Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1902, p. 1

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NEW +e FALL BATS The newest styles in Der- bies with flat brim and $2.50, $3.00, The season's best effects in Fedoras with the bea- ver and plain finish $2.50. $3.00. Very swagger effects. 3 JENKINS % 11¢ PRINCESS STREET. Weesesasasssseses AUCTION SALE, WEDNESDAY, oy ry 24. INSTRU ori | BY INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE Mining and Oil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, 115 BROCK STREET. CAPILLA FORMA Is a remarkable hair producer on heads al- excellent nerve tonic, hair, oures headache, neuralgia! Facial massage and wrinkles Shampoo a specialty. MME. E. ELDER OF NEW YORK 6 Princess Street. | LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Autumn begins to-day. Jenkins, my batter. Division court, Tuesday, 9 a.m. Marks Bros. at Victoria theatre' this even- ing. The sun rises Tuesday at 3:48 a.m., and sas at 5:56 pan. x Auction sale at William Mooney's, Pem- broke street, to-morrow, at 10:30. ? This day in. the world's history : Cape Col- onv passed the Treason Bill, 1900. Sultan of ,Tuek®y born, 1842: Dutch and English' de- feated * the Spaniards at Zusphen, 1586; George 11 of England crowned, 1761; Walter Scott died, 1532. SELF SEALERS CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN EVER. ROBERTSON BROS. (|GRAND) OPERA HOUSE .]) THURSDAY, SEPT. 25. Wm. A. Brady s Greatest Success, i'WAY DOWN EAST. By Lottie Blair Parker. Elaborated by Jos. R. Grismer. TO BE SEEN HERE EXACTLY AS PRE- " SENTED IN THE LARCER CITIES. A pure plav of Pastoral life, endorsed by clergy and laity. Sale of scats opens Monday, Sept. 22d, at Hanie Prices 23c. to 81. Scats now on sale at HANLEY'S. ( VICTORIA THEATRE ) TWO WEEKS, SEPT. 22 TO OCT. 4. MARKS BROS.' NO. 1A DRAMATIC AND VAUDEVILLE. To-Night, The beautiful Irish Comedy, "LARRY BROCGAN'S PROMOTION." Hlustrated songs and Specialties between acts. No waits. Matinee Saturday at 2:30. Prices 10c., 15¢ and 2 Seats now on sale at Mc Aulev's bookstore, NOTICE MISS LAURA N NEISH, Graduate of Ottawa Nermal Sehool Wilt "opera Kindergarton: Class on October DANCING CLASSES. ® dancing classes FC ANV ANSE Rs kos rp ------------------------------------ AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE. WE WILL LL ON TUESDAY, S 3rd, at the residence of William 8. Mo Pembroke street, near Unicon: Three fine Bedroom Suites and Spring Mattresses, Side- board, Countess of Oxford Square Heater, Refrigerator mearly new, Oak and Rattan Rockers, Dining Chairs, Hair Cloth Sofa, Extension Dining Table, Bookcase, Wool and Tapestry Carp ath, ° Pictures,. Guitar, Crockery, Tin _ and Glassware, Kitchen and other Tables, Sewing Machine, ae, ete. Sale at 10.30 a.m. 'terms (ush ALLEN & BROWN, Auctionvers CARD OF THANKS. ON. BEHALF OF THE FAMILY OF MY Inte wife and myself d desire to express my thanks 'to the attending physician for. his care' and sKill © exercised to save the life of my dear wife, Charlotte Fitzgibbon. I ako wish to 'convey to the Medical Sup rintendent of the Kingston General Hospital, the House Surgeens and excellent staff of nurses, my gratitude for. the kindness and cam --AT~ KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 100%. [HER SHARE. British Parliament Fixes War Indemnity. IS £100,000,000. 5 CAPT. SVERDRUP'S ACHIEVE- MENT IN FAR NORTH. English Iron For the United States--To, Decline the Offer of Mr. Morgan--Refuse to Inter- fere With Roumanian Jews. London, Sept. 22.--The Daily Mail announces that the government has decided that the Transvaal and the Orange River Colony shall pay £100,- 000,000 towards the cost of the South African war, and cost of adminis- tration. An account has been opened at the treasury, and the colonies have been debited to that amount. A loan will be raised probably in the sum of £50,000,000. Taxation of the mining industry concessions, for thé sale of dynamite, ete., will contribute materi- ally to the payment of the £100, 000,- 000. The Times published the personal narrative oft Capt. Sverdrup, the Arc- tic explorer, describing his four vears explorations on the steamer Fram. He details the course taken bv the vessel from Cape Sabine and the ex- periences and achievements of the vari- ous sledge expeditions from the Fram. The Times editorially holds that Sverdrup has rescued so much from unknown and made so many solid