SEARCH | FUTILE. OF OLD *DIDO." it Was Removed From the Medi- cal College--Offer Made by the Faculty -- Batterymen Will Fight the Matter to a Finish. The search for the body "Dido" at Queea's medical colle vesterday proved futile.elt was thought that on of the bodies in the vat hore a resem blance to the dead veteran, and ac cordingly, in the afternoon, a careful examination was wade. Those in the searching party included Sergt.- Major O'Hagan, Lie i. , Clairmont, Sergt.- Major Long, Sergt Ryder, Police Con- stables ( and McAdoo, Arthur Fields il others. The last named was there to try and identify nf to body hy marks which he knew "Dido" had. ~ ty Dr. Ross, in charge of the dissecting {Soom cave the searchers every aid in their mission, but first informed them | that the was not there. He pro- {duced the various "hodies in the vat, and ally ed of their careful examina tien. It Was thought that- a certain body bore a resemblance to "Dido." but another was produced, bearing the ame marks, and appearing more like the old man than the first. Finally the searchers were that the shows hamdsony 5 andy ject. of their. visit not in . building, and then amination of the Major of Furniture roud. ne tham and £5 up £30 St $18 cach | Hall ra to Hall « Returning car to ners, down. again, we an kelp vou, our vour servic o repair, polish or vor old fur miture, New prowpt and fais in Parlor Pieces. in. rattan and just in for owr fall Tavior jst r okl vtion amhorany, Mr the and trie: body Our turned from visiting mills of the Hew the Franc import are daily ! country ane | through Please re higher ime customs; these rivht, new goo will in convinced oh the oN inl oi linol How, was made a close preuuses O'Hagan claimed body had been placed in the college, the faculty was responsible and bound te produce it when called bv the police maui trate. also pointed out' that the faculty have been aware of its unlaw fat removal, because the tah i er admitted there was only one win daw throuch which it could be taken E | unknown him, and this window 3 of :overed with manure and cob 4 . h Showing that nothing haul dis I'ke veant maj further that as the alone hey those what he party fast quality, while price T. F. Harrison Co. 'Phone 90, 91. --------eeb ee epee Se the toy us Cus- mn upon must caretaker in authority must [ the remai the Jo: hours, Every . purchaser of the Carpets, ° ame of whether smallest room for or departed from the largest hotel wants his mind {after being Members ine later, O Havan by there ' of faculty antl nicht was called the proposition © into" then wuld prevént it from ed, wotld hand it (UTR a they would swords with the batterymen, dveided the attorney-ge party was entitled to the ulty disputing the the battervmien ar the deceasedt That the military men, will accept, they somewhat thie to w the faculty means to-day. thus had it removed whether the pro that the body "will hatl a Sera, niet Majo into consultation doctors who made this That if the body came ssion, the ulty being dissect under satisfied on three points, namely, prici--quality--style. -' ond of It is because we convince our poss customers as to every one of these requirements' that we confidently and over to Then Cros and wor expect. your patronage. L: hs ------ have it R McFaull { body, the Kiagston Carpet Warehouse. | by fa that con mien bona s frie dition { though ark us to pr mitting from the po never con are m other the that they wee body ad college, or tions. means acain be { { { i i { | | tatements } heard of. made to from the niuht, are as removed Friday The"latter is pro doctor admitiel there on Mon not dissect Lt hody Some say: hk Monilay. correct, as a the alternoon, was st ar i others { hably } that j day 1 re mains and were were « i i The RG.FA tw to a limish, of the down in further fund In this the y desnes to Allthegemsarerepresented, | | rien within toi = All the good styles shown. We can only by illustra- tien and a word or two of description in our catalogue, let out-of-town buyers know Sinesot about our magnificent selec- § rane a tion of rings. men will ficht the mat and have the stron officers. Thew are will their pockets far thee Veteran them, Ser { support aul join couple of lollars at an hour's notice if vanted of - \ {Shunde the dec in ln place them la ather Ascoo intend tal Ontario the ont hy * Ryrie" Rings appeal i lh to those who admire beauty, and the large numn- _ wrot ber we sell enibles us to ah of : carry a stock that allows a Fhe 3 eterans splendid choice. iotonto al _ariny ring hen m land at whose £ ter their ation govern being bw 1 nient CATALOGUE SERT UPON { Ore APPLICATION. { - i tals **DIAMOND HALL." upon law carries to ar fully and hospi anatomy re pet friends. the themselves as. tne comrades from the colleg away, hut would t} ¢oremains 18 of whe thout ealliue they i ny ons lie apparet a At the m Ryrie Bros., |iil.