69TH YEAR. NO. E 213. BRITISH WHI KIN GSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1902, ¢ LAST EDITION. I TEREEREEERREERRRER Saturday The Last 5) EERRRER PEER CRRREFRRRRRER! E = ) Y = RRREERE For our Soft Shirt Sale. After that we will sell them at regular prices. For Saturday any COLORED SOFT SHIRT in the store 8c. This Is a Money Saver, | JENKINS T0 THE PUBLIC :-- OWING TO THE INCREASING NUMBER of 'small accounts that have been opened on our books amd the diflicuity in properly look- ing wfter the same, we beg (0 announce that we have decided to. place our business on a #riclly cash basis, on and after September 15th. have been EERE RRR REE RRR RR ERER RR RRR EEREREDE EERE ARID We in business now for mom than a year and we thank the public for, the us. We feel that our hearty support given efforts at improving the milk supply have impossible to heen appriciated, but it is carry on the business on any other than » strictly cash. busis. Tickets can be procured from the driver or at the office, and will- be accepted in payment for milk, cream "or but- ter. We pek the co-operation of the public in our .efforis in this direction. Twenty quart tickets for $1.00. TIE CLARIFIED MILK CO, of Kingston, Limited. Sapt., . 1902. oe eo eo oe eo TABLE BUTTER Made at our creamery X from the best cream and in a cleanly way. Delivered in pound prints at only 5 25 CENTS A POUND. = = Clarified Milk CoB | Phone 567. Breck & Bagot Sts. x - I [IRR RR RRR EER RRR [id ic] £ eur selection of Fall e ¢ REMARKS Woollens y 2 ELEGANT, a LOVELY, 2 BEAUTIFUL, i NOBBY, C PRICES REASONABLE. g CRAWFORD. & WALSH, : Tailors and Importers. 5 . 2 REPRE RRR ERR WELL, WELL! HAT IS WANTED NOW? WHY MORE cugiomers of oourse at Myers' Pork Market, 66 Brock street, where you will obtain the best cooked and smoked, meats in the city, " .lbs. dripping for a quarter. * 'Phome 570. " SOLD. PIANO THAT WAS ADVERTISED for sale is sold. 1 will now offer a very fine old fashioned _ extension table that will seat about thirty people. Apply at once, MILLS' AUCTION ROOMS. | YOUND. WEDNESDAY NIGHT ON street, A. LADY'S PURSE, money. The loser can claim Brock street Kineston, 8th Made by citizens on THE BROCK containing it. at 353 ON RS AT ONCE. mi Broa, Brock street. RAL SERVANT. MRS. J. D: COCH- 78 Gore street. A ( rane, CRVANT: "NO WASHING. University ~Avenue: GENERAL 8 Ap- ply to 482 = * FOR GENERAL Dr. Philp, 181 WORK A YOUNG William Apply street. GIRL to Rev. A GENERAL SERVANT. vvening to Mrs. street. APPLY IN . THE 10 PURCHASE DWELLING WITH ABOU > 5 acres,of land. J. S. R. McCann, Brock street, next Wade's. , . T al THREE BOYS, 14 to 16 YEARS OLD. AD ply to J. A. Gould & Co., Smith "street, opposite 730 Princess street. TWO GINLS FROM 14 to 16 YEARS OLD Apply to J. A. Gould Co., Smith streed, opposite; T30 Princess Ys: reet | FOR COLLEGE. TERM, A LARGE FUR: nished room. with orawithont board. Ap ply HB." Whig Office. | re | ROOM, WITH OR WITHOUT TABLE oa near business portion of city, south ot § street, Address XN' Whig oi] | | IMMEDIATELY FURNISHED HOUSE | desirable locality, for short time; si i family, Adibress, stating Fo 1, Whig often 248° YONGE | aise Ste Lawrence and 16 Fast Sen- BARRER Toronto, Ont, otreet, Montreal. PQ, een strevt; Buffalo, Elegantly equipped Waves Sutundays. Terms moderate. Tools trial, lodgings, railroad ket and tata logue fre. By our SPECIAL Co OPERATIVE PLAN" course is given ah solutely free Also opportunity to earn money at your home, bv working for us i Write for particulars to-dav, Aldis Owen! Hall. pronristor | SCHOOLS Ftrect, 5 . i | Saturday the last day to buy = any { soft colored shirt in the tore, Jenkins. ' ae : LOCAL MEMORANDA. " The Daily Note Book For, Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Campb-ll Bros' biz hat sale: Ten page Whiz on Saturday. S58¢. Jenkins, Yacht club pennant race, 2:3¢° p-m., Satur- dav. : The sun rises Saturday at 5:36 a.m., and sets at 6:14 p.m. Baseball at Lake Ontario Park, Gouverneur v8. Ponies, '3 p.m., Saturday, Some folks who don't belive in faith cures have unlimited faith in their