addi- tions 'to science that his achievements on his last expedition, taken in con- junction with the all-important part he played in Nansen's venture, surely entitled him to the highest recogni tion the geographical world can bes- tow in dealing with his work in the egion of the coast of Ellsmereland, which is broken into a complexity of fjords, reaches, and mountainous cle- vations. A great island was discover- ed north of the Parry Island, extend- ing to about eighty'degrees north, but no other land was seen either to the north or the west of this, nothing hut unbroken scas of ice. The writer holds that as Lieut. Peary did not meet with land in his attempt to reach the pole, it is probable that Capt. Sverdrup discovered the last outlving land between the American continent and the pole. It is reported from Vienna that, ac- cording to present arrangements the Vienna and Berlin cabinets have de- cided to decline the United States proposition in regard to the Rouman- ian Jews. Although their answers 'are to be couched in very courteous terms, the United States will be given to un- derstand that only the signatories to the treaty of Berlin have a right <o give decisions or to take action on the question of the treatment of for- eigners in Roumania. America continues to buy English iron on a large scale. In addition to an order for 10,000 tons of cast coast hematic pig iron, placed in Cleveland a few days ago, it is stated that, 12, 000 tons of ordinary Cleveland iron has been bought for early shipuient to the {United States, Mr. Morgan's offer of $25,000 for the Burns manuscripts in the Liverpool athenaum library is being keenlv dis cussed.. The committee of the library it is understood, will recommend that the ofier be declined. Hon. W. 8S. Fielding, Canadian min ister of finance, 'said in an interview vesterday that Canada was not seek- ing to promote the shipping contbing, Negotiations for the improvement be- tween Canada and England, in which the imperial and Canadian govern- ments are interested, 'are not vet ended," said Mr. Fieldine, "and no one that {one knows 'what their outcome: may shown mv wile during her last il s. © all "feel that. nothine was left could 1 but that a' Divine | he." Provi gov ¢ (Signy EDWARD FITZGIBBON. ° A NARROW ESCAPE. Millinery Opening Accident to R. L. Borden and Party, Near Calgary. Calgary, Sept. 22.--While K. L. orden, the opposition leader and MISS SMITH'S, ii ae on Ho way pack 183 PRINCESS STRBET, Calgary from... paying a visit to the Tuesday, Sept. 23rd. | FOR SALE OR TO RENT. l FARM OF 55 ACRES, IN TUE 77H con. | and rushed into the carri Narcee¢ Indian 'reserve, twelve. miles listant, on Saturday, the driver of the rig in which _ Mrs. Borden and thers were seated, was jolted from 1s seat. The horses at once bolted ge contain cession, lots To ad 11, Township of | ing Mr. Borden and other ladies and Kingston Blonte) of wii and water, | gentlemen. Mr. "Borden was hit = by good house and other buildines, For fur. | 5) In ol the biocii : ther. particulars apply to: Miss® Koves, 43 the pole of the pursuing rig : and Colborne siret, KRihoston thrown in sych a manner that his left knee was caught between the wheel TO RENT. and the brake, and, a furious horse COMFORTABLY. FURNISHED ROOMS, LIGHT | was all but pinning him beneath its 1 and aire, centrally loca frst class | fe wet. Fortunately the digs were stop? table if desinnd. Apply at 214 Brock COR FOUR ROOMS o ped, but not b re the horses had un over Mr. Shearer, who was severe BOARD. ly 'bruised; but otherwise uninjured, COMFORTABLE ROOMS AND MOGERN CON Strange: to-say; though five persons venien also tabla be ed at Din William street. s n LOST. AN ENAMELED GOLD BAR BROOCHA ON Bacot, Barrie or King @ureets, Macdonald or City Parks. Reward if returned to this offies " PARTIES TO KNIT ory RATIVE PL AN" OBPOTHINILY to earn money at vour homa, bv workine for na . Writs for particulars to-dav a BIG OIL GUSHER IN ALASKA. | sioner Ross, of the "Yukon territor of 'hr rd can be, obtain. | were thrdwn, out and one run over, o bones were broken and no serious injuries sustained. Commissioner Ross Accepts. Victoria, B.C., Sept. 22.