Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1902, p. 5

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' - THE DAILY WHIG., THURSDAY. SFPTEMBER 25 ; -- TT friends of the bride had been anxious The Doukhobor women have an- 1'QI SENT -- '« ROSAMOND-COTTON. : R | - : i > a BRITISH CENERAL'S!SENT TO JAIL .. INEWS OF WORLD LIFE SAVED y Fashionable Marriage at Ottawa-- - ¢ Bride Well Known Here. . J GERMAN | CONVICTED OF [ier pos ie! | TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR : Another of Ottawa's fashionable TREACHERY weddings was held this afternoon, QUARTERS OF EARTH. - when Miss Mary Eleanor Cotton, . Sent To Prison For Ten Years at dsughter of dient ut ol and Mrs: tot Matters That Interest Everybody . Hard Labor--Was To Get $5,- ton, became «the bride of Alexander - S 3 * | Rosamond; con of Mr. and Mrs! James --Notes From all Over--Little 000 For Carrying Secret Des- Rosamond, Almonte, and nephew of of Everything Easily Read and patches. Bennet Rosamond. The marriage was Remembered by the Dear London, Sept. 25.--A "despatch from | celebrated in St. Alban's church, Rev. Public ' Cape Town to The Cental News avs | Archdeacon Bogert officiating, and the u . = Pi 5 "Zo. TT . 9 that Ernest Henichel, a German sub- | bride was given away, by her father, Tay a allway gceidens near . Grand _ i == YT . ject, has been convicted of treachery | Col. Cotton. The church was prettily orks, Dakota, 500 head of horses and E } . ; and sentenced by a military cours at | decorated for the occasion. The young cattle were killed. as ern onsolidated i 0. A 8 Had Suffered For Years From Kidney Disease and Was Cured by Warner's Safe Cure. New York, May 9, 902. vears ago 1 recommended » my old fried, Gen? il the Briush Army, tom Kidney tro He took my @ Gentlemen--Manv ( vou i omm nes srs Sige Cure, areatest ke rheumatism, swelling, Bright's vel, urie acd poison, « discases of the Kidneys. blg bl od It's dangerous to nech nevs even one dav WARNER'S 'SAFE CURE is purildy v table and contains no rv hart drugs t is free from se nd sant total t not Sold by all $1 a both WARNER'S "SAFE PILLS move gently and aid a speedy cure. Refuse Substitutes and imitations. dr the bowels There i= no kich ears "iusto OK 1s Warner's Irsist he gem NSubltstitut:s contain harmiul dru TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. The manufacturers so firmlv bh o WARN- and per- m of the that they wt to vou, FI'S SAFE CURE will absqlu munently cure anv diseased cor kidneys, liver, bladder or bl will semd post paid, withont any r larhe trial bottle, if vou will write Warner's S Cure Company. 41 Lombard str 1 $ Ont, and mention having offer ine the British Whi Fev of this offir is fully ouaran the punlisher Vrite the. Medical ment, for advier, medical booklet, din nosis ard analysis, which will be sent vou bree of charge. [AID THE LOUNDATION OF HEALTH FOR THOUSANDS, Malt Breakfast Food Makes the Weak Strong and Keeps the Strong Well. -------- . it Becomes a Perman- ent Friend. Once Used, Malt Brealf nutritive and | i ity fon tomach ha foundation of health fo | pope who once suffer with 1 i thi weal hh sian and stomach derangenn Jicakfast Foods the ondy cereal' fb ty sidapted forthe pert requirenme tof vounge and Old Tt makes the weak strong. and Réeps the strong well. If vou would thoroughly entov. «the morning meal, make oMalt Breakfast Food vou first dish. Grocers sell it, The Toromo General Trusts - Corporation Office And Safe Deposit Vaults 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO| $1,C00,00 80,000. Capltal, - Reserve Fund - # President : JOHN HOSKIN, QC. LL.D, ® Vice- Prosidents : HON, 8. C. Woob, W. H. BEATTY, Ea... J. W. LANGMUIR, Matiaging Director. Pretoria to ten at hard labor. I'he evidence in the case showed that years' imprisonment y to have very claborate floral