a Some Guns Don't Kill No matter how good a shot you may be, but by buying from MITCHELL your gun is guaran- teed as every gun is thoroughly tested, and you can try it before you buy. Powder, shot, loaded shell and rifles. Mitchell's Hardware, 68 Princess Street, Kingston. NOTICE! We want you to inspect our Fall Stock of Suitings, Overcoatings and Raincoats. Before leaving your order else- where. - Our Prices Are Always Moderate JOHN TWEDDELL, . MERCHANT TAILOR, 131 PRINCESS ST. TO CONTRACTORS. SEPARATE TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV eld at the office of the undersigned (where nlahis and specications may be seen) up to six o'clock p.m. Monday 22nd inst. For the several trades works required in the erection aml completion of a combined residence gun office building on the corner of Bagot rund William streets in this city Lawest or anv tender not cepted. WM. neécessarily ac NEWLANDS Architect Office cornar Bagot and Princess streets FOR SALE. ICE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY P.0. Box 83. 362 JOHNSON STREET, 9 rooms in each in property. will be ply at the house. DOUBLE good repair: sold at a bargain. FRAME, This Ap THE ¢ PEDO COMMERCIAL MATTERS. een What fs Going On In the Business World--The: Market News. Agricultural produce and articl:s manufac tured therefrom valued at £4,400,000, pre imported into Natal last vear. This 5 clusive of military supplies. A Toromto paper suys the Dominion bank that SIX per Cent. 20th of the present month has notified its customers call loa the Information is its rate for ns will be raised to on on its ment at Ottawa to the output of the will not exceed $19,000,000, $£23.000,000 § the estimates of to the i through frost into figures they range irom 100.000, 00 bushels to 300,000 - (060 bushels. Basing the at' x00, MM Bushels, the hichest estimate 12.5 per omt. ,-South Africa, View, Is now bei way to the govern- effect that the gold KlondyKe for the past' year uK), (00, Two wears ago it was and one year avo it was Putting damage corn crop crop 2,400,000, - would be the, Tolx «looked to great producing Save cco Trade Re in the trade as field of first-class with South African' would popular than the American leaf. British Columbia co. mah future It is said that tion amd cultivation the be "he tobacco. proper irrica- more do mines output never before egualed in their namely, 1460.831 tons, valued at 3. The output jn 1900 was 1,439,- valuid at $1,318,785, and in 1881, at $685.071. The to- in 1901 was 127.081 tons, 1000 © of Coal sold for consumption 113305 tons and in other countries More coke sumption in Canada than in the Lhe total for Canada was wid for the United Sates during 1901 an history, ons, valued of coke over tal output an increase forty-nine per cent in Canada amounted to in the United States 895,197 tons, 18,966 tons. was sold for 'cons United Sta- 80,154 tons 47.379 tons, Ladies Auxiliary Officers. YW.C.A in the The ladies' rooms annual meeting of the auxiliary was held vesterday afternoon. These of- were elected © President, Mpa. Robertson: first vice-president, Tandy: second' vice-president, R. H. Toye: séeratary, Mrs. Tay treasurer, Mrs, William Gill, A of thanks was extended to Mrs. Tove for her eflicient services as presi- dent for the past cight or" ten years. The ladies decided to paper the pai- lor and to co-operate with the young wen in the reception on the evening of October 2nd. ficers B. W. Mrs. Mrs. lor; vote There are many forms of nervous de- bility in men that yield to the use of Carter's Tron Pills, Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, ete., should try them. . Househol How About Your d Needs Sheetings, Blan- kets and Bed Coverings ? Weare well prepared to meet - requirements in every line . and having made special con prices.on everything. tracts can assure you of low Ready-Made Sheets, Made of extra quality heavy bleached plain cotton, very even thread. and can be relied upon to for 75¢. ; 80 x 97 for goc 'Heavy Unbleached These goods were torn before being sewn wash perfectly-even. 72 x93 Sheeting. 