\. Yonge and Adelaide Sts., them repli { tf his TORONTO. taken wo hody n't hide it funeral and nh woul bury military orand Every care that skill can devise or experience approve is used in the making of Carling's ale and porter. Trouble Over A License it is to your own in- _ terest to order Carling's and to sce that you get ft. Every dealer will supply you Hf you insist. It costs you no more. M. "Dunhm while the ph Miss Fk anor A Suites, has Sole agent of Kingston, Henderson. : ' BI ~N DER TWiINE \ Sisal, 500 feet to the pound, 1lc., sold elsewhere for 12i. Manilla, 600 "feet, 12} elsewhere for 1Do. Qtrachan's Hardw are: FoR SALE. SUBSTANT | street DE NTAL CARD. HAS RESUMED HIS 129 Pr DALY practice at . below former offi DR. Dt NTAL nas St COULDN'T FIND THE gree ! Swaine's, Barr 'visiuing that" "THR DAILY WHIG. PERSONAL MENTION. Movemerts of The People=Waat They Are Saying And Doing. Miss I.- Armstrong is visiting at LE. td. Mr. and Mrs. F. Doyle are visiting i friends at Portsmouth. MN visiting Miss James McGall "and family friends in Rochester, N.Y. Maud Walsh, Alfred street, the Misses Hanley .at Read. A younger brother of Andrew 'l uttle has taken' his" place on night express are is { messenGers Alexander Tyo' left vo-day Jor the back country on a week's fishing and hunting expedition. Mrs. S. Rees, cuse and Binghamton; turned home last evéning - Pade Ernest C. Girouard, Justice rouard, has entered Royal Military College. 'The bishop of Ontario Milis are the guests of Mrs. Sherbrooke street, Montreal. Miss McCarger, Lanark, has been spending a few days the guest of Mrs, A. W. Stewart, "Bosky Dell." - Mrs. C. O'Neil, Florida, and Mrs. L. Laplante, Kingston, are in the coun try attending the Railton picnic Mrs. George 3. Warren and voung_ daughters ave visiting her ther, Mrs. Hodgkins, Smith's F Mr. and Mrs. Dow, Montreal, guests Mrs. Dow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. JJ. 'H. Brickwood, Ridean street. Misses Lizzie and Sarah O'Brien, who have Teen visiting friends Brock street, have returned to to. ' J. E. Loucks has been engaged as assistant ipal in the Merrickvill public sch v Lis a Queen's gradu visiting her sons in N.Y., re of the son Mrs al and lagy, three mo- Ils. are ol Toron ate. Archdeacon Worrell, the cueste of Mr. and Sit. 202 Milton treal. Mrs. I. Mrs. then treet. Mrs. RB. Alirtd street. rettirned from Watertowny N.Y i spent two with and friends. Mis, A." Assel few days ter, Mrs. (Rev. Que, has returned home. Miss Carrie Snelling, Divisionestreet, alter an visit at Montreal, has returned home, accompanied hy her friend. Miss Amy Robinson. Miss Emma FE. Perry has returned to her home, Johnston street, after spending a pleasant visit with friend: Isle and Thousand Island Kingston, is Mrs. W¥. I. stfeet, Mon Manfrins, Mandrell, mother, and Mu, guests Rideau Montreal, Buitalo, Mrs and are of White, ha whet relative Genge, weeks sSton, spend of, ho Avimer, King the Lidstone, tine, ine a as unest ~i extended Hamilton, for drummer band, left last where he s many of the evening the clever hass regimental Peterboro, seetred en plovime Wr. a wel Anelin, fi weeks with then city, have left for Butialo, en Oma Neh Bove conauetor the locatea Mrs 181 Goeoran after parents 1 Toronto a then this route to home moth. local Visiting of Ports the City Frank late or a electric ren, where for railway, 1s He is he is on mn in Rochester, now doing well, Dr. Antliff chairman thi ional al Ryvekman is Ws Vanderfeen,, of who has just completes loathe ork cof ie des corating the of Sydenham street Methodist church, riturnad west to dav. He has the contract of decor atte chtreheiat-Chatham-and Blen Ont. evening Ahert nunmher of Mae Weir's horo. During the nt. took has been appointed ins the in Win chatiman committee property conference of con Methodist oi ni Rev. De of the nemo Mr. on