decora- tions, but yielded to the desire of the last March, after having taken the | bride's parents, who preferred a less oath of neutrality, Henschel stared laborate scheme. The bride wore a for Germany, carrvipry with him a | handsome. gown of white crepe de chene, inlaid with lace medallion, and trimmed with seed pearls. A graceful tulle veil fell from a wreath of orange blossoms, and she carried a handsome bridal bouquet. She alo wore gn' ele- number of Kaflir curiosities, among which were found, when the curiositics were examined at the frontier, certain documents addressed by Commahdant Fevers, to former' President Kruger and Dr. Levds, the Boer representa- | ant pearl and diamond pendant, the tive in Europe. gi't of the groom. The bridesniaids The prisoner. pleaded ignorance as were Miss Etsie ( otton, sister of the to the contents of the documents, but | Pride, and Miss Frownfield, 'of King admitted that he had been promised | ston. They were dressed alike in soft craceful gowns of white china silk, 85,000 for delivering them g : ; , Bt : : trimmed with lace medallion appligue FALLS TO HIS DEATH. and large white picture hats with carl of =ilk and applique of medal- lions, To cach of the bridesmaids the Thirty' Thousand People Witness Accident to Louis Girard. Taunton, Mass, Sept. 25. Thirty thousand persons who attended the fair of the Bristol County Agvicultur groom presented a beautiful pearl crown pin. The best man was R. Brymner and the ushers Mr. Appleton: Van Leslie, William Harty, of Kingston, and Ar al Society witnessed an accident avhich chie Rosamond. Mr. and Mrs. James resulted in the death of Louis Girard, Rosamond, parents of the groom. Ben one of the acronauts who attempted a | pet Rosamond and Mrs. Mavnand, | of balloon ascension. stratford, sister of Col. Cotton. were A triple ascension hy Prof, and | among the out-of-town guests. Mller Statiord and Louis Girard was After the mariage a reception was planned. No sooner had the balloon held at the home of the bride's pa been freed. when was seen that 'ooper street, where Myre and something was wrong. The woman | Mrs, Rosa mond received the congratu cut foose at once and «did not leave lations of their friends. The bride's the ground. The balloon shot up rap-{ vorhg away gown was a tailor-made idly and had gained a height of about | costume of green camel's hair and she 100 feet when Prof. Stafford's par-| wore a hat to match, achute' was - seen to drop also. It The presents receited by the bride spread, and Prof. Stafiord alighted | were 4 brilliant arrav of cut elass and ilverware, china and cutlery, paint- safely Girard's ripped in halves and col ings, fancy work and jewelry. Ineclnd lapsed like a paper bag. There was a} ed among them were a silver service frantic motion on Girard's' part as he] and heirloom handed down from the tried to cut loose; hut the lines re- | inide's areat great grandfather, the fused to part, and he fell to the earth | oift of Col. and Mrs, Cotton: a dia mond ana emerald ring, the vift of the parents; a gold and pearl from a cousin in the south a pearl crescent from Dr. and Mrs. Douglas, a silver jewel cas. ket from Her Excellency the of Minto, a silver and cut olass bowl from Hon. Mv. Harty, King an uncthyst and pearl pin from Hon. A. like a shot, striking with awful force. croom's necklace ern states, REDMOND TO BE JAILED. If He Does Not Put Up $1,500 For Good Behavior. Dublin, Sept. 25.--The court of king's bench haslofdered William H Countes ton: Redmond, M.P., who was summoned iw. and Mrs. Blair; a gold mounted to appear before jt as a result of his fori iar rom ME: Mab: Totnodle reais recent incendiary speech at Wexiord, ter gainer of the Detter: a flower to give bail in ¥1.000 for his future iar from Mr and Mrs S Chake of good behaviour. As Mr. Redmond did Winnipeg: a set of silver and oilt salt not appear, the court ordered that a shells from Ma).