Uniform Heat Reading comfortably on the ground floor, Bathing baby comfortably on the second floor, Writing comfortably on the third floor, ; This, in short, is the story of every house heated with a "Sunshine" Furnace. . The Regulators that divide the warm air are so constructed, and the pipes which carry it to the different registers so arranged, that any, quantity of heat desired can be forced to the different rooms or flats of, a house. The '" Sunshine' is the only furnace made in which hot-air pipes to first floor do not rob second and third floor pipes. Burns coal, coke and wood equally well. : 'Sold by all enterprising dealers. / | Write for free illustrated booklet. M"Clary's 'Makers of the "* Famous Active' Range and "Cornwall " Steel Range, ~~ Lcndon, Winnipeg, Toronts, Vancouver, Montreal, St. John, N.B. LEMMON, CLAXTON & LAWRENSON, AGENTS. ted I VV VINE Travellers and Tourists Travelling from place to place are subject to all kinds of Bowel Complaint on account of change of water, diet and temperature. Dr. Fowler's . Ext. of Wild Strawberry is a sure cure for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Pains in the Stomach, Seasickness, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Summer Cora- plaint, and all Fluxes of the Bowels in Children and Adults. Its effects are marvellous. 1t acts like a charm. Relief is almost instantaneous. Does not leave the Bowels in a constipated cenditiog Er Do You Want a (TR Ti AT GOST? AT COST. A: ABERNETHY, rssicon . KY TRUNKS and VALISES. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. JAMES REID, * KINGSTON. Toronto Exhibition Exhibit of SOLDER, BABBIT, .A FTERY ZINCS. - : ~0. TORONT(. ONT. Have a look when there at N° 'STEREOTY PI B OANADA NMEBT AC BROAD "THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, : BRI Discourse Upon Britain's Greatness. PRODIGAL BACK BRITAIN'S WELCOME TO THE REBELS OF BOERLAND., A Funny Spectacle in New York-- Keene a Napoleon on the Stock Market----Sought His Foe in the Thickest of the Fight. (Whig correspondence; letter No. 1,319.) New -York, Aug. 29.--In these 00 days and delightiul nights, as we leave the zodiacal sign of the fishes, prilliant with remembrances of happy aquatic sport, and hurry to the sign of the ram and increase our pace for the season of storm and sunshine, each change reminding us that hoary win with its frost and snow is not far off. Though October, with its brilliant foltage. reminds us that the harvest is wit he called on to departing us ter) past and soon we give a trial balance of the vear, though the ram threatens with his mighty horns. crooked defiant, we nevertheless have a ant assurance of the peace that have awaited for so long.» ; fhe rough Boer generals ase tow in London accepting the hospitality of a people' whose character they know well, many of whose fathers, brothers ons went down in the murderous who! shed and pleas we and sacrifice of Spion Kop, or the best blood of Boerland and Great about the trenches of or at® midnight broke throuch the guarded defences of Lord Kitchener, the brave and resourceful Dewet oiving his last and tremendons stroke' before currendering to superior power, an act which will make his name immortal in the annals of ior all coming. time. 'The former lead ors ithe Boer rebellion stand in the presence of the monarch they defied t as sturdy welcome who eround Africas Britain and Ladysmith wal and receive almo as that chieftain the Boer into dust on burning sand. Page after page we read in the English journals of the roval welcome extended to the rebels of Boerland. The prodigal ha at last returned and 'the fatted cali is killed. © It is well that thi Life short for hate; put past behind you look forward to future with hope and bear in that ancient proverh, "The mill will never wrind with the water that = past." England can hardly do justice to the history of the war now pas ed and the necessity pressing on the Tu ture shall teach the tinds that Fneland has Cecil Rhodes to the who made rich with British blood, teach us that justice and mercy go hand in hand and that the hlood of the thousands who fousht and died in the British claims Tor empire 'on the dark continent, and Great Britain to day emerges from that terrible flict. stronger and better than ever before. She has leariied mighty lesson and laid it to her heart that a féw illclad Boers without 0 commissary department or that won derful machine that an army alive in the. fickl, that feeds not only hor soldiers but--alo-the michtyv range of her ouns of