Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Sep 1902, p. 6

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- > Nand Forged * SCISSORS - THE DAILY WHIG WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 ss BUY BAl LEY BRAND + CUTLERY In every style and finish. Prices to meet all buyers. Ew one ay Yana paid to an pine and steel. 'None t experts work om these goods. Made from best, English Double-Shear Steel, hand- forged, highly polised, an specially, tempered. Standard patterns correct prices. Special Shear Steel used. Tempered by experts, high y polished and thor- oughly test RAZORS Hand-Forged BUTCHER KNIVES Steel. Laid SHEARS & All Fully Warranted Sold Only by W. A. MITCHEL¢, 68 Princess Street, Kingston. Don't Miss If! Our. ice cream and ice éream soda water cannot be excelled in 'the city. Pure cream ice cream is served in our soda water col- and our fruit juices for flavoring are the best in the market. Only 5c. a A J. REEFS, Princess St Dg i fs x prove > IR nd a form of i and protru the manufacturers havo fuarantoed t. {imoniale in the dally p press and ask your n Fp back if not eured. Sag bor, dealers or MANSON, BATES & Dr. Chase's Ointment Well. not exactly; at any rate you can turn it into white money hy ecting it all together and dropping a .Co., 389 Princess street. . This fiffin pays highest cash prices for all the stuli you don't want and have no use glass, at ana ebsolute cure for each bors what they think ofit. You can use it card to the Kingston Rag and Metal for. SILKS! ITHE 5 © M. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. -- What is Going on in the Business World--The Market News. §There- will be sixty bushels of corn to the acre in Missouri this vear. The Troy Steel Products company, of Col- onie, Albany county, N.Y., was incorporated at Albany on Tocsdy. of $1,750,000. Complaint was made shipment "of apples from containing -an inferior qualitv.e bas been ordered to prosecute Messrs. T. A. Low, nes E of Renfrew: A Carswe a, J.B D. Barr, jr. "ul Horton township incorporated gs the Renfrew « Roller Co., limited, | with a share capital £50,000. i Toronto cattle 1902 up to the with the as follows with capital at Ottawa of the Galt to Winnipew. Phe inspector the shippers. H. Barnett, McLaren asd have been Mills of tle as receiptd for August, sponding period. 129,761, as aguinst 985,598 market var end of corn Cattle. 79,673 compared 1901, are agamst 3; sheep, 66,970; as > ainst 9.66 wouinst 6,8 necordar calves! In the Central in Chicago with the ommendation of stockholders of the 1Minois a special meet the capital to $95, The in dinvetors the railroad company at voted to increase from $79,200,000 of 158.400 shares used ne of the company (40.000. by the procesds of the double to New Orleans. of the been made firm for ever before issue new i-sue the whole will he tracking line from Chicago cales of sole leather past wrk by a delivery this Some largest have during the Montreal that were market at one times largely Quebec The prices. were private, at nll rates. The aggregate of these js will reach in the vicinity of $250,000. and future put through "in | These transactions are Montreal account. but known to be pot on and value ---- Mother Superior Re-elected. At the Hotel Dien on Tuesday curd the election ol the mother perior, whit his accom] lished by popular vote of the sisters. SI Ladauversicre, the present mother su was again elected for a term years. The result of the elec «0 bursar, assistant mother =u and a mistress of novices will oc su the Sister perior, of three tion of perior announesd to-morre ee e---- Band Elects Officers. of the 47th regime ntal meeting electil the following band officers : President, Serot. William Allen: treasurer, W. A Brown; secretary, J.-B. Ancrove. The past season has "heen the pros- perous-one the band. has ever had. be nw. The members band at a recent most The Fail Fashions are filled with Silks, not only for Dresses but also for Waists and Linings. We Have Made Special Selections in These Goods and Are Now "Prepared With Every Desired Style. "PEON DE CYCHE, Black, Grey, ) White and Oid Kose, a Sok reversi- ble silk, will not cut nor slip," makes a handsome waist or dress, very special, for 75¢c yard. CHECKED TAFFETA SILK In Black and White and Colored Combinations, now in very great demand, only 75¢. yard. LIBERTY SILK SATIN, Warranted all pure x silk, 22 inches wide, White, lack, Pink, Blue, Red, etc, will not cut or slip, only 75¢. yard: BLACK SILK POPLIN, A beautiful rans quality, makes an ideal dress or skirt, two splendid values, yard. TAFFETA SILKS. We lead in these goods. have it and the prices are right. 