DAILY BRITISH waIG. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Save the Baby Nestlé's Rood will so strengthen sn infant that it can withstand the enerva- ting effects of hot weather. It is a pre- ventive of Cholera Imfantum. Your physician will recommend it. Nestlés Food Sample (sufficient for eight meals) Free. LEEMING, MILES 4 CO., MONTREAL. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. EXCURSION Return Rates 'From Kingston. TORONTO EXHIBITION Sept. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th spa 2 Oth - 3 th, 1 : rs limit, Sept. 15th, 1902. FARM LABORERS' = EXCURSIONS To Manitoba and Assinibeia. Fare $10. Going date Sept. 9th. HARVEST EXCURSIONS Will run September 16th; valid for return until Nov. 16th, 1902. RETURY RATES TO Grand View Swan River Regina 7. ... Moose Jaw Yorkton Prince Albert Macleod Calgary... . Red Deer ...... .. 110 . and C. P. . A. FOLGER, JR, Gen. Pass. Gen. Supt. HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR poin : Train ieee Go "Boil Devas aid ta. t al a pm. R. J. ® R. Telexraph Of- fon, Clarence . Arcola wn Moosomin Wawanesa on Miniota Binscarta Winnipeg « Waskada..... Estevan Elign we w.. .... Strathcona ...... . Full particulars at Ticket Office, Ontario F. CONWAY," Agt. WA HL RTL SEsa0n. Annual Western' Excursions Sept. 25th, 26th, 2ith. At the Follewing Fares From Kingston, Ont. Detroit, Mich ...... Port luron, Mich. Cleveland, Olau Saginaw, Mich Bay City, Mich i Grand Rapids, Mich Columbus, Ohio...... Chic ee L Cini ati, Sto Paul, Mina Minneapolis, Minn. a sii All tickets good to urn until Oct holding excursion tickets eping car "accommodation at ny Ohio ors the u use further information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. Lake Ontaric & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STEAMER NORTH KING ROCHESTER ROUTE amor. leaves Sundays at 5 p.m, for t ( calling at Bay of Quinte 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE Steamer leaves Sundays at 10:17 a.m., for tour of 1,000 Islands, calling at Alexandria Bay, Rockport and Gananoque. BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE STEAMER ALETHA Commencing Sept. 2nd, leaves week days at 3 p.m., for Picton and intermedinte-Bay of Quinte ports. On Tuesdays, Thursdavs and Saturdays 'steamer calls at Deseronto and Belleville. For full Ifigmetion apply. to J. P. HANLEY, % JP A Leave. Ticket Agetits. James Swift & Co., Freight Agents. DOMINION LINE} MALL STEARSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE Californian . Sept. 0th *Norseman Sept. 27th *Turcoman .. . Oct.' 4th Colonian . Oct. 11th *Irichman.. Oct, 18th Califoruvian or Sept. 25th Steamers marked * do not carry passengers. RATES OF PASSAGE--Saloon. 65 and upwards, single accord to steamer and servioe, Second Saloon, $37.50 and up wards, single, according to steamer and ser- wie. Third clase, $26. FROM MONTREAL. Ka [8 For 27th 11th Ot. t *Manxman Ottoman . FROM "BOSTON. Sept. 17th Sept. 24th Boston to the ,. Mediterrancan. Vancouver. Oct 18th. light, Spacious NEW SERVIC Cambroman, Scpt. 27th; Midship, Saloon, Electrio promenade decks. J; P. aHey, J. P. Gildersleeve, Agt. G.T.R. Station, 42 Clarence St. D, TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Agts. Liverpool and Montreal and Portland. Alla Line "T2000... Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Quebec. Corinthian, Aug. 80, 9 am. Aug: 30, 7 pm Pretorian, Sept..6, 5 a.m. Sept. Parisian 9 am. S Numidian, , 5 ans Sept. First cabin, $65 and upwards; Second car bin, $37.50 to $42.50; London. $1.50 extra: Third class, $25 and $26; Liverpool, . Derry, :llast, Glasgow, London. New York to Slassew & Londonderry. Carthaginian a Sept. 3rd Sardinian .... Sept. 17th Montreal to G lasgow Direct. | KIND WORDS. EXPRESSIONS OF INTER- NATIONAL GOOD WILL Address of the Fresident Georce's Union, A. R. gaz, at Philadelphia at uecent Convention, A year ago there" appeared with starting suddenness a sombre visitor, a guest unbiddén but not to be de Bh oa het le le arin oo our eager expectancy to. mourning. The loved apd honored President of the United States had been stricken down by das- tard hand and, in the shadow of a jogs A aolfing, nd a grief univer: executive committec, ar oa ro. that was festive, oa