~ » "Roman ..... _phuy sams WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27. « SEES <i Y - Rh & & Bains, & Canading @ Rea Th is From Kingston. | EXCRSIONS EXHIBITION August 22nd, 23rd, 25th, August 20th, 28th, 29th Return limit, Sept. 2nd, 1902. TORONTO HXHIBITION 5th, 6th, Sept. 2nd, gh, 4th, 9th, Ho st. 15th, 1902. LABOR DAY. SEPT. Ist Excursion tickets will be issued between all NGLE FARE for the round trip. attrday and Monday, August ept. lsto Return Limit Sept. 2nd, JARSOWS MITH FAIR Fare for round trip. sept. 4th and 5th, , 1902. : Tickets returning S. pt. FARM LABORERS' EXCURSION FARE and C. P. R. JR Supt. To Manitoba and Assinibola. $10. Going date August 30th. a & P. Full particulars at Ticket Office, Ontario St. F.- A. FOLGER; Gen. F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweed, Napance, Descronto and all local points. Train -leaves City Hall Depot at 4 R. J. WILSON, C.P. R. Telezraph Of , Clarence street. Apt. RAILWAY Aus EXCURSIONS CENTRAL CANADA EXHIBI- TION, OTTAWA. Going dates, August ,22nd, 23rd, , 24th, 25th, 27th, and 30th, $4.15. SPEC AL DAYS, August 26th, 28th and 20th, . good returning on or before Ss pt mier 2id. LABOR "DAY, Monday, Sept. 1st Round trip tickets will be sold hetween all stations AT LOWEST ONE WAY FiRST- CLASS FARE. Goind dates, Saturday, Sunday ard Mon- dav, August 30th and 3lst and Siptember 1st. Tickets valid returning from destination on or before September 2nd. EXPOSITION & INDUSTR'AL FAIR, TORONTO. Tickets good going September 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 11th and 12th, 5.40. ' SPECIAL DAYS, Scptember Sth and 10th, $3.85. All tickets - valid returning on or before September 15th. Tickpts not good on trains Nos, 1. 2, 3 or J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. DOMINION LINE. NAL RTRANSH! LIVERPOOL RERVICE *Turcoman. . Aur. 30th Colonian |. Sept. 6th *Irishman . - 5 13th Californian ie . 20th *Norseman 27th furcoman .... 0. Lan 4th Steamers marked * a ) not carry passengers. RATES OF :PASSAGFE---Saloon, $65 and upwards, single ¢ fing to steamer and servioe, Secon n, $37.50 and up wards, single, according to steamer and ser vice. Third clase, $26. FROM MONTREAL. pt. 6th . 13ta *Ottoman FROM 'BOSTON. New England |... Aug. 27th Commonwealth .. . Sept. 10th in Bo A rg he NEW SERVI CE to Medite rrancan. 6th; Electric Vancouver, Scpt. Midship, Saloon, promenade decks. J. P. Hanley, J. P., Gildersleeve, Agt. G.T.R. Station, 42 Clarence St. D. TORRANC E & Co., Gen. Agts Montreal ed Portland. Lake Oniario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. LABOR DAY EXCURSION To Port of Rochester, (Summer= ville, N. Y.,) $1.80. by stenmens North Cambroman, Sept. 27th light, Spactous &n Swift's} Saturday God to Sumner SPECIAL. EXCURSION TO 1,000 ISL » i JanoRM bay. tour. oi wharf, Islands, will leave For full rma £pply 0 J. P. HANLEY, IP ein SLEEVE, § Ticket Aewmte. Fresshe Agents. James Switt + Cov, The Only Direct Ling to Qu Quebec Without Change THE FAVORITE 27th. 30th $4. vs | t Specially adapted for children, on account of its absolute purity. Baby's Own S Soap is used by young and old alike and commands an imm ense sale. Dont trifle with imitations. ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mrns. MONTREAL. 5-2 Allan Line "7.0050 Londonderry Royal Mail Steamers. . * From Montreal. From Quebec, Corinthian, Aug. 30, 9 a.m. Aug. 30, 7 p.m. Pretorian, Sept. 6, 35 a.m. Sept. 6, 3 pm. Parisian, Sept. 13, 9 a.m. Sept 13, p.m. Numidian, Sept. 20, 5 ans Sept. 20, 3 pm. First cabin, $65 and upwards; ond car bin, $37.50 .to $42.50; London. $1.50 extra: Third class, ts and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Beliast, Glasgow, London. : New York te Glasgow & Londonderry. Carthaginian Sept. 3rd Sardinian ...... Sept. 17th Montreal to Glasgow Direct. Sicilian, Sept. 3rd and Oct. 8th. All clissos. - First Sshin $50, sotoud cabin $85, third class $2 a P BD Nodkey, Agent, City Paseenger- De- pot, Johnston and Ontario streets, J. P. Gilderaleeve, Clarenos street. EXCURSION t Industrial Fair TORONTO The new Steamers KINGSTON AND TO RONTO leave at 5 p.m. daily except Mon ay 2 Tickets good going 'Sept. 2nd to 11th in- clusive. * ROUND TRIP $5. Meals and berths included westbound only. Hamilton, Toronte, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. ROUND TRIP 87. and berths included in both direc Steamers laving «Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 11:30 p.m. All tickets valid returning om or before pt. 15th ; J. SWIFT & 00. Freicht Agents. 