TT TY ' L Hello, Boys! The cold weather woke you up to remind you of the kind of clothing you need. We foretold your wants. Our FALL AND WINTER STOCK Is All Complete. Just the kind you are looking for, cheap, durable, stylish and perfect fit. Come Along. We can fit you with the clothes and your purse to your wants. Just step in. We will almost surprise you, with the bargains we are offering. Reliable we are, of that you are aware. We will do the rest. Don't pass. us-by; we have al- -ways treated you well, and pur- pose to held on to our. Proe ples. Anything in Clothing Gent's Furnishings or Furs go to, JOS. SILVER, (Succes sor to B. Silver,) 102 PRINCESS STREET. LoPyR GRY, \ Some Guns . ' : Don't Kill No matter how good a shot you may be, but by buying from MITCHELL your gun is guaran- teed as every gun is thoroughly tested, and you can try it before you buy. Powder, shot, loaded shell and rifles. Mitchell's Hardware, 68 Princess Street, Kingston, x [Dlx la «[d] | Te og EA Thirsty Child ¥ Can have no better drink[E x than a glass of PURE x fix CLARIFIED MILK. Itfx x is the natural food, relieved ® w . of all that is impure andfy fw harmful. That is why it is bao = the best of food. I Clarified Milk Co. *Phene 567. Brock & Bagot Sts, ® {oo {RY oR oT TO A LL 0 a OR DANCING CLASSES. MISS McAULEY WILL RESUME HER dancing clusaes this season in the Masonic Hull, next to Whig Building, Evemngs from* 8 to 11, Friday afternoon from 4 to 6. COMMERCIAL, MONTREAL STOCKS. Sept, 26th Open. Close. Canadian Pacifi 1 1103 Canadian cific, new 1 1g Duluth 8S. & Com: 20 buluth, Pid B30 folalo Lo & P Nouthal Strive Ry ronto Street Ry. Hoi Electric Detroit Umted | win City Itch. & Ont. Nav Commercial Cabie Montreal Telegraph Ball Telephone ...... Mcotreal L. & I ion Steel hid tominion Steel, Pil v3 7 Ogilvie Flour "Mills, Pi 135 13.4 Eoarentnde Pulp you Pongnion Cotton nl 1 Merchants Cotton 5 TH Dominion Coal 130) 1312 NEW YORK STOCK Union Pugifi St Paul Manhattan B, R, Transit sugar - a People's Gus HNL Sy ESE Sun TF onl dron T cific 116} rn Paci 33 & Ween Lion = 160 1a & Nash 51° 153% Pennsylvania RR 1644 1643 Texas & Pacifi® 153 18% Atchison ole dy Gall KF Soy SI American: Loco a 34 m2 Amal. Copper it "i THE 5 ¢ M. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On In the Business + World--The Market News. The flax pr the year, with Chicago estimate is 28,040,080 on crop, against 23,000,000 last wuch damaged seed It is estimated that fully different 100 Wn mills are of the now idle The on parts country small s@flmon catch amd short Pea crop are factors in the At the ronto Railway «ec question of will be "consider d capital of the de situation special general mpany on $1. 0v0 000 This company of of October of would To the stock thi the tith meeting issuinr Hew bring up to 37 (4K) Gn of {A}, an The bank United Ste of sits the pe 8K, the AVeTage $1US per.Capita Tin vears 84,232,700, today, crop of Statist millions, an ayo hadi her agerogated of whent WW just the amount total the Unind stimrates The King not over m, the London at filty-two as the require 194 to be imported, <compansd the European ments are 246 millions, no less than millions will have 190 imported requirements of with Total countries millions past. vear importing way . thercime be 380 of. other than fifty-two *millions- put at mil-, lioss, and at willions. European countries waking a total of 482 THE COAL FAMINE Has at Last Appeared in Kings- ton. The shadows.of a coal famine have at last fallen over Kingston. Most of the people no doubt have a fair quan- tity of coal stored, but not enough to keep away winter cold unless an other summer comes richt off, Per haps only two dealers here have any coal on hand now. The bins are like old Mother Hubbard's cupboard, full of emptiness. Some of those who made contracts to supply local insti tutions find themselves unable to S0. There isn't a pound of hard coal to be purchased in Toronto. People up there have heen sending tor Kingston, begging for a small supply. This James Swift received a tele gram from the Dominion Express com pany, Toronto, asking him to giv them twenty tons. Mr. Swift could not supply it himesell, and the Rathbun company would not sell the artick less than '$11 a ton. Many people in vain tried conl to-day. 