NEW YORK NEWS SUMMER RESORT PEOPLE . ous che & Can DISAPPOINTED. 2 Pacific Railways. EXCURSIONS gives see . From Kingston. TORONTO BXHIBITION Sept. 2ud, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 1I and 12th Sept. 8th, 10th Ret i Thousands of Children Cannot Get Tito School--Fierce Con- tez( in Tammany -- Gambling laces Still Flourish. New York, Sept. 13.--Hotel proprie- tors and boarding house keepers of the various Sumner resorts who hop- ed to make up for a part of the fin- ancial loss occasioned by the unusual- lv cool summer this year by keeping theic establishments open through September, will he greatly disap- pointed, for since the cool spell of a few days ago, the steamboats 'and i trains 'have been crowded to their ut. most capacity with vacationists who lingered out of town for fear that the hot weather which was due two Td | mouths ago, should arrive during this pp pb ol X j som : Despite the frightful condi- x s of the streets, however, New F. A. FOLGER, JR., York is beginning to look life itself Gen. Supt. 'again, for the boarded doors have i | poi taken down to show elegantly th $5.10 . . - $3.85 Sept. 15th, 1902. FARM. LABORERS' EXCURSIONS To Manitoba and Assinibeia. : Fare¢ $10. Going date Sept. 9th. HARVEST EXCURSIONS Will run September 16th; valid for retur until Nov. 16th; 1902. 5 RETURN RATES TO 28 Grand « View Swan River Regina... Moose Jaw Yorkton ... Printe Albert faclec . -Arcola Moosomin Wuwancea Miniota inscarem .. Winnipeg « Waskada..... Estevan . Elgin . . .. Strathcona ...... .. Full particulars at Ticket Office, Ontario F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. polished vestibuled entrances, and the THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY | 10711 Voc ocr, NEW SHORT LINE FUR Dori et xd tonite evidences ad, Nopasos, Descronio end all love) sitnated in fashionable and well-to-do pm. R. J. WILSON, C.P.R. Telegraph Of ia wa erest i o Clarence street. 2 1 continues to AERA" whi h will he decided by the primar- [ORG ET EXCURSIONS |i fst political campaign OW in intensity, A {ered contest is vain «nin Tammany LEMIRE E for the control of the organization, . the Gin ater New York demaoc- EXPOSITION and INDUSTRIAL, ii..." yo ist? of ios in- FAIR, TORONTO. Tickets good going September 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, llth £5.40 faction. Every day reports that peals are being sent to Croker him to come back and take command before iu late are circulated, and one enthusiastic admirer of the USyuire of Wantage js quoted waving cabled to Croker that if | shamefd for him to be a quitter un- der fire. Indeed it would be no sur- prise to many to see the name Richard Croker on the passenger of one of the incoming steamers | day. From present evidences there will he no further delay in the trial of Rol- and B. Molineux, which is not likely to begin' before the middle of next month, although the case js the To tail partieulary shply. to calemlar for the first Mouday. the prosecutor is still in Europe and at J. P. HANLEY, Agent, : 2 a City Passenger Depot. this writing no justice has vet heen 4d de 1 to sit"in the criminal branch DOMINION LINE hy Attorney Oshorne, of the 'case, b . y Barrett, who { MALL STEANSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE A bins i *Irishman .. Sept. 1th Californian Sept. L0th ap- 2nd, 38rd, | for and 11th, | and 10th, « too PECIAL DAYS, £3.85. All tickets valid September 15th. Tickets not good on trains Nos, 1, 4. RE SPECIAL "EXCURSIONS SEPT. Ist to OCT. 3lst. One 'way, second s rates to Denver, Spokane, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma amd all British Columt Pacific Coast and Kootuey | points. September 8th returning on or before as 1s 2, 8 or list any on supreme court District charge hopes at Justice is noted Adee an criminal eases, thoush now very ill, will preside at the trial. Mr. rseman Sept. 27th urcoman Oct. 4th Gshorne admits that there are many Colonian Oct. 11th ohstac ey in the