é oi 5 Pure, Fragrant and Cleansing. ; BABY'S OWN SOAP .: 1S UNRIVALLED FOR NURSERY ' . AND TOILET USE. ' Don't risk imitations on Baby's delicate skin. EN _ ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., MFRs.\ v MONTREAL. 6-2 ; Every purchaser of Carpets, whether for the smallest room or the largest hotel wants his mind satisfied on three. points, namely, price--quality--style. It is because we convince our + customers as to every one of these requirements that we confidently expect your patronage. RR. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. THE FINEST PIPE MADE. " « PERFECT : / SHAPES. oF ST FINISH. Guaranteed not fo burn. Sold in Vulcanite, Horn or Amber by WM. BAKER. | ; THERE HAS BEEN NO CASE SO HOPELESS BUT THE MAGI CALEDONIA SPRINGS HAS - HELPED; i RHEUMATISM, STOMACH, 2 LIVER, AND URINARY TROUBLES ARE SURELY HELPED. - TH prove to you that Df Chase's Ointment 18 a certaig ana absolute cure for each and every form of itching bleeding and protruding piles, eo manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes. monials in ths daily press and ask your neigd® 3 what they think ofit, You can use it a et our money back if not eured. 60c a box, af | Pl dealers or EDMANSON, BATES & CO. Zarontad Or. Chase's O'ntment 5 PERFECT IN. fo HUMBU STRUNENISInd £ vo8F Ch Humane Swine V, Stock Marker and Calf Denorner f all ages from fa HE routing. Mal < . i a {1 i Ks, send balance. Pat's Raat toa" | or 17 yrs ; Canada Deg: AT, V '01,18 yrs. FARMKR BRVGHTON, Fairfield, Iowa, U. 8. a KINGSTON LADIES' COLLEGE KINGSTON, CANADA. Residential and Day School for Girls. Address 'MISS M. GOBER, M « Principal. . 99 "HILLCORFT E ACADEMY KINGSTON: A RESIDENTIAL and DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Ideal Grounds of Twelve Acres. Opens Sept. 9th, 1902 REV. T.J. GLOVER, B. A., Principal. o v i ev . ALBERT COLLEGE, PBeitville PHENOMENAL RECORD OF GROWTH, 302 students enrolled last year, 172 young ladies gnd 130 young men, néw pipe organ, domes tic science rooms, and art callery recently added. Two matriculation schelarships wou 3 in 1901. Splendid gymnasium, large athletic : . grounds, commercial hall, one of the finest ir | Ontario. Building heated bv steam and 7 lighted by electricity. Will re-open September 9th. For illustrative circulars. address prin cipal Dyer. vw MUSIC +» = = MRS. CLERTHEW WILL RE-OPEN classes in Flyicher Music Method oon ' ber Ist.» For and particulnrs 211 University 107 a . PIANO LESSONS Miss C. M. Clocfew to College of Music HER Septem apply at terms Ave Toron Avenue underoraduate 211 University ARTHUR H. HOWELL Representative and Examiner for the RT London, (Eng.) College of Music. % Organist' and Choitmaster, First Presby ter jan church, Bre le. \ Teacher of Pia Organ and 8 Shonkt ww sufficient v r- of pupils off Howell would visit Kingston one dav a week { dyring the coming season X Correspondence solicited 4 Address Box 278, Brovkviile, Ont. KINGSTON - BUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEG TORONTO. ' E" Lagwest and best equipment in Canada : Ubpequalled facilities for securing: positions , 821 Queen. Street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Qopledoration Life Buildings. * Toronto. 