CUPID'S ADwice "GIVE THE BABIES GEST 5 § pr rie Fy yy ta IN estlé s Food is a perfect Infant's Food because it 'contains all the elements necessary to nourish and strengthen. It is invalu- able as a preventive of Cholera Infantum and Summer Com- plaints. In order that evéry mother may prove its virtues for her- self, we will send a sample-- enough for eight meals free on request. LEEMING, MILES & CO., SoLt AsenTs, MONTREAL. The Toron:o General Trusts Corporation|: Office And Safe Deposit Vaults 99 YONGE STREET, Capital, - Reserve Fund - $1,000,000 80,000. President : JOHN HOSKIN, Q.C., Vice: Presidenta : S. C..wWooD, W. H. BEATTY, Es. J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Director. A. D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Munayer. JAMLS DAVEY, Seerotary. Awthorized jo act. .as Executor, Ad- ministraor, Trustee, Reoviver, Commit- tee of Lunatic, Guardian Liquidator, Assignee, Ere. Dvposit safes to rent. All sizes and at reasonable prices. Parcels received for safe custody, Bonds and other valuables Guaranteed and Insured against loss. iolicitors bring ring tions, etc, to the in the profession For. further tion's Manual. Parriages ~~ Carriages] EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy your drives. JAMES LATURNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St, « Kingston. Waich Em Go! Our wmtock of "AUER LIGHT SUPPLIES will po fist at these prices : CYLINDERS LARGE CHI MANTELS BURNERS These iss them, BRECK & HALLIDA a x 16 #er Cent, Fat. A moderatély rich and de- liciously sweet cream put up , in clean hali-pint- and one- pint: bottles. Deliveries to all parts the city, and" prompt regular at that. = Clarified Milk Co.. 'Phone 567. Brock & Bagot Sts, LL.D. HON. Administen. » continued i the same information. see the Corpera here this |, we a Princess Street. LIL] i JE of and [xx {oe aoe a Tele i EP TRANSFER OF TAVERN LICENSE. NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN THAL 1 have made apphicauon this dav to the Ly cuise Commissioners of i tapary ferred to they ha MO nday in the poh Rinost FOR SALE. THE ' SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING Street, between Wade's Drug stone Congress Hotel In excellent condition Second floor leased for a long term. Ap ly to DD. A Cavs, L agent ing street "UNDERTAKERS +8. 8 CORBETT, FUNERAL Princess Street, Kingston, W. M. Drennan - Sucovssor UNDERTAK ERS, Quality '| tha 1 " Night Calls HARRISON Princess © ciency the best. arerooms, "Hargison, 81. co, Stree Prices 90. TORONTO STRUCK A SNAG' J. P. MORGAN MEETS WITH A DIFFICULTY. is Said Neither Nor the Sta Stock For Line. 3 London, Sept. 22. Interest is taken iitensely in Encland in developments coneermng the Morgan combine. [Fe- ports are almost as thick now as they were at the time the announcement of the combination was first made- puh- lic. In British shipping circles it is said positively that a meeting, which will be held in the course of a few days, will determine the future of the amalgamation. It in tes Can He Sell His Steamship In Liverpool there is doubt eXPross-, ed as to Morgan's ability to complete the purchase of the White Star line, which, as Bruce Ismay has been in- sisting, is still in 'the hands of the English company. By a clause in the agreement, Morgan has to pay inter- st at the rate of five per cent. upon the purchase price until the purchase is completed, which is Something like L10,000 a week. The Liverpool Post says: 'There is reason to believe that, contrary to public opinion,. the last thing in the world Morgan desires. or intends "is to become owner of an Atlantic fleet. Hi: more modest ambition is to be an honest broker, who for a consider- ation buys a fleet from one company sells it another, 'Morgan up to the present has ap- parently failed to discover where this consideration is coming in. The money market is against him, and the Eng- lish stock markét is closed to him, for English investors will not touch his shipping paper at any price, and apparently he is doubtful whether Am- erican investors will come to his res cue." and to GRAND OPERA HOUSE. 