Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Aug 1902, p. 4

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THE DAILY W HIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 . By Buying CORBETT'S. SAFETY - $1.50 and upwards KING CUTTERS in all the best makes, WARRANTED. Call and sve the THE MAN IN LOVE With our Suitings is not hard 10 find. This'is found not a matter for surprise when the goods are inspecied . See the sea- sonable things. we are offer- ing. JNO. R. JOHNSTON, TAILOR. razors. und get prices, FIRE WOOD: . : . 0D: JUST RECEIVED. : A fine lot of. nice sound, © hard Maple, cut last winter. : Good long lengths. : S. ANGLIN & CO, : Foot of Wellington Street. : 00000000000 OCGOOOS eo0e seen eBesReRbeRELY FITS EPILEPSY FREE SAMPLE OF LIEBIC'S FIT CURE. , Fits, Falling Sickness, on Dance cea oes (RIL Et ee IT) A TALK ON MILK The one delivery supply which 1s of vital importance to most howscholds is pure milk. The children"s- health and growth depend larevly upon the kind of milk vou give them to drink. B® Our milk is clarified. bv "a scientific ProOCess, wi thre all germs of | disease are remove Clarified Milk Co.,= *Phone 567. Brock & Bagot Sts. IBIS 5) ceo fe Fea, 3 | [To oe [oo [oo THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. 'nk DAILY BRITISH WHIG is pub shed every 3vening at 306-308-310 . ing street, Kingston, Ont.. at six dol us per year, payable in advance. Advertisements; . per june. Rive ues and sver--First insertion, subsequent consecutive insertion, 8c. Measurements by a solid scale. "twelve lines to the inch. Births, Murriages or Deaths, one in sertion, 50c.. two insertions, 735c. Wauts, Lost and Found, Personals \rticles for sale, etc.. lc. T WO in : minimum charge, .; three in advertisements and payable in to charges for ubscriptigne are due and Srbomablas, aah for 'orders th site, Contracts for, a on 2 7 or long terms for re 'announce nents, but notices of help wanted, for .ale, to-let, partnerships, tenders or any- bing bevond actual announcement of oods or manufactures for sale are ex- iuded. The publisher will not be responsible for _nisunderstanding of verbal orders. Writte lirections should be placed on all copy' for .nsertion. All advertisemenis are subject "the approval of the publisher. In cause an advertiser becomes in .olvent hefore expirv of a contract the advertising shall cease and that ner ormed become due immediately at the ate charyed per line for casual adver isementa. In case of errors or omidsions im legal or ny other advertisements, the publisher does ot hold himeell liable for damage furthe: han the amount received by him for such wdvertisement. "THE WEEKLY "BRITISH WHIG. 1¥ apes, 84 columns, is published every Chursday morning at $1 a vear, if paid in advance : other wise $1.50 per vear. Attached to the paper is one of the wst Job Offices in Canada ; rapid, sty- lish and cheap work ;: nine improved ting presses. Hatin EDW. J. B. PENSE. JOHN OFFORD, Proprietor. Assistant Rusineas Wanacer. «HE DAILY WHIG ENVIOUS EYE AGAIN. has deceived THE Harper s Weeuly been into the beliet that the fast Atlantic steamship service is the outcome oi 'he Morgan scheme to consolidate the steamship Lines. Woon is it sueh ? Sir Wiliam Van Horne, in a postprandial speech' some years that the fast yv, and would have apo; declared line was a growing necessity, to be provided in tue very near fu ture. » sir Charles Tupper took up the strain at a later 'date, and proposed the first contract some time in ad vauce of Morgans trip to England and éfioit to hypnotize the ship own- ers, © Harper's Weekly has it that the Canadign financiers are "taking ad- vantage of a panic which has seized upon the English shipping mind." it is taking which route as the one in Lather, ditions adv 'antage of con- the favour indicate C anadian and de mand for the produce of the Nou th-West. It i# not so long since an American stoti tician called attention to the t loss by New York of the ocean trade, great and Moatreal's gain by the departure in July and August of an increasing number of laden steamships The in- ference was that trade was following the natural channels, and that there was no avenue to be compared with the St. Our contemporary is persuaded that Lawrence. the new project is based false tthe lines. of steamers will necessarily grow on a theory, theory that pauparized mto