physicimns. Saturday's Whig will be readable. There wilk be four or five special features. McKinney Bros' - minstrels at Victoria theatre, 8 p.m: Matinee, Saturday, at 2:30 r.m. An Ohio woman recently preached her hus- band's funeral sermon. She was bound to have the last word. When marriage is 'a failure it is usually the masculine end "of the combination that is called upon to pay up. * A woman will scream at sight of a mouse, but a millinery bill that makes her hus- bund shake in his shoes never jostles her. This day in the world's history : : under Gen. French, defeat. Bare at 1900; Count Frontenac appointed gov- ernor. of Upper Canada, 1672; Paris, Ont., swept $250,000, 1900; Gen. Blucher Admiral Cervera for Spain, Cleopuyira's in London, Wolie of Abraham, 1759; Mendelssohn, composer, 1809 shirt sale cioses to-morrow. verv ton, loss 1819; 1898; by fire, suiled erected Plains died, needle victorious on born, We have a few Odd Sets we want to clear, They are nicely STIPPLED WITH GOLD on the handles. The price is low. Forfull set of 97 pieces $5.90 ROBERTSON BROS. (VICTORIA {THEATRE ) W. A. BROWN, MANAGER. TWO NIGHTS, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 12th and 13th, ama Saturday Matinee. MKENNEY BROS', Mssntticont instrels Presenting their beautiful Coronation First Part. and an olio of novelty acts. Every member an artist. Every act a feature. Re- fined amd up-to-the-minute in every particu- lar. The larvest and best minstrel company touring Canada this season. Watch for our grand street parades at noon each day. Evening prices--Reserved seats, 50c. and 35¢.; gallery. 25c. Matinee, children, loc adults, 25¢. Plan at H. Awrrove's, 88 Prin- Er LADIES' COLLEGE KINGSTON, CANADA. A RESIDENTIAL AND DAY SCHOOL FOR CIRLS. RE-0 PEN MONDAY, SEPT. 15, 1902. A kindergarten has been added to the rular work of the school M. GOBER, M. A., PRINCIPAL. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, re. Notes Kegarding the Movements of Vessels. r Craig's wharf: Steamer Aexandria up. Crawford's wharf: Schooner wind cleared for Clfarlotte. Penitentiary wharf : Schooner Trade Little Wilfrid cleared for: Charlotte. Swift's wharf : _Steamers down and up; Spartan from ton; Rideau King from Ottawa. Richardsons' elevator : Steambarge Owen fromr Welington; sehooners Ari- adne and Monitor from' hay ports, © M. I. company elevator: S. 8. Ban nockburn cleared for. Fort William ; tig Glide cleared--for Montreal with one grain laden barge. . Kinston Hamil- enry Wade, 238 Brock | the Church | are 'changes, ! against i ols Always Discontents. Speaking of the proposition at the General. Svnod- to change the name of of England in Canada. Dr. R. T. Walkem, K.C., chancellor of Ontario diocese. said 'to-day: "The synod very wisely decid@d oto leave the name of the church alone. Fhore are some persons who are never satigfied with the existing order of things," and of the rous de proposing rentlemen always Numbers he to ads" are ------------ Some Dangerous Crossings. The on Sydenham Montreal streets. just north of Prin- are 'in a very dangerons condi tion. They were worn ont long vears ago, and the have nevef been renaired. One. at corner of Mokgreal and Queen i¥ in a disgraceful ondition. I'he reside nts are complaining bitterly tolerat and Crossings cols, stich crossings heing Thursday morning when of the family went 'ap to call William Pool, Kemptville, he arose sat up on the side of the i Not thter went to pearing. the dag see the of the delay. Shé found him lv- one and to dress an cause fing on the hed dead his fyrm and Mr. Rhodes has sold Medicine Hat, NW. T. to Athens to Saturday the' last day to buy oft : colored shirt in the store, Jenkins, near return will reside. any Ic » HEALTH A Marked Improvement Is Evidenced. IS QUITE ACTIVE. HIS VIVACITY AND CHEER. FULNESS NOTICEABLE. His June Illness is Now Regarded as a Blessing in Disguise , and May Prolong His Life For Many Years. 2 London, Sept. 12.