RHEUMATISM ~ CURED By Driving (ut Uric Acid Foison From the EyStem. [Iermanent Cure Can be E flected, But First the KIDNEYS MUST BE HEALTHY. Rbeumatism, Rheumatic Gout and All Forms Acid Poison Are Results of Kid- and Can Only be Cured Direct at the Seat" of the Kid- of Uric Disease, Getting the Trouble, neys, with WARNER'S SAFE CURE Villars, 'a Prominent Methodist Save Warner's Safe Cure Cured His Rheumatism. -- I.--"After a' delay of months to be sure that a cure of "my rheiifia tis of over a year pain ful suffering had been adfected, 1 desire to assure you that 'so far as 1 know anything of my I am ps well. am persuaded that Wanner's -Safe Cure did it. , I believe that the medicine will' do all that it claims to do, if patient will follow instructions to the Rev. 1. VIL- Pastor - M. KE. 1. " YOUR URINE. | s a reddish "iment dn. it, or if it is cloudy or milkv or if vouL Eve particles" or germs floating about in it, vour kidnevs are dis eased. SAFE ney by Pr. I Divine, Rev. SANDWICH, -- sed «purely narcotics / WARNER'S CURE is vegetable and contains no or harmful drugs; «it is free from sediment amd pleasant to take: it does not eonsti pate. t is put up in two regular sizes and sold by all druggists,or at Sve. and $1 a bottle Refuse substitutes. There is none as good" as Warner's Safe Cure, It cured all forms of kidney disease during last thirty years It is prescribed by Seniors und w the leading hospitals WARN °'E. PILLS move the bowels gently od aid a speedy cure, 4 TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. The manufacturers so firmly believe WARNER'S SAFE CURE will absolutely and permanently cure any diseased condition of the kidneys, liver, bladder or blood that they will send postpaid, without any cost to vou, _ a large trial bottle, if you will write War r's Safe Cure Company. 44 Lombard St., onto, Ont.,, and mention having scen this libwral offer in the Whig. The gen- uineness of this offer i uaram- toed. by the publisher. Write medical dv partment for advice, medical booklet, di- agnosis and analysis, whish will be sent you free of charge. Re-Building 'the Broken Down ~~ Structure, PAINE'S ""Slirouno Repairs the Diseased Parts of the Human Body and Estab- lishes Health, Comfort and Happiness. | dircet, " Just has the all that ('fan we re-build- our pain-racked; emaciated and wasted bodies. ? ; the work can be done even though the spark of Tif glimmers but fitiully and feehly This work of re-building can only he eficetually' accomplished by the use of Paine's Celery Compound, that marvellous medicine that has saved so many lives in the past. Paine's Celery Compound. fortifier and builder, acts directly the creat nervous system, giving pure, vitalizing Btepd, nerve force, digestive Vig reiteshing sleep 'and increased weight. good work oin the building to-day. Take home a Compound, of Paine's Celery faithiully,, ana you will have cause for rejoicing and thanksgiving. ©. BR. Hol man, 262 King street, West, Hamil ton, Ont., happily saved from a com plication of serious troubles, writes thus : "Having heen troubled = with g cough, debility and general depression of, spirits, | used a- number of medi cines but received no benefit from them. | was then advised to Paine's Celery Compound. 1 procured the preparation and began to use it with wonderful benefit. 1 am mow convinced, after using several bottles of this unequalled meaicine, can compare with it in any respects I am a changed wy health is re Spirits gone, my I can sleep well. word for nature's on ror, health- bottle use it ol use none now nian; newed, depression of appetite and 1" will alwavs say a Paine's Celery' Compound." Notice to Creditors. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT td See. 38, Chap. Revised: Statutes of Ontario, 1897, all ereditors, and other persons claims against' the estate fof Mary late of the City of Jimmton, in the County of Frontepac, spin tor, decvased, who died on. or about the th day of Mav, A.D 2 required to send bye post prepaid or tor WH Sullivan, of 36 Clarenoe said City cof Kingston, * solicitor ander signed executors, full partic 1% proot oi their claims on or before Saturday. the 11th day of October next. And notice is here given that after sad 11th day, of 'Octo undersigned executors will pro of tb said entitled thereto + claims of. which + sade exe said as ane person or not h istribut dav of is good, good ar to d liver strevt, for then oy 4 3 they shal cutors RetR Or any Persons of clus + at the date Kingston, this A 1902 - MICH HAE L SUL LIVAN: LAWRENCE O'BRIEN Exceutors oi the last will and testament of said Mary Doyl Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSU ANT 10 Sce. 38, Qa 129, Revised Statutes Ontario, all creditors other claims "aut of "the n 30th Au wrist City Kingston cutors, full claims Persons had of 'Au- LAWRENCE O'BRIEN AD 2. Mic HAEL SULLIV AN. Exccutors of the--tast suid James Doyle. with und testament DOSED 000000 Canadian Woman's News Letter. From the Canadian Syndicate. $ $ -- Ottawa, Sept. 5.