THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 re 5. Listen, Friends! We are not about to repre- sent to you anything un- known. But those who have never ried us before in any. thing in Clothingy Gents' Furnishings or Furs, would kindly request them to give us a call and inspect our large assortment of up-to-date lines of Clothing, Gents' Fui- nishings and Furs, and 'be convinced that we are tho- roughly reliable and mean what we say. : JOS. SILVER, (Successor to. B. Silver,) 102 PRINCESS STREET. BUY BAILEY BRAND CUTLERY In every style and finish. Prices to meet all buyers. Eve and attention paid to the tem- ering and steel. None Put experts work om these goods. Made from best English Double-Shear Ste€l, hand- ~forged, highly polished, an Standard patterns and correct prices. Special Shear Steel used. Tempered by experts, high ished and thor- oughly tested. we Mand-Porged RAZORS Hand-Forged BUTCHER KNIVES Steel-Lald SHEARS & SCISSORS All Fully Warranted Sold Oaly by W. A. MITCHELL, 68 Princess Street, Kingston. specially tempered. To Hers v." "Kingston ™ , A SET OF NEW Souvenir Post Cards POS(TIVELY THE BEST EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sold in Sets or Singly. Kirkpatrick's A rt Gtore Re ; FALL SEASON & CLOTHING : The y davs of chilly wise wisepman is rgdy for the Autumn. We="have been in haying stock ready and in buying Clothes s wloet from these Sooo our vou Little can early cost' for Good and you new creations one ¢ that is just suited 10 syour ideas. OOO 00 2 £INO. R. JOHNSTONE | DODLROLOOVO DO CROORICQ RR DORDRER ] REMARKS Made by c'tizens on fs sur selection of Fall 3 Woollens : ELEGANT, LOVELY, BEAUTIFUL, ol NOBBY, g PIICES REASONABLE. : CRAWFORD & WALSH, Tailors and Ioposers: vRERERRREERRRERT oe] ou oo To oo [To TABLE BUTTER at our creamery % from the best cream and in a cleanly way. Delivered in pound prints-at only : 25 CENTS A POUND. Z Clarified M Milk Co., x *Phooe 567. Brock & Bagot Sts. ps CTE MOTHER HENDY'S All Healing Ointment Will Cure Burns, La or} ooo To Toe om ou a oo oe Frozen Limbs, Cute, Salt Rheum, Brokem Breasts, Cracked Nipy Children's Sore Heads, Boils and Bealing Fingers. PRICE--25c¢. COMMERCIAL, NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. ution Pacific Pock island Pennsylvania Rit % Pacific * Atchison Amal. Coppee ae THE 3 P.M. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. -- What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News: Experts estimate the damage done the Kentish, Eng., hop growers on Thursdav by awd hail utofully $500,- to the storm of rain OO, In som» lines. of black sateens an addition al advance of #d. has ben established abroad, making a net advance of 1d. or id. wer yard. in about a month. The print cloth mark:t in New York con- tinues very firm, with a fair demand. A feature of the market for domestic manu- factures is the strength of the market for finished goods. There has been a bio demand this week for The demand is still bomespuns and friezes. Canadian woollen goods. running to Black is the Venetians, most popular color. An expenditure of "some "$20,000 by the United States partment in experiments to determine value of petroleum for fuel on war ships. being usedgextensively by is - now de the being made navy "Old rails are a avcricultural implement manu- and large western faeturer for other haps employed in making machinery The many thousand makihg steel lars nailmakers also using of the old rails, The harvesting of the crop hus reached its maximum activity, the vicld in this state will be worth ap- ately 81,000,000. The 2nd the auality is fairly goal cold-storage shipment to Lom- be made the coming wick and the test is awaited with interest by ar tons Connecticut peach and crop has ma- An proxi tured experin tal don will resultg of the the Soon we orrowers.s may expect a tussle in the pe: troleum trade as keenas the present tdhuccd war. The Rockeielhrs and the Nobels the Rothschilds are believed to be contempla the newly-formed com- and with object of driv- the of a ting