Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Aug 1902, p. 3

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Tingston & Pewubroke ke & Ognadias ws utes EXCURSIONS giera Racer OTTAWA EXHIBITION Asgust 22;d, 23rd, 25th, 27th. 30th $4.1: Awcust 26th, 28th, 29th .. Rrturn limit, Sept. '2nd, "1902. "TORONTO EXHIBITION 'Sept. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, Yu, 11th end 12th ... . 85. . 8th, 10th Return limit, Sept. 15th, 1902. LABOR DAY. SEPT. 1st Excursion tickets will be issued between oll') stations. SINGLE FARE for the round trip. fioing dates Saturday and -Monday, August Si Ser. c Allan Lire Corigthian, Aug. Bo, 9 am. Aug. 30, 7 Pretorian, Sept. Parisian, Sept. 1 pm Numidian, Sept. 20, 5 a.ms Sept. 20, 3 pm. Fi Second | Third sss $25 and $26; Belfast, Glasgow, London. New York to Slaigow & Londonderry. .Carthaginian Sardinian TRAVELLING. Liverpool and Londonderry Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Québec. 5 a.m. Sept. 6, 9 a.m. Sept 13, 7 3 ards; $42.50; London. $1.50 Rg Liverpool, Derry, .. Sept. 3rd % < Sept. 17th Montreal to Glasgow t. cilian, Sept. 3rd and Oct. Sth. All os, and Sept. 1st. Return limit Sept. 2nd, HARROWSWMITH FAIR Rate Single Fare for round trip. Tickets rood going Sept. 4th and 5th, returning Sept. 6th, 1902, FARM LABORERS' EXCURSION To Manitoba and Assiniboia. FARE. $10. Coing date August 30th. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R* Ticket Oflice, Ontario St. ¥F. CONWAY, FA. FOLGER, JR, Gen. Pass. sen. Supe. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY | NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napance, Deseronto -and all loval Points. Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4 Pm. R. J. WILSON, C.P.R. Telegraph Of | . Clarence street. i i | DOMINION LINE MI ike Lyrnre) SERVICE Colonian ... Sept. 6th "*Irishman . Sept. 13th Lelifornian . Sept. 20th | !- » 27th 4th Det. 11th marked * do not carry passengers PASSAGE--Saloon. $65 and upwards, single according to' steamer ard service, Second 'Saloon, $37.50 and up wards, single, according to steamer sal he ser vice. Third class, $26. v FROM MONTREAL. *Ottoman "Roman -... FROM BOSTON. Commonwealth . . Sept. Merion Sept. 17th Tos the NEW SERVICE oston on tg the _ Vancouver, Sept. 6th; Cambroman, Sept. 27th Midship, Saloon, Electric licht, Spacious promenade decks. "3. P. Raney, J. P. Gildersleeve, Agt. G.T.R Station, 42 Clarence St D. TORRAN GE: & Co., Gen. Agts. "Montreal and Portland dav. B Me: tions Satu Al eras Colonian ...... Steamers RATES OF CE 10th Ro stati Gol ay The RONTO Sept. ry dh September 2nd. LABOR DAY, Monday, Sept. 1st EXCURSION todssi rar KINGSTON AND TO Mon- ew Steamers a at 5 p.m. daily except Tickets good going Sept.. 2nd to 11th in- clusive. ROUND TRIP $5, rths included westbound only. Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and s Montreal Line. ROUND TRIP $7. als and berths included in both direc- Steamers baying Tueiays, Thursdays and irdays at 11:3 1 tickets Hae 15th. HANLEY, Ticket rik on ar before J. SWIFT & CO. Freight Agents. [| RAILWAY SYSTEM EXCURSIONS. NTRAL CANADA EXHIBI- TION, OTTAWA. dates, August . 22nd, 23rd, 24¢p, 27th, and 30th, $4.15. > AL Days, August 26th, 28th" and 03. gol returning on or before und trip tickets will be sold between all ons AT LOWEST ONE WAY FiRST- ind dates, Saturday, Sunday amd Mon- August 30th and 81st and September GLASS FARE. "Tickets valid returning from, destination on or before September 2nd. 2 EXPOSITION & INDUSTR AL ith, The Only Direct Line to Quebec Without Change THE FAVORITE STR, ALEXANDRIA leaves Craig's wharl every Friaay, at 12, midnight, for Charlotte, N.Y.. Olcott Beach. N.Y., and Buffalo, N.Y.; via. Bay of Quinte and Murray Canal, and every Monday at 6:30 p.m., for Montreal and Quebec, (direct without change). Through 1,000 Islands and St. Lawrence River Rapids. Low passenger and treight rates. Passenger accommodation unsurpassed. W. G. CRAIG & C0., A. W. HEPBURN, Agents, Kingston. Manager, Picton. All M ] Dry Goods Tickets FAIR, TORONTO. ' good going September 2nd, 3nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 11th and 12th, SCTAL DAYS, September Sth and 10th, tickets valid returning om or before September 15th. Tickets not good om trains Nos, 3 or 2, J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. 