--A subject which was brought up at the last annual meeting of the National Council = of Women and which in the press of oth- er business attracted attention than it deserved, was that of govern- ment annuities, and it is to be hoped that the matter has not been dropped, but only posgwponed to a more conven- ient_ time. It is for the protection of women and children that those annui- ties are desired since there exists at present in Canada no absolutely safe and immediately available form of stment for such money as has ben X cially provided for the protection of such peipons, and vast sums" of money care. constantly being lost in consequence. To give a widow a cer- tain sum of money it has been found isgone thing, and to invest it safely so that she may have an assured income for the remainder of her life is quite another. Life insurance therefore can never be a complete and satisfactory method of providing for the future un- til it is supplemented with a system of readily available government an- nuities. Indeed, it is so uncertain that many men not consider 'it worth while to make any such provision for those they may le behind them. Women from their péculiar. circum- stances have not the same .oppprtuni- ties for making judictous investments, and if their only proper sphere he the home as is so frequently asserted, a moral obligation would to rest upon the state to safeguard their in- terests when their natural protectors have been removed. - - less do ve seem A little girl, the daughter of a high government official was seen the other day at a public gathering in Ottawa, in bare feet and sandals. Inquiry brought to licht the fact that there is one fivm in Canada which manufac- tures this delightful footeear, and that, though the little girl just. men- tioned was a "pioneer, a many juveniles have since followed her ex- ample. The idea from Encland where the wearing of sandals, not only by - children, but by grown-up people as well, is "by no means un- common. Women wear them 'in the house and at the seaside, and the more daring ones even on the street with them. They can be worn with an ordinary "¢tHcking as tho straps do not pass 'between the toes as might be expected. oe good comes oo * » One of the successful societies in America for connected with most after-school study is the Sacred Heart Con- vent, Ottawa, and i& called the Alum- nae Library Association. The mem- bars, as the name implies, are eradu of the convent school, but other people . of both sometimes permitted to becomé honorarv mem- hersy among those honored bei the Countess of Aberdeen and Lady "Mar jorie Gordon. The name Library As- sociation, comes from the fact that the amembership fee consists of a book or the price of" one. By this means a very dood library 'has been collected, and the room which contains it is the most béautiful in. the convent, being artistically {furnished and adorned with reproductions from. ancient "and modern painters, No ohne is allowed to take two works of fiction in succes sion from this library, the novels | he- ing alternated with works of a more solid character: The members of the Alumnae Library Association scattered all over Canada and then. ited States, but those who live in Ottawa, have a little inner organiza- tion called the d'Youville Reading Cir cle. after Madame dYouville, founder of #he Order"of Grey Nuns. "This circle met every two weeks last winter - at the convent ~and of. those who attended most regularly were young society girls who might have been ex- pected to be much more interested in than _in intelléctual pleasures. * ates Sexes are are some social Lady Henry Somerset expects to gail from England on September 20th for New -York: to attend the annual meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union the United States and 'will afterwards spend-a short time in Canada. She has con cented to visit Montreal -and Toron to. and the Ottawa White Ribboners are hoping that she will also visit the capital. The Montreal visit will he made the occasion for a cathering of temperance workers Mrs. Jennie Wal another prominent temperance out for the Un ted States--convention,--and has al ready sailed (hy = the Numidian, She will make a tow of the Unieed States and Canada and will attend the anhu meeting of the Ottaiva Women's