oseoewweETD is ANGLIN & CO. 3 EST Sadi ey ihink THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY. AUGUST 26 CORBETT S --FOR-- A full assortment of MECHANICS TOOLS. Best Quality at Lowest Price. .. OLR ... Optical Work Is giving universal satisfaction. We give this branch of our busi- ness~ our painstaking attention, and are handling syecessfully many difficult cases. ~ Repairs of allvkinds promptly attended to. % SMITH BR.OS.. Jewsters and 350 King Opticians. St. Carriages Carpiages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on . your carriage you should send to LATURNEY-- amd have them on and enjoy your drives. JAMES LATURNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St. - Kingston. SAVED HER CHILD. The great majority of mothers now convinced that Lactated Food the safest and most nourishing for ba- bies' in « summer time. Mrs. L. P: Smith, Truro, 'NS, "When my baby' was old he was seriously iil only ten pounds, 1 gave Fool, and now, at the months, | he well and hearty and weighs twenty-fite pounds." Lactatel Food is recommended bv over twenty thousand physicians are is says: three months and weighed him Lactated age of ten 1s 7 900000000000 000900000 FIRE WOOD JUST RECEIVED. © A fine lot of hice sound, . hard Maple, cut last winter. ® Good long lengths. Foot of Wellington Street. Electric Fixtures | We have themi--all sizes, all kinds, all prices; everything to suit everybody. Call and see our large display of both gas and electric fixtures. We have the latest and best, and - they won't cost you a great deal, either. \ BRECK & HALLID Pile: i 3X Princess ¢ Street. To prove to ts Dg Chase's Ointment Lids ana absolute cure for 4 and And Sree form m of itchi Weeding and ru ity tee of fit Tou o as ve Jour mond f not eured. 60c a box. oO ag & Co, TSrontq oe pe O'ntment Auction Sales. Save Money by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, Auctione rs WELL, WELL! WHAT IS W ANT ED NOW? WHY MORE cus omrs of cov at Myers' Pork Market 56 Brock street, bere vou will obtain the Lest co ed and smokod meats in the city 9 lbs. dripping for a uuarter "Phoue 370 STAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SEL} Inkers, Linen Murkers; Dates, Seals, Stwacils Bank, Ticket and Office Stamps, etc. 'Reneas prempt. JOHN OFFORD. Whig OF . -- ee tnt 4 TO COIN COLLECTORS; A CABINET OF US SH.VER COINS FOR sale Address at Whig Office. s aim at' 'the domingfion THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH published ach evening, at_ 306-310 wae. Btecet, t 8 Year: Editions at 2.30 and 4 WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, »ablished every iy. morning at $1 »o Te tiebul Is ous of ths Lows Job Printin Wices in CAnna; yuphd, stylish and cheap srk; nine improved B. Pena. PROPRIFTOR LHE DAI LY, WHIG. Opirer per Orbe: Dicor.! » AFRAID OF THE DEBT. A contemporary has this to say of a aeighboring town : : "In Lindsay, Ont., by-laws to raise S20,000 for good roads, $11,000 for a public school building and $2,000 to purchase -a site for -the Carnegie lib-| cary building have been snowed under by popular vote. These lcans would have cost Lindsay about 81,500 a vear. In return, good streets, a fine school and a public library / Lindsay, which which has been prett | stagnant. evidently intends to remajn.so."' The good roads, the- ool building and the publictibrary may be desir- but all mav not be necessary. and the fate of all has been settled by the reference of them to the vote at able, the ore time. The people have become rebellious against high taxation.. They realize that it does nor pay. A .city and a. town cannot be boomed into activity Their location may be and general or. prosperity. against © their growth, public grants only add to the de- Sometimes a lively agita- induces the electors to do . This has been the case in Kingston; Ry lic enterprises have been all.woo freely helped and with the eflect that the city is carrying a load of debt--a debt out of proportion to its progress and income--and the people are feeling the burden of increased taxation. Ro that it is not a sign that Lind- say is without public spirit when it pression. tion, what