-Gen.. and Mrs warrant be issued a fortnight hence O Gradv-Haly, a handsome Indian for his arrest, unless bail is furnished | ortiere from Mrs Creighton and a jor his appearance. I'he court said Japanese embroidered table cloth that in default Mr. Redmond would from Mrs. David. Ross, of Quebec, he be imprisoned for six months. sides numerous cheques, and a large containing gifts from a number of her old friends among the young Kingston. Mr. and Mrs will make their future ome in Almonte. case LOCK TENDERS DROWNED. ---- people of Sad Accident Near Thorold-Leave tion Large Families. Thorold, Ont., Sept. 25. -- George Dix on of Port Robinson, and William Bardon, of Stamiord; both lock tend ers on lock twenty-five of the new Wel land canal here, were drowned in their Tek about twelve k night. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Is Work A Duty ? Kingston, Sept. 25.--(1To the Edit ori: Why did our Lord work in a carpenter's shop and come into the the child woman ? must have been a learned man for avith the doctors in the temple. Let no one despise honest la For women, perhaps, household work is "better~than brain work, ete., to make a living by. Home is wom- o'clock last It is supposed that Dixon pecidentally fell in dnd that Bardon attempted to rescue him, with the result that both drowned. Both men have large world, of ie te disputed a poor Were families bor CARNEGIE VISITS THE KING. Winston hurchill, M.P., Also a | an's sphere, and any work which is re te © me is » suitable f Guest at- Balmoral: . lat «dl to the home i mort table for : Ox " . her, and her configuration as the London, Sept. 25: Andrew Carnegi sad ) | | to. Rai ] ie > mother of the race. Desides we like as. gone ) & "wy = AML . nS fone dn. auRom ceteevisit init Soran To he ventle and refined, Ldward. Lord :Roschery and Winston ; iis 2 , oo] different from the stern sex, who hy Spencer. Churchill are' also. at Bal : contact with rough scenes and tem moral. © A royal, carriage met Mr . 1 : i od 1 | craments.are apt to be roughened. nrnepie: at iil ut B | ! . thik n Home life should be like a poem. Du Laas a a HULOLY i WAY flowing smoothly in beauty, its ea the King received hig personallvecand {ovo oon Sweet Haven on earth about the of the conducted him deer park and other ix nowhere" if not n= the Christian Burtions estate, Fome. Let us try to elevate the home life in every way, so as to keep our SENTENCED TO HARD LABOR. women there.as that is thei a - S---- Let us give oir young ladies -- {why Irish M.P.'s Convicted Under the hould. our hbme-wworkers not be 'la Crimes' Act. dies? What Yis gq lady 2 Does, money Londdn, Rept. 25.--At Bir, King's Jn ate a ladv 7. No. Does edueation county, Ireland, vesterday, Fdmund [make a lady? Xo! What then "? Haviland-idurke, MP2 Michael Reddy, | Christ and His example aiid - that M.P., and chairman of the Birr Rural | onlvi--1 repeat, let us give our voung district council; William Eawry, chan krdies when we get thom to do our man of the Bier Board of Guardians, | housework, a room to receive their and Michael Hogan, we ced tof Tends ing goo and opportuni terms of imprisonment wr, © Uies to devel pr their own tastes n they appealed from the sentence and | their hones off duty. Let us greet were released on bail tiem as we would be orateful if our children were fn their position to any Lisgar Election Trial. one who would thus deal with ours Winnipe -- Set 25.TN Lisoar] It ix so diffienlt to put oursche in REY Tr -- e ASH) their rast: ' 1a . ' election Trial was continued at Car | 1001 position. Oh this: ve a hit. vesterdin Many witnesses worn) 1 Heaven alone will we be rid of Jt eXamined. I'he court refused the ap AN" ONLOOKER vs hi 4 : a ---- plication to strike fortv-eight of the . sixty-four clauses out of the bill of DR. BARCLAY'S ATTITUDE. particulars. Several of the witnesses Seem Refusal to Leave Montreal Causes Rejoicing There. Motitreal. Herald testified to bribery and being treatdd by agents. A. D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Manager i i 1 | } ' a2 Iv Hi . Fhe news that 1 darclay has de : JAMES DAVEY, Scoretarv. Hartford Monument Day. . | ii.1° (in weipaliip: of ure Authorize to act' as Escculor, Ad : ? ? 