Femperance-- Union, . Te ev» of ker. worker's also coming al Christian A very 'common form of philanthro pic endeavor in Enz land and the Un ited 'States is the Settlement." but the small size of Canadian cities and the lack of such extreme poverty found in London and New York. has made such enterprises. seem : = ne here. That day seems to have passed thowever, for «as ttiement was started in Toronto last summer hy the Dominion Young Women's Chris tian Association in one of the - most thickly settled parts of Toronto, has been much appreciated by voung women of the 1 ichborhood, for intended. It is called the Séttlement, and is the usual lines of refts; eter Miss the: Good-Will head worker ass cessary and «the 1¢ whom it is Young Women's conducted along clubs, noon Mary undir of Club, the and withthe settlement is associated a training school for Young Women's Christian Association secretaries. - . clas dell, Montreal, is which the the fore is a success she makes have « He has itv, ard bel parti cont a of the Canadian girl photography, and of it, Kince this branch of realize that and artistic to her sex work One professions col i 1 women art ing pub the origi 1a fits her fv has | of late vears and nobility and 1 too. ongl ability peculiarly arly for such Fite pastime the European tres are enthusiatic amateurs Kaiserin is unusually sful does all the work herself, even the veloping 'of the- plates, and our queen Alexandra is mG mean photo grapher, possessing a hne collection, I'he and fe succe own IP omallor wound. "THE DAILY WHIG. NEWS OF WORLD) taken by her- far it is not London ® has especially of landscapes, self. As a profession, so overcrowded by women. several women' photographers, whose work is of the highest order. One of these is a Montreal girl, Miss Cassels, whose studios situated at 10 Charles street, . St. James Square, London W. Miss Cassels is quite a younr wolan to have made her work so well known, and although she has fret been established very long has al- ready had for sitters a great many distinguished people. Many Canadians who visit the 'old land, loyal to their country, go to Miss Cassels' studio when they wish to be photographed. She has already woir' a reputation for her success in catching individual ex- pression and her alty 1¥ the new brown print work, photo-e¢tching and engraving and all these higher forms of the photographer's art. Miss Cas- sels does all the work herself, from the posing of the sitters, and the = plate work to the finishing. Her "proofs" spe are beautifully finished and artistically] mounted, besides bearing the _auto- graph of artists, as has become "the fashion in England among the. hest ar- tist photographers. One of the capi tal's brides-elect, following the pretty custom now in vogue among intending prides, of giving to their girl friends souvenirs in the form of a photograph taken in the last days of her girlhood, visited Miss Cassels' studio lately and brought home some very artistic speci- mens of that artiste's work: vw. * idence of the wdinburgh has Dundonald for taken Crichton Lodge, the re Misses Clark, of New been secured by Lord the next thre: years. It was through correspondence for two months, and has evidently won the approval of the new officer command- ine, and his sister Lady Fether Coch rane, who is staying with him just now. Crichton Lodge is a modest stone cottage, © hidden away at the back of Rideau Hall, and picturesque ly situated in a mass of small shrub: berv and pine trees. It was originally built for Mr. Lord Patterson, a formes secretary of Lord Dufferin. = wee night an interesting On Wednesday place in St. 'An marriage will take drew's church, 'the bride-elect being Miss Margaret Pell, daughter of Dr. 2obert Bell, director of the Geological Survey of Canada, and the groom, Wallis Douglas, son of Dr. Douglas, of New York, and a grandson of the late well known Dr. Douglas, of Quebec. Miss Bell is ohe of the prettiest oirls the capital boasts, and very popular. She has travelled largely in Europe and the United States and is a bril She was a Aberdeen and is one during the conversationalist. great favorite. with Lady and Lady Marjorie Gordon, of the "Rideau Hall set, present regime. ---------------- Marriage Announced. Marvsville, Tyvenainaca, Sept. '5.--P. McAlpine and son took charge the store and post office here on Monday We 10 Mrs. Anderson, who. with her late husband, haa car ried on the business, with muc h suc cose cduring past years. We wish Mes &r=. McAlpine the same success, John Stack returned honi¢ on Sunday after attending the Ottawa fair. Mrs. ob ert Baker, Napanee, and Mrs. Richard Baker. Deseronto, visited friends here yecently. The funeral "of = little: Miss Pauline Fahéy took place on Wednes day. lai Edith Campbell ana dortha Gould left Tuesday to attend the * colleginte institute' at Napanee. Miss Loretta Meagher alter a six weeks visitywith her aunts, the Misses Qhochan. Westhrook, | has. returned home. Miss Bertha Toppings.is visit ing friends at Tweed. The wedding of Miss Katie Drummey ana Thomas Curry is announced to take place in St. Mary's church - on the 7th. Fd mund - MeNeill and sister, Eliza, ar- rived here from Dakota last week. liant ot are sorry lose The Fall Fairs. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 1-13. Iroquois, Sept. $10 Peterboro Central, Addington, Tamworth, Londan Western, Sept. Napanee, County. Sept. Newboro, Sept. 15-16. Brockville, Sept. 16-18. Hamilton Central, Sept. 16-18. Wolfe Island, Spt. 17-18.° Perth, County, Sept. 17-19. ~Prescott, Sept. 23-25, Hinohinsrooke, Parham, Sept. 23-24. Delta, Sept: 23-24. Merrickville, County, Sept. 24-25. Renfrew, Sept. 25-26. Lombardy, Sept. 27. Spencerville, Sept. 30, Oot. 1. Beachburg, Oct. 2- . Lansdowne, Oct. 7- 5 Sept. 9-11. Sept. 12-20. 16-17. 12-18. Fruit Unfairly Packed. Citizens "complain that local fruit dealers sell" then fruit that frau dulently packed. One lady purchased, terdav, a basket of Crawford peach- ¢«. Wheg she got' home she found that: ovr hali the fruit. was the cheaper varictve Hei local dealers know of of the baskets; the un has done on the of and doubtful if the the condition fair packing fruit farms of the heen west. 2 Injured At Utica. Rome days age lames Guess, trainer, wellknown in Kingston, with a painful accident on the Utica, N.Y.. track. The horse he --was--driv ner and another nm collision, <inashine the sulkies. The broken <haft of one of these penetrated the calf of his lit leg, making a painful He i< confined in the, Utica haspital treatment. hors met met veneral receiving Eat What You Like. digestive organs some work need. exercize the 'human give Give to. do. as much anatomy, the functions as any part but if they're them the aid that Dr. * Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets afford and vou can eat anvthing that's wholesome and palatable--60 in a box. 35 cents. Sola by H. B. Taylor and H. Wade.--8 I hes of delicate, Excursion Bulletin. an excursion on Wednesday to the next. he fair There will Cape Vincent Soufriere place Mon A terrific ptio i La took of voleano, « on Welnes lay Pelee is g Fred Wade, n in fe rear York Business is be neral the' Me- at i Winni thodist conifer pes. Our James Redden and are & Co. vinegars spices pure. Amv | past ( his health. pay SATURDAY. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. tien, Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. Body of unknown man found float ing in Toronto: bay. . Still further changes in the cabinet are contemplated. © Sir Wilfrid "Laurier will return to Canada about the middle of October. Governor Odell says the farms in New York State are the best in the union. : Police woods for derer. Toronto is rejojeing over five cent picces bearing the head of 'King Ed- ward VII. Zn The New York carpenters, on strike for an advance of fifty cents a day, have won. : Permits have been peg for S35 buildings over $2,000,000, W. A. Bradiord, Aged twenty-two, religious mania. Fire gutted the plant of the Tnde- esToit Brewing Co... Cincinnati. The loss will reach S100.000, ° President Roosevelt will engage another lion hunt in Colorado latter part of this month. An Italian 'was nearly lost in quick- sand, near Geneva, N.Y. It required four men to pull him out. A Rossland despatch says the Leroi made a profit of $100,000 in and 875.000 in August. Smith and McLean Shtrt Manu- company. Montreal, has been with a capital .of 15 Jritish are searching Johnston, the Hamilton the Buffalo' mur- at Winni cost in ali Issuea to missing. victim. of Toronto, and a in the mine July. The facturing incorporated 000. The St. Lawrence Gas, Electrical and Transportation company, Ogdensburg, '., may get power from Wadding- ton. Mrs. oiven thirty well, Half t York liommasm blight. Roosevelt, day, said properly applied, strike. ('. R. Hosmer, the Postal and oraph companies near future, TT. A. Stayner, Brockville, for twenty years in the customs fice, died very suddenly on Friday ternoon of apoplexy. The Hudson Valley railway's car houses at Saratoga and Stillwater, N.Y., are in the hands of striking con ductors and motormen. The pope has confirmed the appaings ment of Right Rev. John M. Farlev the auxiliary bishot New York, as archbishop of New York. Edward "Brown, colored, who sued a twelve-year-old girl at Loui¥, was shot bv a crowd, to