they afterwards regret too, defeats a money by-law which would 3 = add more than is necessary "to the public debt. Nor is the defeat to be accepted as an intimation. that Lind- say will not meet its requirements in another way. The people are simply chary of the public credit, and they are to be commended for it. he -- A LIMIT TO MERGING. Russell Sage is a far-seeing man, a of great reputation, a stu a publicist financier dent of whose opinion Whene he them for events, of marked impor- talks trusts a menace to the state it others, to pause and think. passing is tance. about and" sees in is time less infor- mel, Mr. one Morgan 'has been fascinating including Hur own Dr. Par- talk. He looks at every large business with a keen men, kin,- with his eponomic and critical eye, and he discerns op- pértunities for saving money. They lie, of course, in combination, which secures a curtailment of expenses and a use of the plants to the limit - of And as he lingers on emphasis and believe their capacities. things; -- with he that a concentration what some callstrusts is nothing short those people unetion, makes of business into ' of a blessing. Mr. Sage is en- traneed, He the aactments of business for many years. the amid not. one of has lived Hle has seen the effects of combina: tion, has passed through the crises which they haye produced, and he offers the candid assurance that they are not warranted when businesses have been established, that they des tray all individual --ent@prise and senuine economy, and "are liable to wring. about, eventually, collapse and rutnation. That is the effect on some men and the fortunes they put into trusts. The eficet to the state different. (reat corporations embracing great interests, employing thousands. of men ® Lana vac Ked hy millions %of capital field in which they have "fy Fl The labour and money markets amg. theirs. every uence. They. command what they will because the means. It inference "that they the legislation They essay to dictate the the of = the to to a while, that will come the trinmph when it Mr. o . 3 they have is only "a natural will want to fects trade. control which af: and They tan id policy govern ment. presume direct aliairs ing. Mr. an their lik but n general a cording this may go on for understands there is to 1g, Sage end and it in That ple. i= expres Mor: meanwhile; tine. time is with Sovervion poo whose wil can Jd with a determination. an cgn go on with hiv nu to it Mr. Sage feels that it is nearly peached. but there is a limit anil to the public endurance, and Io 'That is the important gue-tion with the imsmrance of be made vou antomobile % machine fast theiy lines Gmpani's France. ff the s to to run faster and or, and take men are {o m eit hands; the risk will be made too sxpensive for the average man to carry. ~ ------ ganville; of Eg will be local ¢l ction in Dr. Channonh an neunces that he nse, a candidatesin North Ren for the next He convention frew does not wait anvone or any to nominate him ts nervé men want politics, td possess it and the dogtor seems "Bibby's.". Of Hall. "Bibby's."" The WE schoul need are here, 81.25 to $6.50. suits the boys The H. kind D. Bibby Co. honey EDITORIAL NOTES. Now it is the Chicago bankers who declare that sheir clerks cannot get married until they earn at least $1,000 a year. The chap that would think of house-keeping in Chicago on a less sum must be mentally deranged. x 5 An awful fear haunts the conserva- tive party in Qutario. It is that one of its elect will accept the speakership in the assembly and so throw Mr. Whitney down. The Pinkertons may "Het eatled in to watch the boys. . ---- . The prospect of. competition from the great coal oil producers i mak- g the coal men wince. The will sooner or later discover that the universe is too big for any man or set of men to hold up in a strike. Either the education bill or the gov- ernment will, have to go in England. Mr. Balfour may be stuck on his legis lation and himseli, but the people have been expressing their opinion of both in a very embarrassing manner. In &ny case the C.P.R. will hate 'a fast steamship line. It may have