Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Sep 1902, p. 3

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TRAVELLING. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian : Pacific Railways. Return Rates EXCURSIOKS From Kingston. TORONTO EXHIBITION Sept. 20d, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th nd . $5 al 12th .... Sept. 8th, 10th . Returg limit, round #rip. Tickets and 5th, - returning Fare for Sept. 4th , 1902, pt. [st to Oct. 3lst EXCURSION, rates to Denver, Tacoma, and all ;- Coast aml Kootney points Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWA F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pas Gen. Supt. [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR ad, Na Spances Deseronto and all local leaves City Hall Depot at 4 RJ "WILSON, C.P.R. Telegraph Of- Clarence street. Wha ins S GRAND TR v EXCURSIONS EXPOSITION and INDUSTRIAL FAIR, TORONTO. Tickets good going 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, $5.40. SPECIAL DAYS, 38 All tickets valid returning September 15th. Tickets not good on trains Nos, 1, Single wav. second 'Spokan., Portland, British Columbia, one . Agt. Poinus fics. September 2nd, 3rd, 9th, llth and 12th September 8th and 10th on or before 2 3 or SPECIAL EXCURSIONS SEPT, Ist to OCT. 3lst. On way, second class rates to Denver Spokane, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and all British Columbia, Pacific Coast awd Kootuey points. : For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. DON LINE RAIL STENTS LIV dvEpruel SERVICE Colonian -. pt. Bth *lrishman "Sept. 13th Californian .. Sept. 20th *Norseman Sept. 27th *Turcoman . Oct. 4th Colonian ..... wens Oet. 11th Steamers qo nof carry passengers. RATES oF A ataon $65 and upwards, single according to steamer and service, Sccond Saloon, $37.50 and up- wards, single, according to steamer and wer- vioe. Third class, $26. FROM MONTREAL. *Ottoman *Roman . 6th 13ta raow 3 BOSTON. Commonwealth .... Merion Boston to the NEW. SERVICE Sols 6th; Cambroman, Sept. 7th Electric light, Stacious . Sept. 10th Sept. 17th Vancouver, Sept. Midship, Saloon, promenade decks. J. P. Hanley, J. Act. G.T.R. Siiio, 42 Slarente St. D. TORRANCE & Co., Gem. Ay Montreal bel Portland. Tte Only Dirzct Line fo Quebec Without Change THE FAVORITE STR, ALEXANDRIA eaves Craig's wharl every Friday, at 12, midnight, for Charlotte, N.Y., Olcott Beach, N.Y., and Buffalo, N.Y.; via. Bay ol "Quinte and Murray Canal, and every Monday at 6:30 p.m., tor Montreal and Queb®, (dircot without change). 'Through 1,000 Islands and Bt. Lawrense River Rapids. ¢ Low passenger and freight rates. Passenger" accommodation unsurpassed. W. G. CRAIG & CO, A. W. HEPBURN, Agents, Kiagatoa, Mynager. Picton. Lake Gofario & Bay of Quinte STEAMER NORTH KING ROCHESTER ROUTE mam; for of Quinte P. Gildersleeve, Steamer Rochester, word 1000 ISLANDS S RAMBLE 10:17 at Bay Steamer leaves Sundays at tour of 1.000 Islands, calling Bay, Rockport and Gananoque. BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE STEAMER ALETHA leaves week davs at intermediate Be I hursdavs Descronto 2nd, and Tu sdavs, calls at Commencing Sept. 3 pm or Picton Quinte ports. On Saturdays steamer Bellovill For full jnlimation apply to J. J. © HAN Ticket Aveta. FY, P, EILDE RSLEEVE, } James Swifts + Co... Freie Agents. oe Allan Ling» one Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Quebec. Corinthian, Aug. 30, 9 a.m. Aug. 30, Pretorian, Sept. 3 a.m. Scpt. 6, & Parisi 9 am. Sept 13, 7 Numidian, 5 a.m Sept y First es nd upwards: . bin, $37 London" $1.50 - extra: Third class, 5 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Bolfast, Glasgow, London. . New York to Glasgow & Laadeudesry, Carthaginian . Wars Sept. 3rd Sardinian Sept, 17th Montreal to Glasgow Direct. Sici Sept. 8rd aad Oct. Sth. classes +o» First class J. Hanley, pot. Johnston and Ontario Gildersleava. Clarenoa etreat an, All third De- P cabin $30, second' cabin $35, > Agent, City Passenger streets, . J. STRAIGHT - BUSINESS W. Mucray, Jr... Auctioneer and Commission Mer- chant, Market Sauare PRIVATE BOARD. COMFORTABLE ROOMS WITH cometfiences. - Also tal bi tained at 204 William street TO COIN COLLECTORS. CABINET OF U.S.SILVER COINS FOR sale, Address at Whig Oiee. MODERN rd can be ob- ° any PONIES BEATEN. ! THEY LOST AT GOUVERNEUR : BY 12 TO 6. Their Last no Practice for Five Days-- How the "League Stands -- Gceieral Notes of Sport. The neur Ponies were defeated at Gouver- vesterday afternoon by 12 to 6. 