Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Sep 1902, p. 4

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«. THE MEW SAFETY $1 50 according to num- And upwards ber of blades. All makes of appliances for SOLD Af CORBEIT'S. ABSOLUTE ECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signacure of 2 razors, straps and making shaving See Pac-Simile Wrapper Below. Very bmall and as cary FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSHESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR COWSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKiN. =r > CURE SICK HEADACHE. « Curse DRINK CURED BY COLONIAL REMEDY. No taste. No Odor. Can be given in glass of swatér, dea, or coffee, without patient's knowledge. Colonial Remedy will cure or.destroy the dis- Kai appetite for alcholic stimulents, whether the tient is a confirmed inebriate, '* tippler," social rinker or drunkard. Impossible for anyone to have an appetite for alcoholic liqnors after using Col bouiek are Indorsed by Members of W. C. T. u! Mrs. Moore, Superintendent of the. Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Ventura, Cal., writes : "*I have tested Colonial Remedy on very obstinate drunkards, and the cures have been many. Inmany cases the Remedy was given secretly. 1 cheerfully recommend ard indorse Colonial Remedy. Mem- bers of our Union are delighted to find a practical and economical treatment to aid us in our temper ance work." o ah i Sold by druggists everywhere and by mai Price sn Til ckage free by writing or ¢alling' on Mrs. M. Eo owan (for Youn | member of the Woman's Christan Temperance Union), 2204 St. Catherine St,. Mon Sold in Kingston cess street. THE MAN IN LOVE With our Suitings is not hard te find. This is found not a matter for surprise when the goods are -inspected See the sea- sonable hinge we are offer- ing. JNO. Rr JOHNSTON, TAILOR, by J. B: McLeod, Prin- FIRE WOOD JUST RECEIVED. A fine lot of - nice sound, hard Maple, cut last winter. Good long lengths. }>- ANGLIN & CO, Foot of Wellia:! ton Street. Plums for' Preserving Are They're | 9sesesencnssncsanns arriving daily the finest in the city. °All and blue egg plums gages Also some nine adian n at Rees'. and cheapest kinds, and green early Can- See yellow are c¢ ~the THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG is pub ushed ciery 2voning at 306-808-310 Kang street, Kingston, Ont., at six dol lars per year, payible in advance. Advertisements, per line, five .:nes amc over--First insertion, 15c.; "each subsequent vopseeutive' insertion, Measurements 'by a solid sale, twelve fines to the inch. Births, Murriages or Deaths. one in sertion, 50c¢.. Lwo iusertious, 75c. Wants, Lost' and Found, Personals, Articles for sale," etc., lc. per word in daily issue; minimum charge, 25c.; three in sertions, dlc. All churzes for advertisements and subscrifitigna are due and pavahle in advance. All advertisements are subject to the approval of the publisher. Otticers of umineurporated associations or soci-ties will be held personally re sponsible for orders they e Contracta for a special space are made wr Jong terms for mercantile announce ments, but notices of help wanted, for sale, Lo-let, partnerships, tenders or any- hing bevond actual announcement of 200ds or manufactures for sale are ex- Slnded. The publisher 'will not be responaible for misunderstandine of verbal orders. Written directions should be ptaced on all copy for insertion. advertisemenis are subject to the upproval Of the publisher. In cuse an advertiser becomes in- solvent ore expirv of a contract the adverts shall cease and that ner formed hecome due immediately at the rate charved per line for casual adver tisements. in vase of errors or omissions in legal or nny other advertisements, the publisher does not hold himself liable for damage further than the amount received by him for such wdvertisement. THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, i2 nages, 84 columns, is published every Thursday morning at $1 a vear, if paid in advance ;: otherwise $1.50 per vear. Attached to the paper is one of the west Job Offices in Cenada ; rapid, sty- tinh and cheap work; nine improved printing presses. EDW. J. B. PENSE, JOIIN OFFORD, Proprietor. Assistant Rnsiness