--€Conimi t present in Victoria, has received a feugam from Dawson informing him "unanimous nomination as cant | Sponted Nearly Two Hundred | Feet When Tapped. pli Taconia; Wash. Sept. 22 \ special election will take phe on December | idate for the commons and has re wl. Mr. Ross leaves in a few dave despatch from ddez announces that ta : : fan immense oil gusher was struck ar | aif prnia for the benefit of hie | { Cotella. on the Southern Alaska Ii {rst it a depth of 200 feet, 7 The cusher took evervthine awa The mystery of the smurder of Mrs. | with it; ristae nearlv 200 foet--before | Anniv Pulitzer, whe nude" body was it could he capped. Phe oil is of "ood | found in the Morr canal near Jor | auality, being valued at 81 a barrel at | ov ( ity has been cleared up hy th the well. 1t is near to water trans discovery that the woman was killed portation, 'and will cost 83 ton tee in a flat at No. 103 West FiftveFighth breach the Pacific' coast. ports, | street, wre het clothing was found { The police are searching for a $oung Justice Fontaine is dead at Xorel, | man named Hooper, suspected of the i Que. { deed BOTTLE AFLOAT 28 YEARS. Thrown =~ Overboard ,In Ocean--Ashore On Cape Cod. Maddox was a member eight years ago, 1874, was one of the men hn i a ote in a bottle bearing this "This bottle was thrown| from the ip Hattie T soley of ovgitudle 63 degrees, E." an 8 Was in the Indian ocean. bottle was picked up recently off Mon- and the message could be read ea bottle was found Maddox recalls the voyage the bottle was wind helped the bottle around - hl HENRY SOMERSET. which brought it the rest of the way. WEST INDIES SALE. Danish Deal WilllProbably Be Set- tled Next Month. of the elections Landsthing | as "officially given out, as- Indie. to r the United States. "The sale of the islands is now solutely certain, The Landsthing will be composed of thirty-seven mem- against twenty-nine of the opposition. members are unfriendly to the sale the richt party voted this time our party because they : i CHARGED WITH MURDER. Arrested For Causing Death of the Canadian Nurse. a Buln medic al student oa Sunday. morning cut, while Miss Ethel Dingle lay dead was arrested at the Homeopathic hos- pital and taken to police headquart- He is charged with the murder of the girl and with. violation.of secti 175 of the penal code in encouraging and abetting her i emitting suicide. At thé inquest planned "suicide for anelles under DROPPED TWO MILES. Miraculous. Escape From Death of cide Two Aeronauts. : himself in the had a narrow escape from being killed fall of a balloon which ascend blowing when the balloon started and . Then it suddenly exploded. The car dropped at a terrific r e sitter] as a parachute May Join Catholie Fedeystion, Verein began its attended high mass cipal matters hefore the I accepting the nomination The | the lian Stacey, whose membership of the Mountain Climbers Killed. consisting of ( n AmMonix, ! that all petiched, E DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ~ WORLD NEWS -- | Comes To Us From All Quarters. 2 FEW BRIEF ITEMS TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Public. The French parliament will reassem- ble on October ith The dead in the Bermingham, disaster number 115. The touring British journalis damaged in collision at Quebec. The Winnipeg Exhibition Association publishes a balance sheet showing surplus of only $1,700. Engineer Swanston and Fireman Faulkner were killed in a rear collision near Cambray. Fifteen thousand people saw the To- ronto baseball team win the League pennant on Saturday. R. J. Armstrong, travelling locomo- tive fireman of the C.P.R., at William, is dead, aged forty-six. The 2nd Ottawa Field Battery re- turned from camp at Deseronto S urday. It is fourth so far i shooting competition. J. PP. Morgan has offered séveral thousand original Burns manuscripts, which are now in Liverpool, Athenacum library in that city. Nellie Wilson, alias Thursend, Kingston, was sentenced to vears in penitentiary, at Montreal, stealing two rings from her employer. The British admiralty office has or- dered that no more British war ships attempt a passage of the St. rence river from Quebec to Montreal. latest crop reports show that the crop gencrally has heen oht age by frost, while showers in the ex- treme west interfere with harvesting. The. C. P. BR.) of a fine character, with¥%s James Thompson, a Toronto man, arrived in Montreal Thursday with 81.313 in his pocket. some voung men, had a good time and wale up finding his money missing. At Weendam, Holland, "a demented feacher strangled five of his pupils to death, severely wounded seven and then committed suicide by jump- ing into the yillage pond. The two men killed as thé result a feight wreck on the Midland sion, near Lindsay, yesterday, Engineer Roan and Brakeman The three injured men are not badly hurt. The Methodist general conference at Winnipeg adopted a clause recommend- ing that the minimum salary of married minister be $750, instead $600; it was ordered shat this effect in 1903, A. Hammond Gwyn, son of Lieut.