a. maritime industry." There who great are in America a good many believe in ship subsidies, and congress has had its own time in deéfling with them: In Camada-a: fast line ix an experiment in which he eX} 1 h_ Ah government is inclined to shar to the extent of a limited subsidy, and | he experiment is made upon its | meits and without any reference te i Mr. Morgan and his: plans. TALK ON APPLE SHIPPING. The of Belleville, known men and exporters are Grahams, well fruit warranted in sending abroad some de finite instructions in regard to fruit picking, packing, and shipping. It' is the season be fruit and the a hve subject Just now, ing most favorable for shipping of it being now at hand. Flower Stands. Office Railings, Wire Guards, Ornamental Fencing, Arches, Gardem and Cemetery Seats, ufactured by F. PARTRIDGE, Lrescent Wire Works, 5 s ~ SAVED HER CHILD The great majority of mothers are now. convinced that Lactated Food is the safest and most nouri@king Joe ha 275 KING ST. bies in. summer time. Mors, Smith, Truro, N.S. says: "When my baby was three months old he was seriously ill and weighed only ter? pounds, I gave him Lactaied Food, and now; at the ace of ten months, he is well and hearty apd weighs twenty-five pounds." Lactate | Food is rfeommentded by over twenty thousand physicians, ', PRR ce cee fe EA Well en Customer Is the best recommenaation } TRY RRR eee a Sipe Ne 2 & CRAWFORD & WALSH, g Tailors and Importers, 2 Cor. Princess & Bagot Sts. 5 ARIA ElRERRREE FOR SALE. THE SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING ; Street, between _Wude's Drug story' and '5 Congress Hotel In excellent condition " Second floor leased for a long term. plv to, A. Cavs, teal esiete age King street. 2 DENTAL CARD: DALY HA RESUMED HIS DENTAL br. DALY at 3 rinoess: St four doors below former and all kinds of work man- very « _ canvas fT " : {weight ig so much Hess. " J The ide a that any one can pick and sort and pack apples, for instance, is erroneous. Apple pickers require brains as well as muscle. So the Gra- F hams declare, and the conviction is deepened by what they say upon this subject. The apples should be careful fv picked upward, and dropped in a i 'that no. damage their stretcher, so sudtained by will be falling the ground. { | on It should be packed care- fully and shipped at once in well ventil- ated « Stuliy cars, and closed cars are for able if the distance to be traversed is s " » bad fruit. Refrigerators are desir: long: The-ene thing the shipper has to { combat is expensive transportation. in apples is exer sg on Hour, while the The perishable i The freight rate much higher than the ful and expe litious handling, this character of goods requires care howev- make a difference. er, and may The matter is one for special treat and the tell ment by experts sooner they the get a proper boom. make their influence sooner will a great trade Uf the packages hind is the barrél. adopted a box of four or used the copumon California nen: have five tiers, | containmy- about forty pounds of this box is preferred og especially when the apples abr Michig the frait, net, and by grower and ad has bustiel crate, are sold by the the pound home the ran i adopted trade which affords necessary Ventilation, and which permits of the inspettion that is desired hy the buyer of fryit. The com partment box, in which appls are i + for daclel like eggs, is the demand in luropean,, maskets, and the Niacara ty. They cost more, but, they are worth more, and apples: stored in them for the Pan-American exposition, vith the cold storage company, kept for a year. : The concluding advice of the Gra- hams is important. "Fully fifty per ent. of the apples are. ruined from improper transportation from some of the causes referred to, and if ever ap- ple shippers ever expect to) climb the ladder of success to its topmost step it can only be accomplished by giv- wg this the most simportant question théir earnest consideration." vice should not be despised though'it 1s freely offered. THE CALL OF THE CHURCH. The "Presbyteriah is desirous that the church in Canada shall call 10. its pulpits the best men from Ehglana and Scotland. "It comments upon the fact that the necessary 'supply of able nien cannot be had in this country, but "every year all and sundry from the ends 'of the earth are pressed into that men are pushed on for ordination whose