Wanacer. HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicor. 0} "INTELLIGENT BIBLE READING. The Whi understood does: not desire to be mis- by the favour contem- It of re so esteemed a Hamilton Times. the shifting porary as does not izion from the parents and the church to the state and its representatives in the public schools. I he for the has stgod, and with consistency, Whig is re- ore thing which intellivent bible reading in The bible say those cular and the schogls. should be read s literature, who aré not 1 and those who obtrude their religious tenets upon the The thought, md even" public life, are familiar Lil lo) ard telling quotations from it. glonists, people. leaders in in intellectual with make apt Where knowledge of and frequently obtained their In the home ? Not all of it, their have the text ? Much been done in the the ofd land, and on that account the clamour they of reading has schools, especially of is made for voluntary schools in Can ada. Relizious teaching and 'bible reading Religion is he words, 1t m: st not be confounded, comeved oiven not something which can ne in 15 on pressed and the hest expression of it is hy the menner in which the conscien tious, the moral, and the religions teacher carries himseli, Closely allied with the power of example is the rever- bible which desire, Hitherto - the the ent reading most people bible because the hindered not the study of in schools has been denominations have been trustful of cach other. Some day there le but action upon the sub the crreumstynees: Word may unity of lect, in the meantime best is heine done which will permit, the reading of the with out note and comment. THE GRACE OF GIVING, The southern woman who metaphoii cali whips the "wealthy people fon theic manners may realize the object her. she--tas before She has conteniplating . the service of Brooker Li the colored Moses a mag tific ent Washing educator, ton, leader and the it of his race, and she thinks shame and a scandal that he should be spending, 'nay wast ine his energy in canvassing for the whigh the requires The Now idea. It the the money college at Tuskagee York Mr. ten Post endorses the says Washington's, is ond valnable lives the of five or most in United States; and that prople--of means should make Ws po: sition easy and so permit him to give his to task he hand. endowments he needs could be pi Moroan, Vander Mack or' C without sacrifice strength the has in The bv a Rockefeller, arnee any special Mr. Washington man of or s¢ horn edu and he denial, is a leader, a inspiration, an cator, a moulder of ch should an supply wter, that money of his want for nothing in the carrving out mission one onhia) his while other work not, unfortunately, the who has been spending ih A * strength in financing iemanded the time which it consumed. Ihe late Dre ali the Grant did not him task spare of His friends in horculogn making Queen's a great that had he spared himself, unyersity Cian see now it wold have beea and it should mn better expedient and burden which is. not that another try to-carry the mse laid down. he Somethinecis touching the hearts of wealthy riven nr men, 'and some of them have to the utions 4 Unitegd be largely mstit in the St Canada. Others mav <imilarh fected, and eventually labors : x event Jeti { their substa ff the oth tothe others I stren meeting of a resolution At ag representative famaican sugar planters was passed favoring federation with -- wore THE DAILY A TARIFF THAT HURTS A Buffalo paper, tests against the tariff which food , expensive cheap. Reference is ment through New tle and sheep to country. * Why, not The Tir ask beef just as fine as as juicy and tender The have a tavifi which that meat up the United States shipment referred t through foreign port. answer in bond, per pound on beef, pork, mutton lard. It is five cents try en and one-half tle. That why t permitted to plead, its a compels us to pay the necessaries of lif ful supply exists jus by per is extortions, ~~nay, 'is 'driven and we may not touch it except paying the tariff ch the that is why the beef to ordinary ma own supply away fre it abroad at a far Ic forces us to pay at Allusion is made t lot of garden truck which the of Ogdensburg were Canada. The M that the repu late once when is Main -- because