1t wus hardly expected they would win, as Hon." "Chaucér]' Elliott's bunch had no practice from Saturdav to Thursday, a period of five days, and- therefore must have been a bit rusty on thé Gouyerneur diamond. How the St. Lawrence league stands officially, not yet known: What is known, however, that Ponies have won fourteen mate hes ang lost ten, and will stand either in first or se cond place. Secretarty, Wheeler has been to hand out his judgment. asked Baseball On Thursday. American league--At Yhicago, 6-1; 1-11. At Cleveland, 7; Balti- At St. Lov 9: 'Washing- At, Detroit, 4; Philadelphia, loston, more, 5. National Pittsburg, St. Louis, ro, 1. "At i. Fastern alo, 1. league--At Boston, 1-0; 0-0. At Philadelphia, "12; 6. At Brooklyn, 0; Chica- New York, 3; Cincinnati, league--At Toronto, 2: Bui- At Providenee, 3; Newark, 1. 5 Standing Of Clubs. National league-- Pittsburg, Brooklyn, .5 Boston, .509; nati, .496; Chicago, .487; St. 60; Philadelphia, 116; New 8 Améiican leacue-- Philadelphia,' Louis, Boston, 563; Chicago, Cleveland, 509: Washington, Baltimore, .395; Detroit, .391, as tern league Torgnto, .618: buf- : Worecestoer 539; - Jersey Roches- Newark, L750; Cincin- Louis, York, 573: .H63: : Providence, Montreal, . A10; Kingston Rifle Shots. In the Dominion' Rifle Association matches at Ottawa; Wednesdg in the first stage of the governor-general's match, Sergt. W. Swaine, 11th regi- ment, scored 91, gut of a possible 100 and 'qualified for the second stage. In the Walker match he 56 and won 84. In the governorgeneral's match Stali-Capt. Carruthers, 4th Hussars, SN and also qualified for the s stage. Inthe Walker match he 60 and pocketed The top this match wax 61, scored scored 'ond scored sCore in Sport In General. I'he Montreal rugby teams have gun practice. Local rugby players are waiting meetings of their clubs. should begin on Sept. 15th. Pittsburg cannot now be beaten for National Baseball League cham- pionship, ho matter if they lose every future match. ! The Hamilton Tigers' this fall will likely consist McCarthy and Hazlett. again play quarter. J. S. Bell, London, won tte Do- minion. quoiting - championship and the Malcolm medals, defeating R. Call ader, of Toronto. On Congress Hall board score match, and above with white: O'Hara the New ting with could rence be- for Practice scrimmage of Cook, Jurke will ol street bulletin vesteraay's Ponies were defeated, a picce of crepe tita The 'sivht ise amusing: leads the Syracuse team of York State lLeavue in bat- an average 86. Bill"? never do that the St. Law- leag They better ball the of is in which it is of in rue. play were. The members of the Chippewa Bay Yacht Club have de'ided to have a club house built the foot of Oak Island. The club house it is estimated will cost at least 825,000% and located as oto face the twelve-mile tri- ular course of the club near Chip: pewa Bay. Fhe Canadian Cricket dccepted the sugested dates, Thurs- day and: Friday next week, for the international match. The match will be played at Philadelphia. The - com- positign of the Canadian team is not made"'publi¢, but it will not be a very strong combination. An Tort is being made to have match on the 27th, between the Quebec and Ontario teams of the N.A.L.U. The. proceeds of the match if it can be arranged, will to Dr. Beers' memorial fund. The Shamrock, National, and Montreal teams will be 'bppased "to Toronto, Cornwall: and Capitals. Four men would-be chosen from each team. More Gananoque baseball "'dope" appears in the Toronto papers: , The team of that town, before they plav on be so Association Oi a arrosse oo Could Scarcely Straigaten Up On Account of Severe Pains in Small of Back--Deranged Kidneys the : Cause of Trouble. A great many Joopls who suffer from backache, lame back and pains.in the limbs think they have rheumatism and that there is no cure for them. At least nine cases in every ten can Le cured by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Mrs. Lessard. was badly crippled before she began the of 'this. great kidney medicine. Here her letter - . . Mre. J. lessard, 150 Aqueduct street, real, Que., states- °*' was with my back. k, and whenever 1 i hardly straichten up 1" of the sbvere pains teh me in the sn nall of that mv ailment from derangea kidnevs 1 a course of treatment with Dr Kidnev-Liver . Pills, and to right again. This medi to act directly on the as a result amproved my Iv. The distress back have entirely disa feel real strong: ana well." Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one dose, 25 cents a box, at all! or Edmanson, Bates & Cd. use alk scemed 1d all in my and 1 Dr pill a dealers, > Toroato, LL 3 KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS \ DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 heir "eal matches and betersoPonice play theirs, dub themselves champions of the St. Lawrence league. and at- tempt to give the proof of it in a schedule. The unreliability of the sche- dule is at once apparent to the per- _son who takes the trouble to examine League -Match--Had | it, for he will find that the total wins do not correspond to the total loss- es. However, it pleases the '"Garanock- way' people, and it 1't hurt "we. does SCHEME IS A BENEFIT. . Market Leesee is Supported by i the Committee. With reference to the néw arranae- ment of tables in the island market, Alderinan' White, chairman of the city property committee, states that he had nothing whatever to do with the arrangement; the market lessee made the change and then asked for the chairman's' approval. Alderman White considered the change an improvement but before expressing himself he consulted several members of his conimittee, who approved of the new scheme, whereupon the chairman con- firmed it. The scheme which the market lessee has in view is the separation oi the buyers from sellers; he desires to keen the buyers on one side of the table and the sellers on the other. In -éx- planation thereof, he states that he is continually heing defrauded of toil by frequenters of the island market. and he desires to put a stop to the illegal practice. All sorts of schemes are resorted to by these people to save payment of toll. As the lessee has the permission of the property com- mittee to make the change, he will have the tables properly fitted and fastened, so that they cannot be moyv- el. The committee finds that the pro- posed scheme of marking the tables | in- to squares, charging toll for each square Tin is not feasible, as the tables are too narrow. The les see's proposed arrangement is & de cidel benefit to the purchasing public. The Late Mrs. Halliday. Brockville Recorder The commanity in and around were shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Dorothy Halladay. rel- ict of the late 'Truman Halladay, who lived at the old Halladay home- stead at Halladay's Corners, near El- gin. While death was not unexpected, vet her long residence in this vicini- ty and her extensive acquaintance caused a general exclamation of "Well, Aunt Dorothy is gone." She was tenderly cared for in her last ill- ness by her two daughters and sons, and everything possible done to re lieve her from her severe suffering. Her removal leaves a feeling in the com- munity that a pious Godly woman has cone to her reward, but that her works and example during life will continue to live. She was at the time of her death seventy-six years of age and leaves behind three sons and two daughters, Elmer .J. Halladay, a far- mer near Athens; Elkins V. Halladav, a cheese manufacturer near - Elgin: Clinton X. Halladay, a farmer upon the homestead; Angelia, wife Joel Laishley, Toronto, and Ina, of Thomas Johnston, at Clear El- oin of wife Lake. Hired A Special Train. Toeronio Star. Reginald A. E: director of the Times Printing pany, Hamilton, who has just died asx the result of a fall Gown the steps of the Hamilton mountain, stands on record as the only man in Canada who_ever hired a special train to see o football match, « Mr. Kennedy was partial to all branches of legitimate sport, but was particularly fond of Rugby football. The season in question had been mark- ed with plays and Mr. Kennedy was very anxious to see a deciaing game to be pulled off in this However, he missed the train, arriv- int-at the station hist in time to sed the vellow of the last "Tiger faae from view in the rear coach. But that didn't make any differ ence." Mr. Kennedy hired a train and arrived in time to hear the whistle blow: for the line-up. managing com Kennedy good sweater The Fall Fairs. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 1-13. Iroquois, Sept. 0. Peterboro Central, Sept. 9-11. Addington, Tamworth, Sept. 12-13. fondu Western, Sept. 12-20. Napanee, County. Sept. 16-17. Newboro, Sept. 15-16. Brockville, Sept. b Hamilton Central, Wolfe. Is sland, Sept. Perth, County, Prescott, Sept. 23-25. Hinohinvrooke, Parham, Sept. 23-24. Delta, Sept. 23-24. Merrickv le, County. Sept: 24-25. Renfrew, Sept. 25-26. Lombardy, Sept. Spencerville, Sept. Beachburg, Oct. Lansdowne, Oct. Ceti asmninme-- Col. Prior For Premier. The following a statement hy Hon. Joseph Martin in an interview in Vancouver: 1 expect from "re. ports that [have heard, but not from direct statements to m wself, that,soon after Mr. Dunsmuir's return he will re cion the premiership, and that Col. Prior will step into his place. In case thi< is done, 1 do not know what the results will he. 1 consider Col. Prior as perhaps the best choice' that could be made by the present government to ced Mr. Dunsmuir." 27. " 80, Oct. 1. is Sue The Biddles Dramatized. Svracuse, N.Y., Sept. Police Charles R. Wrigl t a movement acainst a pia Desperate Chance," which put on at he Gignd Opera Honse. it portrays sthe exploits of the Biddle brothers. making heroes them, and a heroine of the wanlen's wifes who released them. The chief thinks the play will have a bad. influence on the 54 5.~Chief . of has started ; called **A is bet ot *Bibby's." neckwear ? anywhere Oak Hall. our neckweag Co. +Bibby's."' Hive von n Nothing like our else. H Bibby long Towriss, age the new ol ichty-six home of, her Mrs. E. Howard near Athens. Westport, the Mer to a bans In th death the 1 After illness Ms NOArs, at opted er, Ch priest n oad, re Webster, rred from place has ants' ba e North Anodvne the re- for all mer: coms tplaiets, at McLeod's drig store. Fall overcoats are in. The .H. Bibby * Co, sun D. 1 William BACKED DOWN. CANADIAN MARKET HALTS THE MEAT COMBINE. Statement From Boston That Prospect of Competition From Canada Has Stopped Packers' Trust--Worried Over Matter. ™ Boston, Sept. 3.--The organization of the packing-house interests it is as- serted, has sudd®nly : heen stopped. Schedules of property which were be- ing made in Boston and New England to be filed at Chicago as a basis for taking over all the independent /con- cerns into the trast, were made up and were all ready to send yesterday, but they did not go. Word was recei ived from Chicago not to forward these schedules. If can be said positively that the reason for | holding up ther formation of the'$300.- 000,000 trust is that some of the firms which were to. be taken in have grown frightened at the last moment, and unless they can be coaxed into an easier frame of mind the organiza- tion will fall through. From a trustworthy source comes the information that the men who have; backed ont 'ave alarmed over the possibility 'that Canadian meats will | be put on the. free list by congress next winter as the result of publicity. Until the Chicago interests get some sort of control of the Canadian situ- ation, or some assurance that there will be no intereference with the ta- riff, it looks as if the trust movement would be held up. The Chicago people are worried also over the fact that the talk against the beef trust has not ended with the Chicago injunction, and that it is pos- sible that upon the return of Attor- nev-General Knox from Paris he 'will press local suits against the trust. Earl's American Debut. York, Sept. 5.