'The dealers have probably only enough to fill old orders of their customers Wood, too, has taken ascefision. To-day asking 85 a cord. do morning to wet hal dealers another loon were sone Deserving Of Sympathy. Press. : University CrVes some vinpathy. Dr. Barclay has definitely refused the principal's chair. A peer of Dr. Grant is not easily found. but sich a fine Specimen of a manly Chris and scholar as Dr. Barclay a worthy and prom Queen's is destined to part in the edu of Eastern Ontario that . she cood man and deserves one. try acain. Ottawa Free Queen's de tian ripe have SUCCESSOr, woriild been so important a cation needs a She must Offer Stirred The People. Nothif tion of as 'the pastor, reception r has so stirred the congrega t. Paul's church, Montreal. oficr of Queen's university to Rev. Dr. Barclay. A social and will fake place in the church to-night, when the conercga tion" will . testify the deep of their gratitude for Dr. Barclav's de cision to. remain. with bis: congrega tion: its sense For A Sweet Tooth. will have = § urday morning we fuil line of our pure marrabones, mo c= walnut ctaliv, maple cocoanut oh wolate bar, ete. These are made at our factory and are pure and fresh. W.-.J. Crothers, < All Home Production. Eda plant! oyster plant, lettues water cress, hatter heans, arsley wergreen corn, catiliflower, celery, Prissels sprouts: savoy cabbage, Huli- hard squash, vegetable -marrows, ete, at Carnovshy's v =] Needs Better Drainage, r The county property committee meets [aenrday mornine to consider thi question of proper drajnage for the registry building the cellar of which has bee so wet that the fioohs in the are affected, astile soap at Meleod's dmg store, white mottled ands green, 15¢. and 2c. bars Those new queen cakes are all vight, See window. try one. W. J. Crothers For up-to-date fall overcoats, ready to wear, Lavingstons', y ¢ 0 [FALL coat sheds water as coats are cut witha slightly at the skirt, for walking. yy = aa) wnt $12, ' ' ' ¢ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ : ~ chestssssesssesITTRTSLS SVT VLVVOVLVATLVLVI| TTR TTBRSTRDLD eee Hinds On Fall Clothing OUR COMBINATION Is the most stylish coat ever designed. This giving plenty of room To be had -Black, Brown and greys. *WI 1 ' C. LIVINGSTON & BRO., 77 and 79 Brock Street. AND RAIN COAT well as snow Our full box effect, bells in the latest $15, $18. | -- | Sse TILTTRATTRSRS THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 DANCE "AROUND BODY OF MAN THEY HAD MURDERED. Hungarian Strikers Kill Worker and Make 'Merry Around His Body--Jump on 'Victim and Sing--Mob Tears Up Tracks. Seranton, Pa Sept. James Winston, aged f "eight ars, was killed. and his son-in-law, I. J. Lewis, severely. injur by a gang of Hun PITH oF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Nv News Called Fron All Over The World. The C. P. R. International Limited hasMbeen taken off the road for the winter months. President Roosevelt will be confined to his room for ten days. He good night and is cheerful, passed a Steamer Tartar is bringihg to Ca nada from the Orient 539 tons of silk: She left Yokohama, Sept. 20th. ambassador to Russia White as ambassador Tower, Mr. lemagne to succeed to Germany. There are eight cases carian strikers, who waylaid them on their way to work at Grassy lsland colliery of the. Delaware & Hudson 'ompany. The alinir took place half acmile from and almost withiy 1 f the camp of the Thirteenth meht at Olyphant. Lewis pot away, his <kull unconseious, - While he lay prostrate and dyinz the crowd pimping on him, had crushed with a club and fell but Winton kicked him in the face and beat. him with clubs. After dancing about their victim, clapping