soil-unless, , ham and bacon. The Times, pro- makes Wit might be made to the ship- York state of cat- England from thi: nes, do our peopl: buy this cheap Canadian meat-- our own, mutton as can be raised ? we puts the price of it like above, it dgstined for strikes the Coes moment 0 some That tariff is two cents and a pound on poul It cent. he beef trust is in extenuation of which for is 'twenty-ses on beef eat "scarcity" famine prices e, while a bounti- t over the border our very doors--- hy ad.lition And our arges in rket trust nm us, wer price price. ships sells than "it and home, o the seizure of a women smuggling from r. Blaine declared blcan party was defeated hy the shopping women and bill-paving ary predicts that the of the Let us have reciproci men, and tition heard in Canada, bu The his any more, Blaine and really desirous of the treaty in the in change of trade. ducts reciprocity is too late. EDITORIAL The it has water to 'I he the water boiled children be use |. school experie party SUCCessors '8 Now finding markets elsewhere for the The adults drink tea- 1 our contempor re is to he a repe The That « is not led nce. crv ty! ; tit heard by Mr. not of X= were modification terest of an that Canada is its pro: but it desired, is NO in Chicago, is so bad that he to before it can have to take v want to drink. -or beer. The United about to cable between the authorize Pe the Philippines. Marconi in the wit ch? Some keen and aheac ta avoid all speculation. They 'sg tight ee hard times peojile geting and evidence States Don' knowing of the depression ! government is the laying of a wific Coast and t take any stock reless teleoraphy, centlemen I, and warn the rash and reckless Ww that that this ' money first New porting gett ny York their it the me n't qoil Ir for less | rice in United will be in order for the mites and so pu to his tribute ma jes wturers are im- om England and than the selling States. Now merge it Morgan to t the world under ty. Dr. Carman tl the Mcthodist Discip tein amusements, thinks it has a.diree it? to be Has which obeyed a deterrent © It scems anything the footnote in cer He has ignored. line, against good, But de ws t effect, largely generally 15 not fiect? Fdward Eggleston His I one votten. Hives, of acceptable descriptio The wh that ske could pleasure that ol pen ich one is at SH a work will hiterature the tin Hoosier the most ngtural walk be Schoolmaster™ will not for- and ns of social lie. tched scenes into with but inexpres: did the rest, it long survive 10S, Toronto's = £30,000 the that firemen's fund is the able for interest of payment to bread winners has been lui b aside while in contribution' to to be invested so Nill be the Tamilies whose it avail: incapacitated or the public The fund will be supplemented 20 that in time it will he the necessary relief, extent, EDITORS' suflicient to grant and to a generous VIEWS. Very Easily Touched, Post-Standard. lo see How note that to at prescice ol a Syracuse modes Yeome, it sult the ple. look a newly t this age "has he considered an'in baby carriage in married: cou- Certainly A New Compound. New York Workl. By means of 4 new compound a Bal- he as « chemist This may making timore fuel. to coal soil the nearest rns into the thing 'heap "as dirt. And They All"Take A Turn. Toronto News The proposed 1 tumne.1n naker to orind noney an axe has Give Paper wogen " meht, pick Women yule shaper are tats Read Jenkins' Canada. \ ald save money. grindstone this coun if me ought to by chap who has it. ry ry to patronize a A Chance 1 come home aequnntances he sel at Awe Kiast v other of the in- 2X 3 when on front page 3p Service. factory WHIG, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8 WAS A SUCCESS LABOR DAY PICNIC AT FAIR GROUND. Sports of All Sports Run Off--The Parade Looked Splendid--The 'Prize Winners--Rain in the "Evening. The weather Satwday was bth more gracious to the labor unions than on "Labor day! he programme of sports, postponed from Labor day on account of unia.orable 'weather, was run off in yz very satis factory manner. 