THURSDAY. AUGUST CARPETS | Every 'prrchaser of Carpets, whether for the smallest room or the largest hotel wants his mind satisfied on three points, namely, price--quality--style. : It is because we convince our customers as to every ome of these requirements that we confidently 'expect your patronage. R. McFaul Kingstoa Carpet Warehouse. CURES Dysentery, Diarghoea, Cramps, Colie, PalnsintheStomach, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Sea Sick- ness, Summer Complaint, and al Fluxes of the Bowels. Has been in use for nearly 60 year: and has never failed to give relief. The Dandy Shiner NICKEL PLATED HOLDS SHOE RIGID. FITS ANY SHOE. A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. It holds any sized shoe. Three lasts (man's, woman's, and child's) go with each shiner. IT PREVENTS SACKACHES. If not ebtainable from your shoe of hardware dealer It will be forwarded oa recipt of $1.00 L. H. PACKARD & CO. MONTREAL. "Half and Half" isa beverage which com- bines the good: qualities of both Ale and Porter in a healthful and in- vigorating drink: In Piat and Quart Botiles At ali Dealers Carling's Sole agent of Kingston, Henderson. The Toronto ~~. General Truss Corporation Office And Safe Deposit Vaults 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO tt J. S; wv Capital, 00,00 Reserve Fund - 80,000. a-------- ef : Prosident : JOTIN HOSKIN, QC. LL.D. Vice: Presidents : HON, 8. C. woob, W. H. BEATTY, Es. J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Director A: D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Manager. JAMES DAVEY, Secretary. Authorized to act as Executor, Ad- ministravor, Trustee, Recviver, Commit: tee of Lunatic, Guardian Liguidetor, Assignee, Eto. re . Deposit sales to rent All gived and at reasonable prices. Parcels received for safe custody. - Bonds and other valuables Guaranteed and Insured against loss. o Ts Solicitors bringing Estates, Administra- tions, eto.. to; the Corporation are continued in the professional care of the same. For further information see the Corpora / tion's Manual. Don't Miss It: 'e --_-- Cur ice cream and ice cream soda water cannot be excelled in the city: Pure creani ice cream is served in our soda water and our fruit, juices fof flavo t are the best in, the market. Only be. a glass, at REES, Princess St. WANTS OPTION EN DEPOSIT. Mr. Gillies Makes Proposal to City Council--That Body's Ac- tion -- 'No Indication Yet What New Industry Is. * At the special meeting of the #ity council this morning there fe in at- tendance Mayor Shaw, and Aldermen Bell, * Graham, Knapp, White, Hark- ness, Mallen, Walkem, Sears, King, Tait, Craig,. McLeod, Hipson, Ab- bott, Farrell and Kent. This communication was read from John Gillies, lumber . manufaeturer, jraeside, Ont. = in eonzideération of the eity . of Kingston granting an option to me on the tract of land, known as the smel- ter site, for nine months, from Sept. ipt, 1902, at a price of $9,000, and the assessment of said lands and buildings and any buildings that may be erected thereon, *assessment not to exceed 810,000 per year for twenty vears: also exclusive right to clay in the harbor covered by water from the bridge to the boundaries of the city limits northward aiid "east- ward for manufacturing purposes found suitable, and that the council of the city and' the board of trade mentoralizé and use every effort with the Dominion government to have a channel dredged 'of, twelve feet in depth to the proposed wharf to be built in front of the smelter site. "For the granting. of terms men- tioned, 1 agree to deposit with the city government the sum of $2,000 as cecurity. In the event of the option being taken up by me the said $2,000 50 deposited to be considered as part of the purchdge price, and to be so applied, otherwise the $2000 to be retained by the city as damages." It was moved by Ald. Walkem and seconded by Ald. Mcleod that the terms askel by Mr. Gillies be ac cepted. Ald. . Craio, Barrell and King thought that the motion was too hroad, 'but the mover said he: intrd- duced it simply to bring the 'matter under discussion. J. D. Thompson gave some facts concerning the industry. though net mentioning its nature. He stated that of the buildings would 'be 100 feet in leng The industry would not be injurious to the community. wid 20.000 tons of coal would be reeded cach year for its runnine. It had been a close shave, Mr. Thompson' said, to whether Ottawa would get the in dustry. Men were behind