L,i0 THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 Fy ' But Cut Your Beard and do it Easy By Buying RAZORS CORBETT S. SAFETY - ~ KING CUTTERS in makes, WARRANTED. Call and see the «« OUR ... Optical Work Is giving 'universal satisfaction. We give this branch of our busi- ness our painstaking attention, and are handling successfully many difficult cases. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to. all the best razors and get prices, ---------- SMITH BROS. Jewelers and 350 King Opticians. St. THE MAN IN LOVE With our Suitings is not hard to find. This is found not a matter for surprise when the goods are inspected See the sea- sonable things we are offer- ing. JNO. R. JOHNSTON, TAILOR, {FIRE WOOD: JUST RECEIVED. A fine lot of nice sound, hard Maple, cut last winter. ood long lengths. S. ANGLIN & CO. Foot of Wellington Street, OROVOIVPICSOROIDID 00000000 B0000CcAnC o ° * ® ° * % * ° ® ® ° * ® * ® ° o ° ® » Electric Fixtures I We have them--all sizes, all kinds, all prices; everything to suit everybody. Call and see our large display of both gas and electric fixtures. We have the latest and best, and they won't 'cost .you a great deal, either. $1.50 and'Hipwards ABSOLUTE - SECURTY. Cenuine Carter Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signawure of See Pac-Simile Wrapper Below. Very small and as cosy to take as sugar. A FOR HEADACHE. | FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIGUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR COHSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION ™ QURE SICK HEADACHE. "OUR PERFECT © SYSTEM. Our perfect system for accurate and quick dispens ing has met with the ap- wroval of all who have brought their prescriptions to our store, Our equip- ment is modern and complete in every department. Toilet Perfumes, Brushes, ete., in end- goods, Sponges, Combs, less variety. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. This wonderful life-giving remedy is recommend to all with confidence. It is a trie nerve bracer and system pu rifier, and gives marvelous results to the sick. Our supply is always fresh and genuine. Our store for Paine's Celery Compound, : -- GEW. W..MAHOOD, Druggist, Cor. Princess and Bagot Sts., Kingston, Ont. Curse DRINK cugED COLONIAL REMEDY No Taste. No 'Odor. Can be given in glass of water, tea, or coffee, without patient's knowl- sags. slonial Remedy will cur an appe quors after using Colonial in m Yadorerd by Members of W. C. T. Mrs. Moore, superintendens of the Woman's Christian Te mix Unicom, Venu i «1 Colonial Ren drunkards, aml the In many cases the R cheerfully recor Remedy ke oo ors mail bv writing or 1 (for vears'mem Temperance Montreal McLeod, Prin the Woman's 3 Cather 1 by Ts (apriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires:on their carriages are well pleased with = Princess the ease and. comfort they enjoy BRECK & HALLIDA Street. | in driving, if you have not got : them on your carriage you [uo] Fo oe To oi [eo a Toe a To ox should send to LATURNEY and on wu | have them on and enjoy your ATALKON MILK Ej esive i y x } 3 x B » The one delivery supply whic ho x JAMES LATUENEY, b . vital importance to most childrer is milk. The nein depend lv kind 'of milk you give thre mt ¥ Our milk is clarified by a ess, aud thereby iscase are removed. {Clarified ¥i Milk Co., 'Phonle 567. Bro k & Bi got Sts. a FA Well Customer * ' 27 ROMER EEE TRY CRANFORD & WALSH, Tailors and Importers, 3 Cor. Princess & Bagot Sts. (RRP Ca " @ Io 2 3 fe) Is the best reccommenaation 2 CARRIAGE MAKER, 3906 Princess St. « Kingston. and every form of itching Piles bleeding nd protruding piles e manufacturers have guaranteed a in tho daily press and ask a 8 what they think of it. You can use it ant t your money back if not eured. box, al | 8 2h Hn EDMANSON, BATES & Co. Taronta sen | Dr. Chase's Ointment {Auction Sales. Save Money by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, To prove to you thab Dg Chase's Ointment 18 a certaif ana absolute cure for eacl . Auctioneers. TO LET. HOUSE. 