ww Bilious and Nervous Disorders, Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind and Pains in Stomach, Impa ired Digestion, Disordered Liver and Female Ailments. PREPARED ONLY BY THE SRE he Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Eng., Sold by all Druggists n.Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. Your Kom: Joy Will be Full | When You Become a Reg- ~~ ular User of Malt Breakfast Food It Is a Cereal Food that People Talk About Everywhere. Tlcre are eer Inntati ns but Noth- ing to Equal 1t as a Strer gth and Health-Giver. not fully become vou le- The joys of howe life are attained until your breakfast a relish and pleasure. When come a regular of Malt Break- fast Food at the morning meal, you truly" begin to enjoy life, because this marvelously delicious food keeps di- gestion perfect, to physical strength and keeps up vitality. It is the food that people talk about every where. There are imitations: av- oid them and insist uponghaving Malt Breakiast Food. Your grocer can ply you SECOND HAND GOODS Bought and Sold Highest cash price paid for second hane clothing, boots shoes, furniture, stoves ' all kinds of household A goods, Drop a posed al card and we will call on yu. I. ZACKS, e71 and 2%3 Princess Street. Second door establishuimt, A large stock nishing close user adds poor sup below Corbiett's undertaking gent's fur: instruments new clothing, and musical of ry TO LET. EE. en ROONS, WilH Ok Quien street. youn FURNISHED without board, 101 HOUSE 191 'BROCK STREET, All modern improvements. Apply Livingston & Bro, 9 ROOMS. to C. wiry at FOUR (GOOD FURNISILG # board, with all wodern couvenieuvea, 191 University Avenue EATELY Rit $210 & Nickle. ocr Ap STREET, Cupiain Kirk pad ric 165 KING pied by ply to K an pi 143 KING STREET, WEST, BEAL IIEULLY ~mituated, fang thes Harbor. Rent $240 amd taxes. Appiv to Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Ni#kle. FAST, Eaton Rogers BRICK DWELLING, 193 EARL STREET, ten rooms; Hot Water Heating:..- Also other dwellings, stores and oflices. J. S R. McCann, 51 Brock St., ground floor. BRICK RESIDENCE, 201 BROCK STREE?, 11 rooms, modern improvements, also brick resickmoe $t4 Brock street, 10 rooms modern improvements. Apnly to the fl. D by Co.. Oak Hall, Princes street. " POSSESSION AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE- sirable house on the corner of Bagot and Gora strects, near the park. Modern in evédry way. ¥ Daisy hot water heating aml in perfect order. Apply to Felix Shaw, Bagot street. : ARCHITECTS. MERCH and POWER & SON. ARCHITECTS, ants' Bank Building, corner Brock Wellington strecls: _'Phone 212 ARTHUR ELLIS, © ARCHITECT, OFFICE site of New Drill Hall, near corner ol Queen and Montreal Streets. ETC "Phone ARCHITECT, HENRY P. SMITH, Market Square, Anchor Building, 345. ARCHITECT. OFFICE, second floor over Mahood's Drug Store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. En trance on Bavot street. _ UNDERTAKERS. WV. NEWLANDS, Si ess Street, Kingston, Sucoessor a Ww. M. Drennan. HARRISON > Princess efficiency the best. 'Phones--Warerooms, TT F. Harricon, 51. CO. Street. Prices - 90. r 23 Quality and the lowest * Night Calls-- MONEY AND BUSINESS. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sums from one thousand to ten thous and dollara For particulars apply A GODWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM, over Express Office," Market Souare. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL sums, at low rales ol interest on city and farm property. Loans granted on city and county debentures. Apply to 8S. C. McGILL, 'manager of Frontenae Loan and lovestment Society: ~ Otlice op posite the Post Office. , LANDON AND Com pany GLOBE 1 E Available assets, 215 addition to which the policy holders have for security the un- limited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and City Propertv insured 'at lowest Pay le Jaf \ en )re renewing old cor new ess get rates from ETRANGE & STRANGE: Agente UNDERTAKERS, RICE SCARCE : PRICES HICH CHINESE RGVE COUNTRY MUCH AS TRAMPS DO. A Letter. From Missions--Tells the Methodist Executive in Toron- to of the Conditions in China. ' Toronto Star. Rev. Dr. Sutherland, Methodist niis- sionary general secretary, has receiveq a letter from "Rev. 0. L. Kilborn, M.D., the head of the Methodist mis- gion in Chentu, Province of Chuan, West China, which tells of the latest Gevelopments up to the date.of writ ing in the