'San Toy" on Tuesday. World: The tuneful, lauch- and pretty Anglo-Chinese "San Toy," was given an ii cordial reception at the Princess Theatre, Every seat was fill- ed. The people asserted themselves most vigorously when Hobart Smock, as Capt. Bobby Preston, in his spot lesaly white military uniform, sang in true soldier fashion, "Tommy At- kins." Sam Collins is the same old Li, "the plivate secletary," who hounded into' immediate favor on his first ap pearance here in the part, and he, is voing to please crowded houses all week, Ponderous George K. Fortescue and his "Six Little Wives" had to respond to rapturous demands for a repetition of that taking musical num- ber. Miss Elgie role of "San Toy." ix a pretty miss with roguish eves and winning wan ner. Miss Nellie Lynch as Dudley sang "Rhoda and her Pagoda' and danced and sang with Li to generous aappreci ation. The -support is the girls pretty, the costuming beautiful and "San Toy" as a whole is delightriul. Toronto ter r-teasing ion, Bowen, who takes the good, '"* Way Down East." East," is not dull and moral. It teaches a value, but the instri- aled in the many merits 'drama,' as quinine bv sugar The author has efiectnally that. wit. mav be obtained recourse Mulgarity and essential to which em "Wav Down Spreachy™ of real Cone because proved without that _sugoesti force. The WiliameA. Brady phasizes all the points without heing presentation at the Grand day, next, 25th inst, will be present season, ' to is not company provided strong dramatic theatrical. Tts on Thurs one of the CORES excellent nas events of the "SCOTCH 'EYES ON CANADA. People in Scotland Greatly Inter- ested In Us. Sept. 2.--"Beer and eric whiskey and golf the characteristic PEW HE Dian author of "I'he up-his first trip Montreal, = ket in England, and in Scotland," "was manner in which mond, the popular Habitant," sununed tirourh Encland, Ireland, *8nd Scot land on his return homes In conversa tion the doctor told how he had gone through 'Sit three countries gathering matter for a new series of stories, "People may" say what they like, but Seotchmen know a great deal more about Canada tham Englishmen do. What Enclishmen are" particularly interested in is the pietivesque side of our the opportunity of seeing Indians, and hearing tales about the wreat Canadian winters. . Beyond these they know very little about us. Scotchmen, on the contrary, have heen greatly impressed by the reports of the that have of late years been. gathered in the North-West, and pre-cminently practical men have aheail trying to much in about the cou: pos interest found the My mer know of any history, crops gone as formation i This only ih the hands in nee has nts and people us than plage in the In "Rut, sav. it was a cht to drop into one of the. musie halls in London and Miss Canada represented dn the ballet as a lady in hort dresses and carrving wh he ow about = he try to he as Is not cities, but the rural districts. that the of Glasgow the people itish® Isles. pretty comical Puidl among farm CXpey heen about ioe snowshoes to to death never Cniov a mn to tramp woulda ie a minute, but this trike the Englishman." seem wa honor of marriage to Um on will tahe j The hostess who and white nor was lavton, Wore f black mins wst of he wned trimmed: with lace and wore blac) metre hat M , tor, who will bridesnia house was with flowers and' o hle was also ta th floral de Mrs. Calvert orations Kines of NWNCrows gue -------------------- Drofe - Mr. Campbell, Queen' new $ of French, has arrived in the city 9: England ; POSSESSes, THE. paLY WEJIG. RESOLUTION TO DR. BARCLAY. Officers of St. Paul's Would Re- * gret Departure of Pastor. Montreal Star. I'he eliers of St. vestirilay adopted the lution gard th pastor has reeet 0 hing<ton. it moved hw Clark Mun: by K.C. it has been rch met owing call 'which Queen's Paul's c and in ore ay, seconded announced .in that the trustees of in Kingston, have Rev. Dr. Barclay L-hip of that in- uf St, Paul's the j Queen's University, unanimously: invited to accept the princi stitution, the elders church desire to congratulate their pastor the tribute to his profes sional and personal' worth implied