it. the sp er d. who were good, solid Car - ans. whose word was as good as their hound. The details of the concern were not actually completed vet. Last week the capitalists at the head of the proposed _intlustry brought a chemist to Kingsion at a cost of $1,000, and if they, didn't thev wouldn't spend that amount of monev. The city solicitor faised the ques- ion as to the forfeit clause in Nr. lies® letter. Ald. Walkem stated that if the city failed in its. part of the agreement the 82.000 would not be a forfeit. Ald. Farrell pointed out that the loiter of Mr. Gillies contained nothing as to the erection of buildings on the land, which condition was included in the option to Mr. Thompson, which ended Sept. lst. Ald. Craig stated that-if-the-eoun- ¢il agreed to the request' made in the letter, it would simply amount to sell- ing the smelter property for 89.000, nothing more or less. The letter tained no guarantee that the indus try would go on. The industry was a much needed one here, hut the coun- cil should guard its interests. City. Solicitor McIntyre submitted a > Jution which, virtually grant- od the terms in Mr, Gillies' letter but fully protected the interests of the citv, the chief clauses being one which provided for the establishment of a manufacturing industry upon tte land, and. for exemption from taxation for ren vears on the property value over SIL,000. Capt. G if one as mean business con- long r lin, president 'of the Board of Trade, was called upon, and stated that the scheme wag feasible, partic arly because those interested didn't come here and ask the people for one He had no interest in the con- but as one of the biggest tax ntended to sup- all effort he to do cent. cern, pavers in Kingston he 4 port the scheme with could marshal. The city needs something so 'as to realize on the pro- perty. which now is lying idle, and which no 'taxes were received. Gillies, the captain said, is a good man, and he has Tots of fron Mr. biisiness | money behind him, money of his own. let's grasp this industry, and not be raising trivial objections and per- haps lose the chance of a lifetime, was the captain's cancluding advice. #Ald. McLeod claimed that if committee did nothing more than the-smelting property it would be ou Sone J for the benefit: of 'the city. He had eve confidence in the advice of Mr. Thompson and Capt. Gaskin, who were good the sell do- citizens and in City Solicitor McIntvre's guidance. The agreement drafted. by .the: eitv solicitor, was gone over clause hv clanse by the council, in committee, Only one sentence Nr. Thompson in: sisted upon being eliminated; and that was in the clause referying to the eraployment of men. He stated that when Mr. Gillies put up buildings at 250.000, he would not stand mupicipal interference as to a cost of for any its running. Ald. Farrell claimed that as King- «ton could no longer afford to grant to industries, and as the site was the 'only' property the city controlled hat © would be table for an industry, it was very portant that the council be careful that manu upon it. bonuses smelting abit Ats sale, bv seeing be erected aimed if the city ropet facturing buildir Ald. Graham 83.000 ott of the smelting 1 ald do weil to. get rid of it. council had been vainly "avoring to truck the land to Kit n he claimed. upon tw manutacturing had concerns t i= elephants 1 eu said that if it was selling the Iter s 1i the clause re- w would © Ald. Bell merely a que tion of he was opposed to it. Ii ¢ garding manufacturing" industries was t * ite, AND "WILL PUT UP $2.000 turing ree TAR DAILY WHIG, struck out, he would vote against. the motion. The site should not be thrown : e away. Ald. Abbott thought the manufac clause should be left in the ag- ment. The council was acting as custodians of the people's rights: Mr. Thompson explained that clause might be left in for the p ent. It might be time enough to str it out when Mr. Gillies objected. The chief 'point of objection was not the manufacturing part of the clause, but the { that relating. to employment. City Solicitor Melntyre stated that the city would have to get authority from the Dominion government to give Mr. Gillies the right to the clav in the harbor oaposite the land, for the reason that the act passed in 1816 granted Kingston the harbor oppos- ite the city limits, which then extend- ed only to Cataraqui street. The resolution drafted was finally moved by Alds. Walkem and McLeod. and carried. Council adjourned at 12.