b THE _PAILY WHIG. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 12 You drink your Own Heatlh when you drink Abbey's Salt. Extracted from the juice of pure fruits, it is both a giver and pre- server of health. Effervescent Salt is recommended by physicians because it purifies. the blood, cleanses the stomach, in igorates the liver and gently regulates the bowels. It keeps the head clear, the eyes bright and the complex- ion good. Insist on * Abbey's. " ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear 8ign.:ure of Heer See Mac-Simile rapper Below, Very small asd as casy $0 takes ns sager. ma trav eo | FOR HEATACKE, CARTE RS! FOR DUIZINESS. ron PILICUSYESS, FOR TORMD LIVER. JR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIR.. FOX THE COMPLEXION BADE ENLL MUST Rave NATURE, ra Vegutablo, Sem it. | CURE. SICK READAGHE. ( HIGHEST CASH iii TE - and a md hal Siove of Heaters y sell mt very 27 and 273 l. ZACKS, Princess St. Second hing helow Corbett' s. ranges Furniture price and / THY. GENUINE CALEDONIA SPRINGS WATER HAS THE WORD MAGI PROMINENT ON THE LABEL OF EVERY BOTTLE. DISCOURAGE THE PREVALENT FRADULENT SUBSTITUTION. STRAIGHT ~ BUSINESS W. Murray, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Me: ehant, Market Square. STAMPS AND MARKERS RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS Ankers, Linen 'Markers, Datos, Seals, Bank, Ticket and Office Stamps, ew, "prompt. JOHN OFFORD. Whig Othe EDUCATIONAL. HER Septem ply at MRS. CLERIHEW WILL RE-OPEN ¢lasses in Flwcher Music Method on bor Ist. For terme and particulars 211 University Avenue. PIANO LESSONS : I , undéreraduate J Toros 211 University Avenne ARTHUR H. HOWELL Representailve and Hxamiaer for the LL + Eng. Cellege of Music. Orga First DPresbvter ian church Teacher of Pr Should a saf! Howell sould Ai the com 3nd Chi irmagter, ck lle apo Urgan Singing ent number of pu pile offer, Mr Kingston one dav a week and during akon » Correspondr nog Td A Fess Box Brockville; Opt. KINGSTON BUSINESS KINGSTON, TORONTO COLLEGE BUSINESS TORONTO. Largeet and best equipment Unequalled facilities for, securing 821 Queen Street, Kincston. ® SEND FOR CATALOGUE in Canada positions Coalederation Lila Buildings. Toronto: . 'COLLEGE YA LOST TRIBE. rere HAD D NEVER SEEN A WHITEMAN Houses Made Of Bones Of Whale and Skins--A Story Via Quebec. Quebec, Sept. 12.--There discovered upon one tof the Hudson bay the remnant tribe of FEsquimjpux, a community which has been Tor centuries without intercourseswitht any other representa- tives of the human species, and whose members 'never, until quite recently, had an opportunity of seeing a white wan! The facts of the discovery are well established, having been reported to the Federal authorities at Ottawa by the Rev. A. W. Buckland. Mr. Luekland says that these strange peo- ple still virtually live ine the stone ave, knowing no metals. Their habita- tions are built entirely of the skulls of whales. ; The home of the Southampton Island, a picce of wa- ter-girt land nearly as large as the State of Maine, lying at the extreme north end of Hudson bay. These peo- ple or their ancestors have undoubt- edly inhabited the 'island ever since pre-Columbian days, and at the pres ent time they exist exactly, as they must have done then. Having been isolated for so long 4 period it is na- tural that they should possess many peculiarities. © A very remarkable tol Inction of their utensils, weapons of the chase, and other objects were se- cured by Mr. Buckland, but, to the great regret of the Canadian authori- ties, it was allowed by him to pass into the hands of private persons. The huts on the island are built hy putting together the great jaws whales and then covering them with skins. In the middle of the primitive dwellings is a slight elévation, on which stands the stone lamp. employ- ed for lighting, heating, cooking, and melting snow and aryving clothes. This lamp is nothing more than an open dish of whale oil, with a wick of dry moss soaked in fat. The whale is the chief means of sub- sistence of these poor people. Thev the 'hone for many purposes, mak- ing plates and cups and tobgueap like They also manufacture sledoes of walrus tusks, with deer gant for The dnembers speak a dialect peculiar to themselves and they are. the most daring of hunters. Not more than sixteen mem- bers of the tribe now survive. MUNICIPALS MEET. ® has" been islands of of a lost tribe is upon use sleds, lors Gross pleces, Ontario Association Elects : Its Officers. rockville, Ont., Sept. 12.