5 P. HANLEY, Ticket Agent EDUCATIONAL. "HILLCORFT" ACADEMY KINGSTON. A RESIDENTIAL and DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Ideal Grounds of Twelve Acres. Opens Sept. 9th, 1902. REV. T.J. GLOVER, B. A., Principal. ALBERT, COLLEGE. PHENOMENAL RECORD OF GROWTH, 302 students enrolled last year, 172 young ladies and 130 young men, new pipe organ, domes tic science rooms, and art oallery recently added. Two matriculation scholarships won in 1901. Splendid gymnasium, large athletic grounds, commercial hall, one of the finest in Ontario. Building heated by steam and livchted by electricity. Will re-open September 9th. -- For illustrative circulars address prin- cipal Dyer. sv» MUSIC =~ Belleville, Ont. MRS. CLERIHEW WILL RE-OPEN HER asses in Flotéher Music Method on Septem- ow lst. For terms and particulars' apply at 211 University Avenue. PIANO LESSONS Miss C. M. Clirihéw, 'underdraduate Toron- to College of Music, 2iI University Avenue. ARTHUR H. HOWELL Represeniative and Examiner for the London, (Eng.)College of Music. Organist and Choirmaster, First Presbyter- ian urch, Brockville. . Teacher of Piano, Organ and Singing: Showtd a suflicient number, of pupils offer, Mr. Howell "would visit Kingston one day a week luring the coming season. Correspondence solicited, Address Box 278, Brockville, KINGSTON COLLEGE BUSINESS < , KINGSTON. Out. * TORO a niss COLLEGE + TORONTO. i sire y 1U | WHEAT bap 'CORRESPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL Us. The Tidings From Varig Points in Eastern Ontario--What Peo™ ple Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Her Singing Appreciated. Hartington, Aug. 26.--Miss Perley's singing at the church service Sunday evening was much appreciated. J. M. "Robertson is spending a few days in the city. Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Wood are visiting at Sharpton. . Mrs. Nor- folk and her two daughters, Water- town, N.Y., are visiting her brother, Mr. Boyee. Miss Oliver is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Leonard. Bert Babcock and sister, of Wilton, spent Sunday at M. Clow's. Selton Selections. Selton, Aug. 25.--Mrs. Sarah Tric- key wus last week the grateful recipi-* ent of a valuable Jersey cow, the gift of some charitable donors. A well filled purse was also included in the donation. Jonn Landon, Larue Is- and, formerly a patron of Selton cheese factory, but lately of the one at Rockport, is building a gasoline vacht, in which to transport his milk, thus. doing away with the oars. and the sail. Miss Katie Stover, St. Thos mas, Ont:, is visiting her cousin, J. H. McCreu, at the birthplace of her mother. Bolingbrooke Briefs. Bolingbroke. Aug. 26.--Thimbleber- ries are very 'scarce. John Morrow preached here last Sabbath. A num- ber from here attended thePan-Am- erican circus at Perth. Miss Jennie Ritchie has . returned from Smith's Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Deacon, Bathurst, spent a few days here. Miss Robinson, Carleton, is visiting < here among her many friends.~ Miss Hart- man and Miss Hughes, Harrowsmith, spent a week, the guests of Mrs. I. Norris. Glenvale Glimpses. Glenvale} Aug. 26.