"THE D 69TH YEAR. NO. } DUNLAP HATS. ; We have just geceived a shipment ot Mallory Hats in an exact copy of the new Fall Dunlap Shape, which we will sell for $2.50. The regular price of these goods 'is 3s. We thus save you just half the price. s JENKINS ¥ MY HATTER, 114 PRINCESS STREET. RBA SPECIAL FOR 3 DAYS ONLY From now Afndl Sa turdav night ev thing Opuical will be sold at remarkably low prices SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES 14k. gold, worth $12 for 86 11k. gold, worth 810 for & lok. gold, worth 88 for 81 ok . worth 86 for $3 ick nium, 83 for 81 oi ds can tw had anvwhers oS Eves ughly examined ard tested M. MECKLENBURE, MA. DS. of Montre Meleod's Drug Hows, 10 a.m, tre till 8 p.m Who is at Solar nigh Mi i i Let Us Show You : MATERIAL FOR RAINPROOF COATINGS: PRICES RIGHT : "Jone & WASH, ERERPEEREEEE EE IRERRRER INVESTMENTS --IN---- REAL ESTATE Mining and Qil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, 115 BROCK STREET. NOTICE OF Saturdav's Specials at™ Mvir's Market, 56 Brock street! Blood Freeh Pork. Sausage, Frankforts, Miki Cured Hams and: Bacon, 3 ihs ping for 23¢. Call carly. "Phone 570 DANCING CLASSES. MISS MeAULEY WILL RESUME HER da classes, this season in the Masome Hdl, next to Whiz Building. Evemngs from 8 to lI, Friday afternoon from 4 to 6. PIANO THAT WAS ADVERTISED for sale is sold. | will now offer a very fine oj fashioned extension table that will seat about thirty. people. - Apply "at onca. MILLS' AUCTION ROOMS. Pork Sausage, Boloyna, of drip THE LOST. GOLD BAR King * Reward AN BROOCH, ON Macdonald returned to ENAMELED facot, Barrie or Parks streets, or Cy if this oflice FOR SALE. ICE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY P.6 Box 83. Pe WANTED. LN RAPERIENCED COOK. APPLY MRS. NICKLE, 180 farl, street. LADY CANVASSERS FOR ACCIDENT AND Insurance. J. 8. R. McCann, 31 wktrect, next Wade's A HOUSEMAID, WHERE P ARLOR Mab 18 Keir. one who will assist witl Apply to Mrs R. E. Rent 85 t Kingston . AN ENERGETIC MAN "CAN { $15 to Riv. a week Selling dur goods. | Large demand. Write for purticulyrs. ( K. Fowan, Fraw Ont: BOYS AND 'GIRLS OVER 14, WHO CAN make good pav in our factory if. s workers Appiv wo J. Gould Nr strict Orposity To A sire SEVERAL PEOPLE WHO CAN I carn at tollars weekly of our r Ves make oder & lars n a. Ing The loronto ~ RFILTABLE PA} RTIFS TO KNIT. Fr . whole «r v © ar work - Ww vou fw | Pak = ! 1 f ne Co ! FIs Cor « Bu « ial -- | HALL'S BARBER SCHOOLS] 248 YONG strect [oronte, Ont. alse St Lawren: street, Monuwr eal. nd 16 Fast Se eon street, witly og ped wxdernts. Toois s, ticket and cat logue fre v our "SPECIALS CO OPERATIVE PLAN course is given ab solutely free. Also opportinity to earn money at vour home, bv working for us Write for particulars todav. Aldis Owen Hall. proprietor. z 223. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, The Roy The sels al In « ter To re life ax not mw Thi= new at at Lord Winii Marks Bros. 1 al en ridicule a determined Because is one vear Ou Zurich, LOCAL MEMORANDA. Daily Note Book For: Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Jenki ins, my hatter. to-night. ht. at Victoria theatre Arcanum meets on Thursday Thursday p.m. wiscrable weak nig sun' rises dt 531 am, and t 5:52 and T oft when they war vou the mistakes of others are not wistakes. When whiske fill social, to himself has make unsecial. a man himself up with y to he had bet- wain the of hi ordinary and of with a mind will the nount to verv little, the world ridicules valid reason why vou of them. in the world's 5,661; 1879; 1799; Burr ley arrived Fort 1842; Samuel Butler died, SELF man own ob-tacles mistakes should try and vour ake muny Hebrew opened day history : exhibition defeated Industrial Russians 1757; Garry, {now 1480. Mascsena Aaron at awa, horn, Wolke: pegl, SEALERS CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN EVER. ROBERTSON BROS. ARE ROBBED. THE CZAR: Princess of Wales Expects a Visit From the Stork--May Hand Over Land to British Govern- ment--To Keep Fleet in the South. London: Sept. 24.