200 WILLIAM Clery at poes nt cupi-d Grovtihssc= Possession 151 Welling ton on Thursda, last, and jus, Sd THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR |son to be satisfied. He has been dis: "WELLINGTON WAFTS. : DAILY BRITISH WHIG, publisheo | reet in his action, and he has bed | poo oi : each . at 306-310 King Street, - his' peace. Like" those" whom he has | Qu From Drowning--A De- $6 per year. ions at 2.30 and ; Nghtfol Summer, | o'clock. 6, 13 represented he has demonstrated that Wellinsion, Aug. 3 Whi M KL BI HI P ze " e. " iL 25. -- ) . outiisbed Wy morning at $1 8 works spoke louder than words. Pettingill was crossing the aad . year. Attached is ome the best 'Tob Printim )fices in Canada; Sie iyliah and cheap work; mine improved EDhW. J. B I'HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' ENSE. PROPRIETOR MORE IN WOMEX'S RIGHTS. " The testimony of the' Hon. Mr.. Sed- don, the premier of New Zealand, "to the effect that the woman's: sufirage act had been a success, fresh interest in the question in Ca- nada. Such a staid and cautious jour nalist friend as the Ottawa Free Press the that wo- "would tend to counter- influences that. are prominence' has aroused a is inclined to opinion man's suffrage act many evil unhappily brought into And it wonren in our elections. seems incon- sistent to grant ers in municipal matter: voting and wjthhold pow- them in parliamentary. That is the rub, and the one that suggests most consideration from the electors. Have the women really ap- preciated the franchise, and to the ex- {ent to which they enjoy it? T be evi- dence of active election workers is that many of the women who havé votes in the more limited sphere, do not value them, that do not except at the solicitation of a friend, some vote and that some do not go to the polls. This experience tends to demonstiate that the women of Canada do not care about the franchise, and, as a' body, do not desive it. 1 they will not act in municipal elections what is there to convince the people that they will act jn = parliamentary elections. in to Mr, Seddon the New Zealand are keenly alive dis WwWo- men of to their privileges and decidedly the exercise of advocate criminating in their He was not the ori- He and power, ginally of, their enfranchisement. did the measure, did the outstart. Jut he it because of the exceedingly discreet the women there of their votes. They are content to sup- port the best men and measures, with- obtrude their per not introduce not endorse it at had been won over to admire use 'which make out presuming to sonality, and without aspiring to cn ter public life and occupy any of the public offices. In New Zealand, therefore, there is a somewhat ideal condition of things, and if it could be duplicated in Ca- or if theré was the promisé" of for nada, it, there would be strong ground the revival of an agitation that has not been sensibly felt in recent years. ------ WAY TO DO BUSINESS. not promoted That some Great enterprises are lunches. observation of: the Whig ago, when it learned thud a man vho 10 had been in the He Had inspect sites for building, had the depth of water at certaig, places in the har by champagne was the months was interested in the new industry be established here city for several days. vd the desirable respecting taken soundings bor, and gone away, and only one or individuals had known abeut it. Eater experts: had conie ta King- ston, had prosecuted their enquiries, had committed thémselves to tests that cost a lot of money, and left without giving out any announcement as to their proceedings. The when council was only approached : a composed of men capital, were The property i the of<darge insa position to deilnitely. city is not asked The was willing té present as a site for the act for much. owns and smelter, is to be set fixed at purchased at an up- price, and its assessment is to be for of this land a certain amount The i« a municipal advantage. It a num- her of 'years. sale alone represents, as it stands, an annual in The ol and a loss S15,000, RTO, of charge of over twenty Cvears over purchasers relieve the corporation and they pay the upon, the that charge Lax of the at once, ~chool iftletinitely and value new works, The been clearly hona fides of the company have Its most established. members are among Canada's successful business 'men. They. have gone about this enterprise in a proper way . and