--Following Clown" at the Garrick theatre will he preséntea 'Capt. Mar- hall's mew comedy, in which the Earl Rosslyn will play the part of a lover. The earl now here part in the final rehearsals of The titled actor was seen in come amateur theatricals at Newport several years ago, but so far as the levitimate drama of the professional brand is concerned his forthcoming appearance at the Garrick will mark his Anrerican debut. Those who have heen privileged to see him act declare he will surprise the public by 'making good." The prediction may bé fulfilled for the eari is full of surprises. In fact, hix whole career since he emerged from his teens has heen one succession of surprises. He is still quite a young man--he was born in 1869--but he has illed about evéry position in the or- ainary walks' of life. He inherited with hig title a fortune of $1,500,000, which lastéd only the time absolutely ne ry to squander it. Hé has worked as a clerk at 810 4 week, act- ed as a war correspondent in Africa, been a drummer, ana is the inventor of sa system to break the bank at Monte Carlo, which was so brilliant a failure in practice that it went down with a erash, leaving empty pockets for a number of persons who had "suf- ficient confidence in © the scheme to back it to the extent of several hun- ared thousand dollaws. The carl's seri- work on the stage commenced in when he appeared at the Lon- ian Court theatre in Pinero's comedy i "Trelawney of the Wells." Later he peared at the same theatre in "His Lixeellency "the Gavernor." New "The BW of young taking the piece. ous | NON, So End Of McGroarty's Place. New York, Sept. 3.--After an tence of nearly half a century John MeGroarty's cafe, adjoining the Aca- demy of Music in Brooklyn, is to he closed for good next week. The site has heen purchased for-the erection of a large office building. Pplitici ians of both parties have made McGroarty's a resort that known from one end} of New Yeples@tate to the other. Mc- Groarty himself was a member of the assembly twenty years or more ago.' and 1: known » politicians in all parts of the state. In his place, in fone by, burning questions . of <tate and nation have been discussed hv men of power who were his pa- trons. Hugh McLaughlin once wes accustomed to meet his friends from up the state there, and Jacob Worth, he ruled the Kings county = re: publican organization, met his coun- in McGroarty's, Other men of fame who have discussid political ques- tions over the c¢ tables include Grover Cleveland," Samudl. JJ. Tilden and-Daniel- Lamont. exis- rears when selors Pious Fund Arbitration. The Hague, Sept. 5.--The interna- tional arbitration tribunal which to decide Pious Fund claims case be- tween the United States and Mexico pet to-day "and formally organized. I'he. arguments will he begun about ten days hence. Those in attendance ave Sir Edward Fry, of England, and F. DeMarttns, of Russia, arbitrators for the United States; 1. C. Asser antl Savornin Lohnmann, Holland, arbitrators for Maxico, counsel who will 'conduct the arguments for the two parties the dispute. The American counsel consists of Jude L. Penfield, solicitor of the tate department: Jackson H. Ral <ton, agent for the United States; Walter, S Penfield, and Henry Armes, assistant wnsel. The tholic church in Atterica. which vitally interested in the is nr presented' bv Archbishon Riordan, of San Fraveiseor and Garret Mckner- ney, the archbishop's attorney. N. of. and {to case, ¥ Bath Abbreviations. Bath. Sept. Johnston, New York city, and Joseph F. Johnston, Kingston, "pare in Bath for a few days on gz visit to their mother, Mrs, Mary Johnston: Our school far ted-on Tuesday, with a good attendance, the chance of teachers. being Mr. Huchins)n, Hamilton, in place of Wil- liam Bain: Alexandér Darr: agh, Col, ling Bav. moved into this Wednes lav. Mrs, (Dr.) Coldwater, Mich., visiting paren Mr. and Mrs. | ham, has returned home. the Statesers, here for the past two, are leaving for home this Mrs. Henry Forward, Belleville, returned home from her visit to mother, Mrs. M. Johuston. 4.