college training is of the meagrest kina;'and that "minis are received from other churches whose success has 'been indifferent ana whose coming brings little strength to the Presbyterian ministry." "The wise course," says "temporary. very thoughtfully, "would be to hand-pick the men we want and to call those 'whose coming will be a "to the churches they leave." The irequent changes of men from one de- service," ters our con- nomination to another lead to the inference that there is something {mi and that they have perhaps mistaken their mission. The call to +x : : : 2 the ministry is questionable in many a case. The clerical profession is se- lected by the student at g time when he may not be the vide his aim in dife. best able to de The young man and he He may be without the qualifications for the oi- lice, and nothing that church lege can wants to be a preacher, his plans lays accordingly. col- do will remove his disabili- ties. The Ideal Man--who lard for his' «ime -selected his disciples. He "'*hand- picked" them, and they were develop- el into usefulness under the better the stan- all set followers and for and which follow Can it not select the the ministry and see that they are trained special; ly for its work ? The people, his eye church, than nspiration. Can tle founded, do 'His example ?, men whom it wants for whatever they may do, faulty in their manner, are critical enough of those who are put over them by the church. They can appreciate the man of scholar- the man to whose literary and however ship, and religious leadership there is added the the moral influence levotion, the zeal, that make Jor The church is eryving out for in leadership, great reforms. great intellect, men, great in in personal magnetism and Vill it 'ever get them: by the course it it pre ent Will it have to return to first principles and call power. follows. not rom every walk of life those who are their qualities, of mind who, be willing to give to the marked for and heart, and if pressed, may church the benefit of their service. -- EDITORIAL NOTES. Wolie's prave eovered with weeds! The nation- \ "Sign of great neglict. al government cannot afford, in the nterest of naticnal sentiment, to let hat scandal continue longer. Typhoid fever is again upon the in- rease in Hamilton: The water is said Hamilton-- to drink it in to be good--for and some people will continue spite of solemn warnings. France proposes to tax the bachel- A very proper thing. have to be hit hard before thev wake Ors. Some men ap, and they 'much alive when they find their pocket books in danger. are very ---- One of the English journalists, now spving out the land, has demonstrated his faith in the Canadian North- West. He has purchased a half section at Quill Lake, Assa. His good opinion a secured. S-- Draw poker has been recognized as nm American game, modest and with- out gambling tendencies. So the may- or of Chicago has ordered the police to let it and thy places wherein it is i layed alone. 3 s-- A school teacher in the west is sue- ing the school board for damages. Ibe trustees. made her teach in a building whose uisanitary conditions were hurtful: Her success will lead Lo some gmportant and ne essary re forms. The new industry has not been form el by talk, The to anything is not depending upon the of the shipping busiress that amounts . oration s public. Capital, raw material, Vv facilities, eer an article that selis these arg the con that tell: : siderations D. H. Hill has objxted-fo Devery as a candidate in the Nintifdistrict of New York, and Deverv gifs back. He says no man whois hall (and Hill is) of the United States. want," says he, 'is cah be president "What we a pre ruit growers are using them extensive- The ak. | | | novsky | ident with hair on his head and hair on his chest. We won't stand for a' president that will crawl under the bed and shout' "Fire" every time things don't go his way.' It is only a few months since Palma inaugurated the prélent of the republic, Cuba, with great rejoic- Now he is out with all parties, and the house of representatives has impeached him! Why ? He has been making mistakes in 'government, -and the people's idol has fallen down. was new ing. Saturday Night is of the opinion "too much palaver has been made in England over the Boer generals." Our contemporary reflects the mind of many men. The enemy should be treated