- Col. Gwyn, of Dundas, has received a commission in the imperial service. He is now in England dnd expects to sail about the end of this month for dia. The barbed wire department of Oliver plant of the American Steel Wire company, Pittshurg, Pa., tally destroyed by fire. Lc S150,000. The fire was caused explosion of a lamp. Fire destroyed the Bridgewater g mill, causing. a loss of about $ The building had vecently héen chased bythe Deseronto Milling com- pany, and provided with up:to-late machinery. The fire was incendiary in its origin. In an audience the Sultan of ket formally assured the Russian bassador, M. Zinoviefi, that the ques- tion of permitting four armed Russian torpedo boats to traverse the Russias commercial flag would be settled to Russia's satisfac- tion. X L. A. Dufresne, a former corporation employee of Montreal, i at Longueuil: - He had gone Longueuil from. Montreal, sat on the shore near the wharf, and shot head with a thirty-two calibre revolver. He was Seventy six vears old, and for forty-five vears was employed in the Montreal eity hall, The datfNof the election trials the Consthtuewmcies of East Middlesex and South Bord were fixed at coode Hall for October 15th, to held respectively at London Woodstock. There &re in all forty eight election petitions cross appeals, as the results late provincial general ¢l judges will sit te fix further next Saturday. fy uivn, N.Y... schools are threat ened with an enfore L000 tons of coal rémain on-hand jor supplying 115 buildings. By the host rigid? economy © this amount can made to last one week, The Doard of "ducation of Yonkers has decided import coal from Wales rather closer the schools. Pids were asked for two thousand tons of anthracite, deals being allowed all the latitude [Possible on the price. { received: She Syddenly Collapsed. Cornwall, Ont. Sept; 22: Miss 1 tor the machinery of hé Canadian Colordd Cotton about five weeks ago, died at crnwall General Hospital! Saturday while under "the influence of anae: Lies." Mis Stacey was undergoing sed and died Bibby's. . Oak Hall," Bibby's. New | top coats, short kind nd or medinih, £6.50, 87.50 ts visi€: ed Hamilton and Niagara Falls. The steamers Tiger and Hilda were committed THE TOBACCO TRUST. Strong Evidence of Toronts" Deal; ers is Submitted. Toronto, Sept. 22.--The roval com- mission, to investigate the alleged to- bacco combine, this morning heard some! interesting evidence from T. J. Howick, a jobber, who had tried' to secure Empire and American tobac- cos from a wholesale jobber in Toron- to to handle. in company with other goods not made 'by the trust compan- ies. The dealer, Mr. Horrvick said, had refused to supply him. saving that if he did so Major Orchard, the trusts® representative, would cut off the sup- ply of American and Empire cam: panies' tobacco, which comprised the greater part of his trade. F. W. Dim- mock, agefit of Houde's tobaccos swore that he had great difficulty in getting his goods displayed in manv stores and this; he believed, was be- cause of the agreement forced upon re- tail dealers by the trust. A list of dealers in the chief centres of Ontario, who had signed the agreement to sell only trust goods, was submitted to the court before adjournment: despite the proteft of the trusts' counsel. who said it had been obtained confidenti- ally. SPURNS HIS DAUGHTER. Belgian King Makes a Display at His Wife's Bier. Prusscls, Sept. 22.--A despatch to The Patriote from Spa' says that when King Leopold arrived there he refused to speak to the Princess Stephanie, Countess, of Lonyay, and compellxd her to l:ave the royal palace. 'ihe princess consequentl$ left Spa sud denly. She rode to the station in a hired carriage, and amid demonstra- tions of sympathy from the people took a train for Brussels. Princess Stephanie is the second daughter of the late Queen Marie Henvistte and King Legpold. She married the only son of the Emperor of Austria in ISS1 and was loft a widow in ISSO. She was marrigl the second time in 1900 to Klemer., Count of Lonyay. This marriage was against the wishes of King Leopold, who re- fused to permit # to be legalized. He has heen very bitter against his daughter, and courts friendly to that of Belgium have declined to receive the princess. IN DANGER OF COLLAPSE. Picturesque Venetian Building In Dangerous Condition. , London, Sept. 22.