4--What Con. Daly Has Say About Gananoque. Ponies finished Tn whirlwind yesterday, in their exhibition with Gouverneur. When to style match they began .their ninth innings the score was ten to five in Gouverneu favor. It-took five runs to tie the score, and exactly five did the Ponies make. Dorgan, Che- ney, Islin, Hunt and" Elliott, all made hits, "Chaucer" making a home run. It was a fierce finish indeed. Then two more innings were plaved to de- cide the match. In the eleventh, Til- ton scored Elliott by 'making a clean base hit. Dorgan pitched for Ponies, and though not having been in thé box for a month, did fine work. Thirteen hits were made off 'him and seventeen off Vowinkel, Gouverneur's hest twirler. The .visitors had great luck in the third innings. With two out, a groun- der to shortstop struck a stone and houncel over Easton's head. Five runs at Thomas McKibbon's, Wilberforce. Miss Mamic¢ Carter, Kingston, is ton. . a i Miss Lettie Walker. Queen street, 1s in Gananoque, the guest di M Rogers. : Mrs. Nixon, Deseronto, is visiting in Kingston. the guest oh Mie, AE. Swayne. T. C. Wilson is back from Roek | Point camp, much invigorated" by his six weeks' outing. Miss Nellie Gammon, the guest of her sister, renson, 161 Bagot street. Mrs. Ernest F. Ely, New York, is the guest, of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Reynolds, Westport. Mr. and Mrs. George Lee and fam- ily, spending a vacation near Syden- ham, have returned to the city. John M. Sherlock, iter a. week in the city. returned to Toronto to-aay. | His family will follow on Tuesday. Miss Lou Wolfe, Sydenham, sister of Deseronto, is Mrs. E. Law- visiting her uncle, T. N. Carter, Tren: | Pay was the result of this little accident. | Arnold Wolfe, and Carmen Draaen Couvermur 00 51:2020000-10fwere united in ,markiage on August Ponies "0011012035 01--11:] 27th i Watt,' of Ogdensburg, was umpire. St. Lawrence League. Won. Lost. Ponies +13 9 Gananoque 13 9 Gouverp ur 11 10 Canton 10 13 Antwerp... . 8 11 Baseball On Friday. Eastern league-- At Toronto, 1; Mon treal, 3. At jufialo, 10-3: Rochester, 2.5. -At 'Newark, 3: Worcester, I. At Jersey City, Providence, 6. National league-- At Joston, 1; Brooklyn, 0. At Pittshure, 3; Chi cago, 9. At. Philadelphia, 6; New York, 2. At Cincinnati, 10; St. Louis, 6. \merican | At St. Louis, Th Baltimore, 1 Detroit; 1; Bos land. 1: Washipoton, *hiladelphia, 10. ton, 6. At Clev JAt-Chichgo, , Sport In General. Anterp defeated the former's crounds vesterday, 6 to lL The Oddiellows anek the mien will meet at the fair grounds Monday. Ponies and Gananoque tied dav in the St. Lawrence league. finish will he The Athletics baseball team journey to play a of that Gananoque on Longshore on vester The exciting. od to. Gananoque to-day came with a junior team town. From the ceneral outlook of the N. A. L.U. series, Cornwall people are of the opinion their team will be in the saw-off, if 'there is a saw-off for the championship. Miller. second baseman of the Toron to baseball team, may be out" of the same for the remainder of the sea son. He is a cripple, the result of the injury to -his foot at Providence. «uy Curtis, whose football and hoc- Foy fan shauldgentitle him to amo nument on (Queen's grounds, is at Del ta, where his greatness is cOigE te ced. "Asked why he didn't work, Guy replied: 1 daren't.'> Eastern Leavue catchers are in de mand this year among major league clubs. and already two players have heen picked up hy the National League. Good catchers are none to plentiful, just now; and real wood ones are very scarce. The prospects for ruehv in Brock ville for the coming season are all right. Most of the stalwarts are a ailable, including Ritchie, Wilkinson, Graham. Dobbie, Doran, Simpson,-Ste vens, Deir, MacLaren, Martin, Philips. Whalen, Carr, Curtin and Donalds An effort will he made to keep a juni team throughout the sSOn. Complaint ers' Club meting, last that "Chaucer" Elliott was the lienity of the Ponies hy playing lawn tennis in Victoria Pa A committee, consisting of "Dinn Burke, "Alfie" Pierce and Dorgan's: "Bunny" was ap pointed, fo interview the offender. and ask him to invite the whole team to the park to participate in the refresh ments. Con. Daly, use for Gananoque, or going sen the Knock- nivht lowering was made at Gouverneur's shorfstop, where he has no plaved