'The tewperature was all thie could bu desired jor the gathering, but only g fair sized crowd attendéd, owing to the fact.that many who de- sited t0 go were unable to leave their "employ ment. A splendid after noon of wholesoiue sport was provid ed for those who were fortunate enough to he present. About hali-past one o'clock the dii- ferent unions lined up on the market square, and startea for the fair grounds in this order : Grand mar shals, W. Cockade," R. J. Bennett, P. |" Monteriet; Union Jack; 47th Regi- mental band; Painters' Union, with Union Jack and bannér; Laborers' Protective Union: Cigamnakers' Union; Masons' Helpers' Umi Boiler Mak- ers' Union; Machinists' Union; Tail ors' Union; Moulders' Union; Long- shoremen's Union; Chief Elmer and Assistant Chief Sands, of. the fire de- partment; chemical engine, hook and ladder truck, hose wruck, Merrywea- ther engine. "The parade, while not as large as on Labor day, was credit- "able; the men looked neat and trim and © were a credit to the order to which they belong. The parade was most favorably commented upon by the citizens whe witnessed it. Arriving at the fair ounds, no time was lost in beginning thé pro gramme of sports, and while these were being run oli, many indulged in In dancing in the crystai™palace, while others gathered around the baseball diamond to witness the matches. The programme consisteqa of Boys' race, 10. years and under-- Turcotte, T. Flannigan, B. Ockley. Boys' race, 12 and unaer Reid: E. Guy, W. > Pov ra 15 { years aq. 1° Daley. ge, years and under--I, Macgillivray, B. Joyner, A. Humg, Girls' race, 10 years and upder--M Daviason, B. Laddelle, A Girls' race, 12 years and under--M. Monterief, M. Davidson, BE. Knapp. Girls" race, 15 years and under Nolan, L. Foden, A. Pette. Dog race--\W. Hamiiton, G. ders, Young ladips' race-- M. Poden; B. Laddelle, N. Melver, tie. Tug-of war--Masons' Helpers; borers' Protective Union: Quoit match--J. Hinds Saunders. Putting Campbell, 0. Sack race--A, gan, B. Ockley. Fat men's rac Mullinger, W. Sh uitiel Married men's Wilkinson, D. 200 ¥ ! Laturney, Bicyele race, hali mile--C. Chown. | | W. Rouschorn, 8, Watts. i Committee men's race--J. Corrigan, Sto . Dog ¢. with carts--W. Hamilton, | t Q. § Sunder: t Special prize for oldest lady on the] : crounds-- Mrs. Townsend, Victoria | ¢ street, seed seventy, Special prize on the oromnds - ston street, au Saun- Monterief, IL. and' G.|°¢ sixteen-pouna shot--J. |! Avkroyd. w i I'urcotte, T. ! Flanni- Samuel Arniel, T.]! otha, race--S. Porter, G. Stone. dash Porter. re Ww. G. Knowles, i D. for oldest gentleman |? Wilkinson; Divi ed eighty, « Three legeed race--G. Laturney D. Sto J. Hackett and JJ. Lawlor. | 1d Half-mile race--Gi. Wilkinson, G. La wurney, Corrigan. } Hop, and jump--W. Knowles, | 6G. Donoghue. Broad jump--W. Knowles, H. Ran dall. | Three quick jumps-W. Knowles, H. Randall. 100 vards® and | ¢ step dash--W. Kuowles, J. Hacket D. Sullivan. les Running" hases.--E. S, Elliott, IE. |} Tilton. 1 Throwing "basehall.--C. 'Ishin, BE. &. 1. Ellie, . i Lhe X35 Speein] prize, donated hy derman' Bell for a wotoi-war co between the union men, was the carters' team, after a _aitheult, contest, Music of a sug ijed hy contest won Tone by |i an ' pleasing character was the bana 'of the 47th A quadrille band supplied dancing in the palace: contractor, owned saved, shed in dence still stands, thereby outs, hacks, two tons of coal, about thirty Lups; "locping in the barn. insurance on these events : i The hard In son A, J woud,'* "Fisherman™ W hicly, he to two (2) weeks, fact that staved FISHERMAN. m \ walks tim Kingston, to all nu © Harvowsmith loads aha THIS MORNING'S FIRE. A Whole Block Threatened -- Considerable Loss.. At an early hour this morning fire broke out in 4 barn 1a-the very heart sf one of the residential in the aid, extending with considerable rapidity, threatened the destruction of the whole block. In fact, a wind had been Blowing, the shorts of the woula scarce have suticed to prevegt a seri- conftacration. . At-about--tgor tire s discovered the barn and drivehouse owned by : wless, Johnston. street. The ws situated immediately be- Ne Lawless' res and the Lome of W. J. Bick; Brock street. The fre had gainca alarming' Licadway when discovered. It was some time he- tore the alarm was turned in, and the brigade was able only to save the ad joining buildings. which clustered thick upon the scene. Mr. two-storey barn and drive were burnea to the vround. adjacent