Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Aug 1902, p. 6

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THE DAILY WHlG, TUESDAY, AUGUST £6 IN PEACE PREPARE for WAR And in summer prepare for winter. You cannot better prepare than in buving vour furs now, whem you can get vour choice of a large stock. 'The Fit 'and Comfort Of our furs is guaranteed. And then there's the price. You can buv them here cheaper than elsewhere, and get them just as good We have some special baryains in ladies' "fur jacknts . PS.--A full line of men's and boys' cloth- ing always on bond. -- JOS. SILVER, 102 PRINCESS STREET. BUY BAILEY BRAND CUTLERY In Zvely + style and finish. Prices to 'meet all buyers: Every one Hand-Forged and Hand-Ground. Special attention paid to the tem- ering and steel. None Put experts work on these goods. Made from best English Double-Shear Steel, hand- "forged, highly polished, and specially tempered. Standard patterns and correct prices. Special Shear Steel used. Tempered by experts, high ishel and thor oughly tested. Hand-Ferged RAZORS Hand-Forged BUTCHER - KNIVES Steel-Lald SHEARS & SCISSORS All Fully Warranted Sold Only by W. A. MITCHELL, 68 Princess Street, Kingston. SAGACIOUS PEOPLE consider necessary, possession of complete informa- tion, when enteving a speculative underlaking. For such people we have pgs, for free distri- bution, a handsome, 400 ge illustrated, eloth bound "Guide to Investors," al 2 ue "Daily Market Letter." which is a valvable assistant... Will you allow us to mail it to you, for a while, gratia? Huan & Freese Main Office, 53 B'way, N Ye. a STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. Kingston, - Ontario. PRINCIPAL OFFICES. adelphia, Pittsburg, Worcester, Baltimore. Wangan Ce ie Faaoicts ons hheepsle, Montreal, Toronto, Reading, Atl e City, atl, Toledo, Columbus, Detroll, Providence, eT arttord; Spriagheld. "Determining the characteiand financial responsibilit, our Broker, is as impor= tant as the se. if on of right stocks." Eatgbl ished ANY INDIVIDUAL IS BENE- FITED BY VISITING THE MAGI CALEDONIA SPRINGS; THE MQST ROBUST ARE RE-INVIGORATED BY THE FAMOUS WATERS AND BATHS. ROOMS TO LET. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET AT Mrs. Yates', William street, with board if Adegired COMMERCIAL, MONTREAL-PRODUCE MARKETS. Montreal, Aur, 26.--Flour recvipts bbls, patemt winter, $3.80 to $4: patent spring, $4 to $4.10; straight roller, $3.60 to $3.70; strong bakers, $3.50 to $3.70; On- wrio bags, $1.70 to $1.80; wheas, No. 4 Manitoba, N , T78c. to 80c.; corn, 68c¢. to to 835c.; outs, 44¢. to 45c.; c. to 33¢; rye, tee. to 66c.; buck- wheat, 62e. to 6dc.; Oatmeal, $2.30 to $2.40: caormmeal; $1.50 to $1.60; pork, $24 to $25; lurd, Ve. t@ 10s; bacon, l4c. to 1bc.; hams, 130. te 14 cheese, 90. to 10c.: butter 'nships; 18c. to 1¥%e.; western, 13c. to okuy, le. to Me. * * NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Aug. 20h. Open. Close. Union Pacific... - dE 1118 St. Paul vii ; } . 187 1sad Manhattan... amy . 136 132 Tim Cond o& Tron Miss Pacifi Southern Puvilie rt o& Western Western Union Erie , Louis, & Nach Rock Island Paomsybama Ry Texas Paoific A tehison tol. L & IF American Loco Amal. Copper MONTREAL STOCKS, Cangdhan Pacific + Comahiun Pacific, new Indluth SS. o JTolako Lig Montreal ntide Pulp Flour, Pid {-rohants Bank Bank of Hochelaga teetive-policeman'" the THE 5 ©. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going on in the Business World--The Market News. Chicago firms talk much of the low grade the mew crop of wheat is showing. Business failures in Canada last week total- lel thirty as compared with twenty-six' a Iroquois, 9 7-16¢.; Napanee, ; Perth, 93c.; Kemptviile, 9 3-16¢.; South Finch, Yi¢., refused A valuable soft coal mine has ered svar Halbrite, in South Eastern Assiui- boia, on the "Sco" line. . ; The Ogilvie Milling Co. and the Northern? Elivator Co. and other firms: will erect new elevators in the Northwest Ercomhall estimates world's requirements this year at 448,000,050 bushels, oi which the United States and Canada will be called on for 212,000,000 bushels amd other countries L000, 000 bushels. een discov many, Cheese and butwr exports : from Montreal to Europe last weck : Cleese, 81,566 boxes as compared with 90,515 for the same