--A number of the voung people went down the river on the moonlicht excursion on Wednes- day last. Miss Florence Wartman has returned from Chicago after being ab- sent nearly two years. Dr. C. Wart: man and family have returned home to Napanee after being the guests of John Leonard, for some days. Visit- ors: Mrs. Sarah Amey and grand- daughter, Kingston, at J. D. Eller- heck's; Miss Brumbley, Kingston, at W. Pillar"s: Mrs. Harker, Kingston, at Mr. Clarke's; Miss E. McDonald, Al- bany, N.Y., at Mrs. Orser's; Walter Clog nburg, W. Connolly, at H. Watts: Mids Lilla Harker, Cataraqui, Bath Road, was renewing acquaint- ances here recently. Sand Hill Heraldings. Sand Hill. Aug. 25.--George Conboy, ailing for some time, passed away on Saturday nicht. Deceased was fifty- one vears of age, and leaves a wife and two daughters to mourn hig loss. We extend _.our svmpathy to the be- reaved family. The funeral took place on Monday, the remains being taken to Mountain Grove cemetery. A num ber of young pedple from here attend ed the picnic at Zealand. and report a good time. Alived 'Lewis has veturned to the lumbering camp at Chelnisiord, where he intends spending the winter. Visitors : Miss Millic Cox at H. Lew- is; Miss E. Gibbs ana Miss GG. Me Gachey at-A. Saider's; Mr. and Miss Fox, Newhureh, at Alfonzo Sol Miss M.. Johnston, Oso, at H. Lew Miss Pavne at H. Lewis; y Crawford at W. Barker's, Mountain Grove; John Laidley at Mr. Lewis'. Leaving For Ireland. Godfrey, Aug. 26.--Farmers are busy oathering in the abundant harvest, and noise of the threshing machine is ance more heard. Our school opened on the 15th, under the management of Miss F. Hamilton. - W." Reid shipped here to-day. Arch the two. cars of cattle from J. Coulter js also buying cattle. Leslie and John Beatty left on farmers' excursion last week for the North-West. FF. Howes, ill for gsome time, is improving. VieitireB Miss A.. Kennedy, Kingston, and Miss -M. Kennedy, Perth, at Alvmer Kennedy's; Mis. 1. H. Craig returned after visit- ing friends in Kingston: Miss Dillon, Kineston. Mills, at I. H. Craig's; Reilly, Sydenham, at J. - Hickey's: Mrs. E. Judge is visiting friends in Moscow. Mrs. W. Judge at Ottawa. Dennis Crimmin, an old soldier of the Crimea war, spending the past few vears around a leaves. to-day . for his old home in Ireland. Ruined The Grain Crop. Wolie Island, Aug. 25.--The storm city, at Miss Mary E. Cuffs; iss~Agnes Driceland, alo, | BE." Brieeland;" Me. Dickman, Mr. Morans, Miss Beaupre, Warden Spoor's. + "Attended The Wedding. Wilton. Aug. 27.--Quarterly service was hela in the Methodist 'church last Norris, city, at Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. Fairlie, Kingston, conducted services in the Preshvterian church last Sunday even- ing. Rev. Hugh Ross, Hamilton pres bytery, will preach the next two Sun- day Miss Lee, Owen Sound, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. C. Day, at tie parsonage. Mrs. W. H. Neilson re- turned last Saturday from Brockville, where she has been for the last, eight weeks attending her sister, Mrs. M. C. Tooker. Mr. and M Wesley Par- rott' leit last Friday for Chicago 'to attend the weaaing of their niece, Miss © Carolyn » B. Thompson, which event takes place this evening. Miss Thompson, who has: visited Wilton several times, has many warm' friends who wish her a happy future. Mrs, E. TP. Emerson left for Chicago. Mondav to visit her daughter, Mrs. (Dr) W. Jaquith, who is ill. The friends of James" Davidson will he glad to léarn that he has recovered so far as to be able to leave the General Hospital, Kingston, and resume his duties at Cpinicon. Mr. and Mrs. James Pap- um, Scranton. Pa., spent Monday with his brother, H. Lapum. Harrowsmith Happenings. Harrowsmith, Aug. 26.