in such an honorable and cordial invita tion: but, while not presuming, to dic tite what may be his duty in refer ence to this call, they desire to as sure him that his removal from the pastorate of St. Paul's ry would be viewed by them, and. by every member and adhe church, with very deep re aré also convinced that the citizens of Montreal generally will be moved hy the same sentiment of regret at the prospect of losing the services which be has always been ready to 'render freely and ably to every good work, without regard to. denominational dii- ferences; for while fic great attain- ments which cannot fio he over-esti mated, have made (him one of the leaders of onr Anglo-Saxen civiliza- tion, a loval and enthusiastic cham- pion of the ideals of our dominion and empire, he has always maintained an attitude of generous liberality towards all other races. The elders, therefore, wish to convey to him the further as- surance that, if he can see his way to remain in the pastorate in which his work: has heen eminently successful and acceptable, his decision will be re- ceived with unmingled satisfaction by the whole congregation, and will he reciprocated by their hearty support in his future labors among them." Dr. Barclay was much affecfed hy the expressions of esteem and replied that he had not let to a de cision. fic press pre on of the 'nt et. come Montreal Herald. The trustees of Queen's University had to face a dificult task when they set out to find for the late Dr. Grant. Principal Grant was the embodiment of his school. Nobody ever thought of one without thinking of the other. His personal influence upon teachers and undéreraduates was very great. Those who were in a posi tion to mark the eficet of his persons ality upon the lives of the voung men with whom he was brought in contact speak in glowing terms of the inspira tion, derived from his simplicity life, his ation of mind, his did courage. the heartiness interest in public affairs, and his self acrifi devotion to the interests of hix university. Such men cannot be replaced in all their qualities, for they are rare at the best times. For reasons that seemed to hem goody the trustees decided to of the tion of principal 'to Rev. Dr. Barclay, of Montreal, and- the indications axe that the offer' will not he declined, al though its acceptance will impose, up- on Dr. Barclay very bilities, and will necessitate his enter Ing upon a career of _reat activity at a time of life when he micht fairly look forward rather to a lessening of activities, and vesponsibilitios, "lt is a very high compliment that has heen paid to the Montreal disine, hat it js one of which his Harishioners and all who have come into personal relations with Dr. Barclay will be disposed to hold 'him 'in every way worthy. His personality dilicrs in many nmportant particilars from that of Dr. Grant. hit he is none the less likely tp have w marked ampress upon the affairs Queen's. The confidence and' will of those whose material and moral support can be of the greatest advan tage to the university he untloubtedly and if, to he the administrative talent is what is principally required for Queen's at the present juncture,.it is dificult' to know where the trustees could have made so wood a choice. ---- Interesting Bits. A British soldier a successor ele of posi- Onerous responsi- of good as seems case, writing from the Transvaal July 25th last tells the following story: "I have to vo to the top of a big hill every dav to a block to see if the monkeys have mot runaways with it. | carry a big stick up there with me, as some of them are as bir as L These dng monkevs, also, have learned to throw at the tin huts, that they dre mipleasant nicighbors, especially nivrht. We had a hive time last night. We had Just vot off to, sleep when the monkeys e off the hill and stoned: our hut. Of course, being tin, we thoucht the upon us, turned our rifles and fired and killed of them before we conkd pro- what it was. THey killed our dog, we may another to-night." honse stones S60 Boers with one pesly watch Visit were SO we SO oot Grand Trunk Record Rua. A Grand Trunk special