--There has been a marked improvement ig the king's health since the coronation: his diet is strictly regulated in "quantity and character," by his physicians and their judgment has been vindicated. by re- sults. Those who have seen and' talk- ed with the king, in Scotland, assert that he is in better health than in many vears and that his vivacity and cheerfulness are noticeable. His June illness is now regarded by many as a blessings in disguise which may help to prolong his life many years I'he pressure upon Atlantic ship lines for passage to New : an'l Boston is now great. Every berth has been taken for all steamers sail- KING EDWARD VII. ing this week. There are many travel- ling who have been unable to obtain accommpdations on any outgoing ves- sel for a fortnight, and are seriously inconvenienced by the delay. The German niilitarv manoeuvres af- forded a magrificent spectacle vester- day. The emperor took command of the blue or western army to which were attached cavalry to the number of about 10,000. His tactics were en- tirely successful, and the special cor- respondent of the Daily Mail reports that the blue' army surrounded the red in such a fashion that the field re- senbled a miniature Sedan. A little be- fore nine g'clock, the CIMPTess appear: ed on the field, and shortly after- wards the = blue cavalry completed their turning movement. Then follow- ed a heavy attack'by massed cavalry upon the broken infantry columns of the! 41st division ard their artillery. the 'charge extending 'éver nearlv four miles of ground. The unipire, Prince Albert of Prussia, ruled that the cav- alry attack had succeeded. Other offic- ers ave divided in their opinions. Manv expressed doubt whether in a battle such an attack would be possible even upon broken "infantry. At the same time Boer tactics were brilliantly vindicated. The troops were leit entire ly to their own resources. The emper or 'will again lead the blue forces to- day. He bivouacs in a tent upon the field of the manoeuvres. > He Took His Life. Sarnia, Ont, Sept: 12.--Robert Maitland, aged © about twenty=nine, who had been employed as a = farm hand at the House of Refuge here for the past three vears committed sui cide, this morning, by shooting him- self throught the temple with a re. volver. An inquest will be held. Mait- land's home was on the 12th line of Moore. Was Horribly Mangled. Milton, Ont., Sept. [Z=THe hody of William Pollock, aged forty-one, fores man of the clay pit of the Toronto Pressed: Brick Co.; was Tound-on the OPERATORS STAND FIRM. . v lm ' They Will Not : Arbitrate John Mitchell. New York, Sept. 12.--Abram 8. He- witt, former mavor of New York, gave out a statement to-day in which he said he knows positively that J. P. Morgan will not interfere in: the coal strike. Mr. Hewitt also said that the coal operators would not agree to ar- bitration with John Mitchell, but he believed they would consider grievanc- es presented by their employees. With Would Call Extra Session. Harrisburg; Pa; Sepe. 12. --The con- ference ,commitiee of the People's Al- liance, © appeared before Governor Stone and submitted a plan for ef- fecting a settlement of the anthracite coal strike. It consists of calling an extra session of the legislature to en- act laws for compulsory corporations; better control of foreign corporations doing business in Pennsylvania, and enforcing the sixteenth and seven- teenth articles of the constitution. sr---------------- CULMINATION OF WORK. Signor Marconi Will Flash the Message. London, Sept. 12.--Cuthbert Hall, the London manager of the Marconi Riveless company, in an interview, to- lay, said Signor Marconi would reach the United States in three weeks on tthe cruiser Calo Alberta, which has been: placed at his disposal by the It- alian government, and which is out- fitted, with a wireless system. On bis arrival in America S ignor Marconi will immediately begin his list series of experiements preparatory to the es- tablishment of a commercial wireless service across the Atlantic. Marconi anticipates success in the fullest sense of the word. While crossing the Carlo Alberta will constantly send commu- nications to the English side so that everything will be ready atthe mom- ent of her arrival when Marconi him- self will flash the message which will be the culmination of the work of years, SALE EFFECTED. The Shore Line Becomes Part of G. T. R. System. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 12--Henry A. Everett is in New York in connection with the deal by which the Grand Trunk is to purchase the Shore line between Detroit and Toledo, A dis- patch from the metropolis says the sale is practically completed. It is un- derstood that one thing which pre- vents the deal froin being concluded is that there is about 830,000 worth of over head equipment for trolley ser- vice on the Shore line which the Grand Trunk people do not want to pay for. It is expected, however, that arrangements will be made to dispose of this equipment in some way. ---- BERBER TRIBE ROUTED. Great Loss of Life in the Engage- ment. London, Sept. 12.--A dispatch from Fex, Morocco, to" The Times, savs the Berber tyibe of German, near Mekines, was attacked September 4th, hy a combined movement of troops and ut- tecly routed 'with great Toss 'of life. Much loot was taken. All the Berbép tribes have submitted to the authori- ty of the sultan. The mother of the Sultan of Moroe- co died September 6th, She was a.wo- man of enlightenment and larcely in- fluenced the sultan towards liberal ideas of all subjects. A HOT CORN BATH. Sailor Arrested by Police Because of Incident. New York, Sept. 12.--"Mack" Mc€ar- thy, a sailor of the battleship Koear- sarge, was turned over to the New York police last night by Admiral Higginson. Tt is charged that a few days ago McCarthy, along the sowery, sportively emptied a can of hot green corn over Tacob Cohen, selling it on the street. Cohen died of the scalds he received, Who Fired The Shot ? St. Thomas, Ont., Sept. 12.---James William Freeman, the six-year-old adopted son of D. B. Freeman, of Ald- borough, was found dead on Tuesday and apparently had been killed by the accidental aharge of- a gun while he was fixing or handling the weapon. An investigation, 'however, has. shown that the shooting could not have railway track - near here horribly mangled. It is supposed that he was | | 1 found in the church svn | | ! coal run down while walking on the track. Pullock leaves a widow and seven children. | . { Beheaded Amd Cashiered. Pekin, Sept. 11.---An edict has been issuea cashiering two officials 'of the Chentu district, province of Sze-Chu- | an. where English © missionaries wore | 'ntly murdered. © Two -culprits have | Leen beheaded. It is reportea that | theye are occasional murders of native | conyerts in Sze-Chuan. A Missionary Married. Halifax,' N.S, 12.~Rev. W, McKay and Mise Marv A. O'Brien, Noel, were married at Truro vester- Mise O'Brien is a graduate of Dalhousie college. The oroom?was re centlv appointed a 'missionary to China. Sept. | | | | 20,000,000 Tons Short. leveland, 12. According the belief of many experts it will take at least make up the shortage anthracite strike, | Up to the the shortage is | placed at nearly 20,000,000 tons i he) | Hog Cholera. | Welland, Ont, Sept. 12. Hoe chel- | era has brok out in Willoughby, H H. Beam, Black Creek, als hy the dis and the rest drove, twentv fi number," slaughtered by order of the inspector. tol | Sept. TWO Vears to the present hy lost two anim of 'the were ve in Live, a not overly I the position of been accidental, and that the oun must have been discharged at a dis- tance of at least three feet from the hoy. A coroner's inquest has heen opened. Charles King, aged twentyv- bright voung man, who lived with the family, first re ported the shgoting. -- pe -- nn, Premier Roblin Ill. Winnipeg, Sept. 12--Hon. R. P. Ro blin, the provincial premier, is ill at hic vesidéhien.. His doctor has forbid den him to do any business, or even to talk to those who cal® upon busi- | ness. "Hon, ~Alr. Fielding went to Liverpool on Thursday to see his vol leagues ~and daughters leave for Can ada. Mr. Fielding will return to Lon: don: and probably await Sir Wilfrid Laanrvier's return from the continent. The steamer Victoria which left Vie toria, B. ('., for oriental car ries 310 boxes containing