--The Daily Mail says that an organized band of swind- lers is robbing the soldiers returning from South Africa of their hard-carn- ed pay by means of a swindling game of "crown and ahchor." Over 1,000. reservists arrived at Southampton 're- cently in the transports Palawad and Manila. Sad were told by some of the oflicers of the systematic swindling that takes place on various ships while the soldier in on his way home with his £30 or £40 and more of. army pay. The sharpers obtain berths aboard the transports as stok- ers as members the crew, and go aboard the ships in various capa- cities for the sole purpose of robbing the soldiers, who in many cases are reservists, who have no work await- ing them. A 'man belonging to the Roval Gar- rison Artillery went to the authorities at Southampton and asked for .a passage to Yarmouth, as he was de- stitute. A deplorable story was then stories or of ( [GRAND OPERA HOUSE J) THURSDAY, SEPT. 25. TH Wm. A. Brady's Greatest Success, ghtrsited that day, and they hore kept on board all night,..Some whis way DOWN EAST key was smugeldl on hoard, and this # | man, who had dreamed all the way By Lottie Hie Parr. home of taking the £37 to his moth Elshorated By Jos. R. Griamer. er, a widow at Yarmouth, and had : thought with delicht of the jov of TO BE SEEN HERE EXACTLY AS PRE- placing the money in her hand, lost it SENTED IN THE LARGER CITIES. all that night at "crown and an A pure play of Pastoral life, endorsed by | chor." clergy and laity. At other games of chance there isa Seats on salt at Hanley's. possibility of the players winning, hut Prices, 2 50¢., 75¢. amd $1, in "crown and anchor" the odds are Monday, Sept. 29th, "Guy Bros. Minstrels"! | overwhelming in favor of the banker, On almost every transport that arri: ves at Southampton with portions of the returning army the officers have ( VICTORIA X THEATRE ) TWO WEEKS, SEPT, BROS." MARKS 1A DRAMATIC AND VAUDEVILLE. To-Night, The Four-Act Drama, E DEACON'S DAUGHTER. Hlustrated songs and Specialties betweer acts. No waits Matinee Saturdav at 2:30 Prices 100, 15¢ and 2%¢ Seats now on sale at' MeAulev's bookstore, unfolded. He had saved his money, £47, and had carefully abstained from gambling during the whole voyage, but the vessel had arrived at South- ampton too late for the troops to he thrown overboard the boards and dice with which the game is played, but further supplies are generally forth- coming, and the game on in parts of the ship difficult of access. On the Orotava one man was dis: covered with seven piles of ten sover- eigns each ranged on gu table in front o0es H ing the dwe and | J. away x 160, #81 Brock Street. A Suburban Home. ave you ever thought of own- a nice home in the suburbs-- from the noise and dust of city, with plenty of room to breathe and grow in 2 We have a brick, nine-room lling on Centre street, lot 80 which we» will-sell cheap on easy terms. S. R. McCANN., Next to Wade's. A G wil LOST. OLDEN BROS SPANIEL FINDER HH vwardiad on returnine him to 34 Stren Anvone h r the dog ad notice will be prosecuted TO RENT. LUMEOR TABLY FURNISHED ROOMS LiGur und atrv, centraty Toran rere tal le board if desitved, Apply at © 244 Brock strect . BOARD. CONF! TEARLEL ROOMS AND MODERN 'CON- eniend v table board can be obtain- ed at Jod William. street, " xt n Chatham HEAD NOT r YET FOUND. Frenchman Absolutely Cut to Pieces By Express. John, N.B., Sept. 24.