different calibre, and it i< the remembrance of all these things that to the industrious military teach er that Vattel that his instructions accepted for many are now only a dream dnd a vision of the past, impressing the military wal turns, that and all creat power son is so. the the mind is too greatest produced, irom lower private, con she was a keeps i$ no more, vears on leader whichever be old things have passed away things have become new The orand movement along the New England coast 1 a <tartling panorama of real war in which thousands of men are moaeed, and inightier ships representing the orandest republic of anciént or mod ern /times ealenlating the chance of .an invasion hy a foreign {op am the of minimizing the danger of a such an attack. No such t before sailed the sea s of the world. ery was new: evervthing had Such they new cong on are readiest ngeans the ever the movement to be learned by actual practice. and the destruction caused are a revelation to men who F the seal Combinations are mighty fleet involving cation that ever was dreamed of maritime war before." Eneland has possilfly Was Tortured By creation weapons "sailed for a hie-time. i 4 fornded "in © that a deadlier exe have a oreater fleet Unbeurable--The Flesh Raw and Flaming. - Ae Dr. Chase's Ointment, -- -. * * McConnell, engineer, in Fleury 's' foundry; AiforasOnt., stat '1 believe "that Dr. Chase's Ointment is worth weight ould. For about thirty years 1 troubled with eczema and could 'not any cure. unfortunate as to have blood poi and this developed a, the st dreadful of skin H a Its m "was obtain was =o mn In eczem liseases +] was so bad th at night and ulfering man bring about are more miracles than anvthing else: 60 cents a box, 'at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co. Lament. i : the cures like Eczema 30 Years}, A Dreadful Case--ltching Almost of warships than swe have. She has hundreds of able commanders and thousands as bravé men as ever fought for =~ Supremacy on: a. vessel' deck. Close your eyes for a moment. Where at Trafalgar, Nelson sinks dv- ing on the deck of the Victory, his last fight and each intervening thought je for his country. For the timedeath is swallowed up in victory. Listen to his admonition, almost at the moment when the spirit was passing the veil : "England expects every man to do his duty." That admonition ringing down through the ages for all time has con- ferred on 'the. brave and intrepid sail- or an immortality which can only die when England perishes and lies dead in. the wreck and time is lost in eter nity. - Yet the Victory would "hardly serve a tender to those mighty giants which are now endeavoring to solve the mystery which lies "between the power of defence and attack. FEvery incident of actual war is sought cut and every possible sacrifice guarded against, but the results: obtained are as yet only on the verge of possibility, For the tremendous miracles that are vet unrevealed in.-these ocean giants, the uninitiated can only watch and wait. 'As an illustration of this know- ledge of the new power that now" gov- erns the sea we need only cite the war between, China and Japan. China had many times the territory, nearly five times the population and wealth suf ficient for the lavish expenditure of a cruel and costly government. In war she had a mightier navy than Japan. She could procure with her lavish wealth every appliance for SUCCESS up on the seca. 0 (hina was ignorant, Japan lightened and progressive. She her sons abroad to learn war's latest appliances. When the time to use that knowledge came she battered down the walls of her ancient enemy like a honse of cards. Her: mightiest war ships were but invitdtions to ruin and massacre, and it was not long he fore China sent up a ery for mercy, and the licht of the revelation broke in on the government, the prime defence of which was ignorance dark or than the blackest night. So we of New York feel a very lively sensation and a vital interest in the movement now going on along the New England A single warship of the present was.en- sent new coast. gigantic mold and power could run in along 'the 'coast at night, discharge her mighty cuns which micht carry destruction to thousands of lives and millions of dollars of property, and escape before the morning light broke in. herself untouched by harm. It is a serious question that now presents it li for the republic's consideration, and so notwithstanding our armament we "feel impelled" to repeat the of the immortal hero who sleeps the heights of