- 10 o'clock, after a two hours' session. -- PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. William McKenna, Minneapolis, is visiting his mother. on Riceau street. Sir Richard Cartwright will go to Ottawa on Friday to atfénd a cabi- net meeting. Sister M. Charles, of the House Providence, was on a visit to mother in Brockville. Mrs. Me T. Walker and son have re- turned to Toronto, after visiting her mother, Mrs. Webb, Rideau strect. WI R. 'Acton, the well-known har- ness manufacturer of Gandgnogue, was in the city yesterday on a business of her Miss Jujus, Barrie street, has returned home, after a week's visit with Mrs. James Brick, at Syracuse, NY. . : George Hanson, = foreman of the Whig job room, left vesterday to. en joy holidays at his home in Morris- burg. Mr.> and Mrs. J. B. Blanchard, Na panece, are spending fair week with their daughter, Mrs. F. W. Coates, Princess street. > ' Mrs. William Lee and Miss Bertha Shortt, of Watertown, N.Y., ' are the cuests of the former's mother, Mrs. Charles Kimball, Montreal street. "Harry Angrove, bicyele dealer, has returned from a visit to the Ottawa exhibition, which he_describes as be ing' especially good. The burning of Moscow a very impressive spec taade. ~~ Fdear Cousing, whose home is on Brock street, fel! from a tree on Wed- and had his arm badly brok- oar had only returned to the Tuesday, after' a month's ella. was nesday one EF ity on pleasant outing at Mrs. Francis V. Gardiner, Ordnance «trect, horn in Kingston sixty-five vears 0, died on Monday evening. She was a sister of the late William Coverdale, for many. vears the city en- Five daughters and four mourn her demi Bishop Mills, Neck. Me., with his wife and reached on Sunday last to large congregation seaside visitors, in- cluding many Canadians. His sermon was very acceptable to his hearers, who were drawn from all denomina- tions. gineer. sons Prout's son, staying at a of bee ' MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements o: Vessels. : ' . / Richardsons' elevator : Schooners Monitor from Bath ana Giranger from bay ports. The schooner Monitor reached Rith- ardsons' elevator the first with fall in. She brought a cargo of barley Bath. wharf + Steamers Toronto and up; Corsican fre Mon to-night; Rideau Queen cleared va: Caspian from ('harlotte. whart : Steamer Ocean up. s---------- Excursion To Watertown. Monday, the steamer leaves Folger's wharf, 5 a.m. or-2.30 p.m, Saturday from mw down treal for Ot Craig Pleasant Way to Drive Away the Blues. A food that will bring back health and rosy cheeks to the sick as well as please the palate of the heg)thy isa pretty good food to know about. A lady in Minneapolis says, "1 am such an enthusiast upon the subject of Grape-Nuts that 1 want to state a few instances of its value that have come under my personal experience. [ was taken ill 'with. a serious stom- ach trouble, so ill that the slichtest movement caused me pain and could take nothing;into my stomach or re- tain even medicine or water' Iq had been two days without nourishment when my husband suggested trying Girape-Nuts. vater. sugar and cream and I took it hesitatinely at first until 1 found it cangéd me no pain and for ten aays 1 100k no other nourishment. The d tor, was surprised at my improvemeid and did not resent my attributing the speedy cure 'to the virtues of Grape" Nuts. He said he had a cas® on re- Sord-of a teething. "baby who grew rosy! and Tat on the same diet: Grape-Nuts are so dainty and aelici ous that it appeals "to the whole household and when either husband ot 1 feel erally 'out of sorts' we ry confining' ourselves exclusively to the fond for a day or two with the hap- piest results. For a vear delicate I first knew her hinge 70 lbs, ! attack i and 16 convilsioms in a ¢ times she took no nourishment what- ever, She had never tried Grape : and any food seemed in x h at wh times it with difficulty 1 pe ded her te it. But } told hen of my exy ri 1 induced her to try a lew I have had for a neigh an epileptic=when wads a mere sha- and i oirl she fe as to qubli taste delichted hey and ex has made it her chiel diet. The result has heen wonder ful: her Improve is the nent sihirct 1 who Th: 1 ner. s_ frequent and vip and she' has gained 20 lbs, last November. and her her improvement swe solely' 10 Grape Nuts." Battle Creek, Mich. The nurse prepared some with warm} er / Vdgy. "torical PONIES ON' TOP. AGAIN BEAT GANANOQUE BY EIGHT TO FOUR. Third Baseman Burke isheed Gananoque's Fair