the aovernment contract and it may hot. it will run its boats anyway, and it will make any opposition line hustle 'Now there is the promise of something real. ---- Mr. for . the sives the Montreal people some con- He thinks that the 'ity cannot be overlooked as the ter- minal of the fast line. But Mr. Hays and his railroad company are not go- Hays, Grand Trunk, solation. great ing into the steamship business. That makes a difference. - -- . Mr. Ross has, disappointed the tories. He is home, and in his of tice, and he will not give out his poli- He'll show his hand soon Whitney. By the way what has become of the leader of tical plans. enough to please Mr. the opposition ? palin The Paris doctor from wn COW Koch's the nto who inject virus @ tubgreulous his arm in order tot disprove theory, veyed in that way, that disease cannot be con- has not been heard 'rom lately. Is his life and opinion in langer ? PEN POINTS. It Certainly Is. St. Me arys Argus, far better ta raise potatoes "raisg Cain.' It is than to The Last Expedient. London News. If this weather contigues the iceman will be compelled to maintain a stove in_his waggon. None Whatever. Brantford Expositor. People who are electrocutea may not be dead, but so long as they think they are what's the difference ? Inducements To Travel. Montreal Herald. i the C.2.R. and G.T.R. excursion rates much lower get their it will be cheaper to go away than stay at howe. 4 A Dreadful Disease. Globe. een s . : The judiciary in" general should scarcely be held responsible for one of its members suffering from megalo- mania. -- Not A Blood Thirsty Man. Toronto Star. Judge Morgan is not a man of fierce 'mind. He probably never killed a mosquito in his life without first naking three or four attempts to <hoo it away. Easy To Keep Cool. Mail. Coal dealers declare that there will he lots of fuel for all if the publie will keep cool. There will certainly be no difficulty in keeping cool if the strike continues "much longer. Fosterville Facts, _ Fosterville, Aug. 25.--Farmers are busy harvesting and. report crops: a sood yield. Mr. and Mrs. Lafontaine, Smith's Falls, have returned home af ter visiting friends here jor the past two week, School © has re-opened wain under the management of Miss Lynch. --A-number----from--here--intend aking in Kingston fair this week. Miss Katie Martin has returned to her home in Cushendall after two veeks visiting her uncle, Philip Mur- hv. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. McDon- ald," Smith's Falls; © Mr. and Miss O'Mara, Rideau Centre: Mrs. Cunning- ham and danghter. Kingston: Mrs. Davis, Desegonto: « Mrs. James Ma and sister, Miss'. Milne, King- Miss Susie Hazleton, Westport; Mamie Hagerty, Chantry. So Looking-For Terms. Hague, Aug. 26. an interview has taken Dr, husper the Dutch Paron Von Richthofen, the minister of foreign A et roluchowski, the foreion wminister of Austrian. Hungary, in reference to a proposed treaty hetween Holland and the Triple Alliance, regarding the in- ternational position of Holland, who, it is sail, would under Such a treaty, 2ive 'the al iance certain guarantees "ton; Miss 9 he that, tween " Jt is reported lace he 2 anier, Oak Hall. will be hove, See 50, 35. 31 the H. D. ""Bibby's." Boys "'Bibby's. |] 50, on £1 Suits Bibby Cao. {Wednesday Inst day of my present I eod's drug store, veal streets, 1 will not only but will al-o furnich ta les absolutely gratis any ving persons who brings a recommend wion from a clergyman, physician ov reputable hu man. M Mecklen at the Me Mon exanune hear sit to Princess and To-morrow eves fee, Spee to dese WSs burg... MLA. eve sight spesidlist Fabien Runtle. a Findander. hanved Rimseli at Sault Ste. Marie on Satur dav ht. nirs of THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Ljttle of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. : Quebec's assessment is $26,397,309, including 87,296,960 of exempt pro- perty. The Canada Central fair at Ottawa is in' progress, having opened on Monday. Mrs. Hugh McArthur, atl Craighurst, behind her. The funeral of the late Rev. Father Hinchey, at Hamilton, was one of the largest ever seen