THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28 CORBETT'S --FOR-- A full assortment of MECHANICS' TOOLS. Best Quality at Lowest Price. Carriages ~~ Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on our carriage you should send to LATURNEY amd have them on and enjoy your drives. JAMES LATURNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St. Kingston. .. OUR Optical Work Is giving universal satisfaction. We give this branch of our busi- ness our painstaking attention, and are handling successfully many difficult cases. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to. erin SMITH BROS. Jewelers and 350 King Opticians. St. THE MAN INLOVE With our Suitings is not hard to find. This is found not'a matter for surprise when the goods are inspected See the sea- sonable things we are offer- ing. JNO. R. JOHNSTON, TAILOR. Butter make bad butter and butter which tastes hive days: The to pro- stay sweet Anybody many coh sweet for trick can make two butter makine duce article that wil withoiit doctoring. Laree facilities, backid by patient care in every « tail have purity © and cleanline: make fame of our €larified but ter. Clarified Milk Co. Phone 567. or in is nn to the FIRE, WOOD A fine lot of nice sound, hard Maple, cut last winter. Good long lengths. S. ANGLIN & CO, Foot of Wellington Street. Tove sbovoncderETL 0002000000000 0000 ecccvessee ecesesccee Electric Fixtures | We 'have them--all sizes, all kinds, all prices; everything to suit everybody. Call and see our large display of both gas and electric fixtures. We have the latest and best, and they won't cost you a great deal, either. Princess BRECK & HALLIDA Street. Auction sales Save Money by Employing AULEN & BROWN, Auctioneers DENTAL CARD. A LY HAS RESUMED HIS DENTAL PR A at 129 Princess St, four doors below former offre. HE WHIG -- 68TH YFAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, publisheo sh eveming, at 306-310 Rivg Street, a! "8 year. Editions 2.30 and 4 WEEKLY BRITISH WHIQ, 12 pages wblished every Thureday morning at' $l» ear. Attached is one of the best Job Printing ices in Canada; rapid, stylish and cheay rork; wine improved presses EDW. J B PENSE PROPRIETOR I'HE DAILY WHIG. * Opiter per Orben: Dicor.' -- WELL OUT OF CONGRESS. Mr. Wood, since Toronto, Rev. of Clevelahd, not long of has aone' the thing in He viduality, keeping out of poli- marked proper ties, is a man of indi- of odd wavs and ideas, and odder fashion of expressing them. He professes not Jo have thought of I the ramous single-taxer, put the notion of it his head. Mr ior him, offered him a nomination fn rolitics until. Tom. Johmson, A into Johnson sent distr and Packed by popuiar. and went his coneressional pro the Mr. about mised him mayor, support. who is very Wood was captivated, 'for some days with a political bee in bonnet. his Eventually he decided not o jump into the "maclstfom of po- litical discussion," and not to imperil his standing as ua preacher. he had politics was to give them a clean ap to put of his concluaed The only possible excuse for entering the cam: theories for that the was not vet ripe for action. pearance and into paign some cood," ana he time Mr. the propulsion of the new thought in to lite, the thought he sent to congress if he wills it, and that in the dazzle and perhaps influence the house He might, experience, Wood has suffered, however, by his that he can national assembly he can by his eloquence. in poli ties, have a new but it is doubtful. There never was a preacher who transformed -the political arena and converted men to his way of do ing things. Ii the records be searched it will be found. that if there was any it the down under the car of Juggernaut. The too, change was in the mind and man ner of reformer, and that he went political and religious worlds, alike. own are has when he talks, The politician is up against opponents not The preacher things his way how clear is his question So Mr. Wood would realize that a church and no matter and how fine his' argument. a political assembly differed essential- not take s has a is presumed that he best '"'some for into the with poor results. The lv, and that his calling did him to Washington. Congre chaplain and it hus tried his eject to o! hiz theories