Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1902, p. 1

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FA "dn THE DAILY RITIS 69TH YEAR. NO. 2186, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1902 LAST EDITION. ° WOULD BE WITHOUT ONE OUR LEADER Golden Oak Finished Bedroom Sit, 3 pieces, regular price $13.50, ' now ALSO SPECIAL SALE OF PARLOR SETS AND COUCHES. R. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 222 Princess Street, Opposite the Windsor Hotel. Telephone No. 577. WORTH THE PRICE When you buy a home you want it to be of the best quality ma- terial and you should insist that work be well done. We can pro- vide you a house where the best has been combined to give it qual- ity. We'll Make a Price That Will Make You Smile. J. S. R. McCANN, 51 Brock Street. Next to Wade's. Regimental Orders By Lt.-Col. J. S. Skinner, Com= -manding 14th P. W. O. Rifles. training, in pr will begin Autumn inspection, 1Thes annual ii on rades for at 8 p.m. Until further take place at follows © 'Band Thursdays, at Tin dys sential that Parades By or C CRG TAM orders the pa Armouries will us x Mondays F"' companivs on C : hr com. aml Jani Ie ise at all these and Fr vs there be full attendanges Ah Captain. Adjutant. » 4 ie SALE OF FURNITURE. PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS * at the of W. 8S. Moony. Pembroke street, beginning Tuesday, September 16th awd conumuing for week one drill . LOST. THE CRICKET FikED NE i CORNER Sydenham and West streets, A PAIR O PLAIN GOLD LINKS attached to pair of blue and white' striped cufis. Finder will be rewanhd on returning to 63 West street f TYPEWRITER! paomst on Sod for Samples of work add de scriptions. Box 335. Montreal. ON WANTED: 2 COOK; Al West APPLY GIRLS AND BOYS. APPLY AT GARDINER Biscuit Factory, Division street A GENERAL "SERVANT. APPLY IN 'THE evening to Mrs. Henry Wade, 238 Brock strect. FAMILY Mack GENERAL Good wages strat. SERVANT FOR SMALL paid. Apply ww No. 17 GENERAL to Mrs. street, ONCE Gore APPLY Mines, AT 107 SERVANT. Wiliam T. Kingston. THREE BOYS, 14 to 16 YEARS OLD:* AP- ply to J. A. Gould & Co., Smith street, opposite 730 Princess street. 16 Co., sireet. YEARS OLD Smith street, TWO GIRLS FROM 14 to Apply to J. A. Gould opposite 730 Princess WITH ABOUT McCann, 31 TO - PURCHASE 5 acres of land. Brock street, next Le DWELL = R We Se 8 APPLY to ot EXPERIE \NCED HOU SEMAID and So cloc AN m evening between 7 is Hille M PARLOR the EXPERIENCED wv housemand. Apply in IMMEDIATELY maid. snd al elenings 0 Mrs.» Grant, "Roselawn," Unmon street MASSAGE, ALCOHOL, SALT OR OIL. RUB dings at vour « or 1 v. by omp toy healihiv Swi mass su t vas abl Aihbrvss G Yh, 1083 Queen stret AT ONCE A COMPETENT MAN TO TARE RB ret oN te A M \ \ v the eve > HALL'S RARBER SCHOOLS, 248 YONGF street, Toronts, Ont 1 ren sto trinl, as logue free - OPERATIVE PLAN" course is? given db solutely frie Also ET to earn working for us money at your home, bv Aldis Owen Write for particulars to-davw. Hall, propristor. LOCAL , MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Jenkins Wolfe Postave my hati fair, Wed dav. stampsdon't got licked for sticking to business I=land, The syn rises Wedpesday at 5.41 dam, and sets at 6:06 p.m. - A dark secret is the kind that usually comes to light 15 "a fa-cinating woman' improved Lv wear: ing a fuscinator ? Auctien sale, valuable city propre. Wed: nesday noon hy auctioneer J. IL Mills, Auction® sale Household furniture, at 193 Earl street, by Allen & Brown, Wednesday, 19 a.m x "That maidin lady is oe of the standbys of the society, 1 believe »7 "M'm--ves; she's a wall-fower for about thirty years 1 i Mrs. Homer--"What do vou think of my pew cpdwn 2? Mrs. Nextdoor--"0Oh, it's per Only lust weev 1 bought our © of the same piece of goods" This the world's hirtorv: Anclo American ors defeat Boxers at Peitachu, 1900. Corinth taken, 1822; battle of Antie- tan. 1 Se Atlant ¢ opened, 1838 James 1, of England died, 1704. SELF SEALERS CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN EVER. ROBERTSON BROS. (GRAND OPERA Y HOUSE J) THURSDAY, SEPT. 18. FRED. C. WHITNEY PRESENTS THE Grace Cameron Opera Company IN THE LATESS COMIC OPERA SUCCESS "A NORMANDY WEDDING." entire New ion intact. 