Baseball the past two years If they do win the Sto Lawrence league pennant, he says the club man will win it at the expense of their poor players--hali-of whom have not bien' paid their salaries! A-prom inent -Gananoque man wanted to bet 2100 that the Garnocks could beat either , Gouverneur or Ponies. "If vou have £100 to bet, go and pay | vom players, what vou owe them.' was the Gouverneur 'man's quick retort. Daly used to 'he very troublesome: on the diamond, but after leaving (Gananoque he seemed to lose his kicking consti tution, which no doubt was a Gana nogue contagion. Now he's as quiet agers WHEN PEOPLE SAY blood they should often say bowels. Impure blood means irregular bow- els. Blood purifier means bowel regulator. Constipation means bad blood. Bad blood means bad health, fron-Ox_ Means e Cure IRON-OX TABLETS | are a gentle laxative and a splendid tonic. They are not a cathartic. Cathartics do not cure. Fifty Tablets © 25 Cents Jack" Conley, Renfrew, a former member of the Oddfellows' baseball team, is spending a few days in the city. . H. M. Nimmo 'leit this afternoon to resume his duties with the Detroit Tribune, after a three weeks' vaca tion. Rev. E. 8S. Coates, Prescottr=return ed home to-day after a short visit with his = cousin, Frank W. Princess street. Miss Ethel Gilbert, Tweed, entertain ed a number of friends on Thursday evening last in honor of her guest, Miss Lulu Cays, Kingston. . Miss H. Lorena Chapman, daughter of Mr. W. Chapman, Colborne street, Coates, has left for Torontg to attend the Kinde ten normal college. Miss McRae, Belleville, is the guest of Mrs. We D. McRae, Barrie street. George DD. Murray, Kingston, is spending a few days in Ottawa. The Misse Hollinrake, of Muto... Ont., gues Miss Mabel Bateman, the paxt few returned home yesterday. Jelcher has left the GUTLR. offices, Trenton, to take a po sition in Winnipeg. and Robert Shaw. Kingston, has accepted the office Sa W. Ford Webster, Charles R. Wel ster, and Benjamin E. Webster, left to-day for a trip up the Rideau. They will shoot and fish and eat and sleen. On Monday M. Mallen will pilot the vacht Sport, of Sport Island, below Alexandria ' Bav, up the Rideau, whither the Wilbur party is going on of University avenue, for weeks, a fishing trip. Miss Emma S. Flath, B.A. Kings ton, has been engaged as teacher of the hich school department of the Ac ton schools, at a salary of-§160 for the remainder of the year. ' Mrs. William Carroll and children and Miss Nellie Clark, Alired street, have returned after a. couple of months' visit with relatives in Chap- inville and Binghamton, N.Y SEeriff Eilheck had a bie share in the coronation celebration ats Dawson, "Yukon. on August 9th. He-was chair- man "of the drounds committee and on the exceutive committee. De. Wb H. Bell, grand vice-chancellor of the €.0:€F. is one of the speak ers on Monday at a picnic at Beverly Lake, near Delta, arranged by councils of C.O.C.F. in that district. Capt. Allen, the steamer Ameri «a, by his unfailing courtesy and at tention to _passena has made him self a very' popular master. He is ever reacy and willing to oblige, and his 'genial evidence, seven ot good nature is always in His Kindly Co-operation, The! educational department of the work in connections with = the local Y.M.C.AL is being put into shape for the coming season. Hon. William Harty has granted Secretary Law rence permission" to address the men at the locomotive works on education al, work. Fhe class to be formed will likely contain about twenty-five men the Mr. Tait,--of -- the works, is getting out the posters. Mr. Harty's * co-operation is. greatly ap preciated. from shops. ~ In Business At' Ottawa. R. D. Paker, the i Baker's steam laundry, in Ottawa. He is establish nea model steam---taundey--on Spars