Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1902, p. 3

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mam 'OUR MI NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG G CORRESPOND. ENTS TELL US. Kingston & Pembroke, & Canadiaa Pacific is Reslways, [ From Kingston. TC RONTO EXHIBITION Sept. 21.4, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Gth, 9th, 11th , and th rer sev £5.10 | : Sept. Sih, 10th se $3.55 Westbrook, Sept. : Return. limit, Sept. 15th, 1902. Jed the Kingston fair They Are Saying. Farg~ cpt. ood goin Sept. 6th, 190 Sept. Ist to Oct. 3lst SPECIAL . EXCURSION, one wav. sg rates to Denver, Spokan:, Portlawl. [ath owa, wd all British Columbia, = : Md Koolmy points week the 'guest of Mr. and h and 5th, returning < o, 1 fic Coa Ticket Office, Ontario St. 'Miss Lorai l niece, Miss F. CONWAY, - FA voteen, ag, | iTS rOjaine: and mes, Miss Gen. Puss. Agt. Gen. Supt. "Rosevear, Kingston, have THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY ! Suiith, Pennsylvania ib Wartman is recovering NEW SHORT LINE FUR recent severe illnes Tweed, Navan, to and all local Andrew Howie left on I p.m. R. J. WILSON, C.P.R. Tornanh Of fice, Clarence street. conference. . Inverary Items. | | | ' Inver, | v," Sept. 3.--Thre the rush: three me whines are x Pony up a workshop, H. Spri . : have moved to the city, Tickets good going Septembtr 2nd, 3rd, |v are attendin 4th, Sth, 6th, Tt 9th, 11 and 12th Clacton has erected soon be open Y H. acquaintances, have returned in Watertown. P haudly mashed hy $3.85. All tickets valid returning on or before | Septemler 15th, Fickets not good on trains Nos, 1, 2, 3 or neivhhorhood. | | SPECIAL-DAYS, September Sth and 10th, | | | | ho Wensley Waitings. 1 order of the dav, and every J. P. HANLEY, Agent, . {husy. The harve-t is a bountiful one. City Passenger Depot. |... Breen is taking ofi Mrs. 160 sstt)}/raoo im grain. James Mallory, Mallory DOMINION LINE Fora niga have cone to ( farlvie 16 STEAMSINPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE - Voie, and report evervthing x pe) % ra Sept. 6th yery pr "Irishman . Sept. 13th Californian Sept. 20th has returned from King *Norseman ... . ar Sept. 27th Mrs. Fo Wensicy amd fa *Turcoman ..... . . Oct. 4th Sunray .at the lake, Mrs. Coldnian Uet. Mth yw | Plevna, is visiting her ners mark * do not carry pasty nyers. v : RATES OF PASSAGE----Suloon. and Mrs. A. J. Wensley. Georg upwards, single according fo steamer and Pakenham, and his service Second Saloon, © $37.50 De up- : wards, single, according to steamer and ser- yo, dale visiting vice. Third ciass, $20. parents We congratulate FROM MONTREAL. 1 Quackenbush and R. K. Wensley ] Ottoman ....... ... ; .. Sept. 6th Passing sue sfully their matricula- "Rowan... ae . Sept. 18m tion examinations FROM BOSTON. : Comfnonwealth <..... ...... Sept. 10th Collins' Bay Breezes. Merion ..... Sept. 17th Collins Bay, Sept. 3.--Rev. NEW SERVICE Boston to the | on : whed In the Metho Mediterranean Vancouver, Sept. 6th; Cambroman, Sept. 27th | Midship, Saloon, Electrio licht, Spacious promenade decks. J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, formerly of this place, Art. G.T.I. Siation, 42 Clarence St. |r Kman, Moira, . «at Albert D. Tornsnes ,& Co., Gen. Apts. Epients foro dew weeks: Frederick 'Montreal and Portland der Woodvaock =: Miss Lanrg The Only Direct Line fo Quebec Te id Sa Without Change in' fo af el Wari Fie Kineton one Saturds THE FAVORITE dhe sum Wein ter alter 1 at Wis, John training I} 'eaves Craig's wharf very Friday, at 12, | (Faint . midnight, for Charlotte, N.Y.. Olcott Beach, | N.Y., and Buffalo, N.Y.; via. Bay of Quinte | amd Murray Canal, and every Monday at | 6:30 p.m., for Montreal and