themselves that and spirit. They have satistied that Kingston is the place for it, here all the conditions of a new growing industry can be had, and they are ready to proceed--with thew work "with as little delay as possible. Phere no tery .about iC but. come reserve about the details pend ing the development of them. In due time all the facts will be known, and they will be happily, received. The history of the transaction, so far has been gratiiving. The re vetors of t have not been look- ing for glory or a bonus. They hayy g or aceepling entertan and « ding the pedple with the brilliance of their talk. The mes merig infinenen of the professic nal | sploiter has heen missing. The in trv simply comes here becansze this the place for it, and Les operated and tavted, rated ay ording to modern ideas products fo pend upon its t will be managsl. with skill and nergy | { Part tl n who a ted for th laved in the weliminar yn ns he has matter the lag? dohodd term, | peaches | after ery THE HORSE NOT TABOOED. The agricultural fair is about to undergo 'a transformation. A year who represented government, ted which was pub- the fall were singularly lacking in Mr. = Creelman, the Ontario azo poi out in a lengthy article, shows the tractions one would expeét to find in them. His of them gave the Mr. the permanent superintendent "of agrip to serviceable and their 'with, the design He issued of It is in effect that the as the lished, that some of at- Seseriion" of some reader agsurprise. Creelman Ann fatly became cultural societies, his duty being make them shows in accordance pf the act which governs them. has. incidentally a decree some moment, must go--so far He command effective, horse racing fall fairs are concerned. able for of course may be to make his the government grant can be made conditional upon it: The act, however, will have to he changed. It is unreasonable to suppose that fair assodations will submit kindly to what to be the- personhl 'His parliament, may appear desires of an official. view be the may but it must be embodied in the provisions of the Agricultural Societies' What will a fall fair speegling 7 view of act. be without the Theré need not be races, but there of speed, and for prizes which are worthy of course, must be tests of the contests. True, most of the races in some exhibition centres are participated in by horses which are trained for the tragk and spend most of 'their time upon it. These horses Rut money they, would not be all. Thes add to the of an occasion by creating a little not entered for the in evidence lide excitement ted are exhibitions for race at which cannot be" cdntribu by untrained horses. They in spire the gambling which js-incidental. however, to every race track, and the Creelman, which Mr. banish if through to government, has decided possible. The reform has only been proposed. It remains to be seen how it will ma- terialize, » EDITORIAL NOTES. The president of the United States is being carefully cuarded wherever he Foes, What is he afraid of ? The trusts ? He is not cam- and by military. paigning 'against any other evil. A western exchange, the American, prints ten commandments in a prominent plage and heads them, "Gems of Current Thought." Great anxiety is expressed as to who the author is. layman in A Methodist looking for a Universal Hymn book as a means of bringing the different denomi- nations into closer relatiopship. The hymn book avill be a step in that dir cction--but only a step. The proposal is to make the Erie canal a federal work, and enlarge it ~o* that great ships its The 250,000,000. The politicians see in the scheme great may traverse length. cost will be opportunities for. plunder. The Morgan idea of merging and co-operating is being carried. into house keeping in Decatur, Mich. The people have been. dining at a central placeand they claim to be saving in wages and board bills. ep, ~ervants' The Queen's will not be facilitatéd by news The the responsibility of the selection of a principal for know they task and they will act accord- paper discussion, trustees the know the before ingly. requirements of college, them, ---- E. A. Macdonald, is dving of His has been ex-mayor Tor onto, of paresis. He mal, a man of large