Chinamen who have died has map i pores city. from in that H. J. Hill been retired of the 'ToYo vhiustrial exhibition on account « William Myers Woodstock police S10 in the r leaving a | horse with a broken back on the road | all night. Washington authorities find Fination of coke and solteoal a satis tute fer anthracite s Champirlasan. announces that he opt The humerous in ¢ the eolonies. a com factory subst Mr is unable \itations to. visi to dace while walling the bones of | cer and seeretary 4 Attitude Of Canadians To- wards Resolutions AT CONFERENCE WHICH WANTED TQ COMMIT CANADA TO ACT. To the Maintenance of Military and Naval Armaments--What Canada May do in the Fast Atlantic Service -- Cost Will Not be Heavy. New York, Sept. 12.--The Tribune's cable says : The Dominion ministers have not taken notice of the reports that there were serious differences of opinion between Mr. Chamberlain and themselves on the question of colonial expenditures for imperial defence. While these reports are exaggerated it is an open secret that Sir Wilirid Laurier offered strenuous resistance to any resolution or policy committing Canada to responsibility for the maintenance of military and naval armaments. He was supported by his colleagues, who considered it most im- politic to introduce the principle 'that seli-governing confederations like Can- ada and Australia were liabfe to 'a proportionaté¢ share of the ligbilities for imperial armaments based' upan Furopean standing armies and prepa rations for war. Sir Wilfrid, Laurier's phrase, "the maelstrom of European militarism," indicated the point of view of the Dominion ministers. There was, Qowever, no sharp divergence of views at any stage of the imperial conference. The ministers were indefa- able in working for the practical inter of Canada. The statement that the Canadian government will. agree to subsidize an cighteen-knot , line of steam be- tween Liverpool and Canada is credit- ed--in shipping circles here, * 1t will probably be found that the service will be run by a syndicate, which will include the Elder-Dempster and Allan lines. Representatives of these British shipping companies, in inter- views with the Canadian ministers in London, recently, suggested that it would be better to start with an cighteen-knot service and increase the speed later on if it were found neces- sary. According to the details submit- ted by the shipping representatives, the company would require » subsidy of nearly £300,000 to run the service originally planned, whereas with the modification they proposed, a much 'smaller sum would suffice. MISSION REPORT. Laid Before the Methodist General Conference. Winnipeg, Sept. 12.--The report of the mission committee" outlining the work of officials under the new prin- ciple of mission management, was. pre- sented by Dr. Young to the Methodist ceneral conference, yesterday. aft r- "noon. It suggested that "the cprres- ponding secretary for Manitoli, the North-West and British Columbia con- ferences be elected by general 'confer: ence and be supported ont of the gen- er mission fund: that. each local missionary superintendent be a mem- ber of the stationing committee of the conference; that local superintendents give special attention to the organiza- tion on new ground, and eStablishing new missions; that the administra- tion of the new special fund be com- mitted to the general board of mis- sions, and that the. mission board be authorized to discontinue grants to home missions. The committee on discipline report- ed. rejecting a memorial requesting that probationers receive - permission to administer sacrament and baptism. Conference 'adopted this report. The resolution in favor of ministerial dele- being elected on the basis of one to fifteen, was rejected, and it re mains as at present, one to twelve, The cost of the conference, it was announced, would be £16,000. .Deje- gates will pay $15 towards expenses, | and an assessment of one per cent. | be levied on all assessable funds \ | ates of each conference. COALITION" 'GOVERNMENT. Preferable to Party Rule Without Working Majority. Toronto, Sept. 11.