good" mem- bers, and, alas, "scraps" of which one reads are evi dence enough of its unwholesome con- dition. GREAT SCHEMES The fast talked of as if it were an accomplish- IN HAND. Atlantic Steamship line is as if there were ed fact, nothing to he actermined now but the details of the conservative that the will be heavy, $1,000,000 enterprise. A contempo rary remarks circumstance, that the STH0,000 between "ha: not been considered sufficiently serious to events, cost and a vear, a ) cause even hesitation." Recem it goes on, in the political gs the "have a million some well as commercial world robbed dollars of old ernment ol its impressiveness, and the gov may reasonably assume that the people are ready to pay for what they evidently desire" This new the is There was cropking about expense a experience. nothing heard of it at a time when it was in order, when a conservative govern- ment was in power, and the "country was suffering from a depression al- that 'The mil 9 a most, a not quite; as bad-as existing twenty years before, not quite lost the ussed. lion dollar transactions were They had impressiveness. And Atlantic was political effect Sir so common then. not their vet rast service dive For per presumed to rush the scheme. Charles Tup He and in office made no contract © tentatively scolded because his successor 5 and the present it liberal government aid not carry ont. There country are reasons even now why the itself of should not into the proposed bonus hurry an annual financial burden heaviest kind. The of 0.000, capitalized, Added debt, lesson. is enough to terrify one. to the already hecomes im- But are large public it an the great. de It i country The and trfmsportation the to consider posing ohject mands of the country with richer in the travel competing the for n trade of pean. facilities fast will attract patronage, and men whose business it is these have concluded that the line that This conclusion is emphasized bv things will :pay, there is money, in if. the Pacific rail to estabhsk &. line "the decision of the Canadian wayE@mpany any government's the link between Canada ana lhe Canada and way, whether it be choice or not, and make it con necting Bri- tain as its Pacific is the connect between handling This ing line Japan; of transcontinental CPR. to the the | the ofthe stroke ar purpose sort, of; finishing the It IVES tation makes ck one ques Montreal is aeeply interested in the question. owners wants the government to bor- & aken row 215,000,000 or $20,000,000 with which" to improve the St. Lawrence and make it possible for the fast At- speedily to the river must be deepened and "if = Mr. Tarte's talk means anything that day may be near But the and service, liners to run The some day, lantic city. the cost of im- fast the Weorgian Bay route cannot all be at hand. provément, the and undertaken at the same time. Some: thing Canada 1s not to be overwhelmed by debt. When will have to wait--if the trade of the country has expand- ed 5 little more--when the population has swelled and with, it the business of the people,--when Ks free and ghe. public - flush a twenty million scheme can be under- without 5 blush, At some of the great plans of our public money treasury is present men will have to stand. EDITORIAL NOTES. The farmer is devoted to his work these days. He hds been so hindered by the weather that now when - the sun hines he is busy from break: of day to shade of evening. A vagrant character in Now York, a ~yoman, is found to have amassed $50,- H00 by begging. in any occupation if it "This shows that there is money is only worked to its limit. Manitoba and the Ngrth-West till sands of them. $60 a month and that does not draw sufficiently. * are wanting - harvest hands -- thou- The wages have Aisen Even to board. They say that Mr. Chamberlain did wt desive the premiership of England the distance hecause he saw defeat in and wanted to dodge it. "Joe" is the cian of England at 'the present tine. a long-headed man, keenest politi- The Ottawa Journal looks for smull Mr. now. comfort "frqm Borden's to the orosperous and the west Mr. His tripe coast just The country is lemands a - tarifi. tied. ow er ly ng Borden's trip is bad- oracle is mislead- him. The London News looks for another this fall. So In, fact the pher has been doing what he can for lection does Goldwin Smith. Grange pholoso- ome time to bring the crisis about. 