Money -- Dorgan is an Agile Player -- Kingston's Senior. Rugby Team in Doubt. z 0 Tt is said that rugby will be played in Brantford this fall Cheney pitched two of Ponies' league matches, losing one and winning one. Gananoque and Antwerp play an ex hibition match in Watertown, N.Y on Labor Day. Kearvs and McPowall; who played with Granites rugby team last year, will be with Queen's this sutumn. It's time steps were beri taken 10 have "Chaucer" Elhott ard Yalmer re-instated to the O.R.F.U. ranks The Canadian Cricket Association meets 'next week to chouse a team to play agaist the United States eleven. Bennett, one of the disbanded Can. ton team's pitchers, has joined the Sy- racuse team of the New York State League. ' Ponies will likely play exhibition games till the middle of September, at least. Their team is at present the strongest it has ever been. Whether Kingston will have a senior rughy team in the O.R.F.U. is still & question. Much depends upon what "Jock" Harty will do in the matter. Two new players were to join Gan- anoque. to-day, both of them from Potelam, N.Y. Kerview will be Du- quette's assistant pitcher, and McCor- mack will play shortstop. The crusade against United States golf balls in England has broken out airesh, and a movement is on foot te standardize a golf ball, as in the case of "tennis; ericket_and haseballs. Drohan's wildiiess in the ninth --inn- ing lost "Syracuse a finely played game with Binghamton. He passed three men and a sacrifice and two singles did the rest. The.score was two to one Duquette says the Ponies are the hardest batting team he has met all this season. He would rather pitch acuinst any other team, in the league or out, than against "Chaucer" El- liott and his body cunard of club- SWiNgers. Toronto Telegram : It's England acuinst America in the tennis cham- pionship finals at Newport. And if fneland wins an American named Morgan will probably save the honor »i his country by making a net and {net combine and freezing the nolishmen out of the came. Dorgan, Ponies' new short stop, remarkably agile. Yesterday, bled after picking up a threw the runner out at first his knees. He will pitch Ponies' exhi- matches on Friday and Mon- ion Ponies easily defeated Gananoque in vesterday's match, the heing 8 to 1. Six hits were made of Moriari- ty. and nine*ofi Mex Gananoque's new pitcher. Char Jerome, © ('ape Vincent, umpired, and gave the visitors much more than they - were entitled to. 'Curly' Ross made the cateh i score of the day. With two out and the bases full, he pulled in'a hard fly in centre field. > A Gananovyue correspondent has heen writing funny stories for the sporting page of the Toronto News. One of the jokes gives the Gananoque team's hercentage inthe St. Lawrence league as ..681. Another of the jokes tells that only twice this season have there heen revistered against Duquette two the hit column. It micht 1 the Ponics have this vear made 14, 13, 11¢and 11 hits off Duquétte, in four different matches. "Dinny" Burke, the auctioneer ora: third baseman o the Ponies, stole a quiet ~ march on the Gananoque team vesterday. He carnisheed the money to he paid that team for playing at the fair, because they owed him $26 back salary. Du- quette, the present captain of the team, was very indignant, when he found there was no money coming to m aiter the match. He claims that as the Gananoques are now under a new management, Burke cannot garnic <hea anv of their money. Jut "Dinny" thinks otherwise and will try and get his just due. figures. in he mentionec Baseball On Wednesday. Eastern Jeacue--A Newark, 0; Pro- vidence, 2. At Montreal, 2: Toronto, 16. At Jersey City, 6; Worcester, 35. National Pittsburg, Boston, i York, phia, 3. American league--At Cleveland, Philadelphia. 1. : «6: New 9 ati. i. { ' : Philadel 3. -------- = A SUDDEN DEATH. Mrs. John Girey Expired = on Market To-day. In the evening of life, death cafe suddenly this morning to Mrs. Jd¢hn Girey; Montreal street. The aged lady -- she was about eighty vears old--has for over a quarter of a century been a familiar fisure on the market where she plied her business as a small trad- er. This morning as ghe was walking through the market she suddenly fell tothe ground. Kind hands r: ised her and ministered to her wants; Two veterinary surgeons; Dr. G. W. Bell and Dr. Wallace, were on the scent, and did - everything possible for the old lady, but death came before aphy- sician arrived. Heart failure inciden- tal to old