2 line the principalship « dicen ministrator," Trustee, = Receiver; Commit- Hartiord," Conn, Sept. 33.--"Monu- } University will be. well received (by the We of r Lunatic, Guardian Liquidator, went Day' was observed, in this city | entive Presbvierian community in this ssignee, Eto | : v . | Deposit safes to mnt. All ives med we OY Ue dedication of a uonument in] ty. Moresby tartancckerpinan. reasonable prices Parcels received for safe | cotnuemonation of the civil wan It Canada is more widel® kn or look custody. tear) of the First Connectiqut © Heavy ed upon with a larger degyt of po Bonds aml other valuables Guaranteed and \t er : heist ie 1 nabs ir 7 Incured against loss u" : spusists Dia | pun Inte nq i Solicitors bringing Estates, Adminisirg ortar mount ma granite ped ~t Fsvecialiv. will the menfbers of his tions, ete, to the Corporation amv continuai al suitably ibed. vn historie congreoation. of St. Paul in the professionsdd care of the same : 2. Eo bdint driv thn : : ee , cl a weliome sense of relief, fort For further "information see the Corpora x | tion's Manual Property Changes Hands. were, se epilarly agita : ---- Two double frame houses at 360 and | Over the possipility of a remo al hn<t street, owned, bv "John ! ' i 1d, through M ney. to Cat t THE GENUINE CALEDONIA SPRINGS WATER HAS THE WORD MAGI PROMINENT "ON THE LABEL OF EVERY BOTTLE. DISCOURAGE THE PREVALENT FRADULENT SUBSTITUTION. ra BOARD. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE roomr, . with -madern conveniences, cen tral, not far from City amd Miedonald varks. Suitable for a party of frog three d 0 bre, 198 Farl swoon Hoy, ot ver Pan | It i-the d n , last No, h 1 ' aiet fuily 1 J Joh iD t Dat ( Ha ) for bis hon Bh To r st + 1 . 3 ; i to, aftér att by funeral of n. | sister, Mes! mn fair a Fhink 'of ns 1 vou want the best it Mu y ; ; vinegar, cider, or Enghish malt, white wine, Mullen's, nounced that they are willing to aet as beasts of burden, 'and urge their husbands and fathers to get rid of all their live stock. The vatican has instructed Mgr. Diomede. Falconio, the recently ap- pointed Papal 'delegate in the United States, Ottawa to Washington. Edward A. Barber, superintendent of the Watertown, N.Y., street railwav company. has been placed under ar- rest on a charge of running 'the com- pany's cars without fenders. President Roosevelt arrived in Wash- ington last evening in good condition having stood the trip from Indianap- olis, Ind., splendidly. He will remain in the White House until his wound heals. ' In the course of an! address before the Toronto prohibitory union - Rev. Mr. Browning entreated 'his hearers to "Throw politics to the devil" and "in thesname of God, hake a row' in the effort to carry the referendum. The progress of Lord Salisbury. for- mer: prime minister of Gregt Britain, whose illness has oecasioned considerable anxiety, is very satisfac- tory, and it is expected that his lord- <hip will be able to drive out short- lv. One of the recent great coal companies has made large purchases of arms and ammunition in New York and has shipped them to its collieries in Renn- svlvania, intending to arm volunteers to aid the coal and iron police, and, if the occasion arises, to oppose by force. : FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Cheese To-day Reached the 103c. Mark. Kingston, Sept. 25.