two-storey frame house, of it owned by Mr. Law less hali by Robert Clugston, Brock street, was also ely destroye Another barn, by James Reid, ana a large owned by Thomas Mills, were after being badly scorched. "A the rear of W. R. Dick's resi: but it was so badly render it usel in fu blocks Cit) brigade ous A C1 tween side nce Lawless' house An hali and oomph shed, to 'harred ture. It as 8 was a fortunate thing that Mr. .awless and his son had their hacks at the time to meet the return- Royal Military. college cadets, saving their horses and turn- Among 'their losses are : two one cart, sleigh, four fur robes, ne buffalo coat, four sets of harness, a quantity of wood, hens, a dog and two elo. not known how but it work ori: have was Law- a small the fire supposed to someone who Both Mr. Clueston carried their. property. . vesidents in the vicinity well frichtened, they the whole block work the the fire its It is sinated, nthe 1s of. ess and Mr. The were wetty , as ev ea was of to limit. onfined narrow LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Fisherman. Makes A Point. Kingston, ~(To the Editor): a recent dssué of the Whig a per signing himself "J. H. Brick- Sept. R SANS "Well, as I think 1 especially with natter, I wtay he a seeminely, know my busi regard to this able to give Mr. little information, he United wes visitors: boarding with Cana- Fe and hiring them, are not bliced to take ont anglers' permits." Quite right as far as But omits to add that' these visitors, be allowed to fish without license, nist reside in Canada not less than and it is a well known not one in fitiv of these 200 in Canada a week. -- 10Ss, requires, he goes, over Regulation The Kinostonian, vs wheel on the erent condition Of Wheelman. who dare not ride sidewalk, sces a dir- of things prevailing the towns and of Northern ew York, when he chances to visit hem. In Watertown, instance, he owner of a bicycle pays an annpu- ud license of 81, and is thereupon giv n permission to ride on all the ana pavements of the city, ie however, use a bells in dav- and a lamp at inight. "The je fostrigte scatter whenever they hear cle bell ring, and make room wheelmen to But in so sudden and complete has collaj of the bicycle own is j beneficial art here has to he SL wore than a utihity ata. Large Shipment Of Wheat. five days, W. J. Shih wv shipped from Harrowsmith ( rishels of 'wheat, the largest © nent ever seni out that vii in me week. Ine addition he has 2.000 wishels in storage. He says he never so much wheat brought into farmers are hauling and it 15° of excellent He also sent out five car pressed hay last week. cities for nust, v bicy or the pass. the our wen hat craze, cased HISHHeSS or Last week, in as n this ality, season ol Read" Jenkins' ad. front save money. on pave . the evening dancing was continu- ed pd the prizes were distributed. The 417th Regimental band was avain in attendance, The painstaking committee havi control of the sports was comprisea R. J. Beanctr, EF. J. Taylor, EK. ) W. Varney, FP.' Moran, J. Cor rigan, Db. 8S W. Powers, chair- man. 1. Rell as starter -and sa eraoneral satisfaction, he baseball "fiends had a surfeit of ball, there being: two matches on the programme. The Orientais defeated the Lonushore by eleven -runs fo] tive. The tteries were. Carson and Moore for the Orientals, and Chenev and Islin for the Longshoremen. The Ganane team defeated their old | thne ri the Ponies, hy of nine "to five in ten innings anatch. At the end of "the ninth innings the score stood five all, and in the ninth Ga added four more. The bat- ter Duquette and Cota for (a- wand Moriarty and Elliott | for Ponies, Carson, ird and Derry, i thret King nm amateurs, the | Gananoglie team to cut the vic tory : The manner carried of } tone, acted score anoque Ss were nanoge, assisted out which the picnic was the pledges to the reflects the highest inion men in out "and pul fultillea, credit upon the Dancing was continued in the | ing. but' the cownpour of rain | wh at interferred with the attendance, even Somes | -- | Fall \Importaticn Of 1902. Prevost, of 'the New York siohing | st Prock street. has. i for tarloringe ore, rece oraer wo ok ment. His department well assord- a large assortment to ch y low price and durabil competition. his in