'Luck, as usual, however, is running against him. Mark inn," Twaine's book, *'Huckleberry debarred from the Denver pub- and it. occult library because it is immoral Now for exercising lic irreligious ! Has Mark influence upon a run upon been any the critics ? Sam Small dids not collapse, as a esult of Battleboro, whither he had gone to speak ehalf of prohibition. «aid he; *'1 Has the cause overwork, at in oo] was drunk," have no excuse to offer." has it not ? Meanwhile Sani suffered "or I'hat is the question, will take a rest. hritish Columbia has been shipping ts coal to California, Nor use the It about the "oil competition. upon been worried Yet the Trail and Greenwood have for of the There. is something wrong with our economic system ! railroads. has smelters at had oke they require. to shut down want PEN POINT TOUCHES. It Is Hoped So. [lamilton Spectator. Pretty soon we'll 310° ou year. al "HeHo = for Welcome' Once Again. London News. At last the Fetter late than summer never, approaches ! Hasn't It; Now ? LForonto Star. Dakota "has cheek--trying our army of harvesters away Manitoba ! to conz from Palling On The Taste. Toronto Star. We hope Mr. Schwab makes rood, long rest. Confidentally, sick of everlastingly reading him. it a . we are about Oh, Not So Much. Toromto Mail. Sevenoacks may give new lie to the opposition: in England, but, as John Bull puts it, théve is a good deal of hoax about it. Another Aspect Of It. Toronto News. I the rush to the North-West cops tinues, as at present, for many years the, entire trop will be eaten as soon as ripe. . - Where Is The Man ? Montrial Herald. Isn't it about tion was started J. P. Whitney. municating with for some moons. relief expe li- out after the Hon. He hasn't Been com the political werld time a Special Prices. For Fair week, at McLeod's drug store. Your choice of the following for 10 cents : . Tooth powder (large "hottles) Antiseptic tooth wash, Violet Taleum powder Bott's Malt Extract, Little Liver pills, 10c. See window, Jas. B. McLeod. Ladies Look Younger Which is the desire of ont and all. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Dorenwend's private. show rooms = at British - 'American hotel, Kingston, August 20th, Friday, one day only, and see the many beautiful inventions in styles of human hair coverings, wigs, bangs, ' switches, ete:, and in- 10¢. 10. . {in tins); 10c. 10c. One of the largest propertv spect his new patent structure. school suits, £2.50, Livingston's. Jovs' 3 $1. £3.50, | ONTARIO MINES. E- THEIR PRODUCTION SHOWS A GREAT INCREASE Over Previous Years--Total Pro- duction of Minerals During 1901 Was $11,831,086. The annual report of the Ontario Bureau of Mines for 1901, which _ has Just been issued is of more than usu- al interest, and indicates that rapid and satisfactory progress... is being made in the development of the min- ing industry. It embraces a wide range of topies connected with min- ing and mineral products,' and the vo- | lume of statistics presented enables the reader to appreciate the great and growing importance of the mining in- wrest. The total production of miner als during the veyr amounted in vil ue to $11, S3LOSG as compared with $9.2 21 in 1900, and § 5:877 in 1898. The metallic output of last vear was valued at $5,016,734 as against $2, 256 in 1900 and $1.- 639,002 in ISOS. Ro that while the fo- tal production: of Jast year as com- pared with that of 1898 shows an'in- crease in value of $4 209 or sixty- three per cent. the metallic products increased by $3,327,722 or 1917. per cent. The largest "items in the list of me- tallic products are nickel and Dig iron. The value of -the nickel output was 81,859,970 "and of the pig. iron product. $1,701,703. The produc tion of these two metals in 1598 was nickel, $514,220 and" pig iron $530,789. Gold shows a slight falling off, the value of the output of 14,293 ounces in 1901, being $244,443 as compared wi $207,861 the year previous and $275,- 078 in 1898. The yield of silver 'was 151,400 ounces of the value of $54,530 as compared with 160,612 in 1900 worth $96,367. The progress of the nickel-copper mining industry during the five years from 1897 to 1901 is shown by a table giving the details of , the principal items in relation to this branch of mining. The number of tons of ore raised has increased during' this peri- od from 93,155 to 326,945, th number of tons smelted from 96,093 to 270,- 380, the nickel contents of the matte produced from 1,999 to 4,141 tons, copper 'contents 2,750 to 4,441 tons, value of nickel from 8339,651 to $I,- 859,970 value of copper from $200,067 to $589,080. In 1898 this industry gave employment to 535 men who re- ceived $253,226 in wages, in=1901, 2. 