65c., 75¢. at $1.35 and $1.60 a ian] No matter the color we Excel- .. lent values in black also at s50¢., 60¢ci, 70C., 75C 835¢ y 95€C. RIBBONS, 3,000 yards Fancy Ribbons for Stocks and Ties, very handsome patterns, 4-8 inches. wide, 200, 250.4 30¢., 35¢. - * LIBERTY SATIN RIBBONS, All the leading colors, 2 inches to 8 inches wide, 12%¢c., 20C, 25€, 30C., 35C. ~ FANCY ENGLISH CRETCNS, Handsome light designs, ible for dresses, COV- erings and cushiors * Blues, Pinks Greens, with floral and striped effects. 12%¢., 156 | I18C, 20C. R. WALDRON. Y ellows, | WAS IT STOLEN? SEARCH AT COLLEGE FOR " +DIDO'S"" BODY. College Authorities Say it is Not There--One That Appears Like it -- A Military Funeral Ar- ranged. It was fully expected that the body of James Higginbotham, "Diao for short, would be secured from Queen's medical ollege this alternoon, and prepared for burial. ! Last night, Sergt.-Maj. O'Hagan, acting on behali of the men of the Royal Canadian Field Artillery, wait cd upon county crown attorney Whit: ing ana the police magistrate, and se cured this: order : "Othice county crown attorney, Kinoston, September 2nd, 1902.--To pnd all 'persons having px oi the body of the late James botham. commonly known as "Dido" 1 hereby order and authorize vou to deliver the body James Miggin botham, commonly known as "Dido. > to Sergt.-Maj O'Hagan, a driend of the deceased.--Jdohn Duff, Palice Magis uate 1 would ask vour worship to grant the above. order.--J. L. Whiting, County Crown Nay. : This written omder was then placed in the hands of S. Reid, of the under taking establishment of James Reid & Co.. who went at nine o'clock this morning to Dr. Mylks, demonstrator of anatomy at Queen's, and he coun tersigned the oraer, authorizing the |. caretaker to hand over the body to the hearer. Mr. Reid then proceeded té the college. where he presented his authority. . When "the dissecting room vat 'was ° searchea, "*Dido's™ body could hot he identified, and it was feared it had been taken away, as such a rumor was whispered about last nicht, Sergt.-Maj. O'Hagan was sent and an hour was spent in looking over the bodies. The searchers were partially convinewd that a cer tain body was that of "Dido." but the top of the head was off it, and identification was diffienlt. This after noon at two o'clock, a police con- stable was to go to the college and assist in wlentitying the remains. The coileee authorities informed the searchers that the hody was. not there, and that it chad evidently, heen stolen. They knew nothing whatever about its removal. The magistrate's order requires the college authoritivs to hand over the body, and if thev fail to-do the batterymen will take local proceedings. The batterymen have ments for grand funeral to-morrow afternoon. Thev anticipate getting the permission of Col. Montizambert Licut.-Col." Ogilvie to having the fu- ngral take place from the gun shed at Tete de Pont barracks, and upon hav- ing the coffin of the old soldier mounted upon a gunn carriage. "h- do." it iz understood, was on the roll 8 the Kingston field battery as cook, and therefore entitled to full military honors at his burial. The 47th Reoi hand has kindly volunteered ices," and an impressive mili- cis expected. of an\ of tor! SO, made arrange ment its tary corte Not The Body. to he that of positively iden when Seret.-Maj. Constable Graham and Undertaker Reid went to the ollege. The sergeant-major demanded that, "Dido's™ body be delivered nim, but was acain told it was there. The pagtv then proceeded make a firther {1 p.m. The body, supposed Dido," could not be tified this afternoon, O'Hagan, Police S. to not to search -Body not recoverel. WILL BE RELEASED. No Warrant Issued For His tention, Monta), Sept. 3i--FEouis Coken, the New York man arrested here on. a charge of stealing diamonds, will be veleased on. a writ of habeas corpus. Judge Mathieu issued the writ on the oround that a wareant hag not been issue dl for the prisoner's detention, - The Licensed Victuallers' Assogia- tion of the province of Quehee held