ance of at cominitte. Toronto, interior heim, Ast Cooke, Mr. and SEPeet Mrs. Frank entertained a friends in honor Miss Miss Derry, Peto evening nq ping-pong place. which of ouest, Ltournam: won<bv Deh' Pritchard. The marringe of Miss Tara danvhtem of William 'Ja treal, to Geor J. Seale, quarters' <tali of the Roval bank. treal, and of Charles Seale; street," Kingston, took places residence of the bride's Now 12 Sussex avenue, at <even o'clock Wednesday The Rew. GL J. Caniphell, officiated. was Annie, Mon head Mon son, of the son parents, evening. Ont. on 'arp, FINES WERE INFLICTED Comers By the Magistrate 'at the Police Cowrt To-day. At the police Malcolm Me and Metre ain-arranced on a charg the street. The nag teed them individu or not thev<had the after m tices admitted hut maintained fectly in that he di were this morning and irs, R.C.EA. of Bohting irate court Millan, of the lewis Wer on inte as to whether hotel The had rro uly been in oa naon® (Guest that that thev they wer i Me Milan denied The costs each, MeMitlan 1 tie their had been fined month in fined 85 and ol to sol drinking. rs S10 and one Jail, while Was tion trate ren wye made the for the fact that 1 soldiers Gavi he { lat SAN, that {ines heavie but disputes that the nany At the Charl wkd ig : ohn drunks, not remember Madden | year ~ A Guat Fair, ans wh i o clock | sympathy { | | Wy fra "Might engine | i | | | | | port | of i 1 A Way to Prevent Car LOST LEFT LEG. SAD ACCIDENT ENT SUSTAINED BY ANDREW TUTTLE. While Handling Express Goods at the Outer G.T.R. a Light En- gine Ran Over Him and Smashed His Legs. An accident that may occurred between this gnorning at=-the Gram Trunk: junction, when Anarew Tuttle, Canadian express - messenger, was maimed, and may lose his life. Much was expressed for the voung man, who is well known and wenerally liked, and the fervent. wish i= added that he may eventually re cover, It appears named Tattle CXPIess terminate fa- one and two that at shout the hour was engeeed in receiv- from the cast- hound train. He had a . couple of wrudhs hauled up beside the express coach and, stood between these, when entered the main west bound track. Before Tuttle was aware hix danger, the licht engine struck the trucks and hurl him unaer the engine's wheels, where his left was completely severad just below. the knee, and his right leg badly cut and bruisea, while his body 'was crushed and injured. - Friends eked up the conveyed him to o where everyihing possible: was to allay his sufferings, pending arrival of | Corbett's ambulance, n :onveyved him to. the General spital, wherd surgeons were in wait ge It was found necessary to re- the t knee, which was badly led. vile undergoing the opera he nearly cumbed from shock loss of blood. ten this was received from that the injured very. low condition; physi feared a he Tuttle, ex po the youn goods injured the ba man and room, don nove many tion ana At Se morning the re the General young nan o'clock hospital, was in cians would a in attendance not rally John constable, father of leit last evening on a steam trip up the Rideau, and hour iclephone gnessages all Rideau canal cast as Smith's Falls, that the father be apprised son's condition, and asking return to the city at injured young man held his employers, tv, faithfulness and to duty. He has rit in Derry lodge, ana was for the ion on an error lice mang vacht al were for a early sent ports as fan questing of his him to The fidence inteori plication leading P.A.PY., responsible cent celeb held that omebody ina an along once, the because con of of Lie elan heen a No. 1, great measure suceess of "the re August 12th. It 1: was committed hy Howing the light engine enter the west main track, which to thé 'ocenrrence the acciaent. Touclas Grey, transfer clerk, a <tudent, at the the accident rendered assistance in fying up the the loss of "blood such time as the injured man be properly attended to. The sufferer took over the duties mes<encer on Monday last, heing employed "as day mes- and driver. mn a of mail close medical was tine hy and and. staving until ould vouny as nivht hitherto enger SHOE TRADE 'IS GOOD. Comparison Between it and Other Business. said a "when | how becoming hos Poa as many formerly. 