was cause-of death. The deceased lady was the wife of Girev. a corporation laborer. thie sons, Edward and ater, Mrs. was of St. ustrious every Despite was near lv al trying age, one Tetro. + She a Mary's eathedral, and hard-working woman. market attendant knew advafrex] age, she in her place on market lollar. her wavs ard té6 make an hone The Flower Statue Will be unveiled at Watertown Monday, and the Jef next article ent family' attribute Namg given by Postum Co., of F230 pom: will be taking place fon tickets good or i { Monday, | PRS «Bibby"s."' Oak Hall. ¢'Bibby's." n ser Men's worsteds and '$3.50 and $4. The \ Periect fitting trousers, 1 tweeds, S2, H. D. Bibby Co. 1 i od hea 82.50. THEATRICAL SEASON OPENS: "Heart of Chicago" at - Grand Opera House. i The Grand Opera House was ope last night for the season of. 1902-1905 Although there were two other hig attractions, at the fair and at Lake the good-sized audience y. C. Martin is again the popular lo- cal manager, and the people want him to hold that post for all time. A fairly © well-balanced orchestra Wid duty, Mr. Arthurs being the capable pian Two more stringed instra- ments are needed to make the organ zation complete. The theatre was quite airy and comfortable, despite e warm weather. The opening is un- usually early fof Kingston, - but - it shows that a fill season of plays has been booked. - : "The Heart of Chicago." the great scenic production of the famous Lin- coln J. Carter, was the opening play. It is a melo-drama, the comedy pyrt beinr its strong feature. A space of twenty-one years elapses between the tirst and second acts, giving ample time to go out and renew acquain- tance with Mr. Collins. In the fourth act is thrilling railway scene, headlight of an engine tance and gradually approaches till the engine itseli comes into view, steaming and puffing and coming to a standstill at thé front of the stage. I'he effect is most realistic. There are also several other' fine nic" dis- lays. The chief parts are taken by Edgar W. Murray, Henry Pemberton, Walter Fredericks, Kdward .}. Dallan, Johnny Chileber, Will Kilroy and Miss Mae arton. The latter two are very clev- x in a singing and talking act. The slay will be again produced to-night and to-morrow night. Martin Golden, an old theatrical man, is the company's genial mah ager. He here on several pre- .ious occasions, Lis last visit being with the play, "Under the Dome.'* -- tmp. ACCIDENT ON RACE TRACK. witnessegl © the in which "the appears in the was George Smith Knocked Down and Arm Broken. - accident on the track for some years yesterday! afternoon, when Smith, driver for J. MecPar- land's liquor store, was knocked down wv D. Graves™ herse and had his left arm broken above the wrist. Smith, with several friends, was tanding on the rice of the track, in of the bleacher when the first \ of the 2.25 class was starting. 'raves' horse, driven by A. McCann, vas on the outside, and as- the bunch «ame down some one shouted? to those n the track to jump out of the way. several of them did, including Con. Millage, who was talling to Saitch. The latter, however, was not: so lucky, md the wheel of the sulky struck him n the arm. knocking him in the air. fe fell heavily to the ground, but immediately arose, saying he was wt much hurt. His coat sleeve was wadly torn and his arm cut. Con. fillan glanced at the arm, and, no i id told uiith he was ator rais- il it, and found it was only too true, ihe young man was taken to the hos- ital where the arm was set. "The first fair grounds ra oecuar ed ieorge serious BEAUTIFUL ILLUMINATIONS. Seen Among the Islands on Wed- nesday Night. The illuminations among the sand Islands last evening were excep: tionally" "beautiful, extensive ana varied. Especially in the neighbor hood of Alexandria Bay was the ccene most dazzling in splendor. It would he hard to imagine anvthing more heantiful than the decoration of the orounds . of Hopewell Hall, the residence of W. C. Browning, New York. which is' situated a liftle west the Bay. The innumerable lights were most artistically' arranged, while near the water's edge was di Jayed the outline of a large and perfect an- hor. Crowning the vast disblay were + star and in colored livchts. At a distance the cembled a crown of diamonds Tad rox sparkling in the moonlight. Island, owned by George W. Bolat. of the Waldori-Astoria hotel, New York, was also finely illumina- ted. Many of the other islands were alse rich in decoration. The scene is a and one at any 'time, but last was especially impressive, Thou- ol! crescent nies feart The Horse Races. The winners of the horse races held on Wednesday at the. fair grounds were ! 