--Rev. Mr. Fairlie, Kingston, preached in the Preshvterian chweh last Sabbath. tev. Prof. Ross is expected to_ preach next Sabbath. < Some of our villagers are taking in the Kingston fair, and come have gone to "Ottawa, others are ting reaay for fair next week. Mrs, to be out again, Mrs. W. JJ. to sit up again, and Mrs, P. doing as well wg can be liss Flora DB. Stewart is - vis Kinston. Rev. Mr. family have returned Mrs. IP. MM. Wait nds in mack and Maxville. oa left on opened last week, with Mr. North-W W. EK. Sproule has re- sumed lis duties as teacher at Joyee- ville. at the Albion hgtel. T. B. prietor of Queen's hotel, is having it newly painted. J. Storms has pur- chased a horse from S. Patterson. Cook, pro- Books Of The Bible, Church-going people sooner or later the names of the books of the even they as well as the literary person look- ing .for historical facts find it dificult to re- peat them in order unless interest holds them tovether. of rhymes which may be used with success : OLD TESTAM The great Jehovah speaks In Genesis and Exodus; Leviticus and Numbers, see, Followed by Deuteronomy; Joshua and Judges rule the land; learn to us Ruth leans" the sheaf with trembling hand; Samusl and numerous Kines appear, Whose Chronicles. we wondering hear; Ezra and Nehemiah now Esther, the beauteous maiden show; Job speaks in signs, David in Psalws, And Proverbs teach to scatter alms; Eeclesiastes then: comes on And the sweet song of Solomon; With Lamentations takes his 'pen; Isaiah, Jereminh, then Kavkiel, Daniel, Hosea's Tyres vell Joel, Amos, Obediah's Jonah, Micah, Nabum, come ~ And lofty Habakkuk finds room: Zephaniah, Haggai calls; Rapt Zechariah builds his ae And Medmehi with garments rent, Concludes the ancient testament. NEW TESTAMENT: This is the way the gospels run, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John: -- Them come the Acts inviting you The apostolic church to view: The Romans and Corinthians are To cities 'sent, renowned afar; Gaintians and Ephes s, then, Write Dy the same Philippians and Colo: : With Thessalonians near. at shand; Timothy leads to Titus on: This brings us down to Philemon; The Het vs then we gladly find, Angl that of James comes close .behi To Peter: then our thoughts we gi With loving John we wish to live; Pious Jude will pierce the soul, And Revelation close the whole, Laishley's Suit Dismissed. Toronto Star. Judgment was given at Osgoode Hall by, Justice Ferguson in the case of Lonson C. Laishley, who sued "the Goold Bievele company, of Brantford. absorbed by. the Canada Cycle and Motor company, for 10.000 damages for alleged wrongful dismissal. Laish- lev was manager of the sales gnd' col- lection department of the company. and his contract was for three vears at 820 per-week and a commission. The case, tried at Toronto, was dis- missed with costs, + 'The Heart Of Chicago." "Rochestér; § while our own Murton is able Shibley Myers is expected. iting Cor- td Iriday to visit = iriends at Belleville and Port Hope. before returning fo her home in Toronto. Miss (i. Mat- theivs, spending her holidays at home, will réturn to her duties in St. Luke's Hospital, Utica, this weéek. School Fennel and Miss Phillips in gharge. J. W. Ne- Lean, R. Ellerbeck and I. Phillips, from th vicinity, have gone, to the The merry-eostgund has arrived bible, but some thread . of Here is a set {AN OLD BERIT ROMANCE. HIDDEN Gord Kyp LOST Fr IN JAN'S LIFE. of Forty Years He Lived in Squaler Hating Women, Avoiding Men and Hoarding His Wealth-- , $10,0Q0 of It Found and More Might--Died as Hs Lived, Alone. Syracuse, Carncross, the karlviie i at his hovel a few days &go. For forty years he had lived alone with his gold and had adinitted no one be- yond his doorstep. He hated women, "and his stock soon shared his aver- <ion. Once his sister from lowa heard that he was sick and came=to take care of him, but he would not allow her -to enter the house. After his death the animals about the place coull be caressed by a man, but fled at the approach of a woman. N.Yay "Aug. 26. -- George hermit, died his The hermit was found dead in chair by a neighbor, who had seen him 'creeping across the hills in the so weak that he could net afternoon, Concealed in his dwell- stand erect. ing, which was on a road that had been deserted for "fiity years, were money and securities amounting to $10,000. Perhaps the old man had had his Neighbors who- prepared the body for