its tirst annual meeting here to-day, and adopted a number of, resolutions of a routine chavacter. The principal reso lution referring to the formation of a union of all the provincial" orcaniza- tions was referred to a committee, De- Dragged Over Dashboard. Ont., Sept. 3 Timothy Kele her, who resides about four miles from the city, sustained seriQus injury runaway accident. He, ~ and (daughter; was when the whifftetree team in their effort to get away drew Mr. Keleher over the dashboard. The wheels passed over his head, inflicting a- bad on his face-and causing such injury to one of his eves that he may lose the sight. He wus also in jured internally. Mr. Keleher well up in years, which. makess the acci dent more serious. Guelph, ina with his wile returning home broke andthe sh 1s ee News Fram Chicago. LThieavo. Sept. 3.5-A special cable to The Record-Herald from London There is a story-afloat the effect that, King to visit America September. It is stated his will cross the Atlantic aboard roval vacht Victoria and Albert, a companied bv two cruisers, says Edward before the end majes Killed In Runaway. Detroit, Sept. 3 W. Bissell, capitalist and well'known in lake ma rine circles, was so-badly injmel ina runaway accident that he died at Har per hospital. is pair spirited horses were frichtensd by an automo bile and ran throwing Mr. Bis soll, eighty-one 'years of age, eut on his head. --Leorde of away, Sir Edmund Barton, ralia ¢ém of Aus John premiex d Kir mn nd wil nmonwealth, ar tie dev; Gezener and family, . City. for home this noon, after spehding the sum: she cottage vn the St Lord Curzon's alloy Tuesdav likely be 2 next witl Mr. Yait er Lawrence. LANCE sum pr tury expenses at the great as will be 21,200,000 and | in_London tg | intends of + tv the AUTOGRAPR™ HUNTERS. They Get a Set Back From Lord |. Kitchener. LORD KITCHENER: Lon lon, Sept. 3.--That Lord Kit- chener's modesty is "equatied only by his brusqueness was proved the other day dwihe his stay with Lord Lon- donderry at Wynyard Park. The, hero of South Africa has begn pursued hy an army of autograph hunters and snapshooters. Finally, to one young 'man who had served in South Africa, Lord Kitchener turned and said im- patiently : "*Young man, make your own autograph worth something. Mine is worth nothing." ines a---- TASTING MURIATIC ACID. Sad Ending of Frank Klooster of Ghicago. Chicago, Sept. 3. Frank Klooster, fourteen years old, is dead from hem- orrhage of the stomach caused by tasting muriatic acid. Young Rloos ter wis an enthusiastic Suda of chemistry and haa fitted up the base ment of his home gs a laboratory. A few was making a num her {ests "with muriatic acid when the whim seized him to taste the liquid. - He felt no inunediate ill of- jects, but his mother alarmed, and when the learned what he had done called in two physicians, who told the -hoy to stay in bed, but he persistea in walking about the house. Later he with convulsions and death ensued. days ago he ol became was seized KEROSENE IN ICE. Smuggling Accounts for Flavor Sometimes Detected. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Sept. 3.--Occa- sionally consumers of in this city fina that their ice strongly im- pregnated with kerosene oil, in fact so much so that it is unfit for use, ana numerous reasons for - the condition are advanced. A prominent --eitizen, who is well versed in the ice business, stated to-day that during the winter large quantities of kerosene oil are sineeled from Canada, where it is much cheaper than iteis on this side. When it ix being brought across the river on the ice it sometimes spills and permeates the ice ana is not dis covered until the following summbr. ce DIVED TO HIS DEATH. Leaps From Swing. Sept. 3.