magnanimously, but it should not be fawned upon. The Pullman car conductors have been given an the tipping receive a similar advance, or is it to. go.? The. men who don't value money are at liberty to: lavish it on people who serve, but they are making travel hard for the people of limited means. . PRESS CLIPPINGS. Ought To Oblige You. Hamilton Spectator: Couldn't Laurier arrange to = have whisky brought in free from St. Pierre Miquelon ? - Spare Your Tears. Brantford * Expositor. With coal at the present figure; pe)- ple who have to boil their drinking water are to be pitied. A Well Meant Wish. Adv. rtiser. ' Judging by his long silence Mr. Whitney must be on his summer vaca- tion. We hope he is enjoying it as much as the province. London One Consolation. Toronto Mail. Automobiles are being operated now in such a way as to ensure that their occupants can ne.er he struck by lightning. It can't catch up. Early Habits Cling. Stratford Herald. woman gets off a street car back wards, 'because she learned to do it when she was young, and hoped there would be a man around to catch her as she fell. Something In That. Winnipeg Free Press. : The concern that loudly proclaims that it has a monopoly of all the hon- esty in its line of business, is one that will probably be none the worse for being watched by its patrons. MARRIED IN A BALLOON. Couple United at a Height of Ome Mile. / Binghamton, N.Y.. Aug. 29.--Thom- as L. Bennett, of the Fletcher Manu- facturing company, of Providence, and Mics 'Edith Ring, who is an employee of the Manchester mill, were married on a waver in a balloon at a height of one mile, before a large crowd of st ectators, at a Tioga, Pa., fair. A prize had been offered the couple who would be married in a balloon, and a friend of Bennett's knowing of his approahing wedding, in a joke wrote to kim offering to wager $25 that he dare. not accept the proposi- tion. Bennett conferred with his fiancee and she consented. A minister was found who was will- ing to go up with them and the cere" mony. was performed in midair. The descent was safely, made and the, cow ple said the experience was a most delightiil- and novel one. CURES INSANITY. 3 Wisconsin Maniac, in Fight, Is Strangely Restored. Marinette, Wis. Aug. 20.--The shock of a bullet fired by a pursuing officer restored a raving maniac to perfect rationality to-day. Joseph Forvillin, thirty vears Lld, had hela a posse of officers and citizens at bay all night and this morning. He had become sud denly insane, raced. info his father's barn and defied the officers. Three times the barn was stormed. The Jast time the madman fired the building: but the officers succeeded in manacling Forvillin and subduing the flames. Later the prisoner broke away from his captors and ran. Officer Zimmer- man shot him. _ The bullet. aid not strike a vital spot, but its effect was to hanish every trace of insanity. For- villin now tapks in a perfectly ration: al manner, but remembers only vague- ly what happened during his escapade. Greetings For Roosevelt. Buriingten, Vt. Aug. 30.--The scenes attending the passage of the presiden- tial train along the "route to-day, were a repetition of those that have marked each day since the party left Oyster Bay. Crowtls at every station waved and cheered 10 the passing train, and every farmhouse and cross roads had its group of eager watch. ers. At Windsor and one or two other points brief stops were made. Appar ently 'the entire, population of | thée towns terned out to weléome' the pre sident #1 every house and building within Gght of 'the station was ela borately "festooned: with the national colors. A roval welcome waited the party on its arrival in Burlington. A citi zens' committee giveted the visitors anid there was a military escort to thé home of ex-Governor Bradbury. whose guest the president is during his stay in the city. This evening the party proceeds to Thompson's Point to visit Secretary Shaw. Peaches, Plums And Pears. « Saturday nicht bargains. Prices re duced every. hour: after 6 p.m. until ! everything is (disposed of at the Car- fruit stores, *'Bibby's."' 'Oak "Hall. "Bibhy's."' Ask to see our clay worsted suits, blue. or black, 8. 