a combination of the market number of Russian Can petitor consisting % sh. firms who have formed the Petroleum Export company. the Dominion amounted to 311,000 toms. $180,000, and coal shipments of company 2 July Coal The indicate net earnings were which would the is showing net per production, that company Hoe. Upon net profits of Ge. $1,800, 04x. Dini 220,000}, - of a prospective 3,000,000 ton profits ton. gregate cent. upon Coal stock, call for per ton would ag dens of civht of stivl pr the by per guaranteed 81,600,000 HOO Dominion the company. annum Pre-ident 1liil's recent the three {irs systems this fiscal supplemented yesterday by fig of his ofliciads, with Burlington 215 foe the vear end- od, Northern Pacific, $12.305911, Northern, $13,863,213. For the coming year Mr. Hill's figures are reported to be 8150,- 000,000 890,000,000 for operating ex- estimate that the Northern Sceuri- be 8150, cross earnines of vear will 000MM), was ures by one carniners 853.7 inst amd Great ross, $60,000,000 and After and paving four per cent. ties stock, it is figured that a surplus will be left of §135,000,000. fixed charges deducting all on Northern securl- penses, and for dividends. charges Appointment To Be Made. The Poard of when there Mekelvey Lambert, Richardson, Kidd, Principal managément committee of the Faucation met last evening. present : Chairman and Messrs. Kelly, Elliott, Martin, McIntyre, Meek, Wormwith, Inspector Ellis and Secretary b Macdonala. The appointmént of a to the Collegiate Insti staff was regarded gs aonecessity. thought that a man now resid in the city can he secured, and; if a special meeting of the board will Monday nicht to make the appointment. A number of new desks are needed at the Collpgidte, well as several additional work benches in the mammal training room. In the lat- ter there are only cichteen while the pupils this term number twenty-five. The committee will, re- cominend the providing of these sup- plies. The committee .also the re-opening nicht classes during the winter. likely that these popular commence about October 14th, to continue until the middlerof March. Twenty lessons will bes given in each subject: The class in- have not vet héen artioint- has been considerable en- these classes, and the in- point to gz large attendance. were new (eakher tite It ing so, he held on 2 Ny as benches, «© onsic ered of It classes is will structors ed. There quiry about dications Business College Notes. James 'Devlin, a student, has been appointed express messenger on the C.P.R., with headquarters at Winni- S. Knapp, a graduate; has cured a position as stenographer with George .J. Foy, wholesale wine' mer chant, Toronto. Eldon Van Bizen, shorthand graduate, has accepted the principalship of the shorthand de- partment &f the Brockville Business college. Miss To Thornton, a student, has been appointed -to a position in the oflice of. Thomas H. Johns, gro- city. Admiral N. Sharp, a sta- has secured a position in the C. company's office at Winnipe Welsh, commercial graduate is 'entering the mercantile arena in Kingston. Fannie Moles, a shorthand se- peg. cer, dent, P.R. Frederick as QUITE A BLAZE TWENTY - SEVEN HORSES WERE CREMATED; Stables Were Destroyed in Mon- treal--Quite a Serious Loss -- The Arrival of Vessels. Montreal, Sept. 13.=The stables of the Montreal Light," Heat and Power Co., at Shannon and Ottawa streets, were destroyed by fire at an early hour, this morning. Twenty-seven horses were cremated and thirty- five repair waggons and sleighs burned. The Montreal Cash Bakery and two dwellings adjoining were damaged. The loss is estimated at $15,000, mostly covered by insurance. The Allan line "steamer Numidian, from Liverpool, passed Cape Magda- lene, inward, at 5 a.m., on Satur- day. The Allan "line steamer Sicilian, from Montreal, arrived at Glasgow on Saturday morning. The statement published here to the effect that another step in the fusion Jf the Dominion Steel and Iron and Dominion Coal companies Tas been .aken in the appointment of Cornelius 'Shields