--Attempting bathers in a diving Martin leaped from a swing at the Windsor beach, and was killed lake bottom with his Swinymer "High Chicago, 111, to surpass other feat, "William high diving Park Bathing by striking the head. Martin dove from a pier fdays ago, and after that fcat plained that his neck hurt him. firiends yesterday importuned him not to attempt the more difficult feat, but he he was confidént he ould J make the leap with safety. several com- said Mrs. Toronto Glob. Mrs. James Curry, Attorney Curry and. of Ald. Carry, died Tueslay morning, after a linger- ing illness. She had been in declining | health, due to age, for months past, and had ben rapiglly during the last Mrs. Carry had reached the cighty-nine years. Mrs. Curry was horn of Seotch and* English parentage in County Tyrone, Ireland, and =when yet a fitthe girl e¢ame to this country, and spent the vost of her life here. Her father setdl- ed in the Quinte digtrict, aml subse; quently. moved to Gananoque. Mrs. Curry pent her married life at Port Hope, where her husband was a groe- He was at one time an alderman. at anothér time was a member of county council. He died cighit ago, and for the Jast three Mrs. Curry, had lived in Tor- onto. She was a resident of Kingston (then a military post) | Mackenzie rebellion in F237. Ton nime--pvas Chestnut. Curry"s Death. mother of Crown old some failing weeks. of two age er. and the vers vears Her maid- |¢ Policeman Hailed The King. London, Sept. 3.-Kind Edward is continting his vovage- along the west coast of Scotland. Yesterday he land | ed at Portrees Island of "Skye. "The in | huhitants did not realize that the kine was among them. When his ma- | Jesty ste od ashore the "only person {in sieht was a local policeman, who wel he King in cofiversation. Lat er. when the inhabitants learnea that { the King was visiting them they | lighted a bontre in his honor. Introduce Ont', * Sept {education last nig + 1 | | 1 | | To | London, Domestic Science. The board of ht decided to intro science into the Co nd Anderson,' Lindsay, has been d local registrar of the high | appoints or justice of the court of ate | | ane registrar | surrog for Victoria celnty, ar | in the stead of William Grace, « who resigned. : NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FRON FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Qver--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. . The Official Messenger, SE. Peters- burg, confirms. the report, . that the czarina has given premature birth to a child. v Frank F. Gaville, a paper han-er of New (ross, London, cut the throats of his wiie and four children at intervals yesterday and then made his escape. The English branch of whe Otis Ele- vator company, has absorbed the busi- ness of R. Waygoad & Co., London, the premier firm of elevator makers in the eountry. Rev. Dr. Moore, street church, Ottawa, has decided to retire from the active work of the pulpit, after' thirty-six years' service in the ministry. Senator Platt is quoted as saving the coal strike will" be settled within a week or two weeks at the outside; in such a way that it will not be a political issue this fall. The Union Castle liner Scott, for the safety of which grave fears have been entertained, arrivetl at' Cape Town, from Port Elizabeth, to-day. after a terrible voyage. : Judge George H. Durand, nominated for governor on the democratic ticket, is dangerous- ly ill in Flint as the result of a blood clot on the brain. ©" There is a possibility~of James Smart being appointed governor of the Yukon, and that Governor Ross will be the liberal candidate when re- presentation is given the territory at Ottawa. : Aubrey: Davis, son of Hon. E. J. Davis, commissioner of crown lands in the Ontario government, and Etta M., eldest daughter of Richard Pettit. of London, Ont., were married on T'ues- dav afternoon. The Royal British Veterans' Society at its annual meeting in Halifax, el e ted Major General Sir Charles- Par song, "honorary president and' Col. C. J. Macdonald, post-office inspector for Nova Scotia, president. Announcement is made at the war department of the acceptance by the president. of the resignation of Lieut. Henry Waterson, Jr., from the army. Lieut. Waterson is the son of Henry Waterson, = editor of the. Louisville Courier-Journal. During the visit of the shah of Per- cin to Warsaw, he arranged a person- al loan of £5.000,000 to Russia. The terms of the loan are unknown. It was designed to keep the matter secret to avoid arousing ¢British suspicions in recard to Russian designs in India and on the Persian Guli. Mr. Fife is engaged in designine a vacht for Sir Thomas Lipton to be callel Shamrock IIT., which will chal- lenge for the America's cup. Mr. Wat- son is assisting Mr. Fife with his 'ad- vice. The question of who will build the hoat has not vet been decided. Sir Thomas, it is' added, has engaced Robert. Wrinve, "as captain of new hoat. Sir Thomas will acain sail un- der the colors of the Royal Ulster yacht club. ; pastor of Bank recently of Michigan x. Loughboro Township Council. September 2.