WPT UTUTS IST OW Linen Handkerchiefs, THE DAILXY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20 BAILEY BRAND CUTLERY In ev le and finish. 2 iy i] all buyers. Ev one Hand-Fi attention paid to the tem- ng and steel. None ut ex work these og Jade from best English Jews ed, Bien lished, . forg a y o specially tempered. Standard a and correct prices. Hand. Forged RAZORS Hand-Forged BUTCHER KNIVES * 3 . ypecial eS Steel used. SHEARS & ibe experts: SCISSORS Sigh JR polished and thor All Fully Warranted Sold Only by W. A. MITCHELL, 68 Princess Street, Kingsten. PERRERERRRRRER BeEREeE 'A Well Dressed: Custemer EE Is the best recemmenaation 8 TRY 7 > CRAWFORD & WALSH, - Tailors and Importers, " Cor. Princess & Bagot Sts. 7 El RRR RR RRR RRR ERIN i € 2 b {FIRE WOOD JUST RECEIVED. A fine lot of . nice sound, ard Maple, cut last winter. ood long lengths. . ANGLIN & CO, Foot of Wellington Street. 8 Wn 0 0000000200000 a0000 DENTAL CARD. DALY HAS RESUMED HIS DENTAL practice at 129 Princess St., four doors below former office. DR. «OB Fish lates. THE 5 © N. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going on in the Business World--The Market News. An annual cyclopedia for 1901 places the total gifts" and bequests in the United States last year at $107,360,000. There are but $30,000 donkeys in the Brit- Spain and Portugal have Detween them over two and a hall millions. Yeoria ships annually to New York $1,000,000 worth carp taken from the lliinois. is an industry by itself. The Manitoba potato crop will be only fair this vear. The and the weather bas not been altogether fa- vorable. It has been finally d cides that 'the dian Woollen Mills company will hereafter be operated by the Royal Trust company, of Montreal. The G.T.R. closed the half year with a surplus of This will mit of the payment of the dividends for the half vear on the four per cent. stock and first and second preference Jeaving a balance of about £2,800 to be car- ried forward. The Canadian for the past week has been favorable, awd oress has been made by the crops. will be in® full blast before ed of week. Premier Roblin himself, a larce er at Carman, believes that tle wheat will average thirty bushels an acre, which means 60,000,000 bushels in. Manitoba. over of German This acreage is smaller than usual, Cana- company £255,000. ad- guarantd stocks, Northern RRy shows that the that excellent pro- Harvest- this crop report weather ine farm- Important Visit. To-morrow, Friday and Saturday, Dr. Mecklenburg, an experienced eve sight specialist from Montreal, will again be at his office in McLeod's drug store, - Princess and = Montreal streets. Now is the opportunity of having eves thoroughly and scie mntifically No use us- and unsuit- get the properly, examined by a specialist. ing poor ill-fitted frames able glasses, when you "can very best for so low a price. Hat Sale. 81.50 and 82 felt hats for 81. 82.507 and Jenkins'. 83 felt hats for $1.50, at Giving Them Away ? No, we are not, but we are seHing cameras below cost. H! B. Taylor, suc- to BE. C. Mitchell, cessor Hat Sale. 81.50 and 82 felt hats for 81. 82.50 and 83 felt hats for $1.50, Jenkins", A Close Examination Of the Linen Handkerchiefs Which We Are Now Offering Will Convince You That The Values are Far Superior to Anything in the City at Such Low Prices. FOR 'LADIES. Slendid wearing quality, pure Hemstitch- elt, "for: 10c. each. Sheer quality, unlaundried, pure Linen Handkerchiefs, Hem- stitched, regular value, 20c. each. Now 12jc.; $1.50 dozen. Fine even quality, pure Linen, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, nar- row hems, Irish make, 15c. each; "$1.60 dozen. Handkerchiefs, each, 6 inch Sheer Linen squares, 12}c.,-15¢c. and 9 inch square. FOR MEN. Tape Bordered, all pure Handkerchiefs, good quality; for 12}c., 15¢., 20c. each. Linen wear, * Hemstitched, pure Linen Hand- kerchiefs, sensible sizes, very spe- cial value, 20c. each; $2.25 dozen. Fine Hemstitched Linen Hand- kerchiefs, narrow and broad hems, Richardson's own make, $3, $3.50 $4, $4.50, $5 dozen. New Fall Suitings TO HAND. Zibeline Suitings, All wool, 54 inches wide, $1.10 yard. English Cheviots, 54 inches wide, all wool, $1.50 yard. $1, $1.25 $1.35, English Covert. Suitings 54 inches wide, light and dark shades, | n $1.25, HI. %o yard. R. WALDRON. z SENT UP FOR TWO YEARS CONVICTED AT TORONTO OF PASSING COUNTERFEITS. Judge Would Aid in Reducing His Sentence if He Would Squeal-- Acaqused of Being a Member of an Unlawful Assemblage. " Toronte, Aug. 20.