wav of *Irishman : Oct. 18th a h Bu it trial, but he Steamers marked * do not carry passengers | vonhtient of RATES OF PASSAGE--Saloon. $65 and | Ne) for prisoner upwards, single according to steamer and | that ho he servioe, 3 $37.50 and up wards, single, according to steamer and ser vice. Third class, $26. . FROM MONTREAL. The Republican oreanization in ER . Sept. 1th Brooklyn is in such a bad condition Sent. 27th | that two hundred and fifty independ- FROM BOSTON. «| nt republicans have upon the : . Sept. 10tte| task -of reforming it. Of these men SARE . Sept. 171k | Li wt-Governor Thpothy Wood- 1' Boston to the raf He declares ie - Mediterranean | that X-Mayor Schicren in his absence Ruy Vancouver. Oct 18th. | ;), Europe and My. Brooks, the chaip- Electrio light, Spactowe {v1 ho committee, are being fool- od and that = the independent move- ment has fallen into hands of men al- ready repudiated by the republican Whether true or not, onc thing is evident, the Brooklva re. publicans hire having a seripustime-of itand unless something is done to bring harmpny into the organization somebody. will undoubtedly suffer, keenly, (oo! The city schools: opened this and there many quarters, a convietion is, neverthe The attor- are confident vinbieatsd of 7 the SUC SN. the will rms, *Roman *Manxman set Commonwealth Merion NEW SER Cambroman, Spt Midship, Saloon, promenade decks. J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, | Avt. G.T.R. Station, 42 Clarence St. D. TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Agta. Montreal and Portland. a poor opinion, party. this' is and week is for thousands of chil unprovided for. No one _jeels 4 ion more than intendent Maxwell, who expected eo child be "aceon: The voting machine reds vear's election was conclusive =o the speed aml ac ofthe svistem, and the hoard: of 'eledtions is ready to ex tablish machine voting in the various districts, It will require S7M0.000 pay for the machines, "Which it is oo timated will 8550 each, 'hut though the first of the system would be Jdarge, there would he there after a saving in election expenses of more than 8112000 a year. Much has heen said and written Pierpont Morgan and his ship combine, but the most gathering of a steamship men brought together in this citv will held when all phases of the question will be discussed with the representa' tive number of English gi camshin peo ore STEAMER NORTH KING | Ie who have arrived 1 . While the y i ureat trust was planned on the other ROCHESTER ROUTE ay ste-ot-the Atlantic; thedetails of the N.Y A calling. at: Bay of Quinte EXCURSION mass KIN¢ " i does per The I hve RONTO dav Tickets good clusive. ROUND TRIP $5. neluded we Hasmllton, Torente, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. ROUND TRtP §7. both STON AND TO. except. Mon new Steamers leave at 3 p.m. daily over iT to Sept. 2nd to 1th in Lost alin uraey Berths i tiound only. cost berths included in direc: Cost Steam ry Saturdays All ticke Sept. 15th J. P. HANLEY, Ticket Arent. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. leaving esd, Thursdavs 11:30 pm valid, returning on or before | J. SWIFT & 00. J Freight -Agenta. : ays, and of steaan- notable ever be Steamer Rochester consolidation are being worked ports. New York, and the more practical 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE | SHmaibin ras fom of the consolidated y be arranced vq for- leaves Sundays at 10:17 am. fo need at the onfer of Low Islands, calhing at Alexand LL : : : Rockport and Ganenoque. New York society is looking forwar) BAY UF QUINEE JOUTE [3 = wok oo Yo Si fo STEAMER ALETHA i whiter and mans entertainments will he given Sept. 2 = wink davs at oi Ste tour Bay, auer dior of this protege of the An Oh Duchess of Marlboronch vy ied : BE li I such with the pea "ills Witham, of Gepmany., For tall information aople to Wn. prince of That: cin P. HAN 4 i. = a Pr. GILD A et ! nic, 1 havo mee, for her sake 'Training to Thrash the Janitor. ~ . "I am