to the position of general manager of the steel company, in ad- dition to" his position of manager and vice-president of the local company, te denied by officials of the compan- ies here. David Baker continues as manager of the steel company. The civic finance committee has de- eided, by resolution, to give the Ho- ehelaga Bank one-fourth of the civic account, which has heretofore been held by the Bank of Montreal. The former is a French-Canadian institu- tion and French aldermen moved in the matter, claiming that one of their stitutions was entitled to a share, with the above result. / MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. Richardsons' elevator : Steambarge John Milne from bay ports: M. T. company elevator: Tug Thom- gon cleared for Charlotte. The schooner Kate cleared from Swift's wharf with coal for Round Is- land Swift's down and up: rawa; Hamilton night. oraio's wharf : "rom Montreal. The steamer Kingston makes fast trip of the season to-day to-morrow. : fhe steamer this evening. fo-morrow the steamer cence completes her season's cme the Thousand Islands. I'he steamer New Island Wanderer has been running under high during the past two days. The spin- dle of her independent pump hroke. Repairs will be made to-morrow. wharf: Steamers Toronto Ritrleau Queen from Ot- for Montreal to- Steamer Melbourne her and America will be laid up St. Law- trips am- pressure Collided Witi® The Tower. During the early hours of this morn- ing excitement prevailed for a time in Kingston harbor. A stiff wind was blowing and a heavy sea was running. The tug Jessie Hall was coming into the harbor with a tow of barges. Sud- denly one of them broke away, before she could be secured was driv- en heavily against the old tower. The crash was distinctly heard for a con- siderable edistance. The boat, however, survived the shock, and was soon se-» cured. The steamer Toronto, just icaving port at the time, had some difliculty in avoiding a collision with the runaway barge. In her éfiort to save herself from harm, the Toronto same very near. colliding with the tower. The Finest Pleasure Cruise Of The Season. The palace steamer will -sail, at the latter her through the St. Lawrence and Ot- tawa rivers ana Rideau lakes and river, running p!l the rapids gna mak- ing of the most delightiul trips that bé Kad anvwhere in the world. Limited to forty people, only 25.00 for one we enjoyment. This includes meals and berth. cations to be received before, the inst, Apply to "Jas. Swiit & Cos, er J. P. Hanley Rideau Queen end of Septem- one can Standing Of Baseball Clubs. Jeague.-- Toronto, 630; Worcester, 5333; Jersey Providence SG: Rochester, 425: Newark, .302. league.-- Pittsburg 540; _ Boston, 517; Chicago, 584; St. 393; New Eastern Buffalo, City, 52%; 427; Montreal, National Rrooklyn, nati, A491; 45%; Philadelphia, 3 Cineth- Louis, York, American league--Philadelphia, Rt. Louis, .567 Boston, 519; Chi £ Cleveland, . 512; Washin : Detroit, 393; Baltimore, That Cutting Acid That arises from the stomach graduate, has secured a position stenographer in the head office of Parker |) Dye works, Toronto. N M" R. McQuigg /writes from: Monn that has /a stenographer the <he oi with W Death Ci Andrew Young Andrew She en treal, diedion well known in Montreal, vizht years of the Mon Young, eity agent Forwarding company, Friday. Deceased was alinost every part of had been for thirty the company. About was stricken by para Ivsis while in his gtlice, and never ral lied. Mr. "Young a member | Crescent street Preshyterian church. He was a brother of Yo University avenue, who Sosa] to attend the funeral. and with a week aco he was Greorg left The Retreat Fags. | Ar hbishoy mass, parish, a celebrated | | copy | 20 by's." | You'll Bibby | "Bibby's." . Examine our call them peaches. Co. Qak Fall. [3.50 trousers. The HD. i ho » 35 and H: | this ! streets. - almost strangles, is caused , by and Von ely of one ion n® immedi prevent 1 a forec aste Take inaiy est iG of "hi ma Tavior Hi cents, S Wade. --16 Wanted As Coach. SChancer" Elhott