1 am gentleman will carefully he will not find the Kk. & -P shoe trade in fact | now selling ui ularly to customers. who are doing their shoe buying ton of the"fact that the cash system force here, and shoe re tailers can sell their goods at a much closer in than the country who usually do lary bconsequently incur los- You carry country + alowas greatly interested," merchant this morning, last night's Whie of citous Kine Ben the fact that the not buying Ningston &hat if the shoe veel in soli is Over Sidents are shoes in as that matter any shrink certam observe in vouls say they in King am rey because IR an mary store Keepers. dith trasde, < which must be provided for. don't the K. & P. railway my freicht around the without re-iving 'eash on delivery' for it. Neither do vou find that 1 railroad tickets on mav he said of the company, Gas com pany. ete. Thew insist upon the vetem. Why, then, should not we think I the menté of shoe in city, continued the that we are satis a cre see any ol col poration ing The same Railway credit Steet voice dealer merchant, and all new order of of us will 'ever the ald of and sent the "when? thor hewise. | every sn hiv altars, one the 1 ted not ou over and one to davs ination lo <5. Harrowsmith Fair. than Special Sep amonnt of eatries evil attractions. Harrowsmith, ton, 5:00 pom a) leave Sth. Tor King at Anodyne is then for all summer old's drug. store. ny. H. avio USEFUL ANYWHERE. fom Sickness: he pre says "Abou a top to Califor had travelling ans to cat ordinary new this advise destribes how always 100 Nuts Ww i) journey but Grape Nut J she ned iby THURSDAY. SEPTFMEEIE 4. WAS KEENLY DISAPPOINTED. Capt. Gaskin Contributes Ninety- five Cents to Baseball. Everybody who closely acqguaint- ed with Capt. Gaskin knows that, next to catching black bass, he would rather witness a' baseball match than indulge in aly other form of sport. Last week he had occasion to go Jracehridd on business; and the town on day is to struck a when a league baseball match was advertised to take. home "Fhe people up cmwazy," remmarkea. "Why, on the the merchants « and to the bring on' pleasure desired to. make all those aroun him happy, he invited a nunsher of friends to accompany him t) the base hall field, where he spent ninety-five cents in aamission foes" took up position gmony the rooters. When the Huntsville team arrived on the dia wond, they took objection to an im ported playe r, which Dracebridee had. and refused to play: Aiter an hour's ian? it wa ammounced that the came off,' Yhe crowd-dis- pe reed without troubling the treasurer ! a refund . of Their admission fee. "1 did nat care for the of my ninety-five cents" remarked f the cap: tain, "hut I did feel bad over the disappointment not sceing the game played." place Himtsvilie: ball COMMOaore! match all their stores The captain, between the and are ex- of team there the day base go 80 and was 0 loss of Three Distinguished Visitors. On Saturday last Lord Col. Cotton and Col. Rutherford, in the course of a tour of the city, drove out to Lake Ontario Park. It is well- known that a rule is in in force pro- hibiting rigs entering the park. The distinguished visitors left the cab and procedded to walk around King charming summer, resort, when spied the cab. Picking mecaphone, he called to take the crounds. Then he went his three distinguished informed them of the rule which hivde rigs the enclosure. Next he went to the cab driver and was by him informed to the identity of the three personages. Then Mr. Jones went away and sat. down and thumped himscll once twice. Had he known who! they before, he would have extended them the f of the park, voround in cluded. ! Dundonald, ton's his the the of up to off in *scarch visitors Jones famous cab driver rig and for entering hal ol were tof dom merry The ~Mr. Lick, inspectors, day and called on reportea that they fruit so . honestly and satisfactorily packe Mr. Lick exhibited a jar of fruit aliectea with San scale. The Kins have small purplish pink spots on them, which, upder the microscope, quite ugly Mr. Lick the ha not vet appeared about ton, but it will require care in awav. He advises, when fruit, that both and peelings be burned, the be al kind of trees, San Jose Scale. Oshawa, was in the one city the of the fruit on Wednes ' dealers, who had handled never Jose look says scale Ki keeping it yer it the, baskets ana that in lowed found is on refuse fruit no case near to any A Happy Event. A pleasant Wednesday, performed tween