,HE DAILY WHIG THUKSD..:, SEPTEMBER i8 hs Wa winain Fd | V i { / = \! 1} /q ~~ forRGnT 1 eGuns _ Don't Kill No matter how good a = you may be, but by buying fro MITCHELL your gun is guaran- teed as every gun. is thoroughly tested, and you can try it before you buy. Powder, shot, loaded shell and rifles. Mitchell's Hardware, 68 Princess Street, Kingsten. Ba It Ever So Humble, There's No" Place Like Home. We provide the way for you to own your bome. If vou have no cash and have a re: gular income, we'll furnish the home and vou pay us the price. 'A large one or a small one as vou may prefer; elaborate or neat and comfortable as may be desired. We have the home for you. D. A. CAYS, Real Estate Agent, 346 King Street, Kingston. 'Shaw. TO COIN COLLECTORS. CABINET OF U8. SILVER COINS FOR sala. Address at Whig Office. : BERBER RRR ERENCE I] pl Let Us Show You fr! 8 : {MATERIAL FOR | RAINPROOF | COATINGS PRICES RIGHT for & WALSH: Tailors and Importers. lRFERERNFRE EAR EAR COMMERCIAL, NEW YORK:8TOCK MARKETS. Sept Union Pacific St. Paul... Manhattan R. Transit wl, Pref Wf & Iron Pacific Southern Pacific On. Western Western Union ww. Erie Reading Louis. & Nash Rock Island Pennsylvania ~ Rv Texas & Pacific Atchison ..... .... Cok Fd F American Loco Amal. Copier MONTREAL STOCKS. Sept Open. Canadian Pac Canadian Paci Duluth S Duluth SS. Toledo L. & I". Com Montreal Street. Ry Toronto Street Ry Halifax S Rv St. Johy's Electric Detroit Uniosd Twir Civ Transit Rich. & Ont. Nav. Commercial Cable Montreal Telegraph Bell Telephon 2 Montreal Power Domipion Steel Dominion Steel," Pid. Laurentide Pulp Dominion Coal: Dominion Cotton Montreal Cotton -- "THE 5 £1. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. v AN INTERESTING CASE. Alleged Malpractice by Dr. "Shaw of Lansdowne. The two days court of dssize at yrockville on Tuesday and Wednesday hefore Hon. Sir John 3oyd, K.C.M. (i., chancellor of Ontario and a jury, were fully occupied with a case of alleged malpractice greatly interesting the surgical profession. Albert Cross, of Lansdowne, brought an action against Dr. J. M. Shaw to recover 3.000 damages for alleged un- skiliulne-s and negligence. = fhe plaintili on September 24th, i000, while threshing grain. ow his farm, suffered a dislocation of his right shoulder fiom a kick of a horse Dr. Shaw was called in to treat the ininred shoulder, and reduce the dis lceation. It was alleged by plaint that Dr. Shaw entirely failed to ac- complish the 'réductiom, with the re «ult that the plaintifi is permanently injured; his shoulder is useless to him. Much of the evidence on both sides was of an intricate and surgical char- acter. The plaintili, among other wit- nesses, called Dr. Emery, of Ganan: oque, Dr. Stanley Cornell, of Athens, and Dr. Charles. Cornell, of °~ Brock- ville. On behalf of the defendant there were. called Dr. Garrett and Dr. Third, of Kingston, and Dr. Ferrier, of Lans- downe. Much interesting and impor- tant evidence was given by Dr. Third as to the examination made hy him of the injured shoulder through the fluoros ope and X rays. The jury, after a careful charge from the presiding judge, Sir John Povd, returned a ver- dict for the defendant on Wednesday afternoon at six o'clock, haying de- liberated one hour, and the learned chancellor dismissed the plaint ion with costs. Hutcheson & i~her acted for the plaintiff, and John Me- Intvre, K.(., for the defendant, Dr. » -------- A Snake In The Box. A curious find was made in a local hat store thi< morning. One of the proprietors was engi 1 in collecting the straw hats to store them awav until the June roses blow again and #rides are plentiful. On opening one of the boxes he was greatly surprised to see a good-sized snake snuelv curl ed up there. He took another look, thinking it might be one of those kind that frolic on the foothoard of the bed of him who keeps late hours at nicht and looks upon the wine when it ix red. But it was really a snake, amd the whole staff of 'the store took part in the extermination of the rep- tile. How it could get into the hat Box is a mystery. - ect Peturned From Muskoka. Rev. Mr. and Mrs..Clipsham, of New horo cirenit, spent to-day in the cay as the guests of Mi (Rev. Richard gon, Brock street. Thev have just re- turned from spending several weeks in Muskoka, whither they went for the benefit sot. Mr. Clipsham's failing health. They will leave to-morrow on the steamer Rideau King for their home at Newhoro. SC -------- Assembly At Wolfe Island. A pleasant assembly, conducted by Messrs, Dawson and © Cummings, was held in the C.M.B.A.. at Marysville, Wolie Island. lastepighipa Abus Seven: wv-five couples were present," including a number of the Pony bhaschall team from the city. Music for dancing was furnished by T. J. O'Connor's orches tra: - -- Ankle And Arm Bad. J.T. Sutherland wired George Sul livan. of Providence. this | morning, aking him if he could pitch an exhi bition match with. Ponjes, "Suliv" re plicel : "Ankle and arm bad. Will be home Monday." -------------------- A Meniorial Service. At this morning's meeting of Queen's trustees it was decided" to hold a me moriali 'service for the late Principal Grant. The date was not fixed, but it will probably be in November. ------------ Hon. Judge Ewing, one of the hoard of - lecturers of the Christian, Science churéh, who addressed a large meet- ing in the City Hall last winter, will likely be here to deliver an address the latter part of October. Mis Edith McConnell, thé guest of Mie George Zeigler, Brock street for th: past week, left this afternoon lor her home in Oswego, . Nicholas. Garland, Toronto, who purchased the Starr & Sutclifie bank- rupt stock, -was in the city to-day on a business trip. Miss Aggie Campbell, Sharbot Lake. is the ¢ t of Mrs. John Lemmon, Barrack street. -- "Common Sense" CHURCH UNITY METHODIST GENERAL CON- FERENCE FAVORS AT To Approach Presbyterian Church --Favors Government Owner- ship of Canadian Public Utili- ties--Fine Weather in Mani- toba--A New Loan Enforced. * Winnipeg, Sept. 18.--The committee on church union presented its report of the Methodist general conference, re: commending. that the conference de- clare itself if favor of a measure of organic unity, wide enough to em- brace all the evangelical denomina- tions "in Canada. The report was adopted and a broad resolution pass- od authorizing negotiations with the Presbyterian and (Congregational churches. with' that in view. au- pointing a strong committee to meet representatives from those denomina- tions. and to report at the: next aeneral conference. The sociological committee which, after reviewing many current problems, enunciated the 3 of a living wage for work- arbitration in in- government The re- items of principles men, compulsory dustrial disputes, and ownership of public utilities. port was adopted. Other business yesterday were the giving of authority for the consolidation of the Christian Guardian and the Wesleyan provisicn for a new class of mission workers for the west, reduction of annuities to superannuated ministers, and increase in assessments to be paid to that fund by ministers and circuits, Rev. S. D. Chown, D.D., pastor. of Broadway Tabernacle, Toronto. was elected to the new position of secre- tary of temperance and moral reform. It is expected the conference will close to-night. Many delegates from the east will spend some days in the west before returning home. James, Scott, "alias W. J. Kennedy, has heen arrested at Alexander. Man., on a charge of forgery," preferred © in Winnipeg. The new hv-law governing transit trading in Winnipeg was put in force vesterday, when, it is said. a traveller from an eastern type foundry was re- «trained from soliciting an order from from a city printer. There likely will he a vigorous "kick" over the mat- ter. as such action was not intended Ly those who enacted the law. The weather continues to be all that could be desired for harvesting oper- ations. The roads are all in good condition, and a great many farmers are marketing their grain as soon as it is threshed. Wheat ix moving free- lv. It is reported from ('alearv that J. J. Hill, president of the.Great Nor {hern railwav, has obtained a lease of the (Caloary and Edmonton road for ninety-nine vears. The C. & E. il=a feeder, . at present most important Canadian Pacific operated by the railroad. Rev. Thomas Argus, for years pro minent in Methodist church circles, in Winnipeg, died yesterday, aged sixty vight. RUSSIANS TO OPEN FIRE. Czar's .Gunboats Ordered to Sink American and Japanese Sealers. London, Sept. I18.--In a despatch from Odessa the correspondent of the Standard says the Russian minister of agriculture ana state . domains, M. Yermolofi, has announced that he has taken effective measures for the sup- pression of the systematic poaching opetationssol=Americansani--Lgpancse among the seal and other seg animals on the north-east coast of Siberia. Although anxious to comply with the reiterated representations of Ruse Gia. the Washington and Tokyo gov: ernments have railed to put gn end to this illicit fishing in Russian waters. M. Yerniolofi, continues the corres- pondent, now gives formal notice that American and Japanese poachers cap cured within the limits of Russia's maritime. jurisdiction on the! Siberian coast will he liable to imprisonment anda their ships and car voes to conliscation. v This oraer will he enforced by three fast. onnboats. No discrimination will be made, the of poaching vessels will he subjected to the same punishment. In case of refusal to surrender or at tempt to escape the commanders of the Russian gunboats are empowered to fire upon and sink the "sea pi- rates." " a AN OPEN SWITCH Responsible for Accident at Ma- berly Station, Perth, Sept. INA railway acciaent which occurred at Maberly, this morning. resulted in the death of fire man Ross. of Havelock, and the de- struction of 'Tour Treight cars, a bag cage car, and an express car. Engi neer Rose, of Havelock, had two ribs broken. and another fireman, . named Gordon Peters, None of the éccupants of the passen- cer cars were injured. other than re celving a shock. Ross, whogwas killea, is survived hy a wife and family of two. severe About School Attendance. Since "the opening of the present admitted by Inspector Kidd. Mr. Kidd was appointed to h&% present position three months' | | dian figures, but the steamers. are commanders and crews | {an barrels, 30 shillin beans, peas, ete., in was badly shaken up. | Fireman | echool term 176 new pupils have been | COMING TO CANADA. = He Will Spend Two Months on Continent. CROWN PRINCE OF SIAM. Copenhagen, Sept. I8.--Prince Chowa Maha Vajiravudh, the crown prince of Siam, now visiting the King of Den-' mark, will embark at Southampton on October 3rd, onthe steafner Furst Bismark, for New York. He will spend two months in the United States and Canada. DR. BARCLAY'S ANSWER. Will Meet' Deputation--To Gananoque. Montreal, Que., Sépt. 18.--Rev. Dr. Barclay, of St. Paul's Presbyterian church, stated to-day that it would Le several days before he could give an answer to the offer of the principal ship of Queen's university, which will be offered to him by a deputation which: he expects from Kingston this Visit evening. There are lots of things, he says, which require consideration be- fore coming to a decision. Queen's of- fers him $4,000, and as his present stipend is $7,000, acceptance will mean a reduction of $3,000 per annum in his income. Hon. J. [. Tarte has accepted an invitation of the manufacturers of Gananoque, Ont., to visit' that town on the 21th inst., to'inspect the manu- facturing establishments at that place. He will be tendered a reception and banquet. Officers of the Canadian Medical As- sociation were elected to-day as fol- lows : President, Dr. W. M. Morchouse, Toronto; vice-president, Prince Edward Island, Dr. James Warburton, Char- lottetown; Nova Scotia, Dr. John Ste- wart; New Brunswick, Dr. W. C. Croc- kett, Fredericton, N.B.; Quebec, Mercier, Montreal; Ontario, Dr. W. P. Caven, Toronto; Manitoba, Dr. Me- Connell, Morden: North-West Terri- tories, Dr. J. 1. Raifierty; Calgary ; Jitish Columbia, Dr. C.J. Fagan, Victoria; general secretar Dy. George Elliott, Toronto; treasurer, Dr. H. B. Hall, Ottawa: executive committee; Drs. Moore, Eccles 'and Wisart, all of London, Ont. London, Ont., was sel: ected as the place of meeting for next vear's convention. A resolution was adopted suggesting to the Dominion government that "the time is oppor- tune to establish "a separal® depatt ment of public health. under one of the existing winjsters. Cirenlars have been issued guotinge the rates for the New Canadian steamship «dine to South Africa and if the existing rate was hetween the litres running from New York iscsoon fended as.at present seems probabls, as | one steamship agent claims that the Canadian rates will be the lowest in existence. At © present the cut New York rates are lower than the: Cana losing money at them. \ few of "the rates for leading commodities are as follows: To Cape Town, flour, oad meal, ete. in bags, twentyeoric shil: Tings, 10 shillings lower than-the aes gular New York rate; lard, héef, et: os; cheese in box es, condensed milk, ete, 50 shillings, hags, 25 shil- lings: potatoes, apples. Hour and meal in barrel, 3 shillings. IMMIGRATION TO CANADA. Revised Figures for the Year End- ing With June 30th. Sept.' 18.--The Ottawa, revised {official statistics cof immigration to Canada during the vear ending June [ 30th last will he published shortly. They will 'give a total of between 65, 000 andr 70,000 immigrants, 'of whom 22.000 come from the United States, William McCreary, M.P.. 'for Sek kirk; has arrived in the city on de- | partmental business. He is enthusias- tic over Manitoba's crop, and the ra- pidity with which the west is being | settled. Mr. McCreary heartily endor- { ses Hon. Clifford Rifton's stand in ve- | card to the tariff, and states that the west is looking for a réduction rather than ap increase in duties: Chief. John Angus, of the St. 1 Indians. waited upon the Indi: partment vesterday and asked that the semi;annnal payment of interest NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Formal demands for higher wages were received to-day by the officials of nearly every ferry. company doing business in New York. The engineers want a twenty-five per cent. increase on October lst. The cabled announcement that the American Morgan combine proposes to enter the St. Lawrence trade in com- petition with the Canadian steamship lines is all the information the steam- ship. men of Montreal have of the move. : Alexander Morey, stonemason, for many years Brockville, a a resi- dent of Brockville, alarmed his wife hy his heavy breathing. | She called to him, but got no response, and the next nioment he passed away. Aged sixty- seven. David Hayden. a veteran of the civil war, ran amuck at Essex, Conn. He <hot and probably fatally wounded two most prominent citizens, and when the authorities were about to capture him, blew the top of his head off with a shotgun. A 'London news agency says the Norfolk and North American Steam Shipping company, - owning rine steamers, trading between Engiari and the United States, in conne:tiom with the Lehigh Valley and Realig railroads, has been taken over by the Morgan shipping combine. In connection with the plans for strengthening the fortifications of Kingston, Jamaica, it is. announced that the British war aepartment has decided to augment the garrison by 500 men. When plans are completed the harbor entrance will be command- ed by six remodelled forts mounting mo&t modern guns. Work is now being pushed. Thirty members of the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, were called out on strike at the White house, Wash- ington, to-day. The cause of the «trike was that four painters' belong- ing to the Amalgamated Association of Painters of New York City, are em- ployed on a contract. CHEESE GOES UP. Price Reaches 10 3-16c. on Board To-day. Kingston, Sept. 18.--On the Fronte- nac, Cheese Board to-day -1.280 boxes were offered for sale. Of this number 765 were colored and 515 white. The following factories boarded their make : Colored--Arigan, 40; Emerald, 50; Forest: 70: Glenburnie, 10; Glenvale, 85: Granite Hill, 70; Maple Leai, 60; Pine Hill, 90; Parham, 55; Tichhorne, 30: Eleginburg, 70; Wolfe Islana, 75: Frontenac, 30, White--Crow Lake, 25; Cold Spring, 70: Hartington. 60; Howe Island, 25; Hinchinbrook. 35: Model, 60; Silver Spring. 60; McGrath's, 80; Gienaower, 40: Collins Bay. 60. The feature of to-day's boara was the high price offered. Last week the highest hid was 9%c., but to-day the price soarea = to 103-16c. The best price this year was 'lle... which pre- vailed for a few weeks in early sprin At to-day's good price the salesmen were ready to let their cheese go. and niearkv every Tactopv=veld:=The follow: ing sales were recorded : To Alexander: rican. Crow Lake, Glenburnie and Tichborn To Murphy--Cold Springs. Forest, Model, Elginburg, Wolie Island, and Collins Bay. To © Bissell-- Emerald, Glenvale, Gry- nite, - Hill. Hartington, "Hinchinbro« Maple' Leaf. Pine Hill,- Parham, Si Springs and Glenvale. ' WRECKED THE BANK. And Incidentally Killed Himself in the Operation. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 18.