former' proprietor Princess street, is street, that city, and is at present overseeing the placing of the new machinery. He is Starting with a stalil of twenty-five employees, and has large orders for work booked alread! Mr. Baker made a success of the dry business here. and there doubt but that" he will do the at the capital. same Visitors From Brooklyn, N.Y. At the steamer New York, er other river excur sionists, hroucht 130 members of the Arion Singing Club, of Brooklyn, N. Y., to the city. The club members had previously 'chartered two street rail way and boarded them after landing at Folger's whari. The visit ors were taken out as far as Lake On tario Park. noon to-day, besides cars, Hope For Her Health. The Barr's=Rettlement. oorrespondent of the Eganville Enterprise savs: "Miss 0. 'Burns, Kingston, has resumed work in school a aki She has not 'enjoved wood health lately and it is hoped the bracing air of the approaching au cumn will fully restore her." Harrowsmith Fair. Laroer amount of entries than hefore. Special attractions. Special train will leave Harrowsmith, Sco fember 5th, for Kingston, at 5:30 p, A ---------------------- g <Bibby"s." Oak Hall. ""Bibby's.' When you want a ghirt or a tie liferent from the common sort, here. The H.. bs Bibby' Co. ees AH the fruits of the season at Fer- guson's. Big shipments of peaches and pears _ . * The Whiz will not be published: on Monday. ' * a Christians to Adopt. 0 day of. rest! How beautiful, how fair, ' \ How welcome to the weary and the old ! : Day of the Lord ! and truce to earth- ly care! ! Day of the Lord, * as all our days should be ! a 1 --Longfellow. Good men and women are] the besg indicators of God's Omnipresence. Though His hand s¢emis to be reach- ed out to 'smite it is equally ready to save. e Kind words draw people nearer to God, but cross ones drive many to de spair and ruin. ; The happiness of your life depends on the character of your thoughts.-- Marcus Aurelius. Try each day to bring some soul nearer to the goal vou are trying vourself to reach. ' ; Rev. Dr. Robinson has resigned the pastorate 'of the Presbyterian church at Rossland, B.C. God hath so suited our duty to our interest. that obedience to His will is happiness to ourselves. . Rev. A. L. Budge, Petrolea, has been called to the Normandy and Hanover Preshgterians congregations, A handsome coverlet, ilfully work ed in silk, has heen presented to the queen by aged 'and cripped poor of Iiristol. . Logie Macdonnell, son Jf the late Rev. D. J. Macdonnell, is now in charge of the Preshyterian mission at Texada Island, B.C. The bishop of Moosonee, the Right Rev. Dr. Newnham, has had charge of the largest the contihent, as far as area is concerned, Rev. J. D. Fearman, M.A. lately of St. John, N.B., has accepted a call to Bloor street Baptist church, To- ronto,. where he 'succeeds Rev. CC. A, Llatony Rev. Dr:-and Mrs. on Monday at noon where they join a party going to Winnipeg to attend the general con- frrence of ghe Methodist church. Rev. A. W. Hyde, of the Moravian Missionary Society, has lived for al most fifty years in the Tibetan bor der, revising the Bible in the Tibetan age and preaching to the na Anglican diocese on Anthiff will leave or tives. Rev. William, Philadel phia, called hy Andrew's congre gation, Winnipeg, has written that he cannot accept, and the congregation will likely call Rev. Dr. Johnston, London. In speaking at a recent meeting in Nanaimo, 'B C., Rev. E. S. Rowe." of Victoria, thus expressed his conception of Methodism : "If 'Methodism means the rigid adherence to set phrases and stereotyped methods, then I am not a Methodist. But if Methodism means adapting ourselves to the needs of the hour responding to the calls to la bour for the uplifting of humanity, then I am a