Miss 'Thomas John Helstrom, Fhe bride event when Rev, the marriage Mary Colicy, took place Father Met ceremony- Cofiey, daughter of Arch street, and Watertown, -N. Y., looked in a trimmed with white, and She was hy Miss « Annie, ook in a blue with tucked and hat to match: The upported hy Edwagd fown, N.Y. The EH Mr. and Mrs WW o'clock hoat will on 'arn be handsome hlue o match. dress of ! assisted ter, who charming 1 Sik hilous oroonm dress wa Wale werd nierous it on the ertosvn, 'wher Burnett, pre ments Helstrom ke Ne \at reside, they Hopes To Clear Him. of will which Mehntyre, and i succeed: avainst at the fail operi here on the 20th, K.Co will defend the quite coniident that he in «leaving him. He will prove conclusively, that had * noWwintention of Beatrice Holland, that he now the revolver was the Mr. the manslaughter he heard I'he charge rie Sharpe assizes John lad, will endeavor to voung Sharpe hooting v not load entire will ed, shooting Whitin crown. and accids I ike lv was : K.C act _for A Modern Weapon in Battle for Health. has takin stomach, and indigestion, prostration, the citadel of torturing dyspepsia ane South American to drive the stronghold "at the of bavonet, 2 trench. hy trench, but swirt gud it alwavs wins." Sald by 11. B. Taylor and H. Wade.-- 1 Ii disease health, the with vour is Voi nervous Neri = from weapon chewy prrint ure, Work Nearly Completed. the Method ana the new carpet, laid, the t=hi touches made beautiful. It in the edifice the 25th inst. the church ex creat deficht the chaiige decorating vt edd. The now he The work of "of " Svrienham has beer removed. OE interios 2 church scalfold costing "Iv compl in will seats ry oeneral teal ected ery that service ry red abont have wv tea Made A Good Catch. O Connell, fishing the yrouchit used Sil ted / East nei Robert Montreal went oli Steamer's Last Trip. Monday, the "Aland will nial het : to The vill be continued wit > You Satisfied ? « he ols eparute TIME FOR RUGBY KINGSTON "crus SHOULD BE ORGANIZING. i" The New Junior Rule--Close Race in Eastern Baseball League -- Baseball Players in St. Law- rence League All Like Kings- "ton. At the last.annual meeting of the Ontario Rugby Football Union the following rule was adopted governing plavers=in the junior series: - "Rule: 13.--No of a club which has a first fifteen in the senior cories shall be eligible to play on an fifteen having played than onge in the same union season, on a senior ¢ fifteen in a tie match, and a match in the senior ser- ics season betore such player can again play un the intermadiate team of that club. "No member of a club shall be cli- Lible to play in a junior tie. match who has played mores than once, in any ona senior or anter mediate or who has played during on a junior cham pions hip fifteen. Nowithstandimg any thing in this rule contained, the exe cutive may, upon application from a club, grant a permit to any player prohibited under this mule from ire on a junior fifteen. Any junior team playing a person in a champion ship match contrary to the provisions of this rule, may be suspe ded from the series by the executive." The above rule was adopted in der to increase the interest in rughy foothall in Ontario. By abolishing the age limit for junior phar there will be less difficulty in sealing a team in many of the towns where the game has not hitherto been played. Writing to the Whig Pini the O.R. LU. junior series, Secretary Frank D. Woodworth, Toronto, "hingston has been so long the home, as it were, of rughy football in On tario, that 1 am certain, if can ect persons interested, there will be-at least four junior clubs, in termadiate and a senior team. The juniors could play off amongst them and decide the winners of their district. Descronto has already» or canizeyl, and teams ave expected ir Gananoque, Napanee, Trenton and Picton." I'he formation the intercollegiate Hl and RM.C. 11 from the O.R.F However, there will probablysbe threo other junior teams entered from | ston. member intermediate more one season, fifteen, two seasons com or- Says we besides an selves junior series an urion takes Queen's of a Baseball On Wednesday. league--At Sty Louis, 1-4. At Detroit, At Cleveland, 8; American Washington, Philadelphia, 5. timore, 6. National le: Louis, burg, 12, York, 1. At stern league- Newark, 2. At City. 13.7 At At Rochester, aue--At At Boston, Cincinnati, dWrooklyn, 4; Chic At Providence, Worcester, 8; Buffalo, 11 11; Montreal, Pitts New St. At Jersey oronto, 9. Sport In General. Tigers will oi tarda i The annual next. Beals Wricht, of won, the in- ternational lawn tennis championship at Niavara. What are "Kin about organization up and doing. Jockey Lvne fee for winni able, at Chic Hazlett, the Granites, may Lan this Gananoque Hamilton meeting hold th in oht Joston, doing to be on rughvists ? It's Le received $10,000 as the aturity 0. his ORDA of the Hail mer seimmager play with the sgason wahted one he Pins Vowinkel, of of their pitchers declined. Oshawa, Port Cobourg are all a tie for in the Midland baseball k Eastern. League baseball championship is hecoming very exciting. Toronto and Buffalo a far apart. . This 'afternoon of Ottawa, and exhihition lacros-e densburg, N.Y. dald, the pion. has ithin a week ped test Jor Ponies have another Mest se Many. of S Lawrence league would like to here, It thy at Moriarity and Dan will secured. posgibde CGonvernear, a next hut Bowmanville, and place The for the CASO, Hope, first neti race not OPV the Young Capitals Almontes played an match at the Op fair. quondam bievele chan arranged to to Europe ten days; where he rin competition against the 00 Or ioners, witl strong team the pn ent 'ason. player likely wan gan that a hockey t from Dawson vill visit. Monteeall winter in quest of the Stanley Up in Sherifi® Eilbeek's country think "they have a septette that would make the hustle, The trip vould cost but that--wouldn'y worry the in the land of the micivht Among the Dawson fast players ave: Weldy Young, Non man Watt, formerly of Avlmer, Ran dy McLennan, Cap Bennett, er of Halifax, Merritt, brother of the mous Winnipeg goal keeper, Kennedy. once of Winnipeg, ' Watt learned hockey in Collinge Miller, of Quebec, FE Nea «ton, Hulme, of <ON;" of - the toha. = CL tn emer, cam nest cup they casterners X10,000, people fa Ww ho andy of King Patter Mani ood. S and of SOM ~ENCEOVEINOr Captured Many Prizes. H Reid chang y inl fair W. ston street, poultry faticier, th "his exhibit Ree was a pipet wa dmost swept Union Ning ion Wits the Ottawa OLY baree entevonnd heen, yer Mr Re Lery th 1 ta) Te ts, HP Vasover "eo tele third An Act ion Entered. Aner Three applications of Peck's Salve will cure hard or soft corns. big boxes, 13¢., at. Wade's drug store. & ab Philade Alphia, 1: ago, U. 10: <twhile Corn | In! * Pure soap!" You've ned ! the words. - In Sunlight [So a p you have ithe fact. REDUCES LEXPENSE Ask for the Octagen Bar. Some Have Taken Advantage of Our Camera Sale some ne But we have still bargains to offer you. We are 'not going out of this branch of our business but are cleaning it out at the end of the season.- | 1 H. B. TAYLOR, CHEMIST AND OPTICIAN, 124 Princess St. 'Phone 59. Narket Neun Ofarn Sonar Brig Store Under the New Proprietorship of E. L. EBBELS, carries all so N Egg New Now Drinks, York. Also the, finest lines of Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Soaps, Cos- metics, Cerates and Creams. Prescriptions and Family Re- cipes receive utmost attention. Call and be satisfied, King and Market Streets. 0000665000000 Swift's * Scranton : Scranton oal A High Class Fuel. ALL SIZES. JAMES SWIFT -& G0. 'Phone 135. 696900000 Fancy . well-known in : : : : : : : : Our Coal is as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ISR GOON solid ocoaly-so much wolid fire. ooal reaches the surface of the BL a the * mines, impurit are picked out by, hand. Thereafter it is scruened several times before it reaches vou, and dirt, slate, eto, buve no chance, if the dealers are We are very careful. Cra Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. Bright Fire The cheerw Coal will the cool Is an attraction for every one. of with pleasure durin, cold weather It's {ust the kind to with, too. Let us fill your bin wit BOOTH'S COAL." "Phone Foot intunse heat felt glow and our mks itself Is hereby given the public tha 1 purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next wins ter Your order is solicited. wn P, WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. | { | | BOARD. > | LARC & FAONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE roopy, with modern eonveniences, Carin tral, not far from City and Macdonn!d parks. Suitnkle for .a party of from three | to Ove, 1956 karl sweet.