. As an ihstance of his extravagance, "the warden stated that last year the pro- perty committee had authorized: the <herifi to purchase a table at a cost oi $10. Instead, the sherifi purchased S83 worth of furniture, #which the council paid for, simply to avoid liti- cation. D. M. McIntyre again fore the council, at the quest to explain the law upon the em- ployment of jail labor in the court house grgunds. He gave as his opinion that the court house grounds micht not be included as extra-mural¥ and in that case the prisoners would be ander. control of both the shenfi and the county council. 1 appeared be- warden's re- | i | | i the grounds, however, were extra- 'mural, then the sherifi had the full right of determing. Nr. McIntyre advised the council to communicate with the provincial secretary or the inspector of prisons. . Lhe warden will Write, as advised, and 'ask that the fullest information be given the council, and delinite in- structions, to the sherili gs "to his jur- isdiction 'in ~ all dealings with that municipal body. : : Marshall Reid, apr the be- partially blind, plied for a peddlers license. As case was an exceptional one, this ing the outy way-in which the appli-. cant could- make a living, the council decided to grant the request. Acting manager Horan, of the local Bell Tekiphone Agency, asked the council to allow the telephone in the court house corridor to be removed to one of the offices so as to prevent its use by the public in general. The coun ¢il wowdd not agree to the request, .as they considered it would interfere with their dwn Iréedom of using the instru ment when an office might be closed. 1t was moved by Councillor Sproule and carried that the county engineers and road companies be as ed to keep the weeds cat dewn and "burned. The mover pointed out that the people should 'be very careful in keeping the weeds down. On. motion of Councillors Campbell and Pillar, it was decided to place the grand jury room table in the treasur er's office. Councillor Ruttan asked for informa- tion to a bridge on the boundary ine between" Portland and Camden townships. Thet bridee was in bad condition, and-he wanted to know if the council: would be responsible in as HIT A SOLDIER. The Experience Of One Of Our Men. The soldier boys who fought 'diring the Rebellion went home as a rule in pretty bad shape, cansed by exposure 'and improper food -and the use of quantities of cofice" which left its mark in the wreck, of many a stomach. Mer; itl Hutchinson, of: Reading, Mass., tells his experience. * "1 am an old soldier, who served all throuch the war of the Rebellion and mw cofice drinking commenced when 1 enlisted, - 1 drank it three times a dav and at the close of the war returned home almost a wreck: For vears 1 had dyspepsia of the worst kind and could not drink any- thing' but warm water or waim milk, ner eat enough to hardly keep a auan After suficring this way itr and half living, 1 was told by r i of vour Postum Coffee. At first I refused to even try it ior T thought it meant more sufféring for me. but at last i consented and it" taste mi good, Tor 1 was a dear alive, | drank. it | then lover of I waite stomach that in come Gisiress m with came. | and for -the always cofice, but it at . first' ver cot reckhless-and want We Vears haa comion never 1 meal n lat 1 : a cine hut in my own casc both victuals and drink. I think humble mansion in Pretoria. wn Postom Coffes is properly ---- a-- " case of aceident. Ii the stream was under eighty feet in width, then comn- ¢il was not responsible. | Councillors Sproule and Rutian were appointed a committee - to look into the matter, and report. . Council Avery, in view of the legal advice, given by Mr. Meclntyre, mov- ed that the action brought by the sheriii be settled. This the council ag- reed to. Council adjourned to meet again at the call'of the warden. - FEW LINE INTERVIEWS. Alderman McLeod--If the directors of the fair associaticn want more grand stand accommodation; -- let them put their money into a per- manent stand, not a temporary bleacher. ' John' Dunbar--=T read the other dj of ex-Ald. Allen, when a lad carry- ine Wootl to school to keep _the fires going while the scholars sti di 1 have 'done the same many a day. hut it peat I took along with my S Warden Spoor.--My .Campbell may not be termed an "unknown quantity," since he has shaved off both his hair and whis- kers. 5 : KINGSTON'S BIG FAIR. Tkere Will be Seen Exhibitions ' Within Exhibitions. Everything points to Kingston's big District fair, August 25th to 20th, be- ing the greatest ' success ever under; taken. The manager ana directors Imve not sparea time nor energy in completing every detail so as to en- sure a satisfactory exhibition, and everything points to a successful cul: mination of their efforts. There will be something new to see every day, and the attractions are fresh and up- to-date. A feature of the exhibition will be a large collection of rehics of the Boer war, hrought to this country by the returned Canaaian veterans. These will consist of Boer rifles, ban- doliers, Zulu war clu aas, furni- ture and other curiosities seldom seen by Canadians. There will be thou- sands of curiosities Trout the dark con- tinent in the collection photographs of South Africa. One 'aul Kruger's famous "stove pipe" hats