their hands and singing, the crowd left, him. Winston was. carried home by a non union man, and Mrs. Dovle, who witnessed the murder. Harry Simrock, Tom Priston and. Harry Shubah, the three men who are alleged to have committed the actual crime, have fled, Mrs. George Marshall, colored; wife ietor of a hotel at a shotoun, of the prop, armed with Jessup, safely escorted last nicht. When the crowd becan to avenge itseli by bombarding the hotel Mrs. Marshall fired on the group and peppered a dozen men with bird shot. This scattered the mob. A company from the Thirteenth nearest Re oiment was called to disperse a crowd whieh was t ng up tracks at the Pancoast colliery in Throop. A crowd of strikers threw stones at non-union men who were heing escorted home from work in Forest City. The soldi- ers loaded their guns and the com mander said he would give the word to fire if another stone was thrown. I'he crowd melted away. Are Heavily Armed. Sept. 26. There was in the vicinity of the and Steel company's but no was in- are stationed about The colored puddlers but some are they declare the soldiers live in Pa., firing Lebanon, stray American tron lant last night, red. Pickets the Lig plant. are still at work, badly scared that will leave town if withdrawn. They buildings inside a company's property wmed with some ane SO they are temporary stockade on the and nearly all are revolvers or shotguns, Soldiers Suppress Mobs. Wilkesharre, Pa., Sept. 26.--Col. Joucherty despatched three companies f the Ninth Regiment to Pittston and Nanticoke to suppress mobs which had wssembled in those places. At Exeter S00 men and boys gathered to inter cept non-ugion men on their way to work. At Nanticoke 'a number "of non-union en were stoned, 'Upon the arrival of the soldiers the crowds dis- One arrest was made at Nan- that of a foreigner who was The prisoner was brought to and given a hearing vistrate Pollock, who held. him for trial at court. persed. ticoke, armed. this city Mag bail before in DRAWING UP TREATIES For Island of Cuba--Reciprocal Commercial Treaty. Washington, Sept. 26.--Negotiations are pending between Mr. Quesada, the Cuban minister, and the state | de partment with regard to a commer inl onventioneanhe const: WISHI'S REWARD. Arrested Eor the >» Man, =e Church, oi the North W Police, who arrested W Lion the Whitewater murderer, after he oflicers, is against Murderer Money. Man Who Looking Winniper May ed don, t. MW. ---Norat. fount had eluded all other templating ley Manitoba g¢« veward the t! con the val action nernment for the S1,000 offered by the government for arrest of Gordon. Of this amount Manitoba "government only cave Sergt.-Maj Church: $150, which he considers altogether out of proportion onsidering fhat he made the artost almost unaided and af Gordon had rosso the tortinemt wnsuspectedr = WEALTHY POLES FIGHT. One of Them Shot Through Head and Dies. 26.--=A | was fought at wal duel Virotlay, near Paris, pistols Sept \ersarlles; between Roles named Nie Lenoiewicz . and Bolkiewics, At the first fire Belkiewica was shot. through the head. He < removed to a hos pital, where wl Both dinelis ere sons of wealthy merchant Warsaw and can to Paris to v French! The cause of the duel was trivial, ome of the young men having ( wl to shal hand with the other ai a quarrel ¢ Found Drowned Imronto, Sept. 2M The body of arknown man, apparent} about fife Foronto viption is R10. 812. 