--The filobe this morning, in discussing "The Ontario Situation," makes the following signi- | ficant and suggestiye complaints. "®The question whether one party or the other, or a combination. of both, shall furnish the ministry, is of some interest, but the mai thing is that | the government shall 'be in a position | to aiminister the aff. of the pro: {vince without losing its time in vote ! hunting. "We may find answers with a question which has not been niuch discussed. It is not | ther party government | government gs which is feasible. If the country gives a decisive majority to the liberals to the conservatives there will be a party government; if it refuses do { that, other plan must be de- vised, "There is no Iand not 1 Te by thei 1 } confronted vet whe- or non'party more desirable, or to some use in coalitions," if render any kind. of rgovernment impossible the legislature meets this ought to be 'frankly discussed." saving, Fng-| peo other When quest does love votes on Foem Brought $450,000. *Londorr, 12. The Absent Ferrans ospital, built at out of the fund collected from the of Rfdvard 2's poem, has 1 handed the war oflice The byl dei, together with the freehold, «f nfs wt about £901 Mined [ed Aiton § Ki over to on which 1 C00, oe KINCARDINE GIRL'S\ROMANCE ' Wins Her Husband -a Box Of Ci- : gars. : but | | he: was dismissed from the ary. Chicago. Sept. 12.--Eighty days avo Karl A: Winters wagered a box . cigars with a friend that he woull he married within ninety days. Thme passed, and. there was no wedding. Now news has been' received in Chica- go that Winters has won both a bride and the cigars, with ten days to spare. But it took an elopement to do it. The bride was Miss Maude Hadley, who for some time has made her home with her sister, Mrs. F.. W. Boar, 3,622 Ellis avenue. She is from Kin- cardine, Ont., Winters travels for ihe R. G. Gunning company,. and is said to be the son of a wealthy Louisville citizen. The couple eloped on Sunday night, and were married in Toledo, Ohio, on- Monday. They had known each other for a year, but the mar. Tiage was a surprise to their friends. NEW RIBBON ISSUED. But Old Incorrect Pattern Must Be Returned. Ottawa, Sept. 12.--Through an in- advertence an incorrect pattern of rib- bon was issued with the colonial aux- iliary - forces long service medils (not decorations) recently distributed to Canadian militia officers and men. That pattern is, therefore, cancelled. The correct ribbon will be issued to each holder of the medal upon his sending a statement of his present ad dress to the medals claim board, Ot tawa, and upon his returning the rib- bon already issued. TO KNOUT FATHER. A Cossack Anxious for a Prepon- derance of Males. London, Sept. 12.--1Ia a despatch from St. Petorshurg the correspond ent there of 'the Daily Mail relates that the commander of the Cossack station af Wertschinck, anxious that his district should show a preponder- ance, of males, has ordered that the father of every girl baby born in the district shall receive fifty. strokes with the knout. Several men, the correspond- ent, have already been knouted undey this ruling. WILL MAKE TERMS. says A Compromise on the go» R. Grain Tariff. Winnipeg, Sept. 12.---The C. P. R. discussed freight rates, yesterday, with the hoard of trade representatives, and it is now expected it will make some compromise on the grain traflie. H. H. Morris, inspector of the Bank of Commerce. estimates the output of gold in the Yukon this year will amount to |12,000,000. The weather keeps cool, but bricht and calm... There was a heavy hoar frost last night. -- A Sensational Charge. London, Sept. 12. --Margery Kings- ton, a stylishly dressed woman, charg- ed in a police court at Cardiff, Wales, with disqrderly conduct, ereated x= citement by claiming that she had purposely caused herself to be locked up in order to draw attention to her claim 'against the late Duke of (lar ence, brother of the Prince of Wales, and asserting that she had lost her husband and children in order to save the duke's name, and that now. she had come all the way from India to get her rights. Had Been Suffocated. New York; Sept. 12.