week in 1901; butter, 17 with %%, 843 boxes in same week of 1901. so far this boxes, as compared exports to Europe ssuson have been 1,107,962 boxes as com: pared with 871,251 boxes in 1901. The but- ter shipments 215,189 boxes, in comparison with 197,465 'for the time in 1901. Up to date this year the Manitoba gov- ernment has issued licenses for 157 new with a total capacity of 4,500, This list does not include the The cheese have been same elevators, 000 ushels. large. railway clovators at Port «Arthur and Kort William. JA good percentage of the wheat in Mani- x and thé" west has now been cut, the weather being highly favorable fgr harvest- ing. Reports of the bid vi i continue, from twenty-five to forty CL to the acre boing the The quality is excellent. Trunk oflicinls are mot saying much, avera re. Grand but it is evident they ard diverting a good deal of grain carrying business from Ameri; went to New fact is causing nerturbation am- can railways. that formerly York. The ong muogmatey over the border, and the ox- planation is put forward "that the loss of business is caused by temporarv lack of ele- vator capac.ity. At Chicago they less there they sav the diverting business diplomatic, for railways are because the advantaocous arrangements with ocean lines lower rates for trans- enable them to quote portation by wav of Canada. FEW LINE INTERVIEWS. Gildersleeve--Our steamers, the North King and Caspian, will make their last trips down the river next Sunday and, Monday, respectise'v. The past season has we n a splendid one. Lockett--1 have not been abla to Lr a holiday yet this vear. Rusi- ness is good, and requires all my attention. Of course, my clerks have all been given their usual vacation, and I hope they enjoyed H. H. it. J. Leahy--l believe that every prin- cipal of a public or separate school should be a man. The boys are all the better if this condition pre- vails, for it strengthens and helps them in many ways. CLOUDS ROLLING BY. The Iadustry Kingston is Likely to Get. Last evening, J. D. Thompson ahd two Eastern Canadian capitalists had an informal* meeting with the civie finance committee regarding the new industry which Kingston is likely to wet. - Interviewed this morning, Mr. Thompson would hot say anything about the conference, and his associa- tes requested that their names be not given publicity till next week. 'Won't vou tell what the was asked Mr. "No. not vet," 'But L can tell vou are rolling by "and evervthing "seems bright for its establis hment here. Next week there will he a special meeting of the city council about the matter, and the public will learn more about it then. industry Thompson. was the reply. this--the clouds -- " What Becamé Of Him ? On Monday morning as the ten o'clock train from the east was pass- ing Bolton's farm, a mile or so "eo of the outer depot, the engine appar- ently struck a man who was walking leisurely along on the end of the ail- way ties. The engineer saw him hurl- ed, into the ditch. The man rose to his feet and fell over backwards. On ar- riving at the depot, the enginoer re. ported the incident, and a lineman af once went down the track on a pamj- er to find the man. Though he reach- ed the spot about five minutes aficr the accident. occurred, no' trace of the injured. man could be found. vet dili- gent search was made. It is a mvs: tery how che unknown man disapjear- ed so soon, even though he did escape bodily injury. The engineer stated that the man was hurled bodily into the ditch. Thief Eludes Pursuer. Hilbert Clayton Howard, £600 from the Frontenac Raesund Island, is still at- gave the Alexandria Bay. who, stole Hotel, on large. He N. Y.. "de- ship. leaving Kingston for Belleville by the steam- er Corsican. He was. followed there, but went on to Toronto, where he again eluded his pursuer. Had the Kingston police 'been informed, they could have landed the thief easily as he was very conspicuous here. How: ard "has a female companion, Mav Simpson, and the couple are enjoving themselves on the stolen six hundred. The Late Miss McDonald. The funeral of the late Miss Mar- | t McDonald, rot her hos vemn mn place thik morn- Mgntreal ! ' O'Gorma Thomp + Bail, "E. 