---A French- | from Chathhm . who gave the ne of Mathien Hunter. employed at lalph's baker mil, wax run over Boston train and Literally ent to pleces The head was severed fron the body and has not hb found. MW thien s tl \ Vea { 1 H atest nnking We have not advanced the price of rt Amber smo { I Eni | Xin a 8 to the consi ory Iv. We bave also extended the time fgr the redemption of Spowshoe toes to January lst, 1904. The Empire bacco 'Co., hmited. of him. In this case the wealthy banker was a soldier, a plain pri vate. One victim Jost £103 on. the | vovage, and tried to throw himself overboard, but was prevented hy his comrades. The details of the gttempt on the life of the czar, while he was return ing by train to St. Petersburg, show that four conspirators, as unse Evek the rai when, : very was made hy the merest railway The accidents disc It-is thought that Alfred Reit's visit to South Africa niay be prepara tory to the handing over of the 750, 000 square miles belonging to the chartered company, to the British gov ernment. The Daily Chronicle says the report od "determination of the United States covernment to keep a permanent fleet in Nouth American waters will he wel comed by evervone who is incomniod ed in business by the continual unrest of Venezuela, Hayti and Colombia. Trith savs the accouchment of the | the next day Schwab Ife "8500 at the Princess of Waler is expected in No- local hospital as an atonement for vember. his mischievous lark of the previous 'Lhe .name of the American donor of | tight. S100,000 to the fund for the relict of x the. Boers ix now piven as Hari QUEENSLAND MAY SECEDE. Phipps, not Arthur White, as was first stated, From the New Australian Com- The Marconi company is not on monwealth. ; thusia tic over the international con Svdney, N.S. W,, Sapt. 21.--Hon. Ro- ference on wireless gelegraphy, which | bert Philp, prime minister of Queens is: expected to take: place in Berlin | land. "announces that the question of next month, Ciathhert Hall, Marconi's | secession from the commonwealth of manager, does not think that anv- { 'Australia will be a vital one at © the thine practicable conld be ach ed by | neat federal elpctions in Queensland. it. Technical as well as commercial { He is convinced that it the state re difh ulties would present themselves if | turns members to the federal parlia the conference came to deal seriously | ment pledged to submit Queensland-to with the matter: | : a contin inclusion in. the referen- Ms Nance O'Neill's season at the |flum, secession will constitutionally J Adelphi has been prématurely termin- | follow. He does not believe that {ated There was a strike of sihers twenty per cent. of the electors will | [ durine a performance of "Queen Eliza: | support such inclusion. He expects { beth," Saturday - nicht, owing. it is | the support of New Louth. Wales and stated, to non-payment of wares--FhetWostirn Australia, both of which are strikers were afterwards paid half of | <itistied -with the present" eonditions what was due them. and sere assured v Frere he Sr EE erate Fi = RE th (McKee Rankin - has decided, in the Carnival In Omaha. { meantime to close the theatre Omaha, Neb, Sept. 21 --This is the | | Mr. Carneot collecting rare Books| week of Ak-Sarden festivities: in Om ifor his hibrarv at Skibo le. has, | aha. The streets for many blocks in| lit is said, given a laree th a | either direction downtown are "gor [Paris firnt® for some choice and costly | grvously decorated, while at street. in i bindings . tersections arches of elaborate de | moar formesd--=Fo-nicht, the dome, | A WOMAN'S ACHIEVEMENT, |Soriirtond windows of | the jcourt, \ house will be penciled by lines of in | candescont lamps. President © Roose- | Astonished Authorities By Climb- | velt i« expectdl here 8; and it ing, High Glacier. will be the big day of the | Calcutta, Sept. 24. --Mrs. Bullock : a United States woman, Vance-Hume Wedding. the ascent of 1 Chapel Hill, N.C. Sept. ®1.--A pum feel surprised on receipt of the news, WEDNESDAY, BARCLAY REFUSES. Will Not Accept Queen's Princi- palship. This morning, J. B. Melver, secre- » tary of Queen's University Board of Trustees, received a letter from Rev. Swindled Aboard Return- Dr. Barclay, Montreal, refusing - the ing Troopships. principalship to which he bad been elected. No reason was given for re- » fusal. Dr. Barclay's letter was as CROOKED GAME "i St. Paul's Manse, Montreal, Sept." ! 