815 and" KIS huvs. the tailor made rain' proof coats in the city. Livingston Bros. \ / a non-union man through a crowd of 100 strikers from the hotel to the Sterrick - Creek colliery stockade late | treaty, an extradition treaty and 'a treaty to adjust the title to the Isle i Pines. It is expected that "these treaties will be ready for the next session of congress, It "ix the purpose of Minister | Jesda to draw up the commercial treaty on reciprocal lines. An extra ition treaty between the: United Sta- tes and Cuba has dlready Been draft- «The provision" for the establizh- ment of civil government in Cuba omitted the Isle of Pines from the constitutional boundaries of. Cuba, and Ist its ttle to future definition #yv treaty. The United States has de cicked to Teave the i-land uniker- the wirisdiction of Cuba until such a with | At .Toronto. \! of small-pox of Woodstock, consequently, {at Mount Elgin, south Ont., and the village, | has been quarantined. = Carl KE. - Fisher, fruit of Queenston, has heen appointed regis Jue of deeds for the County in- coln, vice Hon. J. G. Currie, eas- ed. : Professor Grav, "of Chicago four months visit in England, Fk nelish labor organizations ave stronger than those of the States, 'lhe finals for the golf championshiy commenced at Montreal this morning between Cassels, of Toronto, gnd Mar- tin, of Hamilton. The latter won the first half, three up. Lewis Russell, the dered Percy Stout, a dance at-Stout's hotel, near Prince- ton, last April, was hanged this mort ing at Michigan City, Ind. A despatch from Rome announces that a severe tornado has swept over Catania, on the east coast of Sicily: Catania is floodid. The tornado wrought havoe at Modica, where seve- | ral persons were kiled. Roland Swan, grower after says niucl Unitea who mur another negro, at negro in jail serving sen- tence far embezzle 'ment, having been clerk to the town treasurer of Ar lington, Mass., has stolen $10,000 ae cording to expert accountants, who reported on the condition of the town's finances, Watertown coal dealers have cut down the amount of anthracite ¢oal that they will sell to, a single - "cus- tomer from a half a ton to a quarter ton, and the consumers now have to pay $1.75 for a quarter ton of coal, or at the. rate of $7 a ton. SUH. Caswell, Qu'Appelle," NW.T., pioneer merchant, died at his residence after a lingering" illness, aged fifty- three He was born in DProck- ville, and moved to Winnipeo in 1874 1852, He years, Ont., , and to Qu'Appelle in leaves a widow and three children. Michican republicans in convention endorsed the senatorial canididacy of Gen. Russell A. Aleer, former secre tary of war, and nominated Judge William 1. of Detroit, for to fill the Carpenter, justice of the supreme court vacancy caused by the death of Jus tice Charles D. Long. * It may be taken for granted that Saturday. October 15th, has been de finitely selected as the date on which the king and queen will pav their pro- mised visit to London, followed ~ by a drive through certain London thor- oughfares, Thev hope to attend a pub- lic thanksgiving service at the Abbey on the following day, October 19th. Laptain Inléy, six sergeants and one hundred and twenty-six men of the Royal Horse Artillery arrived in Mon- treal to-day, by the C.P.R., and will sail for Encland Saturdav morning. This is. a detachment of the time-ex- pired men who saw service during the recent Chinese troubles. They were serving one of the big pom-poms which did such execution, KENSIT IN TROUBLE. English Anti-Ritualist Leader Seriously Wounded. 26.--John-Kensit; the agitation! in meeting at Sept. anti-ritualist attended a mass Fondon, leader of England, PBirkenhead, at which he was one of { the 'principal speakers. He spoke | against the ritualists of the Establish ied Church-in his usual style. - After { the meeting 'while he was being escort- [ed to a car by policemen, one of the | crowd of hooting vouths threw. a chis- el at him." hitting him _in the left eye, and inflicting a dangerous wound. te was felled hy the force: of = the blow. He was taken to the Liverpool Infirmary, I at a late hour he | was vomiting Sblood. The physicians pronounce his condition most serious, Kensit's i$ serving a sentence of three months in jail for creating anti- lo ritnadintie disturbances in Liverpool. | He not tofind. securities for | good behavior. The: home secpetary las refused gp petition for his release. son Aas able IMPORTANT ARRANGEMENT. Chinese Must Have Certificate Of Citizenship. 26.