a BOYS "You could always find good end. of the season. TWO THE Are apt to be "Indians' but unless they are the-wooden kind they are hard on shoes. boys' shoes here, but now we have a more than good one for boys and girls. They are made' in shapes to fit the growing. feet and are full of style, yet strong and service- able and cost no more than the inferior kinds. McDermolts SHOE STORE. Our Coal it as Clean as Though It Were 'Wash- ed and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, GOO» solid coal--s0 much solid fire. After oos reaches the surface of the earth from th: mines, impurities are picked out by hand Thereafter it is screened seversl times befor it reaches you, and dirt, slate, eto. reall have no chanoe, if the dealers are careful. Wo are very oareful. Foot of Gc St.--'Phone 9. Some Have Taken Advantage of Our >< . Camera Sale But we have still bargains. to offer you. We are not going out of this branch cot our business but are cleaning it out at the scme H. B. TAYLOR, CHEMIST AND OPTICIAN, 124 Princess St. 'Phone 59. Makerere DIE Store RE rate Under the New Proprietorship of E. L. EBBELS, carries all Fancy Egg so well-known in New Now Drinks, York. od Also the finest lines of Toilet Articles,- Perfumery, Soaps, Cos- metics, Cerates ard Creams. Prescriptions and Family: Re- cipes receive utmost attention. Call and be satisfied, King and Market Streets. Auction Sales. Save Money 3s by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, Act ionesrs. Hin i "MONEY AND BUSINESS. weber HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sums from one thousand to ten thous and dollars. For particulars apply A GODWIN'S INRU RANC E EMPORIUM over Express Office, Market Souare. SMALL city WONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE UR sums, at low rales of intrest on amd farm pfMperty. Loans granted on city and county debentures. Apply to S. C. McGILL, manager of Frontenae Loan. and Investment Society. Office op posite the Post Office. LONDG N AND FIRE Comp Any Available assets ; 15. n addition to whict policy" holders have for security the limited liability of all the stockho Mere Farm @nd Citv Property insured at lowest possible rates Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from STRANGE & STRANGE. Agenta:s LIVERPOOL, GLOBE UNDERTAKERS. S. CORBETT, PUNERAL DIRECTOR, Princess * Street,' Kingeton, Sucowssor Ww. Drennan. 281 to T. F. HARRISON" co, 233-235 Princess Street. efficiency the best. Prices the lowest 'Phones--Warerooms, 90. Night Calle-- F. Harrison, 51. . UNDERTAXERS; Quality and Buildings America early' in Sept smber and THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. NEED MORE MEN, WANT FIVE HUNDRED MORE THRESHERS New Railway Commodity Tariff Creates Unfavorable Comment --Chancellor Burwash Thrown From Steamboat Berth. Winnipeg, Sept. 3.--The weather this moming is again reported clear and warm, throughout the province, m) reshing is in full swing and the vields are good. At several of the farms around Emerson the vield goes thirty-five bushels to the acre. The threshers. are in need of assis tance still, and could provide work for an- other five hundred 'men. The new commodity tariff, whi has recently gone into effect on the Cana- dian Pacific and Canadian Novthern railways, is causing much unfavorable 'comment from business men, who say the new freight rate increases the price of-implements ten to twelve dol} lars a car on short hauls. The electric line to Selkirk has been all snrveyed' and some portion of it graded: Fish companies and others at Selkirk say they will be able to throw enough business in its way to make the line a paying venture from the start. . Game is plentiful ingthe west this fall, and many WinnipBggers who have gone out have got big bags. Chickens also' will be thick. Chancellor Burwash of Victoria uni- versity, was thrown from his berth on the steamship Lake Manitoba,' on the way up-from Toronto to attend the Methodist general conference. The muscles' of his back and head were se- verely 'strained by the fall. ISLAND INCIDENTS. Kingstonians Return Home-- Crops Badly Damaged. Wolie Island, Sept 3.