v Nothing surprises some men like their own SUCCess. Duties of other people are always doubly clear to us. Few people know © what they don't want until after they get it. ! Conscicnce has no more to do with wal lantry than with politics. The sun rises Saturday at 5:44 a.m., and sets at 6:01 p.m. "She says she's seen only eighteen sum- mers." 3 "l suppose she spent most of her life in the far north, where it's winter all the year ' ¢ | round." YOU RE When you hear of good in people--tell it, When vou hear a tale of evil--quell it. Let the goodness have the light, Put the evil out of sight, 000 Mike the world we live in bright, . . 4 Like the heaven above. Of getting perfect satisfao. This day in the world's historv: Treaty of tion if you wear Chunar, 1781; En-lish defeated the French at Fi R § Poitiers, 1356; President Garfield died, 1881; first electric street car ran in Montreal, 1892: ¥ it © orm Sir A. T. Galt died, 1893: Lord Swdenham The way the garments are died, 1841; Henry IIL. of France, born, 1511. cut insures a PERFECT FIT =e and the way they are made up guarantees them to keep their shape and wear well. 1 for a first-class suit. ) 3 JENKINS vi SEA | 4 , 5 j 114 PRINCESS STREET. ' . RBBB Cay ---- | 7.11] Let Us Show You MATERIAL For BETTER THAN EVER. RAINPROGF : bie COATINGS : . & PRICES RIGHT £/ROBERTSON BROS 1 . CRAWFORD & WALSH, (GRAND) OPERA USE J) 1 L Tailors and Importers. g ( [GRAND OPERA HOUSE 3 Ri EERE RRRRERRRRE RRR 10 CONTRACTORS. SEPARATE TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV- tha CA ed "at ol of the undersigned (where vlans and specifications may be een) up to kx o'clock pan. Monday 220d inst. For the several trades works required in the erection and completions of a combined rosid nee and on «the cdr of Bagot and in this city, or anv tender not necessarily ac- WM. NEWLANDS, Architect Oflice corner Bagot and Princess streets. AUCTION SALE, ; SATURDAY, SEPT. 20. FRENCH-CANADIAN MARE, BROWN, 154 hands high, - weight 1,200 pounds, kind and true, single or ible, baker's delivery wag ron, Montreal set single harness. Terms cash, o'clock am. W, Murray, Jr, Sale at Auctioneer. MISS LAURA NEISH, & Graduate of Ottawa Normal School Will open a Kindergarten Class on October Fst; at 21% William street. Torms ete, can be Secured 'on application at 308 University Avenue SALE OF DELIVERY WACCGN. ON SATURDAY, SEI'TEMI RAY, the auctioneer, will Square av eleven o'clock dling or delivery" wagron dition FOR SALE. ICE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY Io. Box 83. 362 JOHNSON 9 rooms in property will STREET, each in be sold DOUBLE FRAME, good repair 1 at a bargain. / is Pp ply at the house. i --_-- GENE] A RAL RVANT. APPLY TO MRS. + Donald Ross, 309 Alfred street, A MAID FOR STEAMER Al HA. APPLY Gildersleeve's oflice, Market Squyre, LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Local Liars' League, 8 p.m. SATURDAY, SEPT. 20th Matinee and night, The Comedy Hit Of The Scason. "A JOLLY AMERICAN TRAMP." ROYAL SPORT th Fare. H th ti In ANOTHER RAND - SOUTH AFRICA. rr-- Trusts To Wage War On Independ- ent Tobacco Manufacturers -- ar Se pr al manoeuvres are now concluded. The attacking fleet forced the entrance to the Elbe. A terrible naval battle then ensued between it and the defending fleet, the latter having finally to suc- cumb to force of numbers, and every ship was either sunk or captured. Vie- tors did not long enjoy triumph, for, to their astonishment, they observed a fleet of new torpedo hoats steaming hi nc a th Pe fied with the result of the manoeuvres, | th . A despatch from Johannesburg, of Tuesday's date, says that Mr. Rath- bone, a former government inspector of: the Rand mine, has returned from a general geological survey of the southern fringe of the great Witwater- srands and established the existence of a nL ge that should the. reports prove true, it | a At the banquet of the Wholesale To- bacconists' association last night, Mr. Frankacl, the president, stated that there were rumors of government action regarding. regulations covern- ing the importation of manufactured tobacco into Great Britain. In an in- to I de P T A real challenge production, rat company "and handsome scenery. I'rices 23c., 35c., 50c. Special ladies bargain matinee at 2:30. Re- served seats 25c. Seat sale open at Hanley's. TUESDAY, SEPT. 23. The Augustin Dat Musidt™Cotupany in dainty tuncful "SAN TOY" The Great Comedy THAT HAS BROKEN ALL. RECORDS At Dalv's Theatre, London At Daly's Theatre, New York. Same Great Cast, Grand Chorus, Maguificent Scenery, Enlarged Orchestra English-Chinese Musical I Pricea 25c. to $1.50. Box seats $2. Seats now on sale at Hanley's, Thursday, Sept. 25th, "AWAY DOWN EAST." CAPILLA FORMA Is a remarkable hair producer on heads af- Bicted with baldness, excellent nerve "tonic, prevents gray hair, oures headach., neuralgia, dandruff and cczema. Demonstration treat ment free. Facial mhssage and wrinkles, re- moved. Shampoo a specialty, MME. E. ELDER OF NEW YORK 166 Princess Street. NOTICE Of Saturday's. Specials at * Myer's | Pork Market, 56 Brock -- striet, - Blood Sausagv, Fresh Pork Sausage, Frankforts, Bologna, Mild Cured Haws and Bacon, 3 lbs, of-drip- Ring for 25¢. Call carly. "Phone 570 LADY CANVASSERS F( ACCIDENT AND Fire Insurance. "J, .- l8-- McCann, 31 Brork strect, next Wade's. mn IMMEDIATELY, A GENERAL 'SERVANT. Apply 0 Mrs. Lawrence H Jogart, corn- er Union and Frontenac strects men t-------------------------------- en es TWO CHUNKY BOYS ABOUT 18 YEARS old to work in boiler shop. Apply to foreman of boiler shop, Locomotive Works TWO YOUNG MEN For SALESMEN, goods, carpets; boots and shoes. immediately. R. Larmour & Co., DRY Apply Cornwall, DANCING. MISS McGLADE WILL RE-OPEN HER dancing at Duunt's Academy. dur- ng the winter sea~on; commencing October 1st Those wishing to form classes please call 60 William street between 2 and 5 DANCING CLASSES. MISS McAULEY WILL RESUME HER dancing classed this s?ason in the Masonic all, next to. Whig Buikline. Evenings from 8S to 11, Friday alternapn from 4 to 6. Mis clyss at BOARD. hy Aa ne AN RGETIC MAN 'CAN EARN FROM 81 10 ¥I8 a week selling our goods La demand Write for particutirs" C, R an, Fenwick, Ont BOMS AND GIRLS OVER 14, who | make good pay in our factory if | Workers Apply to J. A. Gould «& Smith street, Opposite F300 street. ---- ser eee---------- SEVERAL BRIGHT PEOPLE Who © carn at least fifteen dollars weekly, ¢ of our representatives make over fiv lars im a dav No deliv te ing The Century Christian Co., limited, | Toronto: | -- | AT ONCE A COMPETENT MAN TO TAKE | full charge of nv buted business on i Brock stroet Must-understand the busi- | pvess thoroughly Apply to Mrs. M. A | Metealle, 62 Brock street, or S826 Princess street inthe evenin RELIABLE PARTIES TO KNIT FOR .US AT | : their homes, 'whole or spare time We 1 amd | 1 < l mater tse wv Coma " y \ BARBER SCHOOLS, 244 YONGE Toronts, © St. Laws Montreal P.( 16 [Fast street, Buffalo tly | equity { ces Saturdiyvs slernte T trial, lodyings, at land logue fre: R 'SPECIAL 2.4 OPERATIVE PLAN" course is| given - solutely fre Also opportunity to earn money at vour home, hv working for us Write for particulars to<dav. [Aldi Owen | Wall tor "Bibby's."" Oak Hall. "Bibby's." | We are headquarters for men's derwear, The H. D. Bibby (o.. un- v {A COMFORTABLE ROOMS AND MODERN CON- said "the prince's debts amounted 8171.600, of which £360,000 was secur ed. The debts were attributed to stock exchange daughter of the ninth Earl of Coven- try) recéived $10,000. But Says He Has Nothing Against venier also table hoard can be obtain ed at M William streeg. LOST. WIHTE ENAMELLERD CUFF BUTTON Finder will "please return to this office and receive reward, CANNOT GO BACK. Will Not Allow Their Re patria- tion From Canada. Odessa, Septe 19.--The attention of the Russian government. having been condemn Secretary Chamberlain. .Let the others will he fifendly to Encland. The gen- erals have chosen a policy of silence: T have heen speaking out. We are friends but I .stand alene. How can Chamber- trusts could then he expected to waee war on the independent manufactur- ers. The Vienna correspondent of the ¥ 3 Standard is afraid that the result of the United States note to Roumania on the question of emigration of Jows will be nil. The Berlin correspondent of the Times says the German govern- ment, hefore replving to the note, Will probably await the answer of Rouma- a re Could Not Live on $45,000 a Year. Longlon," Sept. 19.--At of a meeting to | (n fa speculation and g ambline. 3 ev CONDEMNS. CHAMBERLAIN. to reg return to our country: I q SHE TALKED TOO MUCH 3 . left Miss Biggar the 3 tune. The case already sulting in to-day's gave "an entirely new turn to the af- 13th last; that in Sh be specially victed was brutal shot down in fee the colored the only man he wished Ge cas rai the high price of coal LAURA BIGGAR'S APPEAL. Birth of Child May Lose Case for Mother. Long Branch, N..J., Sept. 19.--Argu- ---- ments were begun before Justice Heis- ley to-day in the appeal of Laura The Kaiser Plays At War: Biggar, the actress, to have set aside e probate of the will of the late enry M. Bennett, a millionaire who bul: of his for has occupied e attention of the counts for some me. When it became known that the ik of Mr. Bennett's estate had been left to Miss Biggar, the other lega- .| tees began a contest of the will, but FOUND BY A SURVEYOR IN |this avas recently settled. . It was thought the matter had heen closed, nd that Miss biggar had taken pos: ssion of the valuable New York City roperty lefe to her. But the move re- court proceedings The Note To Roumania Not fair. By an aflidavit filed with the Well Received. court, asking for a re-opening of the London, Sept, 19,--The German nav- | case, Miss Biggar declares that she and Mr. Bennett were married in 1898, and that after his death she gave rth to a child, which died on August Mr. Bennett's will » mention was made of this child, nd that by reason of the child's birth he will was void. Should the appli- cation to set the will aside be granted Miss Biggar will receive the entire pro- rty, both real and personal. towards them with all speed, they | 4 - were so "taken by surprise that they PLANS FOR SHAMROCK III. had no time to get their guns ready in Adv. for action, and everyone of their They Are in Advanced State-- ships were blown up by torpedos. The They Are Less Costly. kaiser, it is stated in the Morning London, Sept. 19.--Confirming - the Leader despatch, is extremely satis- | despatches of the Associated Pross on he subject, the Yachting World savs: "All ~ the plans for building the amrock III, are in a forward state, nd it is certain she will be ready for launching much earlier than either of Thomas Lipton's previous challen- rs. The mill-steel for the plating will manufactured with the a main reef series through twenty | view of securing minimum weight and miles, which is most favorably situ- | maximum strength and reliability. ated for working. The despatch adds | Although she will not be nearly such costly: vessel as her predecessors, no means another rand. with the es st- | expense will be spared which will in ence of all deep levels geologically any way increase her chance of sue- proved. cess." y DSS. To Be Hanged In Far North. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 14.--According » the - latest advices received here, red. Hardy, the Unimak Island mur- ever, will be hanged to-day at Nome, resident Roosevelt having declined terview Mr. Frankael refused to give | to interfere with the sentence of the further details in regard to this rum- | court. Hardy would have been hang- or but he predicted that friendlv ar- | cd a year ago but for the fact that rangements would soon be reached hy | Judge Wickersham stayed the execu- the American Tobacco company and tion for twelve months, pending the the Tmperial Tobacco companv, the | hearing of an appeal in the United American and British trusts. The two | Stat The appeal was unsuccessiul. he crime of which. Haray was con- in the extreme. He cold blood and robbed on. and Florence Sullivan gnd P. J. ooney, who "were his companions on prospecting 'expedition. At the time of his trial Hardy declared he was a lative of former Postmaster-General John Wanamaker. To FighteFor Champi onship. nia. It is significant, savs the corres Baltimore, Md; Sept. 19.--In the pondent that in the Berlin Journal | arena of the Bureka Athletic club to- the note does not meet with a very | night Joe Gans will defend his light- favorable reception. weight championship title against Gus a o Gardner, of Philadelphia. The bout is BANKRUPT INDIAN PRINCE. | the outcome of a heated controve sy that has been on ever since Gans do- ated Erne at Fort Erie last May, boy declaring then that to face was ardner. Gans believes Gardner to be the creditors of Prince Victor Duleep | amony the topnotchers in his class, Singh (son ef the late Maharajah Du- | and thinks he will give him a stiff leep Singh of Lahore, and an officer battle. Sporting men, however, in of Fesr Royal Dragoons), who wasl | « ne to the opinion that Gardner is declared, a bankrupt, the chairman | no match for Gans, and as a conse- wnee the colored fighter is a decided vorite in the betting. A Halifax Elopement. Among the assets ix.a claim for 3. Halifax, Sept. 19.--Matthew Mar- 000,000 against the Indian govern- shall, a wealthy merchant and veal ment with respect to the estate »f the estate owner, has eloped with Mrs bankrupt's father. The prince as= | Burns, a fine looking woman. He cribes his bankruptev to the '"ridicul- met Mrs. Burns by arrangement at ous' insufficiency of his allowance from Truro;- and "the couple proceged to the Indian government." To maintain | Toronto. Mrs. Marshall received a his position, the prince received 833.- letter this morning written in the 000 vearly, and his wife (who is a train, telling her shat he had leit for er. He turned five of*his houses into h. and reali?ed on his stocks, He ld his "wife he was going to Monu- tl to purchase goods. Mps. Burns was in Truro for a week. England. New York-Mobile Steamships. lerlin, Sept. 19.--The Frankfort Ga- New - York, Sept." 19.-A regular zette prints, an interview with Mr. | weekly passenger and © freight service Reifz, fogmer secretary of the Trar between New York and Mobile was vaal, who will not he allowed to re- inaugurated hy the Mallory steamship turn to South Africa, because of a | line to-day. with the dis atch of the speech he made in Europe since the | first steamer from this citv. The new conclusion of peace. Mr.' Reitz said : service is entirely separate from the "My speech was misinterpreted; 1'said | semi-weekly service operated hy the I would never make friends with Fne- | same line between this port and.Gal- land, while injustice endured. T have | Veston. It is understood that connec nothing against England, and only | tions will be made at Mobile with all il and wafer lines diverging from that point. ------ Farmers Burning Corn For Fuel. 'opeka, Kas., Sept. 19.--Owing many to Kansas lain _maké others responsible for. . ma farmers-wil = kurn corn this¥winter acts."" Reitz will sail for New York Corn will be plentifnl and as there is within ten days. an abundance of alfalfa and sorghum for feed, corn will be: used for heat- ing purposes, Kansans have not burn- orders and superintending the various | tended to stand on the deck, called to the probability of the Douk- - ed corn since 'the late seventies. hobors' (Russian Quakers) in Canada | And Lost Her Head--Fate of Re- Se ---------- applying for permission to repatriate bel Leader, Y Charlie Ross Now A Farmer. { themselves to their old homes in the Pekin Sept 1R.--The oXecutions Ottawa, Sept. 19.-- Advices fiom Caoatus, it Bs semi emanty sin vesterday at Cheng Tu, capital of the ni Africa tiate That since the dis: s . province of Sze-Chun, where troubles an ment of the | anadian Scouts in accorded, nd it is said to be extremes similar to the Boxers' rising "have | South Africa, Major Charles toss, I, iy downiind if She otkhobnre will he heen prevalent for some time ih. frm eter knows gs ~Ghatlie Roe, = eluded a woman leader, who had laree i SCOUL, has settled down to farm. | { . influence since the beginning of the | ind, about ten miles - south-oast of/| NO ALLIANCE 'CONTEMPLATED trouble. The country outside of Cheng | Prétoria. | Tu and the road from that eitv to | RE i -{ The Standard Oil Company Ts |Chune-King are if eontrol i re: | Lord Dundonald In Camp. | Reaching Out. hols. Chung-King is a Yang-Tse port, | Three Rivers, Que., Sept. 19. --Tovd THe. Hive. Sopt d0=Drising. the where there are gp consuls and gun | Dundonald reached hire and was driv- | debate yesterday. on the reply to the hoats stationed. This evening the | on direct to the camp. He -orcupios ] Hucen's speech, Baron "Finder. minis throne issued © an edict ordering the | tent and his mess is in the govern- ter of foreirn affairs, denied that an immediate suppression of 'the rebel: | mont building on 'the exhibition | alliance with any power was being lion. | grounds He is hard at work civing | contemplated. J Jr The Standard .0il company has con The coal situation is looking very | drills, | chided trust arrangements" with the | dork for the consumer. . : : . : | Netherlands" Indian companies. 'ure spices a Redden's, Bovs' suits that fit. Grand Union. WORLD NEWS -- Comes® To Us From All Quarters. FEW BRIEF ITEMS TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ---Notes From All Over~Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. Lord Rosebery is ill. Scotch miners have accepted a re- duction in wages. Harry Richmond, Petrolea, com- mitted suicide by drowning. British shipyards have netified their men of a reduction in wages. Gladman's saw mill, at Carling, was totally destroyed by fire; loss, about $12,000. Maggie York, of Dufferin Bridge, aged nineteen, committed suicide at Burd's Falls, by taking carbolic acid. A slight earthquake shock was felt in San Francisco at 3.51 o'clock on the morning of the 18th. No damage was done. The tobacco commission sat in Ha- milton yesterday and examined - a number of local dealers and will hold the next meeting in Toronto this ai- ternoon. Four officers belonging to the Dan- ish training squadron were drowned in the harbor "of Kariskrona, by the up- setting of a boat while returning' to their ships from the shore. The Snow Drift company's factory at Brantford, and George Watt & Sons' grocery store, were burned last night; loss, about $70,000. Three fire- men were' badly hurt by falling walls. Rev. Dr. Chown, of Broadway tab- ernacle, Toronto, announced to the Methodist general conference that he would accept the position of field se cretary for temperance anu moral ré- form. In consequence of a split in the Do- minion Trades Congress at Berlin, the Knights of Labor and their vmpath- izers have formed a new organization to be known as the National Trades and Labor Council of Canada. A small gasoline tug, a number of will néts, owned bv some Un- ited States pariics, together with a quantity of fish, were captured off Longue Pointe by the cruiser Petrel for fishing in Canadian waters. Mgr. Enrique Perez, procurator of the Spanish Recolette fathers in Rome has presented a Volliminous report to the Vatican, contending that his order in the Philippines is the victim of much injustice and libel and claiming its right to remain there and he pro- tected *hy the 'government. John Mattot, a United States gov- ernment diver, had a dangerous but unique experience. in Oswego harbor. his diving suit blew off, leaving Mat- tot without a supply of air and in danger of drowning. Unable to reach the life line;"he signalled by means of the air tube and by a fortunate chance was hauled up, after being without air for over two minutes. KRUGER WILL RETURN. If The British Government Will Allow Him. Sept. 19.--There is a the intimate circle. of Mr. friends to/send him to South Af Mr. Krager's family ap- prove the plan. Mr. Kruger has given notice that he will vacate his residence in November, but he had not deter- ~mined whether he will accompany the. Boer generals home, if he is allowed to back. - The generals will sound the British authorities on this point during their coming visit to England. Dr. Leyes denies<that the Boer gen- erals have abandoned their "proposed tour of the United States. They will complete their agreement with him- sell and the Boer delegates in. Europe, under whose auspices they will visit the leading cities of the continent, be- ginning with Rotterdam. Amsterdam, movement in go KLONDYKE MEAT TRUST. Proposes to Gain Control of Live Stock Trade. 2 3 Seattle, Wash., Sept. 19.--A special to the Post Intelligencer, from Day - son, says Dawson meat men are organizing a combine to control the stock in the Nlondyke. Their plams are all matur- ed. At a meeting which will be held to-morrow representatives will get to- gether and arrange for the absolute control of all the meat-in the \ mar- ket." The combine will have to) take care not" onlv of Tall" the Stocks on hand, but all that have heen con- tracted for, the value of which will amount to more than 81,000,000. Re- staurants, hotels, 'and large mining companies are laying in large stoeks of meat in anticipation of a sharp rise in prices, | | LIFE-SAVING DEVICE. Successful Experiment--A Novelty In Life Boats. Norwav, Sept Christiana, 19.--THKe Norwegian Life Saving society has experimented' at Horton with! Capt. Doenvig's ww life hoat, which con sists of a life-savine globe that an carry sixteen pers Ho kilo grammes of provizions and M0 kilo- grammes of water: The craft carries an air'pump anl a water pump and is equipped with a <ail #&nd rudder, It is eight feet in diameter and ny floating is | | | | | off if the ship carrving it goed down. English walt vinegar at Redden's: While under water the head plate of . promised. The real motive for the raid, as now explained by well-inform- i - ' ; > : - § > - ! & * 69TH YEAR. NO." 219. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1902¢ LAST EDITION. JAMESON RAID EXPLAINED. Why It Was Planned--Favors Ca- nadian Fast Service. New York, Sept. 19. Tribune Lon- don cable says: 'ihe conference of steamship managers in Mr. Morgan's pool is not exciting deep interest ' in commercial circles here, NG definite ar- rangements have been made, nor are any official, announcements likely un- til the Morgan combination has been formed and worked out in detail, but, Liverpool is" convinced that the Cun- ard hne will receive a materially in- creased subsidy, and will be enabled to build a fast substitute for the Um- bria, and compete in speed with the best German ships, and also that the Canadian government will persevere in Sir William Mulock's shipping policy and obtain suitable tenders for a fast service, on both the Atlantic and Pa- cific. These conclusions are confirmed by well informed Liverpool men and Austen Chamberlain's influence, as postmaster-general, will be thrown heavily on the side of the colonies in all arrangements for mail subsidies. Rumors that Mr. Kruger will pro- duce in his memorials new evidence of a British conspiracv against the Dutch republics are not well-founded. He will re-open the argument and make use of several telegrams which Miss Flora Shaw, now Lady Lugard was called upon to explain before the parliamen- tary commission, but: he is not likely to throw fresh light upon the secret history of the Jameson raid. His statement of the Boer case can hardly fail to be interesting, but something more than Mr. Rhodes' telegrams to Miss Shaw will be required before Mr. Chamberlain's reputation can be com- ed South Africans, was a determina- tion on the part of Mr. create a political situation at nesburg; which would compel Chamberlian to intervene. Dr. son was to enter the town and the population was expected to take up arms, and the high commissioner was then to call a parley and ask Nr. Kruger to make concessions to the Uitlanders and mining interests. When the crisis arose, the high tommission- ers flinched, and the colonial office acted more agressively against the raiders than the conspirators had an- ticipated. Rhodes to Johan- Mr. Jame- AN OLD MAN'S CRIME. Shot And Killed Girl And Then Suicided. Winnipeg, Man, Sept. 19.--Thomas Law, of Alexander & Law Bros., mill- ers, of Brandon, accompanied by Miss Ermie Therrien, left © Brandon yester- day ny bugey tor the Beresford dis- trict, for a oay's chicken shooting. Having reached their destination, Law and Miss 'I herrien drove on the farm of Alonzo Kowe, and were about- to commence shooting when Rowe, who is seventy vears of age, appearea on the scene, armed with a gun, and fired at the couple. Several pellets of shot struck Law in the knee, but Miss Therrien received almost the entire charge in her hip and yhdomen. Rowe, rafter the shooting, réturned to his house, where he took poison, dying almost instantly. It is supposed that Rowe fired at the couple while anger ed, and without considering the con- sequences, and that then, realizing what he had done, he committed sui- cide. po Miss Therrien died in Branaon hos- pital this morning. FARMS FOR BOERS. Cl B Ww Tells of Alleged Promise Made by President Roosevelt. Toronto, Out., Sept. 19th, Funeral dh WEATHER PROBABILITIES. (ao a.m)--Light and Saturday. nds, cloudy to fair to-day RR RRL HIG TR TTA, : «WE CONTINUE OUR,. [Autumn Millinery isplay Of all the new styles from London, Paris, New York and Ber- lin. We also ask your inspection of our fine showing of New Jackets, New Cloaks, New Dress Goods, {OWN--At Stella, on Sept. 18th, 1902, Wil- liam Chown, aged fifty vears and one month. . will take place from his late resi- ve, Stella, on Saturday at 2 p.m. eds and acquaintances are respectfully mvited to attend. " NOTICE! We want you to ins ect our Fall Stock of Suitings, Overcoatings and Raincoats. efore leaving your order else- here. . Our Prices Are Always Moderate JOHN TWEDDELL;. MERCHANT TAILOR, 131 PRINCESS ST. Johannesburg, Sept. IS.--Mp.s' Die prink, - formerly a member ofthe | raad, deported because he refused to 3 take the oath of allegiance when Lord ¥ Roberts entered Johannesburg, has re- turned from the United States, where a he declares he had an important inter- | ® view with President Roosevelt. x Mr. Dieprink's object was to see if it was sible for burghers to Settle in America. He says that throuchout the interview President' Roosevelt was entirely in sympathy with Kim and ap- proved of his idea, and that he prom- | sed if Mr. Dicprink could get 'a --sugli- | of burghers to | grant the Indian reserva [=a cient number them farm on 3 To) 2 [oof [3 av 3 x [oan oo) TABLE CREAM: > 16 #*ec Cent. Fat. A moderately rich and de- liciously sweet cream put up | in clean hali-pint and one- pint bottles. Deliveries to all parts of the city, and prompt and regular at that. Clarified wk Co., 'Phvae 567. Brock & Bagot Sts. dt] ] fo doe] eo SET) 5) QR Log tions. Mr. Dicprink is nows acting on these TRANSFER. OF TAVERN LICENSE. T assurances, but it is doubtful if hel NOTICE 1S NEREBY GIy EN THAT 1 can- get recruits to go to the United [have made application this dav to the Li- g g : 4 <X a S a vhers are s thie conse Commissicners of this city to have nv States, a the burghers wre showing tavern license at the Jroquois Hotel trans no great desire to emigrate. ered 10 John Gilpin, of this: city. wml io . they have decided "to" consid or the xame on Monday evening, Oct. 6th, at ecicht o clock MISTAKE OF NURSE. n the police court room. R. MCLAREN, : 3 . x : Kingston, Sept. 19th, 1902. Injection of Carbolic Acid Instead ! : of Soothing Oil. SOLD. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 19. Dr. Daniel | THE PIANO THAT WAS ADVERTISED L.. Waser, a patient jin the West Penn | for inte is geld, 1 will paw offer a Vary fine ah , it : Ssh old fashioned axtension table that will seat hospital, Stifter my with typhoid fever, shout thirty people. Apply at once. MILLS' was given an injection of carbolic acid | AGCTION ROOMS. nstead of 'oil hy the nurse, and in a short time died. The nurse had two bottles at hand, one' of oil and the ther carbolic acid. The latter was ite « th whministered--in mistake; and-the-phy For Men Only. Trousers, for men only, in fine wor $2, 82.50, 33, 83. D. Bibby Co. 1 ser tweeds, 2, $1500 The H res, ~ician died in great agony. i ---------- -- . Pure cider vinegar at Redcen's. Montreal Aldermen In Detroit. . Detroit, Mich., Sept. 19.- A delega an tion of aldermen rrived vesterday Jrom Montreal intending to spend a Ll Y few ve in the city studying muni i OR pal conditions and problems. They Co arrive! a dav sooner than Cl ex PRICE pected but they were promptly taken | . in hand and welcomed by the mavor's $ . secretary, Mr. Cotton. The delegation | 9 -- i Fa . | Consists of 3 CC. Lemay, N. Lapointe 0 JL. A inte, J. SN. Coutnrd; C1 g : Robi i Joseph Lamarche. lg. . Any article to enter our ' stock must possess the Kkovah! ¢ standard of merit. In our Fi cek we will have | @ buying, if it is a question of lady ¢ the goot aualities : quality or price, we first in- of Kkotah jellies. We invite the pub € sist on gualit lic to call and partake of a frée sum ¢ 51s" on q -y. ple. McRae Bros, Golden Lion 9 K . » "Bibby*§"" Oak Hall. "Bibby's." A CG. JOHNSTON & BRD, ~ Try one of Currie's English rain cont 126, RG.50, 87.50, R09. 50 and $ 00. The H. D. Bibby Co. ~ me