--A Venice corres pondent says as a result of the ac- curate examination of the chief Vene- tian monuments, it is possible to ex- a well founded opinion as'to condition. Although no public building is in immediate danger of col- lapse, several edifices, including Doges Palace, Basilica of St. Mark, Zecca '(formerly the mint), and the churches of Santa-Maria, Formosa, Frari, - and Clovanni, of Paolo, urgently, need thorough repairs: if a disaster is to be avoided. The authorities are already moving in the right direction, except in the case of Zecea, where the civil engineering staff is surpassing"itself in stupidity, attempting as engineers are doing, to patch up as new, premi for the St. Marks' library, an edifice which 'only partial demolition and re- construction can save from collapse. Struck by a Rock--Crowds Held Back With Bayonets. Troy, Sept. 22.-- Waterford was the scene of further outbreak in the Huyd- son Valley strike situation Saturday. A fusilade of 'stones greeted a car which arri which wire Capt. Walbridge, Lieut. Thomas and a detail of soldiers of Company "'L, ed from the north on National Guard. Lieut. Thomas was struck\ on the forehead and knocked down. Capt. Walbridge and his men thereupon forced _ the crowd back, Bayonets and gun butts were used. Capt. Walbridge struck John Cofiey, of Waterford, on the ad with his sword, cutting a gash t inches Jon. Capt. "Walbridge is sted a statement that unless further rioting ceased his men. would yse hul lets instead of bayonets. The rioting thus far.in Waterford has been caused entirely by hoodliums. FATHER OF 44 IS DEAD. Was 111 Years Old and Had Been Thrice Married. Denton, Md., Sept. 22. Capt.> Jos eph Griflith, the oldest citizen of Car oline county, died at his home here, His family claim that was 111 years old, and that he was the fa ther of forty four children. He was married three times and never had a speth-of sickness in his life. i For the past three years he "has been blind, but continued in good ay seventeen 'tions. touring the following resolution, lof fered hy W. A. Don bw the Trades and Nest a bid card roe shin craft operation when Toff and top of De. Voe's head off, keatter ng his brains upon the ground. De eth, was lhstantaneous, $12.30. * The H. D. Bibby Co. health until a few days ago, when he | had a stroke of paral fith followed the water for fifty-two jvears and had charge of one of the first steamboats that ever.came up the Choptank river. s. Capt. Grif Oppose Tariff Increase. Periin, Ont, Sett. 22. Before ad was adopted wr Congres "That whereas the Manufacturers TESA RELL Association has de Iarede it< intention to Kk an increase in the tarifi, and whereas the injury ad oppression of | industry comes not from various in dustries, offering to exchange riches rors but from the extortions to which labor is <ubjected hy holders Sf Land, forest, "mines and other natures) Ortanit therefore, this conor condemn anv ir the tariff and' wonld urpe that res he removed Soon as bessiold da those vilnes whiob ow. enanle non-production to impo <h industry Clarence De Voe, a prominent con tractor cand builder of Schenectady My wont shooting with 15% tom minions, A gan in the hands of member of the party suddenly wer nd thi: chargt blew the back part, L) EDITION. WEATHER PR OBABILITIES. Autumn Millinery isplay Of all the new styles from London, Paris, New York and Ber- 'We also ask your inspection of our fine showing of New Jackets, New Cloaks, New Dress Goods, eyed, Let Us Show You 'MATERIAL FoR RAINPROTE. 4 PRICES say CRANFORD & WALSH, Tallors and Importers. a RiRiRiRN erie [ee eNO R RIRT a WAS ADVERTISED 1 will now offer a very Fre table that will sc Apply at owes, MILL: 3 bing thirty > ople. AUCTION 'ROOMS. Hagler Vs. ;Douglas. attraction whith IN expec ted to draw the patrons of the Douglass is "elie lass has ile on olf durlng the la Schooner Seized. North Svilniy, Sept. liquor on board, rs versa sv aan QUALITY OR if it is a question of quality or price sist on quality ine JOHNSTON & BRO, Lene servis vssasanall

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