train bearing passengers oie Toronto mst. at 10:24 am. making between Toronto and Sarnia three hours cand fifteen in- run was made over the district, via Guelph and and a distance of By taking the ume occupied between the would make an ave ree of miles an hour, but including tops over sixty miles an hdur made by the train, and connéetion wa with regular No. 3 express tunnel, where she was Chicago on the Inth the run tunnel in Nes, The fifteenth Stratford, 170, miles. and the wo points, ity two covered na made Sarnia taken. over Life Produced By Chemicals. Another ccientific " orf experinienter has along the fines of Prog «och, of Chicago, 'in the effort to find a maternal formnla of Life. prin ciple. In a recent report to the con ress of physics science at Ala Dr. Lixdue told how prin tow dr of férrdes min on a thin layer cause to 'start into of cells havin torn and ntaining ack of exactly BAW the by pots latin he nete of King Uttaw a Calvert Nin: Wurtele, ton, they belieyey They, distance |, at' USED REVOLVER|, JEALOUS, HE SH SHOOTS GIRL AND KILLS HIMSELF. Opens Fire Wi thout Warning -- Spurred by & Desire For Re- venge, Meets His Victim With Young Man and Empties His Gun. Johnstown, Pa., Sept. 22 _ David M. Goughner, a well-known voung man, shot and seriously wounded Miss Leorena Winnebrenner, aged seventeen vears, near her home in @onemauch, near this city, Saturday night. and then sent a bullet into his own heart, dving instantly. Jealousy and desire for revenge are given as the causes for the act. Miss Winnebrenner anid Edward Ray: lor were walking + leisurely along 'a street, Goughner passed thom. and when a few feet ahead he suddenly turned. and without warning commenc- ed firing. The first shot struck Miss Winne- brenner just below the breast bone. As the girl turned and started to run Goughner fired again, the bullet strik- ing her in the left side, making only a slight wound. A third shot grazed her left wrist. Kaylor ran when the fusilade began and escaped injury. He says Goughner fired three shots at him. After emptying the revolver Gough- ner reloaded it and placing the muz- zle ecavefully over his heart, fired the shot which killed him ins stantlv. Miss Winnebrenner's condition is extremely serious. She may recover, --_-- THE RUMORS CONFIRMED. Government 'to Save Doukhobors From Starvation. Sept. 22. The Doukhobor Winnipeg, that the) colony Yorkton have abandoned their live stock in pursuance of a. strange re- belief that it is a sin to hold cattle or to any beast 'of burden to assist in their labors, have: been confirmed. The govermment has taken steps to save the Doukhobors from the effects of their folly. Government agents have seized all the cattle, <h¢ep and horses which were turned at by their owners, and the live will be sold at auction and the so obtained will be used to provide food for the Doukhobors duy- ing the winter months, The C. P. R. announce that were loaded for shipment. along lines .on Friday, in spite of the [here 250,000 bushels of wheat marketed, and about seventy-five per of it grade No. 1 hard. The in report shows that 255 of new wheat were shipped the city by the Camadian and the C. P. R., and of this oraded No. 1 hard. Archie McLean, a' prisoner en route from Dauphin to Winnipeg jail jumped from a Canadian Northern train yes- terday, and has not been recaptured. The Dominion Elevator company's elevator at Moose Jaw collapsed this morning, completely wrecking the building, which contained about nine thousand bushels of wheat reports around licious use large stock money 300 cars thei rain. were cent. speetion cars through Northern 206 cars TO WORK OUT SOLUTION. Toronto Families Have Clubbed Together For Mutual Aid. : Toronto, Sept, 23. A number families in the end of the have clubbed together with the out a solution of shortage difliculty. If no to be had, these pedple place themselves in desirable substitute, and with that they have contracted reasonable figures. Civie control of a portion of + the hard wood supply is beineureed:--in order to prevent dealers from demand prices which would be bhevond the reach of persons of limited means. The