in the city. A soda water generator exploded in the Royal Hotel cellar at Guelph and tore holes through two floors. Dr. Coltman, Chicago, ph the late Li Hung Chang, s the greatest man he ever knew. aged 102, died leaving five generations The St. Catherines hospital has re- ceived 850), the net carnings of the trolley company on hospital day. Henry Wirtz, Charles Hitzroth and Joseph Forester, have been sunimot-. at Hamilton for tailoring on Sunday The revival of" the mining Inhistey in the rand is retarded by the unset- tled political conditions of Cape Col- ony. The Hamilton police commissioners have decided to have the cabs inspect ed and to retire the old and shabby ones. St. Andrew's church, Winnipeg, §- William Patterson, tends to call Rev. formerly of Toronto, now of Cleve- land. The increased demand, for British iron from Chicago, New York and Philadelphia, has sent prices up in London. The Noxon company large shipping, storage building near the C.P.R. Ingerso . The Hamilton city. council will ap- ply for the land at the beach not re- quired by the. department, to be used for park purposes The Austtalian house of representa- tives has rejected all the. important suggestions made by the senate 'or changes in the tariff. Experiments in wireless telephoning were successfully conducted between Sassnitz 'and 'Kolberg, Pomerania, a digtance of 105 miles. 'the Countess of Warwick denies the report that the will of the late Cecil Rhodes niakes her 4 he nefiei iary 'to the extent of $1,000,000. will erect 'a and erecting station at It is said the Cunard line will re- ceive an increased subsidy from the government on condition that it re- mains altogether British. The announcement that a parcel post service is at length to be started hetween the United Kingdom and the Unitea States gives great satisfaction. The British transport Staffordshire, sailed from Bermuda' for Cape Town with 1,060 Boers, who had been pris- oners in the detention camps on the islands. Upwards of 100 hogs have either died of hog cholera or been destroyed by order of the inspector in Middlesex county. and the farmers are much con- cerned. Senator Mackelcan, of 'Hamilton, considers that special legislation is necessary before the city can give a franchise to the Modern Telephone compa The British government has decided hl all the expense incurred by the Inflian rajahs on their visit to at- tend the coronation ceremony shall be paid"out of the imperial exchequer: Chairman Newborn, of the rd, Eng., dock board, at a meeting of the board, announced that Milford would probably become the English terminus tu. of a fast Canadian steamship ser- vice. Mrs. Jennie Smith, Toronto, on Mondav night swallowed carbolic acid and threw some nore of it in her husband's 'face. She was taken to the hospital. where she died early this morning. Dr. Kendall, liberal M.D. for Cape Bréton: has declared that the conduct of Justice Meéacher towards J. W. De Woli. Halifax, will be brought to the attention of the Federal parliament at its next session, A news agency report declares that Liverpool has been chosen as the chief centre - in England for the Atlantic scombine. Headquarters avill be in the offices of the White Star line, with Mr. Wilding, of the Leyland line, as general manager. Presicent Roosevelt's Sainrees on trusts are pronouncea hoth te mperate and logical by the English press, since combinations ser som& useful and legitimate purpos vot require, in ex: ricorous control. by treme Instances, the national government. It _is. anthoritatively denied that Col. Thornveroft, in command on the Spion Kop. when, Sir ordered the position to be abandoned: was - organizing a regiment to ficht under "ghe United States flag in the Philippines. ih fatal collision occurred at Hoff- mans, N.Y.. on the tracks of the New York Central railroad, as the result of which. John Hiskins, aged sixteen: of Syracuse, was burned to death. Three cars were completely burned, aria others were. smashed into. kindling Wand, The London Times understands that Col. Yorke, inspecting officer of railways in Great Britain, has been commissioned hy thee hoard of trade