23d, 1902. Dear Sir: After the most ATTEMPT MADE ON LIFE OF careful and anxious deliberation, 1 constrained to decline the ofier made to me through you of the prin: cipalship of Queen's University." Queen's authorities were very much as they were almost confident that Dr. Barclay would accept. A meeting of the trustees will be held early in Oc- tober to make another selection. ACCIDENTALLY KILLED By Gun Discharging--Lightning Does Damage. Flinton, Sept. 22 --There was a ter- rible. storm here to-day; rain fell in torrents. Charles Brusheys barn was struck by lightning and Burned, with all the contents. Wiliam Beatty's horse was killed by lightning, when in his barn. Henry. Gear, about fifty years old, went up to his farm on Sa- turday, taking his gun and nephew with him. When returning Sunday. in getting out of the boat the gun was accidentally discharged, the shot en- tering his side. He died in about five minutes. John Mellroy has a large number of lambs bought ready to ship. The camp meeting at Ivanhoe hy the Holiness movement was. laroely attended. J. lL. Fox, Kaladar, has a fawn or young deer. He caught it when it was very small and it will stand upon its hind feet and hee for bread. It travels around thé- woods returning every day for food. rem. ARRANGED. A TARIFF. Agreement Among Lines in New South African Service. Montreal, Sept... 21--According to the rate tarifi arranged between the Allan, Dempster' and Furness lines for their new South African service flour and oatmeal' are quoted at twenty-five shillings to Cape Town, which is ten shillings lower than the usual New York rate. Lard, beef, ete., in bar- rels, at thirty shillings: cheese, in boxes, also condensed' milk, at fifty shillings: beans, peas, ete., in bags, twenty-five shillings: potatoes, apples, flour and meal, in barrels, 3s. 6d. To Mossel Bay there is a small advance of about 2\. per ton, 'which is also applicable eo Port Elizabeth, East London, Durban and Port Natal. Lach steamer will be provided. with cold storage accommodation for about 200 tons. capacity of perishable freight which accommodation will be inecreas- ed if sufficient cargo is offering to war- rant it. 5 SCHWAB'S GAY TIME. i . Made Everybody in a Cafe Drink Champagne-With Him. Paris, Sept. 21.--Charles M: Schwab, while going to visit the Creusot iron works, the largest in Europe, stovned his antomobile- at Chagmy. Being too late to proceed, he decided to spend the night in that small toyn. He en- tered a small local cafe chantant, where he paralyzed the singing girls and the waiters by his lavish tips. Afterward 'Schwab forbade: the owner to aecept money from anvbodv in the plage but himself and forbade every- body in the audience to drink any- thing but champagne, Long after Schwab and his party had retired squads of jolly natives were serenad- ing along every street, Be leaving <iia fo ~ = the or Mm i nih h World of Himitava: ome is in -------- J Wom ter, Mass. s FE i. 1 hat, of London, Ont. swal ". --r-- | lowed earbolic acd in mistake for Ainces at Carnovsky's. medisine and is setjously 'il | / SEPTEMBER 24, 1902, WORLD NEWS Comes To Us From. All Quarters. FEW BRIEF ITEMS TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Ovee--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Fyblic. The Canadian conference of Charities and Coircetion opens this afternoon at Hamilton. | : Serious rioting is reported in the coal mine strike districts and several deaths have resulted. If no coal can be secured within one week the public schools of Brooklyn, N.Y. will be closed. H.M. Indefatigable sailed from Halifax yesterday for the south, pres- Port of Spain. Che mint at Birmingham, kng., has received from Canada an order for coinage amounting to a million dol- lars. Gen. Dewet, who is at The Hague, received a te Yo soram from South Africa announcing the death of his thirteen- year-old umably Hayti or son. Practically all the strikers in the White Oak district, near Charleston, W. Va, are reported to have gone buck to work. All the Minneapolis