'Both twilled and plain, 7 x 4, 8 x 4, 9 x 4, at cut prices. Bleached Twilled S heeting. Superior English manufacture, having a fine satin finish which is retained even after washing ; 9 x 4 for 3oc. 10 x 4 for 37Yc. ty ; 8 x 4 for 25¢. ; "extra heavy quali- 'Heavy Plain Sheeting. Fully bleached, in all the double beds. desired widths for single and BLAN KETS. You may want a bargain in these goods, more especially as the cold weather is approaching,.and here it is for you : White All Wool Blankets Made of fine fleeced wool, thoroughly scoured, beauti- fully finished with pink and blue borders, warranted ab- solutely fast, all sizes, for single and double beds, at special discounts. Rin White and Grey Flannette Blankets . With pink and blue borders, single and double bed sizes, at special prices. White Honeycomb Bedspreads, Special new designs, a splendid article for wear, at an exceedingly low price. each. Down Pillows and Cos $1, $1.25, $1.40 each. Pillow Cases Everything in this line perfectly new and fresh. desired sizes now in stock. g3c., $1.15, $1 25 $1.50, $1.75 ies, 4oc., 50c¢., 6oc. 75¢C., 9ocC., In any width; goc., 42¢., 44c., 46¢., 48¢. each. PILLOW SHAMS, "5 CLOTHS, DOYLES. desig O'CLOCK COVERS, TRAY Some very handsome ns. Waldron's. All the] § THE DAILY WHIG. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 SIR FRED HOME ARRIVES IN CANADA TO-DAY FROM ENGLAND Sir John Bourinot Sinking Fast-- Canadian Tobacco in Europe-- Canadian Goods Wanted in South Africa. Ottawa, Sept. 20.--The department of agriculture has issued a bulletin pointing out once more that the paci fication of South Africa, and the--es- tablishment of a line of steamers opens up a profitable field for trade. It is pointel out that South Afiica needs nearly every line produced in Canada, and requires it in two grades the best, irrespective of price, and the hest® at competitive, prices. The es- tablishment of agencies and a per- onal canvasser business is urged. The field afiers a practically profitable opening for farm stufis. : Col. DPinault, deputy minister of militia, left last nicht to méet * Sir Frederick Borden at Quebec, when it is expected the Tunisian will arrive. From Quebec, Sir Frederick and Col. Pinault will go-to the camp at Three Rivers, where they will remain for. a day or It is altogether likely that the net will fix Thanksgiving day for middle of next month. Sir John Bourinot still lingers with the complicated illness, which has kept "him in bed all summer. To-day he was reported as getting a little weaker every day, with but slight hope for recovery. The militia department states that the proper person to apply to for ar rears of pay due to the Canadian Mounted Rifles is the imperial pay- master at Halifax. : At a meeting of the Civie Committee a resolution was adopted recommending the council to enter le- gal proceedings to compel the Canada Atlantic railway to return the 850, 000 pafd by the city for the erection a central station, and to make ap- plication to the railway committee of the privy council to compel the railway company to proceed with the erection of the central depot the terms of the with the ernment, and in default, to cancel the lease. The shown number month of 2,623, SO. cabi the Finance ol under lease Qov- influx of settlers to Canada is by the constantly increasing of homestead entries. For the July last the entries were or 1.702 greater than during this month last vear. For August the entries were 1,922, or 1,151 in excess of August, 1901. The total increase for the two months as compared with the same time last year was 2.856. This is unprecedented in the history of the country. There were more homestead entries during the month of July than there were for the whole vear in 1805. The department "of "agriculture will make a strong effort to introduce Ca nadian tobacco on the European mar- ket, Early this year Blaise Dugas, a well known of Quebec, was appointed to select | and pack seven cases of the tobacco produced -in the province, to be sent to Antwerp for submission to the merchauts there. The cases have just. been forwarded and Mr. Dugas was in Ottawa vester- day consulting with Hon. Sydney Fis her, and leaves next week for Ant- werp, which is one of the great tobag- co markets of Europe. Mr. Dugas will learn not only how Quebee tobacco suits the European taste, but also in what manner 'it can be improved. He will be -ahsentsix-- weeks, and-will re- q port to thé government upon his re- turn. grower ECHOES FROM PELEE. Arriving From Tahiti Finds His Entire Family Destroyed. San Francisco, - Cal, Judee Marius, chief justice of French island of Tahiti, was a pas senger on the steamer Mariposa, from Iahiti. He a native of Martinique anid his entire family was destroyed Mont Pelee. His wife and children hai cone to the West Indies to visit relatives. The steamer upon which he was expecting them home brought him Sept. 2g the is hy the news of the. eruption-oi Pelee and | its results. He is on hissway to Paris upon official business. ¢BOBS" OPINION INVITED. me---- » Asked to Give His Views on the Recent German "Manoeuvres. 