810, $12.50, 813.50, R11. The H. D. Bibby Co. Three applications of Peck's Corn | Salve will cure hard or soft corns. In | big boxes, 15¢c., at Wade's drug store. increase of pay. Will' DEFENDS GRAND DUKE. Drinking Out of Women's Slippers «+ a Russian Custom. GRAND DUKE BORIS, The Rev. Konstatine Popol, pastor of the local Greek-Russian Orthodox church, of Minneapolis, Miim., is not greatly shocked over the reported: ca- rousal of the Grand Duke Boris, cou- of the czar, with Baron Von Schipp®nbach, Russian consul in Chi- "As, to removing or commanding the removal of one of a demoiselle's slipjers from her shapely foot in or: der hat the .duke might drink her be:lth from that receptable," said he. "there 4s no reason why one shouli- Fhol'l up his hands in holy horror over such a performance. EXen that is per- mi-sivle, vi'wed from ® ths Russian point of view. In Russia, you know, drinking out of slippers-is a.common occurrence. It is the custom--a mark of honor and esteem. The 'custom of the country is everything. 'The grand duke is only human. He is having a good time. In Russia he can enjoy himself and no one knows about it. It is no one's business. The papers woull not dare publish. it. Here it is different:" PUSHING BABY CARRIAGE. -- - Expects to Reach Chicago in Three Months. Westhoro, Mass., Aug. 30.--A man who gave his name as Frank Pratt, of Boston; ruck Westboro vesterday at ten o'clock. He pushea a baby car- riage and although there was no in- fant in it, he carried a large supply of household goods. At Tewksbury corner a large crowd gathered. He went into a store and purchased a dozen spools of white thread. He also hought the same quantity of black thread at another store. He said he sold these at farm houses on his way. He is going to work his way to Chicago, where ha has a rich uncle. He purchased gome minced ham injone of the meat stores on Main street When a short distance from West boro he met with his first aceidone. The spring on his carriage broke, and with the use of boards he patched it up. ~ He said he left day, and expected in' three months. Joston last Thurs- to reach Chicago Is Good Fertilizer. Najance Beaver. tienry R. Spencer left at this office a potato stalk measuring five feet six inches high, grown in coal ashes. Mr. Spencer uses coal ashes as a fer tilizer around his apple trees and other trees. He contends that he has more apples in proportion to the num- ber of trees than any man in the county (besides larger fruit of like kinl. Who says that coal ashes are not a fertilizer while thousands of bushels are wasted all over the 9 county ? The Carnovsky Fruit Stores. Apples, Ite. a peck. Tomatoes 25c. a peck. Ripe pears 30c. a peck. Blue plums ite. gz peck. Peaches: 40¢.-a-peck: Banan 10c:, 15e. dozen. - " Butter 2 pounds for 35¢ The Mls of Women are Too Often Wrongly Diagnosed By Our Physicians. A Lady Who Would Not Submit to An Operation is Cured by PAINE' CELERY COMPOUND = It will prove tating and coni- forting to thousands of women to know that almost all their troubles and diseases are due to a poor condi tion of the nervous system. The ills, irregularities ana peculiar to women, such as aiseases nervous headache. nervous prostration, anae- mia ss of memory, i and ed periods, hysteria, bearing down. pains. pyr and watery Blood. neuralgia, general weakness and other troubles, can only be cured by a spe- cially compounded medicine like Paine's Celery Compound. This wondrous medicine of nature, popular with tens of thousands of our womon, carries its rich nutriment and healing virtues to the blood," nerves and tissues, giving power and new life to inactive and diseased organs. No other 'medicine can so quickly banish and permanently cure painful and ob durate feminine' ills: no other medi used Paine's Celery Com am thankful your valu- curred me. | feel like a and would like all to vour- medicine has dony | operation, | pound, and | medicine new woman, i, know what jor me." able Prop Sold BILIOUS and NERVOUS DISORDERS, Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver & Female Ailments. only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Eng. verywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. - "> = CLOTHE THE WORKINGMAN We know that, when the work- ing man wants a suit, new hat or pair of trousers, he wants them made upon honor--made to stay. He wants clothing that will give him action-- he wants it cut in style--he wants it to look well, but he wants it durable--and he wants it at a reasonable price. The workingman is a welcome visi- tor