about due to thrash the janitor wt ¢." aud thinks she will have 1 age of every cereal in thé market and have a must say 'Force' carries off the blue ribbon? . a diet of 'F of" charge of poisoning Mrs. Katherine JJ, | great disappointment in ! \ NZ though an American "girl has spent much of her time in Paris, but she will make her debut in society here under the auspices of Mrs. 0. H, P. SEE ES Maglborough. She is an attractive girl | and the duchesk, who has-been speak- | ing to everyone in Newport in her be- | | half, is very fond of her. She is likely | to have a delightful time and prove fone of the belles of the winter. The sporting fraternity is Lspecial interest --in the races held at Sheepshead Bay, for many the frequenters of 'the turf for the pur- pose of seeing society, rather than | witnessing the actual racing. It [estimated that there are fully fifty pthousand people at the track every Saturday and proportionately. large numbers other days of the week. That gambling places flourish under Mayor Low as: they did under Van W; there is no question. This fact is not creditable to the present ad- ministration, for Low was elected on | the understanding, not that Sundav t liquor selling should be stopped, but that gambling should be suppressed and blackmail broken up. Maybe. Washington Star. Maybe what they say is true: Maybe prices that we sce With alarm are whollv due To ,a natural scarcity, Maybe. those who sell us ect Long to ease the buyers' lot, Shodding honest wars of grici-- Maybe 80 and maybe not. taking bein of Mavbe what they say is right; Maybe patriotic zeal Keeps the statesman dav and nicht Laboring for his country's weal. Maybe personal interest in his life is all forgot As hed -- does his best-- Maybe so and maybe not. A Soul Within. Buffalo News. Queer little, rough little cradle, Hangs" swaying from a tr e; Bees are humming near it, Birdlings do not fear i And each soft wind gives As if 10 set it free. ck, it, it a push-- Droll little, dear little cradle, What can be hid mn thee ? Sunbeams warm and love Moonbeams smile above it, And spiders weave ga silver late-- To drape it charmingly. Dear little, queer little cradle, That will not let us see The color hidine in it, The beauty biding in it That soon will fly up in the sky When God shall set it free. it, Papa's Pipe. Somerville Journal. When papa comes home tired at nighat, Depressed with business cares, His weary manver Bes us see . The burdeus that he pears. He eats his dinner silently And never lauehs or jok Then he goes out upon the toop And lights his pipe, and smokes. Then what a change! The filmy wreaths Of eray smoke slowly rise, And papa's spirits seem to soar, And Rope shines in his eves lis weary manner changes, and Contentment takes its place, Till it has whollv driven off That drawn look from his face. We do not like the nastv smoke That comes from papa's pipe, But we know there's magic in it, for We nightlv sce it wipe Away the weary wrinkies Are furrowed on his brow, And thourh we do not like it, We don't kick against it now. that YOUNG ASTOR. Astor, of London, Eng. to lic is a son of J. . and is reported the Deautiful Parepa's Song. in" Indianggy rd I inm T. Smyth, lis Journal, That fr night we hea arepa you remember, dear ? love, To me seems but searce vear. But ob, that night our hearts were ligh Amd Joy was in its spring; For we had learned to love, We heard Parcpa sing. WELLINGTON WAFTS. Summer Tourists Leaving -- Per- sonal Items. Wellington, Sept. 10.