--F. PD. commis 1oner Sargeant, ceneral of i 'Montreal, Sept. United States | { immigration, has effected an agri en pith, he. Sunn of bY TEN-OUNCE BABY. {cian acihe railway relating to H : ; i s | nese traffic. by which the railwav will | Tiny Mite is Born in New York | place that class' of passengers im ex City. {actly the same position as Chinese New York, Sept. 26.-- What the Belle flanding at San Francisco. This means, | vue doctors believe to be vne of the | that Chigese not holding certificates | smallest babies with a chance for life | uf citizenship will not be landed at | that has ever been born was brought i Vancouver, to the hospital to-day. The . baby Semi Coton, arrested here on a Wein hs ton ounces, TT is a little Toss i charge. of stealing diamonds, has been | than eight inches tong and fits head is i relea d, on the ground that 'he was | not any larger than a ping pong ball. fariested without a warrant. He was The child is perfectly developed and being held for extradition, its head is especially well formed, the --- features being as perfect as they are Grand Duke "Winkle."' diminutive. The baby has black eyes London, Rept. 26.-- Lalporaphing | and a Little frince, of black hair en from Vienna, a correspondent of the | (ivddes its tiny head. The baby is the Daily Mail save 1h during a shoot- | daughter of Patrick and Frances | ing party; organized. ne Budapest F Lombardi, twenty-two and twenty { by Count Zizhy, in honor of the |[Yem& o respectively. | Grand © Duk Nidulas Constantino . sens bmm-- | vitch of Russia, eight beaters were Burglars And "Horse Thieves. wounded. The grand duke was re Port Rowan, Set. 25. Thursday Teil gn juries to five of the. [ py oening burglars hivw open the outer men, - whil Count Ziohy's brother | goor of CG Killmaster's safe, the woutided three others, mer door resisting the shock sufli- A ciently to préventothe contents being Delicious Grapes. removed. Tools were secured from W, | ; never heen wore \doli- | Cratt's blacksmith shop. A. J. Coun' are this seasom--€apr- | ttiman's horwe and bugy ere stolen t received five hundred | the same night and it thought hy y 5 th n t Si A "i, ---------------------- Flag Incident Closed | or : i " i t Salt. Hot vr de ! ! | u he no | ol § of tf A ' 1 \ { i" ian ' t irshiy Re taurndor [Bs a losed incident. The ample | Pills of Chamomile and | apology made by the Venezuelan for- | ake a purely vegetable, and ! eign office, and the hoisting and the coated, jor the liver, stomach | saluting of the American flag 'hy twen kidneys, 23c., at McLeod's drug | President Roosevelt has chosen Char-<}. BARON JAILED OTTO VON SCHAEZLER AR- RESTED FOR CRUELTY Baroness, An American Girl, Causes the Bavarian Nobleman to 'Be Taken Into Custody-- Threatened to Kill Her. Chicdgo,. Sept. 26.--Banished from his] vast estates and fatherland: be ause of a duel fought when a young nan, Baron Otto von Schaezler is now a member of the titled foreign colony im the county jail. The scion of an dd and wealthy family was taken in to custody while 'at his desk in the widitor's office of the Chicago, Rock: Island & Pacific Railroad company. wd is being lodged at the expense of the taxpayers of the county because of is inability to secure $3,000 bond to nsure his appearance in court when he divorce casei his of four nonths is called, Cruelty is the of the bharoness, who is an ican girl, in the petition filed in the circuit court. And, though according to her story the baron less than two years ago re- eived a remittance of $25,000 from fSiermany and has an annual income of more than £7,000, his wife threat- ened with eviction from "their home in West Grossdale because the payments are far in arrears. The baron married his present in Davenport, Iowa. She was Emma Smith, a widow four years old. The baron had also heen married before, but he was di- vorced about two years ago. The first wile is wife Mrs. with a child wife was a Davenport woman. He married his present wife last June after borrowing $300, the baroness says, to