received a letter niorning, offering him the posi ion of coach of the Port Hope ' ity College School rughy team at good salary. He declined | the offer, ardially thanking the college sport- ing association. "Bibby's.'" Oak Hall. "The new fall hats you?' 81, 81.2 20, Bibby Co. "Bibby's."' ready. H, are D. Your pickles ond cats ups are sum: to be all right ii vou get ices and | vinegar from Redden. | 25 lbs. best spranulated sucar' $1 at | Muilin's, corner Johnston and Divgsion | your sp and | Appli- | 16th | FOR FIFTT TN YEARS. -- im Rev. M. Macgillivray Has Been REV. M. MACGILLIVRAY, M.A. To-day Rev. Malcolin Macgillivray, M.A., entered upon his sixteenth year as minister of Chalmers church. One of the leading professors of Queen's, an Old Country scholar, describes him as a preacher of great breadth of thought and with a wide scientific knowledge. "No minister in... Can- ada," he dec Javed, ""can preach more instructive or more philogophic = ser- mons than Mr. Macgillivray, who is a remarkably well-read man." present Chalmers' minister 18 second in length of ministerial service in that church, the late Rev. Patrick Gray, having been minister from I 1876. AT THE GRAND. "Busy Izzy"--Monday Night. "Busy Izzy" is the title of the new musical conceit which E. D. Stair has arranged to present George Sidney in s his introductory to theatre coers in stellar role. Of course it is going to he farcical in its nature; it will he replete with specialty features, musie, antl pretty girls. That will be sump- tuously staged and dressed eoes with- out saying. This attractive novelty, will' be seen at the Grand oi" Mon lav evening next. "A Normandy Wedding." "A Normandy Wedding," a new co- mic opera hy J. Cheever: Goodwin, author of "Wang," and other sucecess- ful operas, and William Furst, the composer of "The Isle of Champagne" will be presented at the Grand on Thursday, Sept. 18th, by an attrac tive company. International Reform Bureau. The bureau presided over by Rev. Dr. Wilbur T. Crafts, of Washington, the acknowledged leader of moral re- farm, is accomplishing great and widespread work for good. The Re- form bureau brings things to pass. Bills have been passed through its influence in congress against divorce, for the increased protection of young girls; for the abolishing of liquor sell- ing in canteens; forbidding the sale of intoxicating drinks and opium. to aboriginal races; for the protection of the Sabbath as a day of rest; against race gambling. Presidents of twenty- one railway systems have in writing stated that! foul literature has been ordered out of all their trains by the burcau's influence. Rev. Dr. Miller, the new field secretary of the reform bureau, will visit Kingston and preach to-morrow in the morning at Syden- ham street Methodist church and in the evel at Chalmers church. Friends of reform will hearty welcome him and extend material help.--COM. Law Suit Is Threatened. A few days ago a resident of Pine street called for tenders for the con- struction of a new dwelling. The low- est tender was received from a firm of 'contractors, who were awarded the work. When they came to sign contract they asked for an additional $185, which the citizen refused to give. Another contractor said - he would do the job for the amount of the lowest tender, and the work was turned over to him. It is now chare- ed that the disappointed contractors have tried to injure the successful con- tractor by attempting to prevent him securing supplies, and a law suit threatened. 