251 workmen were employed and the wage bill amounted to: $1,045,889. The production of iron ore in 1901 was more than three times that of the previous year 273,538 tons valued at $174,428 being raised and shipped as against 90,302 tons, value $111,505 for the preceding twelve month. By far the larger proportion was the pro- duct of the Helen mine. .in.the Michi- picoton mining division. The pig-iron product was 116,370 tons, valued at $1,701,703 an increase of 53,984 tons and $765,637 over the output of 1990. This is mainly, due to the fact that there were three furnaces running in 190L and only two the vear previous. Of the ore used 109,109 tons or fiftv- seven per cent." was from Ontario mines. The proportion of native ore in 1900 was only twenty-three per cent. The steel making industry is growing rapidly as shown by last vear's output of 14,171 tons valued at $347,250 as compared with 2.819 tons, worth" $16,3580 in-1900. The number of men employed in the production of iron and steel last year was 580, drawing wages amounting to $274: 534. Bounties were paid out of the Iron Mining fund in 1901 to-the am- ount of $25,000. Of zinc ore 1,500 tons were produced valued at $15,000. Comparing the output of m>tallic products-for the first three months of the present year with that of the ¢or responding figures of 1901, the firures show an aggregate value of § 31.055 as against 3824 076, being an crease of $130,600 or fifty-two per cent. There is a specially noteworthy increase in nickel and copper, the gains in value in these metdls being $355,498 and R121,515 respectively, due not merely: to the larger output, but to the fact that the mattes of the Sudbury dis- trict are subjected to processes which secure greater richness in their metal lic contents. Among the non-metallic products ce- ment is one of increasing importance, the UpIE of Pobiling cement being valued at $363,255 and of natural rock cement at $107, . Corundum, one of the newer. additions to the list, was produced to the value of $53,115, and iron nyrited appears for the first time, the yield being palued at $17,500. The report presents an interesting survey of the work being accomplish- ed under the auspices of the Bureau in the way of geological ekploration. Prof. A. P. Coleman reports as to investigations carried on, on the iron ranges of north-western Ontario, and also contributes a study of the syen- ites of Port Colborne. The great me- tallurgical and mineral industries of Sault Ste. Mavic are described. by Prof. A. B. Willmott. Messrs. Coleman and Willinott furnish jointly a de- tailed and carefully worked out re- port on the Michipicoton iron region, including the well-known Helen mine. Prof. Miller presents the results of an exiunination of the eastern Ontario gold belt, and of his investigation in- to the mineral resources of Nipissing district between Lake Temiscamingue and the Height of Land. J. Waltde Wells reports on the work of the provincial assay oflice, and Ras also furnished a paper on arsenic. In Ontario, and Dr. "W. L. Gdodwin sup- plies a report on the work of the cummer mining classes held under the | bureau's auspices. A specially valuable paper is that by Frank N. Speller., superintendent" of the exhibit of On- tario minerals at the Pan-American, who furnishes some interesting details bos to the display. Rev. Thomas Nop contributes description of the in Anderdon and W. E. H. gives an of the a rocks ' found Essex county, Carter as inspector of mines, account of the working mines 1 province as at the close of 1901. I'he be much appreciated by either from a SE Lo of view Ontario | inthustries. tress { corniferous { . | township, report will all concerned' or scientihe point and metallic mn ming Steamer Caspian's Excursion. Among Thousand 'Jslands," Lahon Day, 10:17 a.m. Fare 50c., dinner 0c. | Home 4¢15 p.m. | - | | | clothing, and also $37 SUCKS OUT BRAINS. Mysterious River Beast in the . Congo Free State. Antwerp, Aug. just returned 20.