Methodists" : The Methodist Missionary S has now an income of $306,129.33 Tor 1901-0F against for 1807 Ss, an increase of $66,377.34. The inter est has beelf accruing steadily, tha only decrease being in 1900-01, when there was-a heavy falling off in lega cies, but an advance in all other sour ces of income. The inerease in ordinary subscriptions and collections has been $21,250.25, juvenile offerines 81,501.01, orth League contributions $14, The amount of $18,352.17 was ceived from the Twentieth Century Thanksgiving Fund, which is not in Patterson, St. ciety cluded in this statement. The new: Anglican diocese of Kee watin extends as far east as Savanne, and west to' Molson; to the United States boundary -on the south, and north "to the north. pale, or to the furthest point visited hy the Eskimos. It includes Fort Frances, and all the Rainy River district. From Molson the boundary line runs north along the wineticth degree of longitude, 'to Fort Alexander, and thence due north up the eastern shore. of Lake Winni pew. The residence of the bishop of Keewatin will be at' Rat Portage. He will twelve establidhed. missions under his chgree. "Almichty Father, are a' Thy puir and sinfu' hairng, wha wearied a' hame an' awa' intae tl country. Forgive us, for we didng ken have we oaed what we were leg "or the sair hurt we oied our ¥ It was weary wark tae live wi" oor sins, but we wid never hev come back had it no heen for oor Elder Brither. He cam' _a long road tae find ug, and a sore travail He had afore He set us free. and He's been a gude Brither tae us, Rn FOOD SAVED HER. That is the True Cure For- 'Most ¢ Everything. A food that will help the babies and the grown folks 'too is worth know ing of and keeping in the family) A mother in Woonsocket, R.1., savs, "IT have been +a of Grape-Nuts Food for quite a long time, but nev- er' thought of giving it to baby, un wil we had a dreadful time with her. We tried three kinds of baby foad and condensed' Muilk, but nothing ceomidd to agree with her, and 'at sev en months she' weighed not quite ten pounds. We puzahed to know what to do. when one day Hushand said, "Do von every trv tirape Nuts *' [thought she would throw up that fpod dike she did the others, but to our great joy the softened food agreed with her perfectly. She has been using it for user were about five months now and, at « year old, sh weighs 191 Ibs., has eight teeth and her hand little body is as firm and round as can he. She walks 'from x chair to che Meeting th setor the other day 1 said. 'What vou think of her now?' H% said, 'She doesn't look the 1e ba by What do vou feed her I said, 'Grape-Nuts Breakfast Food." Th proof of its value is perfectly clear. She is a wonder everyone says that saw he Tr some months ago. I cdnnot praise Grape Nuts enourrh. Please do not publish my name." Name given by: Postum Co., Battle Creck, Michy | Toronge,' . Sydenham street Methodist church services to-morrow--Rev. 8. Shibley, 11 a.m.; Rev. J. A. Welwood; 7 p.m. Betheb Congregational church--Rev. D. N. Morden, minister. Services, 11 aam., and 7 p.m. Strangers: cordial- ly invited. Seats are all free. Mrs. Charles Kerr, graduatg of Whit- by Ladies' Colleges and Toronto Con- servatory of Music, will sing-in Sy- dénham &treet church both morning and evening. % Queen Street Methodist church 1st 31st, 1902. --Rev. J. Cooper Ant- it M.A., D.D., will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. The Lord's Supper will be administered after the evening ser- mon. Sunday school ane Bible class, at 2.15 p.m. Mid-week sirvice on Wed- nesday at 8 pan. All welcone, I'inst Congregational chuch, corner Wellington and Johnston streets.-- 1D. M. Solandt, BAL, acting pastor. Ser- vices, II am and 7 pa. Sunday school at 245 p.m. 