whom the girl appealed for protection, P..A. McHugh has lost his seat as a. member of the British parliament. He is declared a bankrupt because he could not pay a damages verdict. A female tramp, in man's garb and travelling with a gang of has heen arrested in Utica, N:¥.; for par: ticipating in a free forall fight. Lord Hamilton of Dalzell may retire as British secretary of state for India and Lord Alexander Baliour of Burleigh, succeed himg The King of Ttalv has placed? armored cruiser at the service Marconi for wireless telegraphy experi ments between, BF nrope and America. President 'Roosevelt received a mes from King Edward congratulat- ing him on his escape from serious in jury ine the accident - on Wednésday last. Rev--J---C. Mary's church, frid Laurier, premier will visit Marlborough, tober. 1t is thought unlikely that Rev. Courtice will he re-eclected" editor the Christian Guardian, Pr. . J. 8. Ross, he elected. The three-months-old child of Earl Underwood, a Groton, N.Y. farmer, was accidentally <hot bv its mother. A vifle hullét passed through the "child's head, hut it may recover. "Doe" (D.C) Waterous, cwallowed a dose of morphine Syracuse, N.Y. hotel and died Fridav. He was once a prominent physician in the windy tv. Lieut.-Col. Remy, triad hy court martial at Soni France. for refus to obey, orders: and assist unauthorized" schools, to one day's imprisonment. railroad alliance. which nect the Rockefeller interests the Chicaro. Milwaukee & St. Paul and thy (Gould interests in the Missonri Pavifie system is believed ta be form- ing. James MuHin, mart of twen tv-two vears to Winches ter, Oni.. was rin over at that place by a C.P.R had both Ie ont He Montreal hos- vital Alexander the Ottawa has been New York, has baby weighing and child Maria Conway, birth to a girl pouncs.. Mother are he potato crop in Central New a total ruin, the result of masm masmdm masmimims is at Philadelphia, on Fri- that republican principles, will settle the coal denies that Tele- the Montreal, Western Union will merge in the of af nol pur- St. hobhoes, George an of St. Wil- who Oe- Caisse, pastor of will entertain of Canada, Mass. in Dr. of because of Guelph, 'Chicago, in a on in clos was sen will in con- a voung by lonving traim and oll died in. a Creelman, accountant in branch of the Imperial promot ed to fill ca position in the Hamilton His successor will be E. Bate, St. Thomas branch. Jogree. of DD. Aavill he J. A. Carmichael a of the theolo Manitoba coll be 'the first th conferrgd by 3ank, similar branch. the The upon closing sion of This will has been conferred at the gical ses Winni » this deg Manitoba Bt nice? entral Rétlroad com- the inauguration the Ad equipping ent division, rondack with track leading into Mountain region by double tracks the p Mohawk & Malone of LAL ted m Ky.. for has been cap burg awd tried he The: judge returned anid fixed his pu sold servitude twelve the 1001, grancy, at rured at Lawrend 1s Judee Davis. tore of ity, Yrs into months, hr SEPTEMBER 6. BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED. Get a packet of whatever kind you have bzen in the habit of buying and you L will be astonished to find how fine it is s compared with other teas. QUARTER- BACK MARRIED. Family Moving to Kingston--Na- panee News. Napanee, Sept. 6.--At Hamilton to- Hay at eleven o'clock Charles B, Fox and Miss Minnie Smith were united in matrimony. Stewart Lockridge, of Napanee, was. groomsman, and Miss Hattie box, sister of the groom, per: formed the duties of bridesmaid. Ihe newly 'married couple will spent a honeymoon in New .York and other United States cities and on their re- turn will reside in Hamilton. Mr. IFox was the clever quarter-back Queen' scrughy team in the palmy days 1893 to 1806. Frank L. Smith purchased the eva- poration plapt on Dundas street from W. H. Williamson, Picton, and will have it -in running operation very shortly. D. R. Benson will act manager. September 16th Napanee fair days. rectors are putting to have this on record. of as and 17th will be The energetic di forth extra efiorts show the finest reat many new and novel attractions are being engaged. Fred J, Tiley, Toronto, visiting sister, Mrs. W, S. Herrington. D. the popular wine clerk of the left this week to take a Jenson house, vear s is his Powell, Paisley house, <imilar situation in the Lindsay. J. A. Cathro is still in a very state, and he intgnds giv- ing up for a complete t. He will Lindsay as soon as jhe is able to travel, where he will rest 'at his fatheu Miss Bella Henry returned this week from a pleasant holiday spent with Montreal and © Kingston. many Citizens took in this year former Wolie. expects to