--Charles Ed- wards who' was convicted of passing counterfeit 85 and $10 Molson bank bills, was to-day, sentenced Qv Judge Morgan to two years in Kingston penitentiary. He had altogether about sixty of the $5 and. fifteen of the $10 bills. The judge in pronouncing sen- tence stated that H Edwards aided the authorities jn finding his accomplices he would use his influence to obtain a mitigation of the sentence. William Cook, formerly a bell hov in a city hotel, appeared: before 'Judge Morgan, to-day, on a charge of be- ing a member of an unlawful assem- blage. He was one of the crowd which misbehaved itself in front of the King street car barns, during the street car strike." The boy pleaded "guilty" and was allowed to SS sen- tence. In reply to a remark hy Judge Mor- gan, Cook -stated that he saw some respectable people in the crowd throw- ing stones. 'They were not ponpactable" said the judge. "As soon as the attempt- ed to throw stones they ceased to be respectable. These unlawful assemblag- es are a disgrace to a city, and the militia should -be called out. A few round of ball cartridges would work wonders." Up to 2 p.m. nearly 1,700 harvesters have left Toronto for the North-West. About twenty carloads have gone in two special trains. The Union sta- tion was crowded. The men composing the train loads so far sent have been drawn from east and north of Toron- to. ' Marion Sarah McLeod, daughter of G. H. McLeod, general manager of the" Bank of Nova Scotia, was married at noon, to-day, in St. James' Square Presbyterian church, to Charles Mora- zifi Manning, manager of the Freder- icton, N.B., branch of the Bank of Nova "Scotia. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Allred Gandier, pastor ofthe church. The groom was assist- ed by FF. B. Blair, St. John, N. B.; ana Miss McLeod, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. The event was a fluict one, only the relatives and per- sonal, friends of the parties being pres- ent. After a dejeuner at the residen of the bride's pavegts, Mr. and Mr Manning left for a trip up the™Sague- nay previous to. taking up their resi- aence in Fredericton. WHAT OPERATORS SAY. No Concessions Will be Made Miners. New York, Aug of the anthracite usual wee to 20.--The presidents al roads had their kly conference yesterday. Be- fore going to the meeting Mr. Trues- dale, president of the Lackawana rail- road company. said : "There is no foundation in fact for the rumor that the anthracite' coal operators will-make concessions in or- der to end the strike. I think work will be resumed in time to produce plenty of coal for the fall demand. The operators are reaay, as they al- ways have been ready, to adjust with their men any grievances that they may have and they have never criminated. against any of their men because they have belonged "to the union. What the operators will not do is to discuss their business affairs with outsiders." MARRIED IN TORONTO. And it Closed a Romance of Much Interest. Albion, Mich.; Aug. 20.--Dr. gold, a prominent physician, and once' a Methodist minister, has tele- oraphed, from Toronto, the anndunce- ment of his marriace. Behind this fact lies,» a -pretty romance. When Mrs, Treadgold died sometime ago, her death became known.in Canada, where Mr, and Mrs. Treadeold lived in their early married life. 'One évening about three months ago a rap was heard at the doctor's oflice door, and a lady heavily veiled came in calling him by his first name. She appeared astonish- ed at his not knowing her, introdue- ed herself as a Sweetheart of his over forty vears ago. The-old love was re- kindled and the wedding is the sequel. Tread- CUT HIS WIFE'S THROAT. ' A Murder in Montmagny, 'Que- bec. Onebee, Aug. 20.--About 2:30 o'clock this morning a brutal murder was committed at Montmagny,-Que., a man, named Joseph Mathurin, kill- ing his wife, by "utting her throat. The murderer and his victim are both thirty-five vears old. Mathurin kept a {insmith and plumbing=shop in 'the villa ve of Montmagny. Constable For of the district of Montmagny, ar I the murdgrer about three vek his mornimg onthe main t of the villave. Mathurin confess + brother immediately fer. Jealousy and drunken- aid to be the motives. <Lret Bullets Fly . Thick. Ky:., Aug. 20.