- Ontario Municipal Association resolved that efforts be made to have the assessment laws amenaed in a very great measure, also that the gov ernment be petitionea to obtain trol of the telephone the licutenant-governor-in-council petitioned with a view to having ex- 1 ens" of, "registrations and elections for the Ontario legislature borne the province. "The granting of bonuses by municipal authorities was discuss ed. It was resolved that the association should prepare bills to be put before the legislature with a View to making amendments of the municipal laws, > The © following for next vear : ter, ex-mavor vice-president, of Guelph: A. Povs, mi SN. H. Kent. Haniilton: 'T. Hall Hamilton, . Ixecntive council wavor of Dundas: of Woodstock; derma. city solicitor, mavor of solicitor, city clerk, At the it was con bi hy a committee of officers wore elected President, R. P. Sila Niagara Falls; first John Kennedy, mavor second vice y ident, W, Barrie; secretary, sistant city clerk, tani{ scéévetary, John assistant city commissioner, wor of asx Charles Collins, John Hearns, mav W. H. Cluff, al- Thomas Carswell, Toronto: Wo J. Henry, Kincardine; FF Maclean; city Hamilton: C. A. Kingston, London. Toronto: Kidney Duty. It is the particular function of the Kidnéys to filter out poisons which pass through them into the blood. When the kidnevs are diseased thev cannot do their wholé- duty, and should have the help and strength that South - American Kidney = Cure will afford in any and all. forms of kidnev disorder: Tt relieves in 6 Fours. Sold by H. RB. Taylor and H. Wade 11 Brought Up Prisoners.. Champagne Lawlor hrouchy convict ce Taylor, Ainable Bartle avid Sutherland, ==; de Paul penitentiany the Kingston institution: They be placed in the in ward, Lawlor will pend a, few city visiting friends 1 efore : Engineer and keeper James and from Vincent to will Keeper the returning, Si days in Stole Servant Girl's Money Several of the waitresses at the Ho tel Randolph ave mourning the loss of sums of money, which they had plac { in théir trunks for safe Keeping. sme person rifled the trunks, and pu wed the money, The matter has een placed in the hands of the police Seeney Night L he wl peck bask Bar t on pears For at at soto] 0 Clock Oak Hall. **'Bibby's.""' one of our new RII suits will be called a good. looking The H. D. Bibby Co. Wear and vou man. Great Dollar Hat Sale Tom day apr Campbell I all ih that guarantee oes with every hot line of store HLOW Please ren our ane veatr wa »onr de, ato eod's drug [ will, {hat reet N Lling can buy for pickle Redden & Co nulated '$1 at Johnston and Divicion extra we Jas. ) best. gt sla 's, corner Virtually Live in the Stone Age-- ot "WL the INCIDENTS oF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. All our vinegars are pyre. Jas. Red den. d. MN Campbell is"at the Windsor, Montreal. The Anglican Synod will likely rocue to-day. WwW. MN Campbell, "of Campbell Bros. has returned from Toronto. Proi. Hart. was at the official funch- eon: at the Toronto exhibition on Thursday. Charles Anglin returned from Toronto, where hé the last few days. The steamer Wanderer waits Cape Vincent this evening for and Gouverneur baseball teams. Mrs. Richard Gilbert, Tweed, the city, renewing acquaintances. will be here for -a week or more. In the Sth Gananoque Field Battery, Vet.