re- next week. FF. OW. Morris will remove to his new home on West street in the course of a week or gwo. Mrs. W, N. Hosey and daughter, Ola, will remove to Ottawa next week. . Miss Barrett, Bridge «treet, has returned from a month's vacation. Mrs. Peter the barn, o near the weak business leave for friends in Not nearly the. Toronto fiagr lv. Mrs. Arnokt move to Kingston SO as fel! her days on ol Hay Bay, breaking Jarnhart, last week, ankle. In a few gangrene set in, and she died Monday morning last. A family grown-up children are left to mourn a loving mother Deceased forty seven vears of age. Mrs. Miro McCabe died very lv. on Thursday last, aiter but a days' illness of neuralgia of the heart. The" funeral - takes place Sunday. Miss Devitt, milliner with the Hardys Dey Goods Co., returned yesterday to=take charge of the millinery department for another season. At the cheese board vestenday after noon 1,962 hoves of cheese were hoard ed, 1.014 white and 915 colored Sales: Four hundred and eichtyv-two white and 560 colored at 93 Buyers pre- sent © Thompson, Ales ander, Van: Luven, Cleall, MeKinnony and Bissell. was sudden- few Always First In Quality. shirts? the new The- H.-P. collars, the Bibby Co The new new neckwear. of, social enlivhten salvation is sac Nb save 100 these days wealth's only rifice; if wealth tries much it will lose all. The quickest way for oct "into another woman's appear-to-hejedtous of Her. It ix lucky for the world that all the advice that "is is not-followed: Pure spices at Redden's. Fonight, any the store for Sc. I". Wacc héter, cated by in English malt In ment, one woman to favor is to oven colored soit in Jenkins. Ont., shirt Formosa, suffo Toronto. vie al aas rar Redden's. Catarsh in other There "is madre the -country than gether, and until i supposed to be incural many years doctors pronounced it diseas ribed local remedies, by to cure with Toe " treatment, 1 curable. 'Science hag proven cate He-a-constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, the only constitutional cure on the mar- ket. lt-is taken internally" in doses from ten drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood "and" mucous surfaces of the gvstem. They offer one hu wl dollars for any ¢ H fails to cure. Send fur chitilar and ials. CHENEY & CO. the imonials lad, ¥. J. Tolxdo, © Sold by drugelsts, 75¢ of: Hall's Family Pills are the best. KINGSTON ausiness COLLEGE KINGSTON, TORIES wus COLLEGE BUSINESS TORONTO. Largest and best equipment in Canada Unequalled facilitics for securing positions 821 Queen Street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE! Confederation Life Buildings. Toronto. RUBBISH Well not exactly; can 'turn it into white ecting it all together. and dropping a card to the Kingston Rag and Metal Co., 389 Princess street. This firm pays highest cash pricés for .all the stuff you don't want and have no use for. Auction Sales. Save Money by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers. monev bv col- at any; rate you' BEE] TO COIN COLLECTORS. CABINET. OF U.S. SILVER COINS FOR sale. Address at Whig O OR dressmaking and family sewing Corticelli Silk is the best silk made. For hand or machine use it has no equal. Corticelli Silk runs smoothly in the needle ; it is al- ways even in size and always full length and full strength. . Ask your dealer for "Corticelli" and politely but firmly refuse all substitutes which some clerk may say are "just as good." You may be sure they all lack the many excellent qualities of the genuine Corticelli Silk. If your dealer does not keep Corticelli Silk it is probably because he makes a little more money selling you some other brand. As Corticelli costs YOU no more than poorsilk, why don't you try it ? Ask for '"CorTICELLI'--the Dressmakers Favorite Spool Silk. THE NEW WOMAN Will not use.antiquated Starches: She insists upon being supplied with Bee Starch It is ready to use --prevents the iron from sticking, the linen from cracking. . Gives a fine finish with very little ironing. 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE. SAVE THE COUPONS. SNOWDON, FORBES & CO., Agts, 449 8t. Paul St., Montreal. GOOGEG GEGFFGECFOGOGGE WIRE GOODS BROILERS, TOASTERS, JELLY AND FRUIT STRAINERS, TEA AND COFFEE STRAINERS, POTATO MASHERS, DISH DRAINERS, SINK STRAINERS, ECC BEATERS. We have a large assortment of the very best goods. McKELVEY & BIRCH, . 69 and 71 Brock Street. Do You Want a 1 of : | AT COST? YOU CAN GET THEM AT COST. A. ABERNETHY, All You Can Drink - and a Bath for 10c. F ould Wont «or than our lines of a ar r, babbit, lead pipe,~ battery Try it. CANADA METAL Wain STREET, TORONTO, ONT. TRUNKS and VALISES. wei ol y.ar. not