- a fight, Owsley county, killed, Robert James Nealy's arm shat off. Reuben Fox was badly wounded, four_others slichtlv wound cil and Mrs. William Peters was shot in the leg. - % The a candy tween over News has near Travel- in which Beattvville, reached here Rest, Neal mortally. wounded, of ars' Jesse was originated he- Robert Allen and and "pullin Jesse Nealy a-giel. ! Shot From Ambush. Pa Aug. Y0. Forest Cre work 1 1] Seranto wsman, 0 is regaraed as serious. Oak ar Frain coats are ih. coats," 5 S58 The H: D. Bibby Co. | an after | | Unt. | pair WHAT SHERIF. DAWSON SAYS -- In Connection With the County Council's Action. In view of the action taken by the cornty coundil, in asking the Ontario government for his dismissal, Sheriff Dawson. was interviewed by a Whig reporter, and asked for his side of the case. He said : "I have not yet been. 'notified by the government to vacat® my office, and I hardly think such action will be taken since there is no ground for complaint on the part of the county council. The fact that their own lawyer, advised them to settle my claim, by telling them I was in the right, disposes com- pletely of one of the conncil"s reasons why I should be dismissed. "Then there is really only one:other ground on which they raise objection |" and- that is my refusal to al- low prisoners to work on the court house grounds. The law gives. me full control. of the premises ap all work to be done outside the jail walls. Now if I 'was convinced that,it was necessary and in. the' best interesty of the county that the prisoners should do work on these grounds, I = would willingly give orders that they should do so. Dut when the county council amply pays a capable man to do-the work, and when he has plenty of time to .attend to it, I sce no reasen why I should bring out the poor pri- soners to perform the labor. That's the whole. explanation in a nutshell, and it is unfair that 1 should be call- ed discourteous and 'abusive simply because I refuse to carry out the re- quest of the county property commit- tee. "Another point I might mention that the city has as much right have prison labor as the county." to me, is to NOW IN SAFE KEEPING. County Councillors Seek to Keep Table in Possession. There was a scene enacted in the county court house Tuesday afternoon that would have furnished an excellent topic for a writer of the ability of Dickens to depict. Some time ago a new long table was purchased ogtensi- bly for use in the grand jury room, and the county was billed $25 for the same. The council learned that the new table had been placed 'in. the office of the sheriff and an old one removed therefrom and placed in the jury room. The council refused to pay the am- ount until the new table had been de- posited in the room for which it had been purchased. This, accordingly, was done and the council passed the ac- count. Tuesday, the .councillors, fear- ing the table might again fall into the hands of the "enemy," set to" work and by their own labor removed the new table from the jury rodm to the oflice of the county treasurer, who was given orders not to part with the piece of furniture. Warden Spoor act- ed as master of ceremonies and as- sisted in the removal by carrying down the table drawers HUSBAND LEFT WIFE To Marry Another Girl--His Wife Very Ill. At noon to-day, Mrs. Deft, a young woman who lives in the upper part of the city, was brought home from Alex- andria Bay, on the steamer New York, ill of nervous prostration. At the fer- ry wharf, the customs officer would not allow the patient to be landed, until a certificate had been secured giving the exact cause of the woman's This he was required "to do to avoid the risk of the dis- con- illness. by law, ease from a foreign port being , tagious. Dr. Campbell was summoned, and afterwards the young womair was removed in an ambulance. Enquiries revealed the fact that Mrs: Deit's illness had a sensational be- oinning. At Alexandria Bay, her hus- band, who is a fireman, leit her ab- out a week ago. A few days since, she found among her husband's be- longings, several letters which showed that he-was engaged to another girl, and that he had gone off to marry her: Bver since, Mas. Deft has been in a critical condition. At the wharf, the gick woman was met, by relatives. Will Be Warmly Welcasied. bascball team, of which visits King- ston to-morrow, is composed mostly of the players who were managed ten years ago by Chict Elmer of the local fire departme nt. 