Quebec, (direet | without change). Through 1,000 Islands and | St 'Lawrence Rivers Rapids. at (i. Ashlev's: A Wilten Wedding. Low passenger. and freight rates: Passenger accommo lation unsurpassed. troit, is visiting at Hiram Agents, nts; Kingston, Manager. Picton Jor Je het the Ottawa exhi Lake Onfaria & Bay of Quinte 1+ oo Steamboat Co., Limited. lton, on August 27th, when t daughter, Myrtle, was united marriage to Walton Davey, eldest ROCHESTER ROUTE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, SEPTFMBER 4 THE CEREAL Co. HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHED SIR WILFRID | IN FRANCE. bride was assisted by her Toasts the Republic in Name His Sovereign, gave a banquet las n ceremony was performed J hy Rev. Big Canadian Rival to Anferican Company Organizing-- Mill is at Kingston. led at the funetion. ' The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What EXCURSION Return Rates | Pgople Are Doing And What been erected' to the late Philip Iregman Attending Conference. Hartington Happenings. --But few attend- J this year, .as A FAIR [reent wet weather had so delayed t firocess of organi ; ty . and who IS now on a vasit to _eX¢ husfecly announce r round trip. Tickets | harvesting that farmers could Franco Canadian spare time to. view it. During vere stormy of August 21st. Georve Me- Ewen had a valuable cow killed lightning. Rev. Mr. Olmstead, ad go, editor of the Free Methodist school literature, spent Fie Tony any Is Kiiown as the Pron left to- 2thivie for spending two months leit to-dav for ut ie Bu oma Works; to and will visit other s i Rubie Sigsworlh, July Sigsworth have commenced another term at Sydenham cific Full particuiars at K. & PL. and €: P. R. Bridge. George: Smith and daughter, Rilla Wood and Thomas Donneily, Jroms a pleasant visit to. his brother, Master Ken- i ihe capital stock of the company 1s Qf this 8250000 is in ie form of* Seve, ber cent. prefer ing the Collegiate in Kingston. Brown is visiting at Descronto. cral from here indulged in due ke hun Mr. and Deseron iday voints. Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4 ronto, to attend the Free Meshodist nest C tstation hing proximity. 'Grain viele well a portion of the stock had been SY 3 EXPOSITION [jis i imine in apmurer Bertha Tumblitee, ber' house. Ritchie & fd INDUSTRIAL FAIR Tuono fs Sy SLA new anny [a pur- Good Siirpine Trade. el is Lusdly comment ol vine To-day the station present ted a mind 5 0 his farn J. Clayton, is home » ° vacation: he iz very poorly Farlane and wide, here renewing Loyst is also shipping hay, European ports, rate with Canada in strupol . has been doing con t » ein ing drainst the attempts to manopol Fd wards av. Mrs. F. Luke Au tican cals : presented a glowing tribute to Wensley, Sept. 3. Harvesting to ay not more err iv Ht Was The adios goverment, offered a subvention f anadian steamship line. to French ship owners to consent has returned to Napanee, vacation among friends' here, COL. XITSON'S PROMOTION. Cronus Miss Fva owners were being prepared to this expenditure, he has e¢mployment descendant of a monarchist might drink to the health of Republi » and join to his ster, is the guest of Mrs, implies a change ; nothing derova THE BUTTERMILK CLUB. Very Felicitous. Cluster Around The Old Fireside. ine. David Purdy, Sb > y , i Lauer's speech at the dinner given in few weeks with his parents, phony John Purdy. Visitors covernorship of recarded here as felicitous in last snicht arun | : 1 and comfortable an. Fracsttown Station, at put on Js = oe jects of British sinpire, bis pipe frou is ne arown nis I'rancao Citreriain cnglish CY with bene lenient" at Mr. Riley' ( OR Irani Mids Florence Marsh of S R, | "Thursday fo 3k; phia, where