'sting on Wednesday evening o Seats all free and all are welcome. A meeting of the church management committee will be held after the even- ing service. Aup- a o'clock. BISHOP OF ONTARIO. The Engagements Made for September. Sept. 3rd.--Mecting of General Sy- nod, Montreal. * Sept. 7.--11 a.m., St. Martin's. Mon treal; 7 p.m., Grace chureh, Montreal. Sept. 14-11 any, Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal; 7 p.m. Trinity church, Montreal. Sept. 15.-- Returns to Kingston. Sept. 17.--7.30 p.m., Westport. Sept. 18.--10.30 a.m., Fermoy; 3p m., Bedford Mills; 7.30 p.m., New- haro. c Sept. 19.10.30 am., Portland; 3 p Elgin; 7.30 pun. Lyndhurst. m., Sent. 20.--10.30 am., Leeds; 3 p.m, Seeley's Bay. Sept. 21.--1030 a.m. Lansdowne Rear; 3 p.m., Delta; 7 p.m., Athens. Sept. 22.--3 p.m., 'Newboyne; 7.30: p. m., Lombardy. ) Sept. 23.10.30 a.m., Frankville; 3 p.m., Redan: 7.30 pm. laston's Cor- ners. Sept. 24-11 am, Jellvby: 3 p.m, Garretton{ 8 p.m., North Augusta. S 5-11 a.m. Merrickville; 3 p. n. t's Rapid's; 8 p.n., Kempt vill NS 2.--11 a.m., Acion's Corners; 3 pom.. Oxford Station; S p.m, Ox- ford Mills. Sept. 27.11 am, Shanley, 3 pam, Lime Kilns: S pan. Cardinal. Sept. 1 am Maitland; 3 p. m., St. George's; 7 pan, Lord's Mills. PE FEW LINE INTERVIEWS. Dr. 1. W. Kansas City Kingston is a beautiful city, but a trifle slow. 1 notice very few men in their shirt sleeves here, no mat ter how hot it gets. Now that's real fashionable down south. The streets, street cars, residences, ete. we all frequented by men in their shirt It's cool and com fortable. and it is not by any Jacques, sleeves, "means the slovenly man who ap pears in that style. C. Wesley Walker--Yes,- sir, I am ar another picnic a so be held on to swini, My pic fine ranging for swimming picnic, Monday. You don't have though, unless you likes nies are always blessed with weather. rg Bell-T haven't quite de Ala. oJ. H. cided- vet whether I shall run. for mayor or not in 1903. Secretary Lawrénee, of the YMCA. There are about WW voung nfen, betwéen the ages of sixteen and twenty-one, in Kingston, and the Y.M.C.A. has enrolled as mem- bers only a few hundred "of them. So vou sce we have un big work to do vet to reach these young men. Alderman think the city council should drop the letter of the law methods at times, and put confidence in men who are trust worthy. Sears--I 'MARINE INTELLIGENCE, Notes Regarding the Movements o: Vessels. Richardsons™ elevator Echo, Maggie L., and Granger, bay ports expected. Craig's wharf: Steamer Trenton to Thousand Island with excursionsists. Swift's wharf : down and up: Hamilton, from (real, tonight; Ritkau. Queen, Ottawa; Caspian, from Charlotte, Schooners from Varuna, - Park, Steamers Toronto, Mon from To-day's Market Prices. Saturday's market was" a splendid one, Both in point of size and in thd excellent quality ofxthe produce, These prices prevailed: Mutton, 7c. to Se. a spring lamb, "Ne % to 1c. a lb. Je. to Ge. a Ib; turkey, $1 to y each: dicks, 60c¢. to a pair; fowl, 60e. to T0¢. a air; ickens, Shc. -- to 6c a pair ews: to 15¢. a dozen; butter in prints, 20¢, a fh.: in rolls, 20. to 2c. a lh; po tatoes, 70c. a bag: corn, Sc. a dozen; tomatoes, 81 a bishel. Papal Delegate Here. Yesterday afternoon the papal dele te," Mar. Faleonio, and Bishop Me Avoy, of London, Ont. arrived in the city, from the east, after having had a trip down the St. Lawrence The papal delegate paid afprivate Visit to "\ rhbishop Ganthier who drove with bis distinguished visitors through the city. Mer. Faleonig and Bishop Me Avov left this afternoon ih Ottawa. F them at McLeod's drag. store About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. The Whig will observe the on Labor Day. Fine weather' now. nearly all home. The governor-general is Bellggille shortly. ' Ihé labor men ought to have a fine time on Monday. Help them calg brate. : » ~ Don't forget picnic in aid of Railton Catholic church, on September 3rd, in O'Brien's Grove, Railton. Monkey Brand Soap removes all stains, rust, dirt or tarnish -- but won't wash clothes. . 