'Darky' Callaghan, the clever Kingston pitcher, was ~then attached to the Watertown team, and when he died of typhoid fever in that city, his playing comrades played a benefit' match which realized $112, "and this amount was devoted to paying the funeral expenses, the Watertown baséballers refusing to allow the dead pitcher's family -to bear one cent of the The visitors will' receive 'a warm welcome here to-morrow. men's N.Y., The fat Watertown, cost. Historic Cuff Buttons. This morning; Capt. Allen, of the steamer America, and Capt. Cummings |of the steamer Pierrepont, each re- ceived a uniqu® gift in the shape of a af cufi' buttons made out of a piece of wood taken from the wreck of which sank Lendon, the. Ont,' «two old in the British gunboat, river. Thames, near in 1812. Fhe buttons were oiit of James Collop, Chatham, and are highly prized by the captains. Allen | ficht occurred Saturday night 4 t | -- aMore Deaths The Result. * Melbourne, Aug. 20.--Four the troopers who returned Cape, on the overcrowded Drayton Grange, died to-day. Gillies, the ship's medical officer, when questioned regarding the condition of affairs on board the transport, admit: ted that the. vessclthad bein badly more of from ° the transport Dr. overcrowded. Michael ! ------------ It Still In Pcwer. 20 = It a despatch me omple te leetions for bers cof the wresentatives indicate that materi shanoe in the ) that ihe retain pre is announced from To House mem en no ¢ house! The Franco-Canadiun company, Paris, intends to apply to the Cana- dian 'government for incorporation as 'the British Columbia Trust and Loan company with headquarters at Win- nipeg. returns of | there | THE NEWS OF THE- WORLD, TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF .THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. A fuel famine the Pittsburg, Pa. 50,000 men of work. . Robert Remington, New York, who suicided at Newport, R.I., was not in- sane. He had a good income. A vicious pegro created an uproar at Jefferson, Ohio, by an assault on old ladies. He is held for trial. It is said G. H. Perley. Ottawa, myv be the conservative candidate 'in Ar- genteuil, Que., for the federal house. King Edward has devoted the gift of $50.000 received from the Mahara- jah of Gwalior to the hospital fund. The Shah of Persia accompanief by the Prince of Wales, leit for Ports- mouth 'this morning to sée King Ed- ward. United States Ambassador White is to winter abroad, after his retirement in November; he will go to Switzer- land and Italy. New York trolley car leaped from the track into a ditch, turning com- pletely over. Many were injured. and several wiil die; A locomotive ran into a passenger train at Belmar station, NJ. The number of dead is not yet known, The wreckage was piled thirty feet high. Albert Christie, a hotelkeeper. Little Falls, N. is held for the murder of Daniel Aba, who was found dead in the Erie canal, on Aug. th. The seaport of Cumana, in the state of Bermudez, Venezuela, was occupied jon Tuesday by the Venezuelan revolu- 'tionists without the fifipe of a shot. The wholesale price for anthracite cotl, in New York, was advanced on Tuesday from 810 to $11 a ton. This is the highest price ever charged for coal. The Warnke washery af Dearyea, Pa., resumed operations this morning under a strong -guard. The strikers have not gathered in any large num- bers yet. A claim has been made to the Can- adian government for loss of goods and damages incurred by a portion of Canada's contingent while in New castle, South Africa. Miss Edna Dunn, Torento, was gal- lantly rescued from drowning at At- lantic City. N.J., by James A. Tis- dale, Philadelphia, who sprang to Qer assistance when she made an outery. The! last of - the casualty lists has heen publishea. After this the casual- ties will be reported by the peace method, that by letter sent direct "from South Africa" to the next-of-kin. Carpenter, a North Bergen, Pa. farmer, advertised for a wife, and se- cured Mss Mary Utredt, Pittston, Pa. When the bride found out that she would: have to work on a farm. she hastily left her newly-found hubby. At Buenaventura, the Colombian Authorities are endeavoring to com- pel "the" agents of the British steamer Ecuador, owned by the Pacific Steam Navigation company of Liverpool, to transport troops 'to the isthmus. On