will be on view, as well as furniture from his This ex- hibition of South African curios will be the fi of the kind ever attempt ed in Canada and will be worth the price of admission alone to see. Another feature will be the art ex- hibit. G. H. Kirkpatrick has been given charge of this, and his name connected with the exhibit is a sufli- ient ouarantee that it will be par ex cellent. Famous paintings and works art never seen outside of private residences will be on view in the col- lection. The art exhibit will be a veritable feast for lovers of good pic- tures. There, will be a match Tuesd gue and Ponies and as ot leag haseball be n Ganano , the two league lead- matches Friday after- noon. H peeding will take place on Wedn and Thursday. The platiorm attractions will be the best ever put on at a Kingston fair. Intending exhibitors may obtain juli informati from J. P. Oram, man- ager; at No. 67 Princess street. on ers, two MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements o Vessels. Craig's wharf: Steamer down. Schooner New Dominion cleared Charlotte. Crawiord's whari--Schooner Fleot- wing cleared: for Osweo with lumber. A government steamer was busy vesterday and to-day placing bucys in the harbor. Swift's wharf: down and up; 2 lotte; Persia for Steamers Kingston orth King from Char- Rideau . Queen from Ottawa ; Hamilton from Hamilton. It is likely that the steamers King- ston and Toronto will be taken off the Toronto-Prescott route on Sept. Ist. They have not been paying ex- penses this summer. Burned By Gasoline. An accident that might have termi- nated fatally occurred at the summer home of Mrs. Parmenter, near Ganan- oque, Saturday aiternoon, whereby Mrs. Parmenter, Masters Russell Brit- tan and Carl Tandy ' wero severely burned by the explosion cf a soline stove. Mrs, Parmenter sulicied she greater injury and is not jet out of dang The two boys, thouch verely burned, are not zousidered be in langer. Carl Tansy is a-son Mrs. Tandy, Clergy street. . Carl Tandy was pouring gasoline in- to the stove not knowing it was still warm from previous Mrs. - Par- menter. came into the room at that moment and her clothes caught fire and at once she was in -a blaze all about her. Tandy, though burned on face and hands ht her up . and jumped into the river with Mrs. Par- menter, and was assisted by his ter in holding her down and saving her from a fearful ° death. Mrs... P menter is sister to Mrs. Charles. Brit- ton, of Gananoque, and_ Mrs: Ross Robertson; of' Toronto. + Her sufiering has been so intense that she has had but twenty minutes slecp in the four days since the accident. Se- to of use. sin- Dates To Be Noted. Dr. M. Meeklsmberg, ey ht spe- cialist, of Montreal, who hat had New York experience and fifteen vears of steady practice, will visit Napanee, Aug. llth to 16th; Kingston, Aug. Ost, "22nd," rd. He "is pro vided with a dark rom to scientifically fit glasses. His pricey are very low for glasses and for aminations. a speciality of, and enaranteed. Read 4 Gentlemen Who Are Bald have thin hair should call © on Dorenwend Priti-sh American satisfac tion 19 his advertisement. toupecs 000 heads. stration fr Jenkins' Hat is attracting buvers. and 82 hats and §3 bats at $1.50, sale SS Si; ( ex: y despondent Ditlicult cases he makes ! fact, any trouble 3 steamers leave Kingston RECEIVED A 00D OFFER! : i THE OLD WATER WORKS BOIL- : ER SOLD. The Ontario Powder Company the Purchasen--The Price Paid Was { $350--The New Boiler Wanted at an Early Date. A special meeting of the civic com- mittee on water works was summon- ed for four o clock Tuesday afternocn for the purpose of, considering an offer! received for the old bouer in the water works pumping station. © The after noon was hot and the aldermen "did not like the idea of sitting in a close roo discussing prosaic civic business, but a sense . of duty impelled these members to sacrifice personal comfort to duty + Chairman King, Alds. Tait, Sears and Graham. Chairman King spent a few minutes searching for City Clerk Shannon, fail- ing which he bent his energies in look- ing for an important letter which the clerk had*received and which the chairs man wanted to lay before the com- mittee, He failed to find the docu- ment, which fact almost resulted in blocking thé purpose of the commit- tee. i. «5 "The city clerk has gone and locked up his ofiice," remarked . chairman Nine in an apologetic tone "and 1 cannot get an important letter which Le has locked up; and to discuss the eontents 'of which I called the commit- tee together. 