--A Delgian officer iron the Longo Free Statg reports that in the caverns of the Uelle river thére dwells a species ol octopus that presents a grave dan ger to all who naxigate the river in small boats. . . The stra beasts are called wel by thé natives, and' are nuierous- inthe -neivhborhood of the station of the Amadis owing to the munber of rocks anu caves in that ve gion. lhey attack the native canoes, capsizing them casily with "their ten- tacles, and, according' to their state ol hunger, SyzZIing one or two men. The octopus drags his human prey to his ua, and there, without in- flicting the slightest external wound, feeds on his lightest brains .by insert- ing the points of his tentacles in his nostrils. He generally keeps his prev filtteen hours, then lets the body float out on the river. . "1 was an eye witness to a disaster of this kid,' vs the Belgian. A CANOE was caps in the river, and one of the thr upants disappear al. When the survivors fam ashore they told us that an octopus had turned their hoat over, and carried ofi their companion. The next morn- ing. about nine o'clock, the body was found Loatir and no trace of any wound conld be found, while the onl abnormal appearance was the swollen state of the nostrils. On examina- tion it was found that the brains had been cextracted."' The natives of the Uelle all dread the "megwe," while those of the Itimbri know nothing of its existence. -- Some Shop Talk. was midnight in the machine and all was silent until the voice of the file was heard to "meg very oc It shop, rasping say : 1 have rubbed up against lots hard things in my life, but (his veyized steel job has worn me out. "Well," said the lathe, sympatheti cally, "I have done many a ° had turn myself." "Life is a great bore," the gimlet. "A continued emery wheel roughly. "With many a broken added the steam pipe in hollow cents, - "Calm yourselves," advised the dam- aged flywheel; 'there may be a revo- lution of Har- supplemented o ind," put in the thread," ac- soon." Jon't mind him," said the solder- ing fluid, acidly. **Everyone knows he iv cracked," And _in the confusion the gas escaped. that followed Complete In Two Volumes. The late king of Prussia to an aide de camp, Col. sky. who was brave but poor, a small portfolio, bound like a book, in which were deposited 300 crowns. Some time afterward he met the officer and said to him: "Ah, well, how did 'you like the new work which I sent to you?" "Excessively, sire," replied the col onel; *'I read it with such interest that T expect the second volume with impatience." The king smiled, and when the of ficer's birthday arrived, he pre-ented him, with another portiolio similar in every respect to the first, but with these words engraved upon it: "This book is complete in two volumes." once sent Malachow- Important Trade Auction. Messrs. Benning - & Barsalou, the well known Montreal auctioneers, arc announcing a mot important sale of £35,000 worth of ready-made 5,000 of staple and over fancy dry goods. These goods are bank- rupt stocks and will be sold without any reserve hy covder of the liguida- tors. Particulars are given in the ad- vertising columns of this issue. ie -- Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York clothing yrock street, has received all his fall importations fqr order work ,in his tailoring department. His ready-made department is well assort- od and a large assortment to choose from. For low price and durability he defies competition. -------------- «Bibby's."" Oak Hall. "Bibby's." school pists; 45¢., H0c., 6le., Y0c., The H. D. Bibby store, Boys' Nae "sy ar ee ---------------- £2.50 buys two-piece suit. Livingston's: a strong > | ov THE. GENUINE BR ere G iy Grape NOW FOR SCHOOL The on his clothes bed: his right. sehool only time a boy isn't hard is when he is in 'He is particularly hard 'on clothes: but it's all Let him romp, play marbles, climb fences, play horse and turn somersaults, enjoy Buy will