2.95 class--Rilly Patterson, P. Clow, Sydenham; Prince Charlie, T. Stew- art. Deseronto: Lord: Russell, 6. Ww. tell. 'Kingston; Babélene, Dio Abbott, Kingston. 2:50 clgss=Tord Ansell, Hart. Kingston: Sphinx H., Baillie. Kingston: Billy M., Saul Met- cali, Kingston; Maggie S., D. Lake, Napanee. Charles LM --n Gentlemen Who Are Bald Or have: thin hair should call --on Prof. Dorenwend. - at British American hotel, Kingston, on: Fyiday, Aggust 30th. and see his wonderful devicds in toupees and wigs worn on over 63,- 000" heads. Faplanation and demon® tration frec. "Private apartments al hotel. Don't fail to sce his mew in vention, patented all over the world. Demand For Machinists Only about one-half of the striking i ret 'in the city. Wages everyw oo and there is a and for skilled to maghinizis can earn an hour, in Brockville, Be and proportionate other places. machinists good mechani =. prices Secured Big Fish. st. at the Glen a twenty three Take In. American And Canadian Channels. 7 Ca , Labo at Sue, Day. rer 0 oii A «Bibby's."" Oak Hall. "Bibby's. Ask to see a. Barrington Englis hat, $2. The H. D. Bibby Co. Ontario Park, the theatre contained a ' in all its' parts. § DAY'S EPISODES | PARAGRAPHS pick (ED Up BY 'OUR BUSY REPORTERS. Spice of Every Day Life -- hat the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Pure drugs, at Taylor's Boys' vestig suits. Livingston's. What'll folks do if this fine weather centinues ? The merchants report day's business yesterday. sionkey Brand Soap removes all stains, rust, dirt or tarnish -- but won't wash clothes. HE - A citizen deposited 83 with the Lo- lice last night as yz penalty for being drunk he then regained his liberty. Miller's ' Headache Powders cure headache in five minutes. In boxes lle. and 25c.. at Wade's drug store. A, F. Webster writes from Albany, N.Y. :- "The everfaithful, ol, re liable Whig is appreciated more than fer by Cenadian boys across he border." Fresh arrivals, this week at Me- Leod's drug ° store : Ozone, KEfierves- cing Phos. soda, Wyeth's Lithia tab- lets, Wyeth's Malt Extract. Jas. McLeod. The K.'& P. train, which arrived at 8:45 a.m., to-day,'brought to the city The G.T.R. large crowds a, splendid about 200 'passengers. trains also brought in, of people. oe : St. James" church, Parham, grand picnic, on grounds of John Shelling- ton, Parham, Saturday, August 30th. Addresses will be delivered by several prominent men; also music and sports.d The steamer America, after returning to the islands with the fair visitors, yesterday afternoon; . madewshe trip home from Alexandria Bay in a little less than three hours,--a splendid run, The Anglers' Association among the Thousand Islands is having a petition irawn up against the netting of cull h in the St: Lawrence. The patition being circulated among all the river fishermen. Pure drugs, at Taylor's. Charlie Hart, who drove Lady sell for ; An- st place in the 2:50 trot yes- terday. is deserving of considerable vraise. It was his maiden race, and that he secured first place is a matter jor congratulation. Smith's White Liniment is the' most penetrating liniment known, and a positive cure for sorains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, and lumbago:. In bottles, 25c., at Wade's arug store. The United Statesers who visit the city and make purchases at the stoves have only one real fault to ind; viz, that clerks will roll up a parca, laut scarcely ever tie it up. Consaquently it soon unrolls; and gives much (row ble. & Women with pale, colorless faces, who feel weak and discouraged, © will receive both mental and hodily "vigon hy using Carter's Tron Pills, which are made for the blood, nerves and com- plexion. Rev. J. W. Wilkinson, Trenton, and scores of others have issued a circul- ar letter, expressing their high appr cintion and cordiality of Capt. 