-Lieut: J. A. Bean is granted the thonorary rank of veterinary-captain. L.. 8. Clark, turnkey in the Napa- nee jail for the past thirty vears, js the guest of Mrs. A. A, Wood, John- ston street. Extra pickling malt vinegar, pure Redden's. License pro- last nicht has been for at Ponies in She vinegar, cider vinegar English at Glidden have car- the will the of inspector another liquor dealer "on pet" for an alleged violation liquor license act. A Kingston cabinet maker in. Watertown, N.Y., and found his way to the police court. Fined $10 and costs. He paid up. 25 lbs. best granulated sugar Mullen's. H. Sloan, advance agent San Toy Opera company, appear at the Grand Opera House on the 23rd inst., was in the city to-day. The new classes in the public schools have all beegaarranged, the congestion in the senior forms relieved, and the work is now proceeding satisfactorily. John Treener was in the police court this morning laying information acrainst a well-known resident of Ri dean street, charging him with as- sault. " For pickling purposes it is strictest economy to use only goods. Our vinegars and spices guaranteed pure. Jas. Redden & Co. In- the 16th Prince Edward Regi ment, to be major, Captain A. A. er guson, vice A. Lighthall, promoted; to be captain, Liecut.! A. G. Hunt, vice Ferguson, promoted. Provincial secretary Copeland, Tor onto, held a conferehice last nioht with the local. Y.M.C.A. directors matters touching the association work throughout the province. Among the arrivals in town yester- day, was a party on the steamyacht Marion, of Smith's Falls. The party is composed of Miss Hemming, Knowl ton, Que.. .Miss Laishley, Chafley's Locks: apt. F. Hemming, Svdnev, Australia; Dr. G. Hemming, Toronto and G. E, Keith, C. H. Frost and .J. Keith, Smith's Falls. They are the city and are apparently themselves, jubilated $1 at for the which will the pure are on "doing" enjoying ACCUSED OF FRAUD. in .Each Pound Butter. Toronto, Sept. 12.--Mrs. Elizabeth Reid, Scott towh-.ip, on trial at the sessions, the charge heing that a potato was concealed in the centre of ten one-pound rolls of butter, which she gave to Ross..Bros.,. Mount Al: bert, in exchange for voods. The case againsteG. W. Clark, whose extradition to Lynn, Mass, is de manded, came before Judee Morgan this morning, and was indefibigely postponed. The rota judges will sit of appeal room on Saturday the dates and places for the provincial election petitions, then receive suggestions from W. B. Farmsworth, who gives Cin cinnati as his address, pleaded "guil ty" this morning "in the police court to a charge of trying to swindle a woman in connection with her insu ance policy. He was remanded till the Sthy to allow the police to Ascertain his record, from the Lincinnati police. Hymen Davison, Montreal, chavoed with abducting a girl named Rosen bere, was remanded for a week, this morning, after a legal dispute as to the right the Toronto authorities to hold him for an offence alleged: to have been committed in Montreal. The city engineer's report public to-day, it shows that the to al expenditure under the board of works during the vear Put Potato of ol 18 in the -court fo. fix trial of and will counsel, of was R1,082,000, of which 150,000 was for local. im- provements. The board laid down fif- teen and one-half miles of pavements and seventeen and one-half miles of concerte sidewalks. In the last four vears eighty-six miles of pavement have laid, or 34.6, of the total mileace of the city. The cedar block pavement mileace has decreased in the wear from severty- to sixtvoone. A few vears ago it was over 1000 Permanent pavements laid down were: Asphalt four miles: macadam. two miles: brick one mile. The engineer recommend appointment of a «ity electrical engineer and a city architect, also the removal of overhead wires and AT THE 'GRAND. "Busy Izzy." masical comedy have .a for them in the coming the new vehicle which George Sidney as a star .in this class of - theatrieals at the rand on next Monday. "Pussy I22v" is one of those entertainments whi h are not written, but grotv when a lot of clever people and a good stage dirpctor get tocether. «+A Normandy Wedding." Fred. C. comic of tar to amerol ent "A Nor Grand heen SIgns Lovers of treat in store of Busy luzy,"" will introduce induced latest newest Small ha end hi Manager Whttney to gra succe and hi Kingston, and the Opera campany will Wedding, next. Grace pre mandy ab. the Phursday «"Bibby's.'" Oak Hall. It about now von at. We are ready $7.50. . 