18 Threatened With Dismissal. A member of the police foree is very much his muscle" becanserof a threat made hy union men, that they would sce to it that he wonld be dis- missed from the force. The policeman had a employed about his house. a small job, and in his spare moments the policeman was do- ing the necessary laboring work. This did not meet with the approval of the Junionists, who accused, him of taking the bread and butter out of a union lahorer's mouth, hence the threat that "on mason doing and | fer- | mentation of the food in the stomach. it { vounge, {led Arve unionists would have the policeman dismissed. Police Court Tidings. ! + of Canada)' was appearance of Angu jail only Phail, a finely we held a yespeeted position'in as an instructor of the but a thirst for strong drink to his downfall. The allowed him his to leave the city. John Trencer's for non appearance. tween he and his assailant tled out of court. the poli rom to go, on promising missed he set case was di The diflicnlty was The Team For Watertown last of $"hea- following members to meet the on the hase next "Al a meeting evening ght," the w chosen as the team stout of Watertown, hall diamdnd «lay Harkness, captain, 1b.: i eo Arniel, ¢.; Leonard Dick, ev, 2h.: H. Carson, s.s Convil men an McKee, oelock, Tu edny morning and will re- turn af noon Wednesday. "Bibby's."" Le. «Bibby's." Oak Hall. New collars, "up-to-date." 2 for The 'H. PD. Pabby C oO The | 1in the ! NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. Frost is destroying western states. The Mexican lap-dog is the smallest known variety of dog. I'he estimated output of gold in the Yukon this year will amount to $12.- 000,000. The grand jury is still hearing evi- dence regarding 'the St. Louis city lighting scandal. » It is stated that.the cost of évacuation of Martinique will 3,000,000 francs ($600,000). At Mehama, Ore., timber fires sur- round the town and are threatening settlers' houses and property. . The German manoeuvrés concluded on Friday with a repetition of Thurs- day's battle on a different fiela near Schwiebus. The anniversary of President McKinley will ately observed in to-morrow. : Mrs. William M. Stewart, wife of the senior United States senator, from Nevada, was killed at Alameda, Cal., in an automobile collision. T'he Venezuelan government has glared Gen. Matos, revolutionary lead- er, a traitor, and ordered him to be tried on the charge of 'piracy. Two bullocks got on the C. P. R. track at Montreal and a freight train backed into them. Two cars were smashed and the bullocks were cut to preces. Seven persons are the Kiamtia, Indian inhaling paris green applied to worm plants. Buckingham palace occupies the site of the? mulberry garden: laid out In James VII inp his unsuccessful at- tempt to start a silk industsy in London. Fhe New Orleans telephone linemen, who are on strike, will attefipt to sarry the strike to every city in the south, in which the Cumberland Tele- phone and Telegrapl® company oper- ates. It is stated that thé epartment of justice has given orders, for the liber- ation of Arthur Brunet, confined in the Montreal jail for several months past, having been convicted of frauds in connection with the Brunet-Berger- an federal election. A Detroit despatch says : ment of Canadian soldiers, Essex Fueilic has been invited by the local arrangement committee to march in the parade of Spanish war veterans here, September 22nd, which will be reviewed by President' Roose- velt. The pastoral address signed by all the bishops was read at the General Svnod of the Church of England, in Montreal, It urges the church to more liberal giving and deals, with the sanctity of the Lord's day, religious instruction of ildren, bible study and other matte 3 despatch from Muskegon, Mich., says: Luther W. Shear, the district acent of Northwesterm Mutual Life Insurance eompany, a prominent churchman and society leader, in * De- troit, who digappeared- on June 11th, leaving behind him alleged forgeries, and debts to the extent of $50,000, quictly walked into the presence of Sherili Payne at the county jail and gave himself up. At the Old Bailey, London, the jury found no evidence against Prince Francis Joseph Braganza ( lieutenant the 7th Austrian Hussars, who was a member of the Anstré-Hungari- an mission to the coronation of King Edward), charged with ander the criminal amendment." prince was discharged from custody, but his three companions were sen- tenced to terms ranging from nine to twenty-four months' imprisonment for conspiracy. crops . in the the be the death of be appropri the Unitea States de- reported dead in Territory, from which had been infested cotton A regi- the 21st "misconduct The '"Bibby's.'"" Oak Hall. New fall suits, single breasted, every suit 'a gem, S10, R12, $13, R14, S15. Bibby Co. HBihby's." double 8/8 BY, Hh: or 87, The vinegar, English cider vinegar at Extra pickling malt vinegar, pute Redden's. "AUCTION SALE --F VALUABLE CITY DWELLING AND BUILDING LOT AND LOTS. 1. 