2} "Summer is nearly ended, and vet it hag only begun," says the Ports mouth philsosopher. The Buttermilk club has been called hy the president to resume its meet ings on' Monday evening. : Pure spices do not cost you more than 'the 'adulterated when you get holiday "The campers are to visit Pratt's heaaache powders will eure vour headache or neuralgia, lle. per package. McLéod's_ drug store. The steamer New York concludes her season's river trips on Thursday next. Her traffic has been the largest on re: Cory N&t a single case or theft was reports during this week. This is tional record. The recently formed Oddfellows' club is making good and the rooms, have become a favorite resort for thet threedinkers. of pocket-picking to the police an excep progress, Many excursionists reached the city to-day from points between Whithy and Cobourg. "They have a three days' limit on the GUT.R. (". Weslev Walker has arranged for a "swimming picnic' on Mackenzie Is laid. down the river. on Monday next. A larce number of young people have been invited. The = Y.M.C.A. board of directors nicet on Tuesday night when a special committee will report upon the pro posed new gvmnasium floor; $10 is needed for the work. The Kingston Canton, LO.O.F. will most likely stake part in the competi tion at Ogdensburg fair. With this end in view they will begin drill the first' of next week. Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are made expressly for sleepless, ner vous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price Last night the Lake Ontario pavili on couldn't begin to hold the people who thronged that. pleasure place in quest: of amusement. Every night this month the pavilion has been doing a big business. Smith's White Liniment is the most penetrating liniment known, and a positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatisin, and lumbago. In bottles, 25c., at Wade's arug store. The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, 11 King street west, Toron to, accepts all classes of trust funas, whether under will, marriage settle nent or agreement. As the company has perpetual existence, its clients have the assurance that the terms" of the trust will be carried out, no mat ter what period they cover, without changing the trustee, 'which has often occurred when a private indi vidual has been appointed in that ca pacity. SO The Fall Fairs. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 1-13. °* Frontenac, Harrowsmith, Sept. 4-5. Iroquois, Sept. 8&1 0. Peterboro Central, Sept. 9-11. Addington, Tamworth, Sept. 12-13. London Western, Sept. 12-20. Napanee, County. Sept. 16-17. Newboro, Sept. 15-16. Brockville; Sept. 16-18. Hamilton Central," Septs 16-18. Wolie Ti Sept. 17-18. Perth, County, Si 17-19. Prescott, Sept. 23-25. Hinchinbrooke, Parham, Sept. 23-24. Delta, Sept. 23-24. Merrickville, County. Sept. 24-25. Renfrew, Sept. 25-26. Lombardy, Sept. 27. Spencerville, Sept. 30, Oct. 1. Beachburg, Oct. 2-3. Lansdowne, Oct. 7-8. | ot. Kidney Troubles ; . of Children. There are many mothers: blegsing Dr. Pitcher and his wonderful Backache Kid- ney Tablets. "This remedy has proved so successful for that serious affliction .of children- --bed wetting---that mothers re- joice to know of a positive cure.@ The Table ening and tonic irfluence on the weak urinary organs of children and enable them to retain their water naturally. : 3 Don't let your child grow up with this weakness blighting his life. Have the trouble cured in time*before it does permanent in- jury to the health. THE DIFFICULTY REMOVED. .». Mrs. W. M. Glover, Pearl Street, Brock- "Bibby's."' of aly fo-wear Loughboro lake on Friday, with-vary- ing success, treet ------g Oak Hall. '"'Bibby's."