--+A very heavy thunder storm passed over here Tuesday at noon, doing much age to the telegraph and telephone i straments. The hghtning threw : S. Herrington from his chair while iy the C.O.R. station, also affecting Ven Rose, Bloomfield. Neither was ously injured: Mrs, Casby and family. Belleville, left here on Tuesday, after a pleasant sojourn of two months. b. Clinton atill confined to his room with illness, Martin Pettengill { did not. suffer any injury in his recent t adventure in the Outlet, save getting wet and losing his horse. It: seems like days of long ago when could Ix seen wagoons in line a half mile long, waiting to be unloaded. -Teani after team can now.a-dayvs 'he seen in line from Baker's storehouse. Mrs. Florence Turner, Buffalo, left for home on Thursday after "a {wo months' stay at Mr. and Mrs, 40 FL Clark's. Prof. and Mrs, Charles Wan der, Washington," D.C." left for on Wednesd: Mrs. D. H. Saylor, Glen Falls, came to accompany her aged mother to her home, where --<he will spend the winter. Rev. Mr. Vanness, formerly of Wash ington, D.C", whe, with his wife spent his vacation here, has, since returning home, had an invitation. irom of Philadelphia's fashionable chur { which he 'has accepted. His friends here 'extend conoratulations. Miss Pearl Hermon is spending a fiw days with friends The Hotel { Wellman is patty well cleared out oi apd the proprictor for 1 A that night mute, lgng mute that glorious voice ¥ on Mute, Kine home to-night But, walk I passed an open window. All The room within was light. Deep chords were softly touched, and then rd a vowng voice rin Clear, passion-thrilled. It! w We heard Parcpa sing. dam that song ser) Rapt on the crowded walk I stood, could nat' tear away. love-song--what » hair is gray ? d ! But, Dorothy, ts had takene wine, hoy, held vour hand, ao 1 Parcpa sing. nie to me, } i Aird heard To Happiness. Atlanta Constitution. . It ain't so iar to bhappiness--it's lyin' around; twinkles In the déwdrops, to barren ground. sings in allathe breezes; nll It's written on "from all tie ail brings blooms It It it ripples in the the green banners that. wave hits so far to happiness; we rob rest broad It ain't our lives of To find it o'e from west; all the dear home places in sorrow' we depart, And dream evgr-in home oceans as far as cast From that its dwelling place is heart: not the It ain't so far to happiness; it's -shining all alo It's in the lowlizst violet, it's in the thrush's song, one « And hold it, ve that find it, forever to your and dream forever in the roses rest r Till vou *p of God's many My Strengthener. Rochester here. Democrat A. PBrininstool, in aid Chronicle Know a dainty little maid, With eyes of brown amd hair of gold; winning smile» was for me, This dimplid darling, four vewrs old: Aud often when I feel cast down, With clouds of dou fore my view, She lisps into my troubled ear : voli, papa ves; doc as realized a goo cservices rendered them: Ralph Garreadl, | Minneapolis, after a month's visit am ong friends here and vicinity, oft on Sunday for his home. recompense | summer visitors, 1 love A Successful Picnic. Tin pal pic nic of the Vennachar Foothall A sociation held in John Greeg's grove on Wednesday, Sept. ded. ha weather was all that could be desived and the crowd as large as could Le expected during the rush of harvest The main feature of "the dav was the football match, Vemnachar vs, Ar dod; which resulted in a score Of ame to nothing in favor of the team, Dinner and tea were served the grounds. The Visiting team given a free dav: also all children ua der ten years of ace. Evervhody was well satisfied" and the picnic wa thorough At nicht the gave a free ball and supper at the re sidence of Alex. OG ie the pice nic it was well attended and all hail a solendid Thg proceeds: of the awry, wind rest, + when the world all And T would f The love 1 Within thi She only But strang As; with hersiace love you, ace Vennachar, Sept. 5 1 find was I'd not exchange for wealth Nor honors of a grand, The love, which cannot be compared, Locked in my dimpled baby's hane or, when all pe mv heart, od streneth 1 renew, wie, Swoe to "hear: love § of kines, ero 1 ho home on 1 were vou, papi; Use of Alcohol: Fo Lnior Peruvian le cation in tus eity that t weneral exposition gi the method apparatus and ny, for the application of the production of and heat, which in Lima; meeting To Promote Washington, (D.C. has reachod Sap. th an bows mation Like alcohol to i L licht motive is now' with time, POW er, is is in day amounted to 880.50, BrODTres the in ©X of conntries of the producers erent Success, Pern is one produ Fall Importation Of 1902. 