1 WILL OFFER FOR SALE ON WEDNES.- day, Sept.*17th, at 12 o'clock noon, © Brick Dwelling House and Lot No, 138 Bagot. street, the residence of Mrs. M. Mills, the frontage of hofise and lotis 66 feet with a depth of about 66 feet; is situated near the City Park and in the very best residential of the city. The valuable builklin® lot, corner of E url t Ab rdeen Ave thi Ci wd, a frontage "of Earl street, with a depth of oppewite the resid striet, 41 feer | this property is th v. Terms at time, a ot Mills (2 Rooms, at ¥ II: MIL1S Auctionewr. k noon JOIN Mayoralty 1903. fo Te Electurs o Kingston: J. T. WHITE. NOTICE. , HEREBY NOTIFY THE PU BLIC THAT 11 Willinm Murray, of Kingst county all townships auctionaver,. of the City Frontenac, hol tefine, which covers nty 2 M LEAN. Rien WM. ALLAN. The Correct, Coat, for Fall and Handy for Wet, or Shine. STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM. COLORS --Fawns and Greys. : $2.50, $3.50, $3.25, $4.50, Prices-- $5.99. $6.75, $7.50, $9.50. Ladies' Umbrellas, 50c., 75¢c., $1, $1.25,'S1.50, $2. ~ Children' s School Umbrellas, 30c; and Z5c. 2 Special Makes. Men's Umbrellas, 50c., Z5c., $1, and BP $1.25, $1 .50, '$1.75, LADIES' WALKING SKIRTS, Made of good quality all-wool Frieze, trimmed with with Strapping of self, finished with several rows of tailor stitching around the bottom. Colors, Oxford Grey, Black or Navy. PRICES--: $4. 50, $3.75, $4.99, $5.25. TBE NEW DOROTHY DODD SHOES FOR LADIES AT THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. THE EMPRESS SHOES FOR LADIES. Thoroughly reliable and exceedingly comfortable. C. D. and E. width and all the new styles i These two kinds make the most attractive line of © LADIES SHOES We have had the pleasure of showing. F. G. L.ockett. A PERFECT SUCCESS. French Submarine Boats Tor- pedoing Armoured Ship. Sept. 13.--Very inter ing ex with submarine boats took Friday at Cherbourg. Aiter within a given radius were ordered 10 steer course they deemed ads al while the submarine boats en Yearored to torpedo them, The sub were navigated twenty surface at which depth what cong the periseope. m Cherbourg was of a the «d h the armored Pari; J erimepts place on manoeuvring battleships whatever boats the marine fret from they were able to see on with the ail of When about two miles ir the submarine boat Francaise, made aware of the pres the sound of Was nee rou hip nn | media ely amaidsi came { way. | was certified she anishe i ing to the depth of fiity ie 1 | passing beneath torpedoed ther again. She then came to the surface. 'The manoeuvre. occupied only a min utes and wag a periect succ ' the MULATTO TURNED WHITE. All Done Within Seven Years--Re- markable Case. York, Pa., Sept. "13.--Mrs. Cornelia Noble, a mulatto, > sixty years old, residing in this city, in' seven years has completely changed color, save for a few marks on her arm and body, transformation being from that of the natural hue of the latto to the delicate white complexion of the fairest Caucasian. Mrs. Noble says: "It is just 'n years since | no- ticed a small white spot on the top of my forehead, just at the roots of the hair. Tt gradually spread, and within a vear had reached the size of hali a de Har. Jn the meantime other white spots appeared on my face, neck, body. Now, as vou "ie, completely white, with the tion of th marks aris «body, and, strange the i nal darker y originel I heen periect he ith. Mrs. N | wife Her maternal grandmother German, while her paternal ther was a Castilian, se arms: and am on my to say, than and have war n am the Cuban. was a grandia- of a Pure spices at Mullen's