will eriter the hospital as a we and wile, at-- A Wandeock's:--S- which was appointed Along4The Rideau. insubordination vounge people attended the had a complaint i 'ataraqgui, at MN. Storms'. educational world Thomas Simmons. other term at Westport convent. shooting season opened vesterday. party of eight from Our Lally, mail stop- jd thy last day of Witton Sert--2i--JFohn= Phillips, Walker's W. G. CRAIG & CO. A. W. HEPBURN, | J joriddi. - Mr. and. Mrs. Willig dstine and child, at James Lewis', | : Line hiv intern i ap um arrives home Saturday; making his influence suffering with quinsy. A very int event took place at the residence iy | STEAMER NORTH KING |! Mos by iy I. outspoken reproof which Lord Robert administered to the cadets a few week Raku, Na HB pe Bll BE es 1000 ISLANOS RAMBLE =. "BAY OF ae ROVE STEAMER ALETHA Conn 1 Ww t oy fre | titer of mn port ( \ | i | ~ wk vier go it Dosa vem Kor ful jutormmtion apply to PHAN P A ALERVE. 3 Teak Aventa. Tanthe Swift Hsh red elre Agents tr cen rm mt Lk iverpact and Second PRE a B Iiast New Yuck to Giassom & a! S tet. Sth First cabin $50, second cabin $35, third oISPESS claes $25 J P Hunlew not ohnston a Cita iby ve "Clarence strand streets. J Shai BUS INESS a. Murray. .'r . TO COIN COTIEFCTORS. Savi o* A CABINET OF US SIDVER COINS FOR i at Waly Uthge can. ~ > - NT, wS pn. + champion fisherman. pr = Allan 1i ire L bl | Royal Mail Steamers. ! PoPoAT: From Montreal. From Dupes ) 'orinthian, Aug. "30, § am. Aug. 3 1 Es m 13. iy p ACTS GENTLY JUIVER 1 The Ideal Beverage * JOHN LABATTS [ ondon Full of the Virtue. o Mal and- Hops. | Perfectly agreeable to the Most Deticate Palate. JAS. "TcPARLAND, AGENT yon KINGSTON: Porter pipe, battery zinds, ete, . All You Can Drink E and a Bath for 10c. Would not give' better satisfaction this weather the an our lines of solder, habbit, lead E give satisfaction all the 3 CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM S (REET, TORON 10, ONT. WANT HIGHER. PAY. Greatest Labor Movement in Am- erican Annals. Chicago, Sept. 42 The 'Record-Her ald say: Operating employees of every railway svsteni in the United States and Canada are planning the greatest labor movement in the his tory of their organizations," and as a result the railway managers of the entire country will soon be facing the most! serious problem of the kind pre sented in many years : The movement, which is well under way, one of concerted action for hicher waves for every class of work men emploved in Cthe operation of trains. to includes Oo NEineers, con ductors, trainmen or bhrakemen, five men, car men® and switchmen. Jack of the movement will be a solid. phal anx of between 1LOO0000 and 1.500, 000 workingmen bent upon forcing the ilroads to vive them what they 'm to be a just share of the pro- ceeds of the phenomenal emg that has comesto the companies. It ix understood/that the demands will range hetw ji ten and twenty per cent. hichker than the present scale of waves, and that the demands will Le made upon certain groups of roads hy the middle of September. The. demands will not be accom- panied bye threats to strike, but of course the strike spectre will from now on be constantly behind the chair of every general manager in the coun try. Should a strike result it will be the greatest in the history of rail roads and will paralyze the transpor tation Yacilities from one end of the country 'to 'the other. Local railway officials have been aware of the inception and growth of the movement despite the attempt at secrecy by the various brotherhoods, Although no meeting of railway ofii cials has been held in any part of the country to discuss the matter, close watch has heen kept of the situation. Local officials