make a final payment on the $3,500 home in West Grossdale. Two weeks 'later she says she was forced to return to her mothers he cause of the cruel treatment of her husband. She has returned to him three times. Yesterday, shé says, when he left home, he put a revolver in his pocket, and said if he found her in the house when he returned at night he would kill her. She then con sulted an attorney. A young brother of the baron is said to be royal cham berlain to the king of Bavaria and a lieutenant of the heavy artillery of Germany. He lives at the family castle near the Vorbach, near Munich, which he rents from his brother, AN ATROCIOUS MURDER. Aged Widow Killed--The Motive Was Robbery. Chippewa, Ont., Sept. 26. --'There is still no clue to the murderers of Mrs. Jessie Franks, The murder was an atrocious one, the motive evidently being robbery, although as far as is known, the amount of . money taken was trifling. From the general ap- pearance of things, Mrs. Franks had been eating her supper when the door leading out into the back yard was forced, and the murderer, entering, had pursued the woman through = her bedroom, which was next to the front room, and there killed her by striking her over the head with a club or piece of iron pipe. After committing the dreadful deed, the man evidently had dragged the body into the room where it was found. Mrs. Franks' calico dress was - al most entirely torn from her body, one sleeve of it being tern off, evidencihgy that she had made a terrible strugele before death. Mrs. 'Thomas, an elder lv lady, occupied a portion of the house. She was nevér at home dur ing the day and it was not until she returned to the house about five o'clock, accompanied hy I homas Mac klem, at - whose house she boarded, that the erime was discovered. SEVERE EARTHQUAKE. Many People Lose Their Lives in an Upheaval. Berlin, Sept. 26:--A despatch re ceived here from Tashkent, capital of Rus<iun 'Turkestan, reports a terrible shocks One the 3rd. Augiist 22nd, until" September carthguale continuing Bundred rsons were killed at Kash gar, in Eastern Turkestan, 400 in the village of Astyn, twenty at Jangi, where the town of Aksuksitche was completely destroyed. The loss of life will reach over 1,000. Kashgar, capital of the province i is Sitnated at the icading to «Pekin, of confluence India, and of ro the Russian Fupire, and is of consid wrable importance. Ie has a popula tion, of --=H0,000. © AkSu. in astern Furkestan, is an important centre of trade. The popuinsion of the eicele about * Ak-Su is given at 150,000, here are 1,000 bone in the town if self. ty-one guns, expiation. BLANKET BARGAIN o-Morrow, Saturday. A FEW DAYS AGO we captured a portion of the Best Blanket Bargain of this season. The balance of the lot went to a large Toronto firm. Our portion has arrived and we will offer it TO- MORROW MORNING. BLANKETS, Soft, Clean, White Wool, Good Weight, Size 80 inches long by 64 inches wide. The regvlar price of this blanket is $3 pr. Sale Price : 1 90 To-morrow for the lot ° aPr Sale Lopens at 9:30 To-morrow morning. All Sales For Cash. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 120-172 Princess Street, Kingston. PAIRS WHITE WOOL WAIN AINE AWNNININ, VN INS INS WIS ANF SIN | | § | | | | 2 ¥ 5 g | | | | | | Sizes 8, 9 and 10, $1.00 Ng SNe Sizes 11 to 5 3l. 25, Made In Half Sizes. This is our price for the best School Bot we ever sold the public. = Made of GENUINE BOX CALF, with solid leather soles. We Can Recommend This Boot. : F. QO. LOCKETT: ---- The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S | .ondon Porter Full of the Virtus of Malt and Hops. | [Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. JAS. TIcPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. Just Arrived Another Large Shipment of Fast sil JAMES. REE Selling Couches. Prices Same as Last Lot. "Also Boarding House | Furnishings, , Study Tables, Bookshelves, Springs, Mat- * tresses, Etc. T= LEADING UNDERTAKER © 'PHONE 147. ¢ »