at this store. satis SQLs Or, KOHR'S RESTORINE 2-3 i Now Ceatary,--the most wonderful Medici: covered. It is cases cured in oue month in Paris. Medical Board has recommended this Ri in the Insan= Asylums where, as is the majority of the male inmates are victims of lost in its id rani le fur. bu Hoy endorsed a avernmen n reine ET at Handing armies of both France and Germany. in so that they never return, rele, ny s treatment. The skin' becomes clea the g gt TR word. 3 : edical astounding the medical he avis sal In Europe the remedy is now used as a fiom seven to ten days Store Drains entirely Suse « de Auras, = Rehelastic, Boweld Louk nce re a he'm at Comes bright and and Re] Food BE ith he in supd us otay Jou. al Xe aE moment . ..- soc and - honest a MEN'S SUITS in fine serge, $10, $12, $13, $14, and $15. - MEN'S HATS, $1, $1.25, $1. THE H. D. pNEPETCY worsted and tweeds, $7.50, $8, MEN'S TROUSERS $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. 50, $1.75, $2. BIBBY CO'Y., [oAX_HALL] Many customers are buying their Furniture and Carpets now and having us hold them until later. They are saving money and we have the money to use. Parlor Suites, $25, reduced to $17.50. / Parlor Suites, $65, reduced to $48. Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, etc., all reduced. 'Carpets, in Brussels and Axmin- ster, all reduced in sympathy with our other lines. = - MAY PURCHASE The Portuguese Possessions in East Africa. London, 'Aug. . 30.--1t is asserted .that the purchase of the Portuguese possessions 'in Fast Africa will be an nounced when parliament meets and that it will be followed hy the Ger- man acquisition ofl a portion the territory in question =< in accordance with Great oi with secret convention Britain. There is no direct confirme tion of this. story from an authentic source, but shrewd men, not often de ceived on South African questions, are predicting thegspreedy purchase of © seat at the cine ever devised can so truly keep | the Portuguese territory, the exten the nervous svstem, blood and bodily | sion of Natal northward. and a ma- organs in a healthy condition to ful: | terial compensation "to" Germany for fill their important #luties. Mrs. A. | neutrality maintained during the Boer Saunders, Prancondale, Ont. says : campaign, British purchase of the "1 was 4 great sufferer from so vere | Portuguese: territory will provide a attacks of nearaluia in the left ovary. | safeguard against secret purchase of At times the attacks: we so acute arms hy disaffected Dutch. that T thought | would | my rea- | RW. Perks, M.P.. who ic a most son Several doctors treated me: and | energetic supporter of Lord Roseber 1 fas ou patient in the hospital. I ob- | and 4 prominent :Weslevan, has issued tained no relief from medical treat- | a manifesto to non-conformist voters, ' ment. The doctors said unless I had | urging them to take an active stand | the ovary taken awav | could not be! against the education bill and make cured. Instead of submitting to the ! preparations for contesting every torv election. Mr. | Perks also. advocates the abandon- ment of the Irish home rile question ohtright, and a reanion of the liberal party under Lord Rosebery, with an alternative education policy as a sub- general T. F. HARRISON CO. Harrison Co0's. GREAT AUGUST SALE. This Suit, until end of August, while they. last, $10.50. A gen- uine snap. Regular $13. "Phone 90 and OF Electric Fixtures |. ' We have themr--all sizes, all kinds, all prices; everything to suit everybody. Call and see our large display of both gas and electric fixtures. We have the latest and best, and "they won't cost you a great deal, either. ! RECK & HALLIDAY, "irene ' ' Street. i Ch : yy : stitute for Mr. Balfour's compromise measure, . The Express is responsible for the information that in the event of the Cunard line receiving an increased grant for mail carrying 'services, an all-British combination, consisting of the Cunard line, the ~ Allan line, and the <hipg in which Sir Christopher Furness and Sir Alfred Jones are in terested, will be formed to fight the Morgan drust, "Bibby's.'"" Oak Hall. '"'Bibhy's."' You can't heat our XI shirts. No, 'yon can't even match them. The H. D. Bibby Co. | George Douglas Prown, the "author of "The House with the | ters" died suddenly at London. Green Shut-*

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