vesthrday._ freely ad 'mitted that such 4 movement wascon foot and stated that they considered the situation as exceedingly orave. Bevond the question of a possible general strike there is the question of loss of revenue involved, which fis con dered even more serious. Should the demaaidis he met, and the general opiy ion is that spme concessions will have to be made, it will mean oq yearly in tease cost of operation amounting in the grand sregate to many mgl lions of dolla So large will be the amount that dividends upon many railroads will he seriously threatened, which "would in tirn lead to a corresponding reduc tion. in values and a possible financial disaster. Should the demands pot he ranted, then a the labor organizations likely to en vin the ereatest steagele in their story, » The plan of e the raihroads and or argauistjons, as cathered by railway oflicials her Is comprehensive I well cons Cnet It is the purpose of the. labor men to take the railropds hy territorial groups awl (0 compel joint confer ences between, committees represent ing the employees of the entire indivi dual groups and of the raihoads of the croup. It has been decided tint the first group to be. dealt with is compos of the northwestern roads, mainly the Chicago St Paul roy Thos Ths Chicago, Biarlington and Quiney, the Chicavo and North Western, tl Chicago, Rgeh Island amd Paine, the Chicago Great YW eat eng the Wisconsin Central, the Hino Central hes west of the Missi ippi In order to understand the logical reason for this plan it is necessary to vo hi dahout two ven out that tine a labor moyvemer Aon railroad employe th a view to equalizing wage scales throughout the country Wages paid on eastern road were about wel cr cent. lower Whi Jargely to we - fact that the stoof Living aried Furthermore, | western railroading "mset--to he fa tern road A i RE Kl pN A BOWELS oo She gs THE SYSTEM a to Glasgow Divece. CLEANSE Sey Paxesrigar = wo A ees STIPATIL PERMANENTLY RR Commission Mer- ns AD 38 Sp ECTS chant. Market Square aL EFF FRIVATE BOARD ' Svv THE IAL MAN'FD BY Shu Gu OS Troops Go By. g greasy dishes cr pots and > the grease with the g Dy ve *5 this season took place A tt and mon ntle ope ition changed in this nr spect, cand westerns pegel Lies brought up to standard, ut i the | vat tread te with lie con Henin i tion Operati Nuh rit fl "ne t ' ir. ten tortovelve oe th 1 ft: for Cand wot | th ould brn tom 1 oil LT] ' L --_-------- Where Is un yle ? j } vorning 1 y Hoch DD } ' IK i ; : » Lk BY rok } :r's, Headache Powders cure headache in five nifniites. In' boxes ,' Ue. and 2o¢., at Wade's drug store, a TRAVELLING. EXCURSION Industrial | Fair KINGSTON ARD TO | ROUND TRIP $5. Hamilton, Teronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreai Line. ROUND TRIP $7. J. SWIFT & 00. EDUCATIONAL. I ¥ 1 '99 " H I LLCO ® ; ACADEMY KINGSTON. "A RESIDENTIAL and DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Ideal Grounds of Twelve Acres. Opens Sept. 9th, 1902 REV. T.J. GLOVER, B. A,, Principal. Ye sic > Method on + Sepbems . terms hy particulars University Avenue, PIANO LESSONS underoraduate Tarons 211 University: Avenue. to College of Music, ARTHUR H. HOWELL Representative and Examiner for the London, (Eng.) College of Music. _ Organist and Choirmaster, i Should a sullicient number of pupils offer, Mr. 'COLLEGE KINGSTON. COLLEGE best equipment in Canada. facilities for securing ~ positions. FOR CATALOGUE. r Crofadarntion Life GOOD : FURNISHED i 1 Yaw' " Wilkin "strent. wi STREET, 9 ROOMS, Improve eH Le. Apply y C. Livingston & Bro. Cuiversl ty Avenua, » cotner of Bavol and The ¥all Fairs. , Harrowswish, Sept opi Liniment is the most

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