810, $12.3 D. Bibby nes Fa amd 5g. off every hour after 7 You have choice of 1000 "bashet: the Carnovsky fruit stores. \ was made ders so desirable WARM WELCOME, WAS EXTENDED TO THE VISITING CANADIANS - Reception to North America St. George's Union -- Mr. Pense Responding for thé Canadian Societies. Philadelphia Public. Ledger. Delegates to the nineteenth biennial convention of the North American St. George's Union, now Being held in this city, with the ladies and friends accompanying them; were giveh a re- ception on Tuesday evening at St. George's House, Nineteenth and Arch streets, by the Philadelphia societies. The rooms were prettily decorated with the United States and British flags, palms and flowers, . President William H. Lucas, of the Sons of St. George's Society, of this city, presided at an informal gather- ing of the guests and their hosts. The address of welcome was delivered bv Mayor Ashbridge, 'who, complimented the St. George's Society on its hand- some new home, and said that he welcomed the delegates to the conven- tion as representatives of North Am- erbcan unity for the advancement' of mankind. In responding for the Canadian So- cieties, E. J. B. Pense, of Kingston. Ont., and member of the provincial parliament, said that their ambition is to copy the excellent example set by the St. George's societies of the Unit- ed States. In Canada, he said, as in the United States, a great deal of mission work is being done, not onlv in the west, but in foreign parts. in bringing heathen nations and tribes into, ¢ivilization.- But work of kindred love and support is being done bv the St. George's and allied societies of Philadelphia and other American cit- ies in ringing two great nations in- to greater harmony and in expanding the good will, the humanities and the finer characteristics of 'Anglo-Saxon- dom. Addresses also were made by A. R. Wiggan, of this city, president of the North "America St. George's Union; John Tavlor, president of the Toron- to Society: H. N. Kitson, of Hamil ton, Ont.: P. Birtwistle, of London, Ont., 'and Rev. Llewellyn Caley, of this city, chaplain of the union. LATEST FASHION NOTE. A Decidedly Handsome Reception Gown. Vandvkes, whether in lace, applique or cut into the fabric of gowns, are once more enjoying a full measure of popular favor after a temporary ec lipse. The graceful garniture is shown to great advantage upon this charm- ing gown. The 'material was crepe de laid in stitched in self was bor chine of a pale mastic shade groups af horizontal tucks, with: Corticellli silk color he edge of the skirt dered with a beautiful "Vandyked de icn in ecru. Venetian point, the pat tern being picked out withP rhinestone brilliants," palescent spanglffs, and French knots worked in pale blue Corticelii. EE twi embroidery sibk. The blouse was furnished with a cape collar of the same lace which eave that long sloping effect to the shoul for the moment. The finished with a narrow ac pleating of white chiffon, with a tiny ruche. The scarf which ornament vest; and the sleeve pufi were of 'ewbroidered chiffon and lace. sewing ede was cordeon prung the Asking For A Statement? The striking machinist ion at Union Hall thi was expected that they to the request of the hoard of trade, and prepare'a propo tition with a view to the settlement of the strike. Upon réceipt of sneha tatement the will