--John only wi th nke ('nnn week. has her » cereal food I have ever tried. one never knows when to stop eating. QD Jim Dumps was a most unfriendly man, . Who lived his life on a hermit plan. He'd never stop for a friendly smile,: But trudged along in his mcody style Till *"Force one day was séfved to him-- Since then they call him "Sunny Jim." a better builder than ¢ a vacation. % Sweet, crisp flakes of wheat and malt--eaten cold. ) Doesn't Know When to Stop. «1 have lately been using 'Force' and find it the most palatable of 'any The only trouble with it pis that iv is so delicious 2M. Dorchester, Mass." (Name Rutt on application.) ---- : LIS WR T OF ARRIVALS. Grand Hotel Caledonia Springs, Hon. A: Mr. and oke, Mass Mrs. A. Ottawa; Whyte, P Montreal; Mrs. J. E. Taiilon, Nurs. Vt.; Mr cerhill, O'Brien, Victoria, W. L. Mc Mrs. P. M Mrs. A. Mrs. H. Montrealy hen, Mont C. M.D N. Gh MacCallum, Il'va Newton mil HEN (. McLach ney, Aw troit; D. 1 George an A. MacNab and wile, Cornwall; 8. ('heoner, Me Nab, trea = \. Pierre Simp Soh, treal; ( Calder, Montreal; McKenzie, Chippewa L. Weinb Mr. and GU Brien, nal: Miss Miss BE. M MacLaurin, Montreal; war, Rock wife, tawa; Baker, A. Mi Montieal; F W, Taillon, Vt; L'Orignal; BC; Paterson, MacCallum ahd Jeo Thomas Hiam, I. Master King: to Sept. 3rd. Evanturel, Alired, F. Richard, Holy- . F. Surveyor, Montreal; Flack, Cornwall; FE. Pitt, H. Mackie, Pembroke; J- eterboro; Mrs. G. Creak, Miss E. Iblsotson, Montreal; Dundee, Que.; Mr. Fk. Dundee, Que. C. Robinson, A. C. Robinson, liss O'Brien, N. J. Palmer, Kenna and wife, cKenzie, Montreal; Montreal; Mr. and Wener, maid and children, 1. Cohen, Montreal; B. Co- real. arling, Lydenville, Vt.: child, Miss Ha Gordon MacCallum, Miss MacCallum, Vankleek Mecl.achlin, H. William Har- rior; W. J. Hammond, De- I. McLennan, Montreal; Mrs, d Miss Murphy, Ottawa; oF New York; A. Demers, Mon: Winn Mrs. W, and wife, Montreal; G. H. Montreal G. 'Louis... Mon ge Creak, 8. Wener, James R. Gouldén, Calumet; P. McDonnell, and Mrs. Mrs: A West. Rutland, North Un- Miss Maude E. O'Brien, Montreal 3 Montreal ; Mr. and cLachlin, DD: lin, Ar nprior: R--H- Montreal; Falls, Wi urg; Montreal; Mrs. . O'Brien, R. O'Brien, MacFarlane, Ottawa: Hill; : Ottawa; A. Randolph ames I'. Ryan, Pembroke; J. y Mrs. M. Healey, Montreal. Driswpl. AB. I'red Adams, Master IL. L'Origi- Montreal; Miss L. F. acLanrin, Vankleck WV. Dewar, land: J. S. and ston" Ot- Delarey, e mtreal: Reid, Lombatdy Letter. Lombanrt elly toba. Smith's way) Miss Mr. Ftta after visit Huite a n the camp Sunday. Smith's F September pommtméent ven James Mrs. Just under: the Falls. nual visit miles September Peter's church, 10:30 a.m., Lombardy, in St. exhibition Sep tehbér Eig Cole water cided succe out of pe and reflect Asselstine, vrsiting én. Mrs Drasden te sence of cig! her attend Miss Lilla Donel i it Campbell States after Mrs, LOrs livis at Mr at her sist and Mr. Gi. Hanu leit on Septembe Falls, visit Mil Bis Lake, spor he Iton: €. Sept. 4.--George (on- 2nd for Mani- Samuel Adraine, spent Monday (Labor ing friends in this village. Klyne returnea on Monday ing friends in- Smith's Falls, umber from here attended meetines at Lake Eloida, on The blacksmith, shops of alls were closed on Monday, Fst it rein quite-a-disap- to one man; who drove se- to get "his horse shod. ler, Sr. is quite ill, also ice, North Augusta, who is care of Dr. Gray, Smith's hop Mills will pay his an- to this parisk on Monday, 22mt--He will hold services New Boyne, at Trinity church, p.m. Lombardy held on Saturday, ly, Mrs. and and in at 7:0 will be 271 hteen Years Absent. Sept. ~The ts at Cole Lake a de- There was a large turn- the menu was excellent ed rot on the ladies. Mrs. Be has returned after r daughter, Mrs. J. Mamil- Killings has returned from y visit friends after an ab- teen years. tite a num-, od Parham picnic lastsweek: Killings has returned from Miss Lizzie Campbell is 1 the United States. Ww has returned to the United visiting fr le here: Visi Campbell find Mrs. Kil 2; Coulter's: Miss Assalstine ers, Mrs, JJ. Hamilten: Mr. J. Hamilton at father's, gerald has re icnie and were SE. le, Hord hi turned hone Kifigst on And Ottawa. Rideau steamers day and dav 1 and Swiit & Co., agenta: Lakes Navigation Cols leave Kingston every Mon Thursdav, at 7 'a.m., every p.m. J ames Fridav at 1 When washing greasy dishes cr pots and pans, Levers Dry Soap (a powder) will remove the grease. with the greatest ease. 5 he defies competition. Th You Want a iy of AT COST? YOU