motion on behalf of | Fred. Hayes .manager of the-Toronto Cay pel company, to auash the convietion and fine of &0 and costs for a breach of the alien Tabor act, was-argied Le: Chancellor Bovd; at Osadode hall wmornine, CG. 0' Donodhue, the Weavers" Upion, which secured the £onsls ion, contended that the scope of iw included dents of -- LL as well actual foreigners. The chancellor mitted that this was point, well worthy but thought it stra could preveft British returning, to their native land curing employment. Judgment was re served. ot city ide a of vast the hard propose possession to wit, purpose for a working coal to of a hard in view supply at wood, fore this counsel for resi as ad important an of consideration, that a subjects law from and se The Steamer Abandoned. 22 After Nept. 22 the Collingwood, attempt to steamer Coty ashore neat fall, the job! an un Ameri whi h neeesstul raise an went nel last ed the tarked of Clevel t a troit built the hoat of her hat total the cabins pread out olforsdl when the rocks slipginnd t The boat is now decks are out and the side tom. lores, the gone feet. as are four Why He Refused Decoration. Sept. 22 A pondent Saves Gan. Io charve that he lh two children shot at the time unune, The ex-war nung he expressly vefu ed (he ommander of the Les of because he would not what he did during the --ivt--. AL wlar the and od antumn and winti Hpotts have ta 1 Ire London, Paris corres Wllifet denies a woman and of the ter add Cre of Hon 'Y, rated for war. the Mi have who Kins tan, Phillpott ton amv Mrs enw ied Ottawa wunmer ine Mr u 10 stop in and pent My deci with have for the Pl hose, and pend the winter A local confect ton Mills a young la was punetur v walk v.Y.. ar Mrs 1 Pavia MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 22 IN our own CIRCUIT. News Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Line. G. W. Barr, Smith's Falls, has to New York. He has decided to practice in New York stg ' Miss Flor th's Falls, has St Ful, Sphieal-a thi Frank Bethune, junior clerk in the Molson's bank, Smith's Falls, has been transferred to Chesterville. Mr. Arm- of Ottav succeeds, him. Samuel Legree, for many vears a well-known h eper of Calabogie, is dead, aged vears. The late Leore of the most care- De. one strong, 've Mr. ful 'and orderly. of hotelkeepers. Joseph Smith a well-known resident, of Smith's Falls, died Tuesday. after a illness. Te was seventy-two years of age and a man who enjoyed the of a large number of friends. C. J. Graham, who represented the Arnprior Oddfellows at the recent session ofthe grand lodge, has been appointed D.D.GM., of district No. 16, composed of the lodges in Renfrew, Arnprior and Pakenham. The old fire brigade of Pembroke, in accordance with the request of the council of that town, were to meet Saturday and resign in a body. The new chief, J, M. Taylor, is organizing a new stafl of fire-fighters. Miss Ellison, for the past vear choir leader in St. Andrew's. church, Smith's Falls, officiated for the last time in that capactty on Sunday. Miss Elli- son left for Galt where she will be one of the principals in an interesting ev ent. A coal oil tank with $8,000 gallons is being tion a short distance south of the C.P.R. freight shed at Almonte. The tank has three compartments, for the different grades, and the oil will syphoned into them from tank cars. An important timber limit sale has heen whereby the Mun- Toe of Pembroke, have disposed of a large limit on the Jac 'ko river in the Mattawa district to the P brome Lumber Co., for 5, 000), 10 buying the liit-two' years ago, Mun- roe Bros. are reported to have cleared S300,000 on the transaction. Portland Benson, one of Sophias- burgh's well-to-do farmers, having dis- posed of his real estate, left for New York. He intends to sail for Cuba If not pleased with the climatic condi: tions in the "Pearl of the Antilles" he will make a tour through the south- ern states, before going to California where he expects to make his future home. Mrs, Benson will spend the win ter with her parents, ---- Married At Enterprise. Enterprise, Sept. 16.