20.--A despatch Post says the Roberts and to send him re- Birmingham, Sept. from London to the kaiser has asked Earl Major-General Corbin' poms of their opinions.of the recent German manocuvres, The reports will] of course, be regarded as confidential. Missionary Steamer Wrecked. San Francisco, Sept. 20.-- The schooner Sonthern Cross, helonging to the London "Missionary Society, wrecked on September Ist, on the French sisland of Tahiti, near the har- hor of Papeete. There were a number of passengers on board, but all The broken pieces on the coral-bound shore. the, disaster was received hy steamer Mariposa. was were to N¢ Ws the rescued, vessel was "Te Visit The King. Sept. 20.-- Lord Strathcona to arriving london; vaid a hurried Wednesday, and returning rit ters that has Balmoral Casth Vis ¢ in the to Glencoe in the re reported =inexeinsive the Canadian high commis been invited to visit the morning even Toner King at Novel Tug-o of-war. 20.--At Montal fo. inal tue- Rome, Sept. Piedmont. place, when two ted against forty struggle the lata in of-war took stout oxen were pit- mens - After a hard proved vRrorious an ory ed. Béamer and his wite their home the instance of haroed with Were re torn at at near at the Farmers® ele Man., Charl full © forty feet George peturng asant Mrs ren have fter a ph Kins. e child Falls Hodge "mith visit 'with Mrs London on | qr { returne | will more | AN EXCITINC EXECUTION. Peter Hernia Made Desperate Ei- fort to Escape Gallows. New York, Sept. 20.--Peter Hernia wes hanged*jn the jail at Hackensack, N.J., for the murder,of Barney Kan- ter, a butcher, but he first made a desperate fight for life. When the "two sheritis approached him to strap his arms "he suddenly tore ofi two brass brackets on the side of his cell and getting intp the corridor le aped over a partition. Here he ripped off a piece of lead: pipe and crouchine in a. corner, shouted that he would brain any one that came near him. By this time the jail was in an uproar. The shenifi and his deputies were at firs st, puzzled to how to deal with the murderer and disarm him but it was finally decided to turn a hose on him. This was done and as Hernia put, up his hands to ward off the water from striking him in the face, a de- puty sheriff leaped over and grabbed: the hand of the niiederer in which was the lead pipe. Other deputies quickly rushed in. Hernia was finally overpowered and securely strapped. He was then placed in a chair and carri- ed to the gallows. as MARINE INTELLIGENCE, Vessels. Swift's wharf : Steamer Hamilton, from, Montreal. > * M. 'T. company elevator : Tug Bron- «on up with two light ba and cleared down with three barges 'grain laden. = Richardsons' elevator : Steambarges Alberta "and John Milne, schooners Mageie 1. and Two brothers, from bay ports; steambarge Owen, from Charlotte, with coal: schooner Queen of the Lakes cleared for Sodus with felspar. Bad Money Given. a country office a ten dollar hill to pay for a supply of postage stamps, but it did not take him long to dis cover it was bad money. It was a Dominion government dollar hill raisad by clover erasing and pen work to a ten. The only clumsy part about it was the inserted words on the face 'Bank of Torpnto' over the sawlog engraving covering 'Dominion of Canada." A school hoy could better work; the letters are not blurred but of all sizes. The Roman letters X are well execu on front and back. The olaving catch is the word "dol which should have changed to "dollars," when the was raised to a ten. The bill Ast, 95, and its number done only large ted other lay," one is dated is 300,627. Came From Belleville. Intellige Belleville related It is neer. of a Kingston cushions, that he was persuaded hear a sermon last Sunday, much impressed. "You are old to learn." he' remarked confiden tially to a friend. "Now | thought Sodom and Gomorrah husband and wife, and 1 find were nothing but two cities." The Kingston man referred native of Belleville, where his "earlier education. He lately removed to Kingston, never to has where ians and went to church. ' Garnisheed Gate Receipts. The management of the baseball team" have got themselves in to -trouble hy garnishevirig the: share of the gate receipts there terday. When Gananoque in August, under the auspices of Fair Association. Burke, formerly Gananoque, eafnisheed the Gananoque guarantee, in order to collect Yesterday's action on the Gananoque ves- wages, of the way of they part management was hy retaliation. but they will find have made yg mistake. Raised $100 Last