resist the as all boys doing. : him .school clothes that hard wear that every healthy boy gives them. Our clothing is made by the best makers in this country and is especially selected for Hard us- age. BOYS' SUITS _AT $1.25, $1.75, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5, $6. H. D. BIBBY CO. One Price Clothing, Oak Hall. rison Co's. GREAT AUGUST Many customers are buying their Furniture and Carpets now and having us hold them until later. « They are saving money and we have the money to use. Parlor Suites, $25, reduced to $17.50. Parlor Suites, $85, reduced $48. Bedroom Suites, etc., all reduced. Carpets, in:Brussels and Axmin- ster, all reduced in sympathy with our other linés. to Sideboards, T. F. HARRISON CO. > SALE. This Suit, until end of August, while they last, $10.50. A gen- uine snap. Regular $13. Phone go and gr. PARLOR SET THIS WEEK. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. JAMES REI THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, KINGSTON. LO ©0OOOeE ® CEOOPOLOO® 4 ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION The sticking of the iron --the scorching of the linen and the tr. ubles « and worries of washiug day ara 'things of the past if you use :BEE STARCH ¢¢ : ® °® eco0e® ©0e0. oe No werry--littte work and absolute satisfaction. 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE. SNOWDON, FORBES & CO, 2gts., 449 Bt. Paul St, @® bd COD I0E ©00E Try it. SAVE THE COUPONS. Moutreal. FOUR YEARS OF METHODISM. Interesting Figures Prepared .for » Winnipeg Conference. Toronto, Aug. Rev. George ('ornish, D.D., the Methodist general conferenge statistician, has prepared his rgport, for the meeting in Winni- peg next. month. It indicates there has heen a total increase bership in four years of 1 most narked increase being 1.700 the North-West. conference. The num ber of churches built during the quad vennium was 217, their valic was $705.021: new parsonages 112; their value £172,069. Value of college und ) oy was school property, ¢ of book and publishing houses, $ 361. The total value of all church property is R16,502.43%; showing an increase of $1,372,181. During the quacrennium 201 young men have been received on probation for the ministey and there have 161 transiers among the 'several ferences. (me [hundred have irom Toronto conference, 15; ton, 16; London, 1%; lay of Quinte, 15; Montreal, 13; « Nova Scotia, T; New Brunswick. and Prince Edward Island, 5; Newfoundland, Manito ba, 4: and Japan, 2. Th : an in crease of 11 more than from 154 1898. There. are "now 1,793 ministers, wl 237 probationers, woring in the increase of-90 and , dé respectively, The falling ing th it is out been con died; Hamil the Loy in probationers is worry ficials of the church. because voung men they want to get the new fields in the west. Three applications of Peck's Corn Salve will cure hard or soit corns. In CHARGES WITHDRAWN. And the Libel Suit Will Not Pro- MP, informed the house of commons London, ceed. Aug. 25)--A. B. Markham, who some eighteen months ago that he was ready to prove that Wernher, Jeit lers," & Co., were "thieves and swind- and "that so ~overwhelming was the evidence of their turpitude that he intended tion of them characteriza- the privileged to repeat his outside, walls of parliament and face the con- sequences, threat, and who carrieill out hi has now made .an unreserved withdrawal of his charges. As a con sequence, de eroher," Beit & Co., have ded not to proceed with their, li bel suit. Ottawa Central, Morrisburg, Aug. Sherbrooke, Aug. Toronto lodustrial, Sept. * The ¥all Fairs, Aug. 22-30. "27-29. 30, Sept. 6. 1-18." "Frontenac, Hlarrowsmith, Sept. 4-5. Iroquois, Sept. Peterboro Central, Addington, Tamworth, Sept. London ; Western, Sept. Napanee, Newhoro, Sept® 15 Brockville, &10. Sept. 9-11. 12-13. 12-20. Sap, 16-17 Jets. County. Sept. Hamilton Central, Sept. 16-18. Perth, Prescott, Sept. Merrickville, Ce Renfrew Lombardy, Sept. Spencerville, Sept. bBeachburg, 2-3. Lansdowne, Oct. 7 "Bibby's Nev by, $I. County, 17-19, 3-25. g Lrham, Bept. 23-24. Sept. 24-25. 5 30, Oct. 1. opt. irooke, , Sept. Oct Oak Hall. soft front shirts, neat The H. PB. Bibby Co. ibby's." and nob- big boxes, 15c., at Wade's drug store. | Livingston's jor boys' suits.