1 am sorry 1 cannot lay the letter before you, because it is an important one." Ald. Graham-- What time is clerk: fupposed to leave his office Chairman King--"Four ¢'clock." Ald. Graham--"I was here at 3:45 o'clock andscould not get in to the clerk's office. The telephone was made use of, but the clerk could not be located, mo the committee had - to proceed with business" on heresy terms of the let ter. By way of explanation, chairman King informed the committee that Ho had had a conversation with Frank Raney, who had asked for permission to sell the old boiler. The chairman told Mr. Raney that any offer he made could not be accepted without the consent of the committee. Subse quently the chairman had rec ved a letter from Mr. Raney in which he said he had disposed of the boiler to John Ingalls & Son, Toronto, for $250. At a later date, on July 30th, he wrote saying that he would give £300 fpr the boiler, which was con Clusive evidence that he was not sure of his right to sell the appliance. The chairman took the stand that if he had given Mr. Raney to understand that he had been given power to scl the boiler, he would ask the commit- tee to support him on that point, but such was not the case. : The ofier which the committee now had to consider was one from the On- tario powder company, this city, for 50, delivered in the water works vard. The company wanted the boil- er for dn extention to its works at Tweed, and. delivery was asked for be- tween September 15th and 30th. One difference in 'the delivery was that the Ingalls Co. offered $300 f.o.b., while the Ontario PRowder oficred {350 in the water works yard. In snswer to a question by Ald. Craham. Superintendent Hewitt said that $350 was a fair price for the old boiler. ' Ald. Tait asked if the new boiler was nearing completion. Mr. Hewitt replied that a rivet had 'not yet Leen driven. 'The Kingston folndry com- pany had to send to Scotland for the plates, which had to be drilled by hand. Ald. King. thought it might he well to notify ghe foundry company that there was a penalty clause in its con trace. Mr. 'Hewitt informed the committee that the company was given the con tract on May 13th, and the boiler was to have been delivered in ten weeks. it would be possible to have ght the holes drilled hy the end of this week, and after that it would be a quick matter to rivet the plates- together, If the work was pushed, the new boiler could be delivered by September 15th. In reply to a question by Ald. Segrs, Mr. Hewitt stated that the old boiler was not used but was kept in reserve in case of emergency. s Alds. Graham and Sears could not see the necessity of calling the com- mittee together again to read the On- tario Powder Co letter. Ald. suggested - sending around a "round robin," authorizing the sale of the boiler, together with the company's letter. 9his was agreed. to. . Ald. Graham then moved that the ofier of the Ontario Powder Co be ac: cepted, subject to the approval by the member pany's offer upon perusal of the latter delivery to be made any time between September 15th and 30th. This resolu tion was adopted. Ald. Tait then moved that the King ston foundry: company be notified that the new' boiler must be delivered on of hefore September 16th, as +t would be needed by that time. Chairman King excluded mention of the pefial clause, as he pointed. -out that the clause could already be put into effect. However, as the city was not euffering any inconvenience or loss he, thought that the clause should not he enforced fow the present. -- Wanted... . _. . We would like to ask, through the. columns of your paper, ii there is any person whoshus used Green August Flower for the cure of indigestion, dyspepsia and liver troubles that has not been cured-----and- we also mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of food, habitual costives nervous dyspepsia, headaches, feelings, sleepl in connected the has the Co. Sears ness, SNess with ctomach or liver ? This medicine becm sold for many. years in all civiliz- ed countries, and we wish to corres pond with you end vou our books free of cost. H you August | trv one We have known . I so. something ~matt with one of never hottle its and tried wer, first; failing < th never ol! more SEron vou k vour racist G. 3. GREEN, Woodbury, N.J. Kingstof And Ottawa. Lakes Navigation. Co's every Mon- day and Thursday, at 7 a.m., every Rideau of the committee ofethe com} i Refreshing, j§ Cooling, ~ Drink It makes life worth living in bot weather. 13 Your drugglst has it. 50¢. and $1.00 a bottle. BARGAINS IN CAMERAS. $i0 4x5 Oamera - - - at $6 ~ Call and see them. " H. B. TAYLOR, 124 Princess St. 'Phone 59. Successor to BE. C. Mitchell. 0000000000090 $ Swift's High Class Fuel. ALL SIZES. : JAMES SWIFT & G0. 'Phone 135. $9000 06 990900099 P Raw Our Coal i« as Clean as Though It Were Wash= ed and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF. GOOB solid coal--so much - solid fire. After coal reaches the surface of the earth from the mines, impurities are picked out by band. Thereafter it-ds screened several timea belore it. reaches «you, and dirt; "slate, eto., really have no chance, il" the dealers are careful. Ws are very ocarefal. . . Foot of Queen St.--'PhoRe 9. A Cosy ' Bright Fire Is an attraction for every one. -The chery glow and intense heat of our Coal will make itself felt with pleasure during the cold weather. It's just the kiud to cook, with, too. Let us fill your big with BOOTH'S COAT Phone 133. Foot of West Street. NOTICE Is hereby given the public tha$ persons using my coal next wins ter. Your order is solicited. PP. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. STAMPS AND MARXERS RPER STA OF ALL KI s, Linen M s, Dotes, Senls i , Ticket and or Stamps, ewe, prompt. JOHN OFFORD. Whig Othe TO COIN COLLECTORS. Tusedsv and Friday at 1 p.m. James Swift & Co., agents. A CABINET OF US. SILVER COINS 'rum sale. Whig Office. $19 5x7 Camera - - - at SIB $20 5x7 Camera - - - at S14 I purpose making it warm for all * -------- BR

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