'Paley and D. Deg nis Sorrowing friends laid many lowers upon the bier of (the decoased song lady. The remains were laill "to rest- in St. Mary's cemetery. > . a : hl Fdward C.4Finn, a four-year.old child, was badly bwtne ¥. "Teddy played with matches, Canadian o 1 at Utien, N. | SOF AFRICAN AFFAIRS THE CAPE PREMIER'S SPLIT WITH HIS PARTY. A Criticising Despatch--J ohannes- burg Political Association Postpones Action -- Brighter Outlook For Labor .in the Mines. New York, Aug. 26.--The special London cables to the Times repeat se- -er&l despatches' from South Afyica, to the London papers. A Cape Town "ord Spontient says: "The breach be- tween Sir John Sprigg afd the pro gressives was dramatically made pro- minent in the - assembly on Friday, when, on a motion to fill the parlia mentary vacancies, Sir John and members of the ministry, unaccompan- ded by any progressives, left their 'places at the right of the house and joined" the ranks of the .Airikander Bond to vote. It is pathetic to see Sir John, after "being for twenty-five vears .the champion of British progres sive interests, surrendering in his clos- ing. days his parliamentary career to the Boers." Commenting on the abandonment of the proposed meeting of the Johan nesburg political association, a cor- respondent says this position viundi cates the common sense of the com- munity, which realizes that indiscrim- inate political criticism at the present moment would be not only useless, but also unfair to Lord Milner's aul- ministration, which is contending with den cessation of war, after the sus- pension of civil life for three vears. The labor outlook i s becoming much brighter, says the Times' correspond- ent at Johanmesbure, though the in- creased influx of natives is hardly vet perceptible. Still the exodus is dimin- inishing with the spring, and recruit- ing prospeets are decidedly. better. The white labor experiment is showing promising results. On larger and rich- er mines white men, plus machinerv, can replace' natives, though the small- er mines, perhaps, must continue = to employ cheap native hand labor. FALL XILLS GIRL ACROBAT. Misses Ropé and Net--Dies Almost - Instantly. Paris, Aug. 26.--A despatch from Tourcouing, a town in Northern France, reports the death there of Ma- rielle Brackett, a beautiful girl acro- bat, who made a sensation at the Nouveau Cirque here last winter. She had finished an act high in the air, and after blowing a last kiss to the audience, while swinging * from the trapeze toward the rope an attendant below held for her to shde down, she missed her hold and fell. She missed the net also, and crashed through a wooden structure being erected for the next act. Horrified cries filled the cir- cus and women fainted. The girl died in ten minutes. Her mother and two who always traveled with her, witnessed the accident. sisters, THE TRANSVAAL LEGATION. The Employees Receive Notice to Quit. Prussels, Aug. 26.--The Boer als have notified the employ of the 'I'ransvaal legation that their services will no Tonger be required after the end of September, when the leg#tion will be abolished. When they conferred with Mr. Leyds last weck the generals suggested the desirableness of his sur- render of his position as representa- sive of the former Transvaal republic. On the disappearance of Dr. Levds it is thought probable that ex-State Se- cretary Reitz will become leader of the irreconcilables and attempt to oegan- ize an anti-British campaign in Fu rope. gener- Eating Clay And Sawdust. London, Aug. 26.--'Fhe Times™ corre- spondent at Oporto sav: that the Por- tuguese who are not allowed to im- port foreign tour, have just discover- ed © that they have been diving on bread adulterated with such things as ground rice husks, china clay, and sawdust. Some specimens of bread contained fifty-three per cent. clay. The correspondent public is rather amused than indig- nant. People are talking about "'earn: ing our daily sawdust." analyzed of china savs . that the Received Knighthood. 'Ottawa, Aug. 26.