45 acluding Bly Brown. 45 Superh company, York produc- Prioes--23c., 50c., 75c.; $1, $1.50. Seats now on sale at Hanlev's Saturday. Sept. 20th, wmatifee and night, "A JOLLY AUCTION SALE VALUABLE CITY DWELLING AND BUILDING LOT AND LOTS. I WILL O Sept. AMERICAN TRAMP." FOR SALE ON WEDNES- at 12 oclock noon, the House --and Kot No. 138 the residence. ai Mes. M. Mills, the of house and {otis 66 feet with a depth oi about Go tis situnted near the City Park and in the very best residential the city The valuable buildine«, lov, corner street and the new street, Aberdeen used as the City Pound, a frontage feet on karl street,. with a depth of 1 ¢ 3. The vacant lot opposite the residence of Mrs Renton, Earl street, 41 fer frox depth 132 All this property situated in the 1 rt of "the city Tern de known at time ah , ak Mills' Auc tion Rooms, at FOUN H: MILLS: Auctionewr. AUCTION = SALE Oi Houschold Furniture. WE HAVE BEEN BY MRS John Laidlaw to sell resic INSTRUCTED at the iamily 193 Earl siroet, the entire contents of house: hold, and as Mrs. L w is leaving Kings ton to reskdw in Montreal, nothing will be reserved. Sala on Wednesday, Sgph. I7ih, A Fine Piano made bv Ernest Gabler, New York, Jarlor Suite and Fabey Chairs, Pic- tures and Lace Curtains, Velour Curtains, carpets, - Dining Suite mn Ouk, Le G r Covered Dapley Carpets, Dinner Sct,. China Tea Se ware and UCuthry. Contens of four HW » including 'Black Walnut Marble Top Bedroc ym Suit amd" other Mattresses, Feather Bods and Pillows' Lace ¢, Toilet Sets, Picuure, . Black Walnut Book Tables Morris and Divan, with ish Damask and Sw Applique Cur i Coking with Hot Water nt, Gas Refripyrator and onten's of Sho Lawn Mow- New Rubber Nose and Tools. 3 ALLEN "& BROWN, WELL, WELL! WHAT IS WANTED NOW? WHY MORE engiomers of course 'at Myers' Pork Market; er, Graduate of Ottawa Nermal School. FCTION DUE --n. A Possibility Of It In Great Britain MADE FLUTTER LORD LONDONDERRY MAKES ANNOUNCEMENT. ° He of And as a Cabinet Minister Should Know Something the Government's Intentions-- Sir John French Has Reached Aldershot. London, Sept. l6.--Lord Londonder- ry has caused a flutter in political dovecotes, by a reference to the pos- sibility of an early general election. Lord' Londonderry is not a man of much importance in the political world but as a cabinet minister he should know . something about Mr. Balfour's intentions and after all he has only said what for weeks has been quictly whispered. Even before the ad- journment of the house of com mons members of parliament were discussing the chances of a dissolution before Christmas." The autumn session is certain to be a live- IY and Mr. Balfour will have to place special reliance upon the discip- line and devotion of his parliament- ary supporters. Some unexpecte® in- cident may, however, precipitate a crisis, which would surprise only those official optimists who are, of touch with popular feeling. The arrival of Sir John French at Aldershot would be an impressive ev ent if there had been an army on the ground instead of a skeleton oroanization on paper. Only five talions of 'infantry are now stationed at Aldershot, and one of these if un der orders to 'embark for Nova Sco- tia, and the cavalry and artillery sup- ports are equally weak. Eighteen sets of infantry barracks are now vacant, and even when the brigade of guards arvives there will be only eight bat- talions out of the twenty-five required for" an army corps. There will barely be one division out of the three in= cluded in - the organization of a full corps. The real sionificance French's assumption of the command of the first army corps, in the complete disappearance of the Alder- shot gang which was tried and found wanting in South Africa. G Bul- ler, Methuen, Cler} rand Gatacre, with all the brigade commanders, original lv 'chosen for the promenade to Pre- toria, have lost