mills will be closed on 'Thiirsday Owing to a strike of the employees. Their demands will not he granted. At Indianapolis President Roosevelt was operated upon for an abscess on the left leg. He will be confined to bed for ten days. Sewer diggers and laborers of Chi- cago, to the number of 300, have struck for an increase in wages of twontv-five to fifty cents a day. Ninteen young women employees of "the Perry, N:Y., Knitting Mills were married together. The ceremony was witnessed by the entire population of the village. In the cicreuit court at Clarksburg, W. Va, former assistant Fire Chief William Meyers confessed to shooting and killing 'Chief of Police Chile lers a ow weeks ago. D. Massey, Toronto, recently gave to i College, Winnipeg, $25,000 to be added to its endowment. Last week he sint ar cheque for $5,000 to forward the movement. THere is being formed at Chicago a the grave, and she persuaded her pas- tor to preach her funeral sermon so that she could get the benefit of it. William Waldorf Astor, who renoun: ced the place of his . birth to became an English subject, is removing the dead body of his wife from the ceme- torv- at New York to take it to Eng- land. As the United States authorities do not /desire his extradition, William Toll, the soldier who confessed to the murder of an unknown man in Kan- cas City, was discharged from custody cattls trust, which will have 'a capital of 50,000,000 and will pre-empt the cattle, business in the north-western and south-western states. br. T. 8. Diedrick, who lof the Peary expedition, for reasons not. ex: plained, and lived for more than a vear among the Eskimos of Green- land, has returned to New York. The late Judge Fontaine, of Mont- realy absolutely refused all religious consolation, ; consequently there will be no ceremony in the church. At his request His body" will he cremated. Caroline Bacon, Paducah, Ky., aged seventy-six, believes © she is néaring OLD-AGE PENSIONS WANTED. German Socialists Expect to Gain On Their Platform. Berlin, Sept. 24.--Reports from all the electoral districts of the empire, received by the executive committee of the socialists: give the party man- agers basis for announcing that they expect to obtain 3,000,000 votes in the general election next year and 100 seats in the reichstag, as against 2, 190.000 votes in INU and fifty three seats in the reichstag. The last annual convention socialist preceding the election vesterday at Munich. But before the convention adjourned "it amended the standing platform of the party upon which the campaign of next year will be made by demanding that the old- age pension be extended to all work ing people, and that the cost these pensions be borne hy all classes. Na- tional insurance for the unemployed the closed of ol widows "and orphans was also de- manded, as was a law making the employment of women for one month before and one month after childbirth illegal. The socalist members of the reichstag were instructed by the convention to use their discretion in proposing an eight-hour day. When the old-age pensions were first proposed in ISN9 they were opposed by the socialists. This party support- ed their revision three vears ago, and now asks that they be widely extend- ed. UNDESIRABLE IMMIGRANTS. No Longer Allowed to Land at Canadian Ports. Quebec, Sept. 24.--At last no more unclean and undesirable immigrants from abroad can land at the port of Quebec or any other Canadian port. This is the result of a very stringent law recently adopted by the Dominion government, and put into force. 