Night. The joint boards of Sydenham Street Methodist church met last night, to make preparations for they re-opening of the churgh. The members were well satisfied with the work already done. It was decided to. ask for $900 at' the re-opening, and of this sum the dir- ectors who were present last night contributed $100. The chwch- im- provements have cost' about $1,500, and the $900 required will enable the board 'to pay off all its floating debt. .Saturday's Good Market. Saturday's market was a splendid one; and the square presented a sevne of great activity. Now that the har vest practically. over, the farmer has time to bring his vegetables: to the city. The display to-day was of the finest, and good prices were tained, $'Bibby's."' r Think of | Gloves dress, 81, Bibby Co. Oak Hall. us when you for street wear, 81.25, 81.50, *'Bibby"s." need gloves, driving or for $2 The H. D. -- with the another soa will have a. better year. Mr. Barrow refused Detroit, Worcester, ~ Mil and Newark. In an awful crash of humanity caus- ed by a stampede in the Shilgh Col Baptist chktch. Birmingham. seventvecight persons were Rill {ed and mauy more than that number seriously 'injured, , Mrs. Hurst, serving a term at Portage La Prairie tat Emerson, last year, was vesteraay by order of the covernor, a 'pardon having | tained. . Stanley Spencer, a well known Eng j His hb acronaut, successfully _accomplish- markable flicht over London mn an. airship of his awn invention. His ship tr: avelk thirty miles, i hn Pedl a 'who In at ho =u or Tew Darrow basehall he Manager Toronto He say next offers from will stay club i son. team wakes ored {| Ma, two year for arson. released lieutenant ob been his equals a8 a in Canada, hospital, 1OFSOS General realizing Was expected Mntreal street, visit to Syracuse dipts of the Wolie Island fair than cover expenses, bananas, 10¢. per dozen at Mul nore than W. 'Hall. d from a Mrs has The red lins', Notes Regarding the Movements of The postmaster to-day received from have only Maych man, who seldom helps to wear out church to and was too always were they is a he received only he followed the example of all Kingston- Gananoque Ponies' plaved here the his ob . pleted a Laidlaw consider _ moting the general TARTE'S SPEECH DELIVERED YESTERDAY AT TOWN OF ORILLIA Says Canadians Must be True to Their Own Interests--Favors All-Canadian Exhibit at To- ronto in 1903. Orillia. Ont... Sept. 20.--The county exhibition here was formally opened yesterday afternoon by Hon. J. Israel Tarte, in 3 speech in which he emphasized the importance of all classes of Canadians living in unity and peace, with the ane object of pro prosperity of the country. The minister of public works also heartily endorsed the sug- gestion that a great Canadian expo- sition be held in Toronto next vear. Such an exhibition, he said, would show the world what Canadians could produce. and woula bring the people of the cast together with those of the west, so that they could become bet- ter acquainted. Port. Arthur and Fort William should be the capitals of the North-West and not Duluth and Chi cago. Charles Marcil, M.P., who ac companiea Mr. Tarte. together with Louis Coste, also spoke. The liberals of Orillia tendered MSY Tarte a banquet. in the evening. In responding od the fodSt of his health, Mr. Tarte began by speaking of the transportation questionl Canada, said, had the only natural water-way to the sea, but it was necessary improve it, and this would money. The situation simply am- ounted to this--If Canada could not carry its own trade, it were not wor- thy to be called a nation. As to the tarifi, Mr. Tarte said the whether we are going to rely the Americans for our destiny or on ourselves. He quoted Fielding, Simcoe to cost, upon rely of Mr. in said that changed from speeches delivered last which the minister of finance time' passed conditions and it would be well for us to take note of this so that we might adjust our tarvifi accordingly. What Mr. Fielding aid, declared Mr. Tarte, would be realized before long. It would be unwise to raise the tariff all along the line. He added, "What | am trying jo induce our fellow citi zens to ask for to-day, is a tarifi-that will suit the Canadian people. That is all." Mr. Tarte denied that in doing this he was untrue to the liberal party. This was not a political question, he said. It was a Canadian question, and if we did not keep,wide awake in a few years we should regret our in- activity. session, as POLICE COURT CASES. Rights of a Bicyclist--Stole Her Apples. Charles Burtman was tercay for being