TF geile a) s d have post. poned the convention until this time. Now let me emphasize the wele ome ex- tended at the social reunion last ev- ening, in the name 2 dele itom the United qa ie Solezates to express to our brothers across the border, deep gratification at their pre- sence. Among the events of universal in- terest since our last biennial session, it is eminently proper to give first place to a reverent mention of the life and death of the queen, and their impress upon the world. With what mingled feelings of sadness and just pride do we, who, by the right = of birth or the tie of blood, claim her our own, view the "unparalle led spectacle; the solemn grandeur, wi a world in sorrow and mourning at her death and paying a universal tribute of homage and respect to her memo- ry. Not so much because she was the illustrious ruler of the powerful Brit- ish empire did the people of the world, for the first time in history, cease in their jealousies and conten. tions to mourn her death and rever: ently place the wreath of glory upon her tomb, but because, through her long and unsallied life, she had made conspicuous and glorious those vir- tues of heart and mind that grace and ennoble womanhood, and are an in- spiration and a blessing to all man- Kind. Universally honored and pected as a noble soveriegn, long and illustrious reign had been marked by the deepest wisdom and prudence and to whose court life hitd been lent all the gentle graces and dignity of true woman, she has left behind her, however, as the most im perishable monument to her me mory, that life of spotless virtue, that sweet example of faithiul affection as a wife, that silent grief and loyalty as 'a widow, that devotion to motherhood and its duties, that 'charity and friend- liness to the needy, that unostentaes ous svmpathy with sorrow, that re- verent worship and trustful faith of unafticcted piety. It is by this mea- sure of worth the world has judged her and crowned her "Victoria the Good." . At the wanton. and fiendish assasin- ation of-President McKinley, the dis- tinguished, honored and beloved Chief Executive of the United States the civilized world stopd hushed and stun- ned. From ev ery quarter came messag- es of deepest sympathy.' of horrof and oi execration. Among the most touch- and appréciated were the 'daily aneuiries of "solicitude durine the peri- od of awiul suspense, 'and the heart- felt expressions of sympathy and orief from His Majesty, Edward VII, and the eloquent and fraternal messaves from Sit Wilirid Laurier, prime minis- ter of Canada, "reminding us." as has been well said, nothing else can that we are members of the same house, hone of their and flesh of their flesh." All over the world there ascended to the throne of grace sim- ultaneous pravers jor the preservation of the life held in such ed by ail. For a time it seemed assured that a nierciful 'Providence would spare it to his country and to the fulfilment of the awvork to which the president had his eminent qualities, but over the growing lieht of hope the shadows suddenly "descended and deep- ened into the stillness of. ia But 'God reicneth and the government at Washington still lives: under His guiding hand, chastened in our row and strengthened in our afliiction the country will work out the solution of those questions preghant with interest to the English speakii ples of the world. It's God's. .avav."" "His will, not ours, be done." There ave points of and "pecu- liar similiarity in the qualities of these two illustrious rulers, which may ai- ford a solution to these unparallelsd manifestations of sorrow and to these tributes of respect from all men, 1e- gardless of nationality, for, added to the same qualitics of mind, the firm and rapid grasp of great problems, the fearlessness in the prosecution - of duties, the resolutencss of will and the grace and dignity of true man hood, we find the" same purity of "life, the same sweet and touching example of {onjugal affection and devotion to the domestic life, the same charity' of heart and sympathy with the people and the same unafiected piety and confidence in God. Truly these, then, are t qualities that the world = ve- cornize noble to which they aH reverence to man- hind: "Hhe--sudden--and