to proceed to America next month in to report to the board on the working of the railways in the United States and Canada. > The Yo M. €. A. world's congress at Christiana concluded on Sunday night. Two hundred and fifty officers and men of the Canadian Mounted Infan- trv nre expected to arrive at 'South- ampton about Thursday. Thev. sail from * Liverpool for Canda per SS Lake Frie, on Sept. 2nd. The Morgan syndicate has decifel to reduce the speed of fast trans-Atlan- tic passenger boats toa. moder- unifarin rate this will fifty per with the lines, it is this sunmit of Charles Warren - senior oraer more of speed result in cent. in present re afe and mare it is expected that nearly smnared an saving, of as © The have renair, fionures Gerntan porte I. agrecd to ai ep. Excursion To Watertown. Monday, the steamer leaves Foleer's Kingston. Tavlor, 2 street. ' = o wharf, 5 am 3.5 or 2.30 p.m. Saturday. large PRODUCE AND PRICES, The Standard Rates -- Governing The Local Markets. Kingston, Aug. 26.--The local pro- duce market prices this week ure : Fish--White fish, 12¢c. a lb.; sea sal- mon ana Seattle salmon, 25c. a lb.; salt salmon, salt trout, salt mackerel, 10c. a lb; salt codlsh, "ve. to 15c. lb; kippered herring, 30c. a dozen; perch, 20¢c. a dozen; Spanish mackerel, 15¢c. a lb.; pike, 7c. a halibut, 15c. a lb; bloaters, 30c. a dozen; finnan haddie, l0c. a Ib.; salmon trout, lZe. a4 Ib; blue fish, "124c. a Wb; frogs' legs, 3ue. a lb; oysters, Te A ry = Poultry--t hickens, Vc. to T75c. pair; fowl, Gue. tg 75c. a pair; le Uc. to Toc. a pair; turkeys $l to $1.25 each. ; Meat--Beef, hindquarters, 6c. to Be. a lb; forequarters, 4c. "to Go. a 1b.; choice cuts, 124c. to 15c. lb.; west- ern beef, 7c. to 1d¢c, lb.; mutton, 6c. to a Hu; spring lamb, 10c. to 124c lb; yearling lamb, by the carcase, Sc... to Yc. a Ib; forequarters, 10c. a lb; hindquarters, 1Uc. a lb; hogs, live weight, 5c. gq lb. ; dressed, 7c. to &c. a lb.; veal, by the carcase, 6c. a lh.; tongues, 35c. each. ic. Fru it--p lums, oc. to 79¢c. a basket; peaches, '50c. to T5c. a basket; Law- ton blackberries, 106. a box; pineap- ples, 20¢, to 25¢, eachy lemons, 20¢, a dozen; Jamaica 'orandes, 35¢. a dozeny bananas, 13¢. to 25¢. a dozen. Vepewaules--Green corn, 10c. a doz; potatoes, 65c. to Toc. a 'bag; cabbage, 5c. a head; carrots, beets, ete, bc. a bunch. : CGrain--Wheat, Manitoba, No. 1, S80c. to 85¢c. a bushel; white winter and Canadian spring, 65c. to 72c. a bushel; local soft wheat, 70c. 4 bush- el; Northern, No. 1, 78¢c. to Tic. a bushel; buckwheat, 50c. a bushel; bar- ley, 40c. a bushel; peas, 72¢. a bushel; oats, 30c. a' bushel; rye, 5c. to 48c. a bushel. Flour and feed--Bakers' strong and farmers' flour, 82 to- $2.10 a cwt.; Hungarian patent, £2.20 to $2.30 a cwt.; oatmeal and rollea oats, $4 to $5.50 a bbl; corn meal, 41.40 to $1.60 a cwt.; bran, 822 3 'ton; 'shorts, 923 to $25 a ton; hay, $9 to $10 a ton; straw, $3 to $7 a ton. Hides--These prices are given by John McKay, Brock street: Dekin skins, 30c. to 60c.- each; beef hides, No. 1, 7e. a'lb.; lamb skins, 10c. to: 45¢. each; horse &ides, £2 to $2.25 each: rendered tallow, 5le. a lb.; un- washed wool, 6c. to Te. a Ib.: washed wool, le. a Ib.: washed wool in trade, 15¢ a lb. } Dairy Wholesale. Butter.--Creamery, 22¢ to 23c. a lb.; farmers' in prints, 18¢c. to 2c. a lb; in rolls, 18¢. a lh. Cheese--83c. a Ib. Dairy Retail. Butter. --Creamery, 25c. a lb.; farm- ers' in prints, 20c. to 22c. a Ib; in rolls, 20c. a 1b. Eggs. Wholesale--14c. to 13c. a dozen. Retail--17¢c. a dozen.. Markets Elsewhere. Aug. 25.--Wheat, new, per bush., Te. wo 3 red, new, per bushel, wheat, goose, per bush., per bush., 46c. to 47c.; oats, new, per bush., 33c. to 34c.; hay, old, per ton, | to 318; hay, new, per ton, *10 to white, wheat, 7c. to Tdc.; 6Y4c.; oats, Toronto, 813; straw, per ton, $10.50 to 811; Al- sike; choice, No.l, per bush., 7; Al- sie, No. 2, per bush., $5.50 to 0; timothy, per bush., £1.50 to $2.56: ap- ples, per barrel, 0c. to 81; dressed hoes, $10.50 to $10; butter, dairy, per Ib., 13¢. to l6c.; butter, creameryg por Ih., 1¥c. 