--~Mrs. Mary Frazer was found dead under a bed in her apartments an hour after a fire in the building had been extinguished. Soon after the fire started Mrs. Fraz- er was rescued from a fire escape in front of her window. It is suspeeted that she returned to her rooms to secure her valuables and was suffocat- ed hy smoke. The money loss hy the fire was very small. Charged With Robbery. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 12.-"An Aber deen, S.D., special to The Dispatch says: J. Webb Lewis, one of the best known, citizens [of Edmunds countv. has been arrested on a charge of rol- bing the vault of the county treasur- er of $2,800 in gold on August 16th. Lewis was county auditor and resion- ed the office several months ago. Dispersed Strikers. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 12.-"Theed hundred strikers held up a trolley car near the Prospect colliery, this morn ing, and pulled seveh non-union men from the car and handled them rough ly. During the trouble several shots were fired but no one wa# hit. City policemen dispersed the strikers, Withdraws Resignation. i St. John's, Nfld, Sept. 12.--The dif { ficulty with Alfred Lyttleton, member | of the British parlinment, and = gov | ernment member of the arbitration WEATHER PROBABILITIES. i -- -- Toronto, Ont., Sept. 12.~Light to moder- ate winds, mostly fair, turning somewhat cooler; Saturday, fair and cooler. SHIRT WAISTS ~ Colored, Soiled and Faded. Were $1 50, $2, $2.50. Reduced Price 25¢, each, SHIRT WAISTS Black, odd lines, per- fect goods; 75¢., goc, $1 Choice 40c. each, . Will Continue KID GLOVE SALE Until Saturday Evening. MASSEY--At Athens, on September 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Massuy, a daughter. MARRIED, CLEGG-BOOTH--At Trenton, on September 10th, Willet Casey Clege, Murray town ship, to: Miss Agnes Booth, Trenton. i FALL STOCK Is Now-Complate, Try us for a Good, Stylish Fit- ting . Suit, Overcoat or Rain Coat. Our prices are Always Moderate. JOHN TWEDDELL, . MERCHANT TAILOR, 131 PRINCESS ST. FAO CO SE OOCEREOOE FALL SEASON CLOTHING The days of wise man is ready for the chilly We have wise stock ready and vou in buying early. Little can one Autimn been in having owe should be wise Clothes = amd you new 1 a that is just suited 10 wyour ideas. 2INO. R. JOHNSTON 8 3 cost for Good yy select from these rooms, with modern conveniences, cen- tral, not far from City and Macdonald parks. Suitable for a party of from three ta fiva 10% Earl streat Declined The Gift. Port Arthur, Ont., Sept. 12.-- The town council has decided unanimously not to accept Mr. €arnegic's ofier to establish a free libravy here, i ------ "Bibby's.!' Oak "Hall. '"Bibby's."' We are showing some swell tap tribunal to consider the claims" of M¥. Reid, the railroad contractor: against | i the colony, has been! arranged, and he will continue to act. | A -------------------- ' Were On.A Visit. |" J.B. Cudlip, man r of the Corn fwall and York cotton mills, St | John's, N.B., and H. BR. Mckerrow, Boston, reg nting. Tweedale & Smalley, catton machinery manufac turers, were in the city vesterday vis iting the local cotton mill. ie eel Pension To St. Remy. 12% The Pariz corres Tines Col. St donbtless po the ju after his thirty Rr Du Paty de Clam TRTIITITTTTTTITTTTRTT BLL. London, Sent | pondint of he avs Remy I wil Cine ston. due vere of did when vice, as esters i For Family Use. fur for Saturday nice hatter in Spound epocks: at £1 each. croek free Come carly for first choice, ax we have only forty the 'arsovsky cracks, it | fruit stores | ee { Redden's Spices are pure, i coats--for--fot-- ust -n--R86.50, R7.50-%= 4, No, ¥12.50, the H. b. . Biiihy Con 211, at Fancy China Ornaments Make no stops between the potteries in Europe and our --- store, token jin pur- we pies pratterns ( + res re Chains o that ive only desirable We * buy rdirect and give excellent value. AC. JOHNSTON & BRO, | | SOROS FOR 'BOARD. °* LARG 2 FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE