Listen, Friends! . We are not about to repre- sent fo you anything un- known. But those who have never iried us before in any- thing in Clothing, Gents' Furnishings or Furs, we would kindly request them to give us a call and inspect our large assortment of up-to-date lines of Clothing, Gents' Fur- nishings and Furs, and be convinced that we are tho- roughly reliable and mean what we say. JOS. SILVER. (Successor to B. Silver,) 102 PRINCESS ~ STREET. LOI VRGNT. Some Guns Don't Kill No matter how . good a shot you may be, but by buying from MITCHELL your gun is guaran: teed as every gun is thoroughly tested, and you can try it before you buy. Powder, shot, loaded shell and rifles. > Mitchell's Hardware, 68 Princess Street, Kingsten. Watch 'Em Go! Our stock of AER LIGHT SUPPLIES will go fast at these prices: CYLINDERS.. ..... Siaerss 7c. LARGE.CHIMNEYS......10c. MANTELS .. o secures: 106 BURNERS .......... ......18¢c. These prices only WHILE THE stock lasts. There are bargains here this week. Don't miss them. . BRECK & HALLIDAY, FOR INVESTMENTS real <. estate, mining or iE CLIFF has some mone Princess Street. ne oil stocks, GEOR makers. TO COIN COLLECTORS. CABINET OF U.S. SILVER COINS FOR sale. Address at Whig Qffies. COMMERCIAL, NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Sept. 19th : 2 Sell. Buy. Union Pacific 110% 1114 Sto Paules Loli 196 Manhat tay . bt Tran Sugar . I'eop Led Steal U.S. Stel, Prei Tenn: Coal & tron Miss, Pacific Southern Pacific Ww Western rn Union Louis. & Nush Rock sland Pennsylvania Ry Texas & Pacific Atchixon Col. 1. & F American Loco Amal. Copper... MONTREAL STOCKS. . Sept. 19th] 4 Open. Close. Canadian Pacific y 1123 T1124 Canadian Pacific, New HY Puluth S.S. Com REY [ Towlo LL. & 1 SL Ak Montreal S Rv 2856 INA Toronto SN Ry 1213 Jk Halifax Street Ry 111: HS St. John's Electric 130 116 Detroit United uly uid Twin City Transit 127° 1267 Rich. & Ont. Nav 108 108 Commercial. Cable 173 168 Montreal Telegraph 170 167 Bell Telephone hy 166 Nontreal Power 101} 1nd Dominion Stevl Ti 4 Pominion Steel. Pid 100 a9 , Laurentide Pulp gn) ay Ogilvie Flour, Pid 8138 133 Dominion Cotton nl ol Montreal Cotton 135 130 U.S. Steel y 1133 THE 5 ¢. EDO SECOND EDITION NEWS 0 ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. 'What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. The exports of 'bacon from Canada to Great Britain for sthe seven ending with July were 240,291 cwt., or 75,000 cwt. more them German mon hs the same perfod last year. manufacturers of machinery received orders for 100 locomotives, value 6,000,000 marks 0). which will go to Siam, for have recently representing (nearly $1,500 Italy, India and Denmark, The strength developed by Dominian steel is in' keeping with the showing oi - the company, which is reported as baving sold six months output American capitalists. Outside of steel the list was quiet but firm. The earnings of the Twin City Rapid Tran- week of September, of of to sit company for the first being incriase 1902, were $112,668, an £10,835, or 10.64 per cent. over the same period of "last year. These earnings ace the more remarkable when it is known that the earnings for the same period of 1901 over Io increased $18,101:90, or 21.62 per cent, The production of placer and lode gold in British Columbia in 1901 amonnted to $5, 318,703, an increase Over that of 1900 of $556,° Silver was produced to the value $5 5, and , an increase of $2,584,745, and increase of lead to the value qf £2,002 of $689,151. . The iproduction of copper was most doubled. In 1900 it was $2,831.8 while last $4,146,4 Very little iron ore was mined, this hranch of oll in an experimental stage. vear it amounted to being pete Y.M.C.A. NOTES. industry LC -- Secretary Addressed Workingmen --Some New Ideas. At noon yesterday J. A. Lawrence, Y.M.C.A. secretary, addressed 200 men in the erecting shop of the Locomotive Works. The chief thing he had tb tell the men was that a anechanical draw- ing class would be opened at the Y. M.(.A.. on October Ith Every man { was urged to take advantagt of the opportunity for further study. George | Lee, chief draftsman of the works, also said a few words to the men, con- the tools necessary to start Neat folders, outlining the class plans, wert distributed to the men. When thirty new hooks reac hod VY MLCLA. to-day it was a great 'The volumes an especially men's including such splendid novels "David Haram." The giver is' W. J..F allagh, ford, a former association { here. His gift is.geatly appre The latest thing among the senior members is a "YMCA. hoathouse.™ True, next sunaner 18 far off, but the fellows that the time to begin plans. The reception to he held on October ond will take place largely in the ovm cerning with. the sur prise. young hooks, n= now is sav nasium. Special decorating work I~ iq charge of C. FE. Tavior, J Mercer, H. Covie ani H. Wilder. Master Fred Carson has consented to help supply cyvergreen for the occasion. In jew days the "Y.M.C.A. Red Bo will be ised fresh from the pres: of the Whig. It ix a small volume setting forth the association's plans. The secretary will supply a copy to every enquirer for one. ------ The Ramblers Are Ready. The Ramblers met last eveni the Y.M.C.A. parlors and reorga their football club for the season, these officers: a with Honorary president, J. Meh. Mowat: honorary vice presidents, Mavor Shaw, Dr. J. +I. Harty: presi- dent, FE. (i Dean: secretary, George Kidd: treasurer, H. Metall: nganager, J. Ce Hameo The auestion f enter: ing a team in the O.R. FU. will be decided toaight. Next week practices wi!l be begun in the cricket field. The ¢lub has many promising players in its ranks. ------ Made Many Fine Sketches. (. FE. Wrenshall, principal of the Kingston School of Art. has returned from St. Jerome, Que., where he spent three with his son, manager of that branch of she Merchants' Bank. 'SL. Jerome is picturesquely situated in thé midst of the Laurentian. moun: wains, and Mr. Wrenshall made nse of his time in making sketches of the beautiful scenery. Mr. Wrenshall was obliged: to return home and pre pare for the autumn opening of © the art weeks good school. -- Will Increase The Salary. not "the intention of Queen's It rustecs that the new principal's sal ary should remain at $1,000. As soon as the endowment ix increased (and ir. Rarclay would he a strong man that regard) the remuneration be ra vear by. year. in would » Oak Hall. "'Bibby's." Ii vou want the correct fall style in a hat, stitf or softzvou'll find it here. The H. D. Bibby Co. «*Bibby's. en een A Boer colony may be formed Madagascar. : in FALL 1902 Put your. requirements in the hands of Livingston Bros. Keep pace with the times in style and quality of your Clothing. Take time to look at our stock. ALL OUR WORK IS UP-TO-DATE AND CLOSELY PRICED. It will pay you to inspect our stock of Tweeds, etc. 40000000000 Cc. LIVINGSTON & BRO., ~ 77 and 79 Brock Street. PEARY'S RETURN HE DESCRIBES HIS ARCTIC we. The Windward Arrives at North Sidney--All Well on Board-- Open Lakes and Ice Floes Encountered. North Sydney, C.B., Sept. 1S.--As a result of the news wired to Herbert Bridgeman, secretary of Peary"s Arc- tic Club, from the government station in Labrador, it was estimated thdt « arrival here should take place same time last night, and as a result she was hourly expected. The Wind- ward, however, did not appear on her return from the frozen north till near- Iy~ eight o'clock this morning, when <he was sighted off Low Point light. By- nine o'clock she was sailing up the 'harbor of Sidney; by ten she had dropped at the railway wharf, Sidney. and was quickly boarded by the re- presentative of the press on her way up the harbor. . Peary's manager, Mr. Bridgeman, had gone out into the water tug and learned from the explorer himself the first news of the latest trip in search of the apparently unattainable pole. When Peary stepped irom the Wind- ward to the wharf no one would have supposed, that he had, unaccompanied by another white man, braved a win- ter in the realm of the everlasting snows of the midnight sun. His © was bronzed indeed; but he looked the picture of a man in the prime of life, slightly weather beaten, but appar- ently, at the next moment ready, i need be, to make another dash for the pole. He was delighted, of course, to hear of all the news of the civilized world, the coronation of Ring Edward of England, the 'close of the Boer war and the great strike among the coal | miners in America. The Windward is piled up with curi- from the land of the Esqui and there are a number of the dogs on hoard, sonie of which have heen "employed by" Peary in carrying burdens over the ice bound fields. The dogs are remarkable for their intelli- gence and are greatly attached Le Peary, his wife and 'daughter. The Windward leit Sidney for Green- land on /Sunday, July, 13th, of this vear. lt was about this time last that the Peary Arctic Club's re- steamer the Erik, with Bri on board as commodoré, return ed to North Sidney, bringing Mrs. Peary' and daughter with news that the bold explorer himself had decided to pass last winter at Etah, North Greenland, that at the first approach' of the Arctic spring he might he at the base of his further operations, The Ticcoverer has now been in the Polar regions since he went - north in the Windward in the early spring of 1900, Mr. Peary gave the following inter- view : "Having Irik Harbor, on the Illesmere on August 20th, reached Payer Harbor on Sept. 16th, | -- osities maux, year lief mean left coast woe crossing Rose Bay by sledge and boat about a week later. My Esquimaux ouides hegan to fall sick, and by six adults and one and nearly all the but fortunately out of Early in January an Esqui- from Anaritok, bringing news of the fearful ravages of a fatal epidemic, which the tribe was sufier- Word was sent back for the. sus- vivors to come to me and thev began to arrive weekly. What medical assist- ance and help | could tender them was oRen. ¢ "On March 3rd mv advance partv anibésix sleds, in charge of Hansen, leit for €ongér: On the 7th. IT started in leaving Percy in charge at November 19th, child "were dead others were ill, danger. maux came ing. Ages, s Paver Harbor, Conger itself was reached in twelve marches, Fight marches more took us. to Cape 'Hee- la. The north end of Roberson w as. all open across to the Greenland coast, and patches of water extended as far could reach. On April Ist I in on my northern journey Qea, accompanied only "squimanx: and Six sledges. This sectipn of the trip was exceedingly dangerous. We encounter: ed old floes covered deep with snow and intersected by ruogdd ridges. This travelling was very similar to that ex- perienced by the English expedition of 176. After six days progress we next encountered open lakes and tee floes in rapid motion. As we advanced the floes became smaller, and the open leads far more frequent.' as eve started aga over the Polar by Hansen, four een A MONTREAL SUICIDE. Body Found By Boys--Removing Offices To Toronto. NEWS "FROM. . OTTAWA. Militia Orders Published--Death of Mys. Ogilvie. Ottawa, = Sept. '19.--The duties of D.AAL at Sussex military camp, were pe formed by Capt. Lister, R. U. R.. vice Capt. Thacker, R.C.R., from the 13th September. 'The detachment of the 4th Field battery, C.A., will arrive at Deseron- to camp on the 2lst .inst., 10 cary out annual gun practice. On, the 22nd inst. the detachment of the 12th field pattery, C.A., are relieved from at- tenaing at Deseronto camp for annual gun practice for 1902 = Licut. Mackie, D.S.0., was taken on the strength of "A squadron, C. M. R., from the 2nd ult. the following officers are appointed on the staff of Col. Buchan, C.M.G., commanding the camp at Niagara : Assistant adjutant general, Lieut.-Gefl. A. I. Sherwood, C.M.G., 43rd Regi ment; deputy assistant guartermaster- general, Maj. P. Robertson, 48th Regi- ment; orderly officer, Capt. C. T. Vam- Strauben R.C.D. Capt. S. E. Jela- ronde, 43rd Regiment, is appointed deputy assistanyg guartermaster-gener- al on the stafi of the 3rd division, vice Maj. R. A. Helmer, 43rd Regi- mént, who resigns that appointment. Lieut.-Col. A. Bortame, 77th Regi- ment, has been granted leave of ab- cence from annual training with his regiment at Niagara camp. Leave of absence, with permission to travel abroad, has been granted to Capt. F. A. Reed, 7th Regiment, for three months from this date. Bv a new postal regu it of weight for 5 single book posted for delivery in Canada has been in- creased from seven to ten pounds. Margaret Hallady Ogilvie, relict of the late James Ogilvie, and mother of William Ogilvie, ex-commissioner of the Yukon territory, died at her late residence, in Gloncester township, in the eighty-second year of her age. De ceased had been ailing for some time. (Col. Evans returns in October to the command of the militia organiza- tion in Manitoba and the territories, and will continue the work in which he was a year 'ago engaged, of organ- izing a squadron of mounted rifles throughout the western country. These now dot the plains where two years since there was no militia force at all outside of Winnipeg, Brandon, and Portage la Prairie. No attempt is to start with a large establish- ment. Fifty men each is the rule. But in an emergency this means that all of Western Canada is equipped with a <keleton mounted force, able to ride and shoot, and equal to any in the world when it comes "to campaigning. nr------------ lation the lim- \ maae FIFTY YEARS IN MINISTRY. To Commemorate the Event--Bri- tish Journalists Entertained. Toronto, Sept. 19.--To commemor- ate the fact that it will be fifty vears on October Tth, since Rev. Dr. Caven, the venerable principal of Knox col- the ministry, and to show their appreciation of Dr. Caven's oveat life work, the senate and board of Knox college have resolved to er- ect a new: library building. to be nam- od the Caven library. The building will cost $30;000, and will contain ac- commodation for 40,000 volumes. The party of British journalists, touring in the west, getting materials for a write-up of Canada are in the city, the guests of the city council, and will go to Brantford and Niagara Falls. They were entertained at the Toronto Club and subsequently visited some 'of the schools and leading. fac- lege, entered tories. ------------ An Action And Seizure. Montreal, Que., Sept. 19.--The Shaw- negan Water and Power company has taken an action, and a seizure in re windieation "ol some $30,000 of its bonds in the hands of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. The company bor- rowed $90.00 from Warren, Burnham '& Co. of New York, for which they gave as security honds of the com- pany. Some $50,000 of that amount has been repaid and the company wished to get bonds to that amount returned, but the bank, as custodian 'of the bonds for the New York firm, refused to return them untik the whole awount was_ paid. Hence the, "action and seizure, . nd - Salisbury Slightly Ill. Luzerne, Switzerland, Sept. 19.--An investigation on the report arding the health of Lord Salisbury, shows that he is confined to his room here, awing to a chill and slight attack of gout. He will probably be unable to travel for a fortnight, "but it -is- as- aerted there is no cause for anxiety. nim---- St. Lawrence 'Perfectly Safe. Montreal, Que., Sept. BH KE. A la hossfore, a former employee of the | <leeping car department of the C.P.R | put ux bullet in his brain on Fletch ficld last night, some boys stumbling aver the body later on. Losses are | supposed to have caused despondency. | leading to suicide. He was ie hit haa no children. | The office. of assistant freight traffic | smanager of the C.P.R. will be trans-y rod from this city to Toronto, as business men of that city and section | wish to he in touch with a hich | freivht--eofficiale--W._.B. Bulling, the present incumbent, will remove to To ronto abouts the middle of Cetober. * A DISAPPOINTED WOOER. Sued Widow ~ With Family And Lost The Case. | Goderich. - Sept. 19.--A hreach-of- | promise' suit, Coke vs. Smith, was | tried at the assizes vesterday The laintifi, a man of forty, residing near Brissel, sued defendant. a womdn of | with family, | | { | fifty-two, a grown-up who reside at Guelph, for breach-of- | promise ofyma and [2.500 dam- | aces. The defence, admitting she te h- | nical right to: sus, had paid in bne cent as compensation, but this was not. sutheient for th disappointed wiitors hence the suit I'he jarv's, ver dict gan the © Widow back her one ent and decided vinst plaintif Says Children Were Poisoned. St. Louis, Sept. 19M. Annie AL Baker. 'a widow. brought suit in the circuit court © against the city, the] members of the hoard of health and Harry M Chapthan for £16,000 dan ages. alleging that two of her child ren died of tetanus, resulting from | the use of impure anti-toxine furnished ! by the uty. Quebec, Sept. 19. Capt. W. E. Shy ter, navivation captain of "H.M.S. Arindne,s gave evidence before the court of enquiry now investigating the St. Lawrence route, Capt. Slate sta ted" that the "river was well lighted and buoyed and perfectly safe in his opinion. Te ee ---- Ten Per Cent. Off. + All boots and shapes, trunks and val t ; Hes; to-morrow, at Abernethws. 4 Smemmsteim-- Lemen Merancue tarts, cheese cakes, dpice fruit cups, are among the lat- e<t. Fruits of all kinds at bottom | prices. W. J. Crothers. Martine Zimnicrman, New York, pre- «ident of the Rideau Lakes Naviga- tion company, is in the city. He has just returned from a trip through-the Rideau. Capt. from Queen's school of mines, morning for Bedford Station, Bogart and a surveving party left this on a | jortnight's field work. the Inland this morning Archibald Hanley, of Revenue office, returned from a trip to-Ottawa. Archbishop Gauthier and Rev. Fath- for or A. Hanley left this afternoon Prescott on. a confirmation tour. Mrs. Innis and song James, of Chi cago, jormerlvyof Kingston, are on a vi<it to relatives in the city. Henry Burns and wife, «of Strat- | ford. are visiting the Misses Morahan, Stuart street, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gage, Svra- cise, N.Y. are visiting friends in the ity, Our afternoon tea novelties: are the | very latest assortment. W. J. Croth- ! ors J. Matheson, the new lecturer on mathematics «at Queens, has arrived Vernon Tavior, C.E., Gananoque, spent to-day in the-eity. TPF DAILY WHIG, FrIDaX SEPT: MBER 19 NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. President Roosevelt has started on his tour of western states, to contipue until October 7th. The wash house and other outbuild- infrs in rear of the Copeland house, Pembroke, were destroyed by fire last night. On the invitation of the Liverpool Provision Trade Association, Sir Wil- frid Laurier will, on October 7th, open the new Produce Exchange in that city. =. An open switch on the Baltimore & Ohio South-Western railway, Lees- burg, Ohio; resulted on Thursday night in two persons being killed and forty-four injured. The itinerary of Hon. Mr. Borden's meetings in Manitoba has been chan- ged. The opposition leader speaks in Winnipeg on October 13th, instead of on October Sth. The Wilkesbarre, Pa., operators are reporting that. their mines and wash- eries are producing now about 28,000 tons daily and that the amount is be- ing steadily increased. Thomas Cronin, aged twenty-four, committed suicide at his home in Val- ley Falls, N.Y., by putting a bullet through his heart. He was despondent because of ill-health. = The last hitch in the formation of the steamship trust, that of thetrans- fer to J. P. Morgan & Co. of the stock of the White Star line, was practically cleared away yesterday. The passenger trains on the Pitts- burg and Western railway collided near Whitney, Pa., Friday. Both trains were badly wrecked and a num- ber of passengers killed and injured. The Royal tobacco commission held a session at Hamiltof Vesterday. Evi- dence showed that if dealers had the goods of the Empire and American companies, the latter would make a reduction of ive cents a pound. Tke cable ship Colonia, having on hoard 3,500 miles of Pacific cable to connect Vancouver Island and Fan- ning Island, reached Jamfield Creek, B.C., yesterday, and landed the end of the cable safely and then proceeded to sea. Hugh Cameron, of Sarnia, conductor on a Grand Trunk railway freight train. was killed at Hamilton shortly after midnight. Nobody saw the acci- dent, but it is thought Cameron was struck by the midnight express from Toronto. The output of coal in the Wyoming district of Pennsylvania is on the in crease. Yesterday 2,400 tons were min- ed. The outlook is encouraging. Pre- cident Mitchell says that he has not demanded a settlement on modified terms. Alonzo Tucker, a negro who assault- od Mrs. Dennic near Libby, Oregon, yesterday, was lvnched to-day. A body of coal miners, heavily armed