'to 2le.; chickens, per pair, 6c. to Toc.; ducks, per pair, 60c. 10 R0c.; eggs, per dozen, 17¢. to 18¢.; po- tatoes, per bush,, 35c. to 45c.; beef, forequarters; to 86.50; beef, hind- 8.50 to $9.50; beef, medium, carcase, $6 to 87; beef, choice, carcase, $7.50 to $8.50; lamb, #8 to 3): mut- ton, 85 to 86.50; veal, choice, $7.50 to |8.50. Montreal, Aug. 25.-- There were about, 750 head 'of butchers' cattle, 100 calves and 1,500 sheep and lambs of- fered for sale at the East End Abat- toir." The butchers . were present in numbers and: there was a fair demand, 'but, the prices have still a downward tendency, excepting that hoes bring a little better prices than on. Thursday's market. G. Martel bonght four. prime cattle at 4c. per Ih; pretty good cattle sold at from Jie. to ie ., and tha common stock at from 2c. to Bic. per 1b. A lot of 22 dry Cows in fair condition; 'averaging a little lessighan 1,000 hs. each were 5 'per 100 Ibs. The small lean stock are bought Ly canners at from lic. to per Ib. Calves sold at from 22.25 to 810 each; or. from Je. to 4}e. per lb. Sheep sold at from 2jc.c to 34c. per Ib. Lambs sold at from de. to ile. for prime lots and from 3c. to Ze. per lb. for common lambs. Good Tots of fat" hoes sold at from 6} at to per Ib. we hed off the cars. quarters, bull: and 2c. ec. Bachelors To The Fore. London Daily Chronicl:. Mr. Baliour is the first bachelor pre- mier since Pitt. With him are Lord Kitchener and Lord Milner to repre- sent eelibdey in owartand co ostatesman- ship, while the Rishep of London waves the banner of bachel lordom in the church. Lord Kitchener's ence for unmarried officer ous. The feminine pref. cers ist equally well know. ence Fi It avill be an exciting match. «Bibby's."" Oak Hall. "Bibby's." Wi afe expecting vou in now most anv time to see our new suits. Pric 30, RX, 0, RO, R12, R13, BE, B15. The H.. D. Bibby Co. : DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED Bv local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is on Iv one way 'to cure deainess, and that is bv constitutional remedies. Dealnese is caused lw an inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube wets inflamed you have a rumbling or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can taken out and this tube restored to itg normal condition, hear- ing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is no- thing but an inflamed wondition ol the mucous surfaces. We will give<One Hupdred Dollars for anv ase of deafness (caused bv catarrh) that can ho fcr circulars, "free. «#.,J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sed by drocgists, 5 Hall's Family Pills are the best. to l3e. | sound | be cured -by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send AN ARMY --ppR--= SCHOOL BOYS THE H. D. ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL. + of the showing, 'Will Start to School Next Monday Dressed in New Sdhool Suits bought. here. We will be! proud for it will bear evidence that parents Spptucints our good clothes. No matter about the size or taste of the boy, there's a suit here to fit and please him, and FULLY SATISFY THE ENTIRE FAMILY. Three piece suits, Single and Double-Breasted Suits, Norfolk and Blouse Suits. Suits at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5, $5.50, $6, $6.50. . BIBBY CO, a 'Harrison Co's. GREAT AUGUST SALE. Many customers are buying their Furniture and Canpets now and having us hold them until later. They are saving money and we have the money to use. 'Parlor Suites, $25, reduced to $17.50. Parlor Suites, $85, reduced $48. Bedroom Suites, etc., all reduced. Carpets, in Brussels and Axmin- to Sideboards, ster, all reduced in sympathy with our other lines. T. F. HARRISON CO. This Suit, until end of August, while they last, $10.50. A gen- uine snap. Regular $13. "Phone 90 and 91. LATE REV. J. W. MUIRHEAD. Fitting Reference Made to ' Life. Brockville Recorder. In the First Presbyterian church on Sunday 1norning to the congrega- tions of --First--and--St--- John's churches worshipping together there, Rev. "R. Laird made a fitting re- ference, to thé late Rev. J. W. Muir- head; who died in; Kingston last week. He spoke of Mr. Muirhead's