'The law prohibits foreigners infected with contagious or loathsome diseases from landing in Canada, and already = 1'. Doyle, Canadian immigrant agent at this' port, has deported thirty-six im- migrants, two on the | Parisian, twenty-three on the "Lake _Erie and eleven on the Numidian, who included Russian Jews and Finlanders, sulfer- Wg from treconi- and favus. Heretofore foreign immigrants were allowed to land on Canadian shores provided they had a small sum money, disease was no hindrance, con sequently thousands of unclean cased principally Rusgin and Roumanian Jews were allowed to come into Canada and settle where they pleased, but barred from entering upon American territory. The present law ¢ every Canadian government immigration agent full power to act upon his own responsibility and eal to his aid the police if necessary to enforce the law. of dis foreigners, ves A BURNING QUESTION. Education Bill is Being Roundly Condemned. New York, Sept. --London Tri- bune cable : The "congregational un- ions in annual convention at Glasoow 21 have helped to make. the education bill a burning question,, by condemn- ing the sacrifice of eflidiency to sec- tavian and priestly ends. London is not affected hy the present bill, but Premier Balfour has announced that the same principles will be applied in another session to the metropolis. The extensive London agitafion against the general measure is not, therefore, premature, "and "arrange ments are making for emphasizing it. The liberal leaders are in the back- oround, and the demdnstrations against the education policy 6f the government are being conducted main lv hy local politicians, "members | of school boards |, and non-conformist ministers, Lord Rosebery's friends ex- pect him to take advantage of the agitation at an early date. BEAR CHASED HODDER. ITISH WHIG . LAST EDITION. - WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont. (10 am), Sept. 24.-- Northerly winds, fair and cool. MN itiniey, casierly winds, fair to cloudy. Our. Opening Display of Fall Millinery proved to be the most successful event of the kind this store 'ever had. . IT DEMONSTRATED More than ever our position as leaders in 'the MILLI- NERY TRADE OF KINGS- TON. We print no details as to hats. We prefer having you come 'and find out for yourself, to see if only to see. On the way to the Milli- nery Show-Rooms take a look at our lovely showing of new JACKETS wo COATS Js "rme-- mrs "BORN. VANDERVOORT--Ip Napance, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Vasdervoort, a son. Descronto, 4 Mr. and Mrs, uy a daughter. Doseronto, to Mr. and Mrs, caveque, a son. 'At Descronto, to Mr. and Mrs. Al bert 'KE. Joyce, a son. MARRIED, FISHER FERRIS---On September 24¢h, at St, John's chwich, Portsmouth, by the Rev, Oilvie G Dobbs, Brockville, uncle of the abr assisted by the Rev. uo 0. Crisp, ham, second daughter of Charles Esq, Lamoine's Point, to Joseph Henry Fisher, of Washington, D.O: WEAVER VANDERVOORT the residence RevW. DP, Weaver, Raw- Vihdervoort, 0. . Vander: the "bride's parents, LL.B by , George A, amd Miss Louis daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs: voort, of Sidney. of Wilson, M( Fu 3 P uncral CASHMAN DIED, JUCKS--On September 21st, Mary beloved wife of tlenry Moucks, IV-IWO years, weral from the rogidence of her brother-in- law, Jokn Pérryvman, corner of York aud Sroets, to-morrow mornine, at o'clock, to St. Mary's cathedral, sa Solemn requiem mass willbe cele -In Kingston, Arthur O'Neill. will leave his family Sydenham" street, at 9 am, Fridav, to St. Marv's cathedral, where a solemn re- auiem mass will be sung Friends and aes quuintances are respectfully invited to ats tend Doherty, awed thire Alb rt on September } LL 23rd 1902, : residence, 263 In Hotel Dien, Michael © Cashman, on nnd September 21th, nineteen years, incral from hig late residence, nine" o'clock sharp, Friday mooring, Cushendall. church, where a solemn wilt he ealebriiti d Friends and aes tances - aren rtfall Wie Glenburni pred ta dite 13) Xiu) = at XX 4 i ou qx is x = q in sbi rinin inion oe pce NI 7A Thirsty Child Can hava no better drink' than a glass of PURE, ® CLARIFIED "MILK It is the untural food. relieved of all that is impure and 3 harmful. That is why it is thé best of food. 