--A very pretty wedding took- place here on Tuesday when Fiherson Snider was married to Miss Smith. The marriage took place at the parsonage. Wilson Dopkins and Miss Carrie Jackson will represent the Sons of Temperance of this vil- lace at Newburg convention on Sat- urday. Other members of the order will also attend. Mrs. Baird, Kings ton, spent Sunday at Thomas Clan- cv's. Mrs. Hinch, Hinch post-office, spent a few days at John Reid's Quite a few from here attended (le Napanee show on Wednesday. Amon those who went were Mr. aad Mrs. Sany, Mr. and Mrs: William Loucks, KE. . Wagar, Wesley Mellow, Mr. Leo i Hugh Wagar, Alex. Wilsori-- Rell ant J. Shane. Mw, Shire, who wag struck by lightnin improving. Sidney Reid has bouneht a new traction Johre Reid made a shipment from" here Tuesday. was one Severs esteem a capacity of placed in posi be consummated ros. , m engin of hogs on Latimer's Latest. Latimer, Sept. 16.--T. was burned on the, intends building at Mrs. Charles Burtch, pent & few days of la Sherwood 's ith inst. He Mr. and Jones' Falls, week at John Mr. and Mrs. Frederick At- Tison, Elgin, Visited at Thomas Sherwood's recently," Mrs. William Ba visiting friends at Napanee Bruce and Mrs. Jame Sherman are spending a few days at Gananoque: Mrs, 8, A. Lvon and Miss Emma Caverly, ill of rheumatism, are rapidly improving. Mr. and Mrs, Da- mon Buck, having spent a few days rut - Robert Iyvons', returned noque Monday. Mr. and Mrs California, paid Ris cousin, S. ola Visit last aves hertson, visiting at returned to her home and Mrs, Holden and spent Wediiesday house once, her ais Mrs. William to Gana- raha, Ly Ro Sherman" in Detroit Miss Lois, at MM. B oko Miss Nellie James, has Mr. city, raves'. . Stella Statements. Sept. 20 Stell: Tudsday, the late curred to-day. land, is visiting Moore, Belleville, monument here Jolm Miller, of fair is to inst The nw Chown og Smith, Clev at D. Caughoev's, Mr. erected a handsome this week for Mes, Belleville, The hand hovs running an #xcursion tp, Pi ton fair on Tuesday, the 25th. Mrs D. Filson, Cleveland, is <erionslv iil at Mes, 1} Stella, be held on funeral of are ilson's. improving. Lord Salisbury is WE are not public benefactors. "WE are not snatching people'from the grave. WE cannot say that we are restoring to health those who have been given up by anywhere from three to thirty eminent WE make only the very modest claim that IRON-OX TABLETS ereaninvaluable nerve tonic, a cure for indigestion and con- stipation, a blood maker and purifier, a corrective of slug- dish liver and derangements of the kidneys. ONLY THAT! but perhaps that is enough for 25¢ Rombough. 9 or dekgy caused than any Dderdistacs cesses or uy you are S this ig falr; 8! n ALS Df ear Dian fe sour ment. RY Tsu write edicines for RT all. BOO M from Windsor--All aut 5 transport No hames oa env. veloped. 7 adi "oir ak Noting $010. o'r "GOLDBERG, "= m%iti. 100, E. B. Eddy's,. 2. , PAILS and TUBS Are made from the BEST SELECT. ED LUMBER with, Galvanized Spring Steel Wire, electrically welded Hoops, which being corrugated allows for expansion or contraction, so no matter what the weather is they keep in PERFECT CONDITIUN. GIVE THEM A TRIAL. Kingston Agency, No. 75 Princess Street. J. A. HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. Range... Made of Steel Plate. If You Require a Range it Will Pay to Examine This § 7 / Because It Is the Best Made, Because It is the Strongest, Because It is the Best Finished Because we Ask a IFair Price for an Excellent Article BEST HEADLIGHT COAL OIL........ 19¢. GALLON. CANADIAN COAL OIL 16c. GALLON. For Sale by S. J. HORSEY, Kingston, The Ideal Severdce JOHN LABATT'S Porter Full of the Virtue of Malt and Haps. 7) Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Deficate Palate. JAS. 'McPARLAND, AGENT, a PAPER Suitable for Domestic' use, Hotels and Public Buildings. A good Roll, a nice Package J Cts. eac -- McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. Just Arrived Another Large. Shipment of Fast Seliing Couches. Pricas Same as Last Lot, Also Boar dirg House Furnishings, Study Tables, Bookshelves s, Springs, Mat- tresses, Etc. : . IJAMES REID, ™= sno ivozeraxen,