their prestige, and, by the survival of the fittest, veter- ans like Gen. French, Paget and Bruce Hamilton, and Cols. Plumer and El- liott are placed in command of the first army corps. one, of General lies ens. There is not lack of experienced oflie- not ers whose tacties are drawn from nor from fhe h: ck smokin room, but from the skirmish line nd battle-field. No revolution in the train- the British army can he efiect: ed until nh are obtained for the ar- my and this is not likelv to happen before the end of the next vear, but society has exercised a de- cisive influence at Aldershot. DOOKS ine of corps, Er OKEN KOSES. Need Not Worry Anybody Aiter This. 15. in announces London, get, a hospital, ish bridges broken Sept. Dr.» Stephen Pa- the West London that he can furn- for noses "that have been and sunk "in. Albthat is re: quired is a needle syringe and solidi fied parallin with the melting point at 115 degrees. The in of the nicked with a scalpel at "the point surgeon HOSE is Where the surgery is to be performed. The needle is then inserted and this introduces the paraflin, heated to the melting point underneath: the skin, A firm pressure then moulds the paraflin into shape and farnished a bridge cov: ered. with: healthy skin without a scar. THAT FOOT NOTE. The Methodist Church Refuses to Make Any Change. Winnipeg, Sept. 16.< The vexed 'am- usement question which has agitated Methddist conferences for came up azain last. night sion, but as in previous chureéh's - hizhest court make anv change in the and added emphasis by refusi bate the subject. This_end reached without the consumption of considerable time, however, and the application of® the closure was a of irritation which a erable number of délegates were able to canceal: vears discus- the to note' to de- not matin for was consid , un: source DIED AT PRAYER. B55 Brock street, where vou will obtain the . Hest cooked and smokad meats .in the citv. ¥ : 2 = a dripping for i Quarter. "Phone 570. The End of a Good Man at Sand : wich. MISS LAURA NEISH Windsor, Ont., Sept. I6.-- Camille . J t aged seventy-two, of SRahdwich chad Suddenly while on his lv in simian postures' of supplication and surr I bv his children and his > Mr P arent was horn x County and was a well Heart failure w the as nster 'to processpon o h \ fair will be extn apie. Only a small escort will be provided. to-do arly I'he Tho sco until the ' I by his aides, reaches that parture ne few days. Franei of the army. accompanies Cols#Whitney and Maus, city. he commar bat» TARIFF CHANGES. Been Made in Australian Comnionwealth. L efor Have leaving the Barton was ad- alterations "in the commouawe alth tarifi, two of them of particular interest to Canadians-- the difties upon machinery, and metals which have been fied at the moderate Sept. 16 dmund minor Ottawa, capital, Sir vised of cert rate of twelve and one-half per cent. Under this tarifi it is believed? that a valuable market can be secured in Australia for Canada's metals and panulastures in machinery. Lewis & Sme'lie; of Ottawa; have ewtared an action in the exchequer court on behali of the Province oof Manitoba against the Dominion for an accounting in' connection with swamp lands formerly administered by the federal authorities, The amount involved is said to exceed 30.000), Prof. John Macoun, ch Dominion naturalis has retiirned from the Yu- kon. where he maae 5 special botani- eal survey of the district. He says the climate is little understood in the The growth of vegetables at 200 miles south is ex- ceptional. All vegetables that we grow in the cast grow in the Yukon except potatoes and onions. As yet potatoes have crown large, but not east. Dawson and for coon, and onions have been a failure, As examples of good vegetables the professor cited a cauliflower seen Au oust 2rd, which measured ten inches across, a turnip weighing nine pounds, and a head of letteee weighing over five pounds. Barley sown June 5th was ripened Aunenst 2d. As reoarvds the future of the country, Prof. Ma coun said the day of individual placer mining is passing away, but there is an immense quantity of low gravel deposits. which capitally develop with profit. He had nothing hut things to of the efficiency of N.W.M. and their work. good the say police FOUND DEAD IN HOTEL. Carbolic Acid Kills Young Woman in Montreal. Montreal, Sept. 16.--A voung wom- an of prepossessing appearance, well dressed and ahout twenty<two years of the Queen's Hotel, registered ay at a few days aco as Annie Moore, of Springfield, Mass. Not having made her appearance since yesterday noon the door of her room was forced last evening and the young woman was found lying on the bed dead, her face and throat horribly burned by -car- bolic acid. The woman's purse con- tained $176. The body now lies in the morgue awaiting identification. She left a note stating that she had no friends or relatives and that she committeed the del on account of. ill iven and the place health. The name of residence, Springfield, Mass, are believed by the authorities to be cor- rect. TWO GIRLS LOSE LIVES. Fatal Accident to Prominent Port Hope Women." Port Hope, Ont., Sept. 16.~Miss An- nie Hadden, daughter of Capt. "James Hadden, and Miss Annie Trawin, dauchter of Henry Trawin of this town, lost their lives while boating outside the harbor last night. There were four young ladies in the boat at the time of the aceident, and the wer apparently trving to make a landing at the steps on the pier. All supposed to have been standing holding on to when the boat all four in- young an, them. were upright in the boat, the of the pier shoved out, precipitating "to water. John Fox, a managed to rescue two of edee PEACE AT THE CAPE. Law Will Soon be pealed. Cape Town, Sept. 16.~In view Attorney-General 8S. LL. said "The general. indemnity act will _he- Faw ina dav or two, when mar: tial Liaw will be repealed throughout the "colony. Simultancously the =gov- crnment will proclinn the peace pre servation act, enabling it to c¢bntrol the gion," importation and™® re- gistration of al arms all ammu- nition. Profound reigns throughout the Martial Re- an inter- Graham come POSSE and peace colony." All Depends On Devery. New York, Sept 16.--All New. York awaiting with keenest interest the result of the Tammany primaries being held to-day. The contest will result in the reconstruction the Tammany machine, no matter who wins, of because it is a foregone conclusion that the triumvirate Joke" Hofien, "Two Spot'? McMahon and 'Sport Mur phy. as "Big Bill" Devery calls them ~will retire from. their burlesque at- tempts glranNing the organization in the absence of "Croker. Ii John Sheehan, New York--bBemeoeracy,; seven men, he will of a number of | foval to Croker. B the Great can elect six or gain the support aders © who, are pot t the majority of of | cial if character. TEL It A Rap Gue Th Thu of call A othe Sun fuses chile 4 hy fron at OX of Haut whe call the ocel ish ay M CHEF ner whi wit ther n of othe mil piar tice is han smi son Cou ter rest will the The trol ng Rov Wi | | | | bury rou sher ni: char lars | Woo 1 I how | able leaders do not believe that Sheehan will carry any districts, particularly in view of the personal ficht being made bv Devery acainst him in the | Ninth district, where his influence was the strongest. NM Devery should win, Carroll and his followers would seck to accomplish | the permanent retirement of Croker and his "friends with the ohject of caining control of the machi "It id the universal verdict that evervthing depends upon: the result of the strenn ons ficht Dévery has been ving for els past the Ninth <= To Consider Registration. Montreal, « Nept, I6.--An, in portant cor thers of the d Ti iv MeGill nh o-dav and will cent T ve: Th t of 0 n <a vo { forming a mm for th purposes of embracing the whole of At pre ent such gsso provin 0 Ar mor you * William Hunter, vears., The hing The farmer, Ont. duly let. The Rev. brain Justice supreme on Monday morning of paralysis. Five of the most Tnflue ntial members of the United States senate have heen Oyster Three» into wes cither clud har: mills. crease widerable stringent ment, part portation severe olars Brunswick, ht fired on the of ORLD NEWS Comes To Us From Quarters. LEGRAMS All FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By Public. is surmised that Russell, died © new pel," Iph, is dead, of he corner stone brary was laid at Chatham, raday. czar when he re Victor on the pope. meteor was seen a © western points a day morning. "| ou Iren to visit Smissing of Blanford, the he scene of a Indians at marked by the ® Allan line n Montreal, arrivic ) a.m., Tuesd on the pas=ag Ralph M. the James Street nilton, fever Horace steg 18 at Boston. » retired court hench meet Thev their to Bay. nature of hundred Malav, ed pied the protectorate peninsula. over priv Emmanuel, having Hunt, Baptist dangerously ill Grav, from the United States last sprine, died 'reside wer The ate n Fridav. reside the the will 'oarns fires banker sevent) Dear Paul Derouledesan exile from France, has been ordered from Spain. forest Colorado are started by meteors. . William Millbrook, Ont., French Sunday paper, has appeared in.Montreal. an old aged in "Lg nt of v-rine Carnegie li- Ont. last visit not t Stratford and t six o'clock on Hamilton public school board half holiday fair Joseph near to the there. of Pret Live lost ner 1 at former Lynn, re- school Hutchinson, Woods is now a citizen of Hamilton. massacre Wit Nincara Falls has erection of tock, itish heen a tab orian, rpool, one nastor hurch, with Mass, nt e not visit. British troons Principality Kalantan at the request of its sultan. Si Kalantan pays a tiibute to this is an aggression. There is excitement at Kalantan, as it i the OTHER INQUIRIES. sions. ontreal, 16.- ent in Sey: t. various of a number of ch the povernment difierent h the object e Is, as some general or vw tof maintaining ing competition. 2 sugar refineries, starch distillers, ters, works, lware, 105, Government but "the suj nt that the government duties othe suflicieng evidence {o- justify combines, th dslation, anxie Ly is the d and customs, on the whinge all the e drastic leg sted trades. trades tobacco inquiry is merely the forerun- inquiries industries of tinding out whether suspect, tinware manuf: The rum other intend to -e real local, wi prices or Rumor nail foune match brewers, turers, porters intend on root the felt in t measures to rict emigration. shortly be whereby all of men is perforinance hill-also prov of emg of 1 ides companies penalties for to induce emi forbidden persons ation misleading statements advertisements. Laws Vienna, Sept. 16.--The . Hung covernment, is taking steps to recalate The ministry the interior has prepared a bill which introduced in emigration o until Roosey awa that me next se elt at re of have of am, great s fear SO ed it means the extension of the Brit whole Mal Will Likely be Made by Commis- or is the make nada; com- th the ex~ ntions laries, works, soap, cotton are re- explanation suggested to de- the One together min winngh Sion. he in- LAN TO CHECK EMIGRATION. Taking Steps to Enact Stringent rarian adopt and of arlia n the after nilitary service. for and pre by or ARE SURROUNDED. nding Up New Brun Bank Robbers. wodstock, NI. East wed up by the ii and Maine at Littleton, at 8 at I we for a they authorit was = n, total. iosome bre where we of then ds, The much are bank the a deputies, Me. Nowed. Sefit. who robbed the Bank o Florenceville, New Brun at The re d a The small pis now ury ' don but it a S200 t strict sration agencies and trans lively con scribes attempt. means of rverflowery swick The f New were 1swick mid bers ex burg weer of ound 2 sav prol Oo XH Drowned In Tub Of Water. 16 njprior, (int. ning Bessie, are all-in make g purchase Qi i# Reform Suits. them Jenkins. + 7 J betore with the FEW BRIEF ITEMS A MONOFOLY. Cannot be Established in Great Britain. Liverpool, Sept. 16.--At a meetin of the shareholders of Cope Bros. &° Co.,, Limited, ar manufacturers, the | chairman said he attribut ed the losses in thé past year's trading to waste {ful competitions. Goods had been sold I ridiculously low prices, sometimes { below with a bonus thrown in, of ruining manufactur- Cl Cost View ers who conducted their business on [legitimate lines. A monopoly. how: ever, would * not be established __in {Great Britain. Independent housesslike the Copes could wait events 'with con fidence. LOSES TO TOM WOODLEY. Eddie Connolly Defeated in a Bat- tle at Eleven Rounds. 16.--Eddie Connolly. the, American hter, was defeated last night by Tom Woodley, English. afters eleven rounds of hard fighting. for a purse of 82,000 and the 144- pounds' championship. Up to the sixth round Connolly forced the fichting. In that round, however, the Englishman cae hack and nearly succeeded in knocking his man oi. From that on Woodley took the lead and won easily, The bout was one of the fiercest ever seen in the Wonderlana club. London, Sept ENDS LIFE BY-SHOOTING. ° Lieutenant Morris Commits Sui- cide on Vessel. 16 cruiser ~Lientenant John Olvmpia com Boston, Sept. R. Morris of the mitted suicide bv shooting on board the vessel at the Charleston navy vard vesterday. The cause of the act has not been ascertained. The suicide is the second within a week among the Olympia's officers. Chaplain' Morrison having shot himself a few days ago. Lient. Morris was appointed from Missouri in 1889. STERN FAIR. It Has Opened With Good Sue- cess in London. London, Unt., Sept. 16. was the opening day of fair, and the weather being Yesterday the western fine a large crowd attended. The day was school children's day and thousands of the little ones were present. The exhilition, this vear, is ahead of any is. Veterans' previons year. To-day dav at the exposition. GREAT DEVASTATION. Villages Are Swept Away. Sept. 16.-- Twenty-five vil been swept away and sj thousand persony have been rendervdd homeless by floods due to the over- flowing of rivers in the southern part Twenty-Five Caleutta, lages have of the presidency of Bengal. Relief camps for the sufferers have been started. . The Miners' Strike. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 16.--In an interview over the lone distance 1tele- phone with the News, President John Mitchell, at Wilkesbarre, said: 'I can not predict when the anthracite sivike will be settled. If anything is going on toward a settlement by the other I" do not 'know it. Nothing towards a settlement accomplished at the was Harrisbure conference between (Gover- nor Stone of Pennsylvania, t'9 presi dents of three anthracite districts, myseli and.others who have been try ing to-end the strike. We simply met and discussed the causes and progress of the strike.' Must Face Grand Jury. Rochestery N.Y., Sept. 16.--The case of. Leland Dorr Kent, the voung Bui alo medical student who is under a rest and who says that Miss Ethel Bo Dingle committed suicide and then at- tempted to kill him at a room in the Whitman House Sunday, will he Inid hefore the grand jury, as soon as his condition will permit. Kent is in' the Homeopathic Yond tal afd his condition is improved. The physicians sav. that he will recover, His wile. who came from Buffalo; i now with him at the hospital. McKinley Gets $39,809. Sept. 16.--A SH has been a NS. McKinley for salary him on Mrs. Washineton, waftrant for ed to Mrs, I the late president, would have been due 1902, the appropriation matic at the treasury forward of wido which for which was last session of congress, Ryan Knocks Carter Out. Ringside, Fort Ont., Sept. 16. Three hundred nen from Syracuse among a crowd of 2,000 saw Tommy Rvan whip "Kid Carter last night It was the: Tommy Ryan of old, shifty and clever as ever, down his turdy opponent in krie, who bore ix rounds. Asking For Damages. Ottawa, Sept. 16.--In the exchequer court this morning, Dr. Graham, Hull, issued" a writ against the Dominion Government for 26,000 damages fon injuries to property caused by dredg ing in the Gatineau river. 4 Fighting Forest Fires: Victoria, BAL, Sept. J6.-~The Jor fires continue to ra he new hotel post of and. a new store at Mount | Sticker, were burn I, vesterday Ie [4 parts of the district etttirs J firhitng 'to save their home ro | | Passed The Century. i Ont. Sept. 16. Mrs. Smit} titory tit ne of they Framo vi, hea ne « her wm, Wilk Sih the Ee 4 1 powder explosion in the 1] ni: at North Fork, Va., i [ impriZoned seventeen men ! Fleven bodies have so far been re Julv dst, TON LVL LTLTLT ARV VOTLTV IDOE WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, "Ont., Sept. 16th, (10 ad mod Iv warm. Wodaesday showery night. a.m.) --Fine fair dav, | | | CAREFUL - TIME. 'tir said is OF Procrastination the thief of time Preparations for Fal are now in order It's uot a bit too early to buy now. An early selection means much in the two articles of dress we wish fo tell you of to-day. Dress Goods, Jackets and Cloaks. ! Dame Fashion has set her real on everything we show ip these lines, In lorking through onr NEW FALL GLODS (stocks are all complete now) you will be great- ly impressed with the?griat va- riety of styles. The many new ide s offered by the manufac- turers this season makes ST $A- 0Y'S of special interest to every who desires the very smartest, things. Our reputa- tion for showing the cleverest modes to be found in Kingston is assurance that our styles will be right Inspection invited woman LEMANS THE STORES mmm-- = BORN. GRATIAM--In Kingston, on Spt. 8th, to Mr, and Mrs. John Graham, 48 Ordnance street, a dau hter. WILSON On Sept. Ith, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson, a son. 2 MARRIED. BONTER AINSWORTH --AL Redners ille, tember 10th, Fred. E. Booted, Ameling- bury, to Cabista Ainsworth, Hillier, : DIED, McKENTY=-At her residence, 362 Johnston street, Kingston, on 15th inst. Mrs. Johu Mehenty, aged sixty-seven vears Requivin mass in St. Marv's® Cathedral at' hati past nine Wednesday morninie, Fu- neral private MYERS---At biarrowsniith, September 16h, Sarah M. Lockwood, beloved wile of PPhil- and r Myers, in the eigchty-fourth year of her ag Funeral ai hor residence one o'clock; Thurs: div. RYAN--In Barricficld, S ptember 16th, 1902, Amelin Ivan, ag Sent nine voars, res lict of the late John Ryan, postmaster of Barrichiéld Requiem mas will be sung in St. Marv's Cathedral, - Thurs y morning at vight o'clock sharp. © Funeral private ABBOTT In Kingston, Sept. 15th, 1902, Margaret, beloved "wile of Thamias Ab- hott \ Puncral will leave her Justa rosie 378 invision strect, « 9:30 for St. Mary's ? re enn regio m mast sting for the hs her soul ad acquaintances re respecthilly Sinvited to attend Net ARNON Ftd ints rest. Tuncay, Sep. tend er 16ah, Robert McCammon, agesd ei hey-sm vours, a native oi County Armagaht Trelund . Funeral private FITZGIBBONS In Kingston, on Sept. 16th, 1902, Charlotte, feloted wife "of Edward Fitzeibl on Fun ral from der lage resi linen, Swine ham streot, Thiesday morning, at eleven a'clark to St arv's" Cathedral whire a Solemn mass will be cel brated. Friends acl ae uaintanees are respeetiully invited to att , mt me Sp ---- TO. THE PUBLIC :(-- OWING TO THE INCREASING NUMBER of small accounts that hive beef oped on our -books andthe didienity in properly looks ing after the same, we beg to announce that we have decided to place our bhusmess on a ca-h basis, on and after, September w ricily 15th, # We business now - for mora vear and we thank the public for the support given us. We feel that our r at tproving the milk supply have en appreciated, but it is impossible to the on any other than a sh' busis. Tickets ean be procured driver or at the oflice, and will ba in pavieent for milk, croaed or but. ask, the ¢ ion of the public in our effors direction. Twenty suart ti TIE have been in opera in hue for 81.6 CL Rain h MILK CO. of . Kingstun, Spt, 1902 Limited. Kin-ston, Sth the strepet, Mcliragor, on Mrs. C'. L wat of friends Toronto, is Colborne ive sewesseessessassescell Fancy China { Ornaments Malte no stops between the potteries in Furope and our store. Croat care is takin in 1 ] o that ve pe 1 erarabde patterns We buy direct and give { excellent value. A G. JOHNSTON & BRO. AVC

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