--Fawlker. Me Rae, a: former resident} of the island, died at. Grindstone Island last week. Mrs. Michael Flynn went over to the city last week to visit her daughter, Mis. Frank Therault. While there. she suffered of paralysis. Her life is despaired of. Mrs. Henderson, Sr.,-is on the sick list. Mr. McReady the care. Charles recovering from an attack of typhoid fever, has suffered a relapse. Mi-s" Kate Furlong, although not yet ont of danger, is slightly improved, Mrs. Andrew McRae. Gis also inprov- ing slowly. Mrs. John Bain has re turned home fully recuperated from her former illness. Mrs. Hobart Dyde and Mrs. James Henderson have returned to the city after summering at Halliday' Point. Senator Fuller, New York, wid spent the suinmer here, returned to his home last week. Prof. John Marshall has returned the city after a pleasant outing on the island. Hon. Wiiliam Harty and family are again at their summer home, Simcoe Island. Miss Priceland, Buffalo, the guest of Mrs. Edward Briceland, for the past ten days, has returned to her home. Mr. O'Hara and wife, Kingston, spent Sun- av at W. Briceland's: Miss Theresa 'ritlin's sister has returned to Buffalo after a two weeks pleasant visit with friends. - Mrs. James McDonagh. Perth, iv visiting her mother, Mrs. Terance Murphy. Miss Nolan, Kingston, has opened the school formerly taucht hy Miss Crowley, who is taking a course an the Normal school at Ottawa. The opened by Mrs. Thom- as Crawford, i: receiving a fair share of patronage, James Dawson, nephew of Sheriff 'Dawsomahas ohtained an crative position in ¢ ® City. at the fair ow he- ing put-in order for fair, which promises to outrival all former Reeve: Fawcett's crop, it is--es- timated, guliered to the extent of $1,- 000 from the recent Storm. Quite a number from hege attended the Water- town fair and witnessed 'the unveiling of the Flower monument. Threshing has beeun, although the majority have not finished karvesting, of hay are yet uncut. a stroke is under doctor's Docteur, to new store ore the co ones CARNEGIE'S -LONDON HOUSE. Will Build a $5,000,000 Home in Exclusive District. Sept. 3.- of most Andrew Carnegie the nabobs of fashionable and high priced street in London. He has this week copipleted the - purchase from the voung Duke of Westminsta of a plotSi ground in South street, leading into Park lane, just the handsome house of J. PP. Jr.--"Jack" Morcan as he here. Jt is said the house will be as much like Mr. Carnegie"s great mansion in Fifth avenue," in New" York, as it is possible. for a London house to he. and tha' the cost will be something like 85000,000. RB is reported build- ing operations "will be begun early next vear and the architects already have the contract in hand. Mr. Carnegie will have for his im- mediate neichbors Lord Brassév, the dgwacer Countess of Rosslyn, "Lady Hepry Somerset! Alived Beit, the rich- wan in England coat MrgFok- itfeand JJ. B. Ragbinson, two othr oth African millionaires. Mr. Car Adio ds planning to Jeave here for ON England in No: London, to become one Park lane, the bevond Morvan, called is pers return to 10 vember. King Ben's Observations. 1 hav ved difminir thie past manth or so, that the pumber of par, wels of boots and shoéd doing out on the KX & P. thins have not bean as ws "heretofore, remarked BTW: to-day. "Upon enquiry, T was those who use these traifls, Kingston's, shoe merchants will allow customers to try = on These people now do their at country stores, where they goods on credit, if they want [PIVEN § Foléor tohid hy that can buy Sues State For Millions. \N.Y., Sept. 3.--Byron: M. i Meadville, Pa.. has fvled a m fer ten, millipn dollars against, State of Bah for" dar h he cladms g some re through the putting of Stone and Cement company through receivership proceedings in 15:3. iy thé The steamer New York will be brought to Kingston for the winter. and fields, Y. M.C.A. DIRECTORS. An Important Meeting--Concern- 4 ing the Boys. The largest meeting of Y.M.C.A. di- rectors since the present secretary's arrival gathered at eight o'clock' last evening to hold their usual monthly meeting. President Chown presided, and' 0. H. Keller, recording-secretary, was in his place, + dhe secretary's report was called for and showed some interesting facts. No less than 106 strangers had visited the association rooms during August, one Young man registering from Dawsoh City. Then came new business, the first item being "Shall bavs be ad- mitted to the