--At this after noon's meeting of the Frontenac cheese board 1,330 boxes were offered for sale. Of this number S39 were colored and 491 were white. The buyers present were Messrs. Thomp- son, Crawford, MéKinnon, Murphy, Alexander "and Bissell. The following factories boarded their make : Colored 35: Thousand St. Lawrence, Islands, 100: Elginbure, 90; Wolfe sland, 60; Maple Leaf, - 60: Ontario, 6: Pine. Hill, 160; Arigan, 40; Emer- ald, 50: Forest, 90:. Glenburnie, 60, Glenvale, 50: Granite Hill, 70; Rose Hill, 1. White--Cataragui, 70; Cold Spring, 70; Farmers" Friend, 150; Gilt Edge, a9; Howe Island, 25; Model, 61; Silver Springs, 60, . Bidding started at 10lc, a lb, rising to 10%c. and at this latter price - the iollowing sales were made : Ta 0. CC. BRissell.-Arigan, Emerald, Glenvale, Granite Hill, Maple Leaf, Rose Hiil, Silver Springs, Thousand Islands. : To 1... W. Murphy-- Forest, Howe Is land, - Model. Elginburg and Wolfe _1sl and. Farmers' and St. Wwf) J. MacKinnon Friend, Gilt Edee, Ontario Lawrence, NEARLY DRQWNED. Two Cadets Upset From a Canoe Last Night. Two cadets of the Roval Military college narrowly escaped drowning last night. They went ont in the har reard at the Yacht Club house and in fact all along' the city front. But one went to the The accident occurred about nine o'clock, Forturately, the Calvin company's tug Frontenac was steanting from Garden [sfan@ "tothe eity, and unfortunat half no resele, across almost ran into the ads, who had beer in the water hour. The tug stopped, and the near- Iv-exhausted, were taken aboard and placed in the "firechold, where warmth was restored to then chilled bodies... A lauding mare wal Swift's Wharf, the their little white canoe ashore. The former were tend, their classes thi an cadets was cadets and placed to at mornne. mi--p---- An Elginburg Marriage. D=--=Rev, JM of con and wore ahle Ilainbure, Sept. Tredrea has commenced a series olf examination -and J. H. Lake is able to be <.-A. Take, King~ : On Wada lence of ermons on avain nt ton sfriends a shorw visit res at the a happy. event ogcur sdax 1 evening, John Bearance, li when his danchter, Florence, was married to William Moore. Miss Bem ance, Kingston, cousin of the bhhde was bridesmaid sand Wo. Cordule Sup ported the groom. Th FOMOBY Was periormed bv. Rev. Jo Mo Treedren. Af terwards about {ify of the happy cou 1's" immediate friends partook of a sumptuons .repast A. McBride and wife, Sunbury, cdlled of ends this Didn't Feel Confident. fi ym an authori Information comes that Re tative source tl Dr. Barclay 1 writing to a teens professor carding: his decision not to accept the neipalship, cave ! as b fact that he dud at he id me ' hich university 1 un rom t f i I the prir 1 \ Ar Pal WN m | Q i Kemp mail "The ¢ 1s apent f Ll he Harvesting scompar t Ken to proceed immediately from bor in a frail canoe, a very unwise thing to do on a dark night. | Their Slittle ship? upset, and the military vouths were soon struggling in the water. They managed to get hold of § the canbe, and then shouted lustily for help. © Their = rics werd Dlainly REVOLUTION IN OIL INDUSTRY. Fuel Oil on Ocean Steamers. IEUTENANT WINCHELL, USN, reports the trial trip of 6,876 miles by the oil-burning steamer Mariposa as entirely satisfactory. It practically required 1} pounds of oil an hour to" secure a horse-power, which is just about 507/ less in weight of combustion than would be re- quired of coal. The Mariposa steamed an average of 354 knots a day, burn- 1.g an average of 278 barrels of oil a day. In consequence of burning oil the Mariposa reduced her complement from 81 to 65 men. Place of Coal. out of San Oil Takes Anstialian Millions For Change to Fuel Oil. Pacific will issue from 5 CUO of bonds, to in motive power 100 jocomo- More Steamers Burning Oil. RR. lion gallon steel oil tank at South