for a conference with management of the company. were in alternoon. It would accede president of the board ask the Presentation To Be Made. At the baseball match "to-morrow af ternoon, a will be made to. Chaucer' El rn number of his friends, 1 nifNon of the ser vices he has renderdd baseball in Kingston. presentation Genuine Blue Points. Another tub of ceived today by arnoviky, terman. What nk vou of jnart Sa ay nizht ? ovater re the trving a elect Ov pint or See Them. tour west window to Campbell Bros Any for hat fl at laughter, but as lagh jx given | a heaa Your pickles and catsups are sure be all right if you'set your spia vinegar from Redden alu yet. FROM TIE WEST. \ An Interesting Letten--Men Are Very Scarce» : Y.auder, Man., Sept. S.~{To the Ed- itor) : Wheat cutting was generally fin- ished on Saturday after the heaviest crop in years. Hands are very scarce. any men have cut down all their grain, but were unable to keep up with the stooking. One can through this section whole quarters of land where the «heat is just left from the binder--mot a sheaf set up i. Greeves has 610 acres lying down. It would seem almost a hope- tess job for a man to start stooking in a {eld of that size now. It would take one man now' at least fifty days to stook the piece. Threshing starts in earnest to-dav That which has already been threshed went No. | hard and thirty-two bus- hels per acre. The average is expected to be at least thit y bushels this sea- BON. . Only about twenty from Kingston district has arrived here this I'he only ones I' have met are Boles and John Jordan, hailing Battersea. Considerable rain fell here on Tues- day and again on Eriday, but as Saturday came out fine and a high wind there was no damage done at all. A heavy frost came on Wednesday night, but as the great weight of the crop was down, not much damage was done. The oats still standing suf- fered slightly, but that is not the money crop any way. The railway is busy' hauling empties west to all sid- ings in preparation of the rush. Many of the farmers have now built granaries which will also prevent such a crowding of the market at once. The C.P.R. finds great difficulty in procuring men for the construction work along the line, such large wages being offered 'the men for this month in the fields. The new line however, being pushed on as rapidly as possible from Lander. The gang moved across the river on Thursday. Ividently the road will go through contrary to all wise. acres who predicted 'only a blufi." Duck see fall. Jim from shooting opeved on Monday and a great many people have tab, 7 en neat the season to frig ducks that rested their" homes all year. Not many of them, however, have done much but féichten them. The prairie chickens ave very plentiful this year, and all gre waiting anxiously for the season for them. --G. advantage of away those Suing For Damages. Mrs. Delorah Rafferty, Alexandria lay, N.Y., sues John Harold Hayden for 82,500 for alienation of her hus- band's affections. Hayden has been ar- rested. The plaintiff was married on October 28th to George B. Rafferty, gon of Gilbert T. Rafferty, a million- aire coke producer of Pittsburg. She was prior to her marriage, engaged in business as a photographer at Alex- andria Bay. She and<her husband liv- ed together at Alexandria Bay until February 12th, 1902, and their mas- ried life was in all rekpects aoreeable, haprv and pleasant. The defendant a resident of Columbus, Ohio. is "Bibby's."" Oak Hall. '"Bibby's." Ask to see our new Oxford grey top coats, £6.50, 87.50, $8, $9, 510, R12, $14. The H. D. Bibby- Co. courts declare that Capt. Andrews is dead. 