Auatural endow- He a stir- a chequered career. was an able ments, but Peccentric and excitable. + : ' was the central figure in many Pine SCR. ---- Lord Raglan is bound to Keep up his war spirit. The nations of the world are preparing, he savs, for the oreat Armace on, and Britain can- not afiprd to lag behind, So 'millions must be poursd into the militarism.' ima-- a modifica the amusements Some Methodists expect tion of the aeneral It's will be discipline by conference arding to plums that they Why a char digappointed. should there be. all, in that which is a of cong The htioks in one of the public a . or Pe schai¥s- in? Butialo, 'and held éver from are Being fumi; cated by the health desart will be It would net be germ of disease destrort That's right. | the old bugks in King nop were fumi ated. amiss Wf er p---- An official in the savings bank at South Pend, Didi, has: protested against the publication of the Bible in chapters in the Assumption JIndepend cent, on the ground that it.is "impro jer literature The eiitor saves that "| = Sunday amything that is good enongh for the good philosophy. « school is enough the peuple. That "vortex of he as he was about to a out of the water on the opposite side, his horse became frighterel and sprang. to * ne side, capsizing the buggy and prec ipi- tating Mr.. Pettingill in the water. The horse became entangled in- the rig and in Mr. Pettingill"s endeavor's to ex- tricate it, 'he, 'too, became exhausted. His cries for help were distinctly heard across West Lake and promptly -- re sponded' to by Justus Jinks and Don- axl PBeath, who had considerable dif fienlty in rescuing him. The animal was drowned. The boarders at Hotel Wellman are . still coming and going. Mr. and Mrs. William Garratt and daughter, and Mrs. Garratt's father and mother ( Pead), Yonkers, N.Y. for some weeks the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Garratt, left per C.0.R. for their home on Friday. Mrs. Caverly Nash, for some weeks the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. H. Burlingham, took her departure for Foronto, on Monday, where she pur- poses visiting friends before her home. Miss Beatrice Nash left for Trenton to visit friends on Friday. Rev. Mr. Vaness preached at the Me- thodist_church on Sunday evening and Mis. Caverly Nash, Winnipeg, solo at the of the was certainly a treat . our popular druggist, also sang a solo, the '"'Holy City." The Picton baseball team came to Wellington on going to sang a which Shoury, service, Mr. close Thursday to play the Wellington team | and were successful. Dr. Willet Garratt arrive l home from the west to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Garratt. The summer has been delightfully cool, and plaint as to heat has arisen. ricultural society has out no com- The ag- some very elaborate bills for the ¢oming- . fair in September. The vacant stores cans- ed from the fire in June last, are be- ing rebuilt. PRESS POINTS. What Is His Drink ? Hamilton Spectator. The man who praises Hamilton'gj water doesn't use it, A Warning To Men. Toronto New, iSam Small had gorged on liquor Sintjstics and they Pp Jobably went to his head A Sign of Wealth. Montreal Herald. At this rate a bucket of coal ashes on the back porch will soon be regard- ed -as--palpable evidence of the ten- ant's -wealth. Limit To Morgan's Power. St. Thomas Journal. A prophet says that the world will come to an end in 1931. J. Pierpont Morgan wi be through with it bhyv- that time. Inducements to Travel. Montreal Herald. If the C. P. R. and G. T. R. get their excursion rates much lower it will be cheaper to go away than stay at home. . Warning To The Public. Toronto Telegram. Contempt of court is common that Canadian have to hecoming so judges may soon, put up signs warning the public. to kept off the grass of their judicial dignity. Catarrh For Twenty Years And Cured In a Few Days. Scranton, marty r James, of Pa., "save: "| have 'heen a to Catarrh for twenty years, hawking, dropping in the throat and pain in the head, very offensive breath. T tried Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. The first application instant relief. After using a few Hon. George gave hot- tles 1 was cured. abc. Sold by H, I. Taylor and H. Wade.