fall his readv-n ed and from. he defle wrtations dey ade ose ity -------- New York, shot who had lived Ne. Jealously Char'e i no Fk d i with him J 1tompted his act. Himmerman, the woman his {1s @RRU; YAR I guarantee my Latest Method Varicocele and Stziciure, wt absorbs the bagring, Treatmen ment par excsiience. Treatment, otherwise bas failed to cyre you, * call or write me. established in Detroit, placed me as the foremos write for blank for blank ¢ those who cannot call. se re 5 hous suiting, siresching or los or loss of time. also all drains, thereby giving the Sy ihn Ca stores lost powers; in Stricture it absorbs the nervousness, weakness, backache. ete, while in all prostatio troubles it is the treat So positive am 1 that my treaiment will eure you, you oa PAY WHEN CURED You need pay nothing until you are convinced that a thorough and complete cure been established.' This should convince you that I have confidence in my eh ae se I could not make you this proposition. 1t makes no difference who . from Windsor, Can. Al duty and express charges prepaid. 208 WOODWARD AV DR. GOLDBERG, ® ADETROIT, COCELE ent to be a permanent and positive cure for In Varicecele is pains in the grotns, proper nutrition, vitalizes the partsand re- tricture tissue, stops smarting sensation, - Each Time You Call You See Me Personally, Or each time you write it receives my personal attention. The number of years I am a the cures I accomplished after given up by otherdoeto Spacialist of the primey ty X all or OT home treatments. 'BOOK FREE. CONSULTATION FREE. Call or ect item of hi "gh Yad Canad Nothing tO SN 2 oN WILCOX eT. MICH All medicines ing into our store. the best makers we kn .w y kt do them justice Workmanship for wo. then compare prices, can't help it, you know kmauship, OAK HALL, FIRST SHOWING win CY wei NEW FALL wo winren CLOTHING For waeks everybody about this establishment ba: been on the jump, marking and arranging the car loads of waarables that have been Sally pour- We have now ready a REGULAR FEAST Of new and beaniful things in Men's, Boy's and Chikiren's are speci«lly proud of our Mea's Suit displ. '¥ anything Comparaour suits with any to be garment for garment, Do this and you will buy your Fall Suit here. Wear. We We have the best suits, made about It would take miles of had anywhere. thr ad for thiecad, You THE H. D. BIBBY CO., CLOTHIERS. ALL THIS WEEK * EVERYBODY 1S CORDIALLY INVITED AND URGED TO ATTEND OUR 0% 14 Gil Ww 13th inclusive The factory has consente. when you can see this stove HOT BISCUITS AND We Will Tell You Why the Best. THE GENUINE CALEDONIA SPRINGS WATER HAS THE .WORD . MAGI PROMINENT ON: THE LABEL OF EVERY BOTTLE. DISCOURAGE THE; PREVALENT ~~ FRADULENT SUBSTITUTION. co ONSTIPATION | pay PERMANENTLY. | | BENEF ca eff ECTS, 'suv THE GENUINE --MANFD BY VERE Bm Tt Bon ca b | i prove to you. that Dg 1 es DJ oon nt is a certaig bleedingand protruding piles, facturers have guaranteed it. E-- t your money back if not cured. 60c a box. at £ ists or EpM.axsox, Bares & Co, Tyronta ana absolute cure fon each Eman in the daily press and ask roi Br Chase's Ointment and every form of itching, bors what they think of it, Yon can use it anf the nord, clebrny recruit ex thie wh risian 2a sanitariin, iris. in about ni WITH THE CELEBRATED "SOUVENIR This is our time to entertain you, you whether you want to.buy a Range 3? Steel Range. and we want to see or not. 1 to give us 'an additional i in- ducement to EXHIBITION BUYERS ONLY. A Handsome Sef of Kilchen Ware Warth $7.50. OUR PROOF of these claims is offered you next week, in the evidence of your own eyes that it is a MONEY SAVER. operation and know from COFFEE SERVED ALL WEEK FREE EVERYBODY COME. "Souvenir" Ranges arc All Next Weck at J. _HORSEY'S STORE. | Carriages ( iarriages EVERYBODY Who has rubbe / tives on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY have them on and enjoy drives. JAMES LATUBNEY, ARRIAGE MAKER, 3006 Princess St are ~ Ki ingston. RUBBISH (your | can i i Co 3-9 Well - not torn it ri to exactly; It to at any rate vou cnoney by all tozether and dr prin the Kit ton Rag and Princess street. This firm. hest cash prices for all the mt want and have no use u Metal hi | pavs you di "tuff In"

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