2 alcoho! he New York clothine store, Brock street, has received his fal importations for oraer worl in his tailoring . department. His ready-made department is well assord ed and a assortment feet ohol thilities field. It, is-hx ing the purposes, it Urevost, of the e world, and the o "the dustri un ion js to of al, into i insich nse of la to ¢hoose low | consumption ean | from. For price and durability he defies competition. very consideral © DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 F000 0000 base tor bore breve | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. '| men's wages, » a 'An Unjust Conibine. Picton, { One of the first lessons, perhaps, that {is. being very forcibly thrust upon us | by the av strike; in progress since i last spring, is that the "Labor Pro- | blem" everyone's: problem; © that j shere is no shucuag it cur pat like | contagious disease grown® epidemic, .it | forces: the wealthy and the exclusive {to recognize their brotherhood with | the poorest and the lowest, a brother hpod and fellowship in suffering, if of no Bther kind. If we can only get a [ton or two of coal apiece this winter, land our luxurious rooms are cold in consequence, we will learn as in no | other way that "Labor is of nao country," "and that what afiects a jminer in Pennsylvania will at the j same time affect a merchant, a manu- | facturer or a farmer in every town land hamlet on. the continent; Canada | included. And we, too, perhaps, will learn to ask the question, wiv a man I because he happens to b: a multi nul- | lionaire, has any right to take pos- session of the fuel of a continent, {without which we cannot éven keep | from freezing--the coal-beds, the God- | given right of thé whole people--to | takg possession of such, and then, be- { cause he chooses to have some small i dispute with his workmen about a few | cents, more or less, in wages per day. | to keep the rest of us from having enough of our own fuel to keep us warm in a climate where lack of fuel means death bv freezing. The millionaires composing the coal trust will not sufier with either hung- "er or cold this winter, but the rest of | us, must freeze because they refuse to | pay the small increase in their work- Now, if ikey were not | making. immense fortunes out the people's coal-beds, even then they would have no real right to keep us-- a whole continent--out of fuel this winter. But they are mulu milligpaires | by reason' of the 'act that they have made immense sums bv charging the people a large price per ton for the | privilege of using that coal, coal that | those very miners now on strike, dig j out of the bosom of the earth for 'us, and that the multi-millionaires don't even handle after it is out. Is it that they are not only making us pay for our own' coal, but also getting pav for the work they don't-do? H so, two classes are evidently not gettine fair play, or their rights, the people to whom the coal belongs, aml the who does the work of bringing that coal out of the mines for the people; and the men ' who neither do the. labor nor have any real right to the exclusive possession ol the coal-beds are gettine all the pay. And such pay! Millions added nay piled on top~of millions, let their luxury and extrava- ever so great, thev can nev- to use! And yet they refuse a few cents extra a day to those min- ers to buy their meagre bread and meat with, And the people, forsooth, must do without their own coal this winter, though they 'hes and prav them 'to furnish it at any price--DE- MOCRACY. | of just laborer to, money, cance er be Caution ! not a gentle word--but when vot think how liable you are not to purchase-for. Thc. the only remedy uni- versally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any, medicine in the world sin e IS68 for the and treatment