Val | The Southern The ferry steamer El Capitan | $10,0003000 to $1 {be used for the cha | from coal to oil | tives on this line steamers Columbia and Elder | The Florida® E: as soon wus tanks | equip all An line Francisco 4 10,000 miles in onestiird the space that The Southern Pacific has a mil steamer carries: enough oil to steam lejo, Cal would be required for suflicient Coal to Her crew of and a number of locomotives have be gun using fuel oil, Ocean will burn oil for fuel ard burners can be installed. The United Fruit Co., of New Orleans, is converting its fleet of B83 steamships into oil burners, steam the same distance. "oast railwav wi Const railway Will [og ren tins boon re omotives for burning : uced to six. ts oil instead of coal The Santa Fe railroad 200 oil tank cars for it shipments, of coal to in Baltimore Oil will be used tead s Orders has ordered school Tit Idings California oil A heat 1235 bu this winter, It is only a question of a short time when the U.S. Navy, as well as most merchant and passenger steamers, will burn oil. | This opens wonder- ful possibilities for the fuel oil of Santa Barbara and Kern River, where this Company has immense holdings. A PYRAMID OF FACTS RESTING ON A FIRM FOUNDATION. 100 oil wells, f * 1,200 acres in Ohio, Every well productive. Space for 500 more wells. 19,000 acres in Santa Barbara. Owns rich oil tract in Xern River, Ten nev- oil wells in Kern River by Jan. 1. Will increase production thousands of bbls. monthly. Not an experiment, but a solid business investment. Has paid out a fortune in dividends to stockholders. Stock will advance to $1.00 a share on or before New Year. Those who buy stock at 5oc. will find it double in -value then. Best paying sound financial investment stock on the market to-day Rich indications on Santa Barbara tract promise a new oil Eldorado. Jubilant stockholders are doubling their holdings in anticipation of the rise. Ready market to Standard Oil Co. for every gallon of oil from all wells in Ohio. Total of over 20,000 acres of rich oil lands, a greater area than six 'ordinary companies. Big Standard Oil Co. refinery in Kern River will require thou- sands of barrels of oil daily. Eastern Consolidated Oil Co.'s officers are prac- tical business men actually in the Oil Field. 50 cents a share to-day, no knowing what it will be next week, itis certain to double by Jan. 1. : EASTERN CONSOLIDATED OIL GO.| =LOGICAL RESULT. |Over 20 percent, an vo Tnvestol Intubyfiol to] their investments ited" thm for bot has been: paid out iii, in Why don't ycu buy now and reap the advantagewhen the stock d:ublesilin i" i in price, as Jf Willj-sih cosiuiondh on or before TNT SOON. hie wok JC ma cht during the past 10 January Ist? 50 GENTS I'he jorewe Ct conserva wu to stockholders "oan the Eastern Con i . . tne "anni solidated Qil Co. that tl Deon date, ¢ stock with A SHARE. /months. There. is no safer or more profitable oil stock on the market to-day than Eastern Consolidated. or f C.B. HEYDON & CO, | Rooms 401 -and 402 Manning Chambers Building, 72 Queen Street West, Corner Queen and Terauley Streets, Court House Square, TORONTO, ONT. COMMERCIAL, MONTREAL STOCKS » Te Tiga She is i We have the best oil at the best prices in the iin Ta city. . . That's why we sell so much of it. i 1s | ASTRAL OIL (The Best). . ' , 20¢ a Galion ww HEADLIGHT : . . . 18c ' = tt YCANADIAN ., -, -. , Isc * NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Sept. 25 Sop Pamphlet telling alllabout our Famous Sell. Buy Call and get a 1 ~~ |.COAL-OIL HEATERS. : These heaters are cheap and warm your rooms comfort- » 8 00 lably. Costs but little to run them, and there is no big coal tr i> | bill to pay. Everybody 15 buying them. A ¥ = a in Se--r-- Lemmon, Claxton -& Lawrenson, King St.

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