1 BINDER WINE Sisal, '500 feet to the pound, llc., sold elsewhere for 12%. anilla, 600 feet, 12jc., sold elsewhere for 15c. §trachan's Hardware, ' London and. Paris. "quality, wide, only 80c. yard. rect weights, for fall costum \ - Faney For Kimonas, Wrappers, 18c., 20c., Your choice for 1 colored designs, 30c. yard. JHouge NEW OIL CLOTHS.-- Fc hali yard to, 6 feet 20ec:, 25¢., 35¢c., 50c. from 18e., antee satisfaction quotations. Try us. Rh THLTVLTVTVVOTV VV RLTCLS TTB BBTV VHT VLD TVD LTT TTL TLR TTR TTL BS A a A I RE TRE 0 a EE RETRO OST SRT The very latest ideas in plain and" novelty BIACK SATIN SOLEIL.--Beaut iful weight, suitable for fall dresses, BLACK VENETIAN BROADCL OTH.--Fine twill, \ BLACK ALL WOOL CIEVIOTS. shrunk, 54 inches wide, well worth $1.35, now only $1 yard. WINDOW SHADES:--Over fifty styles to select from. on gvery ofie and are always pleased to submit DAILY RQTTISR WHIG. SATURDAY, AUGUST 80 {PUT IN A SHEET AND. BURIED IN IT IN A CEMETARY The Remains Taken From the Casket After the Funeral Was Over--The Family Have No- thing to Say. Orange, N.J., Aug. 30.--A peculiar interment, it is learned, occurred here when the body of Miss Mary Red- mond Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Martin, of Mountain Avenue, Llewelyn Park, was buried in "df Rosedale cemetery without a casket. No reason for the interment of the body without either casket or box was vouchsafed at the home of the Martins. Mrs. Martin said that it was a matter which concerned only the family. The funeral. avas strictly private. When the heabse reached the cemetery the remains of the young woman were removed from the casket in which they were brought from Appledore, Isle of Shoals, N.H:, where she died on Au- gust 15th, and were buried in nothing but a winding sheet. Miss Martin was about twenty wears old. The family well-known in West Orange and the home in Llewglvn Park is one of the finest there. is Caution ! This 1s not i gentle word--but when you think how liable you are not to purchase™for 73c. the only remedy uni- versally known and a re medy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world sine 1868 for the ure and treatment of consumption nd throat and lung troubles without los- ing its great popularity all these vears, you will be thankful we calla your attention to Boschee's German Syrup. There are so many ordinary cough remedies made by druggists and others that are cheap and good for lizht colds perhaps," but for severe coughs, bronchitis, croup-- and es- pecially for consumption, where there is difficult expectoration and couch- ing during the nights ana morninos, there is nothing like German § Sold by all druggists in the civilize world. G. G. Green, Woodbury, N.J. Toronto Exposition. Totonto, Ont., Aug. 30.--Annual in- dustrial .exhibition was opened to the public, to-day, though the formal cere- monies attending its inauguration wll not be held until Monday, when many visitors of note wil be in attendance and thé occasion made on of, unusnal note. The exhibition this, year pro- mises tg be of extrgordinary"™ note. The management has worked hard in gathering choice exhibits and the re- sult is the largest and most compre- hensive display of agricultural, - manu- facturing and. dairy products ever seen in this part of the dominion. Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Prock street, has received all his fall importations fqr order work in his tailoring department. His ready-made department is well assort- ed and a large assortment to choose from. For low price and durability he defies competition. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Miss Neilson to Wed a ' Vander- interesting MISS KATHLEEN NEILSON, The engagement of Miss Kathleen Neilson, daughter of Mrs. Frederic Nealson, sister of Mrs. rthur . Kemp and niece of Frederic Gebhard. to Keginald Vanderbilt, third son of the late Corneius Vanderbilt, is = an- nounced from Newport. Miss Neilson was introduced into soc iety about a vear ago. She is a tall, graceful girl, With lizht brown hair, setting off an faces She fond of out- door sports, and isa capital whip. She is a Roman Catholic, a fact which i believed to hive been the reason why the approval of her son's choice by Mrs. Vanderbilt has been so loopy delayed. ix Reginald Vanderbilt recently attained his majority. Mississippi Musings. Mississippi, Aug. 29% School reop- ened on Aug. ISth, with Mr. Scofield in the seat of honor, Isaac Allan's fa- mily have returned from their summer cottage on Dalhousie Beach. A large number of friends picnicked with then: the last day of their stay, and re port a good time. Andrew McPhee at- tended the Foresters' grand lodge, at Picton, as delegate from Court erston, No; 4,000 Hugh McKinnon has taken in the harvest excursion to Manitoba. I. Jones and William Rid- dell have each been gladdened in their homes by the advent of new sons, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Marshall, Brockville, visited friends here last week. Court Palmerston, No. 4,000, 1.0.F., entor- tained at an "At Home" 'in Unity Hall on Friday evening, ,Aug. 22nd. Speeches, songs, games, ete., enlivened the evening. After partaking of re freshments the gathering dispers ed, very much pleased with their evening's entertainment. Roy Allan left for Sault Ste. Marie on Monday, to as- sist at the wedding of Miss Allie Don- aldson to Peter Lee, Lavant. Walter Mills' child, very ill, is on the way to recovery. Mrs. James Hannah visited © Kingston last week. Dr. G. Moore spent a couple of days in the city this week. Take In American And Canadian Channels. v Steamer Caspian, ~ Labor Day, at 10:17 a.m. Fare 50c., dinner 5lc. Home. 4:15 p.m. Palm- ! «all THE TIMELY RESCUE OF BRIGHT LITTLE GIRL - Was on the Verge of Complete Nerpous Prostration and Heér Parents Thought Death Would Claim Her. . When growing girls or boys are ail- ing, too many parents experiment with doubtful medicines, which only touch upon the symptoms of the trouble, leaving it to return later in a more aggravated form. When you use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, you are not experimenting-- they go directly to the root of the trouble by making new, rich, red blood, and building up weak nerves-- (in this way they cure. and the trou- .ble does not return. Jape trial, that 'they ' have the largest ; sale of any medicine in the world. They are not an experiment--most other medicines are, Mrs. Wilson Johnson, Hemford, N.S., gives the following strong corroboration. She says: "At the age of nine, our daughter, Albertha, began to de- cline in health. The color left her cheeks; her appetite failed and ' she complainey of headaches and a weak- ness of the limbs.: Her health grew so bad that we were forced to take her a school. We tried several reme- { Gies; but * they did not help her, and i she kept growing weaker all the time. She was very pale, 'had almost con- | stant headaches, and was on the verge of complete "nervous prostration. In | fact we feared that death would take her from 'us. One day 1 saw an ac- count in a newspaper of a«girl who had been cured of a similar trouble i through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink | Pills. We» decided to try these, and before three boxes were used, there was a decided improvement in Alber- | tha's condition. We continued giving i her the pills for probably two months, by which time she-was- as healthy as {any girl of her age. Her appetite had { returned, the headached disappeared, and her cheeks had regained their {rosy color. It is now nearly two vears : since she took the pills and she has not had a sick day since. We are very grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for her, and would ad- Jive all parents whose daughters are ! ailing to give them a fair trial and I not experiment with other medicines." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure troubles that arise from poverty of the blood or weak nerves. Among such troubles may be classed anac- mia, headache, neuralgia, erysipelas, rheumatism, heart ailments, dvsvao- sia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, antl the ailments that render ! miserable the lives of so many wom- en. Be sure you get the genuine with 'the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Rills for Pale People" 6n the wrap- i per around every box. Sold by all ' | medicine dealers, or sent by mail post or six boxes to the Company, at 50c. per box. for $2.50, by writing direct | Dr. Williams Medicine Brockville, Ont. paid, Mrs. P. Y. Merrick, AtKens, will re- move to Ottawa to take up residence. R. WALDRON DEATH'S DOOR. It is because | "these. Pills always cure' when given a! IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. -- News Of The Districts On Both. Sides Of The Line. S. R. Miller has sold his 160 acre farm, on the York Road, to Thomas i Manion this week, who will take pos- session next March Dr. Chanonhouse. was callad to the « township of Sebastopol on M.nday, where he found six members of one fa- mily afflicted with small-pox. . Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Dasey, Roston, are, in Napaves with his pareats, Mr. and Mrs W. Casey, Piety Hili. ile' has been SA yearg a member of the + Boston Globe staff. C, D." Allen, son of Rev. R. Alin, Adolphustown, spending the vacation | with his family, has leit for San Francisco. brated Palo Alto university near Francisco. . Since going to Manitoba, O.sden | Hinch, late of Napanee, has prospered. i He commenced in the real estate | usi- ness at Carman, and was so success- ful that he has now removed to Win- nipeg, and formed the Union tColoni- zation Co., of which he is manaod¥. The lands of the company are situat- ed in the celebrated Red River Valley, in an old sand tried district, Where crop failures are unhnown, San Lombardy Locals. Lombardy, Aug. 29.--Dr. R. .J. Gar- diner, Smith's Falls, spent a day last week with his cousins in the vil ge= Mrs. Justus, North Augusea, the of Mrs. J. Duffield, is ill; KR. spent s Dora Canby, Toledo, | friends recently. A number of our voung men went on the excursion to the North-west on the 23rd. Miss Mary | E. Breen returned on Saturday, after , spending two weeks in Picton, Miss Hattie Néwman came home on Saturday, from an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. E. Dearn and other friends in Pine Grove and Jones Falls, H. Thomas returned from Mer- rickville, accompanicd hy Miss K. Barker, who will remain for seme time. Mrs. Edward Wilson and her sister, Miss Maud Gallagher, of Ri- deau, visited here with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Newman, on Mon- day. Miss Ethel McKenney is camping at Garrett's Rest, Rideau Lake. Mr. Thompson, Chantery, is looking up a blacksmith shop in the village to buy or rent. Kingston And Ottawa. Rideau Lakes Navigationr Co's steamers leave Kingston every Mon- day and Thursday, at 7 a.m., every Tuesday and Friday at 1 p.m. James Swift & Co., agents. visited He is a teacher in the cele * Sunday in the village. . Laky Oar & Bay f Steamboat Co., Limited. LABOR DAY. EXCURSION To Port of Rochester, (Sum ville, N. Y.,) $1.50. Good going by steamers North King @ Caspian, leaving Swift's wharf at § p. Saturday, Aug. 30th, or Sumdav, Aug. Slst Good returning fro¥ Summerville, 8:30 p.mey Monday, Sept. 1st, or oe $2 one Good to return following Saturday, Summerville at 8:30 'p.m. from - SPECIAL EXCURSION TO 1,000 ISL NDS, LABOR DAY. Steamer Cokpian will leave Swift's Momduy at 10:17 am. for tour of Islan going down the American and returning Ce adian "Chammel. Round trip, 50¢., dipn For full Iormation LY P, H NL ACOURNTE 0 Wr are the words best fitted in describing our " Daily Market Letter" wssned free every afternoon, It is consorvately carcfully edited by people of ripe experience, in Wall © Street matters : so prepared as to best Aint the speculator in making his vensures profital Qur 00 page, cloth bound, iNustrated "Guide to Investors,' we publish for free distribution, to enable our large and growing chentele, /0 parficipaie in the great