--1 ar ------E-- The International 'Traction com pany. Bufialo, has notified - its 1,300 employees that they will he"viven a ten per cent. increase for "their work on Labor. day. President Loubet on ed the visit which the shah paid to him at Rambouillet, and remained at the Persian monarch's hotel for lunch, Friday return- A _ceneral strike-thovement has be gun at Florence, Italy, and the metal workers, printers, cigar makers and joiners are already out "In perfection of .' make-up IRON-OX TABLETS ARE ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE From the first they have sold as readily as the oldest estab- lished remedies. My customers are de- lighted with them."" --H. A. DUPEE, -Druggist Bridge- port, Conn. A TONIC LAXATIVE Price 25 Centg as THERE HAS BEEN NO CASE SO HOPELESS BUT THE MAGI CALEDONIA SPRINGS . HAS HELPED; RHEUMATISM, STOMACH, LIVER, AND URINARY TROUBLES 'ARE SURELY 1: HELPED. constant' | manent und positive cure for I ruarantce wy Latesy Method Treatmen: to be a pew an, of uae. In Varicoceleis Varicuerle and Stricture, without cutting, streiching absuris the bageiuk, or worty condition, equal cir yon, stops pains in the groins, alsd all draingc ihereby giving ihe organs their } tion, vitalizes the partsand re- stores lost powers: in Stricture it absorbs the Stricture tissue, stopesmarting sensation, nervousness, weakness, backache. etc, while in all prostotic troubles it is the yer | ment par excelience. SO pusitive am I that muy treatment will cure you, you oal PAY WHEN CURED You need pay nothing until you are convinced that a thorourh and complete cure has been established This should convince von that | have contidence in my Latest Method Treatment, orlierwise 1 could pot make you thiy proposition. It makes vo difference who bas failed to cure you; cad ur, write me, Each 'Time You Call You See Me Personally, Or each time you wiite Is receives py personal attention. The number of years am established in Detroig, and the curesé accomplished after given upy other doctors, has placed me as the for specialist of the country. CONSULT ATION FREE. Call or write for ak for Ur home treatment, niire system of howe treatment for BOOK FREE All medicines tor Canadian patients st. ~~ =a G. express charges prepaid. Nothing seat C. UO. ~e WOODWARD AVE., SOR _wiLcox DETROIT, MICH THE HUSTLING BOY Is the fellow we like. to fit out with clothes. The chap who is never still-- climbs trees and fences, wrestles and plays leap frog, We have got the clothes to hold him. Had them made for his special use. Just give our BOYS' SUITS a trial, that's all we ask. Blouse, Norfolk styles, Double - breasted and 3 Piece Suits, all sizes, 71017 those v ho cannot trom Windsor, Can DR. GOLOB ¢ he «0 PRICES : $8 50, $8, $7 50, $7, $6.50, $6 $5. $4, $3.50, $2.50, $2, $1.50, $1.25. THE H. D.-BIBBY CO.,, ORE PRICE] {OAT TALL] Harrison Co's. GREAT AUGUST SALE. "Many customers are 2 ow | their Furniture and Carpets now and having us hold them until later. They 'are saving and we have the money.to use. money Parlor Suites, $25, reduced to $17.50. : Parlor Suites, $65, reduced to $48. " Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, "etc., all reduced. Carpets, in Brussels and Axmin- This Suit, until end of August, ster, all reduced in sympathy | while they last, $10.50. A gen- with our other lines. uine snap. Regular $13. T.E HARRISON CO. Phone go and gl. SRT BARCAIN SHOES ? WE DON T KEEP THEM "Bargain Shoes --and Shoes at Bargain "NIT" REE prices are two different propositions. We don't keep a Bargain Shoe Store --but you "11 find Bargains in Shoes all through our stock. We do not come in competition with the cheap Bargain shoes now flooding the mar- Ket and represented to be-worth--double the price they are soid for. Baits of this.kind are common now-a-d: ays, and to avoid deception Hl and misrepresentations buy our reliable Foot- wear, which we guarantee to be the best to be had at the price we name and sold at just what they are worth. We can fit and suit J. . you when others fail. SUTHERLAND' or POPULAR SHOE STORE. Toronto Exhibition Have a look when theré at the Exhibit of SOLDER, BABBIT, STEREOTYPE, BATTERY ZINCS. THE CANADA METAL CO, T RONTO, ONT er me