of consumption throat and lung troubles without los- its great popularity all these vou will be thankful we called vour attention to Boschee's German Syrup. There are so many ordinary ouch remedies made by druggists and that are cheap-and ¢ for light colds perhaps, but for severe hronehit croup consumption, where wpectoration and cough mormngs, This Is vnre cerned mg vears, rod and ¢ there coughs, pecially fo is difficult ne during the nichts and there is nothing like German Syrup. Soll by all «druggists in the civilized world. G. G. Oven, Woodbury N..J Labor Problem Serious. Little Rock. : Ark. 12.--The cotton picking season is at its height in Arkans Mit Sept: sippi and Tennes the son having begun. tally two r'than usual. In view L-opening of the crop there iv labor and the s One see, of val shortace of to No HY problem jor the planters. he ser the lar that these, promises a of en are when there that ¢ this vear. of colt time s as The are season will he short STOW Ors wo saw ka Sen inaieations never a was ty = present Pr Lie Devices For Using Fuel Oil. Washinoton, BCG. Sept. 12: some time past, ald especially sine the anthracite: con] strike, the patent oflice has been doing lively business in prosecuting inguities , and into. the merits imventions which patents ares app hed ttenced to be used the of <hoth heat and power { date ther have be patents--for the For i lookin of +o; ror production n Ls) ta antea fuel; vapors, and fo use of 00, ny and ' Clothing. "Bibhy's."' the best for the monev w H. "Bibby's.' If our R10 suits uis Saw ire not st 1 ever one for nothing: The D Libby Co. Is It Fine Chocolates We haw We them fresh from Taylor, 12} Prine want Sept. 10.--To tke Fditor) : a fi : a' The Price of Coal May soar as high as it pleases It will be just as cheap for you heat ycur house with one of out Oil Hea € rs f Don't need any wick and h véry little attention. Guarau teed to heat your house admir DON'T SPEND YOUR MONEY : Buy one 'of our NEW HEATERS and BE HAPPY. bly and at very little Lhey are clean and odorless. OS 1 St. JAMES REID, Allan Line "Toes... Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Quebec. Corinthian, Aug. 30, 9 a.m. Aug. 30, 7 p.m: Pretorian, Scpt. 6, 5 am. S b, 8 p.m. Parisian, Sept. 13, 9 am. 7 pm. Numidian, Sept. 20, 5 ans Sept. 20, 3 pm. First cabin, $65 and upwards; cond car bin, $37.50 to $42.50; London. $1.50 extra; Third class, $25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Beliast, Glasgow, London. New York to Glasgow & Londonderry. Carthaginian Sardinian . te mice Montreal to Glasgow Direct. Sicilian, Sept. 3rd amd. Oct. 8th. classes. Fi cabin $50, class $25. J. Py Hanley, J not, Johnston and Ontario Gilderaleeve, Clarence street. All second cabin $35, third Agent, City Passenger De- streets, J. P. A SAD MISTAXE. A Child Given Laudayum With Fatal Results. Tweed Nows. \ sad day nicht the death on Thurs week, 'resulting in of the<three-weeks-old child of Mr. and DNirs. Ephraim Vilnefi, of weed. Mrs." Vilnefi took the™hild and w Go spend" the night at Har Mat She took with her a small which she. for indigestion. a stand in nicht found it the child 5 dose. hold of "a and was mistaké occurred of last ¥ HRS botie of pepsin, was the child She placed the bottl ie le room and av oiving on the ake she vot rave the medicine. Lavidanim which othe the until 1 Bontadhiing the child ten RE The dos not being when the child was de: drops, of th proved fatal. veduived mistake discovered morning, Were Shavbot Crummy, livered, non. age Among Avery, Dodds, Quietly Married. . 10.