profits distr uted annually. through the medium of dealing in the lavge and increasing number of tock Exchange securities. Orders solicited for any amount for cash or on very te margin, J Huu, & Freese | hy ved 00, 53 B'way, N Ye STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. Kingston, - Ontario. romper oneibiiiey or hig oes jax impor oor of right stocks. Don't Miss It! Our ice cream and ice cream soda water cannot be excelled. in the city. Pure cream ice cream is served in our soda water and our fruit juices for flavoring are thé best in the market. Only Se," a glass, at Dry Goods . A. J. REES, Princess St. Corner Wellington and Brock Streets, Kingston, Ont. New Black Dregs Goods. styles satin finish, fine 44 in., 80c.; 48 in, BLACK RUSSELL CORD--Som ething new, very soft finish, fine makes a soft clinging skirt, finest French make, ses, '$1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. Warranted Flanneleftes. Wais ts., etc., ete., a very desirable styles in the leadin g colors. Goods worth 12}c., O¢. a yard. Curtath ets and Mugling. FANCY AND SPOT MUSLINS --kn white only, very wide widths, 12}c/, 15¢7, 20c., 25c. PURE LINEN SCRIM.--Unbleached color, the latest London idea for Curtains and drapes, also lace to trim same, Furnishings. r Flo orz, Ealls and Stores, all wide. Many styles, to select * ua ' direct $1 yard. '44 inch. in all the cor- thoroughly splendid range,' with plain and 20¢., from, from for 8c. each. heavy gd 4 15¢c., - shade, etc., 20c.4 25¢., widths, 15¢c.,; We _guar- 23 inch., 75¢.; ed '"Glass Cloth,' ODD LENGTHS TABLE LINE NS.-- | ed at a great sale in Ireland by our will cut into splendid kitchen towels. lengths for table linen. All at special prices. proper widths for ties and sashes, 25c., Here are the prioes : 23 inch. 85c.; ® Joinens. GLASS CLOTHS .-- 28 in. x 24 in., red border all round, mark- slightly damaged, ' in red letters, DISH TOWELLINGS.--Ends ranging from 1 yard to 5 yards, at fully 25 per cent. off regular prices. buyer. Ribbons. WASH RIBBONS--For beading purposes, all colors, extra quali- ty silk, only 3c. yard SATIN DUCHESSE RIBBONS --In all widths and any desired very reasonable prices, 12 jc., 15¢., 20¢., FANCY RIBBONS.--IN handsome floral and brocade effects, the blues, pinks, greens, helios, ete. 35¢. yard. Undergkirfs. +A new lot of these desirbale goods to hand, made of fine. cerized sateen, warranted perfectly. fast black, neatly finished and pleating thoroughly stitched. Every fancy flannelette. Prices, $1.50, $1.60 and $2 '5 Black Gaffeta Silks. We have always prided ourselves on the qualities and should be pleased to have your opinion. skirt lined 20 inch, '50c.; 21 inch, to 3} yards long, procur- The The longer ones are exgellent 25c., 35c. 60c.; 24 inch. 95¢c.; 27 inch. §1.10. regular 12jc. sters: shorter lengths po mer- throughout with - each. » 22 inch, 70c.; . browns; greens, tumes. make, FRENCH CANVASSES.--10c., SKIRT LININGS.-- 6c.; WAIST LININGS.--12}c., we have not heard of get them right. For Ladies, . style. Suitings. 300 YARDS, ALL WOOL SUIT ING.--54 blues, etc., specially adapted Regular value, 95c. yard. Special at 75c. yard. 54 INCH COVERT CLOTH. -- Thoroughly sponged and shrunk, warranted absolutely pure wool, Greys; tans; fawns, browns; 'WHITE SERGE.--Roughtheavy appearance, 48¢c. yard. 44 inches wide. Special at Dress Grimmings. We have only the best and that is what you need in any dress, even of the cheapest material. 8e., 10c., BRUSH BINDINGS.--AIll colors and styles. Featherbone in every weight and covering. * Stockings. You can rest assured that if there is a better stocking than ours We go to England for ours and think we it. 124ec:, 15¢., 20c., 25¢c:; CHAHOLS SKINS--We sell them at low prices, 25c., 35¢c., 50c..: DRESS SHIELDS.--Large size up to No. 40c., 50c. Prices 20c. 25¢c., 30c., 35¢., suitable for coats $1.25, ¢.,.158¢., 18¢., 20ec. 12%%., 15¢., 20¢., 25¢., 30c. 35¢., a inches wide, in greys, for skirts and cos- and long ul- $1.50 yard. all wool, English 15¢., 20c. N a 50c¢. 8, light soft washing

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