drunk. He, is a voung man. and at the policé court this morning said he had been work- ing for a farmer near Glenburnie. He was born, he stated, in Rockport, but his people lived in the States. He paid a fine of $2 ana costs, and went away rejoicing to help bring in the sheaves that aot the Glenburnie farm. K. Wilson. J. Rice and W. Manly weres up again to: answer the charge of immoderate driving at Cataraqui last Sunday. Police Constable Craig gave evidence. against them. A.B Cunningham appeared for the defend ants. The latter did not turn out when the policeman came along on his wheel: he thought he should be en titlea to hall the road. Counsel for the aefendant disputed the point. "A man on a bicycle is éertainly entitled to hali the road," said his worship. A "4 submit replied Mr. "Show court. ° "Revised statutes, 11. The chief supplied the and counsel read the law, which stipulated thatya hicyelist should "have **suflicient rook to pass to the right." "Thatsdoesn't mean half road," said Mr. Cunningham. LL think it replied his wor thip. "No man with any sense would cause bieyvelist to turn out on the arrested yes- that the act Cumningham. the act." says not," me demanded the Vol, hook, the does," a stones." The case Tuesday. Two little street were ples from This - case next week. war further enlarged until boys residing on Barrie charged: with stealing "ap- a neighbor trees, was until woman's also adjourned Rev. Dr. Montreal Star. Sir: Sandford. Fleniing, chancellor of Queen's University, Rev. Dr. Millican, of Toronto, and Rev. Dr. Herridge, of Ottawa, the special delegation from the trustees of Qhipn's University, waited 'on Rev. Dr. Barclay at his residence' last evening, to. give him formal notice of his ap pointment to the principalship of Queen's. The delegation informed. Dr. Barclay how the choice had been an unanimous one and one and all of the trustees were anxious that if possible, he should © accept the appointment. The various details with regard to salary and residence then sub mitted. Dr. Barclay asked that he should be allowed ug few davs before making anv definite ¥ with regard to the offer. Barclay Considering. of Ottawa, James were announcement Does Some, Clever Work. Police Constable Hazlétt is proving himself to be a most eflicient police man. Though but a new man on the force, he has already made oy splendid record, On Thursday some ona enter the house of Mr. 'and Mrs. "Wav, Ontario. street, and stole 4 valise, ete, as noticed in yesterday's Whig The thie] was not se 'sund the (heft was 'a mysterious one. The police informed, and Seret. Spodden despatched Constable Hazlett to ravel the mystery. In less than hour Hazlett had his man in the ells, and had recovered most of the voode, It.was a piece of clever work, for which Mr. Hazlette deserves ' credit od Wee tin an « much '""Bibby"s."' Everything ings, ho back Bibby Co. Oak Hall. new '*Bibby's "' in men's furnish the H. D numbwrs at » ---------- The Co., ir S83. Tiger, om Hull, Export Poiut Canadian assed Father inward, at 3 a.m. * he | question is, | Autumn's Smartest Styles... - The New Fall and WINTER JACKETS we are now showing are attracting unusual attention just now, and deservedly so, .as they are the very latest styles and marked at prices so low as to ensure a quick sale. Different Styles and qualities of WINTER JACKETS, and each make received by us within the past three weeks. REMEMBER--Not a single Jacket in stock held over from last year. Every one shown is New This Autumn . from $5.50, $6.50, $2. 00, x ran Prices 7.50, $9.00, $8.50. $8. $9.25. $10, $10.50) 1ns0, $12.75, $13 and up. In Black and Fawn shades and the New Oxford Greys. Children's Jackets In a very large variety. Girls' Jackets, Over 30 styles to choose from, for girls of 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years of age. CHOOSE NOW, and if not prepared to buy we will place it aside until required. . JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 170-172 Princess Street, Kingston. | ¢ 3 { 1 | rend Cast Iron Shoes For Boys and Girls. The thoes ive Sel for School wear are GOOD, SOLID and DURABLE. Ask to see our Boys' Bootsat $1.00 and our Girls' Boots at $1.25. We Can Count on You Buying Them The Ideal Beverage JOHN _LABATT'S ) [ .ondon Porter Full of the Virtue of Malt and Hops. Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. rlcPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. or. L London ton Cily and. aks band Soliant . = Gmetad, 5 op LL ron, Siping Golabls: hed 7836. . Soidup Capstad] £5,000, 000. -@averve Fund, +s £8,000,000. * vi o