'The captain sailed with his bride for 'Europe in a fifteen foot boat on October Gth last from Atlantic City. Purest drugs, Taylor's, Could Not Walk Or Lie Down. Sleepless Nights Dreadful Agony With Piles,-- Doctor Wanteéd to Burn Them With a «Hot Iron. Massachusetts of Has Been Cured Permanently and Names One Hundred Doliars a Box as the "Value of pr. Chase's Ointment, Alex. Mclean, writes': "For sectionman Company's and Grace Tarbot Vale, N. S., two vears 1 worked as on the Dominion * Coal Railroad between Sydney Bay, N.8., and during that time was exposed to all sorts of wea ther. Gradually my health failed and I became a victim of protruding piles, At first 1 did not know what amy ail ment was, but consulted and though he treated and thoush he treated they only grew worse, C1 was forced to give yp work and return ta my home. My suliering could scarcely be described. IT could not walk or «it or lie down, but while the rest of the family was sleeping | would be groaning and 'aching from the excruciating pains. "Again | decided to consult a doe tor. This one stripped me and =ail the piles would have to be burnel with a red hot ron. | shivered at. the thought of burning the flesh and told him I could not think of nndérgoing such an operation, €o he ¢ nie some salve, for which hg charoed me two dollars, but it did not do me any "a doctor, em for piles, nit for pile gave good. "Iwas in a desperate conditip nan] had about given up hope of ever ing freed from this dreadful ei when a friend told me about In Chase's Ointment. 'He said he had S66 #0 many' cases that it had cure I thay he Would pay for it him<df if it fail ed to cure "Mv Mintment 1 Hie perience with Dr. Chase that the fir t application good than did the twe has made well from piles a man nred I worked during lumber turn of mv did me doctor and it and as frd more me a anv the woods and old arouble 1 mnt tne X= no re putt Ointment, dealer: ui ents Lia: Bates & Co., Toronto. . EE Lp in 'daok, feeling in the ? AL tmea yom rT outs FEA olored sedimeht lve Your conden tminedty en SRST BAY WHEN CURED renin 8 ar --5 ou rea pot so chiases i yOu cannot oall, write for biank for Perfect mens for those who cannot call. T. system of heme Medicines for Canadian patients tion obaréed, re] »! DR. . G ol 'DBERG, WooLWA: Sept 8th Loh 13th inclusive ALL THIS WEE EVERYBODY 1S CORDIALLY INVITED AND URGEP = TO ATTEND OUR EXHIBITION Cooking WITH THE "ee 2 CELEBRATED "SOUVENIR" Sct, This is our time to entertain you, and we want to see you whether you want to buy a Range or not. The factory has conseated to give us an additional in- ducement to EXHIBITION BUYERS ONLY. A Handsome Set of Kiichen Ware Worth $7. 50. OUR PROOF of these claims is offered you next week, when you can see this stove in operation and know from the evidence of your own eyes that it is a MONEY SAVER. Ohorree sewed awe week FREE EVERYBODY GOME. We Will Tell You Wiy "Souvenir" Ranges are the Best, All Next Weck at S.J, HORSEY'S STORE: - rr Boys' and Men's Suits At Clearing Sale Prices. 100 We are giving up this department. We | want the space occupied by these suits in two weeks. very little fellows, others for boys in the kin- dergarten, and many serviceable suits for the larger lads who will climb fences and trees. if ycur size is here you could not get a bettcr bargain at an auction. few Suits only 81 25 for $2 s, $1.25 for $4.25 lor $2.75; $3.95 for Suits, $2.00 : Suits, Long Pauts, size 30, 1 Suit, Suit 82 Size 30, Size 31, 2 for $1.85. Size 82, 2 for $2.5 Mie 38. 2 A few Bove! 3 33, 31, 45, 46. 'y Suits, size' 37, 38, v $200 nad 85 for $¢ . Jeep in stock and sell at reasonable pweed and | Serge Pantg, 50c., £1 a pair Krisze Pants, $3 a pair. HRS J c.; 82 for 81.20 $2.75 for $1.85; $4.50 fur Suits, 1 at #4 , 82 for $1.20 $3 for $1.85 , ¥ Suits only £2.50 for $5 for 8 price 51, Sa . 42. Price £150 Yl no for 81.50 jor i few very rood Suits Fweed td eh, 2 R1%50, $1.75, £2. F230, : as. site 2 20, 14 Suits, a this Size, prices sume CRUMLEY BROS. | SEE THE . "BARGAINS IN OUR WINDOW. Men's Box Calf Leather - Lined Lace Boots. A part of the stock bought en bloc in Toronto. We wil offer fog $2.39. > A. ABERNETHY, Trunks and Vises. We have just 100 in stock. Some for - we