boyhood spent in this town and his intimate relations with the two churches here. At the close of his col- lege career he became minister of the Presbyterian church at Whitewood, Assa., and for nearly nine years e- voted himself unsparingly to the ardu- ous work of the church in the west. His attention was not confined to his own congrégation, but he rendered willing and splendid sérvice to many of the struggling misgions in that ter- ritorv: "Fn no -dne of the vounger men of the west had the church greater confidence and from none did she re- His € ceive a more loyal consecration of gift and energy. The esteéin in which he was held by his brethren was shown in the fact that a few weeks be} fore his death he was appointed con- vener 'of the home mission committee of his presbytery. A little more than a 'vear ago he preached in both '"chur- ches in Brockville and was heard with great interest.in his vivid setting forth of the needs and claims of the west. The stricken and mourning fa- bmily are assured of the deep and warm-hearted svmpathy" of friends in the two congregations. ---- Caution ! This is not a gentle word--but when vou think how liable you #re not to purchase for Toc. the only remedy uni- versally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure and treatment of consumption nnd throat and lung troublps without los ing its__great popularity all these 3 vou will be thankful we called vour attention to DBoschee"s German Syrup. There are many ordinary cough remedies mafle by druggists and" I'S SO others that are cheap and good for light colds perhaps, but for severe coughs, bronchitis, croup and es where there pecially for consumption, dithicult expectoration and cough- ing during the nights and mormngs, there is nothing like German Syrup. Sold by all druggists in the civilized world. G. G. Green, Woodbury, N.J. ---------------- Fresh Ney York chocolates | in ves is terday. B. Taylor, successor to E. ¢. ry The grocers net. inthe Y.M.C.A. parlor last evening, the attiéndance not being extra large. The final ar- rangements were mpleted for, their picnic og September 10th. ; : The nistv aoors for the vault in St, Marv's cemetery, which arrived some tine ago, @re now being plac in po ition. They are especially strong ana secure, 1 Finest taleum' powder ever sold in Kingston for loc, 'H: B. Tavler, sw cessor to E. C. Mitchell, 124 Princess street. . { Mille will receive a Varge oi fancy *goods for sale Auctioneer consignment in October. 7 the coloring is LATEST FASHION PLATE. For Cool September Days--It .is a Happy Design. Miss matched effects are not very popular this season with two.notable exceptions. One is the covert coat to be worn with skirts of dark blue or black mohair or serge, and the other is the skirt of shephard's checked che- viot to be worn with close fitting body coats of dark blue or black matching the check. In this cokiume black and white, ghe braid in radiating tucks. cach of which shows a tiny piping of black eloth, and ix stitched with black Corticell silk within ab: out twelve inches of the edge, where it is freed to give the flare. close fitting Eton coat is made of black velvet cloth, and shows the fa- vorite velvet faced coat collar." The revers are faced with white moire; and ornamented with a single row of fancy braid. material being Striking Resemblances. Westminster Gazette M. Hecht writes to us on this gub- ject from Zurich: "Your excellent stor- jes about 'Strikihg Rescmblances' re- niind me of a storv which, while per: haps, less | authentic, cape them all. Two brothers in Paris were remarkab- lv alike: A gentleman meeting one of them on the boulevard, stops him, saying: 'Pardon me. but is it to you or to vour brother that | have the honor of speaking *° 'Sir," was the re- ply. 'vou are speaking to my broth- er." -------- Fall Importation Of 1902. " Prevost, of the New York clothing Brock street, has received all his fall importations fqr oraer work in his tailoring department. His ready-made department. is well assort- od! anda large assortment to choose from... For low price and durability he defies competition. store, The little 3