CAN GET THEM AT COST. A. ABERNETHY, BEE All You Can Drink and a Bath for T0c. Would not give better satisfaction this weather than our lines of solder, pipe, battery zines, ete, give satisfaction all the year. Try it. CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, TRUNKS and VALISES. bablat, lead ONT. TRAVELLING, EK : & evlo CR EXCURSION tndustriat Fair new Steamers: KINGSTON AND TO leave at 5 p.n. daily except Mon- EDUCATIONAL. * ' "HILLCORFT ACADEMY KINGSTON. A RESIDENTIAL and DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Ideal Grounds of Twelve Acres. Opens Sept. 9th, 1902 REV. T.J. GLOVER, B. A,, Principal. vw MUSIC MRS. CLERIHEW WILL RE-OPEN HER classes in FKlotcher Music Method on Septem- ber 1st. For terms and particulars apply at 211 University Avenue. PIANO LESSONS Miee C. M. Clerihew, to College of Music, The RONTO day. Tickets good Koing Sept. clusive. ROUND TRIP $5. included westbound only. 2nd to 11th in- Berths underaraduate Toron- 211 University Avenue. ARTHUR 'H. HOWELL Representative and Examiner for the London, (Eng.) College of Music. Organist and Choirmaster, First Presbyter- J ian church, Brockville. Teacher - of Piano, Organ and Singing. Should a suflicient mumber of pupils offer, Mr. Howell would visit Kingston one day a week during the coming season. espondence solicited. ghire 58 Tos 278, Brockville, KINGSTON soy COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO COLLEGE BUSINESS TORONTO. Largest and best equipment in Canada Unequalled facilities for securing positions. 821 Queen Street, Kingston. BEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Baildines. Toronto. Hamiiton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. ROUND TRIP $7. berths in_ both Meals included direc: tion Steamers lraving Tuesdays, Saturdays at 11:30 p.m. All tickets valid returning on or bafore Sept. 13th. J. SWIFT & CO. +P. HANLEY, Ticket Acend, _Freicht Agents SECOND HAND GOODS Bought and Sold Highest cash price paid for seopnd bam clothing, boots shoes, furniture, stoves all kinds of houschold goods. Drop a post al card I we will on yuu. ZACHS, 271 I 273 Princess Street. Second door Corbett's establishment. > A large stock of new clothing, gent's fur- nishings, jewellery and musical iostruments at close prices. ¢ and Thursdays and Ont. below undertaking - EXODUS FROM DAWSON. - > a MONEY AN War in Rates Enables Many to AND BUSINESS: Reach Civilization. The spirited rate White - Horse pendent upriver creatly stimula- workmen from recently there ing TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS 'IN sums from one thovsanst to ten thous and dollars. For particulars apply dN GODWIN'S INSURANC EF EMPORIUM, oyer Express Office, Market Souare. Nept. ress betwes the inde sulted wil prog n and has nn the exodus Dawson. "On than 1.200 Pass Ines = MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL sume, at low rales of intérest on city amd farm property. Loans gran on city and county debentures. Apply to 8. C. McGILL, manager ofl Frontenac Loan and Investment Society. Office op- posite the Post Office. ling more' rout. from 310 two per lift side points, on fares rang to 815 Wi The new overland Hon «his to tr from Wh ex LIVERPOOL; LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE Insurance Compas. Available assets, $61,187,215. n addition to which the poliey holders have for security the un- limited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and City Property insured at lowest possible rates Befora renewing old or giving new business get rates from STRANGE & STRANGE: Agents. will short Hstanoce the route Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York ». Prock street, has fall importations for or work | in. his tailoring department. His ready-made department isswell assort- ed and a large assortment to-choose | from. For low price and durability | i UNDERTAKERS La clothing! =-- ived v8 CORBETT. Princess Street, W. AM. Dreudan. rece al his Ore T. UNDERTAKERS, Quality and the lowest. Night Calls-- F. HARRISON CO. 233-235 Princess. Street. eMciemcy the best. Prices 'Phones--Warerooms; 90. T Harrison, sl. -* v

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