\ Tr a pair one trousers, {2. L250 83 X3.00, XI. The H. D. Bibbu Co Labor Day Excursion. . Among the Islands, steamer. (as pian. 10:17 a.m. Round trip 50¢., din- ner Hc. Home 4:15 p.m Quise a. few Kingstonians fished in" ville, Ont., says: 'One of my children that had been suffering from sluggid} kid- neys read about Dr. Pitcher's 'kache Kidney Tablets, and procured a bottle | tr>m F. R: Curry's drug store. They re- | moved the whole difficulty promptly. That depressing pain over fhe kidneys stopped, dizziness and headaches cease, and there was a general 'invigorating of the system.@ There is no question regard- ing the merits of these Tablets for the back and kidneys." ' Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablety are 50c. & Box, at all druggists or by mail, . ; : CA : 2 ; ve k ro TAR DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 380. - oi, : . i , : I 1 | as a lamb, and a fit companion of : we've been a heavy chairge tae Him. : ' : ! ® po r A {GREAT FINISH "Dyson" Easton or "Jerry" Hunt. IN CHURCH. LIFE May He keep a firm hand o' us, and DAY S EPISODES : . ~ . guide us in the richt road, and bring - Sie . alr = - PERSONAL MENTION. SH us back gin we wander, and tell us a' | 4 : > need tae know till the gloamin' < t= oxo PONIES TIED GOUVERNEUR' movements of People--What INCOME OF METHODEST oS neo oe a to Sig PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY |= - "~~ : : 'ng y i Thee, and a' we luve, n bair is- r 3 Sey IN THE NNTH They Are Saying And Doing. MISSIONARY SOCIETY Siar at a pi Sr on OUR BUSY REPORTERS. - ' ' ev. w. Day. of Wilton, was a aty 3 ' oor ain Father's house. "Amen." --Be- 3 - ? ior? TARY Kingston, is vis \ > side the Bonnie Brier Bush. 3 - And Won in the Eleventh--Gan- |; i= "0 Vy orti os Napanee, | | What the Ministers Are Doing ; The Spice of Every Day. Life -- pts Ee a nr aty lies 3 poate, * od Sayingon Good Flin tor Sunday Services. What the People Are . Talking We have some icularly good ones at moderate prices, We can satisfy your long- ing for. a good brush as well as your purse. Snr iint A H. B. TAYLOR, CHEMIST AND OPTICIAN, | 124 Princess St. . 'Phone §9. Market Square Under the New Proprietorship of E. L« EBBELS, Now carries all Fancy Egg 'Drinks, so well-known in New York. \ Also the finest lines of Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Soaps, Cos- metics, Cerates 'and Creams. . Prescriptions and Family Re- cipes receive utmost attention. . Call and be-sdtisfied, King and Market Streets. . ALL SIZES. JAMES SWIFT & $0. "Phone 135. Our Coal i= as Clean as Though It Were Wash-_ ed and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, solid coal--so much solid fire. After reaches the mines, impurities are [hereafter it is screene it reaches you, and dirt, slate, eto. have no chance, if the dealers are We are very oarebml, Fodt of Queen St.--'Phone 9. A Cosy Bright Fire Is an attraction for every one. The cheery glow' and intense heat of our Conl will 'mike iteelt --felt-- with pleasure during the cold weather. It's Just the kind to cook with, too, Let us fill your bin with BOOTH"S COAL. 'Phone 133. Foot of West Street. NOTICE Is hereby given the public tha{ I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next wins ter. Your order is solicited. 55-57 Barrack St. Carriages (Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy your drives. JAMES LATUBNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St. - Kingston. REAL ESTATE. | Vas De Zu» Procuss » Toronto, Ont wy] . GEO. CLIFF 18 OFFERING GREAT BAR- goivs in this lie, 115 Brock, street, ! Drug Store P. WALSH wy