'Roys and crew of the steamer Aletha dur- ine the excursion to the Thousand Is- land Park cn August 23rd. Every- {Ling that conll be*done for the com- fort and safety of passengers was done. -- QUEEN'S 'UNIVERSITY. Diversity of View as to Their New Principal. Montreal Witness: Now that September is approaching, and the professors are returning from their holidays, the question of a prin- cipal for Queen's university is in the minds of the governors. A 'ular re cently addressed to the governors, lw the chief authority is said to bave drawn forth some diversity of view. The prebability is that thore will he more difficulty in reaching =a conclu- <ion than thire was when thé late Dr. Grant was appointed. tle was the shining' and desirable public man. The only name mentioned--that of Rev. Dr. James Barelay--was. said at the tim to have been the choice of the wvro- fossors. That turned out to have been wide of the mark: and, besidas. it was considered tolerably certain that ir. Barclay would not leave St Paul's for the principalship, even if 11 were offgred to him. ; ee -------- Death Of Miss Franklin. The angel of death entered the home of Joseph Franklin, Sydenham stread, early this morning and took mto eternal rest the spirit of Miss Louise C., the second daughter, aged twen- ty-three years. Miss Louise had. been a sufferer for some time from a lin- cering disease: fire weeks ago she bLe- came confined to her room. She was a bright, hgpny girls the joy of the fousehold. - Her. death 'is the first break in the family. In their sorrow the mourners will have many sympa- thizexs. ------ Excursion Bulletin. August 29th, the popular America to Ogdensburg via Brockvi 8.30 a.m. Friday, steamer Gananoque and 50 cents. Saterday, August 30th, excursion to Watertown, leaves Folger's wharf, 2.40 p.m., returring Mohday. £1.25 Saturday, Awgust ath, "America," 2.30 p.m. among 1000 Islands. One hour and a half at Thonsand Islana Park. - 3c. eesu---- a Labor Day Excursion. the l:lands, steamer 7 a.m. Round trip Sc. din- £15 p.m. Among Cas pian, 14 ner SOE. ome DEAFNESS CANNO{ BE CURED , as they cannot reach There is one and that, is ess is caused muéous lin- By local applications the diseased portion of the ear. ly on ay to cure deainess, ! by constiiutional remedies. Deal Ly an inflamed conditivn of ine of the Eustachian Tube. When this tule gets inflamed vou "have a rumbling sound | or imperfect heanng, ar d when it is entirely eed depiness is the result, and unless time ir mation can be takem out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hear- ing will ba destroyed forever: mine of ten are caused by catarch, which is 1 inflamed condition of an i Pollars for anv catarrh) that cal ¥ Send w se of deafness Lv not be cured by for circulars, [ree F. J. C ea! Ha cases out Every Woman Should { ow. That Prof. 'W. Hodgson Ellis, Official Analyst to the Dominion Gov- ernment, 'has recently made a number of of sdaps, and reports that Sunlight Soap contains that high" * percentage of oils or fats necessary "to a good laundry soap." -° ' What every woman does not know is that in common soaps she . fre. quently pays for adulterations at the price of oils and fats, Try Sun- light Soap--Oetagon Bar--next wash ' day, and you will see that Prof. Bilis is right. He should know. 206 WHAT WE SELL Is Pure Drugs and Sundries of Higi-class Qualiy. We do give bargain prices but rwe do not sell second- class goods. H. B. TAYLOR, CHEMIST AND OPTICIAN 124 Princess St. "Phone 59. § Market y 3 Square ig ol0I6 Under the 'New | rieto¥rship of EB, L. B » Now carries all Fancy Egg Drinks, so well-known in New York. ~~ : Also the Hmest lines Articles, Perfumery, Fons of Toilet Soaps, Cos- metics, Cerates and Creams. - Prescriptions and Family Re- cipes receive utmost attention. i Call and be satisfied, King and 'Market Streets. PO0IE03000000 Swilt's ALL SIZES. 000000004 ¢OVIINIPOOOP : Our Coal i* as Clean. as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. - - EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, GOO uch solid fire. After oval reaches the hi ] mines, impurities are cked out by band. Thereafter it is screened . several times before it reaches you, dirt, slate, eto., really have no chance, if the 'destars are oasetul, Wo are very oa . Grow Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. Bright Fire Is an attraction for every one. The cheery glow and intense heat of our Coal will make iteell felt with pleasure during the cold weather. It's just the kind to cook with, too. Let us fill your bin with BOOTH'S COAL. "Phone 133. Foot of West Street. NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next wins ter. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. FOR SALE. SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KiNG Street, between Wade's Drug store and Congress Hotel. In excellent condition. Second floor leased for a long term. Ap- viv to Cays, real erste ageut, TUE