marched intostown and secured Tuck- er, who attempted to escape but was shot, dying of the wound. The body was afterwards hanged. The nude body of a young woman was found in the Morris canal between Newark and Jersey City and was iden- tified by Joseph Pulitzer, Manhattan, as that of his wife Annie, missing ¢ince Tuesday. A long stab wound was found in the abdomen and the woman 's- skull was" fractured. Lieut. John R. Morris, who was eloctrician on the ill-fated Maine, has committed suicide, and his friends, who have all along thought that he was concealing something, and that the "explosion was caused by defective wiring, he -suicided because he "remembered the Maine." Prompted by jealousy, A. EY Whit- comb, of Chicago, shot W. H. Samp- son. of Detroit, and Mrs Elizabeth Notter, .of Chicago, at Sampson's home. Thon he tried to shoot himself through the head and in the body. To make sure of death he tried to drink carbolic avid, but 'could not: He will die. ! Near Kalamazoo, Mich.. three -chil- dren. were. buried . alive while on the way home from school. John Ruther- ford, aged five, and his brother, Harry, aged seven. and Byron Moore, aged five vears old, stopped to play in an excavation beside the road. Ligging in the sand they loosened the earth and brought tons of it down upon them. Their dead bodies were found. consider HEARING. OF PROTEST In South Oxford--The Member's Evidence. Waddstock, Ont., Sept. 19.--The ex amination of Donald Sutherland, M. P. P.. in the South Oxford protest, was concluded here to-day. At the outset Mr. Sutherland said that when he accepted the nommation he did not bind himseli to support the conserva tive party. if he thought it ins the best interests of the party not to do fo. . His total expenses fore R139, which included personal dxpenses. to the amount of He denica any knowledee of having certain unusually active workers, in the riding, but said he that the conservative party had some kind of organization ii Sorith Oxford. He canvassed but very little, he said, and spent bat one presumea | month working in' the polling =ub- | divisions during the entire campaign. AF Siithertand --aenied---doing ---any treating at hotels during the election cont --_--y-- Another Jump In Tobacco. As noficea - in the Whig Yesterday, the prices of Macdonald's tobacco have lately heen advanced cent | pound, and Fuckett, cents one four a a | pound. To-day local dealers wore no | titied that the fopner statements i | sued bv. the Wadi Id people had | heen called in, and' that a new | dule of prices wonld he <ubstitn Accdrding to the latter the price of | 11 brands of Macdonala's tobac o has advanced six cents a pound. Ten Per Cent. Off: All boots and shoes, trunks and val at Abernethy 's, ---------- Prof. Nicol has from Heid- elburg, Germany. Nice bananas, lOc. per dozen at Mul 1n » | | returned 1 i Steel . B. Eddy's wed PAILS and TUBS Are made from the BEST SELECT. 42% ED LUMBER with Galvanized Spring Steel Wire, electrically welded Hoops, which being corrugated allows for expansion or contraction, so no matter what the weather is they keep in PERFECT CONDITIUN. GIVE THEN A TRIAL. Kingston Agency, No. 75 Princess Street. J. A HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. ---- . Special 1 Attraction. 4 S00 00 00PP PTOI 1 000 NL NNN NNN NNN i 3 3 : 3 } i i : $ i $evsesorsstons? Have arrived and they are the best values we have "ever offered. Come and See Them ! If not prepared to buy you can choose one and have it placed aside until required. Come early and get a choice. $ : | JOHN LAIDLAW & SON : 170-122 Princess Street, Kingston. Le Arm arm nS SSI bm In NNT ~~ NEW-STOCK- .~€.- SLATER BOOTS ~ For Gentlemen. No shoe ever made in Canada has stood so long in popu- lar favor. We always feel that we can conscientiously recommend this make. They are good enough for a King, and we doubt if all Kings wear as good. Wear THE SLATER SHOES and be equal to Royalty. et . G. LOCKETT. ------ The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S -- | .ondon Porter Full of the Virtue of Mall and Hops. perfectly Agreeable to the Most Deticate Palate. : 4 7 JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. ~