burial found a small bag tied to his neck. In it was a wo- man's ring in which was set a dig: | mond. ~1t 'had been rumored for years that in early life he was disappointed in love, his bride fleeing on the day fixed for the wedding. He lived -in abject squalor and had as little to do with his fellowmen as romance. possible. He kept a few cows and made butter, which he sent to New York, «to avoid trading nearby. Once he had some dogs to sell, but he kept the prospective purchaser on the door- step with the door élosed while trans- acting business with him. His meney was concealed in odd places. In the room where he died, was found an old rubber boot con- taining one hundred silver dollars and £100 in bills. In the bottom of an ould Hour. sack, half filled with hops, was an old tin can'in which was a roll of bills amounting to nearly $1,- 000. In an old' cracker box were money and securities worth 86,000. All of his wealth has not been found yet. It is known that he inherited $75,000, which must be concealed somewhere. He often changed bills for gold at the banks, yet little gold has been -dis- covered in his house. Old-timers say that when Carncross came to Earlville forty years ago, he was a good-looking man about thir- ty-five years old. He wore broadcloth then and a tall beaver hat of the pre- vailing style. He asked if there was any farm land for sale nearby and chose the piece on which he died. The furniture he moved 'into the old home included a few straight chairs, a cord bedstead, and an old stove. He had a flintlock musket, a revolver and a big club, with which he used, to guard his possessions. In his declining years he spent hours counting over his money. Carncross kept a few cows and a fast horse. His horse could beat any- thing in the county and when he had to go to town he drove like the wind. He exchanged his eggs for groceries. If he saw a woman in the store he would go away and wait until she had After finishing his trading he would go to the hotel, get his whiskey jug filled and would buy one glass of beer. People uscd to crowd the bar-room "to old Carncross pay for his beer." The operation consisting of the unwinding of several yards of string from his leather wallet in the remotest corner of the room, taking out a nickel, always the exact change and slowly winding his pocket-book up again. Then he would pay, jump into his buggy and drive home as fast as the Horse, could, 20. wai The hermit always slept ith i gan, revolver and club by his side and ke never left the house without the gun. Neighbors feared him and * none dared address him. The interior of his house was poor and filthy. In one cor- ner of his living room stood an old bed and the remnants of a dirty red quilt. In another was an old stove and there were a few ricketty chairs scat- tered about. From this room the pan- try. opened. Its shelves contained. a conglomerate 'mass of rubbish covered with dust. It was full of rats so tame that they cdmé "out of the holes and looked boldJ§ at thé intruders: ~The other room on the lower floor was the hermit's dairy. The floor was cov- ered with butter jars of all sizes fearful stench of decaying meat arose from a pork barrel in the middle of the room. In this room the man had packed butter that brought high pric- es in thé New York markets. The upper floof of the house was the gone. see LO . Are made fro ED LUMBER with Steel Wire, Hoops, which being corrugated allows for expansion or ¢omtraction, matter what the weather is.they keep in PERFECT CONDITIUM. # ' Kingston Agency, No. 75 Prince Steel. | Wire Bed TUBS e BEST SELECT. vanized Spring electrically, welded SO no J. A. HENDRY. Agent, 'Full of J [_ondon * JOHN LABATTS Porter he Virah of Mat had ops. | Perfectly. Agreeable to the Most Deticate Palate. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. JAMES REI SLVR PY Pn [ON ad r PARLOR SET THIS WEEK. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. w THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, KINGSTON. School Shoes {Time to Think About Them. We have the most com: plete as:ortment of the al- most indestructible kind. Prices Low. Mclemols SHOE STORE. TO LET. J00D FURNISHED 1 oR, without board, 101 Queen WELL FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET X Xe a, 64 William street, Thi os AT HOUSE 191 BROCK STREET, 9 ROOMS. All modern improvements. Apply to C. Livingston & Bro. fUUR GOOD FURNISH kD with all modern ROOMS, WITH al enisnces, ab 191 University Avenye. oonv hy 165 KING STREET, EAST, LATELY 0COU- pied by Captain Eaton. Rant $240. Ap- ply to -Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, 143 KING situated; and taxes. & Nickle STREET, WEST, BEAUTIFULLY facing the Harbor. "Rent 0 Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers BRICK PWELLING,- 198 EARL STREET; ten rooms; 'Hot Water Heating: Also' other dwellings, stores and offices. J. 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock St. ground floor. BRICK RESIDENCE, 201 BROCK STREET, 11 rooms, ern _ improvements, also brick resickmoe 244 Br, street, 10 rooms ich Mgrovemente, Amnly to thm Hall, Princess ---- POSSESSION AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE- sirable house on the corner of Bagot and Gore streets, near the park, Modern in every way. Daisy hot water heating and in perfect order. Apply to Felix Shaw, ©1156 Bagot street. ARCHITECTS. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MERCH- ents' Bank Building, corner Brock and "Phone 212. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE site of New Drill Hall, . near corner of Wellington streets. _4~ Queen and Montreal Streets. ARCHITECT, ETC, HENRY P. SMITH, Market Square. "Phone Anchor Building, 345. W. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE, second floor over Mahood's Drag Store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. En trance on Bagot street. UNDERTAKERS. outside world and the screened from the flannel shirts were nailed across glass. 8. 8. CORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 281 Lrincues Street, Kingston, . Sucoessor to 'ennan, Largest and best equipment in Canada oe The yopular scenic yroducts : ' Vad + i : SSO rouy re sil 3 scenic uction = 3 i * Unequalled facilities for securing positions. that passed through here on.Thur Jay "Heart ! of Chicana." will b id he | storehouse and provision room. It was No one doubted the courage of the |T- Ts oRARRISON 00 UNDERI AKERS d 34s i morning was one of the worst that eal ot hicago, wi ol t Id : rincess ur ity an { $21 Queen Street, Kingwton. has visited ike county in many years boards at the Grand to-night. Like |bare except for a fow bags of meal | old man, who lived far from any efficiency the best. © Prices the lowest, SilND YOR S2PALOCUE. Th I f pl dy dl 1 he fall of its kind it tells intense story, [and coarse flour on a rudely built | neighbor without even a dog to keen PION Lrerouts, 90. * * ight Célie=s Confederation Life Baiddines. Toronto Fhe hail completely destroye the tr x Thaard table. 'Twill three strings of | him "company. He knew how to handle T. F. Harrison, 51. . Teuves a « wharf everv Friaay. at 12, | -- grain crop in many placesi-it is not but more sympathetically and artisti- | board table W oF fons odin Mail ae rd midnighte for" Charlo! N.Y. Olcott Beach, worth reaping, there being nothing lefy [cally. 'It has been cleverly conceived dirty = dried apples lay on the floor i } it ted 1 5 ang if the ! MONEY AND BUSINESS. Ny. Bees. yt Sune R.UBBISH except the straw. The lawn social and well written. It is a good play [near the window. And here. there was Ne it i y% Yer y : nd ene and Murray Canal. and every Monday at wives bv the tuembers of the Ene and 'well worth going to see. more rubbish--old shoes, moth-eaten | cessily to do so had arisen. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN 6:30 p.m. for Municen) 2 Qushee. fiver Well not exactly; at any rate you] fish church 'was a great spcee he -- . skins of animals, bottomless kettles, wags om one} 4 thousand to tn, thous without change). Throug L000 Islands an a oy xX " . Hsi x as a great s i ato w = rere River: Raphi. can' turn it into white money by cols { oat returndd to the city at 11:30 p. At The Police Court. fish hg Svorseiive, hg wobly | Spend Labor Day In Rochester. GODWIN'S INSURANCE M, Low passenger an ight rates lecting it: all together and dropping a | wm. Miss Furlong' many friends are In the polite court this morning | j , ler : a ha I been. in business for $1.50 to Summerville and return by Svie Exton Ofek, Yate Sovare > ) surpasee ¢ » the asto r S dhe ing | 8 ! dealer who hac Hl « : Tn rT ¥ isehief SSsomne dation un gy wed. ard tc : t Kingston Rag and Metal pleased tor hear that she is recoverin I'homas Hertley, charged with being ears The miser's -- nigeardness had tean North King and x 4SpIan, §uoNEy 0 LOAN IN LARGE OR HMALL . G. CRAIG & CO. A. W."HFEPBURN, | Co., 389 Princess' street. This firm § irom a severe attack of typhoid fever. | 1. 1 fined £20 1 A in, Bs leaving here Saturday, Aug. 30th, or s. at low rodes of interest op' city Agwnte, Kingston pays highest cash prices for all the | A surprise party came to the resi in He rear 4a embraced his efiects for years, and he § got de Er He Valal rewtaine] : Suma, AL low ree ton sity : = BINDER stuf you don't want and have noise dence of Miss K. McGlynn on Tues- drat Bht on Nay a eae aw aware Y from Summerville, 8.30 p.m., Monday dy, ; ead wor Sehuptires. of puly te 2 i : i : dnd o. ore re s on- de o : rd C. ] J 1 for day~apching fd had a yi t enjov- | aared (before the magistrate to-day. | (» veurs ago and oll tin cans that | ©! 2 good to return following Sat Log snd Invesuuumt. Society. Office op- \ R 7 IN : . ancing and. other amuse- i Y To v evening. posi 0 I | E ba evans re . 4) Ie i ry po by The case was enlarged until Tu say. broke 'when they were dropped, so rus- Argay evening Sisal' 500° Test' t } 3 Ae. Burts. of the Hitcheodk house, in" when further evidence will be forth- tv were they. . : LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE Ee OJ oe 9 he Poung, Ea honor of hic guests. will be held "as | coming. In the whole house there was not a Kingston And Ottawa. Yeuranc Com BY. Available amte, c., sold elsewhere for 12}. : > " wd Frida Gvenbs Ler Wi > fryimz pan, tea or coffee pot, plate, Rideau Lakes Navigation Co's BL h 9 ul anills 1 usital Friday evening. Visitors: Odi . . ey 3 ) Bi : g oliey holders bave for security the um: Manilla, 600 feet, 12}ec., sold Ww Murra Jr ver Donovan at Mrs. JJ. Greenwood's;' "Bibby's."" Oak Hall. "Bibby's. cup, knife or saucer. The only cooking | steamers leave Kingston every Mon imited liability of all the stockholders. elsewhere for 15c. > . Ys ve Miss K. Langdon, Buffalo, at Mrs: J. Nenftrousers, cat to fit, built for | utensil was an old kettle. No one had | day and Thursday, at 7 a.m., every Gt To ig Property Sopot Bt Jon eo i issio onalte: Mid. F 'uff r . NN ts. Soh 83 Samn 84 The broken bread with Carneross in forty | Tuesday and Frida; t 1 p.m. James possible rates. Before renewing old or trachan's 'ardware, ' Auctioneer and Commission Merx- | M:lional I's: Mrs. Ed. Cuff, Water- ' huNgys, S250, 83, 83.50, $1. The H. J.br ] | seday a y a p EE Hn uningss. ooy Tateh from 3 . mie : j 0 Suing aie Annie Y. Bobyv Co.» * ears. The windows of. the house were Swift & Co., agents. . RTRANGE & STRANGE. Agents. : chant, Market Square. town, and Miss I and nie D. Bibby C 1 d : 3 = 'ARE YOUR BREAKFASTS SATISFYING? ' ARE YOUR BODILY ORGANS PROPERLY NOURISHED ? ARE YOUR BRAINS ACTIVE AND ALERT, AFTER MEALS? ARE YOU TROUBLED WITH INPIGESTION ? ARE you aware 'that your grocer we a Set ind malt céreal allel "FORCE?" that is temptingly delicious, that contains every element necessary y for the proper nourishment' of the whole body, that digests so quickly that mental vigor is oo temporary stagnated, and ht wil cue iodigtion? _