--lt was learned to- day that Sir Frederick Borden, minis- ter of militia, received the investiture of knighthood at the . hands of his majesty personally. Five tenders have been received at the department of public works for the construction of the Canadian mint at Ottawa. Smallpox is spreading rapidly in Gracefield district. A large number of cases have been reported. English Carry: Lucky Boxes. London, London is the carrying of 'lucky box- es" made in the style worn by the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Each box is made of ebony, and is about the size of an ordinary drauchteman' There "is a trick "opening inside; which contains an Eovptian's eve. The wearers of these Tucky Doves are Sipe posed to be free from all disasters, and to prosper in affairs of love and business. case, '« Visited The President. Paris, Ady. 26.--The Premier of Ca: nada, Sir, Wilirid Laurier, and the Canadian minister of finance, W. 'S, Fielding. . visited" President Loubet at Ramboullet to-day, and there to luncheon, at which the ter of foreign affairs, M. | Beron D'Estonrenelles De Constant, the {| French deputy and diplomat ently visited the United States wete 1 also present minis- Deleasse and who re Two Killed By Sunstroke. Winnipeoy : Alexander Mar | tin, a : L by sinstroke while plaving near big, hope in Bran doh. I vy Mise Gardiner, fif of Rapid City, received a fatal stroke while visiting frierds at Pendennis. . Pore drhes."H. to E. C. Mitchell, . Tavlor, successor 124 Princess street. the colossal task caused by the sud-' Aug. 26.--A new fad in remained | . |store, hut vears vor ade, | As Assistant Sciente Master at Collegiate Institute. The management committee of the board of education met last night to appoint a slccessor to James Sexton, the retired assistant science master at the Collegiate Institute. Out of about twenty- five applicants, L. E. Staples, the popular principal of Central school, was recommended for the po- sition. He is ably qualified for the po- |sition, holding a grade Al certificate, a gold medallist. of Queen's and a Mo- del, Normal and School of Pedagogy graduate. Few assistants ou the col- leginte staff have a higher standing | than Mr. Staples, and his selection [gives great pleasure to large numbers of Kingstoniaus. To fill his position ns 1yincipal of Central school and the Model school, R. F. Greenlees will likely be, trans- ferred from the principalship of Fron: tenac school. Inspector Kidd was in- structed to re-arrange the thus dis- organized staff, and he will report at the next meeting of the committee to be held on 'Phursday - afternoon, prior to the special meeting of the board on Thursday night. Tt is ex- pectet that such arrangements will be made as will not necessitate the ap- pointment of another teacher term. A WRIT ISSUED, To Set Aside $65,000: Promissory Note. Toronto, Aug. 26.--A writ was is- sued to- day by Henry Totten, of the provincial license office; against the Nickel Copper company, Hon. A. T. Wood, James Dixon, John Patterson, J. BR Moodie, all of Hamilton, J. A. 'Rammeur, of Toronto; J. E. Akron, Ohio, and the Stirling com- pany, Chicago, to set aside a promis- sory note of £65000 advanced by the Stirling company to the Nickel Cop- per company, and to declare void some $100,000 worth of securities, given as collateral. Chief Justice Fal- conbridge granted an interim junction, restraining defendants from dealing with the securities referred to. a LOST DURING STORM. Fishing Dory and Its Ocaupant Disappeared. San Francisco, Aug. 26.--The fishing schooner Stanley, which has returned rom Behring Sea, reports that on May ISth second mate Manuel Cadoza was lost during a storm in Be=tol Pay. On June Sth four dor jes were hidden from sight hy a dense fog: one of them fin, was never seen agnin and Scofin is supposed to have been lost. An- other of the missing dories contniving John Quist was picked up hy tne Stanley after an absence of four duns and three nights. Quist was fiche from hunger and exposure. Dangers Of Eating Corn. Trenton, N.J., Aug. 26.--At the Mec- Kinley hospital yesterday, Dr. McCul- doch removed from the nose of Ruseell Cowpe, a four-year-old boy, a grain of corn that had sprouted and was Lezinning to grow. The boy was brought to the hospi- tal from his father's farm, in Ewing township, with- his nose and face swollen, and his parents explained that some days ago he had jammed a grain of corn into one of his nostrils. The prospective corn crop was re moved and the boy taken to his howe. Hurrying Home. Washington Tithes. Hurrying home as the daylight dies, Goes: the weary, toiline throng-- Somewhere a joyous welcome les, Children's prattle and. jocund song; Others who Erow but a lonely room, Cheerléss hearth and a tasteless fare, Hurryving home in the deepening gloom, Some with their joy and same their care. Hurrying home as. the years roll by. Onward moves the workl's great throng, Some to discover their resting nigh, Others the way both hard and long; Some by the beacon of Faith are ld Trustingly over the path they roam; Same in the gloom of a mystic dread: All of them, all of them, hurrying home. Are At Work At Old Jobs. David Ferguson, John McCullock, Andrew Harris and W. Robertson, Scotch machinists alleged to have jumped their contracts and left "for Rochester, N.Y., to work on new jobs are still in the Locomotive Works and write to the News, 'the paper publish- ing the story, that some joker has been imposing upon it for there is not one word of truth in the statment. They further sav the companv has treated them with fairness and hber- ality. Pope To Appoint Quigley. ome, Aug. 26.-=The opinion at the vatican is that the pope is likely to appoint Right Rev. James Edward Quigley, bishop of Pul- falo, to the archbishopric of Fhicago, notwithstanding Bishop Qui Ss ex pression of preference to romain in Jufialo. In the event of Rishon (nig fey "not appointed; the congre- gation of the propaganda is likely to request that a new list of candidates he Submitted. : . His Pound Of Many queer cases come before the division court judges. This morning, Judge Price was compelled to give a plaintill a wholesome pices of his mind. "So vou insist on the letter of thie law being administer "remarked his honor "Well T suppose I'll have to allow von vour pound of flesh," he concluded as he gave judg- ment. being Flesh. severely, Found The Window Open. At an early hour this morning the police discovered a rear window. of | Wallron's dry goods store to be open. { Fearing. that a burglary had heen committal, they at once notified y Waldron, who came down town | company with Serge. Snodd i Constable Bateson, he vi found that nothing + been removed. It is not known {the winfow became open 4 A Disabled Steamship. New York, Aug. 26. --The German tank steamer Diaman, from Shields, Jor this port, while passing Fire island, alled © Pissed aisabled steamer Furst Bismarck with thrust shaft broken." No other particulars were signalled. MR. STAPLES SECOMMENDED RT this Ritchie,* that of Martin Sco prevailing THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Qver--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Winnipeg council has struck the rate of taxation at 22} mills. \ J A priest fell from a parapet at St. Bernard's seminary, Rochester, N.Y., and was seriously injured. Six of the gas buoys to beeplaced on the St. Lawrence route were land- ed in Montreal, on Monday. In Paris a banquet will be given Sir Wil rid Laurier on September Ist. He leaves next day for Switzerland and Rome. > Patrick Philips, Watertown, NX. charges "his sister-in-law, Mrs. ' Hattie Philips, with larceny. She is out on $100 bail. Last week was probably the heaviest in the gambling annals of Saratoga. About $300,000 changed hands during the waces. Mrs. Ida Bess, Woodhull, N.Y., was struck by a train and killed, on Mon- day. A flagman warned her twice not to cross the track. s General Miles isgoing to the Philip- pine Istands with the permission of the United States president to inspect army conditions there. A capital of $10,813,793 was invest- ed in the manufacture of locomotives in the twenty-eight locomotive works reported for the United States in 11900. Capt. T. Shaw, Dolensbirs. seventy- three years, shot himself on Monday, and was dead when the doctor arriv- ed. Continued ill-health was the cause. Hon. Mr. Ross has received a tele gram stating that Sir Edmund Bar- ton, Australia's premier, will be in the city from September lst to Sep- tember 4th. Lorenzo Gi. Warfield, a treasury de- partment clerk at Washington, has been dismissed for usimg the govern- ment's name in an enterprise in which he was interested. Frank Ackerman, Gouverneur, N.Y., fell into the river on Monday. He hung on to a heavy crowbar he was using and this prevented him from rising to the surface. The Montreal board of trade ban- quet on. September Sth to Sir Edmund Barton oe Sir John Forrest, of Aus- tralia, is expected to