--Minutes read and ad- opted. Accounts passed and orders given : William Ennis, culvert near his place; $5; H. Vanluven, 83: Willi- am Shales, $12.07, Ashley, $1.40; George Kemp, £13.75, jobs on the Bedford road; John Switzer, sixty foot = cedar stringers, £1.80; Henry Thurston, breaking gravel, $2.40: Wil- liam Guess, repairing sidewalk and piling wood at hall, $2.75; H. Mar- tin, culvert "near Foxuns, 87: Levi Cranston, twenty-three rods of stone near his 'place, $9.70; John Graham, sledoe for township, $1.40. Moved, McDonald-J evners that council establish the, ro: ad opened by I. Harris across his" property, when same road is completed to the satis faction of the council; said road to he forty feet wide, beginning at the Perth Road and ruming as near as possible on the south side of the line between the north half and south half of lot during the' 19. 9th Con.. to a point at 'or near the easterly limit of*®aid Lot 19. and that a by-law be passed confirming | the same. _ Carried. 'Moved Harker- Joyner. that Amdrew" McFadden. be appointed fosnshin collector for 1902 at salary, Carried. Council ad- journed to i at 2 p.m., Oct 6th? 0. Society Men Fight. Watertown, N:Y.,-- Sept. .most exciting event at the races yes- terday aas a fist fight between Dr. Frederick Peterson and Dr. J. -Morti mer Crawe, two prominent physicians. At the July meeting there was a match race between Dr. Peterson's Dolores and Dr. Crawe's Pet. and the former" won in straight heats. Dr. Crawe is said to have heavily on the race and afterward as sorted that his mare had been doped. Yesterday the two men met at the races and Crawe made the charge that Peterson had been guilty of crookea work --Peterson_smashea his brother physician in the eye and knocked him dow. The mien were separa 3.--~The recent race lost at once ee ence A Notable Triumph. * Ink of the : drunkenness eure fame, was a larce advertiser. He had supreme faith in publicity through newspapers antfywas not slow to con fess his obligation tg them for his A physician in he braved the extraonlinary success, | excellent standing, {wrath of his fellow mediciners by de living that article of medical "Cethies" | ahich forbids advertising! Their wrath | came like. the simoom or the lfor fierceness recompense, within ten ye evelone as + accumulated" a "dying, left } whicl Mr former Pitts paid a - Charles M¢ hii | Mr.oand | Vurg, Pa. the city a last evening The Man tonians visit ) Way, Tor i stor nto. Al lian, ive hy [in i es a general election nil be beld | in 19035. . s Stop. Buying Millinery Velveteen for SKirt Binding. When you buy 34 of a yard of velveteen to cut into strips for skirt binding, 10 times out of 11 a velveteen is sold you that was never intended for skirt-edge wear. It was Wover for trimming hats, etc. S. H.& M. Redfern--a bias corded velvet -- is If you do not find the letters made from velveteen 5 'H- i BM manufactured expressly r skirt bindin bs d d d bl 85 fast Ji tee the ba of Bias Velveteen or Brush yed and durable. SE Iecp wee ct she "AR a General As we are preparing for the arrival of New Fall Goods we are cleaning out the balance of our Summer Goods at a price that will surely interest you. All Our Fancy Muslins ; and French Lawns At 12ue., 15¢., 18c., 20c., 25c. Your choice while the lot lasts 9c. 'yard. Ladies' White and Colored Shirt, Waist. At 75c., 90c., $1. 35c. each. A lot of Ladies' and Children's DARK TAN COTTON STOCKINGS of fine make that were 20¢., 23C., 25C. a pair. Your choice" 15c¢. pair. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 170-172 Princess Street, Kingston. . 4 {1 | | | | | ODDS and ENDS Must Continue as bong as This Weather Lasts. We will keep our promise and bargains will be. plentiful all this week. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE 1S ALL RIGHT, PARLOR SET THIS WEEK. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. It JAMES REID, THE BEADING UNDERTARER, All You Can Drink 'and a Bath for 10c. b abint, lend BEER Woukl not Ve 2 tter eatisfa this weather than our lines of solder, Lips, battery zines, et gi wati Nios wi' all the vear. Try it CANADA METAL 'C0., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT.

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