'Phone 567. Brock & Bagot Sts. Have Narrow "Escape. at. Colhester. Sir. Wilivid and Lady Laurier are |owonded Bruin, But Did Not In. expected back in London about the saeitats Ti Sth of October, where they = will re capacitate ; am, main until the 7th, when -thev cuil on Port. Arthur, Sept. 24. Alfred. Hod the--Flda=Dempstor diner, the -- Lake }orowho-went--hunting--with-- RH: Erie. for Canada. Martyn and-son, has had an experi Hou. W. S. Fielding had hooked | ence which he will not forget "I'he sassage to Canada per. the steamship | stalked two hears, and the Martyn : - Loi ; ? Toni an, which «ailed from Liverpool | 8 their guest the honor.of taking to dav, but he will not return until | the first shot at the hears. Hodder Octoh whet be will probably return ~hot and hit one of the animals, with Sir Wilirid- Laurier. wonnding it slightly. The bear, en "I'here has heen some delay. in palling [raced at the unfriendly act, starvtad the meeting of the provineial premiers | for Hodder, and Hodder started for a that was to have heen hell in Quebee | tree. Having a pretty fair start Hod during the present month, hnt ar der, gained the: tree first and shinned ranoements for the meeting likely will np. The bear was somewhat of = a he le in the near future. climber Hims and clawed rk live Gon. Gobin threatens to locate a lv. Mesias. Martyn stood hy: interest la intling dun in Mahanov City which | vd dee ly in the suceess of Hodder wil sweep the hills ahont the town, | ruse to oét the bear within knifing unless violence hy striking miners, | distand, nor offered to interfere until [on ih has been almost continudus the man in the tree called for help. since Thursday, ceases: at once. Phen R. Bo Matryn brought his trusty 1 Tohn Stehlsing Toe ND. LL.D. pro- | buckshot ejector' into pli v. --hey had fousor of church history awd» the first | bra teak at Martyn's farm that even Luresident of St. Lawrence X13 sity, | ny : > reg 3 e 1% * ad. 'at Canton, N.Y., ao tv-two vears. © He was the hat edu MOBS NOW RULE. t eator in the Universalist church. VP ---- The orand jvry brought in true bills Police Unable to Cope With the avainst two former esmplovees of the | - Strikers. Foronto ~Ntrect raifwav company, | wil VP «| charging them with the theft of mone | Ten ree, a. Tg and tickets fromyg the combanv. There i Lg prevatleg " A : er . io : ey end an | are thirteen such cases acain-t ns | the { te y femon ik i 3 | many men, and some are charged with. [FAV this morning. UH leans 0 v el Wis TiE ring are prrsverlins more than one offence. i! jp I ii fo Ppreserie order. althogerh every . = : romp wax made tordo so, Nos A Private Memorial Service. i ' I 1 thet . v Ty Or was ape ovthrea SU thah 3 : » « «or fo . { 1 . { brussels, Sept 2L.--Kine Leopold. { ther broke out. Early this morn Prix Clementine. and Prince Al- nd for devs % bert... of nders, the heis Janparent, |, ne no than ten plac attended a private memorial cervice | in Lusrene eoun Sherifi Jarvol Min Henrretis at Lt decraphed Governor Stone, tell A Jarge erowd, wh '| him that the <itnation in the W. i : ited the. roval n bevon b bis eomtral ful manner, | + roto protect life and | would have to Bi Canadian-Italian Trade. 1 t At Exeter th Rowe, Sept. 21.-- Shr Wilivid Eanrior |) ! i500 cathe ing the Italian tariff with the (vidi ker nd en ol ¥) y for- closer coin-! the emi lovers gor t ' me I rélations with Canada He - has had an informal eco with | "Bibby's.'"' Oak Hall. Bibby's."" the anthorities on the subj and di Are vou g soft or stiff hat PE cussed what Canadian goods could be ales he differenceZall styles pre advantageously imported. ! bere. The H. DI: libby Co. *RBen -- are Eas Tours, France, Sept. 24. ~The Cougtt aE EET CRETE, a young wos nan friend and an engineer, were thrown from the count's motor car car Limerey vesterday. The enginecr was Killed and the other members Uf party were seriously injured. nest From a Drudgery to a Tuxury by | . . . . WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN. A Pen and Ink Bottle hired -- The convenience of a Pencil-- The advantage pen. Com- of a Sold by w AG. JOHNSTON & BRO, -