Thesdhy in the lishment of A. A. Webster & Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.; a tray containing for- ty-two solitaire diamond rings, valued at "$4,000, was removed from one of the show cases and the thief made his escape. Roadmaster is oxPestal to close mills, and rob 18, Fred. Stevers, of Stev- ers, Va., was - shot and killed and James Mitchell, a negro porter, was dangerously wounded in a fight with disorderly nearoes on a south-hound 'Seaboard "Air Line train near Middle- burg, N.C., Tuesday afternoon. Blood hounds are after the murderers. Professor - Rudolph = Zumstein, who left Laporte, Ind., last fall to become an instructor in the government schools, in the Philippines, died there August 18th. Death, came five hours af- ter he had been married to Miss Jean- nette Williams, of Denver, Col., who that morning had arrived on the transport Meade, from the United States. There is -a_ prospect that there will he no international cricket match he- tween the United . States and Canada this year. The United Statesers ave negotiating with an English eleven for a series of games at Philadelphia next month and from the appearance of things the date for the match with Canada, which will not come 'until late next, month, Toronto cricketers say will not suit them. The Duchess of Marlborough, was Consuelo Vanderbilt: Mr. and Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, Mr. and Mrs. Charles © Dana Gibson, Rébert Goelet and. the attending physicigh of the Vanderbilt party, Dr. F. W, Cha- pin, were among the passengers who Ereived from Europe at New York, on Tuesday, on the Kronprinz Wilhelm. "Charles H. Thompson, a wealthy gambler, i s dead" at Saratoga, N.Y. His riches are valued at $500,000. who For And Against Candidates. Rome, Auge. 20.--The Vatican ofiici- als have been. inundated "with recom- mendations of and protests against the various candidates for 'the success; orship. to the late. Most Rev. gt < A." Feehan, archbishop of i hicdizo. Hich church circles consider that a vounlr and energetic man is required, and. the name of the, Right Res: James Fdward Quigley. of Bufialo, N. Y.. is frequent. -- Seventy-Five Went West. When the & P. train steamed ont the local station at five minutes eight o'clock this morning there seventy-five hamest.. hands aboard, bound for the wheat fields in Manitoba and the North-West terri- tories. Between the ety ana Renirew the number. had increased to 200. Few of those who went from. here | before made the trip. K. of past Wey the has Cardinal Gotti, the bv "the : deleg 1at, in his a mio, pre was the | He Favors Falccnio. | Rome, Aug. 20, A fect of propaganda, ' to opin ent Ack: OSLOIe Satie bas nop Pal at to Canada, position. af detegate best man for the Spanish Onions At Carnovsky's. Preserving and eaking pears at the Carnovsky fruit stores. fine at | jewelery estab- |. had ever | Cashingtor .; (SK 4 72 IL {= &, Vid Za Ra Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Official Analyst to Q the Dominion Government, reports that Sup: light Soap contains "no free alkali," means no damage to this closes or ho 3. SOAP REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octigon nar Miss This To-morrow' } A Toronto importer of Fine Muslins imported too many a as the continued cool hindered the sale of 7b White Goods he became frighten- ridiculously low price. in time to secure only them at the same price yards. 0 DRESS ed:and offered several lots at a We heard of this and were one lot. We would have .taken ten times the quantity if we could have had However they are here and will be offered TO-MORROW. LENGTHS Put up in g yards, 9% yards and 10 Then we will not cut. Fine White Swiss Spot The original - It will pay you to I Tre, TNT rr INT NS ff NP NAN ONT PNG ® ONG CIN N fnn TNI oA MUSLINS With Valenciennes Insertion woven in- to the muslin 'every four inches apart. cost was 6oc. yard, Sale Price To-morrow 25c¢. yard. Sale at 9 o'clock. buy this for evening wear later on if not for present use. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON ALAA CA AAA PaaS SHOE BARGAINS AT THE ODDS AND ENDS. SALE AT THE LOSKETT SHOE STORE A large new stock of TRUNKS AND VALISES At very reasonable prices. FE « Qe Lockett. Toronto ----------------, Exhibition Have a look when there at The Exhibit of SOLDER, BABBIT, STEREOTYPE, BATTERY ZINCS, -- THE CANADA METAL CO., TORONTO, ONT. '