building evenings *° All giving boys every pos- Fle the thought being "help the boy and you will make the man." Yet many parents had com- plained that while our evening boy privileges lasted they were oft times wide, by thinking their lad safe at the Y.M.C.A., while he ran the streets, Again, it was urged that every boy who had a home ought to be there evenings or else school duties must be neglected, and that any institution which. drew boys of twelve to fifteen vears away from home at night was doing a positive harm.' Finally it was decided that hereafter no _ boy would be" admitted to the building af- ter six o'clock. "Shall we have fioor for the a new hardwood gvmnasium ?' was a question next placed hefore the as- sembly. The venture involved an out- lay of 8150, and was largely. discuss- ed. The following decision was ultim- ately reached : If by September 20th, S80 can be raised, the board is will- ing to endo the move, but all gym- nafium receipts for the winter must go toward the new floor fund. The meeting closed. with a discuss- ion of how to secure five new direc tors, largely to fill the places of mens who had removed from the city. Some Y.M.C.A. Items. The Canadian Locomotive Works co-operating with the association opening up a mechanical drawing Hon. William Harty has been ke will do all he can to push the thing along. Neatly framed M.C. evening a Ist, are the city. Physical Director Bews believes that more voung men than ever hefore will Join the Y.M.C.A. this fall. Two fel lows cach secired five new ones, and came. in ta tell the secretary of it last week. : Oni October 1st the Y.M.(. publish 'an attractive book, forth fall and winter plans. er will be in red and gold. class. seen; notices concerning Y. school, which opens being placed about will £3 The cov: ar -- DREAD MATERIALISM. English Methodists Behold Sign of the Times. London, Sept. 3.--In the religious world the most important event last week was the publication of the Wes- levan Methodist pastoral. The pas- toral says that the closeness of in- tercourse, the immense powers now possessed for the production and dis- tribution of wealth, and the almost world-wide co-operation and eom- petition for these en's, bid fair to revolutionize "the conditions of indus- trial and commercial life. This state of things, it added, points to the dancer of a period of practical materialism, when" the inter ests of brotherliness and human pro- may. be. sacrificed--to considera: tions both of greed and fear. when the weaker classes and races may be ex- ploited for the benefit of the stronger. when multitudes may live under such conditions of hurry" and mental ab- sorption as to endanger not onlv re ligion, but all the higher qualities of spiritual character. gress SLAIN BY MASKED MEN. Surprises Them Whife Robbing a Railway Barn. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 3.--An- at- tempt was made. by two masked men to roh the Metropolitan Street -Rail- way car barn in® Armourdale," Kan.; early vesterdav. Watchman Minsker was ordered to hold up his hands and taken inside the office, but hefore the robbers secured any booty Policeman Morris entered through the back door. Morris dealt one of the robbers a heavy blow on his head with his club, and was shot through the heart and instantly killed by the secdénd rob Her. Watchman Minsker and slightly injured. made their escape. was also shot Both: robbers They Flock To Victoria. Inspector Kidd was busily en 10- day in regulating the various class es inthe public schools. In one room in Viethria school there were gather. od this morning eighty-one | pupils. The room can "accommodate fifty. From the wav the children are flock: ing to Victoria school, it would not appear that it 'was unsanitary, as has been alleged. we ra Taking Over New Duties. Frederick Ayvlesworth® vesterday sumed his new duties as principal of Frontenac publi¢ schifol, having been released from -his engagement at Gan- anoque. "Miss Fdith- Knapp, daughter of Alderman Knhpp; +tohnston-strect, succeeds Mr. Avlesworth as teacher of the entrance class and model school assistant at Gananoque. as- Monteagle Damaged. Sault Ste. Marie, Sept. 3---The steamer Monteagle had' several frames and stanchions - broken on the stap- hoard side by collision with: thé Cam- bria' and