Boxer 'agitation which has been in progress in that province this summer. Sz-chuan was entirely free of the outrages of two years ago. In fact, the natives dia not learn. of the difficulties till some time after they were over. Dr. Kilborn's letter is dated June 28th, and is in part as Jollows $ v 'Another battle has been fought be- tween the viceroy's troops and the Boxers, in which the latter were de- feated. as before, for which we gre all thankful to God. Some of the leaders have been caught and beheaded and il the viceroy keeps on vigorously, as he seems to be doing now, all will be well, "Another element of danger fact that crops evervwhere, grounds, river. is the are a failure almost except on the low level which are irrigated from the Rice has risen rapidly during the last two wheks, until now it is fairly at famine Hundreds and thousands of famine sufferers ave rov- ing the country; according to custom among the Chinese at such times. They come to 5 wealthy nian's house, and aemand a meal. Unless they get it for the asking, they are apt to take possession and carry off the man's whole store of rice." The officials. do not interfere with this practice: they scarcely to do for fear of stirring up serious trouble them- selves. However, we have just heard that the viceroy will presently compel the rice dealers to sell at a sonable figure--Ycerovs ean do some remarkable things in China--and after rice has fallen in price, then officials will undertake to restore order once more, where now there are disorder and lawlessness, "I hope nothing will prevent those numerous reinforcements from conit or to our help in the: fall. 1 shall write often of the conditions of the countr We' are fo to think that now 'all will he well wet, although for a time mat ters en serions. They are serious vet, but we trust and hope all will pass over without anv general dis- turbance in the province. We are all praying for it.' prices, dare R00, for rice Fea- : -- MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. Craig's wharf : Steamer Alexandria down. The schooner. Cora dock for repairs. The steamer is in Davis' dry ! Donnelly is receiving re- pairs in the government dry dock. K. & P. railway spile wharf: Schoo- ner Clara Youell from Charlotte with con Swift's wharf : down and 'up; - Rideau King from tawa: Spartan, from: Montreal night; Caspian from Charlotte. This afternoon the steamer King- ston was to make a trial trip of speed from Toronto to Charlotte. The big steamer has not vét been let out to her full running power. It ex- pected she will twenty hour. : Toronto Ot to- Steamers is cover miles an Wee Willie Winkie. Wiliam Miller. Wee Willie Winkie Rins throuch the toun, Up stairs and doun stairs In his nicht goun, Tirline at the wimlow, Crying at the "Are the weans For it's now lock in ten their hed, o'clock Hey, Willie Winkie, Aro ve > The s av To ay epine in hy The do speMer'd on the a cheep: iriio--ladidie asleep. thrums floor, But here's a we That winna fa' On v thing r Glow "ring Ratthing in" an airn Wi' an aim spoon, Rumblin', tumblin', round Crawing like "a _ecock Skirlin' like a kenna what, Wauk'nin' sleeping folk. Hev, Willie Winkie-- The wean's in a ere] ! Wambhn' aff a bodv's knee Like a very Rugyrin® at J cat's Ing, Rav t thrums-- Hev Sve, but slop, Jiky the vou rorue ! moon, ug about, eel; n Willie ® Win there he mes. ind is the mither \t has 'a storrie wean, Ww stumpie stousie; That canna rin his lane That bas a battle ave wi' Before he'll an e'g-- But: a kiss frae his rosv lips Gies strength anew to, me. sleep clpsa Cause And Effect. Fhic~Mont Pelee disaster was taken as a text by-ene of the speakers at t-.near-by camp-meeting of ne- mists. He explained. that the 'ruption was a rebuke to' the greed of mankind : "De earf, my "frlen's, resolves on axles, we all know. Som'fin® sanh am E Seas 0 keep "emdaxels greased : de good Lawd, in His wisdom an' { ot tub retrolvam. in ae howels ub de et arf for (at purpose. Se Stan'ard Oil comp'ny comes alone an "trax dat petrolvum by borin' holes in de carf. De earf sticks on its-axels and won't go, 'round no more: dere is a hot box, just as tho' de eari ww bir ratlroadd train--an' then, ny f'en's, dere am trubble." us xims For The Married. t Paul Globe Never both be cross time. Wait your turn. Never cease to be lovers. You wire gentleman and lady vou were husband, and it. = not essential to happiness, 'people usually have en M at the same be- wife. save money without things The ofan who respects his wife does not turn her into a.mendicant BD. Tavlor, 124 Princess street. Pure drugs. HW. SUCCesSOr ad to E. C. Mitchell, THE, DAILY ho Lidl LA TUESDAY. AUGUST =e. ~~ CAPE VINCENT NEWS. Water Rates "Too High--Cape In, cidents. Vineent, Aug. 26.--Our people well represented ag, "the Kingston fair.: The America cartid a large party from this place to-day. George Blake is confined to the house by severe illness. John B. Howe, edi: tor of Syracuse Herald, is spending a week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Potter. Father Guilbault, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul's church, has re- turned from a visit to lower Canada. Cape have been fair grounas Saturday -aiterneon be: tween two local clubs. The score was twelve to fourtee Mrs. H. Bailey is quite seriously ill. ! The buildings at the fair grounds are being" repaired and everything put in shape for the coming fair in. Sep: tember. At the election for electric lights, Thursday afternoon, it is *ex- pected a large vote will be polled. Both sides claim the election. Our high school will open September 2nd. -L. Webb, Rochester, visiting relatives here. John Beaufort, New York, spending his: vacation, with relatives at this 'place. Cape Vincent Tent, K.O.TM., held a meeting Monday evening. Mrs. Keep and son; New York, are stopping at this place. John McGraw and family, Buffalo, stopping here for the summer, have returned. The Masters' Circle of the King's Daughters will not hold their annual ice cream sale, as they have suflicient funds on hand. Mrs. Rachael Briggs and Mrs. J. Applegate Bridgeton, NOI, are guests at the Carleton. An ice cream festival for the benefit of © St. Vincent de Paul's church, was held «at Empire hall Sa- turaay evening. The } 'r and engine are being taken out of the old Burn- ham mill. It is reported that the United States fish hatchery will no longer take wa- ter from. the village system. It has cost the government almost 81 600 for four months' service, and this sum is considered too high. The hatchery will probably pump j own water in the future, unless t village will give a better rate. LL. Cole, son of George Cole, living at the lower portion of the village. has been confined to the house by severe illness for several weeks. 18 son, DIVISION COURT. Cases Heard by Judge Price. was held to-day who disposed of Grist of hy these Division court Judge Price, Cases; Thomas Ronan vs. 1. Murphy--Ac- count 833.50. Judgment for plaintifi. A. Chown & Co. vs. Gilbert Bros. Note, S6L0Y. Judgment for plaintit Stand: Bank | Eben Revell, al-Ac ount S16. Judegnent 1 laintiff. J. H. Mill« count $15. I emmon Collins, et for plaintiff. J. 8. Sands & Son vs. H. shaw---Account $18. Adjourned. William Jacobs v Anthony kin--Account 878 Judgment fendant, without costs. ; acy Vs. John Cunningham- Account $34.5 Judgrient for plain- 1 for 18. Marshall - plaintiti. vs. Walter Jughment ww KR. Ac Judgment for & Lawrenson al--Account $1. Girim- Ran- for de- Eceles vs. Be Grimshaw-- Ae- count '835.20. Adjourned, J. Johnston vs. G. W, count 230. Judgment for with costs. D. Jd. McDermott vs, Cammon--Account S16. DD. Grimshaw & Oo. mic--Account 810. 1 laintiff. Io Mo PRrown eo 8100.50. Bell -- Ae plaintiff, Dr. S.:H, Mec- Adjourned. William Ca Judgment for re, William Judgment for Moore plain- V8: Colonial Sentiments. (On the close of the war.) our task is done: we 'leave Fo thee to finish that not well begun, Yet that.which others might have left done-- pride of Mother ! un- With thee our bosoms hewve and promptly re as in the olden. days : valour finds it's meed of praise friends, in dread "of call went forth, Thy stalwart sons, Avan their In prise of 1he se foes + clash of arms, the burst of shell us, thy children, to the bloody fray: part wak ours is not for us to sayv-- for us that all is well. Yet we would mourn for thote not here, And dwell with sorrow on the ones bereft; And render thanks for those to lovwd ones loft-- Unbroken ties, now still more dear. with modest pride, arm when thou art "Thus shall Thy we hey strong right prest ! laugh ?tq see thee + to meet them at thy hardly sore dis 1 -=T.F.N, Or a trost-- We'll ha To A €oronation Baby. London Globe. Pink Bundle in thy cradle tucked. While now thy: boneless thumb is sucked, And wrinkles bugle thy button nose Anll something stirs within thv toes, A now, in short, vou kick in bed, Dothless and downy on the head. Pen now (ah, bite thv libs with Poor babe--C orona is thy name. shame !) In half a dozen years: or so, Thou'it answer to the name of Co, Aud ere thou art/a prettv score, Thy friends will ring. a change on Cor. And then adover, sad and sorry Will give it up at--dearest Corry: While maiden aunts, thou female Jonah, Will alwavs christen thee Coron Sleep on, "kick on--forget thv woes Twiddie and twist thy twirling to. Contort thy features, bawl amd yell-- A: wet for thee this life is well: Hut, stern. ah stern for thee the strife; In walking down the slope of. life A<sured--I fancy well thv race-- That evervbody knows thine ace. "The Heart Of Chicago.' Those who like a stirring drama of vo-day should to the Grand on Wednesday night. when Lincoln i. Carter's great spectacular producti "The Heart of Chicago." will- | shown for the first time in this citv. Like all of its kind it tells an in tense storv but only more emphatieal- lv and artistically. It is in its wonder- ful scenery 'that, the. great strength of the play is discovered. a0 gc Using The Newspapers. doiphid Record adh railroad lines have* besn let i pag rs ! several space ( says that soon companies will reduce - or other forms of publicitiy in advertis- all the abandon of newspaper ing, and one favor the newspapers. A game of baseball was played at tEY , ter, and] ter THE DEAT OF MS, wor IT OCCURRED IN NAPANEE ON SATURDAY. Back From the Northwest--They Were on an Inspection Tour-- New Block is Nearing Comple- tion. Napance, Aug. 26.--The funeral of the late Mrs. Robert McCoy, who died Saturday 'mogning, took place Sunday afternoon." The déceasea was sixty-two vears of age and 'widow of the late ert McCoy. She a great sui- from cancer and tar the past five 'n confined to her bed, She wa lv cared for by her sis- Mrs. Barker, Picton, and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. W.- McCoy, at whose home, on East street, she died. F. 8S. Seiwood, of Boston, was' in town vesterddy. Mrs. Charles Kim- merly and Mrs. John Breuin left ves- terday for Traverse City, Mich. Sunday was decoration day with the 1.LO.O.F. A large number of people witnessed the ceremonies at the araves Mrs. S. R. Miller "and little son leave to-day to spend a month with relatives in St. John; N.B George E: Hall returned last week irom g trip to the, Pacific coast, with Superintendent McNicol and his staff. The trip occupied several weeks and the western lines of the C.P.R. were thoroughly inspected and improve- ments noted and ordered. W. T. Detlor, Toronto, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Detlor, Bridge street. Mrs. MS Madple and little daughter are spending _d month with relatives at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. 'F. W. Smith .& Pro's fine building is nearing com- pletion and will be ready for occu- pancy about October 1st. Yesterday was the finest summer day we have had in a long time. The past month has been so cool that a warm day like yesterday a treat. Some weather man has predicted that we will now have forty days of this nice summer weather. We hope his predic- tions may come true. is INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked "Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Miss Mary Louise' Olsen is visiting her © aunt, Mrs. McMaster, Balti: tyne Station. F. S. Selwood, . Boston, a teacher in the Collegiate was in the city to-day. W. Y. Boyd, of Ganehoque, was the city yesterday looking after interests of his property nere. Oscar McEwen, Watertown, N.Y., a former member of the 14th regimental band]™ arrived on the Cape Vincent boat to-day to visit old friends. The steamer New York brought rsionsists from Ogdensburg and river ports to the city this af- She remains till six olclock, James), Bowmanville, was here Pika artnging for a hoat to excursion down through the ¥ islands on Saturday next. The excursion starts at Scarboro and includes all stations cast as far as Cobourg. He expects abet 500 to take it in, many of whom will. stay over Sunday with friends here, tickets being good to return up to the 3:20 im. train Monday. They will arrive by the 1:12 p.m. train. -------- Said To Be So. Traditions are common in Western Kansas of trees suddenly dying with- out apparent cause after having heen usel as gallows for lynchings: Many are said never to have leaved again after this experie nee. After jumping about fifty feet from the top of the mayor's house at Wis- tech a Persian cat alighted safely on its feet, apparently mone the worse for the adventure. London had 93.5 per cent. of all the cases of .glanders which occurred last rear in England. v The bamboo holds the record among plants for quick growth. RB has been to grow two feet in twenty-four hours. : A watermelon has heen Rocky Ford, Cal., this vear sures five feet in length ieet. in circumference. It pounds. After eating everv green thing in the neighborhood, swarms of locusts have taken possession of all the houses in two Algerian villages. former Institute, in the 300 i Ret iooll, cen STOWN- in that mea- and is three weighs 386 e Good Deeds Immortal. Ilenry Burton. Never a word is said, But it trembles in the air, Ard the grusnt voice hay™ped To vibrate evervwhere: And perhaps far off 'in The echo may rin eternal vears upon mv ears. Never are kind acts done '0 wipe the weeping eves, . like flashes of the un, the skis; the s read helped the sorer above have And up How we Myer a dav is given, ut it tones the alter vears Amd it carries up to heaven Its sunshine or its tears While the tmorrow's stand and wait, The silent minutes by the outer gate. There is no end to the skv. And the stars are evervwhere, And time ds. eternitvo.-t And the here is over there For the 'common deeds of need. the common dav Are ringing bells in the far away. The Country Dance. lido Bee. ite vour pardners. Let Falance| all an' do y ! Swing vour ~girl run awav ' a s _sashav ! : Tig swing or cheat! the next gal an' repeat ! next an' don't be shy uw er high! 'round ! thy v bound ! 'er go! to Balance bh k left an' wr hoofs ar yer op'sites the sage hen if to pardners, do-s fine hands aun' off vou go! 1 v tle sweets ! Promer nade to seats balance let * von "Dido's"' Remains. of od "dn ren d frome the 1 to Rexd's undertal ' th: old ma: tives here, the cost of bu I hogne by the city. tear qver the old soldier's remgins be H. B. sticosesor Taylor, Pure drugs. to E. C. Mitchell, -------- as good. een BAST. Thé genuine packet has the words "MONSOON INDO-CEYLON TEA" exactly as: 'below. It is never Fai Do 'not take a substitute, - BA GLA x BY BRITISH MAILS. . Some of the Latest '01d World News. Rev. Professor William Johnston, of Chestnut college," died as the result of a cycling accident. Out of the 156,000 houses or flats in Glasgow 36,000 'were found to have but one room and 70,000 but two rooms. A sanitary inspector has been fined for spitting on a Glasgow tramcar while he was travelling as a passen- ger. 5 The bazaar in connection wit the U. I. ¢hurch, at Dunoon, realized £2,- 188. Hon. John E. Gordon, M.P., for Mo- ray and Nairn, has undergone an op- eration for appendicitis of the gravest kind. The lord mayor of London presented the city's coronation gift to the king, $575,000, towards the hospital fund. clerk living at 'Charlton stabbed himself twenty times in attempting to commit suicide, and has survived to be charged at Woolwich policé court. 'At Colchester workhouse Thomas Turner, aged™ eightyv-two, climbed to the roof of the funeral hearse and hanged himself. Doubt as to the birthplace of Lord Strathcona has been set at rest by his recently published biography. He was born in a cottage in Bridge street. Forres. New docks have been in course of construgtion - at Sunderland for eigh- teen months. Now thé sea has burst through twenty feet of earth and flooded the workings. The "ancient. baton or staff of Edin- burgh university, several hundred vears old, of rosewood tipped --with Silver has just been found among some old lumber. The longest speech in the British parliament was made by Mr. Glad- stone, when introducing his budget in 1853. He spoke dor" five hours and three-quarters. Miss Shelly Gully, the youngest daughter of the speaker, has been pre- snted with a valuable necklace, tiara, wd bracelet of diamonds and opals subscribed for by about 250 conserva- tive and liberal members of parlia- ment on the occasion of her marriage. Well Represented. Aug. 26.--A majority of the countries of the civilized world have delegates at the International Congress of Commeree and Industry, began its to-day at The present congress is the movement begun at the The discussions, five days, are els, Bru which sessions Ostend. result of a NO Paris exposition. whizh are to continue conducted - under three heads--econo- stock legislation and industrial While "there is nothine hind- in its deliberations or conclu- sions. the congr may bring about, at least a better, if not complete un- derstanding among the great com- 1 nations of the world that have signs in thé last two or three breaking out into commercial mics, pensions, my merci show n years of warfare. The Fall Fairs. Kingstop's big fair, Aug. 25-29. Ottawa Central, A 22-30. Morrisburg, Aug. 29. . Sherbrooke, Aue. 30, Sept. 6. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 1-13! Frontenac, Harrowsmith, Sept. Iroquois, Sept. 810. Peterboro Central, Sept. 9- 1h, Addington, Tamworth," S Londaw/ Western, Sept. 12 Napanee, County. S Newbioro, Sept. Brockville, Sept. Hamilton Central, Perth, County, 5 i Prescott, Sept. 2d Hinchinhrooke, Pathai, Sept. 23-24. Delta, Sept. 23 Merrickville, Counitv. Sept. 24-25. Renfrew, Sept. 28 * i .ombardy, Sept. 27. ¢ 4 30, Oct. 1. 4-5. 2-13, Tao Sept. 16-18. 17-19. Spencerville, Sept. Beachburg, Oct. Lansdowne, Oct. 7 Centenary Of Thomas, Aird. Aug. 26.--An inter the centenary "of T famous Scottish writer prose and verse, was held to-day at Dumiries. Among other ifcatures of the celebration was the unveiling of a bust of the poet by John Hutchinson, R.R.A, in the estibule off Dumfries library. Aird was a fellow student and life-long friend of Carlyle, and "during his Tite he was intimately as cociated with many other netable men of letters. Fdinburgh, celebration of Has Aird. the of Gentlemen Who Are Bald Or "have thin -haiv--shouldaeall on Prof. Dorenwend at British American hotel, Kingstony--en Friday, Auogust 20th, and sec his wonderful 'devices .in toupees and wigs worn on over 65,- 000 heads. Explanation and demon stration free. Private apartments at hotel Don't Tail to see his new in- National Meeting Of Postmasters. 26.--Post- larger cities the assembly Pfister to-day, convention of Postmas- Milwaukee, of nearly all the country filled room of the Hotel when the fifth annual the National Association of ters was called order hy President K. B. Dickerson, of Detroit. Mayor Rose welcomed the visitors. SLUTS" the to cordially The Perfect Gentleman. Maik great enough and simple in in other wonds Toronto Wilivid Kit in Nir to be manner he the [i Lies ; 1 snbines with manner, dig and reserve, a simplicity: Only the really great of such x combination. . Headache Powders . cure in five minutes. , In boxes is rand at re. capable Miller's 124 Princess street. ! 10¢c. and 23c., headache at Wade's drug store, PPPOE CTIEEOREOOETE vention, patented all over the world. - "A silerifific combihation of matdniils" possessing Pechet: Elasticity and Wome derful Durability. - = FEDERAL RODFING PAINT ----FOR *--r TIN AND IRON ROOFS, BRIDGES, IRON BUILDINGS, MACHINERY, SMOKE STACKS, ETC. Makes Leaky Roots Watarigh, Stops Rust and Decay. GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS, Manufactured only by Federal Paint and oil Co. : DETROIT, MICH. , Princess aad > ® A. STRACHAN A SOLE LOCAL AGENTS. @ i ©90 ©000000CO ®9000eRE® Baldsess, Thin Meir asd Discolored Hair, etc. PROF. DORENWEND COMING He will be at British Ameri- can Hotel, Kingston," ON FRIDAY, Aug. 29th, last day of the fair. With samples of. "Hale Goo, Ladies' and Gents' Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Wavy and Plain Fronts, Switches of every description, eto. He can improve your personal appoaran Plain Toatures and disficured beads caused through: the loss of hair " perfection. Thousands owe their to the akill of Prol. Doreswend. fine looks Human heir Adorme re Protects the head. Don't fail to see his mew [Patent Hair Suucture, patented all Tr ine it Nair, wwielly ray end white. bal, wie a or change. 4 Private apart. iments secured at hetel. Remember for Only 1 Day, Friday, Aug. 29th ESTABLISHED 1890. PHONE MAIN 4303. W. F. DEVER & CO., STOCK & BOND BROKERS. Pg WE EXECUTE ORDERS IN DOMINION GOAL and DOMINION STEEL on Boston Stock' Exchange, over bur. private wire, for cash or margin. BOSTON, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. le 19 Wellington St. East., Toronto, Do You Vata Li of © The We solicit accounts for the pure of listed stocks and bonds. YOU CAN GET THEM AT COST. TRUNKS and VALISES. PRESERVING KETTLES SL SALE FOR ONE, WERK DISCOUNT 20% From Regular Prices, for CASH ONLY. All sizes from 2 to 18 quarts. McKELVEY & -BIRCH. 69 and 71 Brock Street. i -- A Toronto Exhibition Have a look when there at the Exhibit of SOLDER, BABBIT, STEREOTYPE, BATTERY ZINCS. THE CANADA METAL CO. TORONTO, ONT. A- ABERNETHY, Ce