--Rev. E. on Sunday. de ser Lake, Sept: Kingston, impressive our villagers ronto exhibition. Mr. and: Mrs. Mrs. (De.). Cannon, . Mrs. ir. and Mes! J. Reynolds and Mr. Hethirinotén, Martin and Miss Grace Han were quietly married many fricnds wish them sucéess and happi hon Ira. Reynolds is brichtened bye the. arnival of a vounu danchite: Vertes Miss Newman, Hamilton at bir, ---Kithorn's Miss Lawson, enh at the parson wife, Verona, a ber of rn FO Quite visiting the ninnber ar tian, this place ness; Fhe of im, and at M1: Collin Bay. at The Fall Fairs: London Western, Sept. 1 Napanee, County. » Newboro, Sept 5 li Brockville, Sept. 1618, Hanilteh Central, Se Wolfe 1s Ss Perth, C Prescott, ana. Hinchinbrooke, Parham, Sept. Delta, Sept. 28 Merrickvil Renfrew, Sept. Lombardy, Scpt, 2 Spencerville, Sept. Beachburg, Oct Lansdowne, Oct, \, "= 25-24, Sept. 24-25. 30, Oct. 1. 7 7 Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. If disin- {cts and cleans at the same time: » Ki Ottawa : i pan; Jim Dumps for months had not been strong, and that was why he trudged along As dumpish as a rainy day, nor had he one kind word to say: Till one bright day--what joy for him! "Force" changed him to * Sunny Jim!" Force": The Ready-to-Serve Ceresl wise nature's receipt for vigorous bodies and active » I live. My wif shape soon. W wep a pack Tereut one very morning, but I ---- 1 (Name fornished on application.) - et Ne brains. Sweet, crisp flakes of wheat and malt--eaten cold. Lemmon, Claxton & Lawrenson, King PARLOR SET THIS WEEK. SEE OUR WINIROW DISPLAY. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, KINGSTON. uoonr FURNISH TO-LET. ED ROOMS, WITH OR without board. 101 Queen street. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET AT : board Mra. it desired Yat', &4 William 'street, with HOU 101 All modern Livingston & FUUR GOOD Ft board, with A; all 191 University A BROCK jmprovements. Bro. JRNT v modern oouveniances, STREET, 9 ROONS. Apply to C, PONS WITH at HED coue. 165 KING STREET, EAST, LATELY 0COU- pied ply by Captain to Kirkpgtrick; Rogers & Nickle. Eaton. Rent $240. Ap- 43 KING situated, and. taxes: & Nickle. A etores and off STREET, WEST, acing the pply ices. BEAUTIFULLY Harbor. Rent $240 to Kirkpatrick, Rogers NEAR UNION Also other dwellings, J. 'S. McCann, 51 Brock street, next Wade's. WILLIAM STREET, NEAR present occupied by Principal Possession Appl 15th v to J. September of . R. MoCamm. BRICK RESID Z 11 . rooms, E, odern 201 BROCK STREET, improvements, alse - brick resicunce 244 Breek street, 10 rooms modern improvementas. i. ii Co.. Oak D. bby street. Auvnly to thw Halt, Princess POSSESSION AT ON sirable house re Gore streets, neay the park. Modern Daisy hot water heating and every wav. in pericet ore HS Bacot st 2 & SON ants' Bank Wellington str on ler. reet. ARCHITECTS A Building, ects. XIAP AIRY DE- cornér of Bagot and in Apply to Felix Shaw, RCHITECTS, MERCH- corner Brock and 'Phone 212. ARTHUR ELL! site of New I S, drill ARCHITECT, OFFICE | liall, . near ooruer of Queen and Montreal Streets. HENRY -P. SMI TH; a ARCHITECT, ETC, Anchor Building, Market Square, 'Phone 345. WM: NEWLAN $ AR second floor over Mahood's Drug Store, En. TECT OFFICE, corner Princess and Bagot streets. trunca nm Bagot street MONEY AND BUSINESS. TWO sums from and dollare GODWIN'S over Express Fo JNSURANCE- Oflice, rrr HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN one thousand to ten thous r- particulars apply: dN EMPORIUM, Market Souare. MONEY TO LOAN TN LARG at low rates of sums, and farm property. unty ILL, Inves tment 8 posite the Fost Office. city and 8S 0) Loan and Ce 15 polioy holders limited debentures. OR SMALL interest om city Loans granted on Apply to ofl Frontenas manager i Lffice op ety. par h hav liability LONDON AND GLOBE FIRB Available addition to which the e for security the wu- of all the stockholders. wv nasets, Farm snd Cite Property insured at lowest tes new possible vivingr ETRANGE & STRANGE, Before busin old from renewing et rate Agents. eRe -- UNDERFAKERS. rp S. CORBET Stree Drenna Princess M. F ARRISON CO. Princess best. 'Phones--Warerooms, T 233-2 eMiciency the F Harriso GEO. CLIFF gains in this FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Kingwton, ot, n. Kl n, line, = 251 Successor to UNDERTAKERS, Street. ity an Priecs 'the lowest, 90. Night Calle ------ 'REAL ESTATE. IS OFFERING GREAT BAR- 115 Brock street. or 7