whaleback 202 while leaving the canal. The Monteagle,. proceeded on her way without." réffairs. = The Monteagle. is commanded by Captain William Griffin, Oswego. Declined Peerage.' Sept. 2. --The Free Press Sir. Wilfrid Laurier was of- by his majes y, on the cor i iE Ottawa, avs it ferea ga accaston it was dec neeraer oF lined for Queen's Trustees. A' special' me ween's tru tees has been called for the Ir th, to consider the. appointment of a suckes- «or to the late Pridcipal Grant: ting 'of Ox Premier Laurier was' confined to his bed in Paris for two -days. Jor : match, Leland --Steamboat company. Rhodes, THE WEATHER] HOW IT WILL BE IN --SEP- TEMBER Rev. Mr. Hicks' Prophetic Spirit is. Stirred Again -- Vulcan Period Culminates on the 4th --Followed by Storms and Frost. I. Hicks of the gives the following weather for Septem- Rev. forecasts her : From the lst to the culmination of a' regular Vulcan per- iod, intensified by Mercury, Exfth and Mars, with new moon on the 1 st and moon on the celestial equator on the 3vd. Warm weather generally will most likely prevail®at the opening of the month. On and touching the 2nd to 4th no one should be surprised by energetic storms or rain, wind and thunder. If viry low barometer and West India hurricane reach our south coasts at this time they will either reach in- terior sections; and travel thence to the lakes and St. Lawrence, causing high temperature and heavy storms of rain, wind and thunder over most of the country, or they will,move up the Atlantic coasts, causing danger in those régions and bringing high haro- meter, northerly winds and quite cool weather over all 'northern and central parts of the county. The chances are that frosts will oc- cur northward about the 4th to the 7th. The centre of the Mars period falls on the 11th, and on and ahout this date, it - must be © remembered, our alobe reaches a crisis or maximum of magnetic and electric excitation, as a rule, causing many curious phenomdna in earth and air. The regular storm period central on the 13th will almost certainly hing out a state of stormy and® unsettled weather that will continue in a gene- ral way into the reactionary storm davs centreing about the 17th and 13th One of the danger periods of Sept- ember, especially in localities exposed to eauinactint storms, will be about the 17th, ISth and 19th. Watch all in- dications at this time, and do not be surprised by very nights . and frost. The last regular storm period September is central on the 21th, ex- tending over the 22nd to 27th. This period is at the centre of the Earth's autuminal equinox, Rith moon at greatest declination north, perigee and last quarter. Another series of very decided equi- noctial storms is hoth possible end probable at this time. The month closes in' a reactionary storm disturh- ance, excited by, the passage of the moon over the equator on the 30th. On that date and into October Ist, aittuminal thunder storms will touch many localities. ith falls the cool for INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Pure drugs--H. B. Taylor. The Frontenac, Round Island, remain open until September 2 25th, possibly until October Ist. L. Watertown, N.Y. visiting his parents on Arch street. Miss Like Macdonald, Rochester, N. Y., is the guest of Mrs. Joseph" An- Baget street. Henry - Spooner and - mother, Cleveland, - Ohio, are visiting Joseph Murray, 20 Rideau streot. The. General Hospital Nurses' Alum- nae Association held a meeting last nicht to arrange a programme for the autumn and winter. Frederick Tutton, formerly * in the machinists' department of the locomotive works, néw residing in Pembroke, . is spending a week with friends in the city. Charles G, Emery, summers. at Caluniet St, Lawrence, has with the Herreschofis a new steaimmyvacht. The fat. men expect to. go over Watertown on Monday or. Tuesday next to play a return baseball match with their heavy weight brethren of that pretty little city. In the Dominion Rifle Association matches at Ottawa, in the Coronation Sergt. W. Swaine, 14th won 88, with a score of eighty- cicht. The top score was ninety-one. A battery of 'six guns the new filteen-pounder tvpe, for of the R. C.F.A., has arrived irom Woolwich. England. The guns are being mounted fn the driving shed. Place 1)'Armes. A business meeting of the Oddfel- Tows" Club members was held at "their rooms on Sydenham street last éven- ing. Fifteen new members were admit- and routine business transacted. nk Burns has complained to the of the loss" of a bicvels, which standing in front of a King street hotel. When he left the hotel a few minutes later, the wheel had dis- appeared. Cameron English, Dufferin, was not looking for work while inthe North West. He could have secured it at 81.- 75 per day. had he wished, but he was only in the west to visit friends. Prof. A. C: Moorehouise, Port Byron, N.Y.."who for the past eight seasons has been a purser of the Thousand his ab- out completed' a new text hook in geometry for the use of high school and normal school students. will and Spriges, 15 derson, from Capt. foreman New York, who Island, on the been consulting regarding plans regi- ment, of use he left . A Distinguished Party. Senator Spooner, the TU ited S ter, Fred John Robinson, leader Win Mrs. Mrs: Miss Henrd the Gemoc rat tates senatel 'Mr. Mr. and Guorve, Murray. Miss Clark and were entertained by Folger ats his howe and among islands. ' of E---------- Of To Toronto. i X stonfans lett for Toron- The followin Lord Russell At Toronto. | In the stallion trot at Toronto ves- terday Alevorium Boy won first place Time 2.253. GoW. Bell's trotter, Lord Ruasell, Jr., yon fifth place. CRONIJE IS BACK. Says Briton and Loer Will Work Together. | Pretoria, Sept. 2.--Gen. G ronje, whose surrender at Paardcherg, ~Or- ange Free State, was due .to the Can- adians, has returned to the Transv aal with his wife from St. Helena. He is now in Klerksdorp. He told the corres- pondent that he was contented. with the terms of peace, and was confident that Beer and Briton would soon be working hand in hand. He was glad to return' and assist in this work and to advise his own people. Judgment that has been rendered in a test case declares that the com- mandeering by the late government of the Transvaal of property for the pur poses of war was legal. An English iefugee sought to recover the value of a horse commandeered by the Boers, which was: afterwards' killed in battle. The judgment is of great value as set- tling the question of property that ! changed hands by commandeering. Campers Return Home. Point Road, Sept. 2.--Harvest is over, and threshing is being done. The campers have nearly all returned to their homes in the city, after a couple of months' outing on our pic- turesque shores. J. Quinn is preparing to move into his yew home. Miss Ryan, visiting her brother, Juage Ry- an, Portage 1a Prairie, for the past two vears, 'has returned.home to at- tend her' mother, who is very ill. Miss Ryan is a proiessional nurse. Mrs. Patterson, Toronto, visiting friends here for some time, returned home to-day. The Misses Dinahan, Montreal, returned home after spena- ing their vacation with their aunt, Miss Mullin. Horseshoers To Organize. The master horseshoers of Ontario will meet in Toronto on the 5th inst. for the purpose of organizing a branch of the Master Horseshoers' Associa- tion. which in the United States has a membership of 25,000. The meeting will be held in Richmond hall, where prominent Canadian and United States speakers will address the ga- thering. -------- The Belgian Royal Society for the Protedtion of Animals has decided to prosecute the organiz of the recent international cavalry race from Brus- sels to Ostend, in consequence of the terrible ill-treatment of the horses, many of which died. On Saturday, Judge Sutherland and John Reese 'heney, Rochester, N. Y.. vuests of 'the Fvergreen house, West Linke, caught three maskinonge--the largest weighing twenty-eight and a hali pounds. and the smallest eight pounds. Pure drugs--H. B. Taylor. COMMERCIAL, MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Montreal, Sept. 2.--Flour receipts, bbls., Patent winter, $3.80 to $4; patent spring, $4 to $4.10; straivht roller, $3.50 Ww $3.00; strong bakers, $3.50 to $3.70; Un- turio bags, $1.60 to $l. 70; wheat, No. 2, Manitoba, North, 78c. to 80c.; corn, G8c. to 70c.; peas, 83c., to 83c.; oats, 44c. to 4%c.: barley, Sle. to "53¢.; rye, Ste. to 58c.; bud wheat. 62¢. to 6dc.; Oatmeal, $2.30 to $2. uv; cornmeal, $1.50 to "$l. 60; pork, $24 to $25 , Ye. to l0c.; bacon, 140. to 150.; har 13c." to ldc.: eh 90. to 1Uc.: butter townships, 18 Cc... western, 15c. to lie; eggs, ldec. MONTREAL STOCKS. Sept. Sell. 1448 Srd. Buy. Canadian Pacific 144% Canadian Pacific, Duluth S.S. & Chm Toledo L. & PT. Toronto Street Montreal Street Twin City. Bitroit United Rich. & Ont. Commerc ial Ry. Ry Nav. £, apl,.. : n ¥ Nuva Scotia Steel NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Sept. Open. Union Pacific 12 1 St. Paul Manhattan B R._ Trausit to jus Louis. & Nach Rock Islam Pennsylvania Ry .. American Ln Pose Amal. Copper .... . "CNSTRAT | I'he Most Frequent Cause of Suffering and Serious Bod- ily Derangement. is Cur. ed by Dr. Chase's Kid-{ ney-Liver Pills. the bowels and slug- the--kidneys and liver the to Irregularity of gish action of are the most frequent: ¢auses of painful and fatal diseases known mankind. Bright's disease, appe :ndici- tis, dropsy and various forms of kid ney « se, for example. Dr. Chase's Kidnev-Liver Pills begin bv setting the bowels right. * Their combined ac tion on the filtering and excretory or- dans enables them to cure when other nredicines fail. James H. Harvey, baker, 641 George wWiredt, | Peterbora', Ong., states troubled much with consti- ation and pains in * the back. At s the pains were sharp liké a » with. a knife and caused me great was Very cured hy oc asiqnally "take a pill in a to keep my bowels regu- Tar Dr. Chase's pill a dose, dealers, or Kidney-Liver Pills; one 25 cents a box, at all Edmanson, Bates & Co., : Toronto. & - I guarantes my Tato Method Tread Varicocele and Suriciure, | without gus absorbs the bagging, or also all drains, nt 30 be a post , stretching or loss of time. In V. SE Eraby ar the Ra sth tion, sto » pains inthe groins, stores lost Bowers: In Stricture it Sbsorbe the Bithure ay pe ps smart na mariing sepsation, mont oar expelience. So posiiive am 1 that JSS prostate wR ye Tou Jones PAY WHEN © CURED. - nd complete cure has 'You need pay nothing until re convinced that a thorough "been established. This shoul, Oe you that yy he Sangdenc inmy Sompiete. Method u this proposition. It makes no difference who Treatment, otherwise I could not make you has failed to cure you, call or write me. " Each Time You Call You Sou ste Personally, ¢ ea Hing yo3 w te 18 1 n ehof years 1 38 ia Ra FREE Ohh or ablished in Derels, Ld the cura aSompian placedmeast oremost spec © CO Pog for blank-for blank for home tent; +3 eriet ® S treatment tor KE or Canaaias pationts shipped othing sent C. O. D. those who cannot All dat; and express Alu sivines prepaid. N COR. W!LCOX ST. MICH. g | + 3 este for i from Windsor, Can. 208 NVooow RD AVE. DR.®30LDBERQ, owamp Ave. == TAIN WASH SILKS are the embroidery silks of particular folks. . Colored and tinted by Asiatic dyes -- abso- lutely fast colors. Exquisite true art shades; stronger to the number than any other work wh in existence; nted in our patent hofders which provide for single or double , needlefulsinajiffy. No tangling, kinking or knotting possible. Put your faith in Corticell B.& A. Wash Silk and be safe, LL \& Eddy's wie feoped PAILS and TUBS Are made from the BEST SELECT. ED LUMBER with Galvanized Spring Steel Wire, eléctrically welded Hoops, which being corrugated allows for expansion or contraction, so no matter what the weather is they keep in PERFECT CONDITIUN. GIVE THEM A TRIAL. Kingston Agency, No. 75 Princess Street. Kingston. 4 J. A. HENDRY. Agent, BARGAIN shoes? NIT" WE DON'T KEEP THEM ! BargaingShoes--and Shoes at Bargain prices are two different propositions. We don't keep a Bargain Shoe Store--but you'll find Bargains in Shoes all through our stock: We do not come in competition with the cheap Bargain shoes now flooding the mar- #1 ket and represented to be worth double the i. price they are sold for. . Baits of this kind are { common now-a-days, and to avoid deception: and misrepresentations buy our reliible Foot- wear, which we guarantee to be the best. to be had at the price we name and sold at just what they are worth. We can fit .and suit you when others fail. SUTHERLAND'S *Skioz" SHOE STORE. i The. Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S [ ondon Porter Full of the Virtue of Malt and Hops, Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. JAS. IcPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON.