THE DAILY WEG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMEER 17. eam The selection of a proper food for the baby is of vital im portance It must be nourishing, easily as- similated, readily digested, and must never vary in quality. . Nestlé's File ail these re- quisites. It is made from cow's milk--the most nourishing of all substances--and requires only the addition of water to be ready for use, Samples (sufficient for eight meals) free. Leeming Mies & Co. MONTREAL. Dopartment «f Railways and Casals LACHINE CANAL. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED To ersigned, and under for portions of, and extending Locks No. 0. 2, ut entrance to Lachine Canal, cal," will be received at this office until 16 o'clock ou THURSDAY, the 2nd Ociober, 1902, P'luns and specifications can be seen on and after the 15th of September, 2. at the oflice of the Superintending I2 wer -of the Quelwe Canals, Roval Insurance Building, Montreal, where forms of tender can be ob: tained. In "the case of firms there must be attached to. the tender the actual tures of the full name, the nature of the occupation and resi- dence of each member of the sume, and fur: ther, an accepted bank cheque: for the of $15,000 must accompany the tender. accepted bank cheque must be endorsed over to the Minister. of Railwavs and Canals. and will be forfeitod if the party tenderine decline entering into -eoutract for the work "at the rates. and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The accepted cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose ten ders are 'not accepted. The department does not bind itself to ac cept the lowest or any tender. By order, endorsed ES. retary. Department of Railwavs and Canals, Ottawa, Yh September, 1002, Newspapers inserting this * advertitenieny without authority ffom the department will not ba peid for it. Our Cogl is as Clean as Though It Were Wash ed and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, GOO: ®olid coal--eo much wolid fire. After cos reaches the surface of the earth from th. mines, impurities are picked out - by [hersalter it is screenedfseverel times 'befon it reeches you, and dirt] s, eto, real: no chanos. if the dea are oarsfol » are very careful. 'Ca Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. Auction Sales. Save Moncy by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers. EDUCATIONAL: vs» MUSIC "= MRS, CLERIHEW WILL REPPIN. HER classes in Flatcher Music Method on Septem ber 1st. For terms and particulars apply as 211 University Avenue. PIANO LESSONS Miss C. M. o Colinge "of Musie, ARTHUR H. HOWELL, Clerihew, undercradigte Toron- 201 WUnivarsity Avenue Representative and Examiner for the Londen, 'Eng. College of Music, Organist and Choirmaster, First Priosbyter ian church, Brockville Teacher of Piano, Organ and Shout! a suflicient number of pupils offer, Mr Howell: would visit Kingston one dav a week during the coming season Correspondence solicited. Address Box 278, Brockville, Out. Singing IT IS A WRECK SAILED THE LAKES FOR NEARLY SIXTY YEARS ~ Was Wrecked Twice in That Time +A Story of a Remarkable [© Escape--Both , Mishaps Near Same Place. : St. Joseph,. Mich., Sept. 17.=The two-masted schooner Experiment, which capsized off St. Joseph, lies a complete wreck on the beach and with most of her cargo of lumber. washed away. During nearly sixty years the Experiment has sailed the great lakes and her last 'wreck is but one of many. Fiity-four years ago the Experiment went ashore at almost the same place of her last wreck. On that occasion two of her pas :ngers went through a thrilling experience, and one of them, now past eighty years of age; still rd- lates the story of the wreck. The Ex- periment was at that time sailed by Capt. Nelson W. Napier, who went down with the schooner Alpena in 1880. Mrs. Napier is the survivor of the wreck, and the chief figure in what at that time ranked as a most disas- trous- occurrence. Mrs. Napier and two children, the el- der a boy of thirteen yéars old and [the other a babe of a few months, ac- companied Captain Napier on the fa- tal trip. Entering St. Joseph in a storm the vessel was rolled over in thé sea and went ashore with her keel in' the air. One sailor was washed ashore dead. Othérs were never found. All occupants of the boat except Cap- tain Napier were believed drowned. When morning came a wrecking cr succeeded in reaching the Experiment, partly buried in the sand and with water all around and under her. No one believed that any living thing could be found, around the old hull, but to make sure axes 'were brought into play and a hole cut through the ship's bottom. There in the hold was found the mother and son, the latter holding his unconscious parent above the water. The baby had been washed fron the mother's arms and its holy was found later in the sands along the shore. VALUE "WASTE" PRODUCTS. Much Considered Useless of Great Service. From Leslie's Weekly. The saying that an "enterprise has "all ended in~ smoke" does not have the significance that it did before a way was found to materialize thay airy product into substances as gible as oils, acids, spirits and ts single blast "furnace in a western state, which captures the smoke - of 1ts charcoal pits and conveys it into still has' been able to realize from this enough to pay a large share of its run- ning expenses. It hds demonstrated that each cord of wood contains 28, - 000 cubic feet of smoke,' and that 2 - S00,000 feet of smoke produces 12,000 pounds of acetate of lime and 200 gal- lons of alcohol and twenty-five pounds ol tar. Smoke from the factory chimneys is largely carbon in another farm, and in the course of a few years we may ex- pect to see some diminution of the moke nuisance so prevalent in larce towns, not from the vigilance of the sanitary inspectors, but because con- Smers are begin to learn that instead of allowing the particles of ape with other products, poison themselves and they might hay lichter coal bills'to pay by. burn iy up these particles, In the utilization of vegetable waste nich of -a/ surprising nature could be said. The seeds or many fruits, which would apparently seem useless, have some economic: value. In some parts of Egypt the date stones are boiled to soften them, and the camels and cattle are fed with them. They are calcined by the Chinese, and said to enter into the composition of their India ink: In Spain they are burnt. and powdered for dentifrice, and vegetable ivory nuts are said to be applied for the same purpose. Some species of Attalea nuts are burned in Bfazil to blacken the rgw India rubber. In India the _seed or stone of the tamarind is sometimes prescribed in cases of dvsentery as a tonic. In times of scarcity of food, the natives eat them after being and soaked for a few hours in water: the dark onter skin comes off, "ani they, can thien be cooked in various From this seed an oil has also carbon to ¢ stones of roasted ways. been obtained: The seed of the carob Bean is oround up as food for cattle, and is used in Algeria, wheR roasted, as cof The i some Mexican and other gr © brushes is being rapidly ~ devel oped. This material strong Aexible as bristles, fuse from this being for mattresses. The use of espa erass for paper making is well hud ail straw is largely used for the sah purpose, and the re stufling is as and even used as Their Food. Harper's Magazine. : . wy Iriend was teaching the primary clas in a city Sunday school. The locson was the story of the wandering Israelites, who were miraculously fod Upon mania. en . "I don't knov she said, in a soft KINGSTON BUSINESS KINGSTON. FS vis COLT TORONTO. Largest and best equipment in Canada Uneqgualled facilities for securing positions 821 Queen Street. Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Oopfederation Life Buildings. Tercuto. * ¥ COLLEGE, Jims ! co to me, "inet what manna looks {like, but 1 havea dicde bottle of 1} homeopathic pills for an illustration, tal ing from her pocket a tiny phial and shaking it lightly. | Ske made 'the tory interesting { Kaew little face was tuened upward exte tantly ase she. proceeded. She tall of the cloud by day and the pil lar of tire by night, the coming of | quail: and the fall of manna, then rapidly reviewed' 'the whole, asking Gqurstions to test the attention of he amdiene ' | And what did children of Israel od Pills feed Vv the she ask Lord the upon ?' they all shouted, without there was silanes bent low to lool something which moment teacher For .a nta her retipnle afte | while the \ und. 5 vas not to be Have vou tried Kkovah jelly 2° If { not vou have missed a treat. Tt is a } rare delicacy. We have a lady demon : strator serving free samples. Call! in § any day this week and test its merits. \ ' os AT CONGRESS PRESIDENT SMITH MADE HIS ADDRESS -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. George Taylor, M.P., was in the city to-day. + Mrs. James McKinnpn and daughter, Rochester, N.Y., arrived here to-day on a visit to friends. Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crystal, 14 There is now talk of a third game between the *Fatties'| to decide the supremacy of the team A. T. Drummond, "Toronto, arrived in the city to-day to attend the mebt- ing of trustees of Queen's university. T. A. McNabb, of Lethbridge, N.W. T., an inspector of engines for * av tern railway .company, is in the city. Miss Maud Hutton, nurse in a Lo- well, Mass, hospital, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Hutton, DBar- riefield. . Miss Lulu Dick, Almonte, a aradu- ate nurse of the Kingston General hospital, is the guest of Mrs. Alex- ander Sharp, Arch street. Alexander Marks, advance agent for one of the Marks Bros." companies, arrived in the city to-day from Napa-- nee. He is here to advertise the ap- pearance of his company. A son of Rev. A. Laird, York street, ill in the general hospital jof typhoid fever, has .ecovered sufficiently .o en- able him to leave the hospital. We invite the public to call any day this week and try a sample of Kkovah jeily, the finest in the world. We have a lady demonstrating and ser- ving. McRae -Bros., Golden Lion Gro- cery. Three of the Scotch machinists ployed in the locomotive works went down to Montreal to-day to meet their families, who were due to arrive there to-day by the steamship Sarma- tion. Chief Keeper Hughes, of the King- ston penitentiary stafi, arrived in the city to-day with a life priconer, a Galician murderer named Solamon, who spent some time in the Rocky Mountain penitentiary. The fat men's baseball teams Watertown and Kingston will play at Cape Vincent next week, as a benefit for Charles Jerome, the well-known baseballist, who has done so much for the game in this district. A great clearing sale for the remain- der of this week. We afe going to build a new store, and as we wish to sell as much of our stock as. possible, Gananoque, He Denounced the Revolutionary Acts of So-Called Reformers-- A Decision of Importance. Berlin,, Ont., Sept. 17.--When the' Trades' -Congress--opened this morning President: Smith read his annual ad- aress. In it he made special reference to the good work of Secretary Draper, and deprecatea the revolutionary prin: ciples advocated by so-called reformers Against trades umionism. There ought only to he one source of opposition, and that organized capital. Such, op- position "is expected as the object of trades' unionism is to enforce greater consideration and make - greater de- mands in favor qf labor. Persons who ceénounce the usefulness of trades' unions and its leaders were character- ized as unfriendly to the laboring classes. The results of the work dur- ing the year are not as extensive nor as successful as desired. He reviewed the legislative work of the year, and in-dealing with it said another matter of great importance was the decision of the privy council of England on the Tafi-Vale railway case affecting the standing and the supposed jurisdic- ~tion of trades' unions of the British empire. Judges had laid down princi- ples of law which might, and certainly would, be applied in a manner very adverse to the legitimate interests of trade unions. Of course the blows which would follow the laying down od those principles had not. been struck. This decision made the trades unions subject to actions hy employers and placed the funds of the unions in a very dangerous position, especially if those actions came hefore special juries which were selected from a class of the community higher than the class from which the common juries wera selected. The trades' un- ions aet never intended unions to he sued as unions: The reason the Brit ish parliament did not intend trades' ol unions to he made subject to the richt of action against them was becanse parliament did not desire to make the law courts 'a battle ground for eon- tending economic forces, This ques- tion was considered hy us at the last session and a bill will be introduced next session safe-guarding the inter- esfs of trades' unions against the re. sults of such decisions. A bill has been we have marked our papers down to a already pk through the British , Co- very low figure and our offering fifteen lumbia legislature on the same lines. per cent. discount for cash on all I hope She deliberations of this con papers. This great clearing sale will | £708 Will =~ serve one great purbase, start to-morrow and will continue | 219 that 2 30 sa, unite. the trades throughout this week at W. N. Lem- | "Mons ot this country under the an mon's, 78 William street, successor to | thority of this congress, and that its Snvace Bros. increased revenue will be spent during the coming rear for organizing pur poses, as I am. sure the one thing ne- cessary to teach thd people of this country. the present and further im- portance of the congress. is to have a special organizer in the field. The halance of the morning was taken up in the reading of the resolu- tions, thirty-seven in number, which were referred to, the committee: on resolutions, and which will be dealt with hy congress when the committee reports. Tnvitations have heen receiv ed from Guelph and Brockville to meef there=in 1903. - The choice will 'be em- Chaffey's Locks Locals. Chaffey's Locks, Sept. 16.--Some of the farmers have begun threshi and report great yield of grain. The steay- er Shanly is daily drawing stone from Sand Lake here to repair locks next winter. Mrs. E. Edgers and little sen have returned from Smith's Falls. Miss Clara Pennett, Smith's Fall and Master Tommy Murphy, Brewer's Mills visited Mrs. W. H. Fleming last week. Miss Mary Simmons, Newhboro, is the guest of Mrs. (Capt.) "Joonan. Quits a number of tourists are siill registered | made and the election of officers will at Idyl-Wild boarding -house. Our | take nlace at four o'clock to-morrow. school has a lavge attendance under A. W. Holmes, Canadian vico-pr the management of 0. Varrett, Syden- | dent of the International Machin haw. Mes. KE. O'Mara and children-and- | -tinion ieallod the attention of the con Miss O'Mara, Lombardy, visited Mes, y to the fine of 850 or one mogth M. Doyle last week. Misses Nellie and jail, on the Kineston Locomotive Anna Simmons are visiting at Smith's | works' strikers. Mr. Holmes and oth Falls. Miss McKian, Newhoro, spent | ers criticized the decision very strong Sunday here. Mrs. T. Simmons and lv and the convention thoucht the pe Mrs. T. F. Gray have retarned "from | nalty very sevore. Ottawa. The steamer. Rideau Queen : ? made "here last trip "through here 'on Saturday last after a successful sea- At son. Mrs. D. Terrv has her summer cottage enlarged with a roomv kitchen and dining hall, which adds greatly to its comfort and beauty. D. Davidson did the work. Only One Parcel Sold. noon to-day J. H. Mills, auc tioneer, offered for sale at his rooms. Brock street, parcels of desir ~able city property, owned by Mrs. Mary Mills. Only one pareél was bought up, though bidding on the re mainder was brisk, but the. reserve price was not reached. The parcel was a vacant lot--the old «ity pouna--having a frontage on _ Earl street of twenty-seven feet, hy g depth of 127 feet. Joseph Lemmon, grocer, Montreal street, the price being For the Bagot street residence £1,800 was offered, but refused." "A higher price was offered after: the sale and also rejected. Fo maine Methodist church on Sunday [ abother vacant lot on Earl strect. the morning. James Patience returned on site of the ola *Roval skating rink. Monday from Madawaska, where he | 230 was bid. but not accepted: A with his. mother and other friends. The box social at Mrs. O'tirady's was a success. The popu: lar. vouny cheesemaker f Warburton factory, W. Gi: Vanderbure, has taken to himself a wife, Mise Minnie Pal cock, of Ardendale. 'The happy couple were married at Toronto on Wednes- dav eveni They made a trip to Niagara alls --&ndt--Ardinelale, and thence wo=their home at Warburton, where they are warmly welcomed by their many friends, who join in wish ing them a long and happy life. several Outlet Occurrences. Outlét, Sept. 16.--Many farmers are digging ont their potatoes, as they are beginning to rot. H. R. Vander- burg has returned. to Athens, having spent the past week with friends here. 'A great number from this vicinity went to Toronto fair. Rev. Mr. Still- welt, Lansdowne, preached W Verv im- pressive "tgmperance sermon at Dulee sold was the purchaser, £374. spent a week Baseball Record. Fastern league=Toronto, 661: Buf- fulo, 613; "Jersey City, Provi- dence, 527; Worcester, 516; - Montreg 120; Rochester, 117; Newark, National leapue Pittsburg, .731; Brooklyn, 517: © Boston, "511: Cincin nati, 50; Cl A541; St. Louis, Philadel AUS; New York, 1 'hicago, Iphia, HE - American league Philadelphia, LGU: St. Louis, 568; Chicago, D518: won, Cleveland, 5127 W; ngton, Petroit, 387: Baltimore, L368, . Sangster Notes. Sangster, Sept. 16.--Farmers are nearly threueh harvesting. The frost has damaged the corn considerably. Hamilton, Jr., is working at William Snider's, Godirev. The Bed ford picnic was very well -attended. The mines at" William Campbell's are, still being worked by Mr. Luciner. Ap ples are a very good erop. Mrs TT. Young and Mr. Cuttin are ill. Visit ors... J. Corcern, A. Judge and I Rielly. Kingston, at M. McDonald's: M. Campbell at: Mrs. Brennan's; S. Hamilton, wife and family, Oconto, zt his father's; (i. Hamilton; = Mrs. J. Ford and husbana, Watertown, N.Y. and Mrs. W. Snider and familv, God rey, at their father's, G. Hamilton: | George Lunn, Watertowns N.Y spent Sunday at. G7 Hamilton's: J. Lemon. ' Smith's Falls, at J. Murphy's; Mrs. Welsh spent Sundav at Mrs. P. Mur- phy's; Miss J.*Bennett at G. H. Ham -ilton's. x Nearly Lost An Eye. Alexander Bearance, blacksmith, in the employment of The street railway company, this morning had a narrow escape of losing his rivht eve by a simple_accident. A striker -strrek--Mr. Bearance's hammer, throwing it up with great force. Mr. Pearance dod- god his--head just-in-time to --gvort thé hammer hitting: him on the eve, but he received the full force of thy i blow on the cheek, just at the cornet j of the eve. A painful wound - was | made. George Repairing Athletic Grounds A force of men are at work putting the Athletic grounds, recently acquit: ed by Queen's College Athletic Asso ciation, in good shape for the fall football games. The has been rebuilt and the old bicvele track is being torn up. J. C. Landeryou has the contract for the work. fence Thursday's Market. We will have early in the morning 150 baskets Crawford peaches. 50 baskets shite Freestone peaches 200 baskets red ani blue grapes. 200 baskets plums and grapes. 10M baskets Bartlett pears. will be low at Caenovsky nemteeiietrd Work is Progressing. "How's the new along ?". W. H. Go morning. "Oh, that's all richt,¥ he r+ plied. "The sand is being drawn to the premises-te-day, and Mr: Fair is plving it} too. The stone and lumber ' the. ground, and the brick will to-me That looks as if were. going ahead all richt, A . it? given the contract for the erection of three new recidences, and the house ootting vin was asked thi Hp Prices are on arrive things doesn't Union men endeavored to stop the row. non-union contractor has been offer of supply of brick and sand, another, if he will accept it, | MURDERED AND BURNED. Terrible Crime Committed by Tramps at Steinauer, Neb. Beatrice, Neb.. Sept. 17.--Mrs. Kate Fouwrnell, living hear Steinauer, Neb., was found dead in the yard adjacent to her residence. . The clothing had been burned from her body. Mrs. Fournell"s mother 'andl brother, who lived with her, went to town this niorning and discovered the hody on their' return. The house was locked, with tlie exception 'of one door. The lock on this door had been broken. It is supposed that Mrs. Fournell was alone in the house, and that tramps had broken in, assaulted and murder- ed her, and then set fire to the boe Bloodhounds have been sent from this place to the scene of the murder. Great excitement prevails. HONOR FOR KING OF UGANDA. the Government Accords Him Title of Highness. London, Sept. 17.--The British gov- ernment has "recently accorded the title of highness to the seventeen-year old King of Uganda, a little African chieftain' whose territory"is now a part of a british protectorate. He is a grandson' of the celebrated Mutessa., ana descendant of a long line of kings, hut has never been far away from* Mengo, the native capital of Ugandg, where he was born. The ter- ritory over which -the king rules is nearly 20,000 square miles in length, and has a native population of about 2,000,000 people. Wanted. We would like to ask, through - the columns of your paper, if there is any person who has used Green's August Flower for 'the cure of indigestion, dyspepsia and liver troubles that has not been cured--and we also mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of food, habitual cestive- ness, nervous dyspepsia, headaches, despondent feelings, sleeplessness--in fact, any trouble connected with the stomach or liver ? This medicine has been sold for many years in all civiliz ed countries, and we wish to corres- pond with you and send you one of our books free of cost. If you never tried August Flower, try one bottle first. We have never known of its failing. If so, something more serious is- the matter with you. Ask your oldest druggist.--G. G. Green, Wood- bury, N.J. New Peach Tree Disease. _ Chicago, Ill, Sept. 17.--"The Lit- tles," is the strange name of a new dis- case which is threatening the peace of mind and the pocket hooks of fruit growers. It is destroying hundreds of acres of peaghes .in Michigan, and heroic measures are being taken by the federal government to eradicate the blight. It is predicted that many fruit growers will be practically ruined, as to eradicate the disease means the destruction of the entire orchard. "The Littles" is so called because the leaves and fruit of the tree attacked shrivel up." The peaches are about the size of marbles. Growth is dwarfed and the disease spreads from three to tree with great rapidit To Settle Tobacco Trade War. New York. Sept. 17.--In the tobac co trade much interest is manifestod in the conference of tobacco interests to be held to-day in London. The an nounced purpose of the meeting is ap endeavor to séttle the war between the American and British trusts, which for some time past has demor alized "the British tobacco trade. In well informed circles it is nat believed that a settlementeis at all likely to result fram the conference owing to the firm attitude manifested by both parties up to date. Wedded At Newport. Newport, R.I., Sept. 17.--Still' an other was added, to-daysto the long list of notable weddings that has marked the present " Newport season. The parties to to-day's eo p Miss Estelle de Laussat Willoughby, daughter of Mr. anit Mrs. Hugh = de Laussat Willoughby, = of Philadelphia, and Clayton (i.-Dixom 6f Philadel phia. The scene of the ceremony, which was followed by an elaborate reception, was the summer home of the bride's parents on Halidon avenue, mony wer Parade Of Oddfellows. Des Moines, Ia., Sept. 17.--The great spectacular feature of the Oddfel lows' convention in this city was the parade which took placé today. The city was gayly - decorated with hunt ing, and the streets weres thronged with thousands of people. All- public buildings, stores and offices closed at noon. The number of men in' the par ade is variously estimated at from 29,000. to 30,000, occupying three hours to pass a given point. COMMERCIAL, NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Sept. 17 Union Pacific. ... St. Pagl Manhattan B.. R. Tr Sugar | People' LS, 8 Tenn, Coal Miss. Pacific Southern Pacific... Unt. & Western W. stern Uniog Irie ep redaan Loins is. & Nosh Rock Island Pennsylvania Texas oc Paci Atchison ... 'Americ: Col. 1. American Amal. Copper . MONTREAL STOCKS. Sept . Open. Canadiun Pacific "ws i Canadian Pacific, Now Duluth S.8. & Com Dulath" 8.8. PM Montreal Street Ry Winnipeg Electric Toronto Street Halifax Street a8 To win iv Commercial Cat Kich. & Ong al" CAL " Telegraph } Telephone : Iron & "Steel Iron & Steel, ontreal L. H. & Dominion. Cotton Ouilvie Flour, Pid J.aurentide Pulp...... + - aly chs Uniform Heat Reading comfortably on the ground floor, Bathing baby ~omfortably ~r {1» second floor, Writing comfortably on the third floor, * This, in short, is the story of every house heated - - "Sunshine" Furnace. + The Regulators that divide the warm air 'are so constructed, and the pipes which carry it to the different registers. so arranged, that . any quantity of heat desired can be forced to the different rooms or fiats of a house. : The '* Sunshine" is the only furnace made ° in which hot-air pipes to first floor do not rob -secofid and third floor pipes. * Burns coal, coke and wood equally well, Sold by all enterprising dealers, Write for fres illustrated books Makers of the * Famous Activy® and ""Coinwall ** Steel Lendon, Torontg, ~.._M, 4 Widiipeg, * Vancofiver, Ap N.B. LEMMON, CLAXTON & LAWRENSON, AGENTS. The Bnest BaKing can only be had by using the purest ingredients Empire Soda BEST FOR BAKING is clean, sweet, pure and healthful. Why. not use Empire Soda in all your baking and have it deliciously pure and light. for it and insist on having it, costs only 5c. a packet. «+ - Ask your grocer One. CANADIAN COAL OIL * A BRIGHT Souvenir Range... Made of Steel Plate, If You Require a Range it Will Pay to Examine This Because It Is the Best Made, : Because It is the Strongest, Because It is tlie Best Finished Because we Ask a Fair Price for an Excellent Article BEST HEADLIGHT COAL OIL ....... 19¢. GALLON. LIGHT If you coal oil use our SUNLIGHT BRAND. We guarantee it as the best oil made. If you have not already used it try a sample lot. a 69 and 71 BROCK ST. 16c. GALLON. For Sale by S. J. HORSEY, - - Kingston, I want the brightest kind of a light to be had from McKelvey & Birch, Just Arrive Another Large Shipment of Fast Selling Couches. Prices Same as Last Lof, Also Boarding House Furnishings, Study Tables, Bookshelves, Springs, Mat- tresses; Etc. JAMES REID, "PHONE 147. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, : Ee --A--