Hi. Majesty, King In ing <0 od wely coding and "sinritar-events, ae: nile mat the camg tributes of resnes, the ame axpressions of brotherly sym. pathy and gricf* On bath sides of the etic the bulletins telling of hi stra e for 1 nst treme odds, of his her titude in suf fering, were watched with equal soli of St. Wig- the ni- as res- whose "ae do, bone consecrated close 1 ne and as tas benisons of fol- pre- alarming ithess Edward VII, upon the two ifest Sicilian, Sept. 3rd and' Oct. Sth. All classos. second cabin $35, third I; First cabin $50, class $25. -- Palit: Agent, City Pamemier By | nston an ntario streets Gilderaleave, treat. CURE YOURSELF | | Use Big @ for unnatural | rees,inflamm: tions, frritadons or alcerationss muc U3 meribrapes, sinless, und mt astrine gent or TEE Seld by ists, | Se sent in ain eT Io Xpress, p for on, Seb 3 Bottle 5 x hn Cala Pr Casa 8 emo {were T WELL, WELL! | WHAT IS WANTED NOW? WHY MORE ens omers course at Myers' Pork Market, $6 Brock street, where vou will obtain the best d smoked meats in the eitv. * lbs. lor a quartar. °' 870. "ant itnde. From both shores went wip the frient praver, "God Save the King." With equal thanksgiving gress ty J re¢overy gratt coronatt and beloved vit 13! con utaful Alexandra { ther events hay kad close tien, indicative of the of what been termes! Saxon South in the 'we | Koprs bloody into with justice on bitter condemniition the con- and traitorous opposition at to the contrary, notwithstand- ing. Roth have been fought out to a snecessfr] issue on the. %same Anslo- Saxon lines of stern, Bafaltering de- Queen rapidh prog the Afr } des I'hi of entered [eq wing two wars Both side, tineot home on a. sor-- termination, regardless of the cost, to uphold the right and to fulfil the "ob- ligations of enlightened civilization. In Cuba, freed from.its centuries of hor- rible oppression, its smothering bur- den of debt and taxation removed; free public schools established . every- where; absolute freedom guaranteed; its cities and harbors, the pest holes of 'years, cleansed and scoured, without count or expense, by the application of the most advanced ideas in sanitation; a proper form of self-government created and guaran- teed--we have witnessed the spectacle, unprecedented in the world's history, of a conquered country restored to its people absolutely free from all cost. Thus, against the cavail, sneers and unbelief of our enemies, has the! pledge of .the Spani-h war been fulfilled. In South Africa and in the Philippines, by the unswerving, seli-sacrilicing ap- plication of these same characteristics of enlightened civilization, the future will see every Anglo-Saxon tradition of honor and justice vindicated and that much more of the world uplifted towards higher places of development. In the United 'States, as a conse- in religion - ~~ T with a broad anc ata] recognition 'of the rights of all men, we have seen abrogated an antiquated and useless treaty. * For the purpose of complet- ing this work the congress of the Uni- ted States has voted $180,000,000, curing this fund , against possible fail- ure by an of bonds, if such should ever bane necessary, and all this for a work. located in a foreiom country, intended dnly to foster the commeree--of --all nations and to---vvo- mote the peace. brocress and eiviliza- tion of the werld. In mutual! sorrow and grief; in re- ciprocal sympathy and support of the one in the determined sacrifices of the other, for the maintenarde of the same principles of right in ol.position to tyranny and oppression; in united and brotherly action. with identity of pur pose and a common: aim, fqr the de- fence and adv ancement of the cause of civilization, there has been growing and cementing. quietly, but none the surely, a bond of cordial sympa- thy: of closer friendship: of better un- derstanding between' the two great English speaking nations of the earth, that stronger, more indissoluble, se- less is a, NAPANEE NEWS SEVERAL MARRIAGES ARE ANNOUNCED. Bachelors Give a Dance -- Sales On the Clccce Board--Notes About Many People. Napanee, Sept. 13.--A¢ ° board yésterday afternoon, twenty fac- tories boarded 1.579 boxes of cheese 240 white and 330 colored. Sal 160 white-at 9 13-16c. Buyers present, Alexander, Thompson, -- Cleall, Van Luven, Bissell, McKinnon, Cook and Magrath. C. A. the cheese Graham has removed his fur store to the premises on Dundas street, occupied by J. CG. Fennell. F R. Maybee, in Tilbury for the past <'% months; is home for a vacation. He was obliged to resign his position owing to ill health. J. A. Cathro is still very low. His father, A. Cathro, and sister, Miss Cathro, Lindsay, are at his bedside. Samoa claims the original skyscrap- er, = althongh it concedes that we build thitm somewhat higher. The government buildings of Samoa Spanish war, the north and south have been indissolubly re- united under the one flag, to which they have consecrated the offering their mingled blood; in a similar man- ner, resulting from the mutual and willing of thes Boer war, there has developed the closer union of the colpnies ta the Mother Country and the accomplished federation of Australia. The Chines two English by Japan, the ranks of advancea ing side by side as brothe it. was in the forward "pro punitive expedition or in the born and heroic defence of the tion; standing together in victory a humane and enlightened punish ment of 'the vanquished and, against the restrictive and selfish policies other powers, demanding successiully that the door to China be open. un der equal conditions, to the com- merce of all nations. United 'in same resistless manner the two coun tries will wage a relentless and cessful war against the foul doctrine anarchy as:a dangerous menace to liberty. Founded as both g¢ quent to the oi sacri d joined war has witness speaking peoples, newest recruit to civilization, flight whether sof stub legen for of true (3 the the the ol the x A 'SAMOAN SKYSCRAPER. are of the tvpe shown, the civing the entirécongtruction. The framework and the fibrous roof allow for hurricanes," which are sup- pictures more potent for good to the world's peace and prosperity, than all ihe formal alliances and peace conferences ever conceived. Side by side our commerce is search- ing out and penctrating. into the most remote corners of the earth, car rving with it as un blessed leaven to mankind, not alone its religion, lan and literature, but also those sturay Anglo-Saxon principles of love of freedom, justice gnd constitutional vovernment, that are the foundation- stones of civil and religious liberty wherev Tr it truly exists. The dawn of the néw<telitury witnesses, as a bow of promise in the heavens, the two countries, mother and ehild. going for- ward they will continue fo thro out the world in an ever widening circle' of beneficient influence to the fulfillment their destiny "heirs of all the ees." Answer them, sons of the me 'race, And blood ei the same selisame clan, Let us speak with eachother, face to face. ~ And answer as man to man, And loyally love and trust none but free men can. oo, ot as each other as to .the breeze, and rose, led Ba Now fling them out Shamrock, thistle i And. the Star Span er unfurl with : to friends and foes, consgrt, 1 corvela- our |{ Who contest for the Mi ddleweight \ nig the + expressed erly repue principles of of- Angio there will venomous J are on ire ple and uu thes \ 7 tradition can be, of this monster and refuge. beneath Wended ensigns of liberty. for tyranny-begotten offspring of for Ale race. Subordinating every idea of terest in order that an American Isth- mian canal might be . assured, and Saxon no toleration 2 no seli-in- TOMMY RYAN AND ¢"KID' CARTER, Championship at Fort Erie To- ht. : | Wherever the of peace ard ! ver the 'war wind bl Ws ERLE posed to pass through, leaving the structure intact. This particular strue ture is in Tutuila, domain under con- trol of the United States. Miss Ida Vine, daughter of John Vine, Salem, was united in marriage on Wednesday evening to Wellinoton Sills, Richmond. The ceremony was performed by Rev, GG. S. White in the presence of about fifty invited guests. The bride, who one of Napanee's most populay 'young ladies, was ddint- ily attired in a gown of grey cloth. trimmed with white silk and carried a bouquet of flowers. The bride was as- sisted by her sistet, Miss Maud Vine, while Frank Carson was oroomsman. The newly wedded couplesleft for a trip tq Toronto and Niagara Falls. After returning they will reside in Richmond. Miss Maggie Fairbairn, Na was united in marriage on' Wed last, at Toronto, to Rev. A. Huffman, Ardendale. Every train brings returning excur- sionists from the Toronto exhibition. The weather was very favorable for this popular outing this year. The directors of the Lennox and Addine- ton' fair are sparing no pains to make the fair a success this year. 1f the weather onlv proves favorable on the 16th and 17th, the %air will be an exceptionally good one. W. H. Hunter purchased this week 100 acres of 'land west of the town from the Cartwright estate. K. P. R. Neville, B.A., left yesterdav for Unr- bana, Ill, after spending several weeks under the parental roof. The bachelors of the town cave a very enjovable dance "in the town hall last evening to a number of their friends. Mrs. W. Hosey and her daughter, Miss Ola; leave next week. Ottawa, where they will reside. Last "evening "and "B"" batter- sies, R.C.F.A., Kingston, passed through town on their "way to the Napanee Park, where they bivouaced for 'the might, and ded" in the evening to Deseronto, where they will camp for three 1s panee, nesday Lh for Proce: weeks. Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York clothing store. Prock street, has received al his fall importations for oraer work in his - tailoring department. His readv-made department is well assort- ed and a large assortment to choose from. FEor low price and durahility he -defies competition. Cream of Rose and ~ Almonds will make the skin smooth, soft and white and preserve it from the action = of drying winds, cold and Height, sun shine. McLeod's drug store; per bottle. [TRON-OX "It is with real , ,--_--_--__m-- that I certify to the efficacy of * Iron-Ox Tablets. Having been in the Retail Drug business thirty-seven years, I have never sold any proprietary medicine that has given the same satisfaction to my customers, or has been i an 'easy gellar Te recommends an Sells Jooelf ; the Tablets 'do the rest.' Every box sold makes friends for the store and sells another box."-- JAMES E. SOMES, Pharma- cist, Terre Haute, Indiana, 35¢. this . is. the gale "We severed have But now we have d tale of an ancient y ois § frienship last ong as Jove and be stronger than dea { Yes, fot | | voice bin doth last | th is strong." Iron.Ox Tablets the best cure for Poe tion, an un nerve tonic S50 Tablets, 25 Cents you want the -brightest . kind of a light to be had from coal oil use our SUNLIGHT "BRAND. We guarantee it as the best oil made. If you have not already aused it try a sample lot. McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 BROCK ST. & SEE THE " BARG AINS IN OUR WINDOW. Men's Box Calf Leather Lined Lace Boots. A part of the stock bought en bloc in Toronto. We 'will offer for A. ABERNETHY, Trunks and Valises. ABSOLUTE - SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills ust Bear Signa.ure of Foor Forel See Fac-Similé Vines Below. Very small sad as easy 10 1ai:e as suger. i FOR REABACHE. CARTES FOR DIZIINESS. FOR DILIOUBRESS. (VER FOR CONSTIPATION. *. |FOR SALLCY/ SKIR. FOR THE COZAPLEXION QENUAINES MUST RAVE MATUR oe, | purary Yogetablo, Garnrtievt, FC TORP!ID LIVER. BURE 810 HEADACHE. | EDUCATIONAL. »HILLCROFT" ACADEMY KINGSTON. A RESIDENTIAL and DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Ideal Grounds of Twelve Acres. Opens Sept. Uth, 1902, REV. T.J. GLOVER, B. A., Principal. wv» MUSIC % MRS. CLERIHEW WILL RE-QOPEN HER classes in Flyicher Music Method on Septem ber lst. For terms and: particulars apply at 211 University Avenue, 3 PIANO LESSONS Miss C. 'M. Clerihew, undercraduate Taron- o College of Music, 211 University Avenue. ARTHUR H. HOWELL, Representative and Examinér for the London, (Eng.)Cellege of Music. Organist and Choirmaster, First Presbyter- ian church, Brockville. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Singing. Should a sufficient number of pupils offer, Mr. Howell would visit Kingston one day a week during the coming season. Correspondence solicited. Address Box 278, Brockville, Ont. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. ToroNTO COLLEGE BUSINESS TORONTO. Largest and best equipment in Canada. Unequalled | facilities for securing positions. 821 Queen Street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE, Combedorntion Tite Rnildinse Taromta and every form of itchi bleeding and protrud manufacturers have guaranteed it, nana in tho daily press and ask your to youi-thad Ble es Ointment ta a oS ana abso) cure for what they think of it, You can use it Er deaiere monty back if not eu 60c a box, ealers or EDMANSON, BATES & CO," wronte, Or. Chase's O'ntment Gets Back 'His Estate. Loni} 15 Newcast] hi Lord Fran Hope, 1 purti the Newcastle duke exercise power of revocation when Lard Francis married Mav Yo- he. The occasion of Lord Francis' re- instatement in the property is his mar- n,, The Buke of prot n her, of tates over which the, L his A SY, riage to his cousin Miss . -- -------------- TO-LET. GW0GD FURNISH Do without board, 1 WELL Mr, p BOOKS, WITH OR 1 Queen strvat. FURNISHED ROOMS T obo: 0 LET AT 4 William streot, with board HOUSE 191 BROCK STREET, 9 ROOMS. All modern improvements. Apply to C, Livingston & Bro. RUOMS conv ITH FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ith all modern ences, ad wi 191 University Avenue. 165 KING STRE EAST, LATELY 0COU- pied by Captain Eaton. Rent $240. Ap ply to Kirkpatrick, Rowers & Nickle, 43 KING STREET, WEST, BEAUTIFUBLY sitiated, fachin Hie Harbor. Rent $3 and taxes pply - to Kirkpatrick, F gr, axe rkpatri Rogers 0 FRONTENAC STREET, NEAR UNION street, 6 rooms, $7. Also other dwellings, stores and offices. J. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock street, next Wade's. HOUSE, 200 Clergy, at Groenless. October 1st. WILLIAM STREET, NEAR present----oceupied by "Principal Possession 15th Sehtembor of Apply to J.-S. R. McCann. SRICK RESIN INCE, 201 BROCK STREET, 11 rooms, modern improvements, . alse brick resicince 244° Broek street, 10 rooms modern improvements. Apnly to the UH. D. Bibbv Co. Oak Hall, Princeow atrect. POSSESSION' AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE- sirable house on the corner ofl Bagot and Gore streets, near the park. Modern' 'in every way. Daisy hot water heating and in perfect order. 'Apply to Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot street. ARCHITECTS. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, ant'. Bank Building, corner Wellington strects. "Phone 212; MERCH- and ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, . OFFICE site of New Drill Hall, near corner of ~ Queen and Montreal Streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, Anchor Building, Market Square. Phone 8 WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE, second floor over Mahood's Drug Store, corner Princess Bagot streste. Fn trance on Bagot atreat. MONEY AND BUSINESS. WO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sums {rom one thousand te ey 1» and dollars. For nN GODWIN'S INSURARCE "Eni Rrutt, over Express Office, Market Souare, MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE UR SMALL sums, at low rales of interest on city and farm property. Loans granted om city and county debentures. S. C. McGILL, Loan and Investment Society. posite the Post Office. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE FIRB Insurance mpany. Available assets, $61,187,215. n addition to which olicy holders have for security the un- imited liability of all the stockholders, Farm and Citv Property insured at lowest possible rates... Before renewing old or ving new business get rates m STRANGE & STRANGE, Agents. 'UNDERTAKERS. RBETT, - FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 281 Princess Street, Kingston, Successor W. M. Drennan. . F. HARRISON CO., UNDERTAKE 233-235 Princess Street. elciency the best. hones--Warerooms, AT. F. Harrison, Al. RS, [ANYTHING TO SELL, MAM ? the second-hand dealer calls at your door, and say no, without 0 ~~ Kingston Rag and Me- ask vou to drop them 389 Princess street after you over all your old stuf will pay you highest cash This is what says when he you promptly thought. The tal .Co. only a card to have sorted and they Rricés! STRAIGHT BUSINESS W. Murray, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Mer- chant. Market Square. BOARD. LARG £ FRONT. ROOM, AL30 TWO SINGLE rooms, with , modern Fonvetiitnc, tral, not far from City eed Woixlonaid parks. Suitable for a party of from to five, 195 Earl street