Riverside, Let peace. It fuiiny spectacle that now presents itself to the people of New: York, William 8. Devery figuring as 'a reformer and standing as vod father. jor one-half the babies in hi hailiwick. SII feteh them to their knees. You see if 1 don't. They tried to get along without me some tine 0. They ingnired into. my extrava gant living and wanted to know if 1 lived sauerkraut porterhouse deak with mushrooms. They think mighty prayer on us have a' very is on or of new stuffz let into my waistband. Living out of the police agrees with me. There I was wasted down to a keleton' with hard. work. | wasted away until | weirhed only 270 pounds Ho they want to find my weight now they can get it at the, city hay scales Oh. ves, this living outside of the po lice is bully, withe_both political par ies the future is an unveiled secret There are only two: individuals that | now call too mind who can clgim dn acknowledood precedence. The one i Davarl Bennett Hill and the othe i James R. Keene, who to unite politics withthe trust movement change, and who has been abroad and who has in finding that which is richer than silyer, gold---covod health." ! It nothing new for R. Keene th he a Napoleon in the stock ntarket.. He was terror even the insiders, who had: got their stock down npoir the bed Neither fiend ok foe ever saw his back: his friends could always look in that he nevolent and his such as they: were, cenerally of the way "when he gave them sinwle lance, which they kept in remem brance and never forgot. He wa top in the stock market in San Fran cisco, when Consolidated Viroinia jumped from nothing to 600, antl when he found nothing further to contiuer and there wa® nothing else in sight he heard there was fp financial giant. in the City of New York, about one hun dred fect. high and, fifty and the name of this niighty-man was Jav Gowdd. There wase not n otteh--en--the--planet for Goulds and to James Ro Keenes, he thoucht he would put this finan cial giant. of Gath on the shelf, wher socks heen successful Ww James i to rock. face foes, got ont a on foot across, room « two Jay should remain forever and forever. The batth on. James, Ro Keen sought his in the thickest. of the fioht: he waved his trenchant sword from the rioht to the leit and head fell off hiki of wheat hefore the conquering Oh. it wa lorion Keene was just. wher lie wanted to Excleading hi host Lo vieforss His endings were going to tly but they didn't fly MIF a cent. Jan » i. Keene wi sheaves reaper weed in the middle ivht to find out what the ter. Suddenly he heard «it wasn't wheat? it ~ Gould, the hiner chief of the Pa with James R. Keene's scalp hanging to his belt and sinein the Indian rata-plan, while his:comr oe Ri, Ri! The f of ( ? Napoleon o gathered fron fel 1 planted where 4hev moons before mat ething Jame: was was Keene: and J walked off It was many 'change clo nd. He no he mt "Johnny ould is dea The mor: vou. Find worl -nioht a BROADERIM. ive both mental an wine Carter's fron | mady for the blood, nerves pléxion. Miller's" Headache Powders cure headache in five minutes. "In boxes 10e. Wade's drug store, whily iol . which ar and il an they "have killed me. had four inches | of thi] ek, THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30. . > Sold Everywhere Don't take a Substitute Wash Yourself with ~ TOILET SOAP John Taylor & Co. Perfumers and Soap Makers TORONTO IN THE HOME. The Ideal Bedroom. ° Every bedroom should be provided with the essentials for healthiul sleep and the daily sponge bath. As, nearly as x esible the room should 'be kept free from anything that would 'tend to contaminate the air. It should be as large as one could afford - andthe windows so arranged that they may be opened at the top and bottom. Ii possible the floor should be bare and the rug so small that they can | with loors + taken out of « case for caning and airing. Everything about the room should be washable. The bed should be light and fitted with strong castors so that it may be readily The springs ought to be firm and strong. and the mattresses of a kind that wil not allow the heaviest part of the body to sink and so cause the sleeper to lie in a cramped position. Above all, do not overfurnish hedroom. moved. the Household Helps. Ii in ironing vou scorch an article coapsuds and the hot sin will remove MH, Prush the stove pipe over with cgual parts of kerodene and linseed oil when put away for the summer. Ashes and salt wet and mixed will mend eracks in the stove. Lise soda water for scald or burn where the skin is