--A special to the Times from Skagway, Alaska, says; yesterday afternoon an un- known man walked into the Canadian Bank of Commerce, a revolver in one hand and a dynamite bomb in the other and demanded $20,000, threaten- ing to blow all into eternity. Cashier Pooley and Teller Wallace were the only two men in the bank. Wallace ducked to get his gun and ran quickly to the back of the room, calling for: Pooley to do the same, "No you don't," called the man and dropped ~the homb. The clerks -- had just gotten out the window. The bank was wrecked. The robber"s head was smashed and one arm was torn off. Judge Prince, formerly prosecuting at- torney, 'who was entering the bank at the time, was hurt, but not serious- ly. The .dynamiter died without regain- ing consciousness. The bank lost ah- out a thousand dollars, chiefly in gold dust, which -was lving on the coun- ter. TURKEY BACKING DOWN Russiah Torpedo Boats May Pass Through Dardanelles. Constantinople, Sept. ISA minis terial document has been issued sug ting that the aemand called "the intellectual beverage." {Coffee of high grade is unquestionably a great)stim- ulant to brain-workers, and Chase &\San- born's Coffee is especially valuable. If you would be a brilliant thinker, drink it. A pound of such coffee is worth two pounds of ordinary coffee! Why not give it a trial the next time you buy coffee ? : . - 1 IE fact that so mony lawyers, 'riters, preachers and thinkers are * devotedto coffee has caused it to be '* Sean "» in 1b. and Th Cans tight). be A= ee -- Special Attraction. New Fall and inter Jackets : Have arrived and they are best values we have * ever offered. Come and See Them! If not prepared to buy you can choose one and have it placed aside until required. a Come early and get a choice. HN LAIDLAW & SON 120-1272 Princess Street, Kingston. a wl wd ws wh ' ni -- ut od tf wi ee * + NEWSTOCK >< LATER BOOTS For Gentlemen. \ No shoe ever made in Canada has stood so long in popu- in IN76. The reports issued hy © the | minister of reveal a big on the capital paid in trust for the > de hy . v enh ; on 4 B51 pad 3 eit | Russia that four emand made bY Lop favor. We always feel that we can conscientiously growth ine the school attendance since | Inthans might he made. e payment erento tlie Plipgian ee that time, In INTS the daily avirgoe | will stake place in October, NE the Frteniics ay Ye a recommend this make. They are good enough for a attendance Lal the public schools was ly = = mitted under certain reservations. The King, and. we doubt if all Kings wear as good. Wear 1.095: Jast vear it was 2,122, the at- { WOULD, LYNCH CLERK question now awaits the decision. of 2 x x R 1 THE SLATER SHOES and be equal to Royalty. 'Be Your Inspiration. by A . . INTT the reports shpw an average at | Shoots His Wife and Narrowly Russian has representea that the czar ence of stohn DD. Rockefvlfer at Po tendance at the separate schooly' of Escapes Death by Spectators. merely wishes to inspect the torpedo tico Hills, Westchester opunty, was | lynching Tamaqua, a oe in 1900 the average had fallen ta | New York, Sept. 19-Villiam during' his forth- : = : | Gradua chk in the Hersey City coming visit to. Livadia, in the Cri- Xx. A Enjoy the best reputation for Fit, Make and.General| ii to theooround. the five is | who witnessed the shooting, We was | unrequited,s Peter Shaffer. a nine to ha started hom electric | saved by a policeman The couple chor and killed Mrs. Anna 1fovd, a mea. ana that he promises not to re , i ! I » e G ® LOCK E 3 Ww es = Note of the familyrwas at apart for othe last | widow. and then'cnded his own life by vcard the case as a pWecedent. m-- . ---------------- street | sending a bullet through his head. % Shafier had been a"suitor for the hand : ; { A DD : IP Lloyd for some time: past, CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT. education boats he d---- n. | boats in question : / | post office, shot his avife. Rose Agnus | Loses His Summer Hgme. Grady. - The woman probably ix fatal Tarrytown. N.Y, Rept. 1y---"The re- {1 watnded. : | 3 - escape from Kills Widow and Himself. Sept. I8.:His love f< of 'workmen tr " have heen living loss/is NI0.000, | three veabs Excellence of Workmanship. home They met on the --ty and the shooting followed. *Eeereeeeere Aiderman Co). Graben bas severad m----r------ of Mrs. Fic connection. with the Manufacture The estimated We invite the public to call anv dav | but he received no encoun this week and try a sample of Kkovah iellv, the finest in the world Wa have a ladv demonstrating and ser- [the G. T. R.w hari this morning five | ving. Mc Rae Bros., Golden Lion Gro- | tons of ches the make of the fac Princess St. | cerv, tories-on Wolle and Howe Islands, -- ------ i ife Insurance company. armel accepted 'C. LIVINGSTON & BRO., [5iitae 0 ; We take the utmost care with vour 77 and 79 Brock Street. The steamer Pierrepont hrought to gement. prescriptions Taylor, i 2 o>