be the largest ever given by the board. = While 'guarding three prisoners in a patrol waggon, at Bufialo, N.Y., po- liceman Schickler was shot through the head by one of them, and will die. The desperadoes escaped. Mrs. Marie Antoinette Hopkins, wi- dow of the late Edward A. Hopkins, ex-United States minister to the Ar- gentine Republic, was instantly killed by a street car at St. Louis. A. G. Mitchell, a Michigan million- aire, on a trip around the world for his health; jumped into the Pacilic, while on the steamer: Coptic. His mind, it is thought, was unhinged by illness. Thomas Jones, a negto who outrag- ed a . white " woman near Seven Springs, N.('.. was hound to a log and shot to death. The mob carried buttons and pieces of cloth from" his body as souvefiirs. Rev. Dr. Courtice, still sufieving* from the effects of a paralytic stroke received in July, has decided, on the advice of his physician, that he will not attend the sessions of the Metho- dist general conference. Police Inspector Thomas J. Barrv. who for many vears had charge of the rogues gallery and who was head of tho Bertillon system at police head- quarters, Boston, died suddenly of heart disease at hig home: Henry W. Hollenbure, New R Rochelle, N.Y. who disappeared from Conev Is- laid 'two weeks ago, has returned. He says he was carried out to sca by an undertow, while in swimming. and was picked up by a smack at sea. He is in a weak condition. Sidney Cowan, a voung Tenn.,- man saved Miss Winnie er, of Decherd, Tenn. from Nashville, Tuck- being dashed over a 300 foot precipice. The" two fell thirty-five feet; but fortunate lv Cowan caight a bush and stayed their progress. Their companions. res- cued them, bleeding and unconscious. ---- John Cooper, editor of Canadian Macazine, and wife, were in the city to-dav. Mrs. Cooper and daughter will remain with her parents, Major and Mre. Massie, Bagot street, for some weeks. Mr. Cooper returned home to- dav. President Roosavelt expects to spend "three days in San Francisco this fall. He will go bear hunting in the North Carolina mountains next month. The steamer Castanet arrived about one o'clock this afternoon "with a full load of excfirsionists -from Alexandria Bay and river points > The, veteran evangelist Sam Small collapsed while making a temperance address at Brattleboro, N.Y. Miss L. M. O'Brien, Toronto, iting her friends on Brock street. is vis- 'Here's a House, Don't You Waat It ? Not a free giit, ot course, but it's so easy to pay for, we are sure you will almost look upon it asfa gift. The giit part is that after paying rent to us for a given time we give you a deed ior the house. Isn't it easy enough for you to tvy ? bB. a < AYS, 4 - > Ladies' Dress Skirts, $2.75, $3.25, $3.99, $4.50, $4.99, $6.75 and upwards, in Black, Oxford _ Grey, Navy. 'We have just secured our first lot of { New Fall Skirts These skirts are made by an expert who employs only the best New York cutters and designers, and the skirts are made with that care and finish which is noticeable in the best ' Tailor-made Garments. "AS ee AR ra? I~ Ladies' Walking Skirts, $3.99, $2.75, $4.50 and many others, in Oxford Greys, Black, Navy. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 120-172 Princess Street, Kingston. . A - Pet TR SA RSI AAT A New --_---------- os BARGAINS At The Lockeit Shoe Store ODDS AND ENDS SALE One Lot Ladies" Fine Déngola Lace Boots, patent tip, Good- year welted soles, very stylish,' $3 Boots, NOW $2. h0 + One Lot Ladies' Fine Dongola Laced Boots, kid tip, me- = FOR $2.00. All our Sorosis Laced and Button $4 0 Boots F OR $3.50. FOR $2.00- Misses' Patent French Calf Lace Boots, J. D. King make. FOR $1.25. dium soles, $2.50 All our Empress Button $3 Boots Regular $2.50 - One Lot of Misses' Boots - . 8 BARGAIN TABLES LOADED. Dongola Button ~ NOW $1.00, All Ladies' $1.50 Oxford Laced Shoes, all sizes, NOW $1.20. and F. G. LOCKETT. Prepare for War In tirhe of peace That's good sense. Prepare for winter in summer time, That's just as good sense. ers. were never made. them. ha #o Lemmon, Claxton & Lawrenson, KING STREET 3 5/10 CIN BEST PREPIRE By buying one of our Famous *'Sun- shine Furnaces." burn very little fuel, and better heat- : Call and see They are cheap, KINGSTON.

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