not broken Wash hair brushes with soaa water. Save work in the house by wiping the feet on the door mat. Nothing is Letter in a country home than the old-fashioned corn husk mat. stains wet conimon strong baking To remove grass the with cream of tartar and-rub well, To eleanse put theg in olass jar with a little gasolene for a few hours. . Shake. them well, remove and dry with the fingers ine the Gpen vir, ull they straight and they will look like new. pat ribbon [URC Things To Remember. Fake--extra care of bread and cake hoxes in hot wéather. Rake. vour bread in small loaves and very thoronghly, else thes uncooked Serms inthe centie will <trov the loaf. Nothing more lack baked bread, and yet many ple have the taste to prefer it in that raw state. : Goon flonr i holds togdéther upon pressure. It baskets of soft berries must stand over niokit turn them on platters and Premove those unfit to use, separate he rest and stand In a cool airy place, not on ice. Wash small fruits by putting them a few at gn time ira awire seive of col speedily de than peo indigestible a creamy color and \ tander. ating to save it, is Ii childven logve food on their plates do not compel or hire them to eat. but serve them with less waste, fruit or anything clse mergly not Ji tive economy. and avoid réomn-up chiliven often leave very untidy table. Is it ) or' lack of training ? It a misfortune se untaueh Can tablespequirements. Un less they: wre their lack of tefiehing will folldw them through life, plates at custom foranys child to observing Collared Miss Eva. Tribun , . Gunyvon, on ¢ Wednesday, Moore, Napanee, on the hier of police of that point. as she in the er her head haa hieen allowed to go free tion that he behaved herself, which he did not do, so Chiet Rankin cam to Deseronto on Wednesday night "and clam | hi own Deseronito Chiei rested lava ons from I Fia's structi that : not town HONS coodness wa trony had gu formatory hancing sentence of two vears "" She on conhi ov One Kind Of Poverty. i Though many may he rich in ket. if their blood is poor they are unhappy mortals. A pallid ana wrinNed skin result fram blood. Iron "Fonic make ne rich blood, up avstem 1 -- nerve Each box tains seventeen dave' treatment, 25 cents, at Wales drug store. pro i fac im Lill the on Price poverished | W tone an Steamer .Cadpian's Excursion. Among Thousamd™ "Islands, 10:17 Fare 50 1:15 p.m. Labor, a.m. , dinner 3c, DEAFNESS CAN NOI BE CURED as they eannot reach th Fay « atic n Tube. When thi » a rumbling ". « 3) that | nes arrh Cure. Send | for circulars, [ree | FE J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, | Sold bys druggists, : Hell's Family Pills 0. NN. - we F° best silk made. equal. Corticelli Silk-runs smoothl ways even in size and always full le Ask your dealer for *'Corticelli" good." qualities of the genuine C If your dealer does no orticelli Silk. brand. As Corticelli costs YOU no more than poor silk, don't you try it? Favorite Spool Silk. : R dressmaking and family sewing Corticelli Silk is the For hand or machine use it has no y in the needle ; it is al- ngth and full strength. and politely but firmly refuse all substitutes which some clerk may say are 'just as You may be sure they all lack the many excellent t keep Corticelli Silk it is probably because he makes a little more money selling you some other why Ask for "CorticeLLr'--the Dressmakers QO00e ©0OE®eO® © FEDERAL ROOFING PAINT f.civitvce ® ---- FOR TIN AND IRON ROOFS, BRIDGES, IRON BUILDINGS; MACHINERY, SMOKE STACKS, ETC. A scientific combination of materials, possessine Perfect Elasticity and Won- Makes Leaky Roofs Watertight, Stops Rust and Decay. GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS. Manufactured only by NETROIT, MICH. RACHAN, __ SOLE LOCAL AGENTS. Princess and A. ST OIOOOICOIO0OIOICIOOICIOOCIO0 ESTABLISHED 1890, STOCK & BOND BROKERS. WE EXECUTE ORDERS IN Boston Stock Exchange, over our private wire, for cash or margin. BOSTON; NEW YORK -AND CHICAGO. on counts for the purchy wks and bongs. The Federal Paint and Oil Co. Montreal Streets D0CCICCCCOO0CIQOCICO0OOIO00 PHONE MAIN 4303. Ww. F. DEVER & CO., @e@® DOMINION COAL and DOMINION STEEL "19 Wellington St. East, Toronto, re or rere Tre a ---- 20) per Cen. discount 2 We Will Sell for the Balance of the Season Following Goods at 20 Per Cent. Discount for Cash Only: REFRIGERATORS 'ICE CREAM FREEZERS SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS WIRE NETTING GARDEN HOSE > AND COAL 9IL STOVES. 7 ELLIOTT BROS., 77 PRINCESS EET. POPES GEOE®D | COPECO OO® the